Dinosaucers (1987) s01e65 Episode Script

The Friend

NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
STEGO: Okay,
I think I've got it.
That's half a dozen dino eggs,
a half ton of seaweed,
a ton and a half of pond frogs,
a ton of those nice ferns
And don't forget the steaks.
They're right here.
T-bones, D-bones, Q-bones
and a half ton of
ground roundasaurus.
Oh, better make it a
ton. I love that stuff.
A ton. Got it.
Oh, and don't forget those
maple leaves for Bronto-Thunder.
Oh, he's got such a sweet tooth.
And on the way
home from shopping,
don't let me hear that you've
been buzzing humans' houses
and pretending to be a UFO.
Aw, shucks, I only did it once.
Teryx, would you
like any special treats?
Stego's going out for groceries.
Uh, maybe some bird seed, Stego.
Just don't drop it
while you're pretending
to be a flying saucer.
Aw, come on, Teryx.
Okay, Stego, we're teasing you.
But I know you like
to fly around Earth
before you leave for Reptilon.
Just promise me
that you won't let
any humans see you.
I promise.
I'll be back by dinnertime,
and I'll bring you
all something special
besides the groceries.
I think he just wants to
do a little sightseeing, Allo.
You know how tired he gets of
being cooped up in Lava Dome
and only going out on missions.
I know.
I just hope he's careful.
There are other dangerous things
on this planet besides Tyrannos.
Oh, boy, oh, boy.
I'm gonna go shopping ♪
But I'll look around
Earth a little first.
I could go anywhere.
London, Paris, Minneapolis.
Oh, boy, look at
those maple leaves.
Those are just what
Bronto-Thunder likes.
I'll get a whole bunch of them.
And I'll be real quiet
so none of the
humans will notice me.
gonna love these.
BOY: Gotcha!
Wh-What's that?
It sounds dangerous.
BOY: Eat photons, alien invader.
I got you that time.
That'll teach you to
mess with Captain Peter,
scourge of the space ways.
Uhh Oh.
Ah Ah Ah-choo!
Who said that?
Is that you guys again?
If you're gonna
beat me up again,
then come out
and get it over with.
I w-won't beat you up. Honest.
And don't you
beat me up, either.
You look like a dinosaur.
I am. I mean, I used to be.
I mean, not me, my-my ancestors.
Oh, boy, a talking dinosaur.
I bet you must be
the last one anywhere.
Well, no.
Actually, there are lots of
us, but only a few on Earth.
Well, I think you're gonna make
a great imaginary friend.
I-I'm not imaginary.
I don't think.
That's what you would think.
I had an imaginary
friend who was a Martian,
and he said the same thing.
Where is he now?
I outgrew him, and
he went back to Mars.
Well, I have to go
back to Reptilon today.
Maybe I am imaginary.
That's why I have to
play out here all alone.
The other kids won't
believe the stories I make up
when I play.
Sometimes they get
mad and beat me up.
They say I have an
over active imagination.
I know how you feel.
I used to be a scaredy-saur
when I was little.
And no one would
play with me, either.
Well, I'll play with you.
I'll be the best friend an
imaginary friend ever had.
Hey, look, I don't
think I'm imaginary.
My home isn't.
Oh, yeah? Where's home?
the planet in Earth's orbit
on the far side of the sun.
I have to go there
now for groceries.
You can't stay and
play with me, huh?
No, I can't. Really.
Okay. See you around.
I wish he could have
come with me, though.
Wow, this thing is
completely radical.
Oh, well, time
to go to Reptilon.
Now, where did I
put that shopping list?
Here. This is it, isn't it?
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
I'll take you right back.
No, wait!
I wanna go shopping
on Reptilon with you.
You sure you
won't get in trouble?
As long as I'm back
by dark, it's okay.
Then let's go.
Take off!
That's right, Genghis Rex.
I saw Stego have
a secret meeting
with an Earth hatchling.
The kid had some kind
of model spaceships with him.
And he got into Stego's
ship and flew off with him
on a course to Reptilon.
Some human scientist must
have come up with a ship design
superior to ours
and given it to the Dinosaucers.
And they thought to
hide their plan from us
by letting a child deliver
the prototype ships.
Ha, ha, ha.
But you're even more
devious than these humans.
Of course I am.
Get back to Tarpits,
and I'll send for
Brachio and Ankylo.
They'll lay a trap for
Stego and the human
when they come back,
and we'll find out
what they know.
Right, Genghis Rex.
The humans are going to find
that you can't just make
friends with a Dinosaucer
and get away with it!
PETER: Wow, how come
we never noticed your planet
sitting here before?
STEGO: Uh, maybe you
never looked behind the sun?
PETER: Is that
where we're going?
STEGO: Yup. The Dino-Right.
PETER: This is great.
It won't be so great
if I can't find the
canned ferns for Ichy.
This one looks good.
Uh, Stego Whoa!
I was just trying to get the
one that didn't have a dent in it.
This one looks okay.
Uhh. Ooh.
Let's see, that should
hold Allo for a week or so.
What happens if he runs out?
Don't ask.
Whoa! Just kidding.
What are these? Cows?
Actually, cow dinosaurs.
We call 'em cowabungas.
In the supermarket?
Don't you like your milk fresh?
That'll be 18
dino-dollars and 53 chips.
What's going on over there?
I don't know. Let's go see.
You can't leave yet.
Why can't he?
Be-because he's our
10 millionth customer.
And he's won a year's
worth of plant-eater groceries,
an all-expenses-paid
trip to Dino de Janeiro
Ah, gee, thanks and a
brand-new Bonneville car.
Even if he is a mammal.
I have a feeling
this is gonna get me
in trouble with Allo.
BRACHIO: Just look at this news
flash from Reptilon, Genghis Rex.
Look at that.
It's the human that
Terrible Dactyl saw
stow away on Stego's ship.
And they're giving him
some kind of award.
Those model spaceships
the boy brought to Reptilon
must be incredibly powerful.
I must have them.
Stego and the boy will be
on their way back to Earth soon.
Brachio, Ankylo,
catch them when they
return and bring them to me.
Right, bossasaurus.
Soon I'll have such
powerful vehicles
that no one will
be able to stop me
on Earth or on Reptilon.
PETER: Wow, Stego,
what a great time
we had on Reptilon.
When can we go back?
I don't know.
I wasn't supposed to take
you there in the first place.
I think I'm going to be
in big trouble with Allo.
Don't worry, Stego.
I'll take care of you.
I may need it.
Look, there's your playground.
I think this is the right place.
Stego, I don't want you to go.
You're my only friend.
You must have
some other friends.
No, just you.
You can find more,
the way you found me.
And I'll think of
you all the time,
but I have to go back
to my friends now.
Here, you won't
want to forget these.
No, I guess not.
Will you come back to play
with me again tomorrow?
I don't think I can.
Goodbye, Peter.
Let's get him.
No, Brachio.
Wait till Stego leaves.
The Earth hatchling
will be easier to catch
for Genghis Rex.
Oh, boy, more friends.
STEGO: How am I going
to explain all this to Allo?
I made a friend
and I wanna be able to
be with him sometimes.
Huh? Oh, no.
Brachio and Ankylo.
And they've got Peter.
They think I won't follow them,
and since they're
g-going to T-Tarpits,
they're probably right.
But-but I can't let
them have Peter.
Well, well, what have we here?
An Earth hatchling.
And what were you
doing with Stego,
little mammal, hm?
He's my friend, fang face.
What's it to you?
Hmph. Not only homely but rude.
Here are the prototype
ships, O terrible lizard king.
I don't think they
look very dangerous.
That's exactly right.
You don't think, you idiot-tops.
And I don't pay
you to, so be quiet!
What do the full-size versions
of these powerful craft do?
What are their weapons?
Huh? They don't
have any weapons.
Don't try to fool
me, little mammal.
I saw the transmission
of the public ceremony
for you on Reptilon.
They were praising you as a hero
for giving them
these powerful ships.
Now tell me their secret!
Well okay.
They're interstellar
destroyer jets.
They can conquer
anything else that flies.
And what do they use
for a power source?
Balonium, the wonder element.
But only my father, the
world-famous scientist,
knows the formula,
and I'll never help you get it.
We'll see about that.
Brachio, take this
mammal to the bone cage
and leave him there to think
about his fate for a while.
Yeah, right, Rex.
These mammals are
getting harder and harder
to frighten properly.
Your Terribleness?
Make me full-sized
versions of these right away.
soon is right away,
O lizard lord?
Right away means
right away, tail for brains.
Get on with it!
Right, bossasaur.
Whatever you say, Genghis Rex.
How am I supposed to conquer
the Earth with help like this?
Maybe I should call
the Henchasaur Agency,
see if they have anyone new.
And watch where you're going!
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
And on top of everything
else, Ankylo has a cold.
I've gotta find Peter
and get him out of here.
PETER: You don't scare
me, you oversized lizard.
Do your worst.
My revenge will be terrible.
I think I've found him.
PETER: The United
Space Fleet of the Earth
will come after you and
make your lives miserable.
Shut up, kid.
There ain't no such thing
as a United Space
Fleet of Earth.
We would've seen
stuff about it on TV.
Don't believe everything
you see on TV, or don't see.
Aw, phooey.
You stay there and
think about your fate
like Genghis Rex said.
I knew you'd come
to get me out of here.
I didn't.
I was real scared,
but we've got to
get you out of here,
and I don't have
anything but this fossilizer.
Great. What are
you gonna do with it?
I could turn the lock to stone,
but I'm not sure
that would help.
I don't think you need to.
Just between you and me,
these guys are
not long on brains.
Now all we have to
do is get out of here.
Piece of cake.
Is there a back way?
The only way out is
through the control room,
and Rex is in there.
ANKYLO: O Genghis
Rex, Your Magnificence,
the full-sized interstellar
destroyer ships are ready.
REX: That was quick.
Let's see what these
marvelous weapons look like.
Not bad for once,
Ankylo. Not bad at all.
Thank you, bossasaurus.
Now, let's see how they work.
What's this thing
supposed to be?
A plasma nozzle.
It said on the
prototype, O mighty Rex.
What's this?
Was there a third prototype?
Well, what does this do?
Uh, mighty Rex
O great Genghis Rex,
let me make up for leaving
the launch bay doors open.
Let me go after them.
We'll catch them,
and then you can
Never mind them.
We have the ships.
Show me what they can do.
Let me see how easy it
will be to conquer the Earth.
Evidently, conquering
this ridiculous planet
will be much harder
than I thought.
PETER: There's my house.
STEGO: I'm going to miss you.
PETER: I'm going to miss you
too, even if you're not imaginary.
What are you going to tell Allo?
The truth. It works best.
Maybe he'll let me come
back and see you sometime.
But your toys are lost.
What are you going
to tell your folks?
I should tell
them the truth too.
But if I did, they'd probably
spank me for making up stuff.
You could tell them
what happened,
but first, tell
them it's a story.
Maybe then they
won't mind so much.
I won't forget you.
I won't forget you, either.
Bye, Stego.
Say hi to the other Dinosaucers
and come back someday.
Don't be a stranger.
Who are you talking to, Peter?
Just my imaginary friend, Mom.
That's nice, dear.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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