Dinosaucers (1987) s01e64 Episode Script

I Was a Teenage Human

NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
The best part's coming up.
Come on, Sarah,
you've seen this old movie
at least a hundred times.
I know I've seen it
at least two hundred.
We've seen it, but they haven't.
DIMETRO: That looks dangerous.
DAVID: Watch what happens next.
Now tell me the truth,
wasn't that the
absolute greatest?
I thought it was
enlightening, David.
I didn't know that some
humans could dinovolve.
No one can, Dimetro.
It was just a movie. It's
What do you mean just a movie?
Didn't you see those
super special effects?
Wow, it's a classic.
That kind of film
is called a classic?
The Castle of Dr. Moorewood
ranks right up there
with the Dwayne Curseand
the Beast of Steven Street.
They were all made
by the same director.
Yeah. The guy's just great.
Ah, there's a line he
uses in all his films,
sort of like a calling card.
How does it go?
MAN: You better watch your step.
It's a dog-eat-dog
world out there.
DAVID: What's going on?
Pretty scary stuff, huh, kids?
I should've known who it was.
When did you come in?
You startled us.
Uh, what was that
you said about dogs?
That's the line
Richard Razor puts
into every film he makes
at Progul Productions.
Paul's our resident
expert on monster films.
Hmm, we have a similar
saying on Reptilon.
Watch where you hide your eggs.
It's a Tyranno-eat-Tyranno
world we live in.
You know, I think I'd like to
see some more films after all.
Any time.
See, Sarah, another
day, another fan.
What do you have there, Paul?
I just stopped by to borrow
some stuff for my project.
Is it okay, Teryx?
What are you doing,
setting up your own lab?
Do you need any help?
Thanks for the offer, but
I can't explain right now.
It's a dog-eat-dog
world out there.
Besides, you'll all
find out on Friday.
What happens on Friday?
The science fair.
It must be a top-level
meeting of important scientists
to have such strict security.
No. It's just our school's
annual science fair.
I wonder what he's up to.
Come on, Paul. Give.
No way.
Ah, brother,
I'll bet you don't even know
what project's gonna be yet.
PAUL: Sure I do. It's just
DAVID: So, what's so important
that you can't share it
with another Secret Scout?
Okay, okay, I'll
give you a hint.
It involves a new
source of power.
It's revolutionary.
It's cheap,
and aside from
what I just told you,
it's a secret.
REX: Not again.
Enkilo, what's wrong
with the system this time?
We, uh, seem to be out of power,
most illustrious in the
wickedness category.
That's unacceptable!
And impossible.
Our supply of dinotronium 90
should have lasted
another two or three months.
Uh, I guess we
didn't pay attention
to how fast we were using it,
oh, mutated master
of malevolence.
None of our equipment's working,
so we can't do any of
the maintenance work
you told us to do.
How much power is left?
If we're real careful,
there'll be enough to send
another supply ship to Reptilon
to get more.
Earth is rich in fossil fuels.
Can't we find any
dinotronium 90 here?
But, bossasaur, we already
checked that out last month
and we found nothing.
Brachio, you and Plesio
take the supply ship
back to Reptilon.
Get more dinotronium 90.
What a wretched planet.
Why do I want to conquer it?
Because it's there, oh,
treasured jewel of evil?
Uh, Genghis Rex,
uh, I've been trying
to reach you all day.
Do you know how I've been saying
that we need a new power source?
Well, heh, heh,
heh, I think I found it.
With an alternate
source of power,
we can finally settle down
and conquer this
planet of puny mammals.
The Secret Scouts won't
just hand us the secret.
Of course not.
We'll just use
the tried and true.
Tyranno way of doing things.
Yeah. We'll steal it.
Of course, I trust
you, Genghis Rex.
Fair's fair, Styraco.
Everyone drew
bones and you lost.
Uh, one, you get to
go behind enemy lines.
Think of it as your contribution
to the advancement of science.
REX: I've been working
on this little experiment
to transform a Tyranno
into human form.
All that was missing
was a Dipidickasaur?
A volunteer!
Get him!
I don't wanna look like a human!
Nobody wants to be that ugly.
Why do you think we
had to draw bones?
There's really
nothing to worry about.
No! No, really.
I hate having my cleats
wrapped up in anything!
White was never a
good color for me!
REX: We'll have to harness
the electricity from the storm.
But don't worry, I'm sure
that I've compensated
for any changes in the equation.
I don't wanna do this!
I won't get wet, will I?
I hate getting wet!
TERRIBLE: The storm's
getting worse, Genghis Rex.
Then let's begin.
Raise the table.
Get him down!
TERRIBLE: Oh, my stars.
It's alive!
Okay, Styraco,
I want you to go to
the junior high school
and steal that secret for us.
Your disguise is perfect.
No one will suspect a thing.
TERRIBLE: Don't forget, be cool.
ENKILO: Remember,
it's a Tyranno-eat-Tyranno
world we live in.
And your transformation
will only last a short while.
Okay. Okay.
You did a great
job, Genghis Rex.
He really looks
repulsive enough to pass.
I don't know, truly
terrifying Tyranno,
He doesn't seem
quite right to me.
Aside from the way he looks,
I didn't notice any real change.
Don't forget, get secret.
Don't forget, be good.
Ugh. Unh.
Good fern. Food.
Mm, good food.
Hey there, bud. You okay?
What were you doing
behind my door anyway?
Down, Pogo, down.
Smell good food here.
Hungry, huh?
Well, come on in.
All I got is some
boiled turnips,
but you're welcome to have some.
Here you go, kid.
If I knew you were
coming, I've baked a cake.
OLD MAN: Oh, no. Look what
you done to my nice clean floor.
You kids sure are sloppy eaters.
Here, see if you can do
something about this mess.
I'll go see if there's
anything else in the fridge.
Good food.
OLD MAN: Oh, no.
That's it. I've had it.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
Get out of here,
kid, you bother me.
Good trail mix.
GIRL: Are you okay?
You've got to be more
careful of the bees
if you're going to pick flowers.
I got stung once.
No! Don't!
Daddy, he ate my flowers!
Reports of a plant-eating teenager
have been pouring in
from all over the country.
The latest sighting was
at the Reeves Greenhouse
where the youth is reported
to have eaten his way
through the prize roses.
Greenhouse owner Michael
Rabes was heard to say:
"I couldn't believe it.
He even ate the thorns."
You know what that
sounds like to me?
A very hungry Styracosaurus.
But the reports were
of a teenage human.
That's what makes it so unusual.
What's he doing?
Why hasn't he checked in?
I told you he wasn't
right in the head,
oh, maleficent martinet.
You don't imagine
that this plant eater
Out of the question.
Do you have your
transfer papers?
I don't need no stinking papers.
Well, I've never
seen you before.
I'll bet you just transferred
from another school, right?
I just got into town today.
Don't worry.
Your papers
probably won't get here
until the beginning
of next week.
In the meantime,
we're short of textbooks,
but I'm sure that Paul or
Richie will share with you.
Thank you, teacher.
He calls himself
Sty. It's all too weird.
I know. When Miss Hineman asked
why he wanted to do
a book report on roots,
he said, "Because
I really like carrots."
I wonder where he came from.
Another planet, if you ask me.
Look at him. He spent all
of lunch dozing in the sun.
I'm gonna try and break the ice.
Maybe he'd like to try
out for the football team.
I wonder if they play
football where he comes from.
See? There's nothing to it.
I'm willing to give it a try.
Say, is Paul here?
Yeah. At the other
end of the field.
Gee, that's too bad.
Yo! That was fun!
Are you sure you've never
played this game before?
We don't play that
rough during tryouts.
Why don't you go to
the showers and cool off?
Sure, David.
Whatever you say.
PAUL: Are you sure he wasn't
upset when he left the field?
Positive. In fact he seemed
happy to be sent to the showers.
I think the showers are the
only place that isn't torn apart.
DAVID: Come on. We
don't know it was Sty.
Good thing I left my science
project in a safe place.
All this looking is
making me hungry.
Aha. Not much, but a
snack is better than nothing.
It's plastic!
Maybe he wanted
to borrow a book.
No way.
Don't you think it's time
we called in reinforcements?
I don't like it here, bossasaur.
The transformation can
reverse at any moment.
We've got to get to him first.
What if he already
has the secret formula
in his possession?
I think I know
where to find him.
The librarian, Mr. Kero,
was taking care of
my science project
until the science fair.
Well, Sty's in his office
right now tearing it apart.
Oh. Hey.
Oh, no.
Dinosaucers? Here?
Styraco, this way.
The Dinosaucers.
Back, you fool.
You know why we're here.
Yeah. You took the wrong turn
when you got off the freeway.
There's no time to lose.
We know this mammal's been
working on a new power source.
He will hand over his
science project now.
You want it, big
boy? You take it.
But I've got to warn you.
I've rigged it with a
hair-trigger detonator.
All I have to do is drop it,
and we'll all be blown away.
Don't believe him, bossasaur.
He's bluffing.
Uh, right.
We'd better do as he says
or this crazy mammal
will vaporize us all.
I can't believe it.
Genghis Rex stared
down by a mammal?
Uh, no offense intended, guys.
Can we see your project?
Is it really that powerful?
Go ahead and look. I'm
sure it doesn't matter now.
You'd better watch
your step, youngsters.
It's a dog-eat-dog
world out there.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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