Dinosaucers (1987) s01e63 Episode Script

I Got Those 'Ol Reptilon Blues Again, Mommasaur

NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Any luck deciphering
the Tyranno code?
Not yet. All I've
got is gibberish.
Let's try this.
Ha! That got it.
How weird.
It says, "Attention, Tyrannos.
Return to Reptilon and
resume civilian lives.
Abandon Earth."
Allo, Ryan's broken
the Tyrannos' code.
The Tyrannos are leaving Earth
and going back to their
old jobs on Reptilon.
What? Are you sure?
I don't know.
It could be a trick to get you
Dinosaucers to leave Earth.
Hm, that's true.
Teryx, Bronto-Thunder
and I will return to Reptilon.
Ryan, please meet
me here at Lava Dome
with the rest of
the Secret Scouts.
We're gonna need
all the help we can get.
We probably won't
need all these things,
but it can't hurt
to be prepared.
How long will you be gone?
I don't know, Ryan.
If this isn't a
trick, well, then
Then you wouldn't need
to come back, would you?
I don't know, Ryan.
It's been hard to be so
far from home for so long.
Huh? Aah!
ALLO: But we've
made friends here and
I think it would be hard
to be away from them too.
Ha, ha, my plan is foolproof.
Yes, Your Genghisness.
Your plan is foolproof.
But is it Ankylo-proof? Ah, ha.
Enough bickering!
My delightful sister,
Princess Deinonychus,
is calling us from Reptilon.
Argh, haven't you got rid
of those two yet, Genghis?
I've always said
they were losers.
But Princess Dei,
those are two of
my best fighters.
Among themselves, perhaps.
Are they coming with you?
Yes. Ankylo, Quackpot, Plesio
and Styraco will come with me.
Terrible Dactyl and Brachio
will remain behind in hiding
in case the Dinosaucers
become suspicious.
Just see that you take
care of things at your end.
DEI: Don't worry about us.
Once we get the
Dinosaucers back to Reptilon
and away from those
miserable mammals,
it will be simple
to wipe them out.
Ha, ha.
I'll finish looking
over this one
if you check out
Bronto-Thunder's ship.
Oh, things sure were
different on Reptilon.
Back home, I was a star.
We're running late, Teryx.
Can't you work a little faster?
I never got covered with grease
or chipped my claws.
Are you sure you're
doing this right?
It looks funny to me.
Yes, I'm doing it right
and, no, I can't
work any faster.
I'm doing the best I can.
I know you are, Teryx. I
didn't mean to upset you.
Yeah. Sorry, Teryx.
No one gave me
orders on Reptilon
or doubted my ability.
Maybe being home
again won't be so bad.
ALLO: Goodbye,
Dinosaucers and Secret Scouts.
We'll be back as soon as we can.
Good luck.
Thank you, Ryan. And
good luck to you too.
Now it's time to go.
ALLO: We can't let
the Tyrannos find out
that we know their plan.
We have to resume our old jobs
and pretend that we're
convinced they've given up.
But you don't think
they really have, do you?
Ha, ha. No. Do you?
Maybe they have given up, Allo.
Earth is nice, but it's
nothing like Reptilon.
Maybe they miss
their homes and fans.
I mean, uh, families.
Like you do, Teryx?
Well, maybe a little.
approaching Reptilon, Allo.
I'll start my descent first.
Roger, Bronto-Thunder.
The Dinosorcerer
and Dinosorceress
will be meeting
us at the dinoport.
REX: Now for the
last time, Ankylo,
what is our plan?
ANKYLO: We're going
back to our old jobs
so that the
Dinosaucers will all think
that we're going to attack them.
And then REX: No, no, no!
They won't think that
we're going to attack them.
Ah! Aah!
REX: The Dinosaucers
won't suspect a thing
because we'll be
back doing our old jobs.
They'll think we've given up.
That's when we go back to Earth.
And it will be easy to help
Princess Dei conquer Reptilon.
Princess Dei dethrones
the Dinosorcerer
and the Dinosorceress
so that all of the other
Dinosaucers on Reptilon
will bow to her.
ANKYLO: Yeah, we get the Secret
Scouts out of the way on Earth
So that both Earth and Reptilon
will be ours to rule.
REX: Mine to rule, bone brain.
It was good of you to meet us.
It's good to see you again.
It's good to see my fans again.
How wonderful that
they remember me.
I can't wait to
get back to work.
Now, you all know
where I live, don't you?
I don't.
Well, do you know where Palmer
Avenue meets Emerson and Lake?
Well, I live at
Emerson and Palmer.
You can reach me there.
Alloette. Oh, my wife and baby.
It's so good to see you two.
I've got so much to tell you.
And Gatormaid.
Well, you've been taking
good care of my best girls.
They look wonderful.
Well, I can't wait for one of
your special D-bone steaks.
I have good news. Ha-ha-ha!
The Dinosaucers have
gone back to their old jobs.
Ha, ha.
While they're occupied
with their silly little
day-to-day lives,
we will grab the Dinosorcerer
and the Dinosorceress.
After that, it will be
easy to destroy them all!
So how did everyone's
first day at home go?
Well, I went to Color Rep-Tiles
to see my old boss,
the Rep-Tile Man.
I used to rep tiles myself.
I wasn't sure if
he'd remember me.
He seemed to, though.
So I asked for my old job back,
not really expecting to get it.
Ha, ha.
But he seemed to
think it was a good idea.
He expressed concern
that his new partner
might not wanna hire me
until I found out who
his new partner was
My girlfriend, Apatty Saurus.
So I have my job
and my girlfriend back,
and no one suspects a thing.
Oh, good work, Bronto-Thunder.
How did you do, Teryx?
It was wonderful.
The Pteramont Studio
was the same as always.
I was so happy to be
back on the set ofDinosty.
And my costars Lizard
Tailor and Dyna Saur
were so glad to see me.
I was a little out of practice
at moving around
the set at first,
but my directosaur
Cecil B. DiMetrodon
was very patient and kind.
But my last line
brought down the house.
And you say it was all a dream.
It was so wonderful to be back.
I'd forgotten how
much I loved it.
Good work, Teryx.
You too, Bronto-Thunder.
Genghis Rex and
the other Tyrannos
will think we're all
settled in to stay.
I wonder if the Tyrannos are
having as much fun as we are
back at their old jobs.
REX: Okay, Tyrannos,
I want full reports
on your first days
back at your old jobs.
Uh, well, I went to see
my old boss Nasty Shark
at Slither, Slither &
Shark, attorneys-at-law.
Nasty Shark's secretary
remembered me right away.
Nasty Shark was
also glad to see me,
but he thought that I would be
better off going somewhere else
to continue my career.
So you have no job?
Well, I have several
promising interviews tomorrow.
It's only a matter of time.
It had better be
a matter of hours.
Styraco, how did you do?
I went back to my dental office
of Pinchem, Pullem & Yankem,
and all of my old
patients were there
to have their teeth worked on.
They couldn't wait.
My first patient had a cavity,
so I decided that a
little delicate drill work
was necessary.
I hadn't lost my touch at all.
And my patient recovered
his strength immediately.
It was just like the old days.
Well done, Styraco.
And how did you do, Ankylo?
Uh, my old job
was unavailable,
so I went out and got a new one
at McDino's.
It's a job involving vast
organizational skills.
It's very interesting work.
Well done, I suppose.
Thank you, O mighty master-don.
Jumping Jurassic,
look at the time.
We almost missed seeing
how Quackpot's doing.
Hold onto your
horns, hatchlings.
It's time forDuckbill's
starring T.B. Duckbill.
Ha, ha. Howdy, hatchlings.
REX: You've all done well.
Now, tomorrow
morning we will kidnap
the Dinosorcerer and
the Dinosorceress,
completing the first
part of my grand scheme.
Uh, but I've got
a job interview.
And I've got patients coming in.
And I can't take
time off from work
my second day on the
job, O terrible tyrant.
All right, you
cretaceous cretins,
go to your silly little jobs.
I'll do it myself.
I'll bet Allo doesn't
have to put up
with this kind of behavior.
We'd better get some sleep.
I promised the Dinosorcerer
and Dinosorceress
that we'd stay with
them tomorrow,
just in case Rex tries anything.
But I've got three
scenes to shoot tomorrow.
And I have to work,
and I'm taking Apatty Saurus
to a Madonnadon
concert after work.
Oh, all right, I'll go myself.
But stay in touch.
We just don't know
what Rex has planned.
Everything is all set.
You and I will go and kidnap
the Dinosorcerer
and the Dinosorceress
so that all of Reptilon
will bow down before us.
Before me, you mean. Ha, ha.
Yes, yes, yes.
By the time those Dinosaucers
figure out what's going on,
they'll be too late to stop me
from conquering Earth as well.
Let's go.
But, Rex, where are
your loyal henchasaurs?
I don't need them.
I can manage this myself.
You mean we can. Ha, ha.
More seaweed, my dear?
Yes, darling. Thank you.
Pass the salt, my husband?
Of course, dear.
Wasn't our nephew Allo
supposed to visit today?
I can't think offhand.
What does the Book of
Reptilonian Wisdomsay?
It says that Teryx is going
to be leaving Dinostyagain
and that Genghis
Rex and Princess Dei
are going to try to kidnap us.
Should be interesting.
Uh, should we cancel
our other appointments?
All right.
I can get my scales
done later in the week.
There are only two of them.
Just as I thought.
Fossilize them.
Now nothing stands between us
and the Dinosorcerer
and Dinosorceress.
Oh, poor creatures.
Rex got here sooner
than I expected.
Well, I was too
late to save you,
but I may be in time
to save the Dinosorcerer
and Dinosorceress.
I just wish the other
Dinosaucers were here.
But one Dinosaucer is a
match for any two Tyrannos.
I think.
What am I doing here?
This job isn't for me.
I should be helping Allo.
I can't do it, Rhettodon.
I can't. I can't.
I can't do this anymore. I'm
supposed to be helping Allo.
We must get this
scene shot today.
Oh, Cecil, tomorrow
is another day.
You are mine and so is Reptilon.
Hm, you're a few minutes late.
Stop, Rex. You can't do this.
You're too late, Allo.
I believe this is yours.
Would you like to have it back?
Uh, no, no, no, not
really. No, thanks.
Uh, thanks very
much. We'll pass, uh
Now see here, all of you.
Whatever squabbles you're having
over that charming little
planet Earth is up to you.
If we settle it for you,
you'll never learn anything,
so I strongly suggest
you all run along now.
Uh, ha. Right. Sure.
You bet. No problem.
Uh, w-we'll be going now.
Allo, we're here to help you.
Not now.
I won't forget this, Allo.
Oh, give it a rest.
Let's go.
Back to Earth? Really?
Really, if you
wanna come with us.
I thought you
wanted to stay here.
I changed my
mind, okay? Let's go.
"I'll kidnap the Dinosorcerer
and Dinosorceress
and rule Reptilon."
Ha, ha.
Uh-huh, sure.
One of these days,
Dei. One of these days.
Pow! Zoom! Right to the Earth!
Speaking of Earth,
hadn't you better
get back there?
I'm glad you decided to
come back with us, Teryx.
TERYX: Reptilon is
great, but you know what?
I'm actually looking
forward to returning to Earth.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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