Dinosaucers (1987) s01e62 Episode Script
Scales of Justice
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
ICHY: Don't let Ankylo
get away, Bonehead!
right on his tail, Ichy.
ANKYLO: Oh, I can't
shake the Dinosaucers.
Well, my only
chance is to climb out.
And, uh, snivel a lot.
Ooh, tight fit.
I must be eating too many
Animammal Crackers lately.
Oh! Yikes!
I don't believe my eyes.
That tipsy Tyranno's
standing on his saucer.
He's yelling to us.
Let's turn on our sound
judgment machines
and listen to him.
on, give me a break.
I didn't mean to fire at you.
Yeah I thought you
were, uh, mammals.
Yeah, yeah. That's the ticket.
I thought you were mammals.
I don't buy his fish story.
What do you say
we try Plan I-l9?
Or how about O-72?
Bingo! Heh.
That's a good one.
Let's do it.
Hey, what are you doing?
Shoo! Get off my tail!
Whoa! Hey! That's my tail!
Whoa! Cut it out, Yichhy!
And you too, Bonebrain.
Whoa! Okay, okay!
Ichy and Bonehead.
Put me down!
Why don't you pick on a
dinosaur your own size?
Ha! I win!
They didn't know
what to expect next.
REX: This is absurd!
I can no longer
even send a Tyranno
to the mall for a sale
without being harassed
by those Dinosaucers.
They beat us in battle
after battle, Genghis Rex.
And I can't take this physical
punishment much longer.
Maybe we should give up.
Give up? Never!
I'd rather fight to
the last Tyranno.
Oh, I don't like
the sound of that.
Uh, perhaps there's another way.
What other way?
And, Ankylo, this
had better be good.
Well, I saw a
commercial on Earth TV
that showed how we can
eliminate the Dinosaucers
without even one battle.
And what, pray tell, do
Earthlings call this miracle?
A lawyer.
What's a lawyer?
Seems everyone in this country
has these things called rights.
What are rights?
That doesn't concern
you, Quackpot.
Ankylo, get to the point.
A lawyer's a person, a human.
If we hire one, he'll
help us protect our rights
by taking the
Dinosaucers to court.
Before you ask, Quackpot,
a court is where the mammals
play an Earth game
called basketball.
Our lawyer will tell the judge
how the Dinosaucers
bother us all the time
and break the law.
What's the law?
Beats me.
Go on.
Then the judge
sends them to jail
or back wherever they came from.
But isn't this all
just for humans?
No, I heard they even
have kangaroo courts.
Ha-ha-ha. This sounds great.
Uh, what do we have
to do to get a lawyer?
First, we need to crash
one of our saucers.
Then, we wait by
some wooden furniture.
Because I read that
whenever there's an accident,
lawyers come out
of the woodwork.
ALL: Huh?
Allo. The Lava Dome
canyon has been penetrated
by an unidentified
flying saucer.
Bonehead, give
me a visual sighting.
Ichy, put all Dinosaucers and
Secret Scouts on yellow alert.
Right away.
Here are your visuals, Allo.
ALLO: It's got to
be a Tyranno attack.
That's Quackpot's saucer.
Ichy, send out all Dinosaucers.
Prepare for scramble.
Roger.Wait. Look at the screen.
ALLO: You better
hold for scramble, Ichy.
That tricky duckbill has
raised a white flag of truce.
There's a transmission
coming in, Allo.
I have no intention to fire.
I come in peace with a free gift
and absolutely no obligation
to purchase. Ha, ha.
Let me in. Let me in.
Not by the scales of
my chinny chin chin.
Now, rules are rules, Bonehead.
He's waving a white
flag. We have to let him in.
But I'm sure it's a trick.
The Tyrannos are
never honorable.
Why should we be?
Because we are the good guys.
Open the entranceway.
Hi, Allo.
Hi, Yichhy. Hi,
Bonebrain. Ha, ha.
Ichy. Not Yichhy.
Bonehead. Not Bonebrain.
Ha, ha. Sorry, but I've
been having a bad day.
Genghis Rex donated a new
wing to the Tyranno Hospital.
Then I donated another
wing to the Tyranno Hospital.
Well, what's bad about that?
The hospital just flew away.
Get it?
Ha, ha.
Sometimes I'm so funny,
I astound myself. Ha, ha.
Well, you had your
bad joke, Quackpot.
Now, what do you want here?
Oh, uh, I brought this for you.
It says "summons
to appear in court."
I don't understand.
We're charging you
Dinosaucers with crimes
against the Tyrannos. What?
You have to be
in court tomorrow.
You're nuts.
Why should we defend ourselves
against your silly charges.
If you don't show up
when you're supposed to,
you'll be breaking the law.
You know, he's right,
Ichy. We must show up.
Heh. See you in court, suckers.
QUACKPOT: Hear ye, hear ye.
Court is now in session.
Judge Wapatops presiding.
Ha, ha.
All rise.
That's his line. Now, sit down
before I hold you in more
contempt than I do now.
No one ever lets
me have any fun.
The attorney for the Tyrannos
is Kramer V. Kramer, Esquire.
Call your first
witness, Mr. Kramer.
Thank you, Your Honor.
I call Mr. Ankylo.
Do you swear to tell
the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?
Of course not.
Tyrannos never tell the truth.
I mean, yes.
Of course I'll tell the truth.
Mr. Ankylo, tell the court
what crimes were committed
by the group that calls
itself the Dinosaucers.
Well, first, they flew their
ships too close to mine.
Then Ichy and
Bonehead pulled my tail.
I see. Illegal tailgating.
Then they tried to kill
me with a tree branch.
Oh, my. Attempted dinoslaughter.
Then Allo once put his claws
through my contract
with the Tyrannos.
Uh, which clause was Allo's?
Oh, you know, the
big, brown, scaly ones
with their sharp nails.
Anything else?
Yes. The Dinosaucers
are from Reptilon
and have no right
to be on Earth.
So they're illegal aliens, eh?
Yes, sir, Judge Wapatops.
And Bonehead hit me with a bone.
I did not!
Did too!
Aha! A bone of contention.
That's assault and battery.
No, it isn't, Your Honor.
This is a salt and battery.
Order! Order!
Heh. I'll have a vegetarian
pizza and a Coke.
That's enough!
Dinosaucers, how do you plead?
Like this:
"Please don't hurt
me! Have mercy!"
As the bossasaurus
of the Tyrannos,
I say that this
outburst is absurd.
Your Honor You
have no honor, Rex.
Mr. Allo, you've heard
these serious charges.
Do you have any defense?
Blame it on the bossasaurus.
I didn't ask for a dance tune,
I asked about your defense.
I think the fence
should be painted white
with a little black
gate in the middle.
Gentlemen, we're
getting nowhere fast.
We will recess until
tomorrow morning.
This has taken long enough!
Can we end this now?
But unless the Dinosaucers
can present a stirring defense,
they'll be deported
from Earth forever.
Court stands adjourned.
ALLO: We're going to be
deported from Earth forever
if we don't get evidence
against the Tyrannos,
and fast.
I'm glad you called
on me for help, Allo.
What can I do?
We all know how Genghis
Rex feels about you, Pteryx.
Please! Don't remind me!
Oh, Ichy. You know I
have no feelings for Rex.
Yeah, I guess so.
Pteryx, see if you
can get Genghis Rex
to incriminate himself
while Bonehead tapes him.
Ichy, you and Bonehead
can also put a tail
on Ankylo and Quackpot.
Let's move.
BONEHEAD: This is great, Ichy.
Allo's finally given me
an important job to do.
I know, Bonehead. I know.
REX: At last, the ultimate
Tyranno victory is at hand.
By this time tomorrow,
the judge will order
the Dinosaucers
banished to Reptilon.
And Earth will be ours.
What a joke.
Good evening, Genghis Rex.
A Dinosaucer! Tyrannos, attack!
Hey. Ankylo!
Yes, bossasaurus?
Ankylo, who decides when
the Tyrannos attack someone?
You do, oh, lord and Masterdon.
That's right.
See that you remember that. Yow!
Now, go tar a foundation
and take Quackpot with you.
Yes, sir, your royal misery.
You look lovely, my dear.
What brings you to my lair?
I have to be honest
with you, Rex.
I'm hoping you'll drop your
case against the Dinosaucers.
While I will deeply miss your
presence on this planet, Pteryx,
there's no way that I'm letting
your partners off the hook.
But, Rex, you know
your charges are false.
It's not fair.
Of course the charges are false.
And even a hint of fairness
could tarnish my
reputation permanently.
Take that, Rex.
And that, and that, and that!
What in the name of
Reptilon are you doing?
Yes, Bonehead. What?
I did just what
Allo told me to do.
I taped Rex.
Sure. Look.
There's tape there
and there and there.
Why, all over him.
Why, you
Calm down, Rex. He
didn't mean anything by it.
Bonehead, thanks for your help.
Why don't you go help Ichy. Now.
Uh, right. Okay.
How was he ever selected
for the Dinosaucers'
Earth mission?
Well, he's Allo's sister's kid.
Poor Allo.
I hate it when Genghis Rex
lets that female hang around.
Ha! Yeah. She's bad luck.
Next thing we know,
he'll confess to her
that all our charges are false.
Just as I thought.
I may get the evidence we need.
BONEHEAD: Don't worry, Ichy.
I'll put a tail on them,
just like Allo said.
ANKYLO: Did you hear something?
Did you feel something?
Nope. Must be your imagination.
Can't be. Why?
Rex keeps telling
me I have none.
BOTH: Yikes!
There, I put a tail on
Ankylo and Quackpot.
But I only did what
you told me to.
Bonehead, you have to
stop taking me so literally.
Yeah! You probably
cost us our only chance
to get the goods
on the Tyrannos.
I I'm sorry. I was
only trying to help.
Oh, forget it.
You did your best.
And I still have a trick
or two up my sleeve.
All rise.
Be seated.
Mr. Allo, are you ready
to present your defense?
Yes, Your Honor.
I'd like to
cross-examine Ankylo.
Mr. Ankylo, take
the witness stand.
Mr. Ankylo! What are you doing?
Taking the stand, like you said.
Put it down and sit on it.
Your witness, Mr. Allo.
Ankylo, you accuse Bonehead
and Ichy of tailgating, right?
That's right, they did. Honest.
As you were racing
along at the time,
was your tail
dragging or held out?
Uh, dragging. Why?
Ah. You admit your tail was
dragging as you raced along.
That's drag racing,
which is illegal.
You are the guilty one.
BOTH: Huh?
Dinosaucers, not guilty. Next?
Your Honor, we must be innocent
of attempted dinoslaughter.
Why is that, sir?
Because killing is against
the Dinosaucers code.
And how do I know
you're telling the truth?
Ah, our code also
prohibits lying. We never lie.
Well, all right.
Dinosaucers not guilty.
Next, are you illegal aliens?
We never illegally
crossed your border.
We dropped straight
down from outer space.
Hmm. No law against that.
Dinosaucers not guilty.
And finally, Your Honor,
as to the assault
and battery charge,
we acted only in self-defense.
That's not true!
They never lie. I know.
Do Tyrannos lie, Mr. Rex?
He's lying.
And you always tell
the truth, Mr. Allo?
That's correct, sir.
Dinosaucers not
guilty. Case closed.
You told me we'd win!
No, I said I thought we'd win.
I never promised.
You must have some Tyranno
cold blood in your veins.
Get out of my sight
while you still can!
What about my retainer?
You're going to need
it to hold in your teeth
if you don't leave now!
There is no justice here!
One more outburst, Mr. Rex,
and I'll hold you in
contempt of court.
I already hold this
court in contempt.
And I have contempt for Earth!
Contempt for mammals!
Contempt for humans!
QUACKPOT: Forget it, bossasaur.
It was just another
bad idea of Ankylo's.
Yes! It was Ankylo's idea.
Where is that Mesozoic milksop?
Heh. He ran out to get
something he said was important.
Important? What is it?
Rex. Ow!
Wait till I get my
claws on you, Ankylo!
Oh, don't be mad,
your scaliness.
With this ladder, we can
still defeat the Dinosaucers.
How? What good is a ladder?
I was told by our lawyer
that we can start all over again
and take our case
to a higher court.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
ICHY: Don't let Ankylo
get away, Bonehead!
right on his tail, Ichy.
ANKYLO: Oh, I can't
shake the Dinosaucers.
Well, my only
chance is to climb out.
And, uh, snivel a lot.
Ooh, tight fit.
I must be eating too many
Animammal Crackers lately.
Oh! Yikes!
I don't believe my eyes.
That tipsy Tyranno's
standing on his saucer.
He's yelling to us.
Let's turn on our sound
judgment machines
and listen to him.
on, give me a break.
I didn't mean to fire at you.
Yeah I thought you
were, uh, mammals.
Yeah, yeah. That's the ticket.
I thought you were mammals.
I don't buy his fish story.
What do you say
we try Plan I-l9?
Or how about O-72?
Bingo! Heh.
That's a good one.
Let's do it.
Hey, what are you doing?
Shoo! Get off my tail!
Whoa! Hey! That's my tail!
Whoa! Cut it out, Yichhy!
And you too, Bonebrain.
Whoa! Okay, okay!
Ichy and Bonehead.
Put me down!
Why don't you pick on a
dinosaur your own size?
Ha! I win!
They didn't know
what to expect next.
REX: This is absurd!
I can no longer
even send a Tyranno
to the mall for a sale
without being harassed
by those Dinosaucers.
They beat us in battle
after battle, Genghis Rex.
And I can't take this physical
punishment much longer.
Maybe we should give up.
Give up? Never!
I'd rather fight to
the last Tyranno.
Oh, I don't like
the sound of that.
Uh, perhaps there's another way.
What other way?
And, Ankylo, this
had better be good.
Well, I saw a
commercial on Earth TV
that showed how we can
eliminate the Dinosaucers
without even one battle.
And what, pray tell, do
Earthlings call this miracle?
A lawyer.
What's a lawyer?
Seems everyone in this country
has these things called rights.
What are rights?
That doesn't concern
you, Quackpot.
Ankylo, get to the point.
A lawyer's a person, a human.
If we hire one, he'll
help us protect our rights
by taking the
Dinosaucers to court.
Before you ask, Quackpot,
a court is where the mammals
play an Earth game
called basketball.
Our lawyer will tell the judge
how the Dinosaucers
bother us all the time
and break the law.
What's the law?
Beats me.
Go on.
Then the judge
sends them to jail
or back wherever they came from.
But isn't this all
just for humans?
No, I heard they even
have kangaroo courts.
Ha-ha-ha. This sounds great.
Uh, what do we have
to do to get a lawyer?
First, we need to crash
one of our saucers.
Then, we wait by
some wooden furniture.
Because I read that
whenever there's an accident,
lawyers come out
of the woodwork.
ALL: Huh?
Allo. The Lava Dome
canyon has been penetrated
by an unidentified
flying saucer.
Bonehead, give
me a visual sighting.
Ichy, put all Dinosaucers and
Secret Scouts on yellow alert.
Right away.
Here are your visuals, Allo.
ALLO: It's got to
be a Tyranno attack.
That's Quackpot's saucer.
Ichy, send out all Dinosaucers.
Prepare for scramble.
Roger.Wait. Look at the screen.
ALLO: You better
hold for scramble, Ichy.
That tricky duckbill has
raised a white flag of truce.
There's a transmission
coming in, Allo.
I have no intention to fire.
I come in peace with a free gift
and absolutely no obligation
to purchase. Ha, ha.
Let me in. Let me in.
Not by the scales of
my chinny chin chin.
Now, rules are rules, Bonehead.
He's waving a white
flag. We have to let him in.
But I'm sure it's a trick.
The Tyrannos are
never honorable.
Why should we be?
Because we are the good guys.
Open the entranceway.
Hi, Allo.
Hi, Yichhy. Hi,
Bonebrain. Ha, ha.
Ichy. Not Yichhy.
Bonehead. Not Bonebrain.
Ha, ha. Sorry, but I've
been having a bad day.
Genghis Rex donated a new
wing to the Tyranno Hospital.
Then I donated another
wing to the Tyranno Hospital.
Well, what's bad about that?
The hospital just flew away.
Get it?
Ha, ha.
Sometimes I'm so funny,
I astound myself. Ha, ha.
Well, you had your
bad joke, Quackpot.
Now, what do you want here?
Oh, uh, I brought this for you.
It says "summons
to appear in court."
I don't understand.
We're charging you
Dinosaucers with crimes
against the Tyrannos. What?
You have to be
in court tomorrow.
You're nuts.
Why should we defend ourselves
against your silly charges.
If you don't show up
when you're supposed to,
you'll be breaking the law.
You know, he's right,
Ichy. We must show up.
Heh. See you in court, suckers.
QUACKPOT: Hear ye, hear ye.
Court is now in session.
Judge Wapatops presiding.
Ha, ha.
All rise.
That's his line. Now, sit down
before I hold you in more
contempt than I do now.
No one ever lets
me have any fun.
The attorney for the Tyrannos
is Kramer V. Kramer, Esquire.
Call your first
witness, Mr. Kramer.
Thank you, Your Honor.
I call Mr. Ankylo.
Do you swear to tell
the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?
Of course not.
Tyrannos never tell the truth.
I mean, yes.
Of course I'll tell the truth.
Mr. Ankylo, tell the court
what crimes were committed
by the group that calls
itself the Dinosaucers.
Well, first, they flew their
ships too close to mine.
Then Ichy and
Bonehead pulled my tail.
I see. Illegal tailgating.
Then they tried to kill
me with a tree branch.
Oh, my. Attempted dinoslaughter.
Then Allo once put his claws
through my contract
with the Tyrannos.
Uh, which clause was Allo's?
Oh, you know, the
big, brown, scaly ones
with their sharp nails.
Anything else?
Yes. The Dinosaucers
are from Reptilon
and have no right
to be on Earth.
So they're illegal aliens, eh?
Yes, sir, Judge Wapatops.
And Bonehead hit me with a bone.
I did not!
Did too!
Aha! A bone of contention.
That's assault and battery.
No, it isn't, Your Honor.
This is a salt and battery.
Order! Order!
Heh. I'll have a vegetarian
pizza and a Coke.
That's enough!
Dinosaucers, how do you plead?
Like this:
"Please don't hurt
me! Have mercy!"
As the bossasaurus
of the Tyrannos,
I say that this
outburst is absurd.
Your Honor You
have no honor, Rex.
Mr. Allo, you've heard
these serious charges.
Do you have any defense?
Blame it on the bossasaurus.
I didn't ask for a dance tune,
I asked about your defense.
I think the fence
should be painted white
with a little black
gate in the middle.
Gentlemen, we're
getting nowhere fast.
We will recess until
tomorrow morning.
This has taken long enough!
Can we end this now?
But unless the Dinosaucers
can present a stirring defense,
they'll be deported
from Earth forever.
Court stands adjourned.
ALLO: We're going to be
deported from Earth forever
if we don't get evidence
against the Tyrannos,
and fast.
I'm glad you called
on me for help, Allo.
What can I do?
We all know how Genghis
Rex feels about you, Pteryx.
Please! Don't remind me!
Oh, Ichy. You know I
have no feelings for Rex.
Yeah, I guess so.
Pteryx, see if you
can get Genghis Rex
to incriminate himself
while Bonehead tapes him.
Ichy, you and Bonehead
can also put a tail
on Ankylo and Quackpot.
Let's move.
BONEHEAD: This is great, Ichy.
Allo's finally given me
an important job to do.
I know, Bonehead. I know.
REX: At last, the ultimate
Tyranno victory is at hand.
By this time tomorrow,
the judge will order
the Dinosaucers
banished to Reptilon.
And Earth will be ours.
What a joke.
Good evening, Genghis Rex.
A Dinosaucer! Tyrannos, attack!
Hey. Ankylo!
Yes, bossasaurus?
Ankylo, who decides when
the Tyrannos attack someone?
You do, oh, lord and Masterdon.
That's right.
See that you remember that. Yow!
Now, go tar a foundation
and take Quackpot with you.
Yes, sir, your royal misery.
You look lovely, my dear.
What brings you to my lair?
I have to be honest
with you, Rex.
I'm hoping you'll drop your
case against the Dinosaucers.
While I will deeply miss your
presence on this planet, Pteryx,
there's no way that I'm letting
your partners off the hook.
But, Rex, you know
your charges are false.
It's not fair.
Of course the charges are false.
And even a hint of fairness
could tarnish my
reputation permanently.
Take that, Rex.
And that, and that, and that!
What in the name of
Reptilon are you doing?
Yes, Bonehead. What?
I did just what
Allo told me to do.
I taped Rex.
Sure. Look.
There's tape there
and there and there.
Why, all over him.
Why, you
Calm down, Rex. He
didn't mean anything by it.
Bonehead, thanks for your help.
Why don't you go help Ichy. Now.
Uh, right. Okay.
How was he ever selected
for the Dinosaucers'
Earth mission?
Well, he's Allo's sister's kid.
Poor Allo.
I hate it when Genghis Rex
lets that female hang around.
Ha! Yeah. She's bad luck.
Next thing we know,
he'll confess to her
that all our charges are false.
Just as I thought.
I may get the evidence we need.
BONEHEAD: Don't worry, Ichy.
I'll put a tail on them,
just like Allo said.
ANKYLO: Did you hear something?
Did you feel something?
Nope. Must be your imagination.
Can't be. Why?
Rex keeps telling
me I have none.
BOTH: Yikes!
There, I put a tail on
Ankylo and Quackpot.
But I only did what
you told me to.
Bonehead, you have to
stop taking me so literally.
Yeah! You probably
cost us our only chance
to get the goods
on the Tyrannos.
I I'm sorry. I was
only trying to help.
Oh, forget it.
You did your best.
And I still have a trick
or two up my sleeve.
All rise.
Be seated.
Mr. Allo, are you ready
to present your defense?
Yes, Your Honor.
I'd like to
cross-examine Ankylo.
Mr. Ankylo, take
the witness stand.
Mr. Ankylo! What are you doing?
Taking the stand, like you said.
Put it down and sit on it.
Your witness, Mr. Allo.
Ankylo, you accuse Bonehead
and Ichy of tailgating, right?
That's right, they did. Honest.
As you were racing
along at the time,
was your tail
dragging or held out?
Uh, dragging. Why?
Ah. You admit your tail was
dragging as you raced along.
That's drag racing,
which is illegal.
You are the guilty one.
BOTH: Huh?
Dinosaucers, not guilty. Next?
Your Honor, we must be innocent
of attempted dinoslaughter.
Why is that, sir?
Because killing is against
the Dinosaucers code.
And how do I know
you're telling the truth?
Ah, our code also
prohibits lying. We never lie.
Well, all right.
Dinosaucers not guilty.
Next, are you illegal aliens?
We never illegally
crossed your border.
We dropped straight
down from outer space.
Hmm. No law against that.
Dinosaucers not guilty.
And finally, Your Honor,
as to the assault
and battery charge,
we acted only in self-defense.
That's not true!
They never lie. I know.
Do Tyrannos lie, Mr. Rex?
He's lying.
And you always tell
the truth, Mr. Allo?
That's correct, sir.
Dinosaucers not
guilty. Case closed.
You told me we'd win!
No, I said I thought we'd win.
I never promised.
You must have some Tyranno
cold blood in your veins.
Get out of my sight
while you still can!
What about my retainer?
You're going to need
it to hold in your teeth
if you don't leave now!
There is no justice here!
One more outburst, Mr. Rex,
and I'll hold you in
contempt of court.
I already hold this
court in contempt.
And I have contempt for Earth!
Contempt for mammals!
Contempt for humans!
QUACKPOT: Forget it, bossasaur.
It was just another
bad idea of Ankylo's.
Yes! It was Ankylo's idea.
Where is that Mesozoic milksop?
Heh. He ran out to get
something he said was important.
Important? What is it?
Rex. Ow!
Wait till I get my
claws on you, Ankylo!
Oh, don't be mad,
your scaliness.
With this ladder, we can
still defeat the Dinosaucers.
How? What good is a ladder?
I was told by our lawyer
that we can start all over again
and take our case
to a higher court.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪