Dinosaucers (1987) s01e61 Episode Script
The T-Bone's Stakes
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, Bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
I've summoned you all
here because today marks
the turning point
for the Tyrannos.
Again and again, we've been
defeated by the Dinosaucers
who are always aided
by their Earth allies,
the Secret Scouts.
But do we have allies
here on Earth who help us?
Uh, sorry, I got carried away.
Quack, quack, egg brain.
I wish you would get carried
away by the Dinosaucers!
Now the Tyrannos
will have allies on Earth,
thanks to this new ray created
by Charlsidon of Reptillon.
Gentlesaurs, I present
to you the Ray Charlsidon.
STRAKO: Wow! It's
beautiful, bossasaur.
But what does it do?
How will it bring us allies?
We sneak into Earth's museums
and fire this at the dinosaur
skeletons on display.
But what would all that do?
Everyone knows dinosaur
bones can't hurt you.
This Ray Charlsidon will
bring all those bones to life.
We'll have an army of stomping,
chomping dinosaur bones.
And all slaves to
you, Ghengis Rex.
Yes, I know.
An army of Tyranno bones.
T-bones for short.
And, oh, you mean, meat-eating
master of monstrous mayhem,
what will be the T-bone stakes?
It will be the T-bones
versus the Dinosaucers.
And the stakes will
be the planet Earth.
SARAH: Great news.
The Museum of
Natural History's opening
its new Ultrasaurus
skeleton display.
Sarah, that's about the most
morbid thing I ever heard.
Don't take it personally, Stego.
Remember, this is Earth,
and humans love to
look at dinosaur bones.
I'm going to do
more than just look.
As part of my
paleontology class,
I've got to identify this.
Sarah, have some respect!
Oh, relax, it's not
real. It's plastic, see?
Charlie, down boy!
Come on, Stego,
let's finish our game.
Whoever scores
the next point wins.
I win, David. No fair.
You used your
spiked tail to hit it.
Read the rules, pal.
It's okay to spike the ball.
Ryan and the Dinosaucers
are too busy to go with you,
Sarah, but David and I will.
Come on, David.Great.
I'll take my bone.
Charlie, no! Bad dog!
Stop him!
If he gets outside,
he'll bury that bone
and I'll never find
it. Wait! Charlie!
Surrender, Charlie. Ow!
Bad dog! Thanks, Allo.
Anytime, Sarah.
Have fun at the museum.
SARAH: Wow! I can't believe
anything could grow as
tall as this Ultrasaurus.
I'd like to see Charlie run
away with one of these bones.
Me too. I read that a
lot of scientists think
the sizamasaurus was
even bigger than this guy.
That's amazing,
huh, David? David?
There he is.
Sandy? Don?
Come out from behind me.
You don't have to
be scared of bones.
Your dad's right, kids.
These dinosaur bones can't
move or hurt you in any way.
That's what she thinks.
One blast of my ray,
and all of these T-bones
will walk the Earth again.
It's starting to walk already?
REX: I haven't
done anything yet.
Get back, you fool.
Well, I saw Stego's
ancestor over there.
Now to see if this Ray
Charlsidon really works.
FATHER: See, this old
Tyrannosaurus Rex is perfectly friendly.
He sure is. He wants
to shake your hand.
Heh, don't be silly, Don. I
couldn't possibly reach it.
No, but he can sure reach you.
I didn't know this
exhibit was automated.
It's not. Run!
It's wonderful.
Look out! Whoa, that was close!
What's happening here?
The dinosaur bones
are coming to life.
This has to be the
work of Ghengis Rex.
Let's go.
Run! Here comes the Ultrasaurus.
Everybody okay? Yeah.
What do we do now? Watch out!
Let's make sure all the
museum visitors are safe.
DAVID: Then what do we do?
Chase those giant dinosaurs?
Oh, great thinking.
And what do we do
when we catch them?
SARAH: Look, we can't catch
them. They're just too huge.
We have to inform
the Dinosaucers.
This is the biggest
emergency we've ever faced.
Quiet! Quiet!
As you know,
the Ray Charlsidon
worked perfectly,
and our final
victory is at hand.
Three cheers for Ghengis Rex.
What have you got there, Enkilo?
Three chairs for
Ghengis Rex, what else?
Egg brain. Oh, yeah!
Break it up, you two
Victory is at hand.
By the end of this week,
we will have our Earth allies.
An army of unstoppable T-bones!
You've all heard
the frightening report
of the Secret Scouts.
ALLO: The entire human population
of Earth is being threatened.
I agree with Sarah.
It must be the handiwork
of the Tyrannos.
I just can't believe that scores
of hundred-million-year-old
dinosaur bones
have come to life.
Sarah, tell Stego again.
They're back.
Well, what're we gonna
do about them, Allo?
ALLO: I don't know, Stego.
This time I really don't know.
Come on. You're Dinosaucers.
You've beaten the
Tyrannos again and again.
You can do
anything. David's right.
Oops, sorry.
Did I do something wrong?
Nope, but he's still right.
We must stop these
Tyranno bones.
And how do we stop
an army of dinosaurs
that isn't even alive,
Bronto Thunder?
Uh, I don't know.
It's my fault, isn't it?
What can we do?
All we can do now is
courageously confront
these T-bones.
And then?
And then let the bone
chips fall where they may.
REX: There's the
city park below.
The dinosaur exhibit must
be nearby. Prepare to land.
ENKILO: I spotted the
exhibit just behind those trees,
your scaliness.
Let's hurry. I'd like Earth
to be mine by nightfall.
Obviously, monsieur.
All right, be careful,
the Tyranno's mother ship
has landed nearby.
Oh, no, it's Rex.
It warms my cold-blooded
heart to see a Tyrannosaurus
in every dinosaur exhibit.
You always were the
most popular dinosaur, Rex.
Four more T-bones,
including the Diplodocus.
That's not a Diplodocus.
It's a Brachiosaurus, David.
I guess I need to bone
up on my paleontology.
Uh, get it? You're
gonna get it, wise guy.
Whoa! Whoa!
Uh, I think we're
all gonna get it.
These people think
I'm a pistachio nut.
They're trying to shell me.
Stay calm, Stego, I'll dinovolve
and debone that boney
Triceratops for you.
Trisaro, watch out! Whoa!
All right, Trisaro.
I told you guys you
could do anything.
And that's so easy.
T-Bone finished now.
Uh-oh. I wouldn't
bet on that, Paul.
This T-bone is pulling
himself together again.
T-bones one. Humpty
Dumpty nothing.
SARAH: Paul! Run!
Help! Yikes! Put me down!
DAVID: It's no use asking.
I'm coming, Paul.
Ooh. Ow!
Man, when that
thing puts you down,
he really puts you down.
No time for conversation.
Run, Paul. This
T-bone can reform too.
Got me with its
tail like a python.
I can't breathe.
Hang on, Allo. Here I
come to save the day.
By reforming after my
tail, knock your bones
from here to eternity.
Thanks, Bronto-Thunder.
There's no way to
fight those things.
They just wear you down.
All right. I'm getting tired.
Actually, I was
thinking the same thing.
Good thing my tail is powerful
enough to smash them.
You may have
spoken too soon. Look.
We really can't stop
them. We're finished.
I can't keep this up.
Huh? Hey, skinny,
your ribs are showing.
Hey, somebody
tell this crazy thing
he's only supposed
to eat plants.
Let me out of here,
you big lug. Aah!
I hope I give you gas!
David! Are you
all right in there?
No problem.
Just don't fall out! No problem.
How am I gonna
get down from here?
SARAH: We'll think of
something. How're you doing?
I'm fine. Just a
little bone dry.
I'd get you a drink, but
that Triceratops T-bones
rammed the park vendor's cart.
Hey, Allo, I'm getting
too tired to continue.
This critter never gets tired.
It reforms no matter how
far I knock the bones away.
Sorry, old chum. You
did your best, Trisaro.
There's nothing
to be sorry about.
There they go and
David with them.
SARAH: Isn't there
some way to save David?
And the city. And Earth.
There's nothing we can do.
See that, chiefasaur. No
one can stop the T-bones.
We're invincible now.
Tell that to your knotasaur
namesake. Here he comes.
And don't call me chiefasaur!
Hey, slow down. Stop!
I'm a Tyranno and
even your cousin.
Leave me alone.
David said we should never
give up, and he was right.
We gotta stop those T-bones.
We can't win without a new plan.
Maybe we need more good
old fashioned Dinosaucer
and human teamwork.
First we need to figure out
how they keep reforming
after they're broken apart.
Well, that's easy.
There are steel pins
that hold museum
dinosaur bones together.
So? I don't get it.
ALLO: Rex's ray must
be super magnetic
so the pins are always
pulled back together.
But Dimetro can certainly
whip up an anti-magnetic device
to slow up their reforming.
Oh sure, but I can't figure
out how to get the bones
far enough away from each
other to keep them apart
and not to reform. Too
bad Charlie's not here.
That dog can bury a bone
faster than I can say, "Bad dog."
Dogs! That's it!
You bet. Let's go.
Ugh, I wonder what
the other guys are doing.
Okay team, here they come.
Right on time. Right on target.
ALLO: Roger, Trisaro.
We have them in sight.
I'm preparing to fire Dimetro's
animal magnetism ray now.
Sarah, Paul, Allo
is ready. Are you?
Ready when you are,
B.T.All set, Bronto Thunder.
cue you when Allo fires his ray.
ALLO: Ready. Aim.
Whoa! Welcome back, David.
How do you feel?
Bone tired and bone dry.
What's going on?
They're all carrying T-bones.
STEGO: It's working. They're
running off with all the bones.
Oh, look.
The bone's too big
for him to carry it off.
BONEHEAD: Leave it to me.
Right on, Bonehead.
Now the dogs can take them off.
This is terrible!
Looks like the
T-bone plan has failed.
The T-bones are all gone.
But where will they put them so
they won't come together again?
What do dogs
usually do with bones?
They bury them.
In all the excitement,
you lost your plastic
dinosaur bone.
I never want to see
another dinosaur bone
as long as I live.
Well, you don't have to.
There are enough dogs
to hide all the bones.
I told you Dinosaucers.
You could do anything
to beat Rex's T-bones.
Don't give us the credit, David.
Without you Secret Scouts,
we wouldn't have
beaten these beasts.
Ah, come on, you
Dinosaucers got them.
ALLO: No, it wasn't the
Dinosaucers that got them.
It was teamwork beat the beasts.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, Bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
I've summoned you all
here because today marks
the turning point
for the Tyrannos.
Again and again, we've been
defeated by the Dinosaucers
who are always aided
by their Earth allies,
the Secret Scouts.
But do we have allies
here on Earth who help us?
Uh, sorry, I got carried away.
Quack, quack, egg brain.
I wish you would get carried
away by the Dinosaucers!
Now the Tyrannos
will have allies on Earth,
thanks to this new ray created
by Charlsidon of Reptillon.
Gentlesaurs, I present
to you the Ray Charlsidon.
STRAKO: Wow! It's
beautiful, bossasaur.
But what does it do?
How will it bring us allies?
We sneak into Earth's museums
and fire this at the dinosaur
skeletons on display.
But what would all that do?
Everyone knows dinosaur
bones can't hurt you.
This Ray Charlsidon will
bring all those bones to life.
We'll have an army of stomping,
chomping dinosaur bones.
And all slaves to
you, Ghengis Rex.
Yes, I know.
An army of Tyranno bones.
T-bones for short.
And, oh, you mean, meat-eating
master of monstrous mayhem,
what will be the T-bone stakes?
It will be the T-bones
versus the Dinosaucers.
And the stakes will
be the planet Earth.
SARAH: Great news.
The Museum of
Natural History's opening
its new Ultrasaurus
skeleton display.
Sarah, that's about the most
morbid thing I ever heard.
Don't take it personally, Stego.
Remember, this is Earth,
and humans love to
look at dinosaur bones.
I'm going to do
more than just look.
As part of my
paleontology class,
I've got to identify this.
Sarah, have some respect!
Oh, relax, it's not
real. It's plastic, see?
Charlie, down boy!
Come on, Stego,
let's finish our game.
Whoever scores
the next point wins.
I win, David. No fair.
You used your
spiked tail to hit it.
Read the rules, pal.
It's okay to spike the ball.
Ryan and the Dinosaucers
are too busy to go with you,
Sarah, but David and I will.
Come on, David.Great.
I'll take my bone.
Charlie, no! Bad dog!
Stop him!
If he gets outside,
he'll bury that bone
and I'll never find
it. Wait! Charlie!
Surrender, Charlie. Ow!
Bad dog! Thanks, Allo.
Anytime, Sarah.
Have fun at the museum.
SARAH: Wow! I can't believe
anything could grow as
tall as this Ultrasaurus.
I'd like to see Charlie run
away with one of these bones.
Me too. I read that a
lot of scientists think
the sizamasaurus was
even bigger than this guy.
That's amazing,
huh, David? David?
There he is.
Sandy? Don?
Come out from behind me.
You don't have to
be scared of bones.
Your dad's right, kids.
These dinosaur bones can't
move or hurt you in any way.
That's what she thinks.
One blast of my ray,
and all of these T-bones
will walk the Earth again.
It's starting to walk already?
REX: I haven't
done anything yet.
Get back, you fool.
Well, I saw Stego's
ancestor over there.
Now to see if this Ray
Charlsidon really works.
FATHER: See, this old
Tyrannosaurus Rex is perfectly friendly.
He sure is. He wants
to shake your hand.
Heh, don't be silly, Don. I
couldn't possibly reach it.
No, but he can sure reach you.
I didn't know this
exhibit was automated.
It's not. Run!
It's wonderful.
Look out! Whoa, that was close!
What's happening here?
The dinosaur bones
are coming to life.
This has to be the
work of Ghengis Rex.
Let's go.
Run! Here comes the Ultrasaurus.
Everybody okay? Yeah.
What do we do now? Watch out!
Let's make sure all the
museum visitors are safe.
DAVID: Then what do we do?
Chase those giant dinosaurs?
Oh, great thinking.
And what do we do
when we catch them?
SARAH: Look, we can't catch
them. They're just too huge.
We have to inform
the Dinosaucers.
This is the biggest
emergency we've ever faced.
Quiet! Quiet!
As you know,
the Ray Charlsidon
worked perfectly,
and our final
victory is at hand.
Three cheers for Ghengis Rex.
What have you got there, Enkilo?
Three chairs for
Ghengis Rex, what else?
Egg brain. Oh, yeah!
Break it up, you two
Victory is at hand.
By the end of this week,
we will have our Earth allies.
An army of unstoppable T-bones!
You've all heard
the frightening report
of the Secret Scouts.
ALLO: The entire human population
of Earth is being threatened.
I agree with Sarah.
It must be the handiwork
of the Tyrannos.
I just can't believe that scores
of hundred-million-year-old
dinosaur bones
have come to life.
Sarah, tell Stego again.
They're back.
Well, what're we gonna
do about them, Allo?
ALLO: I don't know, Stego.
This time I really don't know.
Come on. You're Dinosaucers.
You've beaten the
Tyrannos again and again.
You can do
anything. David's right.
Oops, sorry.
Did I do something wrong?
Nope, but he's still right.
We must stop these
Tyranno bones.
And how do we stop
an army of dinosaurs
that isn't even alive,
Bronto Thunder?
Uh, I don't know.
It's my fault, isn't it?
What can we do?
All we can do now is
courageously confront
these T-bones.
And then?
And then let the bone
chips fall where they may.
REX: There's the
city park below.
The dinosaur exhibit must
be nearby. Prepare to land.
ENKILO: I spotted the
exhibit just behind those trees,
your scaliness.
Let's hurry. I'd like Earth
to be mine by nightfall.
Obviously, monsieur.
All right, be careful,
the Tyranno's mother ship
has landed nearby.
Oh, no, it's Rex.
It warms my cold-blooded
heart to see a Tyrannosaurus
in every dinosaur exhibit.
You always were the
most popular dinosaur, Rex.
Four more T-bones,
including the Diplodocus.
That's not a Diplodocus.
It's a Brachiosaurus, David.
I guess I need to bone
up on my paleontology.
Uh, get it? You're
gonna get it, wise guy.
Whoa! Whoa!
Uh, I think we're
all gonna get it.
These people think
I'm a pistachio nut.
They're trying to shell me.
Stay calm, Stego, I'll dinovolve
and debone that boney
Triceratops for you.
Trisaro, watch out! Whoa!
All right, Trisaro.
I told you guys you
could do anything.
And that's so easy.
T-Bone finished now.
Uh-oh. I wouldn't
bet on that, Paul.
This T-bone is pulling
himself together again.
T-bones one. Humpty
Dumpty nothing.
SARAH: Paul! Run!
Help! Yikes! Put me down!
DAVID: It's no use asking.
I'm coming, Paul.
Ooh. Ow!
Man, when that
thing puts you down,
he really puts you down.
No time for conversation.
Run, Paul. This
T-bone can reform too.
Got me with its
tail like a python.
I can't breathe.
Hang on, Allo. Here I
come to save the day.
By reforming after my
tail, knock your bones
from here to eternity.
Thanks, Bronto-Thunder.
There's no way to
fight those things.
They just wear you down.
All right. I'm getting tired.
Actually, I was
thinking the same thing.
Good thing my tail is powerful
enough to smash them.
You may have
spoken too soon. Look.
We really can't stop
them. We're finished.
I can't keep this up.
Huh? Hey, skinny,
your ribs are showing.
Hey, somebody
tell this crazy thing
he's only supposed
to eat plants.
Let me out of here,
you big lug. Aah!
I hope I give you gas!
David! Are you
all right in there?
No problem.
Just don't fall out! No problem.
How am I gonna
get down from here?
SARAH: We'll think of
something. How're you doing?
I'm fine. Just a
little bone dry.
I'd get you a drink, but
that Triceratops T-bones
rammed the park vendor's cart.
Hey, Allo, I'm getting
too tired to continue.
This critter never gets tired.
It reforms no matter how
far I knock the bones away.
Sorry, old chum. You
did your best, Trisaro.
There's nothing
to be sorry about.
There they go and
David with them.
SARAH: Isn't there
some way to save David?
And the city. And Earth.
There's nothing we can do.
See that, chiefasaur. No
one can stop the T-bones.
We're invincible now.
Tell that to your knotasaur
namesake. Here he comes.
And don't call me chiefasaur!
Hey, slow down. Stop!
I'm a Tyranno and
even your cousin.
Leave me alone.
David said we should never
give up, and he was right.
We gotta stop those T-bones.
We can't win without a new plan.
Maybe we need more good
old fashioned Dinosaucer
and human teamwork.
First we need to figure out
how they keep reforming
after they're broken apart.
Well, that's easy.
There are steel pins
that hold museum
dinosaur bones together.
So? I don't get it.
ALLO: Rex's ray must
be super magnetic
so the pins are always
pulled back together.
But Dimetro can certainly
whip up an anti-magnetic device
to slow up their reforming.
Oh sure, but I can't figure
out how to get the bones
far enough away from each
other to keep them apart
and not to reform. Too
bad Charlie's not here.
That dog can bury a bone
faster than I can say, "Bad dog."
Dogs! That's it!
You bet. Let's go.
Ugh, I wonder what
the other guys are doing.
Okay team, here they come.
Right on time. Right on target.
ALLO: Roger, Trisaro.
We have them in sight.
I'm preparing to fire Dimetro's
animal magnetism ray now.
Sarah, Paul, Allo
is ready. Are you?
Ready when you are,
B.T.All set, Bronto Thunder.
cue you when Allo fires his ray.
ALLO: Ready. Aim.
Whoa! Welcome back, David.
How do you feel?
Bone tired and bone dry.
What's going on?
They're all carrying T-bones.
STEGO: It's working. They're
running off with all the bones.
Oh, look.
The bone's too big
for him to carry it off.
BONEHEAD: Leave it to me.
Right on, Bonehead.
Now the dogs can take them off.
This is terrible!
Looks like the
T-bone plan has failed.
The T-bones are all gone.
But where will they put them so
they won't come together again?
What do dogs
usually do with bones?
They bury them.
In all the excitement,
you lost your plastic
dinosaur bone.
I never want to see
another dinosaur bone
as long as I live.
Well, you don't have to.
There are enough dogs
to hide all the bones.
I told you Dinosaucers.
You could do anything
to beat Rex's T-bones.
Don't give us the credit, David.
Without you Secret Scouts,
we wouldn't have
beaten these beasts.
Ah, come on, you
Dinosaucers got them.
ALLO: No, it wasn't the
Dinosaucers that got them.
It was teamwork beat the beasts.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪