Doctor Who s07e79 Episode Script

Doctor Who - The INFORARIUM [mini-episode]

Data breach! There's been a data breach in the core drives.
We are compromised! I repeat, we are compromised! - Hello, nice to see you again.
- Who the hell are you? How quickly they forget.
I'm the Doctor, and this is the Inforarium.
The greatest source of illicit information in recorded history, which is fine, your business.
But you've been selling it to the Daleks, to the Cybermen, and the Sontarans, that's just naughty.
If you're trying to raise the alarm, I wouldn't bother, ha! I'm not really here.
I'm a recorded message.
You're what? A recorded message.
-And how can you be replying to me? -Very predictable.
The thing is, I'm on a bit of a mission at the moment.
I've been deleting every piece of information about myself in every database in the universe.
Why? I want to be alone.
Well, you can't delete it from here.
All our data is quantum stored.
It exist in twelve levels of reality -- I know you're probably boasting about twelve levels of reality.
Boring! You're right, I can't delete any of your data -but I can memory proof it.
-Memory what? Any information from this facility concerning me will be forgotten seconds after it's learnt.
Clever trick.
Learnt it from the Silence.
That's impossible! Anything about me, the Doctor, the last of the Time Lords Will just disappear from your mind like it was never there.
It can't be done! You know what Better check your drives.
Data breach! There's been a data breach in the core drives.
We are compromised! I repeat, we are compromised! - Hello, nice to see you again.
- Who the hell are you? How quickly they forget.
I'm the Doctor, and this is the Inforarium.

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