Earth: Final Conflict s03e06 Episode Script

Thicker Than Blood

Previously on Gene Roddenberry's Earth Final Conflict: We need a leader.
Someone who will inspire us to action.
I believe that you're that leader, Liam.
I've been Resistance since the day one.
One never knows who to trust these days.
That's right, Major.
Sometimes it's the people you least expect.
Sandoval's gotta be stopped.
The Resistance will be crushed once and for all.
I'm already collecting names.
If some of them lead back to Da'an, so much the better.
There is a basic truth that you must understand.
I am a Taelon and I will never betray my own species.
I am a human being.
And I will never betray my species.
Close enough, Mr.
Please, excuse the theatrics, I have no desire to be identified.
I don't get many commissions face to face, actually.
Why put yourself in such a vulnerable position? I'm only vulnerable if you know where to find me.
My fee is 5 million.
Half now, half later.
No discussion.
Your terms were explained to me when I arranged this meeting.
In the case you'll find half your money and a holodisk with target information.
Him? Before you exact the commission, let me stress I am not hiring you for a simple murder.
My needs are far more complex.
No problem.
In fact, I'll do whatever you need for half the price.
Axarion They have come to Earth with the promise of peace.
An alien race called the Taelons.
But, there are those who resist these Alien Companions.
For the Taelons' true mission, the secrets they hide will forever alter our world.
The fate of humanity now relies on those who dare challenge the future of Earth.
You are with us again, Number 894.
Which is your pleasure tonight? I need a memory block.
I have sufficient credit in the club bank for 3 hours.
That is confirmed.
During the block, how do you want me to refer to you? By name, number, or a form of abuse? Nothing.
Very well, 894.
You are Nothing.
You may recline.
You should've told me you have a cyber-viral implant.
- Bypass it.
- I cannot bypass a CVI.
I'm paying for oblivion.
When I find the damping rhythm for your encephalogram I can lower you beneath the threshold of memory.
I've made I've made my choice I do what I do for the knowledge To destroy them.
Look for a triangle of argon lasers in the 6000 angstrom range.
If they don't signal, then the fallback is Boston, then Hartford.
Got it.
Two o'clock low.
- Computer, turn the lights on.
- The lights are on.
You could fool me.
Specify the nature of the security error.
There is no error.
Then why am I staring at a blinking error light? I have no data on why you think you're staring at the error light, but I can confirm it is not blinking.
I can't believe that I just bought this system a month ago! Believe it.
Max? A month old system isn't going to stop an amoralist.
You like? A new non-ferrous ceramic compound.
Cuts anything.
And it won't set off metal detectors.
What's the matter, Augur? Having a bad day suddenly? We are unarmed.
They're clean.
Thank God you're alive, they said you've been skrilled.
Thanks, but we don't have time for teen sympathy, Liam.
They're using night satellites and they blasting anyone doing anything that they don't like.
So let's get down do it, we have 3 minutes.
What happened at Charlotte? Ten of us were in the safe house.
We scattered when they hit, but I caught the edge of a skrill blast.
They were inside and on us before we knew what hit us, before we could even reach for our guns.
Like Savannah, and Mobile, and Miami.
Now I certain someone in the Atlanta cell rolled over.
Every Resistance cell in the south has been blown since the last week.
Let's face it, Liam.
- The Resistance is finished.
- No.
We're not finished.
But we are our own worst enemy, all it takes is one Resistance fighter to talk and they can roll up the entire network.
Right, we need to isolate every cell from all of the others.
But we have to communicate.
So, from now on it'll be one way only: from me to the cell leaders directly.
And untraceable.
I'll be in the center.
You all know me already, so there's no new security risk for me.
I've already had someone devise a new trapdoor cypher to actualize our globals.
It has a rolling authenticator code.
You can receive, but can't send.
What he's not saying is if you're kept the FBI there's no way you can give them your code.
Or anyone else's, no matter how hard they hit on you.
It's this or the Resistance is doomed.
Trust me.
Ronald, can you hear me? My CVI is malfunctioning.
I've lost 3.
1 hours of memory.
Your CVI, according to our diagnostics, seems to be operating properly.
You've been unconscious, I've got you in ICU of Bethesda.
What happened? - Was I injured? - No, your metabolism collapsed.
According to my preliminary diagnosis, it's a blood disorder caused by a genetic defect.
But I'll go into details tomorrow, right now you need to rest.
Who knows I'm here? No one, only me, as per your instructions.
I have to leave Bethesda before anyone finds out No, no, you don't understand.
This could re-occur any moment.
You mean I'd blackout? At the least.
I might as well tell you.
You were clinically dead.
If it wasn't for bio-genetic mimicry you would be.
Can I be cured? Honestly, I don't know.
I need to find out what research has been done, and try to buy you some time.
But there's no way you can leave this hospital.
Then, Dr.
Curzon, while I'm breathing, you will consider me to be your only patient, understood? Yes, understood.
Three infrared detectors, four panic buttons.
Pretty standard.
What do you want, Max? Right down to business, huh? Oh, that's cold.
Didn't you miss your partner? You never even wrote me.
I couldn't find out where you were doing your time.
I was in the sendep cell in Baltimore, floating in salty water of my own body temp.
Total sensory deprivation.
You should try it sometime.
After the first hour you'd kill for a sound, a pain, anything.
I did six years.
Where did you come up with a name like Augur? Wasn't Marcus Deveraux good enough? It got you through your first 25 years all the way from Senegal to Philly.
I needed a new ID.
Oh, that's right, the cops gave you a nice new sanitized life.
You went too far, Max.
People were dying.
I could not live with that.
The cops had it all anyway, and I had to cut a deal to testify, or go to sendep.
Max, I just couldn't handle it.
You know how they keep track of you in there, Augur? They give you a bar code, like a can of soup.
Some of us decided not to be scanned.
An A.
I heard you before, you're an amoralist.
And you know what that is? It's a label sendep prisoners give themselves after they get out.
I'm nobody, I'm nowhere and I'm filthy rich.
All I have to do is what I'm paid to do.
But you can still play the system without trashing your conscience.
Max, when you and I worked together, we still had some rules, yes? Morality is a losing proposition.
It takes time, and it no longer matters.
These day all you can afford to be is fast and dead.
That picture is not from my database.
Oh, didn't I mention? I've got a new commission.
First, he told me where to find you.
Then he told me about the work you do for your friend Liam Kincaid, and for the Resistance.
I want the security protocols and communication data.
Max, please, I cannot sell these people out.
You will give me what I want, Augur.
Or Liam Kincaid is a dead man.
I need more.
I need you to put me inside the Resistance.
How they monitor the volunteers, how they encode the secure communications.
They use a rolling code in a random number generator, I don't know it.
I've had good success lately with bio-engineered tropical fevers.
You find new variants around every bend of those big jungle rivers.
One touch, and your friend Liam will be dead in seconds.
Max, Max, Max, look, this is between us, what does Liam have to do with it? And why does your client want to know about the Resistance? "Why" is one word an amoralist never uses.
I get the comm data, Kincaid lives.
That's all you need to know.
But how do I know you won't kill him anyway? Well, you'll just have to trust me.
While I'm here for testing, Major, you'll have to pick up my schedule.
Zo'or appears in San Francisco on Tuesday for an awards banquet.
Don't you have a spare pilot? Believe me, I didn't chose you.
Zo'or needs a qualified Protector.
And if you'd reed the service guidelines, you'd see that there's an order of succession.
You're it.
What are they testing you for, if you don't mind my asking.
I do mind.
I'll be back on duty soon enough, just don't get used to my perks.
Do not improvise, it's my job.
I want it done exactly the way I would do it.
Daily reports.
Any questions? Yeah, you want flowers or balloons? How is he really doing? We're still evaluating.
Curzon! My vision's blurry, I can't Your blood pH, it's constantly bouncing.
Next time we might not get you back.
I'm gonna give you a device that will auto-inject you.
But even that's only a temporary stopgap.
You said there wasn't a cure, it that still your opinion? I know you well enough to know you want this straight.
I've checked with the top hematologists, and the consensus is You're dying.
We're all dying, Doctor.
Yes, but You don't have years or months.
You have weeks, maybe days.
A year ago, if you'd die of this, no one didn't even know why.
But there is good news.
We can repair the mutant chromosome if we can get a quantity of undamaged hematologic factor.
Get it for me.
Use national priority status, in fact, put me in front of the line.
It's not a drug, it's a new form of gene repair using hybrid Taelon technology.
You need blood from first-degree relative, parent or a child.
My mother and father are both dead.
And I've never been a father.
Then I'm afraid I I really can't offer you any hope.
Good day, Agent Sandoval.
This is the FBI supercomputer data link.
Perform a worldwide search for any DNA match that will confirm to my first-degree relative.
I have no record of a living first-degree relative for Sandoval, Ronald.
There are 7 billion people on this planet! Someone has to have DNA like mine, find it! You have been successful? I have everything you need.
I am still prepared to pay you entire fee.
I've been paid, believe me.
I've been paid in full.
Who is the subject of this search? You, Da'an.
I received anonymous word that a search of the embassy might be fruitful.
It has been.
You are in possession of subversive data.
Location of 20 Resistance cells are encoded in your personal files.
As the North American Companion, I must be informed of terrorism.
I intended to present this at the next Synod security review.
No, Da'an.
Much of this information dates to before the state of emergency.
You had known for weeks.
The Synod will be informed.
I doubt they will have any confidence in your future loyalty.
- Nor shall I.
- I have never been disloyal.
While we struggle to demolish the Resistance, you conceal information.
That is a traitor's act.
What must I do to regain your confidence and that of the Synod's? There must be some proof of my loyalty you would accept.
What proof could be so definite as to negate the evidence before my eyes? Bad show.
Kincaid deviates from the equiangular geometry of thrust-cut-thrust.
Lose 10 points.
A solid blow from a well-made broadsword can cut a body in half, Kincaid.
Apply the principles of Agrippa from the Tractate of the Science of Arms.
Blow points there, there and there.
Geometric symmetry.
Think Euclid.
Each movement of your sword is an arc or a line.
And the shortest route between two points is a straight line.
Sweeping cut for the shoulder, backed by the momentum.
Game over.
Mortal wound.
Decision: Kincaid.
Kincaid unorthodox technique was superior to the style of the French Court.
But his imperfect geometry of the sword would not win over more modern less formal styles.
There are a lot of ways to win, not all of them elegant.
The Pythagorean ideal is superior to all other styles.
- Let's go again.
- One moment.
You have an encrypted message, only eyes.
But the cipher key is unknown.
Use this key, decrypt and replay.
I'm declaring an emergency rendezvous for cell leaders.
Location: Alpha 11, I never sent that.
I need to send a counter message.
It's not possible.
The cipher key has been destroyed.
What have you done? Volunteer security troops had the element of surprise.
The Resistance leaders were caught in the crossfire.
You gave them everything.
You even made a simulation of me to bait the trap.
Why? My past finally caught up with me.
What does your past have to do with what happened here today?! I had an old partner Max Pratt! He and I were hacking into Federal mainframe for some serious money.
The IRS backtracked the trail to me, I gave them Max and walked.
You think I care about an old debt?! People are dead! Volunteers were waiting! I couldn't even warn them! I did it to save your life.
If it were just me, I'd let him do it, but he'd say he was going to kill you! My life, that was an idle threat! You caved in, that's what happened! He's an amoralist, he doesn't not make idle threats.
Why would an amoralist squeeze you for a Resistance code? Max is strictly for hire.
Somebody paid him millions to get me to regenerate the trapdoor code.
He made me create your sim People were killed, because they trusted me.
Listen, you'll need to know who hired an amoralist to do the Taelons bidding.
I can still do that for you, please.
- My information was useful? - Yes.
The human Resistance has suffered a serious blow.
I wish to put an end to suspicion and controversy for the common good of Taelon interests.
I applaud your efforts, Da'an.
Your loyal alliance is most welcome indeed.
I no longer see any reason to bring the question of your loyalty before the Synod.
I am gratified.
Does this mean you have also lost your doubt? I admit, you have been remarkably forthcoming.
What message was sent to lure the Resistance leaders to Salt Lake City? It was a coded summons for prearranged rendezvous.
And was it recorded so that we may use it again? Unfortunately no, it was a one-time message.
But it has the benefit of now making their leader suspicious of any code.
Internal distrust is the most caustic and effective destroyer.
Good day, Agent Sandoval.
Status report on the DNA tests.
Now 86% complete.
No match.
My estimate of success is downgraded to virtually nil.
I don't believe it.
You gave away the complete dossiers on 26 Resistance cell leaders, including me and Liam? My God! The question is why are we still walking around? A guy like Max Pratt wouldn't make Augur give him all this and not use it.
Maybe his client is biding his time, trying to use what he's turned up on us as a link to other cells.
What we really need is to find out who hired him.
Yes! Yes! I still have some friends at the Treasury Department.
When I showed them how people could hack into their Federal Bank computers they showed me this.
It's their newest wrinkle, smart money.
It's got a chip in it, and is linked to a GPS satellite.
It keeps a record of anywhere it goes, who pays who, and what they do with the money.
And I thought money was freedom.
Yeah, they're been circulating these bait bills for, well, about a year now.
Very low key.
Remember, Max only deals in cash.
If he was paid with one of these, and we can take it off him, - we can track it back to his client.
- Exactly.
To do that we need to make contact.
Can you arrange it? Yes, I can.
Then I'll need to know everything you can tell me about how an amoralist thinks.
You have an emergency transmission.
Who are you? This is a secure frequency.
We haven't been introduced, but my name is Max Pratt.
We are in the same line of work.
Which is? Taking full advantage of our opportunities.
How does interrupting my rest represent an opportunity, Mr.
Pratt? Because now, you know I'm serious.
The Resistance has no secrets for me.
I know who their leader is, and I am prepared to give you that information with proof, of course.
Sorry I woke you up.
The Salt Lake City ambush decimated half the Resistance leadership in western hemisphere.
You wanna hear this? I read your report.
Not very enlightening.
Well, how can I report what I don't know? I don't have top secret security clearance.
It would be more efficient if you'd ask Zo'or to clear me.
He'll have to start making his own security decisions.
Or find someone else to do it.
Maybe it'll be you.
I thought they were just doing tests.
How long will you be out? It might take longer than everyone thinks.
I'm sure you'll carry on.
I don't like the sound of that.
Oh, spare me the false compassions, Major! The fact of the matter is the world doesn't give a damn no matter what happens to any of us! You carry photographs in your wallet, Major? Only my ID, why? Evidence.
Of what? That you are here.
- Is it on for tonight with Max? - Yes, it's all set.
I sent a blind email that a new client wants to meet.
He doesn't know who.
- But we have other problems - What do you mean? Someone is trolling for your DNA.
I ran the data check-up on you.
You've been hit on a medical DNA search, in fact, we all have.
There's always one or two searches a month, that's not unusual.
It is if the one searching is Ronald Sandoval.
I knew he was sicker than he was letting on.
What's he got? He's critical.
He needs the hematologic factor of a parent or a child to save his life.
Sandoval is a Taelons' stooge who'd kill us if it suited him.
Who cares if he's dying? This is gonna be hard for you to believe, but just over a year ago, an alien named Ha'gel used Sandoval's body to create a son.
You? A year ago? A year ago?! I grew into the body you're looking at in less than 5 minutes.
It's true, Renee, I was there.
Liam is part human and part of an alien proto species called the Kimera.
My mental process may be little different, my emotions can be unexpected.
There were vestigial organs in my hands called Shaqarava but the longer I'm on Earth, the more human I become.
And he didn't mention his DNA.
A triple helix.
Two strands human, one Kimera.
Okay, you know what? Um I'm going home and hope that I wake up with the fever and know that I dreamed all of this.
Listen, what are we gonna do about Sandoval? He needs two pints of blood right now.
Sandoval is our mortal enemy.
He's got our blood on his teeth, how can you even consider saving him by giving him yours? I told you, Sandoval's my father! He's a surrogate, there's gotta be another reason.
Sandoval represents everything wrong that Taelons have done to humanity.
But for me to let him die would be just as bad, I can't do that.
I won't do that.
- Dr.
Curzon? - Yes? The lobby guard just found it next to his desk.
It's addressed to you, but there's no name on it of who sent it.
Get this down to the lab for a DNA type.
And be ready to prep patient 16B, stat.
Max? You want to search me? You walked past my scanner on your way in.
Much better than a pat-down.
When I got my email about a new hire, I never thought it would be you.
A target turns into a client.
- That's a new twist.
- It depends.
If you really will do anything for a price.
half after.
No urge for revenge, Kincaid.
It's an emotion.
I honestly do understand.
Sure I want revenge.
Someone paid you to force Resistance secrets out of Augur, that's who I want.
Providing you have no scruples about naming former clients.
Oh, I could do it, it doesn't matter.
I only have one rule.
Do one job at a time.
And I'm already working.
- You don't want the 5 million? - Oh, patience, patience.
As soon as I finish my current job, - I will take yours.
- What current job? Your boss, Zo'or, is paying me a hundred million to tell him that you are the leader of the Resistance.
I didn't exactly come unprepared.
I knew you'd be scanning me for weapons, so I brought the only one I could.
I see you went to school on me, Kincaid.
You should have studied a lot harder.
You betrayed me.
Smart money.
Not very smart to use it though.
I took out of Max Pratt's pocket.
If I had known it was already in use, I would not have paid him with it.
Betrayed by your own technology, you'd have to call that ironic.
Do Taelons understand irony, Da'an? I guess not, that requires blood in your veins and a soul.
I ought to kill you.
But then I'd like you.
- You hired an amoralist to kill me? - Not you, never you.
I had compelling reasons to hire him.
It entails the survival of my species, but I cannot explain further.
Oh, I was waiting for that, the great Taelon mystery.
Amazing how it's always there when you need it.
- Please - We trusted you with our lives, Da'an! I understand.
But I must re-establish Zo'or's trust.
So, you hired Max to get the Resistance codes.
Yes! I had to make an unequivocal demonstration of my loyalty.
Demonstration?! He almost killed me tonight! There are some things you do not know, Liam.
There are powers always guarding you, because you're indispensable to our survival.
If I'm so damn indispensable, why not let me in on the great mystery? I'd die to save you, Da'an.
- It worked.
- Yes, it did.
Your blood pH is normal and holding.
I must say I don't want to go through that again.
Two pints of anonymous blood at the doorsteps is not exactly how they teach in the medical school.
Someone who was a close match must've wanted to stay uninvolved.
Not a close match, a perfect first-degree match.
The DNA sequencer hit some genomes it couldn't process.
But you do have a child in this world.
That's impossible.
Well, none of us knows the consequences of everything we've done.
Think about it.
Maybe you'll remember a time, a place, a woman.
Oh, by the way, we can tell from the blood, it's a boy.
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