Elkhorn (2024) s01e03 Episode Script


ANNOUNCER: Previously
on Elkhorn
that 26,000 got you
one heck of a herd,
Mr. Roosevelt.
I’ve never been more sure
of anything in my life.
MARQUIS: Allow me to
introduce my wife.
There are always
consequences here,
Mr. Roosevelt,
even for the published word.
MEDORA: See to it that
is never published.
PADDOCK: Your move, newsboy.
BLAIRE: Hold it right there!
Hands up!
Turn around, slow.
There you go. Put it down.
Go! Go! Go!
COWBOY: Don’t worry.
I’ll run ’em down.
He’s wasting his time.
I know where he’s going.
Blast it!
MERRIFIELD: All right,
steady him, boys, steady him.
Don’t be too hard on
yourself, Mr. Roosevelt.
Plenty of seasoned cowboys
can’t hold a calf by themselves.
Well, I very much had to try.
MERRIFIELD: Yes and now I’m
very much gonna help you,
so come on in here.
Okay boys, let’s take him down.
Nope. There we go.
MERRIFIELD: Get on in here!
Alright, you get around.
Hold ’em steady.
Well, whatcha ya waitin’ for?
SEWALL: I prefer
to do the holding.
Are you serious?
Don’t tell me you don’t
have the stomach for it!
Ah, I got stomach aplenty!
I just don’t care for
this part all that much.
Come now, Bill!
Find your mettle!
Yeah, come on Sewall,
find your mettle.
We can’t hold ’em here all day.
Keep ’em steady, boys.
Okay. Hold ’em, hold ’em.
Hold ’em down, hold ’em down.
SIZZLES] There we go.
MERRIFIELD: Okay, let ’em up.
Get ’em up.
There you survived.
Buncha cryin’ over nuthin’.
I just don’t care for it.
Ah, the elk’s horn.
A quality brand for
a quality product!
How are the rest coming?
brandin’ a thousand
head of cattle
ain’t no easy task,
Mr. Roosevelt, but
last couple days
Sylvane and new boys
been doin’ a good job with them
steers up on the northern pasture,
workin’ ’em as fast as they can.
What say we join them?
Should be the perfect
practice before the
round-up in the
fall, wouldn’t it?
may be that, but uh,
well, let’s just say
them cowhands, they can be a bit
of a wild bunch,
Mr. Roosevelt.
I would expect nothing less!
MERRIFIELD: I guess what
I’m trying to say is we
hire ’em for their hard work,
okay, not necessarily
their manners. And uh
yeah, them boys, they don’t have
such a great reputation for uh
respect for proprietors,
such as yourself.
if I cannot earn the
respect of working men,
what business have I here?
MERRIFIELD: Fair enough, but
don’t say I didn’t warn ya.
TEX: Hold down a runner.
That’s how it’s
done. Did ya see it?
Ha, ha! Nice!
ROOSEVELT: How magnificent!
Do you mind?
This ought to be good.
ROOSEVELT: Hasten forward
quickly there, boys!
SEWALL: I don’t think this
is a good idea, Theodore.
grab me a hot iron,
and come hold ’em! Quick!
TEX: ’Fraid we ain’t
gonna hold ’em.
ROOSEVELT: I beg your pardon?
Say, we ain’t gonna hold ’em
’cause we ain’t gonna brand ’em.
I believe you are
under my employment-
And I believe I ain’t gonna
brand this cattle TWICE.
Blast it!
TEX: Best leave it
to us, Mr. Employer.
Cattlemen don’t do nuthin’
but get in the way out here,
especially the four-eyed ones, who
can’t spot a brand from the saddle.
Let’s have at it, then!
I will not be spoken to as such!
Let us fight or be friends!
Ain’t no respect to be gained
by you intervenin’.
Just gotta let this play out.
I see. Unafraid to insult me,
but too afraid to
back your words.
Alright, then, Cattleman.
Must be nice wearin’
them storm windows
when the rain comes!
Whoo boy! Got some fire in ya!
SEWALL: Watch that right
hand, Mr. Roosevelt!
MERRIFIELD: Come on. Get
up now, Mr. Roosevelt.
TEX: Alright, alright. I yield.
Let us be friends then.
Well, I’ll be.
TEX: Most o’ you
flatfoots come out
just trying to
make a quick buck.
Sittin’ pretty while
we break our backs.
I dunno if you’re smarter
but you’re different.
ROOSEVELT: An extraordinary day!
I cannot remember the last
time I was so exhausted!
MERRIFIELD: Yeah, and some much-merited
sleep to come, Mr. Roosevelt.
ROOSEVELT: Yes, indeed.
Can I help you, gentlemen?
BLAIRE: Mr. Roosevelt,
I take it?
Yes. BLAIRE: My name
is Emmett Blaire.
I own the Prairie Falcon
Ranch, ten miles up the river.
And I’ve come here today
to seek satisfaction.
For what?
BLAIRE: For the
cattle you’ve been
stealin’ from my property.
MERRIFIELD: This ain’t
our brand, Emmett.
It’s made to look
like it, sure, but
you can see here how it’s
been done one point at a time.
That ain’t ours.
Come on, Emmett, you know
how these rustlers work.
If we were stealin’,
which we ain’t,
why wouldn’t we just use
our own brand to do it?
Instead of making a fake iron,
try to pass it off as our own.
Figured so your boys wouldn’t get
caught with it on my property!
That’s hogwash.
ROOSEVELT: Mr. Blaire,
if you know my name then
you know my reputation.
BLAIRE: I’ve heard
of your reputation,
back east.
I don’t know a thing
about you out here.
What I do know for certain
is that I caught
your man in the act.
That is preposterous!
We have no need for thievery!
Why, Elkhorn is as honest
an enterprise as they come!
Well then, perhaps
we should ride out on
your range tomorrow
to see how many more
of my stock you got?
Well then, perhaps we should!
may we have the week
to investigate your claim?
I’ll give you three days.
Then I’ll come back here,
and I’ll sort it out myself.
SEWALL: It just doesn’t
make much sense.
If someone’s gonna rustle, why
not keep ’em for themselves?
Sell ’em off quick?
Why brand ’em as ours?
And out here, Mister Roosevelt,
as I’m sure you’re
aware, a rancher’s
reputation is his livelihood.
Well then, perhaps
is intent on ruining
my reputation,
who would benefit
from our failure.
SEWALL: You suggesting
the Marquis de Morés?
He tried taking the
property mere days ago
on the ridiculous claim
of his sheep grazing.
Surely, he’s willing to try
an even less savory approach.
That may be, but how are we
gonna prove it to Emmett?
I’ll visit Arthur
Packard tomorrow.
See if he has any further
insight on the Marquis.
It’s quite a scheme.
Seems the Marquis is
intent on controlling
the entire territory
and likely much beyond
by any means necessary.
MANAGER: Rosie! Mister
Bartholomew in room 5
asked for fresh bath
water half an hour ago!
ROSIE: Well, not to me, he
didn’t. MANAGER: And the couple
staying in 8 need new linens.
They said that theirs are dirty!
I told you to wait for
the washin’ to come back
before you started making beds!
MANAGER: What do you
think you’re doing?
Did ya not hear
what I just said?
ROSIE: Of course, I did. Look
if you had sent the laundry
out yesterday like I asked,
we’d have fresh linens
right now, but we don’t.
MANAGER: What a pleasant
surprise, Miss Medora.
Rosie, would you
please get some tea.
Oh, I’m not here for leisure.
Oh, you’re not?
How can I help you?
This hotel
is now officially the property
of my dear husband, the Marquis.
You are now standing inside
the Hotel de Morés.
We were not made aware.
I am making you aware.
And starting now, we will
be catering to a more
upstanding clientele.
We will show them that hospitality
in the Badlands can exist.
And that requires more
sophisticated service than what
has previously been offered.
Rosie, was it?
- Hm hmm.
Yes, missus.
Any thoughts?
new management is a good start.
You’re fired.
ROSIE: Uh Miss Medora,
we still have a
hotel full of guests.
Surely we need a manager.
And in you,
it has one.
ROSIE: (Stammers) Um, we um,
I’m sorry. Me? Wha-
TEX: Whatcha readin’
there, Mister Roosevelt?
"King Olaf."
Cover says "Wayside Inn."
TR: Oh well, that’s the book.
The story is a
poetic sequence.
A what, now?
Think of it like a
a musical story.
Much like a campfire song!
alright now!
It’s about a real Viking
king from long ago.
He avenges his father,
reclaims his kingdom,
and he seizes his destiny.
Lots of action, then?
Sure. Yes, it’s very exciting,
but more than that,
well, it’s inspiring.
One could only hope
to demonstrate such
fortitude and bravery
in their lifetime.
I think on it often
to give me courage when
it would otherwise fail.
Well, you might wanna
use some of that courage
next time ya gotta heel a calf.
That’s fine advice, Tex.
DICK: Theodore?
Oh. That’s just
my cousin, Alice.
As long as I live, Richard,
I will never forget
such a sweet sound.
DICK: Well, you best
go talk to her, then.
Hello, I’m-
ALICE: The boy with
mice in his pockets.
I beg your pardon? ALICE:
That’s what Richard says.
He can hear them
squeaking during class.
It must be quite a scene.
TR: I enjoy studying
the natural world.
I don’t always have
mice in my pockets.
Sometimes I have a frog
or several.
You don’t have any critters
with you now, do you?
I do not, but
perhaps I could find
some in the brush.
Good heavens, no!
I just wanted to make sure.
I’m Alice Lee.
What are you reading, Miss Lee?
You know, I find her
to be a plain read.
Am I plain if I enjoy it, then?
Oh, no! My apologies.
You are
well, you are
anything but plain.
I could be plain.
You don’t know me.
Well, perhaps we could
have dinner sometime
or go for a walk,
so that I could.
If I said yes,
how would you ever
learn perseverance?
Ask me again sometime.
Perhaps by then I’ll
have swapped this
wretchedly plain book for
something enthralling.
The Saga of King Olaf
by Henry Longfellow.
Just a suggestion.
SEWALL: Mr. Roosevelt?
Best be on your way.
What happened?
ARTHUR: How much more
explicit did I need to be?
That was only meant
for your eyes,
so you could understand
the kind of men
you’re dealing with out here.
I hardly needed another
lesson myself, but
Paddock felt
obliged to teach it.
this was safe at Elkhorn.
The Marquis.
She must have taken it!
And right under my nose!
Perhaps you do need it spelled
out then, Mister Roosevelt.
There are men out here,
and women,
who you must not trust,
especially those in the fold
of the Marquis de Morés.
This act of violence
cannot stand!
I will not allow the
town’s newspaper editor
to be assaulted so brazenly!
We’ll wire the
sheriff in Deadwood
There’s nothing to be done.
Even printed, it’s
my word against his.
Funny thing about
getting all bruised up,
it makes it hard to sleep.
And when you’re not sleeping,
you’re thinking.
I’ve been thinking.
Perhaps I’m not as cut out for this
venture as I previously thought.
That’s nonsense.
Utter nonsense!
I thought some honest reporting
might bring some
civility to Dakota.
Perhaps I came too soon.
Maybe if I pack it
up, came back in
five, ten years
if I even come back at all.
If honest men do not
find their courage,
that time will never come.
Those are fine words
indeed, Mr. Roosevelt,
but courage doesn’t have
quite the same appeal
when you’re getting
kicked in the face.
Come to Elkhorn
for just a few days
while you rest up
under our watch.
Then you can decide what part
you want to play in all of this.
A moment,
- Ah,
what a pleasant
surprise, Theodore.
How was your morning?
- Did your husband have Arthur Packard beaten?
A severe accusation to make to
a woman so early in the day.
Then you’ll forgive me one more.
Was the order given to
put the Elkhorn Brand
on Emmett Blaire’s cattle?
I’m afraid rustlers are as common
as flies in the Badlands, Theordore.
If you can believe it, I’m on my
way to deal with one just now.
Good luck as always
in your endeavors.
Yes, Ms. Medora.
Feel it.
I can’t say I’ve ever felt
anything quite as soft.
It’s from Paris.
- Hmm.
- Expensive.
- Hmm.
I’ll have some ordered
for you as well.
It’s important that a manager
gets her beauty sleep, too.
Thank you.
I’m sure you could’ve
found someone far more
I know quality when I see it.
But I also need someone
who will always do what’s
best for the business.
Oh, well, you can
count on me, Missus.
Come now.
Now then,
what do you think?
Well, I gotta say I prefer
the Parisian sheets.
It was stolen.
The cow, I mean.
Do you see how the brand
differs on the inside?
The deeper one that’s
from Longcross Butte.
But, you can see
where extra marks
were added to change its design.
These cows were
sold to my husband
by the guest in room 3.
And I believe he is
reselling pilfered cattle.
Now, if Longcross
Butte and others
made a claim against us? Well,
that would make us
complicit in a crime.
if he’s a thief,
we need to be sure.
So tomorrow,
I will stall our guest
and you will search
his room for proof.
Oh, uh,
I, I’m sorry Miss-
It just
seems a bit dishonest is all.
Aren’t our guests
entitled to their privacy?
Guests are entitled.
Thieves are not
and certainly not thieves
that risk our good reputation.
What’s good for
my cattle business
is good for our hotel.
You can see that.
Right, Rosie?
Better get that beauty sleep.
Merrifield’s setting
the trap as we speak.
It’s happening tonight.
ARTHUR: You really think
this plan will work,
baitin’ that rustler
with a fresh calf?
I haven’t the slightest idea.
Mr. Roosevelt’s
trying to do right,
place that ain’t easy to do it.
Those are fine words
SEWALL: It ain’t words.
It’s courage.
I got it.
Mr. Roosevelt.
Plan’s all set.
FRED: What is going on here?
ROSIE: Well, I, I was just
coming in here to, um,
I left-I had to.
- You better start talking.
ROSIE: I, um, well,
I was just, um-
MEDORA: Rosie?
You forgot the clean sheets.
Begging your pardon, Sir.
The girl is just
settling into her duties.
There’s simply no excuse-
your room should have
been turned over already.
I am so sorry. I
should have just
brought the clean ones
up with me. I would’ve
saved myself a trip
down the stairs.
Sir, I’m terribly sorry
to keep you waiting.
It’s uh-
It’s quite all right.
Oh, don’t forget your coat.
It’s him.
The branding iron’s
in the trunk.
Good girl.
But you must be
smarter next time.
Don’t go startlin’ me like
that, Mister Roosevelt.
Not while I’ve got
hot iron in my hands!
were you about to put
my brand on that calf?
TEX: I put on all
my boss’s brands.
That’s my job, ain’t it?
Not on Prairie Falcon
stock, it isn’t.
What is this?
you best make your way
out of town before someone
takes justice into
their own hands.
Now hold on a minute.
I know my business.
I ain’t doin’ this for me.
I’m doin’ this for you,
for the ranch!
My friend,
if you steal for me,
you will steal from me.
Mister Roosevelt,
I’m doing this for you.
I’m sorry, Tex.
But don’t come back this way.
You heard him, Tex.
ROOSEVELT: And to think
it was one of our own,
not the Marquis.
You did the right thing.
MEDORA: You did
the right thing.
Doesn’t quite feel like it.
That guest
was a notorious rustler.
Turns out he came
up this way to hide.
But it was only a matter of time
until he caused trouble.
And with him gone, the
integrity of our business
has been restored.
where’d he go?
Oh, he checked out.
I think you’ll find
it exceedingly common,
the deceptions of men.
And doubly so when you’re
an enterprising business woman.
But you showed great
You did real good.
And who knows,
maybe tomorrow, you’ll
even do something
ROOSEVELT: Mr. Blaire. Here’s
one of your missing calves.
We’ll send the
rest home tomorrow.
Additionally, I’d be
happy to send a few more-
reimbursement for your troubles.
BLAIRE: That’s mighty fair
of you, Mr. Roosevelt.
Graciously accepted.
And what of the perpetrator?
He won’t be back this way.
BLAIRE: Well then, seems
you’ve got things sorted.
If and when the time ever comes,
you can call on Prairie
Falcon as an ally.
That’s much appreciated.
My men will help you
get the rest home.
Thank you, Mr. Roosevelt.
TEX: Well,
ain’t that somethin’?
Glad y’all got it
all worked out.
Happy endings, all around!
Have a drink, my friend.
All I did was try to help.
And now I ain’t got a cent or
even a good word, to my name.
I was quite clear Tex.
You were not to return.
I don’t much care about
your clarity Cattleman.
I was right about one thing.
You are different
than the others.
You’re worse.
What was it you told me?
"Let us fight or be friends?"
Well what say you now?
I’d say our friendship
is concluded.
That slims it down
real easy, doesn’t it?
ARTHUR: Mr. Roosevelt, let us just
escort this man off the property.
TEX: C’mon, Cattleman!
One more round for
old time’s sake.
What do you say, huh?
I’d say-
you’re right.
Our options have slimmed.
So let us fight.
TEX: Ehh, that’s the spirit.
What’s the matter?
Need a nap, huh?
I’ll rest when you do.
Sewall, put a stop to this now.
He knows what he’s doing.
I think I’ve had about enough.
ROOSEVELT: Enough, Tex!
I yield.
MERRIFIELD: You heard him, Tex.
You had your say.
Now get out of here!
That was some courage,
Mr. Roosevelt.
It didn’t feel like it.
ARTHUR: I don’t think feeling
like it is the point, sir.
If honest men don’t
find their courage,
civility will never
come to Dakota,
now will it?
it won’t.
ALICE: It’s a tragic
story, isn’t it?
ALICE: Well, Olaf wins.
He should be happy and content.
But then he tries to reclaim
his wife’s kingdom as well.
Keeps reaching,
and it costs him his life.
I don’t find that sad.
Why not?
he gives everything
for what he loves.
And to give everything,
even if it costs you,
what’s sad about that?
perhaps it wasn’t
his battle to fight.
Perhaps she can fight
her own battles, Teddy.
You know, I can’t remember the
last time someone called me Teddy.
- Oh, I’m sorry- - No,
no, it’s, it’s quite alright.
Teddy is great.
Teddy’s perfect-
back to work.
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