Elkhorn (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

The Stranglers

ANNOUNCER: Previously
on Elkhorn
easterners line their pockets
out here as cattlemen.
a fine partner,
but we need managers.
We ain’t here to break broncos.
You’re here to manage a ranch.
ROSIE: Miss Medora, we still
have a hotel full of guests.
Surely we need a manager.
MARQUIS: I think you will find
me far easier to deal with
than those crooks in Chicago.
And you will search
his room for proof.
ROSIE: Seems a bit
dishonest is all.
No lawyers here
and no law.
That’s a waste of good
water, if you ask me.
SEWALL: I’ll ask ya
again in ten years
when ya ain’t got no teeth left.
DOW: Well,
you still hung up
on them ponies?
I know you think we overpaid-
SEWALL: That ain’t
what I think.
Price was fair for
the ponies we got.
Should’ve got were
cheaper horses.
it’s a done deal,
so no sense in remaining
sour about it.
SEWALL: They are fine ponies.
and come morning
they’ll be roaming their
new pastures at the ranch.
Stop! Thieves!
Trying to get yourself killed?!
Can’t very well just let
them take them, now can I?
Stay down! [GUNFIRE]
DOW: Come back, ya
cowards! [GUNFIRE]
Get back here, ya cowards!
They took the new ponies.
JACK: It’s just my
leg. I’ve got two.
We’ve got to get that bullet out
and get him to town
somethin’ quick.
We’ll take care of
this immediately.
Don’t you worry, Jack.
They were fine horses.
They were, indeed.
Different calibers.
We’ll find you.
be working a week.
Leg should be just fine,
granted you mind them stitches.
Means no ridin’ for a few days.
DOW: Wait. You sayin’
he can’t even ride home?
ridin’ home’s still
ridin’, ain’t it?
Unless you got a spare wagon?
Afternoon, gentlemen.
- SEWALL: Doctor.
don’t see what choice we got.
You seen that man before, Wil?
DOW: I’ve certainly
never seen that suit.
You get Jack a room, now.
I gotta tend to some business.
DOW: What business?
I’ll tell ya once I know.
DOW: Uncle?
Yes sir.
All right.
Hi there?
Would you like a room?
DOW: Ah,
ah, yes,
yes Ma’am. Sorry.
Oh, I’m sorry.
Sorry um, I would like
a room, yes, for my-
friend here to rest
up in. We ran into a
spot of trouble this morning.
Horse thieves?
DOW: Yes, Ma’am.
How’d you know?
Popular problem this morning.
Oh, I don’t think
we can take him.
He’s gonna bleed all
over my new linens.
DOW: Oh, ah,
well, I hadn’t thought of that.
I’m just foolin’ ya.
We’ll put some towels
down. It’ll be just fine.
And I’ll have someone check
on him every couple hours,
make sure he’s comfortable.
How’s that?
DOW: Why, that’s-
real service.
Well, that’s what three
dollars a night gets ya.
Th-three dollars a night?
It’s worth every penny.
There you go. That’s okay.
let us say
two nights, and if
he needs more, then
I guess I’ll just have to
come back and
pay more.
All right, sign here.
DOW: Oh, yes, yes, Ma’am.
Alright, take this
gentleman to room four
and mind the leg.
Thank you.
Alright. DOW: On the
right side there.
ROSIE: All set.
It’s nice of you.
Takin’ care of your men,
treatin’ him to
such a fine room.
DOW: Well, I,
I’m not treatin’ anybody.
My boss will probably
reimburse me, truth be told.
You’re not supposed to do that.
Do what?
You’re supposed to let
me think you’re rich.
Why is that?
Well, gals like
rich, handsome cowboys,
now don’t they?
Well, you think them
gals ever settle for
honest, handsome cowboys?
I think it’s the handsome
part that counts.
I see.
MR. FISKE: I had intended
to present this matter
to Mister Roosevelt himself.
is a possibility,
but I’m afraid he’s
occupied at the moment.
But I assure you, Mr. Fiske,
I have full authority
in his stead,
and I’ll look forward to relaying
all information we discuss.
In that case, I’ll
have a contract
FISKE: Mine.
There you are.
I’m ready to ride.
What was this business
of yours, anyway?
Tell ya once I know.
Not ridin’ just yet.
EATON: Heard you had some excitement
this morning, Mister Roosevelt.
I’m afraid you
missed it, Howard.
EATON: Afraid not.
They hit my ranch first and
a few others in
between, it seems.
EATON: Wagon, too.
My good one.
I had intended to
wait for the law.
Hand off the dead one
at the very least.
But if we leave right
now, we may be able to
catch up to the
thieves before they-
We can’t catch ’em.
Not on our own.
That’s why I sent a telegram
last night to Granville Stuart.
Know him?
Only in reputation.
Up in Montana, heads the
Cattlemen’s Association, yes?
EATON: Among other
ventures, yes.
He’s got himself a little posse,
goes by the name
of the Stranglers.
They handle
transgressions like these.
I see.
EATON: Too often,
good folks like you
are left "waitin’
for the law."
Granville, he ain’t a waiter.
He’s a seeker.
Seekin’ the justice
this place needs.
My thoughts exactly.
They should be arriving
at my ranch tonight.
You’re welcome to
join us if you like.
I can think of nothing
I’d rather do more.
DOW: Excuse me, I ah,
I just,
I thought I’d
bring some flowers.
For my friend. Um.
You said he was room 4, right?
They’re real pretty.
DOW: Ah, yeah- Oh! Excuse me.
Well, maybe I should just leave
’em right here with you, and
you can decide if you
want to send ’em on or
just keep ’em right here.
You said you was gonna
be back in a day,
and it’s barely been an hour.
You must be real concerned
about your friend.
DOW: Well,
truth be told, I’m kinda
waitin’ on my uncle
to finish up some business, so.
There you go again with
that truth-tellin’.
Just say you stuck around to
see the girl from the hotel.
DOW: Right. Right. Okay.
I stayed for her.
SEWALL: Merrifield!
What are you up to?
Well, last time I checked, nothing
wrong with a man taking a stroll.
Other than that,
I’ve no idea what
you’re talking about.
You workin’ side deals
under Mister Roosevelt’s nose?
What, you spying on me?
Shoot. Should’ve expected
nothin’ less from you.
But still I ain’t
done nothing wrong.
And if Chicago wants to offer
us two cents more per-pound,
it is my responsibility
to consider it.
You’re doin’ deals with Chicago?
We already have a
deal with the Marquis.
with the Marquis?
That’s rich.
What I’m doin’ here is
none of your concern.
SEWALL: Theodore
asked me to manage,
so I’m gonna manage.
MERRIFIELD: That’s right,
Sewall. He asked you to manage,
but asked me to partner.
Don’t you forget that.
And if you was managin’
the way you should,
you’d understand
this ranch has been
bleedin’ money from
here to Albany.
Oh and heck, now you
can include them horses
from this morning in that tally!
So you chew on that!
SEWALL: You’re not wrong, Bill.
You’re not wrong.
But Theodore gave his word.
And you go back on that,
well, let’s just say
I hope I’m there
when you tell him.
- MERRIFIELD: Get off me!
So, all the way from Maine, huh?
Yes, Ma’am.
Never been myself.
Anything you miss?
the sky, I suppose.
We got sky here too, you know?
DOW: No, I’m talking
about the night sky.
The way the stars
shine there, just,
well, there’s nothin’ like it.
My daddy actually used to
take me on picnics at night.
We’d gaze up at the stars.
They’re pretty out here too.
Promise. You just
gotta know where to look.
Maybe you uh,
can show me them sometime.
Sometime real soon!
DOW: What’s gotten into y’all?
know what, Sewall?
Thank you.
Thank you for helping
me see things clear.
I was just contemplating
that offer,
but now
my mind’s plumb made up.
Uncle, you okay?
STUART: Evening there, Eaton.
Your ranch has grown since
the last time I visited.
Bad terrain here.
It bodes well for the hunt.
If our horses are
throwin’ shoes,
imagine trying to
hurry a string of
stolen ponies along.
EATON: Thanks for
coming, Granville.
STUART: It’s my duty.
Better we nip ’em here than they
creep into Montana.
EATON: This here’s
Mr. Theodore Roosevelt.
STUART: A man would have to
be born atop the Bighorns
not to know Mr. Roosevelt.
What brings you out here, Sir?
ROOSEVELT: The business
of cattle, most days.
But this one? An
appeal for justice.
I’m amongst the wronged
parties, you see.
A dozen ponies lost
and a man wounded.
STUART: That’s some raw luck.
ROOSEVELT: You know, the
wagon tracks head north.
Do you think that they’re
headed for Native land? Perhaps
they’re offloading the
horses to the Sioux?
STUART: Unlikely.
Ain’t much profit to be
made from Indian-trading.
Stealing from y’all, one by one
that’s quite an operation.
They’ll be takin’ the horses
back somewhere else first,
a camp, most likely.
And when the thievin’s all done,
they move ’em out, all at once.
I see. STUART: But-
you’re asking the right
questions, Mr. Roosevelt.
Where will they sell ’em after?
And if they’re smart, that camp
will be in the same direction.
And seein’ as they took
that wagon decoy north,
I reckon we’ll find that
camp just to the south.
What do you mean, wagon decoy?
STUART: If you’re
stealin’ all them horses,
you ain’t dragging
along a wagon too.
Make your getaway
slow as molasses.
Naw, I reckon you’ll
find it abandoned
on the outskirts
of Longbow. Just
follow the tracks,
as they hoped the law to do.
EATON: That was my good wagon.
Much thanks.
I best be off to fetch it then.
STUART: Best be.
We’ll see about your stock.
Any idea as to who these
horse thieves might be?
A famous gang, perhaps? Or
there is a prominent
cattle baron here in Medora
that would take great pride
in spoiling my operations.
The Marquis de Mores
is not your man.
How could you be so sure?
Very well.
Looks like we’ll
take our leave now.
With any luck,
we’ll have your property
back within the week, Sir-
Uh begging your pardon,
but I very much intend to
see this justice through.
I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
With respect, the justice we
deliver is often overdue but
outside the bounds of the law.
Requires discretion.
And to have a Roosevelt
along to endorse it, well.
TR: I am a man of Dakota
seeking satisfaction for his
lost property. Nothing more.
And any law that inhibits
true justice, well,
to the wind with it, I say.
Found at the scene of the crime.
A rare caliber for
these parts and
evidence to incriminate,
should you require it.
Ride along as far
as Belle Fourche.
Beyond that,
it’s our pursuit.
Very well.
STUART: Well, then,
best be on our way.
MARQUIS: Bonjour.
So grateful to
catch you gentlemen
just in the nick of time.
You see
I’ve come to join your hunt.
MARQUIS: They took seven of
my best horses, you know.
Crafty devils.
Come, Roosevelt.
Certainly you’d agree I’m
entitled to seek recompense?
I suppose you are.
MARQUIS: Then again,
all this could’ve been
dealt with already
if only I’d caught
them in the act.
I suppose you’ll have
to back your boasts
when you find them.
I suppose I will.
Best get some rest.
Sleep well.
Thank you, Ma’am.
MEDORA: Cleaning up messes
while the boss plays cowboy.
I sympathize with you there.
It ain’t exactly that.
My apologies.
I do appreciate you bringing
this matter to my attention.
Uh huh.
Chicago has always
been troublesome.
They’re the past.
We are the future.
What else is one to do when the
world is leaving you behind?
It’s better when the
steer doesn’t know.
He’s calm then,
walking right to the slaughter.
You need do nothing more.
I will handle it from here.
Thank you, Mister Sewall.
- Thank you, ma’am.
- The honor and respect
between our businesses
remains intact.
I see why he brought you here.
True friends
are rare.
Fetch Paddock, would you?
He’s got an errand to run.
Oui, Madam.
Fire’s fresh out.
Lotta hooves.
Camp was here.
They got two hours on us, maybe.
What are you searching for?
STUART: They’ll leave a
lookout, now and then.
Handy to know who’s trailin’ you
when you’re dealin’ in
things you shouldn’t be.
Survey the area, rocks, groves,
anywhere a set of
eyes could be hidin’.
MARQUIS: I will let you
know when I find a lead.
DWIGHT (horse
thief): Hiyah! Hiyah!
He’s here!
The horse thief is here!
Marquis, did you see
which way the thief went?
MARQUIS: Asks the
man with glasses!
STUART: Well done,
Mr. Roosevelt!
We’ll have him in no time!
Hyah! Come on. Hyah!
Whoa! Whoa. Whoa!
ROOSEVELT: I think you’re
quite cornered, Sir.
DWIGHT: Please mister,
(stammering) I ain’t the
man you’re lookin’ for.
I’m tellin’ ya, I
ain’t no horse thief!
STUART: Then why were
you camped on that perch?
DWIGHT: Why?! There’s dangerous
men in these parts, that’s why!
I see a posse such as yourselves,
totin’ guns, without no badges.
I got no interest in tanglin’!
STUART: And what about your
assault on Mr. Roosevelt there?
DWIGHT: You mean the man
that came into my camp,
gun drawn without
announcing himself?!
And I ain’t even hurt him much,
just enough to get free.
STUART: We will catch
the rest of your boys.
So you might as
well come clean now.
I ain’t got nuthin’
to come clean about.
I believe his answers have
been perfectly reasonable.
I want recompense as much as the rest, but
perhaps we should consider he’s telling the truth.
DWIGHT: Yeah. Listen to him.
I am tellin’ the truth. I
got no reason to tell a lie.
MARQUIS: Monsieur Stuart,
did you notice the ear?
STUART: How’d you come
by that notch, friend?
There is only one way to get
that, Monsieur Roosevelt.
He was found guilty
but offered mercy.
Given exile from somewhere
instead of death,
but they marked him in
case he ever returned.
And if he did,
there would be no mercy left.
DWIGHT: I, I, I ain’t
that way no more.
STUART: And yet
rather than bear the mark,
you’ve grown your
hair to cover it.
I’ve seen enough.
- ROOSEVELT: Granville, with
all due respect,
you can’t be serious?
This is circumstantial at best.
STUART: This man is guilty.
Not guilty here though,
not of this crime at least,
not past a reasonable doubt.
Plus there are plenty
of guilty men who
walk free with no marks at all.
STUART: I’m not here to
balance all the scales.
But I can do my small part
to keep good folks safe.
And I’ve been at
this a long time,
long enough to know
when someone’s deserving
and when they ain’t.
If he’s deserving,
then let us take
him to Deadwood.
Face a trial. Proper justice.
It was our justice
you’d want to see.
Was it not?
Well, you’re seeing it now.
This is not justice.
Hanging a man without
a shred evidence?!
STUART: Evidence?
Get me his shooter.
Rare caliber for
these parts, you said
and evidence
to incriminate.
This isn’t certain.
Deadwood isn’t
even an hour away.
STUART: I’m sorry
Mister Roosevelt,
but this is how
it’s going to be.
Take him.
DWIGHT: No! No! No! Help me!
You’ve got the wrong
guy! It wasn’t me!
I’m no horse thief!
Help me please!
I’m sorry, Granville,
but it seems that we
are at an impasse.
DOW: Ask you somethin’, Uncle?
How do you get a gal to,
I dunno,
not think you’re an ape?
Well, don’t act like
one for a start.
Thanks for that. SEWALL: This is
that girl at the hotel, right?
Can’t stop thinkin’
about her. SEWALL: Yeah.
One thing I know for sure,
they all like it
when you listen.
So were you listenin’
to her yesterday?
I think-I think so.
SEWALL: Show her
you were listenin’.
You understand?
I’m not sure I do. No sir.
You got some nerve.
No need for all
that now, Sewall.
Okay? Just came
to say thank you.
For helping me see things clear.
I ain’t takin’ the deal.
How’s that?
Well, I started thinkin’
after our little
to do.
As much as it chaps my hide
to admit it, you were right.
Mr. Roosevelt’s word is more important
than an extra couple of bucks and
should’ve always
been that simple.
And I’m,
well, I’m sorry for
going behind your back.
I was hopin’ we could
keep this between us
since I ain’t made
the deal and all.
I don’t see no need to
concern Mr. Roosevelt
in things that ain’t happened.
Thank you, Sewall.
Only problem is
how foolish I’ll look
in front of the Marquis.
What do you mean?
SEWALL: I asked Miss
Medora to intervene.
You did what, now?!
You left me no choice, being
as reckless as you were-
Stop right there.
You realize what
you’ve done, Sewall?
She will intervene all right.
Come sundown,
that fella from Chicago,
he is as good as dead!
ROOSEVELT: Furthermore,
if we do not uphold
some level of civility-
- STUART: Aw, heck!
Goin’ in circles! MARQUIS:
Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen.
We have wasted so
much time already,
and our stolen horses
remain at large.
It pains me to say it, but
Roosevelt is right.
There is simply too much doubt.
Let us take this man to Deadwood
and be done with him.
STUART: Mount up.
ROGER: But, Sir-
STUART: You heard me.
Thank you, Granville.
I promise that you
will feel better
once we’ve delivered
him to Deadwood.
STUART: Not you.
I beg your pardon?
STUART: To Belle Fourche.
That was our
agreement, was it not?
She’s just over that hill.
It was a pleasure riding
with you, Mr. Roosevelt.
I want your word.
You won’t hang him.
You have my word.
I won’t hang him.
Good evening, gentlemen.
An evening stroll is lovely,
especially when it’s
done at a distance, Sir.
SEWALL: Paddock! Stop!
PADDOCK: Come to
lend a hand, Mainer?
SEWALL: Let him go.
This man ain’t done
anything to deserve this.
PADDOCK: You gotta
be kiddin’, right?
We’re well past the
point of return here,
especially after I tell him you
tipped me off to his schemes.
I let him go, they’ll be fifty
killers headed back within the week.
But if he vanishes,
Badlands is a dangerous
place after all.
You let me go,
or you will learn the
dangers of this place.
They will come lookin’ for me,
with fire and fury.
PADDOCK: Now what am I
supposed to do with that?
SEWALL: What have you done?
Bought us time if nothing else.
There is no us!
PADDOCK: If you’re thinkin’
of goin’ to the authorities,
don’t bother.
you’d be my best witness,
watchin’ the man threaten me,
lunge for my weapon,
gun just
goin’ off like that.
No sir,
law will be with me on that.
Ain’t no maybe.
But I ain’t really
killed him anyhow.
Your man did,
soon as he opened
the door to him.
SEWALL: Merrifield.
PADDOCK: Best get now, Mainer.
I find it’s best
not to linger after.
What was that?!
We must go back.
MARQUIS: It is done.
What are you saying?
Must you be so naive?
What did you expect?
You wanted to witness
frontier justice.
Did you not?
Seems to me you got your wish.
You knew.
You only sided with me so I
would not intervene any further.
MARQUIS: I simply
saw what you did not,
Perhaps Stuart was right.
Best that these things
not have the endorsement of
prominent men like you or me
for their sake
as much as ours.
DOW: Excuse me, Miss?
ROSIE: Well,
what brings you
out this evening?
DOW: Well, I was just
walking around and
looking up, and uh,
well, realized I never did
catch the best spot to
see them stars from.
Oh, sounds like
quite the quandary.
DOW: Yep.
um, it is not as hard
as having all this
and no one to share
it with. ROSIE: Oh.
May I?
Yes, Ma’am.
You know, all sounds
good and well,
but there is one problem.
What would that be?
I never did catch your name.
My name is Wilmot Dow.
Rosie Maddox.
Shall we?
lead the way.
Is he healing up
from the gunshot?
Who’s that?
The cowboy, the one
the horse thieves got,
Yeah, uh,
doing well.
Wilmot put him up in a hotel.
That’s good.
Any other action
while I was away?
Some trouble with the
Chicago people but
seems handled
for the time being.
SEWALL: Was your
ride successful?
Not everything is as I
thought it was here, Bill.
There’s a
dire need for
civilization to come here
for law and order and
proper democratic institutions.
You ain’t kidding.
You hatchin’ something
I need to know about?
No, no. Just
thinking out loud.
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