Erky Perky (2006) s01e26 Episode Script

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Life was good
on Hot Dog Stand ♪
For two bugs
with food demands ♪
Had our last meal
one sunny day ♪
They got caught
up and swept away ♪
Into Kitchen's
where they landed ♪
We're so hungry ♪
And we're stranded ♪
Finding food is
quite a mission ♪
Other bugs are competition ♪
Now just one question ♪
How do we find our
way back home? ♪
- Oh Perky, I'm so
hungry I'm hallucinating.
- Me too, Erky.
I'm seeing a Hot Dog,
what are you seeing?
- Oh yeah, the same.
Wait a minute.
If I can see it-- -
And you can see it
(gasping and laughing)
- It's a real hot dog!
- Busted!
- It's
- Beautiful!
- There's enough food
here to last forever!
- If no other bugs
find out about it.
- Guard the hole.
Make sure no one comes in.
- Why should I guard the hole?
- Well, it'd be silly for
us both to guard the hole,
because then none of
us would get to eat, right?
- Oh, good point.
- So, what's going on, Perky?
- Nothing, nothing at all.
And you can't come in
because we have to keep
the hot dog a secret.
- Perky! You're
not doing your job!
- I'm hungry!
It's your turn at the hole.
- [Margaret] Everybody FREEZE!
- Quick! Everyone eat
as much as you can!
- Step away from
the food! I said stop!
- Cecil, start transporting
this back to my lair.
- Transporting! Lair!
- Sajuica, you go.
- What?!
- The rest of you,
hand over your crumbs.
- This is totally not fair.
- [Erky] No way,
that's terrible.
Hey, what the?
- [Moldy] It's night time.
Nighty night. (snoring)
- [Margaret] Who's that?
I can hear someone eating.
- [Perky] What's going on?
- [Frenzel] We're moving.
- [Margaret] Who's got
my handbag? Albert!
- [Perky] Erky!!
- [Erky] Perky, I know
what's happening.
- [Perky] You do?
- [Erky] Everyone, listen to me.
Perky and I have been
through this before.
This is what happened
when we came to Kitchen.
So now we must be going
home, back to Hot Dog Stand!
- [Perky] WE're leaving Kitchen?
- [Margaret] Nooooooo!
Frenzel! Give it back!
Oh, my poor wittle Albert.
- We're here! We're home!
Welcome, my friends,
to Hot Dog Stand!
- Wait, Erky, are
you sure it's safe?
- Everyone follow
me, nice and slowly.
- Outta my way, pretty boy.
- Hey.
- Who does he think-- (screams)
- As I was saying,
nice and slowly.
- Wow, it smells great.
- Don't just stand there.
Get me outta here.
- Well, look at you, stark
raving Mad Margaret,
up to your neck in goop
and still giving orders.
- Cecil!
- Margaret?
- That's it, Cecil, lift!
Save me!
Save me!
- Erky, we can't just leave her.
- Why not?
- It's bug code.
Can't desert a bug in peril.
- Please, I beg you, please!
- On one condition.
Margaret, who's the
boss on Hot Dog Stand?
- Is this a trick question?
- I said, "Who's the boss?"
- Okay, you are,
you're the boss.
- I'm the boss!
Okay, pull her out.
- Oh yes.
- Heave! (straining)
- Oh no, I don't
have a spare with me.
- Well, you'll just have
to walk like the rest of us.
This way.
Oh, come on buddy, you
can go fast if you want to.
- I don't like it here, Erky.
I wanna go back to Kitchen.
- No, you don't.
We're home! Hot Dog Stand!
- This isn't Hot Dog Stand!
- You're embarrassing me!
Bug heaven is just up ahead.
Margaret, up you get.
- No, don't want to boss.
- You're a short walk away
from mountains of bread
and pools of red stuff so wide
you can actually swim in them.
You like the sound
of that, old timer?
No teeth required.
- I don't need your
sympathy, bug breath.
Teeth or no teeth, I can
chew through anything you can.
Old bread crusts
as hard as concrete,
dried fruit from the sixties.
Nothing tough fazes me.
- Perky, you staying
for the history lesson,
or are you catching
the Erky express?
- I was, I mean, I was
- That's it then, I'm going.
- Call us when you get
to Hot Dog Stand, chief.
- Good luck, Erky!
- of course there was my
great-great-great Uncle Dilbert,
jaws so strong he could
bite through plastic wrappers.
- Hey, look what I found!
- In the name of Uncle
Dilbert, give it here.
- Go nuts, Grandpa.
Hey, where's Erkle?
- Our heroic tour
director has gone
in search of Hot Dog Stand.
- [Erky] I found Hot Dog Stand!
- Erky!
- Hot Dog Stand, all
right! Here we come.
- Hot Dog Stand? Oh boy!
- Oh great.
Ha, nothing.
- Can't you smell it?
Greasy hot dogs dripping
in dollops of mustard?
Oodles of onions,
canyons of cheese?
And we are right underneath it.
- Talk about lucky.
- You sure this is gonna work?
- I've planned this to
the nth guesstimation.
- Hey, someone's up there.
- Help! Help!
- Hey, it's me, Erky, I'm back.
Behold, I have led
you to Hot Dog Stand!
- Sajuica?
- Perky!
- We're still in Kitchen?
- Yup.
- Thanks for nothing,
fearless leader.
Cecil! Fetch me a spare.
- I thought we had
left without you.
- I thought you
were gone for good.
- Well, bye.
- See ya.
- I was sure we were home.
- Cheer up, Erk, I
mean, it's not all that bad.
I'm here with ya.
- That's right, Perky,
you and me stuck here,
far away from Hot Dog Stand.
- You're missing the point.
- No, I'm missing our home.
- But you're here, and I'm here,
so we're here together.
So maybe, wherever
we go together is home.
- I still want to go
to Hot Dog Stand.
- But we're in Kitchen.
Kitchen is home.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
- Hot Dog Stand.
- Kitchen.
(cheerful music)
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