Everwood s03e09 Episode Script

The Reflex

Previously on Everwood… I bet it was nice not to be lonely.
Like with Linda.
How much asking around did you do? Ephram and Amy are going to have sex.
How did this happen? Calm down, Harold.
-The reason I came here -.
is so that you and I… -Oh don’t tell me to calm down, Andy My daughter’s about to be deflowered by Supersperm over there.
I’m not supposed to have a reaction.
I need you to know that if, we do.
It’s gonna be a-a big deal for me as well.
It’s not something I’m gonna take lightly, because you’re not somebody that I take lightly.
My foot is falling asleep.
I wonder if I just move it slightly.
You alright? -Yeah, No.
I’m good.
I’m good.
-You sure? -Umm, hmm.
Ugh, I shouldn’t’ve moved it.
Go to the ear.
The ear.
Maybe if I just tilt my head.
Are you okay? Yeah, no, I had an itch.
You want popcorn? Uh, yeah.
Yeah, you want me to get it? No.
That’s okay.
I’ll get it.
I-I need some air anyways.
She needs air, what does that mean? Why did I say that? Dammit.
Terri? Terri? Never mind.
The giant centipede thing just ate the doctor guy.
It was pretty sweet.
I think Terri and Brian are having sex in her parents’ car.
What? Where? Here.
Yeah, they’re like two cars down.
I don’t know if they’re having actual sex, but… Yeah, I mean I doubt it’s actual sex.
It’s… Yeah, me too.
The-They’re probably just… Yeah.
They’re definitely having sex.
They are so having sex.
I shouldn’t have told him now he’s gonna think I want to.
Wait, was that like a sign.
Although I’m sure he knows I’d never let our first time be in a car in a completely public place.
I bet that was a sign.
Did I just miss the cue? I think I just missed the cue.
I guess this is probably the place to do it.
I mean, people are obviously doing it here.
If she looks at me it’s the cue.
How would we even…? Okay, never mind that wasn’t the cue.
He’s blocking his lips.
That means he doesn’t want me to kiss him.
God, body language is so telling.
People magazine is so right about that stuff.
That girl looks so much like Jennifer Lopez.
I wonder if they’re related.
I wonder if my dad would get a subscription if I asked.
Why am I thinking about Jennifer Lopez? Do you want…? Sure.
This is going badly.
This is so bad.
She’s actually watching the movie.
He’s clearly into the movie.
We’re never gonna have sex.
"The Reflex" Why is it our two children are always the last ones out of the building? Probably because Charlie likes to make out by the coat rack after the other kids are gone.
Oh, how I enjoy your sassy ways.
Oh, Dr.
Brown, Amanda, what a surprise to see you two here.
Well, every time I try to get rid of Delia, she just finds her way home anyway.
So, Amanda, you poor thing, who on earth is tending to John while Dr.
Brown here’s chatting your ears off? Well, John has yet to burn the house down during the five minutes I take to pick up Charlie from school so…? Well, we’ll all pray for you.
My bet’s on science these days but thanks all the same.
Nothing like play heathen to make the neighbors buzz off.
Hey, kiddo.
Say goodbye to your girlfriend.
And I’ll see you tomorrow right? Two o’clock.
How great is this? Butternut squash soup, pumpkin ice cream – it’s like all the seasons I ever missed are just served up in a horn of plenty.
They don’t do pumpkin in 90210? Not like this.
I can’t believe the winters around here.
This is the first time in my whole life I haven’t had to drive three hours to get a whiff of snow.
Do you have any idea what a wonderland you’re living in? So I bet an ice skating rink would really knock your stockings off? No way.
It’s frozen over already? It’s cold, Jake.
You’ll notice my hair is just thawing from my morning shower.
Anyway, this weekend is the first skate.
It’s a big deal around here.
Kids slide around on the ice.
Adults spice their cider.
It’s good times.
Sounds awesome.
And, uh, Sam and I are going this Saturday.
You should come.
What am I saying? It’s Saturday you probably have a date or something.
It’s just, uh, thing kinda… It’s-It’s not even a big thing.
Nah, you don’t have to explain.
You’re allowed to date, Jake.
You’re supposed to date.
No, I know.
I know, I just feel a little weird talking to you about it.
Well, you shouldn’t.
Feel weird, I mean.
It’s… You can talk to me about it or-or-or not.
It’s up to you.
Oh, man.
Langdon’s been waiting for me for like 15 minutes so, uh… I guess so… It’s busy.
See ya.
Oh, this is where Amy would make her famous pillow fortress.
See she would employ every single pillow in the house.
Snatch it out from under your sleeping head if need be.
Do you remember that, sweetheart? Not really.
There’s a small elk cove, almost like an attic.
Oh my gosh, it’s like a little kid’s tree house, but inside.
One of the chief reasons we bought this cabin in the first place.
Oh perhaps we should hold off on the sale, Rose.
We might want to venture back someday.
We haven’t set foot in that cabin since 1998, Harold.
It’s time to let another family create some memories there.
I say sell it.
Is that Bright wearing Muppet slippers? Ah, yes, Bright was oddly bewitched by Miss Piggy.
And Amy simply would not remove her Fozzie bears for all the tea in China.
Okay, that’s it.
Hannah, can you please meet me upstairs.
We need to talk.
Well, we were all gonna watch the movie.
Yeah, what about the movie? Uh, they can start it without us.
It’s really important.
Is everything okay? No, it’s fine, it’s just I needed to get out of there.
Gaa, he’s so endless sometimes.
It’s like he thinks that if he talks about me being eight, I might miraculously become eight.
It gets annoying.
He’s just being nostalgic.
I left my pajamas at Nina’s.
That’s okay, I’ll lend you.
So how was last night? Did you and Ephram have a good time at the drive-in? Oh, it was whatever.
How was the movie? I don’t know.
Oh, right.
You guys were probably… No, not even.
We played the “How long can we kiss before it gets so unbearably boring that I’d actually rather watch someone get eaten by a giant centipede? Is that a game? No, Hannah, it’s my life.
Well does that mean you don’t like kissing Ephram any more? No, it just means that we’ve stagnated at the kissing stage for so long, neither of us are taking it to the next level or you know…the level.
You want to go to the level.
I don’t know.
I mean, we talked about it over a month ago and it seems like we were both ready but nothing’s happened since then.
It’s like we had this big conversation and then that’s it.
Hasn’t made any attempt since.
Well, maybe he’s just trying to show you how much he respects you.
That’s horrifying.
No, I just wish this whole thing was over.
I swear the anxiety about when it’s gonna happen is taking up way too much brain space.
Yeah, definitely.
You are hating this conversation.
No, I’m not.
You know what, I just need to talk to Ephram.
I need to find some casual way to bring it up so that it doesn’t seem like we’re having another Treaty of Versailles and just go from there.
Sounds good to me.
Your dad’s probably waiting on us to start the movies so… Yeah, I can be casual.
So why haven’t you tried to have sex with me yet? Wh.
? What do you mean why haven’t I tried? Well have you? No, I mean I haven’t done everything I could do but it’s not like you’ve given me any indication that -that’s what you wanted me to do.
-How am I supposed to indicate that? Well, I-I don’t know, maybe not flinching every time my hand grazes your belt buckle.
-I don’t flinch.
-Uh, yeah, you do.
-No, I don’t.
-Yeah, you do.
Do you want me to show you right now -‘cause it’s actually pretty funny? -Okay, so maybe I flinch, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a reflex.
The next time it happens just press on.
There’s something else, isn’t there? -No, there’s nothing.
-You don’t want to.
No, are you kidding me, yes.
I wa… Of course, I d… -It just… -It just what? Can you not do that for two seconds? I mean, I-It’s your first time an-and it’s our first time together and I just… Y’know, it seems like it deserves a trip to Paris or something.
Obviously Paris is a little pricey this time of year.
Ephram? I ju-I just want it to be, y’know, memorable and special.
And perfect, yeah, I know.
And you know what that is, that’s like an aneurism waiting to happen.
I mean seriously, Ephram, the amount of pressure you are putting on yourself and me for that matter, it’s like impossible and it’s killing our momentum so we should just remove it entirely.
Okay, I don’t need candles.
I don’t need rose petals.
I don’t need Paris.
It doesn’t have to be special, it just has to be you.
I say we do it in the car.
? At-At the point? I don’t… No.
Eh, never mind.
It’s too cheesy.
Omigod, it’s perfect, my parents have this cabin.
It’s not too far away.
There’s a bed.
A bed’s a good start.
Okay, great, let’s do that then.
Perfect, I’ll get you the directions and the keys.
We-we can’t go together? Too suspicious.
I’ll tell my dad, I’m sleeping over at Hannah’s.
So Saturday night, 8 o’clock.
For sex? 8.
Great, so you bring the condoms and I’ll see if I can score some of my mom’s fired chicken for after.
You coming? Hey, did you know that there was a goat living in Mrs.
Hanover’s yard? It’s been there for three days.
It won’t go away.
Maybe we could take a field trip over there.
Set up some chairs.
Bring a cooler.
Oh, yeah.
You’d be into that.
No, dad.
So, uh, I was wondering if I could stay out tonight? Oh, how late? Over night.
With Amy? Where? Uh, mountains.
Oh, so it’s uh like a camping thing? Sure Dad.
Well, I’m just curious, if, uh, if I say no to you are you still gonna go do this anyway? Well, I was hoping that since I asked, I’d get some extra points.
You do.
You can go.
But just be safe, alright, Ephram.
I know.
No, I know you know.
But you can take what you know and -and go a whole other mile with it.
You know? I know.
You’re Ephram.
You’re taller than I pictured.
Forty fellow? Yeah.
You just missed something horrifying.
I haven’t breathed in two minutes.
Sounds juicy.
I mean, I’ve done all I can do.
And there-there comes a point where going beyond that would just be ridiculous.
Right? Absolutely.
Now just take a breathe.
Caffeinate yourself.
That’s better, thanks.
So what’s the occasion? Oh, your pen, sir.
You left it at the house the other day and I think this is its spouse.
Well, what else you got in there? Six doves.
Actually I was gonna release ‘em when I left.
Thanks, but you didn’t have to come all the way over here to bring these back.
Actually, I had sort of a crazy idea.
Well, it was really Charlie’s idea – a collaboration if you will.
And I know it’s late, but I like spontaneity, don’t you? Planning tends to send me into a panic.
Did I miss the idea somewhere in there? Oh, no.
Here it is.
I thought Charlie and Delia could have a play date.
Ooh, I know, but Charlie’s been dying to do it and he won’t ask her so I’m asking you.
Well, we are asking you out – to play.
Do you like children’s restaurants with rooms that consist entirely of arcade games and inflated balls? You know I was-I was just thinking it’s been too long.
Great, how’s tonight? I mean, sure the caretaker’s free for John.
I don’t think the stimulation would be too good for him now and it’s not like we’re gonna be out all night.
Uh… Unless, tonight isn’t good.
Tonight is-is great.
Uh, great.
Uh, so should we just meet you there or.
? -Yeah.
-Let’s do that.
-All right.
I’ll, uh, call you later with the directions.
Chapter 35 – Technobreasts and Weinie Angst.
This is actually kind of interesting.
It’s all about how men and women are made to feel inadequate about their bodies.
They should have just named this chapter “Hannah”.
All right, I don’t have time to look through all of this psychological stuff.
Just cut to the basics – like where to put your hands and how not to flinch when the guy touches you.
You flinch? A little bit, yeah.
It’s no big deal.
No, I know, but if you’re flinching maybe that means you don’t really want to do this.
I mean flinching is a reflex and reflexes are ultimately our body’s way of protecting us.
Yeah, from like fire.
But in this case, it’s protecting me from my over analytical mind which is completely different.
Trust me, Hannah, I want to do this but obviously it’s a little bit nerve racking so that’s why I got the book.
Y’know, break it down like this, it doesn’t seem like such a big deal.
I mean, you call it horizontal jogging and all of sudden it’s no big whoop.
I know, you’re probably right.
You’ll see when you meet the guy you want to be with.
You’ll go through the same thing.
Maybe, only, I’m not having sex until I’m married, so… What? Yeah, it’s a decision I made a long time ago.
Is it like a religious thing or? Uh, part of it has to do with religion but I also really like the idea that there will only be one person who I shared that special part of myself with.
Huh, that’s very cool.
Yeah, and honestly it makes everything a whole lot easier.
Like I’m not gonna have to go through this anxiety if and when I actually get a boyfriend ‘cause the decision’s already made.
And if he has a problem with it, then he’s not the right guy for me anyway.
But-But you and Ephram are totally different from me.
It makes sense that you guys would want to, you know, be completely together in every way.
Yeah, it does.
I can’t believe you’re gonna be like this whole different person tomorrow.
Why do you have to take all these pictures, I’m standing right in front of you? This is the way the famous people do it.
Trust me, it works.
How do you know all this stuff? Okay, you definitely can’t wear a skirt.
You told me I had to wear a skirt.
That’s before I saw your leg bruises.
You really have to stop playing hockey.
Almost ready? No.
What stinks? Calvin Klein, right? Hugo Boss.
How do you know this stuff? Dad, I have to stop playing hockey.
It’s a very nice shirt, Dr.
Not really, it’s just a shirt.
So when are they picking you up? Uh, we thought it’d be best to meet there.
Right Delia? Well, it’s not really a date if you meet there.
It’s not a date, Brittany.
It’s-it’s just a-a… A thing, right Dad? Absolutely.
I’m gonna go change my shirt.
Me too.
You ready to go? Five more minutes.
Five more minutes then the five minutes I just gave you five minutes ago.
Don’t make me do math, it’s Saturday.
Come on, Sam.
But Roxy and Michael just got here and we’re gonna get a hockey team together and Roxy promised to show me how to flip.
All right.
Here’s the deal.
You get 10 more minutes if you swear not to flip ever in your whole life.
My whole life is a long time.
Yess! Oh, I was just going to call you down.
Hannah, my dear, I believe tonight is your night to pick the movie.
Oh, ummm.
And I made my famous jalapeno popcorn.
You’ll find it rather adventurous to the tastebuds.
Actually, Dad, I think I’m gonna sleep at Hannah’s tonight, if that’s okay.
Oh, really? But your mother made lasagna.
I’m sorry, I thought you guys knew.
Oh, that’s fine.
Stay for dinner then go.
Uh, we kinda have to go now-ish.
Why is that? Ummm, oh, because see Nina’s making us this dinner as a favor or to return the favor, I mean, because you and Mrs.
Abbott are always making me dinner, so… Exactly, we just didn’t think it-was- it was fair that Mom always has to cook.
I mean, it’s really not fair.
Not fair at all.
And-and Hannah always has to stay here, I thought it’s be nice if I stayed there for once, y’know.
Even though I love staying here.
Just you know not tonight.
So can I? So you’ll be sleeping over all night? That’s kinda what a sleepover is, Dad.
And you’re sure you’d rather go there? I’m sure.
Okay, I’ll tell your mother to save the leftovers.
Thanks, Dad.
Love you.
Good night, Dr.
Be safe.
I mean, drive safe.
Roads can be icy this time of year.
Ephram? Ephram? What took you so long, I’m freezing my butt off out here? Ephram… I know you said you didn’t want it to be a big deal but it is to me, so… I wanted it to be that way to you too.
It’s no Paris, but… Yes, it is.
Does this mean you’re not mad? Charlie, why don’t you ask Delia what kind of movies she likes? I think you’re overestimating our ability to communicate at that age.
I like chocolate sprinkles better than the other kind.
I like bananas.
So how’s John doing today? Any progress? Oh, he’s good.
He seems good.
Something wrong? This is gonna sound a little weird, but can we maybe not talk about John tonight.
Just leave it alone for one night, I could really use that.
Oh, of course.
I’m… I understand.
Hey, can we go to the batting cages? Yeah, can we? -Sure.
So, do you think we should go with them? Yeah, let’s do that.
Is that you? Yeah.
It’s not Ephram.
It’s not urgent.
Do you realize they could be anywhere right now? How could I have let her go? I must have been experiencing some sort of psychotic break.
It’s a medical condition, Rose.
It means I can’t be held responsible for my actions.
Of course not, Dear.
I suppose we could start with that blasted garage.
Though it seems a bit brazen on their part.
How many motels do you figure there are in Everwood? Sweetheart, before we start tearing through every Motel 6 in the county let’s think this through.
Even if we found them, what would we do then? Clearly, we would stop them from making the biggest mistake of their lives? Do you truly believe this is the biggest mistake of their lives? Why? Do you think she’s ready for this? No.
I don’t know.
I… I’m scared too.
I wish she had come to me about this, of course I do, but I trust our daughter.
The fact is we have done everything we can to prepare her, to protect her.
-Yes, I know, but -But what? Think about last year, think about what almost happened.
How this could’ve been.
At least now we know she’s in a -a safe environment with a boy we can trust.
What is it? Why are you so scared? Is there something y ou’re not telling me, Harold? No, of course not.
It’s just… she’s just growing up so fast, that’s all.
She is.
Perhaps if we reminded her of the promises she made in Sunday school when she was a little girl that might have an impact.
You could try.
Just remember we were only two years older than they are now when we… Yeah… Yeah… God punished us with Bright.
Oh, you… I can’t believe you left L.
to come here.
I would die to live there.
But then that would sort of defeat the purpose, right? The purpose of what? Sorry, I’ve gotta take this.
Doctor Hartman Oh, thank God you’re there.
Nina? Yeah, Sam’s hurt.
He-He was skating, and-and he fell and I think he busted his chin or something.
Go straight to my office.
I’ll meet you there.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
You’re leaving? I’m sorry, I’m needed.
All right, Charlie.
You okay? Umm, hmm.
Yeah, just thinking.
Yeah, about what? Uh, about Ephram.
He might be having sex right now and I can’t decide if I’m glad that I know that or I’m better off the other way.
Ignorance, bliss, blah, blah, blah.
You know you can’t stand in the way of these things? Oh, I know.
Well, what’s she like? I’m sorry.
The girl.
What’s she like? Oh, Amy, oh she’s great.
She’s really great.
She’s smart.
She’s full of conviction.
She’s probably the only creature on earth who understands Ephram, which kind of really amazes and surprises me.
Sounds fantastic.
What’s happening here? I guess I was waiting for that.
I don’t know.
What do you think is happening? I don’t know but for a second there I… It seemed like we were the ones on the date.
Yeah, it did, didn’t it? Good one.
Okay, Charlie, it’s my turn.
Give me the bat.
It’s my turn.
Sorry, I never should have asked you out for tonight.
You didn’t ask me out, Charlie asked Delia out.
No he didn’t.
It was my idea.
I just… I wanted to see you to see if I was going crazy or if there was something here.
I’m too scared to see you alone so I dragged my kid into it.
I mean, I may need to be shot.
We can’t.
We’re leaving.
What? Charlie’s a butthole.
No offense.
-Are you crying? -No.
You are? No, it’s fine.
No, it’s not fine.
What’s wrong? Nothing.
I don’t know what’s happening to me, I’m sorry.
-You sure you’re okay? -I’m just so overwhelmed by this place and this-this.
Everything that you did.
I’m just… What if we’re not ready? Then we wait.
What if we’re never ready? Okay.
I mean, what if we do this and everything changes.
We fall out of love.
Or it’s not as good as it was with you and Madison.
-Amy? -What if, Ephram? I mean, we could do this and it could feel wrong for the both of us.
I mean, think about it.
Maybe we haven’t done it yet, because part of us knows that it’s just gonna screw everything up or tell us something we don’t want to know.
Like what? Like maybe we’re more friends than anything.
Do you really believe that? No, but I’m scared.
I don’t want us to change.
I don’t want us to change either.
Look, let’s just take it off the table.
What? Let’s just make that decision right now.
It’s not something that has to happen.
I mean, we don’t have to do it, right? Really? Yeah.
All right.
So what should we do? We just go to sleep.
You’re doing great, buddy.
You know almost everyone’s got a scar under their chin.
It’s like a purple heart for kids.
You see this.
You know that movie Star Wars? Yeah.
Well, when I was just about your age, my best friend, Larry, and I used to play with those plastic light sabers all the time and once I cracked his and sliced my chin right open.
Nasty, huh? Gross.
Yeah, I had to go to the emergency room.
Five stitches.
Larry fainted and he gave me all of his Green Lantern comic books so I wouldn’t tell anyone and guess what? What? You’re the first guy I ever told.
And you’re getting one more stitch than I got which pretty much makes you the toughest little guy I’ve ever seen.
It’s amazing how you do that.
What stitches? That’s like the first thing they teach you when you’re a resident.
No, just how you are with him? You sure you don’t have kids.
Just chalk it up to my immaturity.
Okay, we’re all done.
I need you to bring him by tomorrow so I can see how it’s closing up.
I don’t know how to thank you, Jake.
You don’t have to.
You were awesome, little man.
Wanna come over and have some cocoa with us? Uh, it’s way past my bedtime.
But I’ll take a raincheck.
Okay? Okay, what’s a raincheck? See you tomorrow.
Good night, Nina.
All right, Jake.
Come on, bugs.
-Bye, Jake.
-See you tomorrow.
Uh, I’m cold.
Here, have some more blanket.
You’ve been up? Nah, just for a little.
You were snoring.
I was not.
You were.
It was cute though so don’t worry.
I snore.
You do.
Oh, I had no idea.
That’s awful.
I love this blanket.
My mom made it if you could believe that.
I can.
The woman like runs Everwood and still manages to cook three meals a day for your entire family.
She should be the next Dali Lama.
I don’t remember when we stopped coming here.
We used to go every summer and then one year we just didn’t.
Bright got mono or something.
Never came back after that.
I never even talked about it.
Did we ever? I don’t think so.
I think people change their routines all the time without really talking about it.
One day you just wake up and everything’s different for no other reason than it is.
I still cold.
Come on.
Oh, I’m sorry.
It’s okay.
I didn’t.
It’s a reflex.
Umm, hmm.
I love you, Ephram.
I love that you know more about me than I know about myself.
I think it’s amazing that that could happen.
Don’t you? Yeah.
All this time, I’ve been thinking.
Thinking about what would happen.
How you would feel.
How I would feel but I’m not thinking now.
I know.
I’m just here with you and I’m not scared.
Are you sure? Yeah.
Hey, kiddo.
How you feeling this morning? Fine.
So you’re not upset about Charlie? Nah, I didn’t really want a boyfriend anyway.
It was more Brittany’s idea.
Well, uh, not that I want to argue the point but, uh, why don’t you want a boyfriend? I don’t know.
I figure I already have you and Ephram telling me what to do all the time.
I don’t need another boy getting in my business.
So, how was camping? It was, uh, it was good.
Ooh, you went camping? Uh, yeah.
I hate camping.
My next boyfriend will also not be allowed to go camping.
You are not going camping.
Why? Excellent coffee, my dear.
Why thank you, dear.
Good morning.
Good morning, sweetheart.
Do you want some eggs? Oh, don’t get up, I got it.
You look beautiful this morning, Mom.
Why thank you.
Did you have a nice time at Hannah’s? Yeah, it was good.
You’re not hungry? Not right now, no.
Thanks though.
We really gonna sell the cabin on the lake? I don’t know.
Perhaps we should hold onto it for another year.
Maybe take a trip up there this summer.
See if it still holds any magic for us.
Yeah, that’s a good idea.
I’m gonna go check my email.
You realize they were? I realize.
That place goes on the market today.
Hey, you.
It’s late I know.
Oh, that’s, uh, that’s okay.
Come on in.
Oh, no thanks.
I can’t stay.
I just, uh,… I just came by to give you this.
What is it? I, uh, I put together a list of doctors for you and John.
Uh, top of their field, all very impressive.
I’m very impressed.
I was gonna start calling them tomorrow and catch them up on your case.
Considering the progress that John’s already made, I’m sure that any one of them would be happy to… You don’t have to call.
I’ll do it.
I don’t mind.
-I know you don’t.
But they should probably just talk to me directly.
Don’t want to confuse ‘em.
Yeah, you’re probably right.
Anyway, I’ve, uh, crosschecked their hospital numbers with their private practice numbers so there shouldn’t be any problem.
I’m sure I’ll be just fine.
You’ve been very efficient, Doctor.
Well, I, uh I don’t want to keep you.
Good night.
Good night.
Hey, I just called to see if you were snoring yet.
Shut up.
You grind your teeth too.
Did I tell you that? I do not.
I know.
Whatcha doing? Nothing much.
What are you doing? Nothing.
Script: Rosemary Srt: Juanfran
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