Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e15 Episode Script

Test of Endurance

His strategy was to hit simultaneously!
No number of bodies
is enough for that strategy!
Still, the same can be said for Ozuma.
Counting on your own guts
may be a primitive strategy
but to combat Ozuma's superior
speed and technique
this might be the best strategy
for Ippo to put his power in play.
What a punch!
This match won't be decided by points,
no matter how it ends.
Which fighter will survive?
This is definitely worth watching!
Atta boy! Keep pounding on each other!
Stop his barrage,
and you're fighting on even ground!
Go, kid!
All right, I can make it.
I'll keep hitting till the very end!
Wow, they hit each other again!
Is he winning or losing? Which is it?!
I can't tell!
Ozuma, you can do it!
We're cheering you on!
God, he took another full blow!
Who do you think is winning?
I don't know. It looks even.
If so, then the odds are against Ippo.
He's still damaged from round one.
Guess you're right.
Ippo! Show us what you got,
and knock him down!
No matter how it hurts, keep telling
yourself you didn't feel a thing!
I'm fine. I'm still fine.
I didn't feel a thing!
My legs are starting to give out.
If we keep hitting each other
like this, I'll go down first.
No! Makunouchi has to have more damage!
He'll be the one to go down first!
Got him! How did you like that?
That's impossible!
That's impossible!
He punched back without even a twitch!
It didn't hurt!
It'll take more than that!
Aren't my punches doing any damage?!
That's impossible!
I didn't feel a thing!
He has to be feeling something!
He has to be!
How about that?!
You'll have to do better!
He's still punching back?!
His punches are still at full power!
Are you immortal, Makunouchi?!
Don't pull back, Ozuma!
Makunouchi is at death's door!
He's making a last-ditch, suicide attack!
With a bit more effort,
he'll fall to the mat!
Don't lose confidence,
and use everything you've got on him!
He's right! Makunouchi
must be in more pain than me.
He's just trying to look tough!
I can beat him with one more try!
Kid, Ozuma isn't liking it!
Put more pressure on him! Duke it out!
They're rooted in place,
giving each other KO punches.
It's awesome.
Neither one is pulling away.
That takes courage!
They've got guts!
Go, Makunouchi!
Knock him down!
Ozuma, don't lose!
Knock him out!
All right, it worked!
-Now's your chance!
Finish him, Ozuma!
Wow, he punched back!
He has some juice left!
Keep going, Makunouchi!
He's a monster!
He's tough!
I'm not through yet. I'm still okay.
It didn't hurt! It didn't
It hit!
This is it!
If I don't finish him now, I'll lose!
It doesn't h
I still don't feel a
-He went down!
-His strength finally failed him!
No way he can get up from that!
I did it!
We won! That was decisive.
He won't be able to get up after that!
Everything looks kind of wiggly.
For some reason, I feel pretty good now.
Huh? What is that?
There's some weird thing over there.
I think it's shouting something.
Oh, well. Who cares?
Get up!
Get up, kid! Get up!
I see I was knocked down.
Stand up! What's the matter?
Is that all the grit you got?!
Stand up, you!
Damn! My limbs are lifeless!
At this rate, even if I do stand up,
I'll be knocked right back down again.
Why does he look so anxious?
I'm the one who fell.
Victory is within his grasp.
I get it! I'm not the only one!
He's suffering too!
If I can get on my feet
If I can just get on my feet,
I may have a chance!
Is he trying to get up?!
No way. He's down for the count.
-Get up!
Hey, he's trying to get up!
Stay down!
He can't possibly get up!
-Please get up, Ippo!
-Get up!
No way!
-He's up!
-Is this guy even human?
Go for it, Makunouchi!
-He actually got up!
-He's awesome!
How can he possibly get back up?
-Well, can you go on?
-I can. I can go on!
Does this mean my punches
have no effect on him?
As long as I'm standing up,
I have a chance.
I have a chance!
Ozuma, this is your chance!
Don't hesitate!
-Knock him down once more, and you win!
-Keep fighting!
I'm glad he's up,
but there's almost a whole minute to go.
He won't last long like that.
-Go, Makunouchi!
-Take Ozuma down!
Dammit, get a hold of yourself!
Keep looking at your opponent!
Ozuma, your opponent is thrashed!
You can beat him!
What am I afraid of?! Don't wimp out!
If I knock him down one more time,
victory will be mine!
Take this!
Oh, no! I over-swung and lost my balance!
He did it!
It's a surprise reversal!
What an incredible body blow!
Chief! He knocked him down!
Yeah, he did great!
Ozuma was so worried about
knocking him down, that he gave the kid
an opportunity with that long swing.
I did it!
Oh, no. It really got him!
What destructive power!
He turned the match around
with a single punch!
Please don't get up.
Hang in there, Ozuma!
You had him cornered
and almost had him finished, remember?!
Do you really want to lose like this?!
Stand up, Ozuma!
If we don't cheer him up, who will?!
Ozuma, get up!
Keep going, Ozuma!
-We know you can do it!
But I felt an enormous impact.
-He's up!
-I don't believe it!
Now Ozuma's showing his grit!
But I felt an enormous impact.
-Can you go on, Ozuma?
-I'm all right.
What a spirit he's got.
But I can't lose, either!
I don't want to lose!
They're both staggering.
I have no idea where this is going!
Go for it, both of you!
I'll witness it to the bitter end!
A four-round match
has a two-knockdown rule.
If Ippo knocks him
down one more time, he wins.
Idiot! Ippo's also taken a fall.
Anyway, whoever scores
a knockdown first, wins.
Ippo, one more push! Bang him up!
There! Go forward and punch each other!
Go for it! There!
Makunouchi, give him another one!
Ozuma's middle is hurting!
Aim for his stomach, his stomach!
Damn, the slightest graze
sets my hair on end.
If I took a punch like that, I'd be dead!
He's badly damaged,
but his hook is still sharp.
Ozuma's persistence
is as fierce as his hook.
Whoa, my life just got shorter!
They're still going strong!
Whoever scores first will win!
-Go, Ippo!
-Don't lose!
-That's the way, Ozuma!
This is exciting.
Knock him down, Ippo!
-Hey! Do it there!
-Just a little more.
Goddammit, I want to fight!
When will they settle
the date of my next match?!
Takamura-san, that has nothing to do
with anything right now.
This is Ippo's match
Shut up, you!
Hey, that's dirty! He used his shoulder
to push Ippo into the ropes.
Actually, that's a legitimate technique.
Ippo, fight back!
Ozuma is also in pain! Attack him!
Won't he fall yet?!
This is bad. I can't take much more.
I have to finish him now.
Just one more effort!
Idiot! What are you doing?!
You worthless son of a bitch!
I wasted my time coaching you!
What do you have to say for yourself?!
Don't let him get away!
Knock him down all the way!
Ippo took a hit!
He's finally at his limit.
Kid! Now it's do-or-die!
Use every ounce of willpower you got,
and keep those arms punching back!
I have to win!
I promised Mama-san and the guys!
I have to win!
Lash out, Ippo!
It's no good. He's trapped!
-Oh, shit!
-Now, Ozuma!
Finish it!
This is the end.
This is the end for you, Makunouchi!
It's a direct hit! Victory is mine!
The winner Makunouchi!
He won! What a great reversal!
I I did it.
He won!
-All right, Ippo!
Right on!
He finally countered Ozuma's hook.
And it's all thanks to my coaching.
Did I?
That's right, kid. You won.
Slipped through his hook
and delivered an uppercut.
Then you finished him with a barrage
from the right and left,
just as we practiced.
I don't remember it that well, but
I can't believe it.
I hit him again and again.
I was sure I was done for.
Hey, get over to the other corner
and thank the man.
Uh, right.
So, he doesn't remember.
They say when it comes to the crunch,
the head is useless because
the body already knows what to do.
The intensive training really paid off.
Ozuma! Are you all right?!
Hey Your ribs!
I see, they were hurt from your fall
from that body blow in the first round.
That's why the speed of
your final right hook was slightly slower.
Uh, excuse me
Um, thank you for the great match.
Please do your best to
become Rookie of the Year.
Damn, I can't believe
Ozuma-san could lose!
His opponent was too powerful.
Ippo Makunouchi.
Ozuma, that was a great fight!
Don't look so sad!
Come back to Korakuen Hall sometime!
I'll come to see you fight!
The applause for
Ozuma-san is amazing, isn't it?
Yeah. The fans appreciate a good fight.
I bet this was his first time
fighting a fighter as tough as Ippo.
It was a good experience for him.
He'll get stronger, for sure.
Who knows what would happen
if it came down to a rematch?
-Come on, let's go.
-Uh, right.
What are you doing?
They all cheered for you.
At least respond by holding up a hand.
You mean, like this?
-Great job, Makunouchi!
-That was exciting!
-Get the Rookie of the Year title!
I won. I actually won.
I survived the first round!
All right!
Thank you!
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Is your chest all right?
No problem.
I'll go see a doctor tomorrow.
I'm all right.
Too bad about the match.
Yeah. It's too bad that I lost the match.
But it was a wonderful fight.
I can tell Mama-san
all about it without shame.
That upper to the middle was great!
It sure was awesome!
I'm glad we didn't miss this!
That Makunouchi fight was incredible!
Yeah, he's way past the four-round level!
Huh? You're all here.
Were you waiting for me?
-You should see your face!
-You got hit too much!
Good going, Ippo.
Boxing style.
The way to tailor your own method
to your unique traits.
Physique, power, speed.
Take advantage of strength,
and minimize weakness.
These efforts are
required to get closer to victory.
Nobody wants to lose.
The outcomes may differ,
but every effort is aimed
at the same thing: Victory!
Next time, "Anticipating a Fierce Fight."
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