Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e24 Episode Script

To the Promised Place...

No matter who I'm up against,
I can't afford to lose!
-This is bad!
-He took one right in the face!
Mashiba rushes Miyata!
Miyata can't get away!
He's being pulverized!
He's down! Mashiba, stop!
Stop it, Mashiba!
This is explosive!
Mashiba catches Miyata in a barrage!
Can Miyata stand?!
It's a reversal.
It's a reversal!
What an incredible barrage of punches!
Down! This is explosive!
Mashiba catches Miyata in a barrage!
-Did you see that?
-Yeah. That was a nasty trick!
He stepped on his foot.
Now you've done it, Mashiba!
Stupid idiot. Stay down and die.
He won't be able to stand.
Yes, he will!
Miyata was never good at taking hits.
There's no way he can stand
after taking that many.
That's irrelevant! He will stand up!
G Get up.
You have to get up.
He always got up!
He always got back up again!
To keep his promise with me!
He got up as many times as it took!
I have to do the same for him!
I cannot
Hey, he's going to get up!
Miyata means business!
Go for it, Miyata!
Go for it, Miyata!
Stand up!
Hey, Ichiro!
He got up!
He's up! Miyata has gotten
back to his feet after what
appeared to be a decisive knockdown!
-Can you continue?
-I can!
He got up, see?
Hmph. He has to do more than just stand.
You should have stayed down.
If he goes down one more time
in this round, it's over.
So, what's the damage?
He seems to be fully conscious,
but he's hurting bad.
He won't be able to throw good punches
in that condition.
In the meantime,
Mashiba is beginning to recuperate.
The odds are against Miyata.
It's all right!
Miyata-kun has a counterpunch
that will turn the game around.
I know it'll be all right.
I'm going to slaughter you!
He's going to launch an all-out attack!
Run, Miyata-kun!
Don't force yourself!
Keep a distance and persevere!
Amazing! He's dodging
without using his legs!
Miyata is awesome!
But he isn't moving.
Miyata's legs are hurting.
Mashiba's slices are serious.
Can he withstand them?
Mashiba is throwing roundhouses,
going for a knockdown.
Still, I can't believe Miyata-kun is
dodging so well without using his legs.
He went down once, but he's calm.
Mashiba lashes out, but to no avail!
Miyata shows his skill by dodging
with his upper body alone!
He's good! He'll get through it!
He's starting to get caught!
Without his footwork, he's at his limit.
Bastard, you keep squirming around.
Don't be a bad loser!
He did it!
A perfect burst catches Mashiba off guard!
It didn't faze him much.
I thought it connected cleanly too.
Yes, I thought so too.
Maybe it wasn't effective
because of that knockdown.
Still, that one punch
had a major effect on him.
If you take a good punch right
when you believe you can go all the way,
it gets difficult to jump in afterwards.
Is he on the lookout for counterpunches?
Mashiba has stopped moving!
The boxers stare each other down.
Who will make the first move?!
Damn you! Why are you pulling back now?
All you have to do
is deliver the fatal blow!
Stop! Round two is over!
So far, each boxer
has taken one knockdown.
Neither has yielded an inch.
Good job, Mashiba.
Giving him that many blows
at once will leave him hurting.
You have another chance in the next round!
But don't go in hastily!
His counterpunches are still a threat.
Calm down and wait for your chance.
Calm down?! If I calm down,
the match will end!
There are only two more rounds left.
His last counterpunch was his best shot.
Damn! I managed to withstand it,
but this last round
was my chance to nail him!
I failed to bring him down, dammit!
I survived his best shot.
It didn't hurt that much.
It was unfortunate
you got your foot stepped on.
Try to recoup during the interval.
Once your footwork comes back,
you'll never take a punch like that again!
Don't touch it, Dad.
He'll notice.
So, your foot is injured.
What? What did you say?!
It probably happened when you got hit
by his right straight,
while he was standing on your foot.
By the look of it,
it's more than a light sprain.
It's twisted, or even worse.
An out-boxer with a foot injury
is like a bird with a broken wing.
Mashiba has recuperated.
It's too risky for you to fight him
in your condition.
Let's withdraw from this match.
I hate to say it, but he's right.
If you strain yourself now,
it will affect your future.
You are still young.
You can always start over!
Let's withdraw from this match.
I'm sure it's mortifying,
but it's nothing to be ashamed of.
It was an accident!
That's how it goes.
Seconds out!
I'll tell the referee.
He's waiting for me.
Hey, Miyata!
Don't be stupid!
You know first-hand
that this is impossible.
You might jeopardize your boxing career.
I have to go.
He's waiting for me.
Round three!
Oh my, Miyata has the business
look on his face.
It looks like he's recovered
from the damage.
If only his footwork would return,
it'll go like the first round.
I hope you're right.
This is too dangerous!
Even if he wins,
what if the injuries are long-term?
I strongly believe Ichiro-kun is
beyond the domestic boxing level.
How could you let someone
with his talent go to his doom like this?!
It's up to the fighter to
decide whether it's meaningful or not.
He went in there
because he decided it was meaningful.
If that's his decision, it isn't
a cornerman's place to say otherwise.
All we can do is watch over him.
What?! Miyata's foot is hurt?
I suspected as much,
but after seeing the face of the guys
in his corner, I'm sure of it.
He must have a serious injury.
Look. Miyata isn't using
his signature footwork because he can't.
That's dangerous. Why didn't
his cornermen stop him?!
They probably couldn't stop him.
Miyata made his decision.
I'll be waiting at the final as promised.
It'll be tough fighting Mashiba
on one foot.
But unless Mashiba-san notices,
he can still use his counterpunch
I see. So, your foot is injured.
And it's your pivoting foot,
of all things.
He noticed.
He noticed the foot injury.
If your pivoting foot is toast,
you can't put any weight
into your punches.
Which means both your killer
counterpunch and signature footwork
are now totally useless to you.
Mashiba is taking the hitman stance again!
He's going to torture
him to death with flicker jabs.
Here it comes!
Mashiba throws a barrage of flicker jabs!
He's ducking! He's ducking
the flickers without using his legs!
Miyata's instinct for
defense never ceases to impress me!
Damn! But I'm going to hold my ground!
He has to brace his feet
to guard from body blows.
He's doing it on purpose?!
He's not cheating!
Attack your opponent's weakness!
That is the iron rule of fighting.
That's harsh.
Still, that looks like a serious injury.
It looks painful just to keep standing.
I'm not through with you yet!
Here comes another one!
Miyata-kun is taking everything Mashiba
wants to throw at him!
There's nothing he can do about it.
He can barely stand.
To Mashiba, it's like punching a sandbag.
Persevere until you have
the best chance for a counterpunch!
Keep fighting, Miyata!
Can't you stop being punched?!
What's this? Miyata is holding up
his left foot.
Huh? What's up with Miyata's left foot?
Actually, that is strange.
Why isn't Miyata using his footwork?
He's so good at it.
Miyata-san, he can't stay in there
any longer!
Throw in the towel! Miyata-san?!
-He can't go on!
-Referee, stop him!
No way! I won't let anyone stop me.
I won't be satisfied until
I finish this with my own two hands!
He's going to finish!
He did it!
He got Mashiba when he let his guard down!
Go for it!
I got him! This is it!
I've got to knock him down now!
Argh! Miyata isn't going in!
More to the point, he can't!
He's done in. He can't move his feet!
What a piece of work!
He threw a solid punch at me.
Wasn't he at death's door?!
No, he won't fool me.
That punch was his last.
Hell, he can't even move!
I've got to finish him
before it's too late!
Mashiba rushes Miyata again!
He showers him with blows!
He goes in for the finish!
Miyata can't hit back!
So what if my foot's hurting?!
Mashiba's hurting as well.
Punch him! This is the critical point!
A succession of punches
scores dead-on! Mashiba has Miyata!
He's completely in his grasp!
Oh, no! Referee, stop him!
-What is it?
-What's wrong?
He's still punching,
but Mashiba-san is retreating.
Who the hell is this guy?!
Isn't he just a spoiled brat
who always sucks up to daddy?!
How can he endure so much?!
I must win.
That's right, be threatening.
That's the way, Miyata!
I must win!
The timing is bang on!
It's going to hit!
The winner, Mashiba!
The match is over!
Ryo Mashiba wins the deathmatch
in the second semi-final match
of the Eastern Japan
Rookie Championship Tournament!
Three rounds, in two minutes, 22 seconds,
he beat Ichiro Miyata by KO,
securing his advancement
to the final match!
I won.
The timing for the counterpunch
was perfect.
But he was already out of energy.
It was a tough match.
But you did a great job.
That was a great victory!
Where is Makunouchi-kun?
He went to Miyata's green room.
The guy took a bad fall.
He's probably worried sick.
He never regained consciousness
in the ring.
Miyata was more advanced in ability
by a level or two.
Damn, boxing is unpredictable.
Actually, what's scary
is Mashiba's drive to win.
Now, it's Makunouchi
versus Mashiba for the final.
They'll be striving for a KO.
Up until now,
Miyata was the only thing in Ippo's head.
It's hard to believe that he lost
the goal that drove him this far,
the very thing
that he made it to the final for.
Miyata-san, how is Ichiro?!
Why did he lose?!
Give us a brief comment!
For now, he's regained consciousness.
He's responding to questions clearly,
so there's nothing to worry about,
but I can't say anything further before
putting him through a complete physical.
Any comment on his opponent Mashiba?
He stepped on his foot during the match.
What do you say?
Please give us a comment.
Just one comment!
In boxing, result is everything!
That means that the one who survives,
no matter how he did it,
was one notch higher.
That's all! Now get out of here!
Oh, it's you, Makunouchi-kun.
Um, how is he?
Ichiro asked me to tell you something
if you showed up.
He says that he's sorry
he didn't keep his promise.
Okay, how about these?
They're light and cheaper.
The final match of
the Eastern Japan Tournament!
That's the only place I'll wait for you.
Foul. A dangerous act
prohibited during a match.
The closer range a fight is,
the more likely it can happen.
It's a drama born of
desperation from both sides.
That's why we shouldn't do it
If you commit a cowardly act in a fight,
that's supposed to
showcase your hard work,
you will end up betraying your own work!
Next time, "Grudges, Sorrows & Dreams."
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