Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e40 Episode Script

A Counter to Surpass All Counters

Now, the bell will ring momentarily.
The boxing hopeful of Thailand,
Jimmy Sisfar
versus the technician from Japan,
Ichiro Miyata!
Listen to that!
The hall has erupted into calls for Jimmy!
Hurry, hurry! We'll miss the match!
I couldn't help it! I had to work!
Payao, Ichiro will win, won't he?
I don't know. Jimmy is really powerful.
However, something's been different
about Ichiro's counter lately.
Whose side are you on, Payao?
Ichiro's, of course.
As proof
I bet this entire month's
living expenses on him!
We'll cheer for him if it kills us, Chana!
Do it, Jimmy! Don't make us take a loss!
Win! You're the pride of Thailand!
I know this is his homeland,
but that's one-sided cheering!
Even if there was some cheering for me,
it wouldn't change anything.
It's my impression after meeting his gaze
that Jimmy is as powerful
as his reputation states.
Listen, Ichiro. I want you to start
by observing him.
Pay attention to his left-right hooks.
They're all here to watch Jimmy win.
That can't be.
That's what the 30 to one
betting odds are about.
Still, if that newly revised counter
of Ichiro's connects properly,
even Jimmy won't be able
to stay on his feet.
However, the sharper his sword is,
the more the personal risk to him
will increase.
I'm sure he's fully aware of that
for himself.
Now, it's time!
The long-awaited opening bell
is now
All right, they're still fighting!
We made it in time!
How's Ichiro doing?
It's turned into a one-sided match!
Jimmy is really tough!
Is Miyata approaching his limit?
Miyata is locked in defense!
Jimmy goes even further forward!
His attack never slows!
Jimmy's fierce attack continues!
Ah! A right!
He fell! Enduring in defensive mode
until round three,
Miyata has finally fallen!
I was right to bet on you!
This is an overwhelming development!
Jimmy's strong!
Can Miyata stand?
I can't believe
that Ichiro is taking such a beating.
I didn't know the gap was so wide.
Ichiro-kun! Can you stand?
-He's gonna get up!
-Finish him, Jimmy!
Damn! This is pathetic.
I fought in my old style
I was trained in like I missed it.
Now Miyata is back on his feet!
Can he continue the match?
Plus, my old style
had absolutely no effect on him.
This guy is ridiculously strong.
Thanks to that
I've shaken it off!
Twenty seconds remain in round three!
Can Jimmy finish him in time?
Go, Jimmy!
Kill him!
Ichiro's style has changed!
He's finally going to use the jolt.
If he applies a punch into his counter
while putting his weight
on the front leg, it'll make up
for the lightness of the punch
and produce enough destructive power.
I see, but that's sort of
Yes. If he fails, that destructive power
will be flung back in his face.
Ichiro's entire might will be added
to Jimmy's tremendous power.
This will undoubtedly exhaust
Ichiro's boxing career rapidly.
Lord only knows what will happen,
but either way, it won't be pretty.
You're going down with me, Jimmy Sisfar!
That's practically an infighter pose.
Is he planning to duke it out with me?
If so, I'll show him who's boss!
Whoa, Jimmy charges in!
Ooh! He's going to take him out
with one blow!
Put him out of his misery, Jimmy!
He led him in for a right hook!
Please hit!
Down! He took a right from Jimmy full-on!
Miyata is down for the second time!
Now, the count has begun!
Ichiro-kun! Can you hear me?
Give us a response, Ichiro-kun!
Miyata doesn't twitch.
Is this knockdown decisive?
He has a concussion! He's in danger!
-I'm going to throw in the towel!
What are you saying?
He can't fight anymore!
Ichiro, is your boxing at its limit?
Are you going to be broken
by the jolt, as I was?
I'm going to be strong just like you, Dad!
I can't run away.
Your punches are light.
No, you're wrong. Dad, you're awesome!
There's nothing wrong
with your style of boxing.
I practiced until I felt
like a rag doll to achieve it.
No matter who my opponent is,
I'll face him fair and square
and I will rise to the top.
If I lose faith in my fists,
I can't fight anymore!
I'm going to scale the wall
that Dad couldn't.
For his sake, but above all, for my sake.
My God, Miyata actually got up!
He took Jimmy's power blow
and stood up again.
This is surprising!
How can he stand?
I felt a heavy impact from that punch.
His eyes aren't focused.
I don't think he can go on.
Wait, Miyata! Stop!
Whoops, the referee isn't stopping him.
The match continues.
Or not! That's the bell!
Round three is over!
The dying Miyata is saved by the bell!
Ichiro! There you go.
Good work getting back on your feet.
You were lucky the damages
were minimal for failing that counter.
You lucked out because
your step-in was slightly too shallow.
However, you can't go on like this!
Solidify your guard.
What's wrong? Can't you hear me?
I can hear you perfectly.
I can even hear the rain.
Don't be silly.
How can you hear rain over the spectators?
It's raining.
Did he hurt his ear drums?
He's in a state of partial consciousness.
Of course he is!
He hit the back of his head on the rope.
He can't possibly fight
in this pitiful shape.
Miyata-san! We have to quickly get him
to a hospital
for a close examination.
He's reached his limit!
Listen to me. The idea of applying
a jolt to your counter isn't bad.
However, you'll still take
too many punches.
Dive in timed to his punches!
Don't think about the follow-up!
If you hit him, he will fall!
There's one other piece of luck
from you failing.
You were given the chance
to learn Jimmy's timing firsthand.
There are two important factors
to achieving this counter.
and heart.
This is absurd!
Get in there, Ichiro!
Hit him with everything you got!
We were inclined to believe
that the Japanese boxers aren't hungry,
but it looks like
we were slightly mistaken.
Yeah. I never encountered a fighter
with that much fighting spirit
in my entire career.
At the very least, show him respect.
Okay. I'll finish him off at full power
in the next round!
Round four!
Jimmy slowly exits his corner.
Will he take this round to the finish?
Go, Jimmy! Finish him!
Settle it this round!
Although we don't stand to make very much.
Why don't you stop him?
Any more will be life-threatening.
It's too risky!
And I can't believe you told him
to use that counter again.
It happened a long time ago.
When I was the champion of Pacific Asia,
I used that counter on one occasion.
No, to be accurate, I couldn't use it.
I failed.
The new counter he came up with
is the very punch that robbed me
of my career as a boxer.
When it happened, Ichiro was ringside
watching from start to finish.
He watched my jaw shatter
as I hit the mat in a bloody mess.
It's too ironic.
He found himself faced with the same wall
and came up with the same answer.
Now it's my turn to watch it happen!
All right, give it to him!
Knock him down!
No, it's dangerous! I can't bear to watch!
He's got damage,
so he can't dodge with his feet.
Still, I'm amazed at his intuition!
With all that damage,
he's still dodging Jimmy's power punches.
What's the matter, Jimmy?
Can't you hit him straight?
No! This isn't the right timing!
I can't follow it with my eyes!
I have to react when they're thrown!
Can he still dodge upstairs
in that condition?
If that's the case
Caught you!
That hurt! Miyata flounders
against the ropes!
Will Jimmy take this to the finish?
Knock him down!
Hit him good, Jimmy!
The rain is turning into a downpour.
It's a squall.
All my limbs have gotten really heavy.
It's hard to move.
You never smile, do you?
Why do you get in the ring
if it makes you suffer?
You don't look like
you're having fun at all, Ichiro.
I don't understand why you box!
Why I box?
A left from Jimmy! Miyata dodges!
An uppercut from Miyata!
Oops, Miyata loses himself
in his own momentum and totters forwards.
Got you!
No, that posture!
To finish you!
He's down! This is an unbelievable sight!
Jimmy Sisfar is down!
Miyata stole a reversal knockdown
with a desperate counter!
That was the perfect jolt counter.
Well played!
The darn rain is still falling.
Get up, Jimmy!
Please get up!
He can't possibly get up.
The angle, the timing, the impact
Everything was perfect.
He can't possibly get up.
I wagered everything I had in me
My career as a boxer on that one punch!
He can't get up from that.
I risked everything on that punch.
That counter was
was my
The rain stopped.
It's the towel! The towel has been thrown
in from the red corner!
This is an unbelievable sight!
There isn't even a twitch
out of Jimmy Sisfar!
We are witnessing a major upset!
Jimmy Sisfar is defeated!
Miyata from Japan scores
a flawless victory by reversal KO!
He did it! Payao, he did it!
Amazing! Ichiro won!
Well done!
Congratulations, Ichiro-kun!
You really outdid yourself.
Things don't look friendly.
Maybe we should get out of here.
Look at him. He can't even walk straight.
And he beat our Jimmy like that?
Damn it, he really did it.
We lost money on the deal,
but we got to see something amazing.
I guess Thailand isn't such
a bad place after all.
Oh, Ichiro!
Congratulations, Ichiro!
I guess he can't hear me.
He smiled. I'm sure.
I just saw Ichiro smile!
Thanks for taking me
all the way to the airport.
No problem! I was able to buy this car
thanks to you!
I was right to bid on the dark horse!
Lucky you.
You're leaving?
Ichiro! It's time.
Okay, I'm coming!
I want you to remember
that the trick to throwing a counter
is timing
and heart.
It's going to get busy now.
Now that he beat Jimmy,
we'll have to turn down
all second-rate opponents.
That's fine. If he steadily defeats
tough boxers,
the world title will slowly
but surely come into view.
When it's time for his triumphant return,
Japan is going to get very busy.
Damn. Listen to you talking
like it's nothing.
Japan, huh? I wonder what his ranking
will be when I get back?
Wait for me. When I get back, I swear
The Professional Boxer Test.
A test to become a professional boxer.
Qualifiers are chosen
through favor and practical sparring.
I was full of apprehension
and stress when I took it, too.
But everyone feels the same.
You don't know how far
you have to go in order to qualify.
That's why it's important
to believe in the many efforts
you have made since you joined the gym.
Next time, "Barf-michi's Big Fight."
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