Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e61 Episode Script

Comeback Anxiety

Overseas record of 11 matches,
ten wins, one draw.
A triumphant return
with unprecedented scores.
Naturally, I anticipated
he would be a lot stronger now,
but he's different from the time
of the Rookie tournament.
What's going on?
Li keeps going forward
and Miyata seems to be one step behind.
Then how'd Li get all that damage?
He's falling apart.
Caught him!
He's fast!
He got in a counterpunch!
I feel like I'm fighting an afterimage.
It's useless to chase after his type!
I'll bulldoze him into the ropes!
Now he can't escape!
This is bad!
Go around him, Miyata!
What the heck was that?
I thought he was the attacker!
He's writhing in agony!
Li cannot get up!
Ichiro Miyata, in three rounds
one minute, 23 seconds,
makes his homecoming
with a flawless KO victory!
All I can do is sigh.
A monstrous guy came home, huh?
Ultimately, it was a one-punch KO,
but it was completely different
from yours or Sendo's.
A normal knockout body blow
occurs from repeated damage.
I wonder why the young bloods in
featherweight are all so damned spunky?
I totally agree with you.
Watching Sendo-san's fight got me excited,
but this time I felt a chill.
You have your work cut out for you.
Since you won't get to the top
until you get past all of them, huh?
No, I'll give that task the best I've got.
Anyway, the date's set for my match.
I'm fighting an American ranked fifth
in the WBA in August.
Fifth in the world?
If I win, I will aim for the world title.
I'm gonna reach the summit
one step ahead of you.
That's amazing, Date-san. The world?
But I guess that's to be expected of you.
Are you still in hibernation?
Pardon? Yes.
I've resumed training,
but I can't have a match yet.
Everyone else is in gear,
so if you're sitting around,
they'll forget all about you.
I really don't mean to be so idle, but
I feel like I'm being left behind
further and further.
Good afternoon.
What's wrong? You look really serious.
It's about last night.
Last night? Oh!
Wasn't Miyata-kun totally amazing?
A body-counter KO!
I've never seen anything like it.
Yagi-san is back from overseas.
What? Did Yagi-san
go overseas on vacation?
It wasn't a vacation.
He went to look for opponents
for our comeback fights.
All three of us have matches.
What? He's set the dates
for your matches? I'm jealous!
Wait, did you say all three of us?
I have a match, too?
Yeah! We're having a triple comeback
in July at the Hall.
-Let's sock it to them, eh?
Yes! I'll finally be able to catch up
to Miyata-kun and the others.
So, who are we fighting?
Boxers from the Philippines or Thailand.
I doubt he'd set us up intentionally
with losers,
so it's probably safe to assume
that they're tough.
Which is fine by me.
I'm itching for a fight.
Let's give it our best!
Who's gonna be the main event?
After you, my seniors!
I'm just happy I get to fight at all.
-Which means, I'll have to
-Which means, I'll have to
It's too much of a burden for you.
Leave it to me.
Do your best, Mr. Curtain Raiser.
What? Gonna do your froggie jump
for the main event, you moron?
Once I say I'm doing it, I'm doing it!
It's me, got it?
Don't fight over something so petty.
Looking at it priority-wise,
the experienced title matcher Ippo
will be the main event.
However, you also have
to look good as his seniors.
We'll settle this fair and square.
You're okay with this, right?
Listen up, this is a one-shot deal,
no complaints!
Right on!
I did it!
The semi-final.
The horror.
Hello, Tomiko? Guess what?
The date's set for a match in July, but
I can't really say it out loud, but
I'm going to be the main event!
Uh-oh. I think
the curtain raiser overheard me.
You're dead.
What's this supposed to be?
You fools!
We don't decide the fighting order
with stupid games on paper!
The order is Aoki, then Kimura.
The main event is the kid.
I'm the main event?
I've gotta give it my best.
It's true! Oh, Masaru?
I bragged to everyone
that you're the main event.
What? Naturally, I'll be cheering
for him ringside.
Wow! So, you're the main event?
No. I don't worry
about things like fighting order.
Anyway, I'm just overjoyed
to be getting in the ring again.
That's just like you.
So, is your opponent tough?
His name is Ponchai Chuwatana.
Twelve matches, ten wins,
five KO's, and he's third in Thailand.
Since most of his fights
go full rounds to point decision,
and he's never had a knockdown,
he's probably tough.
Probably? Do you mean
All you know about him
is his name and record?
Actually, we don't have
any videos of him or anything.
You won't know what
he looks like until the day of the match?
Well, I'm told
that sort of thing is common.
I can get myself
in the best condition for the match,
but I can't visualize him while
shadowboxing, so I can't get into it.
Hey, what do you think?
Am I looking sharp?
Looking good.
I could barely see that left punch.
I guess a boxer in the main event
really is a class above.
Yes. I bet you're really popular
with the ladies.
You sure look like "Mr. Main Event."
They're close to going ballistic.
-Yes, sir.
-Let's get started. Come downstairs.
I'm finally getting special training.
I'll work hard to make up for lost time.
There's no time to stare into space.
The match is in only two months.
There's a mountain of things to do!
Yes, sir! I'll do my best!
But, um
Are you uneasy about the lack
of information about your enemy?
If he's willing
to come all the way to Japan,
you can safely assume
that he's a capable opponent.
That's true.
Training blindly only to see
my opponent's true ability
in the actual fight is all kind of
What are you talking about?
You both have the same handicap.
Your point of view will determine
the content and result of the match.
The height you set your sights on
will give you your answer.
The height of my sights?
Listen up. Your training menu is
What do you mean
by the height of my sights?
Just listen to me!
In every match to date,
you've taken too many hits.
It pleases the spectators,
but soon enough
it'll take out your brain or eyes.
Your homework is to strengthen
your defense.
Strengthen my defense?
We're switching your training
to 30% offense, 70% defense.
It will be repetitive and dull,
but the better a boxer is,
the more he can't afford to neglect it.
Rhythm, rhythm! Speed, speed!
Come on, pick up the pace!
Rhythm, rhythm! Speed, speed!
Your weaving rhythm is slow!
You were never out of breath before!
You're completely out of shape
from your time off!
Run! If the fight turns into a long haul,
I can easily see you losing the battle!
Don't let your guard down
no matter where you are!
Weave, duck! Run, run!
All right, push me.
I want five reps of this.
Push you, sir?
Up this hill?
Snap to it!
Yes, sir!
Oh-ho, looks like he's really putting you
through the wringer.
We're rebuilding the stamina
I lost during my time off
and training mainly on my defense.
Yeah, it's more certain that way.
Get two losses in a row,
and look at Volg's example.
Slack off because you're Japanese,
and the fans may go elsewhere.
Yes, you have a point.
Then you could forget about
catching up to the old geezer or Miyata.
Hell, they'll leave you in their dust.
What is it?
Uh, no
The chief told me
the content and result of the next match
would be determined by the height
I set my sights on.
When he said that,
he meant my goal, didn't he?
Ponchai is undoubtedly in a lower class
than the old geezer or Miyata.
Losing is out,
and so is having a difficult fight.
Fight to win for full satisfaction!
That's true! Because if I don't,
I'll never see my goal.
Well, I know a couple guys who keep boxing
even after the fans
turned their backs on them.
-What'd I do?
They're already depressed about
the fighting order, so please stop it.
It's the truth, so what's the problem?
Takamura-san, what do you think?
Am I looking sharp?
-Looks like it slid off his back.
Well, when I called Reiko-san yesterday,
she said she'd come
with a friend to cheer for me.
I mock anyone who gets
bent out of shape over something
as trivial as fighting order.
He's acting like nothing happened.
What's that face for, Ippo?
Why don't we both get KOs?
Let's see some enthusiasm!
I just lost mine.
Oh yeah, where's Aoki?
He went to see his girlfriend.
Oh, Aoki! You look so glum,
she must've called you a liar.
It was for the best to let her down easy.
Apparently Tomiko stayed up
all night to make this for me
to add luster
to the main event I'm fighting.
What do you think?
You're asking me what I think?
It looks great on you!
Looking good, Aoki!
You're one lucky bastard!
You think so? It looks good on me?
Aw, shucks!
I couldn't tell him.
It'd be too cruel.
Even I was tongue-tied.
I'm sure Ponchai is a powerful boxer.
But what kind of boxing does he do?
I don't have enough information
to even visualize him.
I haven't had many dreams
like this till now.
I don't really know
who I'm fighting against.
The pressure is incredible!
He's fought 12 matches
without a knockdown.
I bet he's an athlete
with perfect stamina and endurance.
It'll take more than one or two big hits
to knock him down.
But if I use lots of tiny barrages on him,
I could have a losing battle.
A barrage of power punches! That would
What are you doing?
I'm sorry, sir!
That many point decision fights
mean he's good at prolonged fights.
He must have good dodging techniques.
Even if I refine my defense,
won't he get the upper hand
if it turns into a technical fight?
I can't neglect my defense,
but I also need to work on my attack.
I'm home.
Hello, dear. Supper is ready.
Thanks. I'll have it later.
It's hopeless. I have no appetite.
The intensive training
has been really harsh lately.
Does it feel this way
because I weakened during my break?
I can't possibly win at this rate.
Am I gonna lose again?
No way!
I don't want to go
through that ever again!
I'm going to win no matter what!
Chief, please teach me more attacks.
Come on, one-two!
I can't win just by guarding.
I don't ever want to feel
that bitter inside ever again.
-What's up?
-What happened?
-Hey, he's fallen!
Call an ambulance! Hurry!
He's suffering from fatigue.
He pushed himself too hard
on the verge of a cold.
It isn't anything serious.
What a relief.
Is that all?
I thought he took a punch
from Ippo and bit the dust.
That's not even funny!
Well, he is getting old,
so he needs to rest for a few days.
We have to train, kid.
What are you saying, sir? Please lie down.
The match is coming up soon.
I can't waste time like this!
Shut up, you old geezer!
-You're not allowed to talk tough!
-Let go of me, you!
Well, we'll be going now.
Please don't worry.
I won't skimp on my training.
Good-bye, Yagi-san, Takamura-san.
Take care of him.
Leave it to us.
-Yes, sir?
I fully understand
how frustrated and anxious you are.
The pressure of a return match
takes a big bite out of
your physical strength and spirit.
I believed you would win
the title match against Date.
Yes, there was a difference in power.
However, you definitely have
the potential to make up the difference.
When I took that action
When I threw in the towel,
all I had left was resentment.
Afterwards, I was full of regret,
tormented by "what if."
I didn't know what to do
with my frustration and resentment.
Chief, it's bad for your health,
so please rest for now.
I did take too many hits in that match.
The ironclad rule of boxing
is "hit without being hit."
I will watch my defense
in my return match.
No! That's not what I meant.
What? But isn't that
why we were training for defense?
Your strong point is
and always will be your attack.
If you try to do something clever
like "hit without being hit,"
you'll end up freezing up.
Our current training is a step to make
you fight more aggressively than before.
The ultimate ideal is
Hit before being hit!
Hit before being hit.
We are nearing an important fight.
Every second counts.
Get back there and train!
Yes, sir!
Well, I'm glad it wasn't anything major.
Chief hasn't had a break
since the Champion Carnival.
The Chief was exhausted, too.
It's personal to a cornerman
when his boxer loses.
He's just as disappointed as I am.
The Chief was more stressed
over the return match than I was.
That's why he was training me so hard.
Hit before being hit?
To put it simply,
that's to take the initiative,
but in reality, it's horribly difficult.
I'd have to act in offense
and defense almost simultaneously.
There's always a lag
between attacking and guarding.
What can I do to fill that lag?
What can I do?
I shouldn't think of offense
and defense as being separate.
I must find a fighting style
that combines the two
A style that will both guard and attack.
Once I find that
Fighting style. A method
of attack and defense.
Top boxers perform
the actions of offense and defense
in a highly-complicated flow,
minimizing the time in transition.
I finally started to grasp a fighting
style that utilizes both aspects.
If I can make it work for real,
I'll get closer to my ideal.
I haven't rehearsed it.
But if I pull it off,
I'm sure it will lead to victory!
Next time, "Revival."
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