Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e62 Episode Script


Congratulations on
your hospital discharge.
Yes. I'm sorry I made you worry,
I'm a little uneasy
where the kid is concerned.
In the end,
I couldn't do anything for him.
I'm sure Ippo-kun will be fine.
While you were resting,
in addition to his usual training,
he seemed to be coming up
with lots of his own ideas.
We've been expecting you.
Ponchai is already here.
He's already here.
I still can't picture him in my mind.
I wonder what he's like.
That's him.
That's him, isn't it? I'm surprised.
I imagined he'd be more rugged-looking.
You aren't less rugged than him.
Boxers Ponchai and Makunouchi,
we're ready to begin the weighing.
-Take a look at that.
Don't lose your nerve.
Your own build isn't inferior to his.
Yes, sir.
-It's all ready.
That's okay,
but the match is tomorrow, right?
Wouldn't you be better off
taking the night off?
Was your opponent that tough-looking?
Yeah, I think he's tough.
I doubt he'll be knocked down
with some strong punches.
Even with your punches?
It'll take more than one punch.
His stomach muscle
is particularly impressive.
If he has stamina,
he also has recuperative powers.
Even if I land a good punch,
I may not finish him off.
Hit before being hit!
Guarding as I attack
and attacking as I guard.
A fighting style combining the two.
The number of barrages I hit him with
will be the key.
What did I just see?
It was somehow different
from any of his moves up until now.
I'll cheer for you
if you do something funny.
Go for it, Frog!
Oh, my! His opponent has a snake tattoo.
A frog can't beat a snake.
Things are suddenly looking bad
for Kamogawa Gym's first comeback boxer.
Focal points and fighting order
don't mean anything.
I'll be cheering for you as loud as I can,
so go on, do your best.
The snake went for it!
Run, Froggie!
Those moves are brilliant.
I don't care if I am fighting
a snake or whatever.
Right now, nothing can scare me.
I have something to protect.
He's tough!
Way to go, Frog!
The winner is Aoki!
Right on!
Well, that was dull.
I won. Now it's your turn.
It's true that when
a man has something to protect,
he can put out more power
than he's usually capable of.
At this moment,
I understand that, Aoki, ol' pal.
Kimura-kun! Good luck!
Yes, I understand What?
Let's see you KO him!
Good luck!
That's not even funny.
Aoki-san won.
Kimura-san should be fighting right now.
When his match ends
it's my turn.
Damn, I can't stop remembering it.
Calm down!
I'm going to win! I will win!
What the It sounds really wild out there.
I wonder if he already won.
Whoa, it's his second knockdown.
He's used up all his strikes!
Damn you!
You can do it, Kimura-san!
Keep going, Kimura!
If you have any pity,
stop cheering for him!
God damn it!
He went in for another exchange!
You have to recuperate first.
Shut up! Nothing can scare me now.
Not only do I have nothing to protect,
I don't have anything to lose.
The winner is Kimura!
Thank goodness, Kimura-san.
He really had me worried.
-Way to go, Kimura-kun!
-What a sad victory.
And now for today's main event,
the Featherweight class ten-round match.
So, it's finally time.
My first match in five months.
It feels like I haven't walked down
this hall in years.
It sure is quiet.
Maybe there was a small turnout.
It's unavoidable because
I lost the last time.
I've been waiting for this, Makunouchi!
We came to see you!
It was lonely without you here!
One loss is nothing!
Give us another great knockout!
Listen to the cheers!
He's still popular
even after his last match.
Now, will you make a comeback after
a five month absence, Ippo Makunouchi?
I came back.
Everyone else has changed
in the last five months
but the mood inside the hall
is still the best.
Now, Makunouchi has climbed into the ring!
This is his first comeback match
since his first loss.
This will become
the important tell-tale match.
You can do it.
Please do it.
You're awfully absorbed in this.
Well, yeah. It's my friend's match.
Hey, are you acquainted with Ippo?
Yeah, I write for a boxing magazine.
Makunouchi-kun went in there
looking confident, huh?
I can see how badly he wants to make
his comeback with this match.
Well, yeah. I'm sure
that factors into it, too.
It's like he's up to something this time,
like he's gonna attempt
something different.
Something radically different.
Seconds out!
Listen! We have no idea
how your opponent will attack.
Feel it out and observe for three minutes.
Yes, sir!
Now, the bell has finally rung!
The fighters stride toward
the center of the ring.
From his pose, I sense an orthodox style.
I wonder what kind of boxing he'll do.
For now, I'll feel it out with my left.
Ponchai throws a sudden right!
He seizes the offensive,
slapping away Makunouchi's hand.
What the That's not gentlemanly!
Doesn't this guy even have
a basic grasp of etiquette?
Give it back to him, Makunouchi!
A highly-focused boxer can always respond
to even the most sudden attacks.
It's not that Ippo
doesn't have concentration.
The absence from the ring
must've played a role.
He's terrifying to look at.
He's not the same person
I weighed-in with.
Of course he isn't. He's a boxer.
Ippo-kun! Go around him!
You need to establish distance!
What a hopeless guy.
Looks like he needs a bit of a beating
to remember he's a boxer.
At least he's finally looking the part.
That's the face of a boxer.
Go, kid!
It's a wake-up call right punch
from Makunouchi!
The power to burst
right through guarded fists.
This This is Ippo Makunouchi!
All right, let's do this!
It's a wake-up call right punch
from Makunouchi!
The power to burst
right through guarded fists.
This This is Ippo Makunouchi!
All right, let's do this!
Makunouchi makes his move!
It's a vicious right punch
you wouldn't expect from his baby face.
Ponchai is forced to retreat.
You won't get away!
A shoulder feint
to quickly force him into the ropes.
That pressure is almost worthy of Tyson.
All right! At this point
there's no need for observation.
Whale into him
when you see your chance, kid.
He throws a punch upwards!
I'm going for the dead center.
This'll tell me just how tough he is.
A right!
His head swings big to the right!
I've felt this impact before.
What? He's hitting back!
Holy cow! Didn't that punch hurt him?
That boxer is tough!
You'd better watch out, Makunouchi!
The neck-twist smother.
He has Date-level techniques.
Makunouchi retreats!
Ponchai's punches are sharp!
He also packs dangerous punches.
One wrong move, and it'll be
five months ago all over again.
Don't back down, you fool!
What did you learn
in your fight with Date?
He's right. In that fight,
I stuck close and fired small barrages.
It's an exchange of blows
in the center of the ring.
Makunouchi fights back with a barrage!
His lower guard is soft.
I'll aim for his body.
Good! His face is exposed!
A right uppercut! It's a clean hit!
I felt the impact from that punch.
This will work.
Hey, Makunouchi's backed off!
Don't get scared, you moron!
Fight back!
What a guy.
We already knew he was tough,
but that's impressive!
He's seriously tough.
But that's not what really scares me.
Those eyes
I can see the sheer determination
to win at any cost.
He has the same look
in his eyes as they did.
And that ends Round One!
Ippo took this round.
Yeah, but he's not quite
into his pace yet.
That Thai guy is powerful.
He doesn't show any fear of your big guns.
He's definitely a tough boxer.
Getting drawn out a little is okay.
Score small punches
without pressing needlessly for a KO.
What's wrong? Are you listening?
Uh, yes, sir.
Seconds out!
Don't lose your cool and swing wide.
Pummel him little by little.
It's all right, Chief.
"All right?"
In the next round
I will knock him down!
What did he say?
Yagi-chan, did he just say
Yes. Without a doubt,
he just promised us a KO.
Makunouchi goes in!
A right from Ponchai!
Makunouchi barely dodges it!
Oh, no! Ponchai used
a counter to block that left punch.
If it should come down
to a simultaneous hit,
I suppose Ponchai has ultimate faith
in his ability to take hits.
He's a brave boxer.
What's your plan, kid?
Don't raise false hopes.
He goes in again!
Aw, watch out!
That's too pushy!
One false move and it could be deadly.
No! This isn't the right timing.
Ponchai is completely into the rhythm.
Makunouchi dodges and dodges!
He's devoted to defense!
Chief, he's taking it too far!
It's dangerous!
Yeah, he's in trouble all right,
but I have a strange feeling
of anticipation.
He isn't the type of guy
to announce a KO as a bluff.
That expression on the kid's face
reeked of confidence.
He has something up his sleeve.
Something? It looks like he's defending
himself for dear life to me.
Oh, my! Makunouchi
has begun to swing punches
from either side as he weaves.
No! It has to be faster!
Shake your head!
Why, that's
High velocity weight shift!
Use the rebound strength
to throw punches from both sides!
This is it? Is this
the answer you thought up?
The blow of days past
from the world of American boxing.
The Dempsey Roll!
Ponchai is down!
What an incredible concentration of hits!
Even he couldn't withstand the knockdown!
Wait! What is this?
The referee has halted the countdown!
Ponchai is unable to continue!
The match is over!
I did it!
Makunouchi explodes with big hits
in an expectedly difficult battle.
He makes a flawless comeback
from his five-month absence.
That was an impressive KO!
I was actually nervous about it!
It was my first time trying it out
on a moving opponent, but it worked.
So, you attempted the Dempsey Roll
for the first time in a live match.
Pardon? Demp What?
It's an old story.
So old, that only people my age
would remember it.
Anyway, look, they're waiting for you.
Uh, right.
Jack Dempsey?
The world champion
who rocked America in the '20s.
Dempsey, with his small stature
in heavyweight,
used a technique
to systematically KO giants in his class.
He would roll his head
in a figure-eight orbiting motion
and use the recoil
to barrage with power blows.
You saw what
the destructive power was like.
Wow. So that's why
it's called the Dempsey Roll.
Anyway, I'm glad it worked out
and he made his comeback okay.
Without further ado,
please give us a final comment
concerning your aspirations.
My aspirations?
Oh, gee. All I thought about was winning.
Speak up!
You won, so you can talk big now,
At least tell us you're gonna
take down the champ!
Yeah, take Sendo down! You know, Sendo!
Yikes, it's Sendo!
I didn't see him there!
I'm sorry for speaking out of line.
It looks like the champ
is in the north bleachers.
What the heck?
He's heading for the ring!
What are you up to, Sendo?
What's going on?
This is getting exciting!
What's happening?
He's got the microphone!
He's gonna call him out!
I owe you one,
and I'm gonna make good on it!
I want a man-to-man showdown!
It's a proclamation of war!
He's been challenged by the champ!
What now, Makunouchi?
Say something back to him.
Let's do that, Sendo-san.
All right!
Sendo versus Makunouchi!
I'll definitely be there for that!
Learn to mind what you say, you fool!
Uh, I'm sorry!
Oh, well. He's someone
you have to fight sometime anyway.
-We're outta here.
-Yes, sir!
Makunouchi, you really are tough!
Don't let Sendo beat you up!
I'll come watch again!
Thank you so much!
I'm back.
Thank you!
It really does feel great to win
and walk back in full glory.
It's the best!
11 KOS
Curtain Raiser.
The first match that opens a boxing show.
Many fights unravel
with most of the enthusiasm
aimed at the final fight.
First match leading to the last.
Just like I started boxing
when I met Takamura-san,
my seniors probably also had
a climactic turning point.
Next time, "Youth of Fire."
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