Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e72 Episode Script


He's down!
He got us! He completely aimed for it.
I didn't predict he'd use
the Dempsey Roll right from the get-go.
I did it!
I can only use the Dempsey Roll
before Sendo-san makes a move.
I took advantage
of my greatest opportunity.
Good. It was a total surprise
immediately after the bell.
His body is still tense! This hurt him!
The guy pulled off something awesome!
This can't be for real!
He did it!
-What the heck is that?
-It's a dog! It's huge!
Gramps, that's no laughing matter.
This is not the time for such things!
Whoa, that's amazing, Ippo!
Cheers of joy and surprise
rain down on the challenger.
And that's to be expected.
It all went down in the first 14 seconds.
Sendo's fans look stunned!
They are shocked speechless!
The Tiger of Naniwa still doesn't move.
Will it end like this?
That's the Dempsey Roll?
It's not only fast,
it delivers the entire body weight.
Once he starts the roll, it's unstoppable.
What a crazy thing he acquired.
This is absurd!
Stand up! Snap out of it, Sendo!
What the hell are you doing?
What have you been doing
for the last 21 months?
The champ responds! Will he stand?
-Please stand up!
Stop counting! I'll stand.
I told you I'll stand!
The champion barely manages
to get to his feet!
However, can he continue?
If you try stopping me, I'll kill you!
It continues!
Makunouchi is the type who finishes
what he starts. He's coming!
Whale into him, kid!
Makunouchi goes in!
The Dempsey Roll again!
How will the champion stave it off?
Fight, Sendo! You have to exchange!
It's too much! Get him to use his feet
and establish a distance.
Sendo is the type of boxer
who fights on instinct.
For now, we can only depend
on his instinct.
Makunouchi's rotations get faster!
The champion is flicked around
like a pinball!
A right! He dodges it!
He turns around right into the punch!
And Makunouchi comes back for more!
I felt an impact!
He'll fall!
You fool! A knockdown
hasn't been announced yet.
Finish him off, will ya?
Oh, no!
The champion returns
with a right straight!
However, it is solidly blocked!
Oh, no! Blood gushes
through his blocked gloves!
The challenger retreats from
the power blow through his guard.
It gives the powerful impression
that this is only the beginning.
I blocked it,
but it still crushed my nose.
This is Sendo-san's punch.
The same punch from 21 months ago.
No, it's superior!
It has been a mere 30 seconds
since the bell rang for Round One.
There is a premonition
of a desperate fight.
It is utterly impossible
to predict the outcome.
Sendo, go in!
Don't let Makunouchi get
any more pleased with himself!
I plan to, but my legs
still aren't cooperating.
Move it, damn you!
Kid! Sendo hasn't recouped
from the damage! Go!
He's right. Now is my chance!
Oh, my! Is it the Dempsey Roll again?
Damn it! Move it!
Move it!
I won't let you!
Crush him!
A left from the champion!
He crushed the Dempsey Roll
before it could begin!
I forgot you could do that!
Just crush him
before he can start the move!
He did that right after a knockdown.
What incredible charging power!
He scored a clean hit
with the Dempsey Roll, you know.
It would have been over
for an ordinary boxer.
The flexibility to absorb damage.
The leg power
to produce explosive charges.
These are all accredited
to his highly trained legs.
We trained his legs hard
as a plan of counterattack.
It would be a shame if it proved useless.
Hey! It's our turn, so whale into him!
The champion launches a violent attack
with the momentum to vent his anger.
Go for it!
Knock him down!
It's my own damn fault for letting
my guard down right after the bell,
but I can't contain my anger.
He clobbers Makunouchi with punches
through his block,
gradually forcing him back.
I can't be pushed!
It's the same trap as Shigeta!
Sendo throws a smash!
Makunouchi's guard is blown away!
I can't fully block him!
I was already prepared for that.
The challenger returns a left
and faces him!
Now, will it be an exchange?
If you stick close to him,
he can't use the Dempsey Roll!
You're better at a standing exchange!
Don't budge, kid!
You have the advantage
at point-blank range!
Both fighters assume astride positions.
Neither shows any intention
of moving aside.
It's a power battle in center ring.
He mastered that range in sparring.
Makunouchi has the advantage of
more efficient navigation at close range.
How will this exchange start?
I'm coming.
I won't back down!
A left from the champion!
He dodges!
The challenger scores!
No, the champion also scores!
I got you!
Don't let him barrage you!
Oh, my! A counter to the body!
No, Sendo!
That's too much to take!
Don't treat me lightly!
No, Makunouchi!
He's in agony!
Both fighters score equally!
And with every blow,
they are repelled backwards
to clash heads together again
in center ring.
And once again,
a rush of punches!
Not yet!
I'm not done yet!
The balance remains stable in center ring!
They are completely matched!
What guys!
Some good punches are getting in,
but he won't fall.
Incredible. They're beating
each other to a pulp.
They're not guarding!
It's like they're comparing
To see who has the better punches.
Oh, my! The challenger staggers!
Go, Sendo! Take him!
Eat this!
He gives it back!
This time the champion wavers!
Go, Makunouchi! This is your chance!
Amazing. Neither is backing off.
Go for it!
Oh, and there's the bell!
Round One is over!
They shoot a glance
and go to their corners.
The sparks continue to fly after the bell.
There's the knockdown, so the first round
is ten to eight in Ippo's favor.
Still, I'm amazed Sendo
got back on his feet like that.
He must have really worked
on his legs and back.
That's the only reason
to explain his toughness.
The champ is really tough.
If Makunouchi was still the same,
he wouldn't have withstood that exchange.
It's a good thing
he started chopping wood after all.
Pardon? You know about him chopping wood?
Hey, the old man
who runs the lodge at training camp
-That's me!
Makunouchi worked on his upper body,
and Sendo his lower body.
They both have improved
on their shortcomings.
From what I can see,
they have an equal arsenal.
He may have scored the first knockdown,
but it's still hard to tell how it'll end.
I was nervous
when you took that knockdown.
Good job regaining yourself.
The exchange is at your pace.
Hammer away at him.
My consciousness blinked on and off
here and there.
I could have fallen many times
for all I know.
His destructive power and toughness
are vastly different than before.
Makunouchi is one hell of a guy.
But that's just the way I want it.
There's no shame in falling,
as long as I'm the last man standing.
Your aim from the get-go was good.
However, that exchange is life-shortening.
Don't take those head-on.
Avoid them and score.
Did I take that many hits?
Bits of memory are missing
and I can't be sure.
He didn't have that charging power before.
If I move to protect myself,
he'll push me back all the way.
I'll have to duke it out
ready to be knocked down.
I have to out-hit him,
or I won't get my chance to break through.
Listen, kid! Sendo will undoubtedly
go forward in the next round as well.
You won't be able to use the Dempsey Roll.
Use your short barrage!
Lash out right before he can!
Yes, sir!
-Go, Sendo!
Round Two! The fighters charge
at each other!
-Slam him, Sendo!
-Go, Rocky!
-Pulverize him, Makunouchi!
-Tear that belt off him!
The cheers are over the edge!
As if to respond to the cheers,
it's another fiery exchange of blows.
Dull thuds reverberate
throughout the hall.
They are missing their marks slightly,
but every blow is a potential KO punch.
One split second of carelessness
will decide the match.
Who will out-hit the other?
Who will endure to the very end?
It's a clash of the wills
between rivals from the east and west.
What an incredible exchange!
Don't lose to him, Sendo!
Both of them look like they're dying!
Go, Makunouchi!
Oh, my! It's the Korakuen Hall
traditional stamping of feet!
A clamor similar to an earthquake
fills the hall!
But the exchange of punches
isn't drowned out.
This is definitely a Lallapallooza!
That catch phrase rings true.
This is amazing.
The earth really is shaking.
Shut up!
Whoa, we're taking part in this!
Keep going, Ippo!
Don't get giddy!
-The balance will tip anytime now.
They share offensive
and defensive strength 50-50.
They look like
they're having an even fight,
but there's a conclusive difference
between them.
Conclusive difference?
What do you mean?
Who has the disadvantage?
Oh, my! Makunouchi slowly retreats!
Good, the gap is finally showing.
Why is he losing the power struggle?
They were evenly matched until now!
The unavoidable gap between them
is gradually becoming apparent.
What the
He's becoming more intimidating.
Sendo-san looks bigger to me
than he did a second ago.
What the
He's becoming more intimidating.
Sendo-san looks bigger to me
than he did a second ago.
Ippo's started to realize it for himself.
Their conclusive difference is
the difference in their build.
They may have had nearly the same weight
at yesterday's weigh-in,
but boxers will build up energy
in a single day
to get into the ring with a bigger build.
Sendo, who has the larger bone structure,
probably has a weight exceeding
the featherweight limit right now.
Compared to the skinny kid,
the amount of energy
he can store is far more.
Well, yeah. From a simple point of view,
the bigger guy
would have the advantage, but
But Ippo came this far
fighting his way past bigger guys.
And he'll do it again.
Dammit! I can't get swallowed
by the pressure.
The challenger is in agony!
I'm going in one blow!
The champion launches an attack!
He's coming, kid! Raise your guard!
Makunouchi balls up!
There's nowhere he can be hit!
What will the champion do?
He goes in anyway!
The force plows through the gloves!
The challenger's arms are creaking!
He defends desperately! However
He gradually retreats!
And he shields! If he sticks out his head
he will be delivered a KO blow!
This is a force to be reckoned with,
even through the block!
Oh, my! He is now pushed back
into the corner!
Such power!
One minute remains in Round Two.
Will the challenger weather it?
Right on! Don't let him get away!
Squash him!
I've gotta do something!
It's pointless to try
to squirrel your head away.
The champion lowers his center of gravity!
He'll punch with his full body weight.
That's the attack stance
he showed me in sparring.
That's dangerous!
Endure it!
Take this!
A powerful left!
Makunouchi successfully blocks!
He goes in with another!
This one is also blocked!
Endure it, endure it!
What destructive power!
Go for his gut, Sendo!
It's no use hitting his guard!
The champion keeps targeting the gloves
with hard punches.
However, the challenger's guard
is also firm.
Thirty seconds remain!
Can he ride it out?
Go around him, Ippo-kun!
Get out of that corner, kid! Move!
It's hopeless.
I can't absorb them all.
I'll be crushed
by his punches!
Makunouchi's back gives way!
The guards aren't working!
What punches. I can't believe it.
And I was actually looking forward
to fighting this guy?
Sendo, finish him off right there!
Slaughter him!
I'm scared.
I'm so scared.
Makunouchi is falling!
He stays in!
I'll finish you!
Round Two is over!
The champion regretfully pulls back
the fist he was about to throw.
The challenger is saved by the bell.
You barely escaped with your life.
Looking good, Sendo.
He didn't keep hammering at the gloves
out of recklessness.
He did it to imprint the fear
that anything he tries is hopeless.
Throwing fear into his opponents
is Sendo's style of boxing.
It works like magic.
Victory is ours!
Can you hear me, kid?
My arms still feel numb.
I firmly blocked him
but I felt myself drifting away
many times.
If that had gone on
for another five seconds,
he would have crushed me,
whether I guarded or not.
If I took that head-on
what the heck would happen to me?
Listen! Attack instead of defend!
Sendo is the type who gets his rhythm
by throwing punches.
It's the same even with the guards!
He'll get out of control
if he gets any more uppity.
Make sure you go in first!
Keep taking the initiative!
Yes, sir.
They're starting to lose their cool.
Run him down more and more!
Use your rhythm
to pour the pressure on him!
Round Three, huh?
I was beaten in this round
the last time we fought.
I'll give it right back to him.
Seconds out!
I'll go for the win!
The initiative! If I keep guarding,
I'll eventually take one full-on.
I have to lash out first.
The challenger charges in with the bell.
Covering up.
To shield one's face and upper torso
using both arms.
To directly guard vulnerable areas
with the arms.
To put up a more firm,
more accurate defense.
I can't take those punches head-on.
If I do, I won't get away with it.
What power! What pressure!
I'm scared!
I can't believe
I'm fighting such a monster!
Next time, "Surpass That Moment."
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