Ghost Adventures (2008) s13e11 Episode Script

Zalud House

ZAK: Do you believe this place is haunted? Yes.
There is a chair in the home that has a bullet hole in it.
I mean, I killed him four times.
I can't even speak.
Why am I feeling these pains in my freaking chest?! Shh! Listen to me now! Is that you guys? That was a disembodied female voice.
I can't breathe, bro.
ZAK: Sit in the chair, Aaron.
That is not gonna happen! ZAK: There are things in this world that we will never fully understand.
[ Distorted .]
[ Echoing .]
We want answers.
We have worked years to build our credibility, our reputation, working alongside the most renowned professionals in the field, capturing groundbreaking proof of the paranormal.
It's working! I can't give you an explanation.
[ Birds cawing .]
This is our evidence our ghost adventures.
Hey, everybody.
We're in a small town in California called Porterville.
The whole atmosphere in the air is just creepy.
It's foreboding.
As we're getting closer and closer to this house on my left, it looks just like the house from "The Addams Family.
" This investigation is very serious for us, because the curator of the museum has called us for help.
The interactions with spirits inside are turning physical.
And there's an object -- a chair in the upstairs -- that they say is cursed because a member of the family was murdered while sitting in the chair, by a woman who claims she was possessed.
This is the Zalud House.
Built in 1891 by John Zalud for his wife and three children, their time spent in this home was met with unexpected tragedy and hardship as several members of the family perished during their time here.
[ Opera music plays .]
Today, the Zalud House is a museum, a time capsule of trigger objects dedicated to their legacy.
But now a relic from a family member's murder has been added to the home.
Its presence has upset the spiritual balance here.
And we suspect it's responsible for the darkness that's infested this house.
All right, we're gonna do a little something different this time while we're shooting interviews and stuff.
I hooked up a thermal camera to my phone, so while we're filming, I'm also going to roll on this.
And you never know -- when things happen, we might actually capture something.
ZAK: Wow.
It's like they never left.
HUERTA: Everything that you see, from linens to the dishes, the knickknacks -- everything -- is original.
ZAK: So, how long have you been the curator here for? Well, I've been the curator for six years.
Who wanted this? Pearle did.
Pearle Zalud.
She wanted her home to be a museum? Yes.
Do you believe that this place is haunted? Yes.
Do you believe that something here is dark? Dark, yes.
You do get a sense of darkness.
And that is one of the things that we can't explain.
What was it that, you think, brought darkness into the house? There's a chair in the home that has a bullet hole in it, and that's where William Brookes was shot.
And so that's been brought here to be part of the museum.
ZAK: And the horrific story behind this chair is one of the darkest chapters in the Zalud family's history.
In 1917, William Brookes was at the Pioneer Hotel when he was approached by Ms.
Julia Howe.
Angry with Brookes for making disparaging comments about her, she erupted into a violent rage and shot him four times.
One of those bullets broke through his back, scarring this chair and transforming it into a highly charged trigger object containing the violence of this gruesome murder.
Up these stairs, we're gonna go to the darker side of the Zalud House.
Up there, there's a man named Benny.
Usually, we have to go downstairs into the depths of hell to reach the darkness, but we're gonna go up and see exactly what level of darkness is up here.
ZAK: What's wrong? They're upset right now.
They're upset? They're very upset.
I felt like I got Pearle right around here.
She's going along with John, with her father, that something happened downstairs and you guys really ticked them off.
How do you know that something happened downstairs? They're telling me that.
While interviewing Heather downstairs, Aaron accidentally touched this window shade and broke it.
Since we personally escorted Heather out of the home just before our interview with Benny, there's no way she could have told him about this, leaving us in shock that he's receiving this message from the Zaluds.
I believe you were talking about the chair, too, about Mr.
You know what's funny, is we did two Spirit Box sessions downstairs, and we never got anything.
I wonder what would happen if we took it up here.
-Do it.
-Let's tear it up.
[ Oscillating static .]
John, are you here? Are you upset with us? [ Static continues .]
John, what would you like us to do? Even with Benny's high level of sensitivity, the spirits of the Zalud House once again refuse to communicate with us.
And as we move into the room which holds the chair where John Zalud's son-in-law was murdered, we suddenly notice Benny's behavior begins to change.
I mean, I killed him four times -- I can't even speak.
Shot him four times.
You just said "killed him four times.
" Well, that's what it feels like.
I imagine it's what it felt like to him, that he was killed four times.
Right now I'm getting a real heavy sadness.
Does he channel through you? Do you feel his energy through you right now? Well, right now I can feel it.
Do you always get affected when you come up here? Yes.
All the time.
You do? Yes.
I do.
Come on.
Come over here a sec.
What? Give it a grip.
Give it a grip? Here.
Grip this chair.
You'll feel what I'm getting.
Why do you want me to feel that chair? If I'm going through it, you're gonna go through it.
So come on.
At this point, Benny appears to be oppressed by dueling forces, as he's channeling both the victim, William Brookes, and his killer, Julia Howe.
To better understand who is affecting him, I accept his challenge and anchor myself to the very object responsible for the infestation of evil in this home.
And I'm going to hold his cane.
There it comes.
I'm getting chest pains.
Then my back, when I breathe in, gets, like, the back of my lungs.
It hurts back there.
It's the reality of those gunshots.
Give me that Spirit Box.
[ Breathes heavily .]
It's hard -- it's hard to breathe.
[ Oscillating static .]
William, who channels you? [ Static continues .]
Why am I feeling these pains in my freaking chest?! Say his name, William.
Do you want me to feel this? William? Oh, my God! That was a fast one.
And after four Spirit Box sessions throughout the entire house without receiving a single voice, we have a major breakthrough in spiritual communication.
Oh, my God! Is this William Brookes telling me he needs help? And in that moment just before his voice came through, he wanted me to feel the pain from that gunshot while channeling through Benny.
I'm getting chest pains.
Then my back, when I breathe in, gets, like, the back of my lungs.
This is an absolutely amazing piece of audio evidence to substantiate my experience.
We've done four Spirit Boxes in the entire house.
We didn't get any voices until I sat down in this chair, after I saw him affected after he touched this chair.
And I don't care what you tell me, Benny, but I truly believe that when you come up here, this spirit channels through you.
Just watch, Benny.
Have him come out.
After the disturbingly profound experience I just had in William Brookes' bedroom, I need to exit the area and clear myself of the negative energy.
This is scary.
I can't catch my breath, and it hurts.
AARON: I was really nervous for you, actually, man.
Seeing him -- he was making fists, like, holding it back.
He wanted to do harm to me.
He's the one that enables the energy to truly manifest as strong as it does.
I want to talk to Scott.
Scott Gruenwald is my friend.
He's the one who told me about this place.
He's the one who hooked us all up.
That chair is no joke.
It's no joke.
I'm telling you right now, that is one of the freakiest things.
I came here, and I had to sit in the chair, so I did.
And I feel this pain in my shoulder.
It feels like someone taking, like, a pencil or a hot -- something hot -- and just kind of driving it in you.
And then, the heart attack feeling.
And I thought, "I'm gonna die in friggin' Porterville.
" I'm not gonna be with my family.
For real, though? You felt like you were having a heart attack? I was having a heart attack.
See? That's what I was feeling.
It's heavy.
When I breathed in, I had chest pains.
You can't breathe in all the way.
That's the same exact thing.
See? Same exact thing.
It's -- It's the chair.
It's the chair of the Zalud House.
Scott's experience confirms that other people have been affected, like me, in this murder chair, and we become concerned about the real source for the energy stemming from it.
ZAK: Benny, I have a question to ask you.
BENNY: Yeah? Did you realize that you said, "I shot you four times"? I mean, I killed him four times -- I can't even speak.
Shot him four times.
I was probably picking up Julia Howe.
Is it safe to say that you will pick up the spirit of the murderer here? Felt like I did.
And that energy's attached to the chair? I believe her energy's attached to the chair, yes.
A lot of people don't seem to like the chair.
ZAK: We would like you to welcome us into your home.
This may be the Zalud chair of death.
ZAK: With the chair on the second floor of the Zalud House infecting this location with so much negative energy, we head deeper into the town of Porterville to uncover how this nefarious object made its way into the home.
After how serious the investigation turned yesterday what I felt in and around that chair, to know that other people felt the same exact thing That was impressive.
There is an old man inside of this antique store.
He owns that chair.
If anybody knows if this chair is truly possessed or cursed, this guy better know.
-How you doing, sir? -Just fine.
My name's Zak.
Nice to meet you.
Glad to meet you, Zak.
This is Aaron.
I want to ask you one question -- is it true that you own the chair that William died in over there at the museum? Yeah.
Do you think that you could come over to the Zalud House right now? Yeah.
I just feel like I need to bring you over there to talk about this.
ZAK: Are you concerned at all that the chair could bring negativity into the house? No, not really.
I think it'd be more attractive to the house than it would be negative.
You're open to people sitting in it all the time? Oh, yeah, sure, yeah.
A lot of people claim that they can feel a very heavy darkness around the chair.
I've heard that.
You have? Yeah.
I came in here yesterday, and I came into the bottom floor.
Everything felt very peaceful, as if I was at my grandmother's house.
But when we walked up those stairs and we entered that room where the chair that you own is Uh-huh.
I legitimately felt chest pains when I sat in the chair.
I started feeling a chest pain in my back.
And I didn't realize that that bullet hole matched up perfectly.
with your back.
Why am I feeling these pains in my freaking chest?! It was lined up perfectly to the point to where I felt those sharp pains.
It hurts back there.
It's the reality of those gunshots.
A lot of people don't seem to like the chair.
As far as I'm concerned, it belongs to the Zalud House, unless they want to get rid of it.
Then it's mine.
To learn more about this phenomenon of cursed chairs which have been known to harm people, I head over to the local museum where Jay has also uncovered a clue as to what may be the driving force behind the actions of William Brookes' killer.
San Diego Union, 1917 -- I found this article right here.
"Subconscious mind directed shot, says woman slayer.
" November 20 -- "Mrs.
Howe of St.
Louis declared that she was the victim of a subconscious mind which had directed the fatal shot without her bidding.
" This is actually documented in the newspaper that she was the victim Exactly.
of a subconscious mind.
That -- That energy right there, alone, would curse that chair to anyone who sat in it.
I know of other cursed chairs I've heard about.
The Busby chair in 1702.
I've heard about the Busby chair.
It's the chair of death.
A murderer sat in it, I guess, and then right before he died, he cursed the chair, saying that whoever -- Verbally.
verbally -- whoever would sit in the chair will die.
The chair of death.
This may be the Zalud chair of death.
We saw the curator's husband be completely affected when he got near that chair.
How did his demeanor change? Oh, he was aggressive.
Absolutely, but at one time, we even thought that he was possessed by the killer.
I mean, I killed him four times -- I can't even speak.
Shot him four times.
He was admitting to it.
Right, and when I looked at him, he had intent to do damage to me.
I think that this chair could turn dangerous.
It can.
It has completely absorbed the high energy of that murder.
In an effort to remove the stranglehold this dark energy has over the Zalud House, we need to pay our respects to those whose home is about to become our spiritual battlefield.
Zalud family, we would like you to welcome us into your home.
We would like you all to visit us tonight.
Please communicate with us.
William, as I stand at your grave I felt the pain that you felt in that chair that you were murdered in.
It's affecting people, Zalud family, so we are going to go there tonight, and we are going to try to cast out any negativity that has entered your home that has been attached to that chair.
We ask for your approval and acceptance.
We are now headed to your house.
We hope that you follow.
-I'm freaking out.
-Sit in the chair.
-I will not do that! -Did you hear that? Oh, my God.
Okay, it's nighttime, and we are just getting ready to begin our investigation at the Zalud House.
A few things have happened since earlier today.
As we got here and we started setting up all the cameras, Aaron started having a lot of issues, a lot of problems, and he got kind of to the point to where we were really concerned for his own medical well-being.
Ohhh! -Do you have your heart monitor? -Yeah, you want -Is it okay now? -I'm okay.
Well, no, I'm not okay.
I almost blacked out.
You know when you're almost out ZAK: Let me see.
Show it.
AARON: Oh, man.
It's getting -- my heart rate's pounding.
[ Sighs .]
And remember, all this happened with Aaron the second that he stepped foot inside the house, while we were setting up a camera.
Another thing -- we remember Benny.
Benny, we interviewed inside.
That's the curator's husband.
Benny got affected yesterday by the chair.
If I'm going through it, you're gonna go through it.
So come on.
We want to try to get rid of the evil that's in here, or whatever darkness.
So we've got a real challenge ahead of us.
Ready? Ready.
Because Aaron was being affected by something the moment he set foot inside of the house to set up our X cameras, I decide to send him in there all by himself to start our investigation.
[ Exhales deeply .]
Right now, I'm kind of shaking, and my heart ra-- I'm -- I'm just trying to calm, trying to just stabilize myself right now.
Otherwise, I would just be out the door.
Whose back room is this? I know what room this is.
You have someone here to communicate with you and talk to you from the other side.
Guys, I am freaking out, dude.
[ Exhales deeply .]
Oh, man.
[ Loud noise .]
"Foe"! Oh, my God! I'm not your foe! Foe? Wait, wait, are you -- I am not anything.
I'm just here visiting.
All right.
You have two ways.
If you want to scream it out, scream it out to this.
Aaron, hold it.
Hold the Spirit Box.
It's connecting through you.
Sit in the chair, Aaron.
-I demand you to sit -- -Well, no! -Then do the Spirit Box.
-That is not gonna happen.
I did it, and I felt the pain of it.
I know, and I'm not sitting in that chair, especially the way I am right now.
I'm asking you to sit in the chair and do Spirit Box.
Just do it.
[ Disembodied voice .]
"Trap"! Oh, my God, dude! Oh, my God! It's a trap! Thank you.
I will not.
I will not do that.
Thank you.
It's like, really, it just warned you.
William just helped me out, and I will not listen to this man named Zak.
I will not sit in that chair.
Then, when you were saying about Mrs.
Howe, the Ovilus said "Foe," as William called her a foe.
-Sit in the chair, Aaron.
No! -Sit in the chair.
I was warned by a spirit not to, so I was -- You're not gonna die.
Sit in there.
I'm not taking a chance, bro, but this is going great, so this is as far as -- I'm not.
Sit in the chair and do Spirit Box.
-Sit in the chair! -I'm not going to.
-Sit in the chair! I'm shutting this off.
If that's you, William, coming through, what happens to people when they sit in the chair? Tell us.
Answer me now.
Who killed you? Who killed you? [ Disembodied voice .]
[ Gasps .]
Oh, my God.
" Dude, it says "female"! It just said "female" when you said that! ZAK: In 1917, William Brookes was shot and killed in this chair by Mrs.
Julia Howe, a female.
You're really gonna not sit in the chair? I am -- I am 155.
63% not sitting in that chair.
Not happening.
-Please sit in the chair.
-[ Chuckling .]
No! -It's not happening! -Sit in the chair, Aaron.
I'm gonna turn this off, 'cause it's not happening.
One more, dude.
One more time.
ZAK: Sit in the chair.
[ Laughter .]
All right.
I'm going to sit down.
Ready? [ Exhales deeply .]
ZAK: With all communication turned off by Aaron, something gives him the courage to finally sit in the bullet-ridden murder chair.
But as soon as he turns on the Spirit Box, he receives another warning.
[ Oscillating static .]
Did you hear that? There's a female voice.
He -- Oh, my God.
That's no joke in there, bro.
The chair doesn't belong here.
I'm going to go grab it and take it out of the house.
Listen to me now! ZAK: With our investigation underway at the Zalud House in Porterville, California, as Aaron sits in the chair where William Brookes was murdered, we receive a piece of evidence which points to his killer.
There's a female voice.
He -- Oh, my God.
I am not William.
Okay? "Zero.
" Zero what? [ Static continues .]
" Did you have an affair with William, and that's why you killed him? Oh, my God.
ZAK: Mrs.
Howe was a married woman, and her main reason for killing William is because he was caught flirting with her, and he also bragged about an affair with her that never happened.
Is this communication that just came through the Ovilus Mrs.
Howe telling Aaron that she had zero affairs with William? Dude, that was weird.
That -- that last, what, 30, 40 minutes? [ Loud noise .]
Is that you guys? -No, we're all here.
-Are you serious? That last, what, 30, 40 minutes? Is that you guys? AARON: That was on-the-spot money talk the whole time.
It was right on the whole time, even when I said, "Did she do it?" Every -- You heard it.
Can you appear by the chair? -Oh, my God.
-What? Something just appeared by the chair.
Are you serious? I swear to God -- a weird-looking, little creature or something right over here.
ZAK: All of a sudden, a very strange disfigured anomaly manifests right next to the chair.
There was a really weird, like, creature right here.
It wasn't a human figure.
It was all jumbled up.
-For real? -Yeah.
It was like when you kill a daddy longlegs spider.
And they crumble up.
Crumbled up, like, right here at the foot of the chair.
Sitting in that chair, I had, like, two chest pains right here -- not in the back this time, but right here.
I'm dead serious, you guys.
I just had two quick, little pains.
It was so strange.
Didn't affect my breathing, didn't anything.
It was like someone just took a sword and just went "Jhh-jhh" into my chest.
That's no joke in there, bro.
I'm serious.
I've got to figure out how I can convey this to the audience that's watching this but can't feel it.
They're just taking my word right now.
I want them to feel it.
I hate to say it.
I want them to feel it.
Like, that, to me, is evidence, but it's a personal, physical feeling.
You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
To me, that's amazing.
I get up, I'm fine.
You want me to throw a thermal on you real fast? See if the heat changes in those areas? Yeah, go get a ther-- Billy, bring a thermal in here, now.
I have it.
I have it.
I have it.
I have it.
Just bring another thermal and just get in here and start covering this hallway.
Hey -- I want more evidence.
No, would you listen to me? -They're listening.
-No! Listen to me now! I've been trying to tell you something for a while, but ZAK: I had to get out of that room.
As I walk downstairs and sit on the couch, I roll my digital recorder because I feel something has followed me down here.
Then, all of a sudden, I hear an audible voice right beside me.
[ Low-pitched sound .]
The chair doesn't belong here.
I'm gonna go grab it.
I'm gonna go take the chair and take it out of the house.
How do you feel about that? Whatever you are that's attached to that chair.
Zalud family, please give me a sign right now if you want me to remove the chair from the house.
[ High-pitched noise .]
-Did you just hear a woman? -I did.
It's gonna try to kill us sitting at the table.
Oh, my God.
That was a disembodied female voice.
Billy, get up here! ZAK: As we continue our investigation of the Zalud House in Porterville, California, a disembodied voice suddenly captures our attention.
[ High-pitched noise .]
-Did you just hear a woman? -I did.
I heard a woman over here.
Jay, did you hear a woman? JAY: Yeah, I could hear that really loud.
Zalud family, please give me a sign right now if you want me to remove the chair from the house.
Did you just hear a woman? -I did.
It came from right here.
At that back room.
Yeah, right here.
Oh, my God.
That was a disembodied female voice.
Billy, get up here! I believe that Pearle Zalud, who died in this house in 1969, just responded to me through direct communication.
I also believe that she is not at rest because of the dark energy that has entered into her home through the murder chair.
It is now time for Billy and I to take our communication even further.
I don't want to just come here and just give full attention to the dark energy here and give it all attention.
I want to go back in there with you right now.
I want to make contact with the Zalud family.
The paranormal Puck 2 device uses 21 different environmental factors that spirits can manipulate through manifestation in order to choose words for communication.
What is it that you want removed from the house but can't physically do it? Tell us what you want removed from the house.
PUCK 2: Crossover.
What is it you want removed from the house? "Crossover.
" "Medicine.
" They want us to cross over to the other side medicine.
Are you sick or in pain? Sharp.
" -"Sharp.
" Like sharp pain.
Wait, wait.
Like sharp pain in your chest.
Sharp pain in the chest.
This is William.
Who am I speaking with? We're drawing in spirits.
[ Gasps .]
Oh, my God, dude.
What the hell? Just before you said that, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, like it's right here with us.
What family members are here? So, you can go away, Malicious.
You can get the hell away from us.
We're here to speak with the family.
What family members are here? Assault.
Oh, my God.
I said, "What family members are here?" to try to get the malicious one away.
And now Malicious comes back and says that it wants to assault us.
This is nuts.
It's demanding our attention.
What will you do, Malicious, if we remove the chair? Table.
Oh, my God.
"What will you do, Malicious, if we remove the chair?" "Table.
" "Homicide.
" Where are we sitting at right now? Sitting right here at the table.
So it's going to try and kill us.
It's going to try to kill us sitting us at the table.
Whatcreature What creature are you? "No response.
" It won't answer that.
It completely misguided us from what we came in here to sit and do, and that's talk to the family.
This isn't a question, Malicious.
It's a statement.
And it says, "Malicious, we are going to ban you.
" Resent.
We're going to resent that big.
-Oh! -It's telling us that we're going to resent it big-time.
Holy cow.
Malicious, we are going to banish you.
You're going to resent it big-time.
Where is the Zalud family? Within.
Within what? Below.
" Where were we just at today? The cemetery.
I got full-body chills right now, dude.
I'm not lying to you.
ZAK: Earlier, we visited the Zalud family plot at the cemetery.
Is this malicious entity now getting evil satisfaction by making disgraceful remarks, telling us the family is within, below the ground? Malicious, we are now going to remove you.
[ Laughs .]
What a cocky, arrogant It said, "Deal.
" All right.
I guess that's an invitation.
For some reason, Billy now wants to sit in the chair.
And after our communication session, I don't think this is a good idea.
To be honest, I don't have to sit in this chair to feel what's in this room.
I felt it when I got to the top of the stairs.
And it's twice as strong in this room.
But whatever's attached to this chair doesn't like me.
It wants us to argue with each other and just yell.
Hold on.
I've never seen anything like this before in my life.
Like, someone just went, like, boom.
I can't breathe, bro.
ZAK: With Billy now being affected by the energy resonating from the chair of the Zalud House, I begin snapping off full-spectrum still photos to document the activity around him.
Do you want to possess him? Enter his body? What the hell?! -What? -Hold on a second.
-It doesn't make any sense.
-What? I've never seen anything like this before in my life, dude.
He's just sitting there.
This is blowing my mind.
He's just sitting there.
What is that? AARON: What the? You can see, his arm is there, just chilling.
That is crazy.
Look at this.
You're just sitting there.
I'm just snapping photos of you, right? Boom, boom, boom.
Snapping photos.
-What the hell? -What is that? Oh, my God.
That's a full-blown mass that's blocking the camera.
ZAK: Why is it just over you? Why isn't it the whole picture? 'Cause it was affecting me sitting in the chair.
I understand, but I've never seen anything like that, bro.
You were sitting still.
That's some-- wait.
[ Gasps .]
There -- Oh, my gosh.
What? I know what it is.
Okay, go back.
Do you see the mouth? Do you see that? Yeah.
That's a mouth.
The nose and the two eyes.
It's a face.
It's a face! That is! It's a face of a man! It's the face of a man coming at you.
And that's his hair, that's his forehead! It's a whole head! Look! It's almost like a feather, and it's a hat of an Indian! Oh! And then, like, a weird face.
Two eyes.
It's like Let me just show you.
These are regular shots of Billy just sitting there doing his thing.
That's insane.
This is him sitting.
He's just been sitting.
He never got up.
Just sitting there.
Where's Billy? AARON: Billy? Whoa.
God, I just felt like someone was gonna punch me.
Like, I fe-- I swear to God, I just got a visual, like, someone just went boom.
As soon as I poked my head out here, I thought Billy was just gonna go boom.
I don't know, but I just don't feel like leaving this room.
You feel safe in this room? I feel safe in this room, and it should be the opposite.
Billy? What are you doing? Just [ Breathing shakily .]
Billy? Shh.
[ Breathing heavily .]
I c-- I can't breathe, bro.
Are you okay? Y-Y-Y-Yeah.
Are you all right? I just -- Yeah.
What's wrong? My heart.
It was just What's wrong with it? pounding, pounding.
Are you okay? I'm, like, hyperventilating.
I feel like I'm gonna black out.
Come here.
Sit down.
Oh, I can't feel my hands.
You all right? No.
I'm not okay.
Hold on.
Jesus, your hands are dripping wet, man.
I don't know what's going on.
Your hands are dripping wet, Billy.
I know, dude.
And there's something wrong.
BILLY: Something got in me.
While we were looking at that -- while we were looking at that picture, it just struck my -- ZAK: What happened? What'd you? Hyperventilating.
I couldn't catch my breath.
Just When did that happen? When we were looking at it? We were looking at the picture.
ZAK: All of a sudden, an orb of light appears to shoot out of Billy.
It then makes a 90-degree turn and travels up his arm before disappearing back inside of him.
When did that happen? When we were looking at it? We were looking at the picture and it started, and I thought, "I'm going to step out of the room, just to get some air," but it just followed me right down the hall.
And I came into this room.
I need to go.
I got to get off this floor.
I take Billy outside to help him calm down from whatever just influenced this panic attack.
I also send Jay and Aaron inside to perform a cleansing ritual on the chair, as well as the rest of the building, in hopes of banishing the dark energy from the Zalud House.
Our investigation of the Zalud House led us to a single trigger object responsible for imprinting it with a manipulative, dark energy.
And by challenging that force, we hope to have restored the spiritual balance here, allowing this home to return to its rightful owner.

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