Grantchester (2014) s08e03 Episode Script

Series 8, Episode 3


78 miles an hour.
You're looking at a decade
in prison?

You were in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
We played cards!
We haven't done anything.
Arrest 'em all!
God still loves you.
I was wrong to call you names
and I apologize.
It was an accident.
The speedo
was already broken.
We're releasing you
without charge.
That's it?
All done.

(thunder claps)

(door opens,
footsteps approaching)
There you are!
Come on, let's get cracking.
I'm in my best frock here.
Tell me again why we're
going to see a painting.
Well, I thought a man of
your education would love art.
Well, I, I do, but
It's not
any old painting.
Um, "this piece,
"already of historic
artistic significance,
is on loan from
a collection in Italy."
I love a man with an accent.
(people talking in background)
We are going to have
a lovely day.
Take your mind off things.
What things?
I know you think
I'm pretending
the accident didn't happen,
but I'm not.
But it'd be better if
you had Bonnie around
to talk about it, though.
Her mum's had a stroke--
needs her more than I do.
Besides, if I need
a pair of ears, I'm all sorted.
What? Him?
Oh, don't you panic.
I mean Him!
Oh, yeah.
Come on, then,
let's see this painting.
I'm really worried about him.
Which is why we're here.
You think I want to
spend my day off
staring at a bloody painting?
Miserable old git--
come on.
Today is about Will, not you.
(bicycle bell rings)
(Cathy sighs)
You'd think they'd
put a sign up.
Oh, excuse me.
Sorry, do you work here?
For my sins.
I don't suppose you know where
we need to go for this painting?
Uh, through the passage,
take a right,
up the stairs,
and you'll hear Dr. Abbot.
(people talking in background)
(talking in background)
Absolutely no flash photography.
Damages the colors.
Well, apparently.
Only six people
at a time in my room.
Stay back from the artwork
at all times.
(rope clanking)

"Reclining Nude"
by Modigliani.
When she was displayed
for sale in a gallery window,
the police in Milan shut it down
that very same day.
(quietly): I think they did
everyone a favor.
(others murmuring)
I mean, you get
this sort of thing
in every dirty magazine
I've ever seen.
Through my work.
Well, I think
it's rather beautiful.
A celebration of
the female form.
I couldn't agree more!
How long do you
have it on loan for?
Only another week.
Frankly, I'd like to keep her
to myself for the duration,
but, um
What's the name
of the artist again?
I've been writing a paper
on his series of nudes
for the last seven years.
When do you think
you'll get it finished?
Well, I retire next year,
so I must.
But with my muse to focus me,
I have high hopes of delivering
something groundbreaking.
Then I shall go to Italy
to see the entire series.
(patrons murmuring)
So what do you think?
I like it.
She doesn't look the least bit
worried about her body.
Mind you, I don't reckon
she's had four kids.

(talking in background)
Thank you.
(people talking in background)
I told you everybody
would be dressed up.
Mm? Here, this suit
is a classic.
(background conversations stop)
I'd like to thank you all
for coming on this
most special of days.
I'm sure you were all excited
to find yourselves
in such close proximity
to that wonderful lady.
I know I have to pinch myself
each time I look at her.
(guests chuckling)
I have been attempting
to have a piece of this series
brought on loan to this college
ever since I became a fellow.
And I could not be
more proud
WOMAN: Excuse me!
WOMAN: Coming through!
to announce
that I have
WOMEN: Excuse me!
achieved just that.
(guests applauding)
This is an event for patrons and
students of the college.
We are here today
I said this is for students
and patrons only, miss.
to protest against
the hypocrisy
towards women in art.
Leave the college immediately!
I said we are here today
to protest against
the hypocrisy
What is happening?
towards women in art.
(women continue)
You, boy,
go and fetch a porter.
I want these women thrown out
of here!
Have you ever asked yourselves
why it is considered
perfectly acceptable
to gaze upon the female
naked body in art
but in real life,
women are expected to wear
modest clothing?
Well, she's got a fair point.
(guests exclaiming)
Oh, blimey!
Oh, bloody hell.
Where the hell
are the porters?!
Clothing deemed
appropriately modest
not by women themselves
but by men.
Men who don't even stop to ask
women what they think or feel.
Men who think that it's
their right to decide for women.
This is disgusting!
(guests murmuring)
Right, I shall fetch
the porters myself.
Hear, hear!
(camera shutter clicks)
Women in this country
and around the world
will no longer
be told how to dress
or how to behave.
(guests jeering and booing)
This is getting out of hand.
We stand in unison on behalf of
oppressed women everywhere.
All right, ladies!
WOMEN: and bring down
the patriarchy.
Ladies, time to cover up!
It's police, so you
probably should listen.
Staging a protest
isn't a crime.
No, but whipping your top off
in public is.
Well, I, uh,
I think you made your point.
Rather eloquently, I'd say.
A man of the cloth.
Here to explain why women
need to know their place?
Porter! Do something!
Please don't make me arrest you.
Enough of all this now.
(guests jeering)
Stay right there!
Don't-- oh!
(guests laughing, jeering)
Come back! Come here!
I'm fine, I'm fine.
You may call me a trouble maker.
A rebel, even.
But it's time to make a stand.
(camera shutter clicks,
guests gasp)
For the truth!
Right, that'll do,
Lady Godiva.
(guests cheer and applaud)
Thank you, Mrs. Keating.
And you are coming with me.
(yelp softly)
Have you arrested
those vile women?!
Uh, we've one in custody, yes.
She's been taken
to the station.
What about the others?!
They ran off.
You have to find
the whole monstrous regiment!
They're obviously all involved!
Yeah, I'll get
some men down here.
You do understand
the seriousness
of all this?
We're talking about
an irreplaceable piece of art!
We understand
how valuable it is, of course.
This is a work of
historical importance!
You should be searching
the corridors!
Sealing off the streets!
Like I say, we'll get
some men down here.
Reputation of this college
will be in tatters!
Are you sure you locked it?
Course I'm bloody
Could you confirm
who has keys besides you?
Not too hard to pick it, though.
If you had a mind.
(telephone ringing,
typewriter keys clacking)
Here, Larry!
(men chuckling)
Can't keep up with
a few young ladies, boss?
(men laughing)
Heard they gave you
the right runaround.
(telephone ringing)
DCI Wallace has made some
calls to the Flying Squad.
Asked them to keep ears
to the ground.
He thinks this is a job
by a London gang?
He thinks it's
more than likely.
He's gone to meet with
the chancellor of the university
to smooth a few feathers.
Assure him that
this is our top priority.
Get over to the college
and interview the porters.
Which leaves us
with Betty Grable.

Oh, will you please
get dressed?
This is bloody ridiculous.
This is a protest against
the hypocrisy towards women.
Now, what the hell
does that mean?
It means that you-- and when I
say "you," I mean men--
are perfectly happy to look at
women's naked bodies in art.
But when it comes to
real women,
you want to tell us what to do
with our bodies.
You want to tell us
what to wear.
What is and is not decent.
Tell us all
What I'm telling you now
is that you need
to stop rattling
and answer my questions.
First off
(clears throat)
Name and address.
Look, we understand
you're frustrated.
Why are you even here?
A few Hail Marys
is not gonna bring
the patriarchy down, Vicar.
Never mind
the bloody patriarchy.
A valuable painting
has been stolen
and right now, it looks like
you and your friends
were involved.
Was this some sort of
student prank?
You girls provide
a distraction,
someone nicks the painting?
Perhaps you didn't know
about the theft,
but the thieves
knew about the protest,
and used it as cover.
Could you tell us
who had that information?

(door clangs)
She brought it on herself
wasting police time.
When all she needed to do was
answer a few simple questions.
Larry's calling from the college
where the exhibition was.
You need to get down there.

This bedder, Josephine,
found him about an hour ago.
His name's Peter Delaney.
He's one of the porters here.

LARRY (distorted):
32 years old.
Been working here as a porter
over four months.
GEORDIE (distorted):
There's a head injury.
Looks like a blow from behind.
(heart beating, Will exhales)
(distorted speech,
heartbeat continue)
(breathing deeply,
distorted speech continues)
(normal audio resumes):
Right, you could
leave this to us.
Don't worry.
Well, there's the head injury.
It's deep.
Almost two inches wide.
Looks like a blow to
the back of the head.
I'm assuming with that.
Why would anyone do this?
Thieves come for the painting.
When a porter disturbs 'em,
he's collateral damage.
But we need to check if
anyone else might want him dead.
Larry, seal it off
right away.

Nothing short of a tragedy.
These vicious thieves.
They care not one jot
for the art.
Now, let's not forget
a man's life's been lost here.
Peter Delaney.
I barely knew him.
If you could tell us
anything at all, it would help.
What sort of man was he?
Well, he was a,
he was a porter.
We're all more than
our jobs, surely.
Well, yes, of course,
but, uh, I didn't know him
outside his work.
He'd been here
for over four months.
Working as a porter.
His life mattered.
Well, I'm sorry, but I can
tell you nothing more about him.

(birds twittering)

Set it down here, Gerry,
thank you.
Where's Will?
Isn't he usually here
by now?
What happened to that one?
Don't ask.
You should advertise
for a housekeeper.
I don't want a housekeeper
in here telling me what to do.
They wouldn't do that.
Have you met Mrs. C?
Anyway, I don't want to ask
Jack for more money.
I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
Well, I would.
Besides, did Jesus wash
the feet of his disciples,
or did he get someone else in
to do it for him?
Well, you're not Jesus,
and you can't manage this place
on your own, Leonard.
Well, I didn't think
I was on my own.
(people speaking loudly in
background, objects crashing)
(footsteps retreating)

Peter's room's at the top.
(keys jangling)
This one over here.
(lock turns)

Small room.
Standard for a porter.
Peter never complained.
A very good bloke.
No trouble to anyone.
From Yorkshire.
Sheffield, by all accounts.
Came down here a few months
ago to take the job.
He liked working here?
Very proud to be here.
Took his responsibilities
to the college seriously.
He married?
The college don't
take on married men.
Women bring nothing but
trouble, if you ask me.
Take today.
Those three tarts are the
root cause of all this misery.
We're all better off single.
That's a lonely existence,
Well, I don't reckon
our Peter was too lonely.
"I love you
and believe you love me.
"I beg you to meet me so that
we can talk about things.
"Our baby is on its way
and needs a father.
Yours, Sheila."
Not exactly single, then.
(bell tolling in distance)
Right, let's call it a day.
Well, shouldn't we try
It's getting late.
And you need to get home.
(bell continues)

There you are!
Thought Geordie was gonna
have you in there all day.
Uh, things got a bit
Actually, I might just
pop in the church.
No, no, you don't.
You need to get inside.
And eat something.
You look starving.
Do I?
Get in there.
Sylvia and I have
brought you something
you're really gonna like.

Cathy, did you


So you missed me, then?
Honestly, Mum's doing better.
I'm fine to be here
for a couple of days.
What about you?
Ernie and I had
lots of fun.
You are still thinking about
the accident, though.
that sort of thing
is hard to,
is hard to put aside.
And I know how you get.

Just might have to do
a bit of maneuvering.

(baby crying,
people talking in background)
(dog barking, children calling
in distance)
(men talking in background,
Geordie sniffs)

(baby crying)
Uh, does someone
called Sheila live here?
Mm, that's me.
Can I come in?
Uh, landlady doesn't let us
have gentleman callers.
I think she'll make
an exception for me.
(dog barking in distance)
I would offer you a cup of tea,
Milk got pinched.
I just had a cup before I left.
Did you write this?
Well, obviously,
I've read it.
I'm not judging
your situation.
Why would you?
Can I ask how long
you've known Peter Delaney?
Uh, married two years
and we were courting
about six months before that.
So you're Mrs. Delaney.
I think you'd better sit down.
I'm sorry to have to
tell you this,
but we found Peter's body
this afternoon.

Can I get someone
to sit with you?
I left all me family behind in
Sheffield to come and live here.
Uh, a neighbor, maybe?
Can I ask why Peter lied
about being single?
He needed the job.
And he said
they don't take married men.
Yeah, of course, yeah.
So you communicated
by letter.
Well, they don't let women
into college, do they?
Can you think of anyone
who might want to harm Peter?
(laughs humorlessly)
No, I can't.

(both chuckling)
Oh, I love you.
I should hope so.
You're sure you're all right?
I just made love
to my beautiful wife.
How could I not be?
I've been thinking about you.
Mm, did I live up to
I was worried.
About me? Why?
I know you blame yourself
for what happened.
So that's why
you came back.
What, to, to check up on me?
When I hear
my husband's struggling,
what am I gonna do?
Hear from who?
Cath called me at my mum's.
No, she said that
you weren't yourself.
That you're withdrawn.
It's, it's not just her--
everyone's concerned.
Gossiping behind my back.
Well, that's not fair!
They're not gossiping.
What would you call it, then?
You ever heard of that?
It's what normal people do.
I talk!
No, not about this,
you don't.
This is the single most
difficult thing
that's ever
happened to you.
You do not know that.
Something worse than
knocking a man down
and killing him
has happened to you?
And all you can say is,
"I'm fine."
I am not the victim here.
No, but you're affected, too.
Still are.
If you don't open up,
Look, you will
never understand, Bonnie,
because we are
very different people.
I have faith and you don't.
And it is my faith
that is seeing me through this.

(keys jangling)
(people talking loudly
in background)
(lock turns)
(door closes)
Thank you.
I know you probably
made a pact with the other girls
not to speak to the police,
but a man's been killed.
You can't possibly think we
have anything to do with that.
Well, it's not easy
to rule it out
if you won't tell us anything.
How about we start with
your name and address?
I do understand
why you feel the way you do.
I work in a police station.
One of the few women here.
What do you think that's like?
So why do you do it?
Because it's more important
that there are women here,
don't you think?
Marianne Robertson.
I'm at Newnham College
reading maths.
Then you're smart enough
to realize that
this had its place
at the college protest,
but in here, with just
you and four walls,
it's not really getting you
anywhere, is it?
Do you know anything at all
about the death of the porter?
I honestly don't.
Well, what about the painting?
Are you sure you didn't grab it
as part of your stand?
We have nothing against
the painting.
It's actually very beautiful.
We just wanted to
make our point.
Sounds like you did just that.
I am going to need
the names of the other girls.
And get them arrested?
I can't do that.

(barks softly)
Off you go-- come on.
(birds twittering)

(bell tolling)
You might want
a bit more lard in there.
Otherwise, they stick
to the pan,
and it'll be the
devil's own job to get it clean.
A man's always happier for
a cooked breakfast inside him.
(sighs heavily)
Will is definitely not happy.
He found out
why I came back
and he's furious with Cathy
for calling me.
Well, what was she
supposed to do?
He hasn't been himself.
Well, he doesn't
see it that way.
I would appreciate it
if you'd stop discussing me
as if I were a child.
We're not!
We're just worried.
Yeah, all of you whispering
behind my back
like some sort of committee.
Deciding that Bonnie
needed to come back.
And now you're still at it.
We noticed that you were
and we just wanted to help.
Yeah, well, you haven't--
you've made things worse.
Bonnie's mum is very ill,
and yet she's here checking up
on me,
which is the last thing
that I wanted.
When somebody you care about
wants support,
you'll do anything.
Even something they might
not want you to do.
That's how it is.
Caring about someone doesn't
mean doing whatever you want
and to hell
with their feelings.
Now please, leave us in peace.
Why did you say
we were worried?
Because we are.
Well, you've made him
even more annoyed now.
You said
he was struggling.
And you said he needed
That's completely different.
When I said you needed
to open up,
I don't think I meant
screaming your head off.
Oh, I wasn't
I'm just angry
they called you
back when it wasn't necessary.
Yes, I think we all got
the message on that score.
I just wish people would believe
me when I say that I'm okay.
Honestly, I want you to be okay.
I wanna think that someone or
can support you to
a good place.
And I'm not so big-headed that
I think that has to be me.
Let's just say
I'm lucky to have you
and God on my side.
(lock turns)
Was it worth it?
Sometimes you've got to stand
up for what's right.
And you are absolutely certain
no one else knew about
your plans.
No, we kept it strictly among
the three of us.
Loose lips and all that.
If the head of Newnham
or Dr. Abbot
had even an inkling of what
we were going to do,
they would've thrown the book
at us.
Probably still will.
No, I think Dr. Abbot's a bit
preoccupied at the minute.
So the others won't get
into any trouble.
No, at least you
made the papers.
Can I keep this?
Not a chance--
on your way.
And let's hope I never see
you or your friends again.
So we've let our
only suspect go.
Because she had nothing
to do with it, Larry.
None of the girls did.
So what now?
We go back to the start.
Oh, come in,
by all mean
(door shuts)
How's Lady Godiva?
Ah, fully clothed and on her
way back to her mates.
But I'm assuming this
cheese and pickle.
You wanna tell me what's up?
Kids are driving me mad.
And Mr. Draper's called
me into work.
He said he wants a "word."
Well, that doesn't
sound great.
I'm worried he's gonna
sack me.
What? He wouldn't do that.
Would he?
Well, he thinks I'm a
trouble maker,
so I wouldn't put it
past him.
What will we do if he gives me
my marching orders
and you have to retire?
Oh, good luck.
(door shuts)
(water running)
(water stops)
Sorry, the door was open.
I'm Martha.
I'm here about the job?
Oh, sorry, I think you must be
at the wrong address.
I've ten years in the hotel
trade and good references.
We're not a hotel.
I know what this is.
Everyone deserves the same
standards, don't you think?
We do think that,
don't we, Leonard?
Yes, but we still don't have an
opening for a job, I'm afraid.
There was an advert in the
newsagent's window saying
that you're looking
for a housekeeper.
I'm extremely sorry that you've
wasted your time,
but that was a mistake.
We don't need anybody.
You need carbolic for that.
Salt for blood.
for everything else.
You did this behind my back.
I'm just being practical.
I'm going for a walk before
I say something I deeply regret.
Hey up!
Thanks for coming.
These colleges are an
absolute nightmare.
How do they manage to get
so many snobs
in one place?
Oh, it's a miracle of science.
Do they have lessons in that?
Uh, Mondays and Wednesdays.
I missed most of them.
Yeah, probably chatting
up the ladies, no doubt.
I'm assuming a painting this
famous wouldn't be easy to sell.
Well, it's too famous to sell,
even on the black market.
But there are unscrupulous
private collectors, course,
so it could've been
stolen to order.
How long did you say
you've been writing about
this series?
Seven years.
Hell of a long time
to be obsessed.
I wouldn't call myself that.
No one loved that painting
more than you.
Are you serious?
Maybe we should carry on this
back at the station.
Do you have the authority
of DCI Wallace to make this
We're just following
all lines of inquiry.
I know him well.
I'm happy to call him.
I shouldn't bother, he's
already called the chancellor.
I'll be back soon, Dr. Abbot.

So what now?
Let's pay the wife a visit.
Oh (mutters)
CATHY (knocking):
Knock, knock!
Guess what?
You've won the pools?
Hm, if I have, I'll buy the baby
a new outfit.
Oh, no, forget about the tea--
let's have a sherry.
To celebrate the fact
that I've had a promotion.
That's brilliant!
I know!
I went in to see Mr. Draper
thinking I was gonna get
the chop,
but no,
he offers me a promotion.
I mean,
he doesn't wanna pay me
as much as the bloke
who does the exact same job as
I stood my ground.
I probably,
I probably shouldn't.
Oh, rubbish.
I had a few glasses
when I was expecting all mine
and look how they turned out.
(both laugh)
I hear Will's angry
we got you back
from your mum's.
I bumped into
Mrs. C at post office.
He says he's over what happened.
Says his faith
got him through.
And does his faith stop him
from talking
about any of it?
I'm scared, Cathy.
What if he doesn't
get back to how he was?
He will.
It just takes time.
How long?
Only took Geordie 20 years
to get over the war.
(both laughing)
Oh, I'm dreading telling
him about my new job.
He'll be proud, won't he?
God knows how he'll react.
Don't breathe a word.
But Elliot said Geordie needs
to think about retirement.
Bet that thought
took about two minutes.
Bloody men.
Oh, bloody men.

(door closes)
Let's have a chat, Sheila.
(door opens)
What sort of man
was your husband?
Pretty ordinary, I'd say.
What did Peter tell you about
the job in college?
Did he explain that he'd need
to pretend to be single
before he took it?
That you'd need to live here?
He left that bit out
till he got down here.
Told me he'd got a good job,
good wages and that.
And that he'd send
for me when he was settled.
But that never happened.
When did you last see him?
Sheila, it's always better
if you explain things yourself.
The day he died.
I saw him that afternoon
at the college.
You were there?
My friend Josephine's a bedder,
and she told me there was gonna
be some do on
at the college with a painting,
well, everyone would be
and I could easily sneak in
and talk to Peter.
And what did Peter say
when you did that?
Uh, he said
that the marriage was over
and I should go back
to Sheffield.
Even though you're pregnant?
He doesn't care about
me or the baby.
He just chucked me out.
That must have made you
Angry enough to kill him.
But I didn't.
He was still alive when I left.
You sure about that?
If you don't believe me,
you can ask Josephine,
because she saw me go.
I met her a few months ago,
outside the college.
She was upset, so we
started talking.
Been friends ever since.
And how well did you know Peter?
He mostly ignored me.
All the porters do.
He mostly ignored Sheila,
too, didn't he?
That's men for you.
You told Sheila how
to get into the college.
So she could
confront Peter?
She wanted to talk to him.
Make him see sense.
A woman in her situation, what
chance has she got on her own?
You've no idea how desperate
she's been feeling.
How could you?
And when he refused to talk
to her, how did she react?
She was broken.
So then what happened?
(bell tolling)
Well, she didn't kill him,
if that's what you think.
You certain of that?
Look, I saw her talking to him.
Sobbing, she was,
begging him.
Then she left.
Was that before
or after the protest?
Definitely before.
Sheila had already left
when that performance happened.
And Peter was still alive.

Is this what all the
fuss is about?
You'd think no one had
ever seen a naked body.
Well, this particular naked
body's giving us
some real grief.
I still think Dr. Abbot
had a motive to take it.
But do we really think he had
the bottle to kill someone?
If he was scared of
getting caught?
Who else had access
to the room?
The porters.
They were outside chasing
our protesters.
What about the wife?
She had every reason
to want her husband dead.
I think she loved him, though.
Well, love will only
get you so far.
As an abandoned woman
with a child,
her life's pretty
much ruined.
But as a woman
whose husband died tragically,
that's another
kettle of fish.
She could start again.
So she kills him,
takes the picture.
To make it look like a theft?
What would she do
with it afterwards?
There's no way
she could find a buyer.

Why are you doing this?
What's all this?
It's for my work!
I'm a seamstress!
How else do you think
I manage not to starve?
Oi! Do you know
how much that costs?

Why would this be in your bin?
No idea
how it got in there.
Well, you stole it, Sheila.
After you
killed your husband.
You can't believe that.
Absolutely no one else had any
reason to want him dead.
I didn't want him dead.
He's the father of my baby.
A baby he didn't care about.
This isn't right!
I thought the robbers
killed him.
There were no robbers.
Unless you're saying they went
to all that trouble
and then left the loot
in your bin.
Someone slung it in there.
Hm? Like who?
Well, I wouldn't put
it past you lot!
Sheila, he was a bad man,
a terrible husband.
Everyone will understand
why you killed him.
Why it happened.
Except nothing did.
I talked to him and then I left.
You will go to prison
for this, Sheila.
But Peter was still alive
when I saw him.
Ask Josephine.

Can we not do this?
I've too much work
to do for chit chat.
Important work--
God's work.
You're peeling potatoes.
I know you think that all
this is just a fad.
That I'll move on.
I don't.
You think I'm wishy-washy,
always changing my mind.
I know this is different.
It's the best thing
I've ever done.
Which is why you need
some proper help.
So that you can make this place
the finest it can be.
I know that's what
you want.
You shouldn't have gone
behind my back, though.
I'm sorry.
I overstepped the mark.
What was the name of
that lady again?
Let's just hope she hasn't
already taken a job
in some five-star hotel.
(both chuckling)
Don't know why you
dragged me here
when I told you I only
got Sheila into college.
Uh, we just need
to check a few things.
Like what?
Like when Sheila
left the college.
She tried to have words
with Peter, he chucked her out.
She went home.
It's only natural you'd want
to help a friend,
especially when the stakes
are so high.
Of course it's natural.
You don't wanna see the people
you care about suffer, do you?
But that doesn't change the fact
that I saw her leave college.
And Peter was still alive.

If it turns out you're lying,
it won't just be Sheila going
to prison.
Well, I'm not lying, am I?
It would be better for Sheila
if you both just tell the truth.
Her barrister can explain
to the court.
And they will understand
why she did this.
A bunch of strangers
making decisions for her?
When they don't even
know the full story?
She's lying to protect
her friend.
She's right, though,
about what will happen.
Everyone's making decisions
for Sheila.
It's a horrible feeling.
When you're invisible.
It could drive you to do
something unthinkable.
When someone you care about
needs support,
you'll do anything.
Even if it's something
they might not want you to do.

Recently, a group of friends
thought they knew
what was best for me,
and I didn't like it.
Not one bit.
And that's what you hate,
isn't it?
The fact that no one listens
to women
like you and Sheila.
Did you kill Peter, Josephine?
Were you so angry at how
he treated
your friend that you
lost your temper?
And you did something
that even Sheila
didn't want you to do?
Because if that's
what happened,
you cannot let Sheila
go to prison.
She won't go to prison because
I'm confirming her story.
She left
She will go to prison, seeing
as no one will believe you.
Because I'm just a poor woman
who cleans things.
Because we found the painting
in Sheila's bin.
You can't let her
take the blame.
Think of the baby, Josephine.
Peter was happy to destroy
Sheila's life
without so much as a thought.
I mean, husband and wife are
to be there for each other,
aren't they?
Through thick and thin?
All he cared about was his
job at the bloody college.
Thinking it made him someone,
thinking he was part of it all.
You think that lot care
about the porters?
Did you kill him?
Someone's gotta be the strong
And if the man's not gonna be
You saw how Sheila reacted
to her husband's treatment.
So you went to confront Peter.
To stand up for your friend
the way she couldn't.
Hey, I want a word with you!
Go scrub your floors,
you stupid cow-- go on!
And then you saw he couldn't
care less.
About Sheila, about any woman.
You had a key
to Dr. Abbot's office.
How else would I clean it?
So you let yourself in,
you stole the painting
to make it look
like a robbery.
What were you going
to do with it?
I don't know.
Try and sell it.
Buy Sheila some baby things.
I still had it on me when I
left college
and I went round to Sheila's
to see if
she was all right.
Then I saw you.
So I shoved it in the bins.
Not a brilliant plan, all told.
I'm just so tired.

(exhales sharply)
(slams glass down)
You cared more about
this painting than a dead man.
You know,
if you'd mentioned a bedder
had access to this room
Thank God there's no damage.
we could have sorted
all this out much earlier.
You know, if you'd told us
she had a key
and given us her name.
And how am I supposed to
remember the name of a bedder?
What about those students
who took their clothes off?
I assume you charged them
with wasting police time?
No, I have not.
But you are this close to
getting nicked for it yourself.

(birds chirping)
Smells good.
You all packed?
I can stay a few more days.
You don't need to.
You sure?
Yeah, it'll be good
to have the house to myself
before baby comes.
I'll enjoy peace while I can.
You enjoyed having Ernie,
Course I did!
But he wants to see his granny,
and she's ill,
so it's perfectly
And I will see you both
for his birthday.
We'll have a big party;
balloons, cakes,
the whole works.
He will love it.
Listen to the man
of the house and eat up.
Oh, this looks good,
thank you.
Don't worry, Ern.
Come on, we'll be back
before you know it.
I love you both.
I want you to write me
a letter every day, okay?
In fact, write me two a day.
In you get.
Go ahead.
I'll miss you.
(engine starts)


It's just a game!
Let's all just calm down.
(glass shattering)
You're not welcome here!
ELLIOT: This is what happens
when you put rats
in the hamster cage.
Don't talk to me about support!
WILL: He came to me for help--
I failed him.

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