Griselda (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Middle Management

[mechanical whirring]
[alarm blares]
[German] Griselda.
[in Spanish] We need to talk.
Papo got Amilcar's territories.
He doesn't want to be
in business with you.
He already made a deal with Rafa.
I'm going with him.
[Papo in English] I told you I was gonna
fuck you back one way or another.
[tense music playing]
[German in Spanish]
I brought your dealers.
[Papo in English] You got nothing to give.
[German in Spanish] Why didn't you
take the buyout?
[Papo in English]
The door is that way, bitch.
[pensive music playing]
[dryer whirring]
[Rafa in Spanish] The truth is
you scare me more than they do.
[reporter in English] Some boats
are too rickety to make the trip.
The State Department
has warned the boat operators
they could be arrested
and given stiff fines.
But still it goes on this morning.
A ragtag armada of boats
traveling between Miami and Cuba
to bring out the Cubans who say
they can no longer stand
to live under Communist rule.
[chief] For too long, gangs of
drug dealers have held our city hostage,
which is why today,
I'd like to announce the formation
of a new federally-mandated CENTAC unit.
This task force includes
local and federal agents
and will be led by Detective Raul Diaz.
[camera shutters clicking]
Thank you very much. Jim, how are you?
[indistinct chatter]
[car approaching]
[upbeat mellow music playing]
[Griselda in Spanish]
This is the house I told you about.
We'll be here a few days
until I'm done fixing some things.
- [Uber] What things?
- [Griselda] Things.
- [Ozzy] Think I saw an alligator.
- [Uber] What's with the new security?
[Griselda] Just a precaution.
[birds chirping]
This is Rigo.
He and his cousins
came over on those boats
from Cuba we saw on the news, Ozzy.
They call us "Marielitos."
[car door closes]
Put them on.
Thank you.
Help unload the car.
I gotta make a call.
Rigo thinks your mom's a saint
'cause she gave jobs
to him and his cousin.
- [telephone ringing]
- [Isa chuckles]
[man on TV in English]
Look at you. You're drunk too.
Come on. Let's go.
[in Spanish] Hello.
[Griselda] How's it going?
Just doing a deep clean.
You mean getting high in the backyard?
[chuckles] We need a "vacation," too.
It happen yet?
I haven't given the order yet.
Listen to me.
Back in the day,
when a man treated us like shit,
all we could do was knee him in the nuts.
Now you got the means,
do not feel bad taking back what's yours.
[Carla] What's going on?
She's gonna fuck up
the assholes who stole her territory.
Fuck yeah, Godmother!
Clean the house at some point, okay?
Aye, aye, captain.
Good luck.
[disconnects, dials]
[breathing heavily]
[line ringing]
[Dario] Hello.
We're here.
Get going.
[receiver clicks]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Dixon] Who are these people?
[Griselda] Must be the house owners.
Rigo. Chucho.
Dario's en route. You should go.
Where they going?
Nowhere. Go get settled.
[music intensifies]
[suspenseful music continues]
[engine stops]
- That him?
- [Dario] Mm-hmm.
[guns cocking]
Party's on.
[tense music playing]
No one comes out alive.
[breathes deeply]
You see what Castro's doing?
Already enough Cubans in this town.
They're like fucking roaches.
- [chuckles]
- You want a beer, Dad?
[suspenseful music playing]
[man] Die!
- [guns firing]
- [woman screaming]
[indistinct shouting]
[glass scrunching]
[grim music playing]
[door closes]
[hurried footsteps approaching]
[Rigo sighs] Let's go.
[car alarm blaring]
[tires screeching]
[sighs] Gosh, Ozzy, you scared me.
Think I found the alligator.
- Should you be looking for it?
- I'd like to watch it eat something.
How long are we staying here?
We should be home
in a couple of days, okay?
[car approaching]
[engine stops]
[somber music playing]
It's done.
[exhales shakily]
Hey. It's over.
- Shit is over.
- [Griselda] Mm.
[softly] You did good, my love.
[anchorman in English]
An attack at a high-end shopping mall
left two men dead today.
The assailants abandoned
what police are calling a war wagon.
We now go live on scene.
[male reporter] Two shotguns,
three machine guns, five pistols,
and a number
of flak vests were inside the van.
Police spent more than an hour searching
the neighborhood for suspects,
but weren't able to turn anybody up.
The suspects are still at large.
Police say they don't know
what the motive was for
- [static buzzing]
- [groans]
- [Rafa in Spanish] Fucking satellite.
- [audio breaking]
- Is it her?
- [audio plays normally]
Griselda? The one you told me about?
[man in English]
They came prepared to do battle.
[anchorman] It's also
been reported across town
a massive explosion destroyed
the house of this man, Papo Mejia.
[in Spanish] Fuck, Papo.
[reporter in English] They've not said it
was drug-related, but it's a possibility.
[in Spanish] She's a headache.
[reporter in English]
opened the liquor store,
the dead men,
the victims are still inside
[in Spanish] She's a badass.
[female reporter in English]
Authorities identified one of the victims.
German Panesso,
a Colombian national
suspected of drug trafficking.
Panesso is believed to have been
the primary target of the gunmen.
- [ambulance siren wails]
- [indistinct chatter]
[officer 1] Uh, right now, we have two
[officer 2] I heard about it already
[camera shutter clicks]
[June] Left it for a reason.
Somebody's sending a message
they're not fucking around.
Papo thing, too.
Question is who.
Our vic was a supplier from Medellín.
Name is German Panesso.
Guess we could start there.
We deliver a big arrest here,
make it public, reassure everyone.
That's why we got CENTAC, June.
All eyes are on us.
You and I, we take this case together.
[pensive music playing]
[Griselda in Spanish]
You didn't have to come all this way.
Come on, Griselda.
You wanted me to come all this way.
They took everything from me, Rafa.
And I want it back.
I get it.
Can't say I like your method, though.
- I tried talking.
- [Rafa chuckles]
Not what I meant.
You think blowing up someone's house,
you're gonna kill them.
Most of the time, you're right.
Problem is, sometimes,
your man's in the wrong spot.
And when a wall caves in,
instead of crushing him, it protects him.
That's right.
Papo's still alive.
And as far as I'm concerned,
he's still in charge of the city.
So I'm not here to give you shit.
Whose body were they talking about?
Mmm. That's the best part.
[chuckles] It was Papo's father.
Christ, Griselda.
You blew the shit out of the old man.
That's why I came all this way. Hmm?
I wouldn't miss for the world
seeing that look
on your fucking face right now.
This is a moment to savor.
[tense music playing]
Papo's smarter than I thought.
His man pulled him out
before cops arrived.
And he let you think that you got him.
[chuckling] I'm impressed by Papo.
Huh? Clever, Papo.
And here you are, arranging flowers.
Letting your guard down, I imagine.
[lighter flicks]
But don't worry. Relax.
Nothing's going to happen to you here.
You got this place locked down.
Papo won't come
all the way here looking for you.
He's not an idiot. Don't be stupid.
But you know what I would do?
I'd check your other shit right now.
And then I would
get the fuck out of the city.
Because if Papo doesn't kill you
Listen carefully.
I might have to take you out myself.
Both of you.
[breathing heavily]
[door opens]
[door closes]
Rigo and Isa are at the other house.
["Mammy Blue" playing]
[in English] Oh Mammy ♪
Oh Mammy Mammy Blue ♪
Oh Mammy Blue ♪
Oh Mammy Mammy ♪
Oh Mammy ♪
Oh Mammy Mammy Blue ♪
Oh Mammy Blue ♪
I may be your forgotten son ♪
Oh Mammy ♪
Who wandered off at twenty-one ♪
Oh Mammy ♪
It's sad to find myself at home ♪
Oh Mammy ♪
And you, you're not around ♪
If I could only hold your hand ♪
Oh Mammy ♪
- And say I'm sorry, yes, I am ♪
- [dog barking]
Oh Mammy ♪
I'm sure you'll really understand ♪
Oh Mammy ♪
[man] It's crazy, these maniacs.
Oh Mammy ♪
Oh Mammy Mammy Blue ♪
Oh Mammy Blue ♪
Oh Mammy ♪
Oh Mammy Mammy Blue ♪
Oh Mammy Blue ♪
Oh Mammy ♪
[people screaming]
[thunder rumbling]
[somber instrumental music playing]
[sobs softly]
[speaks indistinctly]
[thunder rumbling distantly]
[telephone ringing]
- [switch hook clicks]
- [Rivi in Spanish] Hello, Griselda.
Thought you were in jail.
[Rivi] They took down Amilcar,
but I got away, left town.
I'm glad you gave those assholes
what they deserve.
[thunder rumbling]
Where are you?
[Rivi] California.
Safer for me here.
So what, Rivi?
You just called me to tell me
you liked what I did?
I go out in the heat every day here
and take this stuff
the Indians eat, peyote.
And I sit and think in this vast desert.
But my mind
keeps coming back to you, Griselda.
I'm not sure why.
I think it's because you're the unknown.
This isn't about Papo or Panesso.
It's about that sky holding you down
every day of your life.
I told you I can help.
When you're ready, call me.
- [siren wailing]
- [camera shutter clicks]
[indistinct chatter]
[in English] Wait, hold on.
Can I get a light?
[intriguing music playing]
Likely in prison.
He's a Marielito.
The clerk at Dadeland
said the hitter had nice tats too.
Could be another Marielito.
Which one out of the hundred thousand
that have come here so far?
[gun cocking]
[suspenseful music playing]
[in Spanish] Miguelito's here.
- [woman] Thank you.
- [Miguelito] We're here.
[woman] We're here.
This is my aunt, Rigo's mother.
I need to speak to Ms. Blanco.
[thunder rumbling distantly]
I came here from Cuba years ago.
But my son was in prison
for something he did very young.
I waited and waited
until Castro let him come.
And now
I'll never see him again.
I have sons.
I can't imagine.
Rigo said you're a mother to three boys,
but also to all who work for you.
He said people call you the Godmother.
So perhaps you know the answer.
Tell me.
They cut off my boy's head.
Do you think he can still go to heaven?
Yes, of course.
Your son Rigo died because of me.
You don't know how sorry I am.
There's no one we can trust here.
The police, the people in charge,
they're no different than those in Cuba.
So many of these boys came here,
but have nothing.
Nothing to do.
Nothing to believe in.
You gave him that.
If Rigo's brothers ever make it here,
I hope they can work for you too.
[pensive music playing]
Let's go. [sniffles]
Thank you.
Esmerelda, wait.
What if I can fix it for you?
Make these men pay for what they did
and give you the money
to bring your other sons here.
You would do that?
For you, anything.
[telephone ringing]
[Griselda] Rivi, I need you to find me
Papo's sicario.
[engine idling]
- [keys jangling]
- [engine stops]
Why don't you let me do this?
They have to know I did it myself.
[gripping music playing]
[man 1] Hey!
- [man 2 shouting]
- [gun fires]
- [man 2] Leave me alone!
- [objects crashing]
- [gun fires]
- [muffled grunting]
[grunting continues]
- [man 2 choking]
- [old man breathing heavily]
[TV playing indistinctly]
[Dario] Come on.
[man 3 grunting] Let me go! Let me go!
In there.
[tense music playing]
- Fuck you, bitch!
- Shut the fuck up!
Hit him once. I can finish.
Motherfucker, you're getting
what my friend got.
And what my cousin got.
Please don't kill me.
Don't kill me. I beg you. Please.
Let me go, please.
Let me go, please.
[Dario] Griselda?
[music intensifies]
- [Griselda grunts]
- [whimpers]
[crying] Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
It's over. He's dead.
Come on. We have to go.
[tense music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[engine starts]
[in English] Hey, take it easy.
This thing is sharp.
Listen to me.
- [laughing]
- My wool won't keep you warm!
- Well, it don't even keep me warm!
- [door opens]
[door closes]
[Dixon and Ozzy continue laughing]
[somber music playing]
- [camera shutter clicking]
- [siren wailing distantly]
[sighing] How the fuck do we keep up?
[indistinct police radio chatter]
He says he saw something,
but I don't speak Spanish.
[June in Spanish] Sir.
Did you see something?
There were three,
but I didn't see their faces.
I only know that one of them was a woman.
- [vehicle approaching]
- [indistinct chatter]
There were more,
but this was all that would fit
in the trucks.
I got this for you.
For them, you may want to wear it.
[solemn music playing]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
Thank you all for coming.
I'm Griselda Blanco.
We both have the same problem.
Every room I walk into, I'm just a woman.
Every room you walk into,
you're just a Marielito.
When people look at you,
they only see your tattoos
and that you don't speak English.
They think, "How can I use them?"
"How can I abuse them?"
The only way to get what we want
is by taking it.
[Marielitos] Yes! Yes!
And to do that, we need strength.
[Marielitos] Yes!
- Strength in numbers and strength here.
- [Marielitos] Yes!
I don't have to tell you
what I'll do for your families.
- You've seen it.
- [Marielito 1] Hmm.
I don't have to tell you
I'll fight for you, you've seen it.
[Marielito 2] Yeah! Together!
What you need to know is,
if you work for me,
you'll have a purpose,
and you'll have respect.
[Marielitos cheering in agreement]
When we're done with this shit,
you won't be washing their fucking dishes.
You'll be sitting at their table,
eating their lobster,
driving their Caddies,
and swimming in their fucking pools.
[cheering, whistling]
So who wants a piece of that?
- [Marielitos cheering]
- [dramatic music playing]
Let's go, my friends. Let's go.
Let's go.
[Marielito 3] The Godmother!
[cheering and whistling continues]
[disco music playing over speakers]
[in English] She's got
an army of Marielitos, Papo.
They're guarding her place
and the fences along the road.
There's no way in.
We can wait till she leaves
Why the fuck would
that bitch leave, Jacomo?
She knows I wanna cut her head off too.
[in Spanish] Your yard
looks like a Cuban prison.
That's her new army.
I assume this has something to do
with why you want me to move in.
I'm going to attack the Ochoa drops.
[suitcase thuds]
You're going to war with the Ochoas.
Not just them.
Papo and his dealers too.
Starting tomorrow,
I'm going to hit them all.
Fuck up their operation.
The Ochoas have
all that coke in the Bahamas,
and will have nowhere to sell it.
They'll give me what I want.
Your territory?
What's ours. We all worked for it.
- You didn't see No, listen.
- [Arturo] But
You didn't see what I saw.
Those assholes
aren't going to stop, and you know it.
With the Marielitos here, we're good.
We don't have to run away.
It's the only way, Arturo.
Well, it's not like
I can go against the Godmother.
[suspenseful music playing]
[music swells and ends]
[upbeat Spanish song playing]
[Marielitos cheering and whooping]
[indistinct chatter]
[Miguelito] Hurry up!
They're wondering how you always know
where to send us, always a step ahead.
Miguelito, I have a source.
But don't tell them that.
I already told them
you have help from upstairs.
To the Godmother! The Compassionate!
[all cheering]
Drink and get some rest.
Tomorrow we'll hit
those motherfuckers again!
[Marielitos cheering and whistling]
Word is you can't even find
an eight-ball on the street.
This should bring Rafa to the table.
[Miguelito] Godmother!
[shouting in Spanish, cheering]
I think she's starting to like this shit.
And that's intoxicating, my friend.
[Uber] I know
what she did to win them over.
I hope I'm never like her.
You won't be.
You're not her.
You come from a different place.
I know there's a lot she doesn't tell me.
She's just protecting you.
[in English] Every fucking load
she takes out makes her stronger,
and it stops our entire system
right when we were getting started.
Papo, you are in charge of the city.
[in Spanish] You think I don't know that?
[in English] What do you want me to do?
There is no way in that place.
She's got a fucking army, Rafa.
[whispers] What?
[in normal voice] Hey.
It's late.
So, I was going through one of the purses
of the decapitated females at the house.
- We assumed that they were prostitutes.
- Yeah.
But I found these notes with numbers,
might be measurements in grams.
Three and a half grams
is an eighth, 28 grams is an ounce.
- Yeah, they're cutting kilos. Street sale.
- Mm-hmm.
- Dealers usually hire somebody to do that.
- Exactly. But it wouldn't be a woman
- [chuckles]
- unless it's a woman doing the hiring.
We had a witness
from our last homicide scene.
He saw a woman, gave a description.
You're still on this woman narco.
I know you'll say, "What does it matter
- if it doesn't help with the murders?"
- It doesn't relate to the murders.
But if one of her employees was a victim,
then she's connected somehow.
"She's connected somehow"?
Okay, look.
Red dots, single murders.
Blue, attacks by the Marielitos.
Yeah, I see why people say
this is a war zone.
Diaz. These attacks
on the Ochoa organization,
they are not random.
They are directed. Precise.
Who's willing to systematically
go after the Ochoa organization?
No one.
Unless they have
the Marielitos working for them.
We know that there are Marielitos who died
alongside those women at the house, right?
So it's not just women
that are working for my mystery narco,
but it's Marielitos too.
So I think that these attacks,
they are some kind of answer,
they're some kind of retaliation,
for what happened at her house.
You're saying that one person
is behind all of this?
I'm saying one woman is behind all this.
[dramatic music builds up and fades]
Michael, is it true?
Don't ask me about my business, Kay.
[Kay] Is it true?
- [Michael] Don't ask me about my business.
- [Kay] No.
[Michael] Enough!
"Don't ask me about my business, Kay."
[Ozzy chuckles softly]
- "Don't ask me about my business."
- [Michael] All right.
- [in Spanish] Dario, shut up, man
- [in English] "Enough!"
[Michael] This one time.
This one time,
I'll let you ask me about my affairs.
[in Spanish] I'll be right back.
[Kay] Is it true?
[water flushes]
[door creaks open]
[Uber] Mom?
You okay?
Just nerves. Go back to the movie.
That's not true.
I let you lie
because I think it helps you.
And I'm not sure it does.
I do know it's starting to piss me off.
I'm pregnant, Uber.
That's why I keep throwing up.
Dario doesn't know.
I remember the day I realized
my mother was full of shit.
But the difference between her and I
is she lied to help herself.
Everything was all about her.
I need you to know that everything I do,
I do for you boys.
For the family.
[solemn music playing]
I want this to stay between us.
[in English] This is where
they all come, the narcos.
I got a CI in here, Monkey Morales.
I mean, if anybody
knows about a lady narco,
it's gonna be him.
So, how does it work with this Monkey?
We wait here.
See if he can talk.
- Can I ask you something?
- Mm-hmm.
You close with your dad?
[chuckling] My dad?
My real dad put me and my brother on
a plane by ourselves to get out of Cuba.
So, "Dad" is just a bunch
of drunk uncles that live here.
Uh, my boy, he wanted to go stay with his.
Felt like he didn't know him.
And you were hurt.
[Diaz] Hmm.
But I figured he has to learn
for himself what an asshole the guy is.
[Diaz laughs]
And maybe
I needed him out of my hair
so I could do this new job.
All right. There's no shame, you know.
You like what you do.
No offense, Diaz,
but you're not a single mother.
You think running CENTAC's hard?
You didn't ask me
the right question, then.
You see [sighs] my mom,
I was very close to.
When she made it here, she worked
and held me and my brothers together.
Just like you.
That's Monkey.
All right.
You're up. He's gonna see us.
[indistinct chatter]
Do you know, or did you hear anything
about a woman narco?
["Ou La La" playing over speakers]
A woman narco
My height, brown hair.
[in Spanish] So the woman cop's
after the woman narco?
Answer the question, Monkey.
I don't know shit.
[in English] Ou la la ♪
All you gave me was a little smile ♪
Ou la la ♪
[in Spanish] Okay.
[sighs] Thanks for nothing.
[in English] You said one day
Maybe after a while ♪
Where sun is free for miles and miles ♪
And water so clear
I can see ♪
[in Spanish] Wait for me a moment.
[in English] Yourself and me
And many other things ♪
I'm looking forward to that day ♪
He knows something, I'm sure.
The guy's usually very honest with me.
Hey, you're a little obsessed
with the female narco.
Maybe you're not seeing straight.
- [Diaz whistles]
- Hey. I'm gonna go sit this one out.
You go back and say
I'm fucking stupid and make a joke
about how female cops are
such a pain so you had me sit this out.
- June, I don't wanna go back, okay?
- Just do it.
You said one day
Maybe after a while ♪
Where sun is free for miles and miles ♪
Damn. [clicks tongue] Fuck.
And many other things ♪
When our friends see us walking along ♪
Ou la la ♪
[indistinct conversation in Spanish]
[in English] They can hold their cool
And sing this song ♪
Ou la la la la ♪
Ou la la la la ♪
Ou la la la la ♪
Ou la la ♪
So, Detective Hawkins
turns out Monkey saw your female narco
at the Mutiny several times.
Saw her?
Her name is Griselda Blanco.
[dramatic orchestral music playing]
[Marta snorts]
[in Spanish] What's the problem?
[Rafa sighs]
She hit more of our drops.
She's acting crazy.
Thinking about asking your cousin
to send in
the heavy hitters on this bitch.
You're gonna call the Ochoa army?
"Die, all of you motherfuckers."
[mimics machine gun firing]
'Course, then,
you'll have to admit to my family
that your Miami soldiers
got fucked by a woman.
["Sácalo Sácalo" playing]
[Griselda] Rafa, I'm glad
you called. How's business?
[Rafa] What'd you do
with my coke, Griselda?
Don't worry. It's all here.
[Rafa] Okay. This is what we'll do.
You're going to stop this bullshit,
give me back the coke,
and I'll give you back your territory.
[Griselda] And Papo?
Papo wants this over too,
so he can go to Medellín, bury his dad,
start making money again,
what's wrong with that?
As it should be.
Good. All I need is your word
that when he gets back,
you two sit down and shake hands.
I don't want any more bullshit in Miami.
[tense music playing]
[Griselda] I told him he'd have
my answer in the morning.
- [Arturo] What is there to think about?
- [Dario] She doesn't want to stop.
[Arturo] You already got him to concede,
which is unbelievable.
Take the victory.
What do you have to think about?
Give us a second.
Was thinking I could
fix this place up a bit.
Grow something in this place,
as long as we're stuck here.
[lighter clicks]
What's wrong, Dario?
I thought this was just about
getting your territory back.
It was.
Now I'm not sure.
Well, I think we should stop.
Uber told you I'm pregnant.
Question is, why didn't you?
I was worried the second you found out,
you'd just see me
as something delicate you had to protect
And that I wouldn't
let you take any more risks.
I know who I'm with.
I know the type of woman you are.
I know you're a badass who doesn't quit,
and I fucking love that about you.
I just worry
this shit's gone to your head,
and you're not thinking straight.
Not thinking about what's coming.
Why? Hmm? Because I'm pregnant?
Because you have an army of crazy Cubans
who'll do whatever you ask.
This is ours.
It's yours and mine. And it's beautiful.
And I think
we just need to be more careful.
Take your territory.
It's more than enough.
[Rivi over phone] How's the intel working?
[Griselda] Rafa gave me back my territory.
Hmm. But it doesn't feel right.
Your friend who died.
What would she say?
To keep fighting.
But she didn't have kids. And I do.
Feels like the more I fight
for them, the more I lose them.
And now I'm pregnant.
Bringing life into the world's
a big responsibility.
So is taking it away.
When you're here,
you can see
the big cycles of history, Griselda.
And you realize that time
doesn't move in a straight line.
It's a continuous circle
that doesn't stop.
[pensive music playing]
Very few can break the cycle.
[Griselda] What are you saying?
That I can't stop the Ochoas,
and that it's stupid to try?
I'm saying you don't need advice from me.
You know your own truth.
[indistinct chatter]
[man 1 laughs]
We didn't do this for a mountain of coke.
We did it so those motherfuckers
could feel how we feel!
Powerless! Scared!
[Marielito 1] Afraid!
We're not done until those bastards
are on their knees,
begging us to stop!
[Marielito 1] That!
[Marielito 2] Burn it! Burn it!
- [all cheering]
- [whistles]
["Lullaby In Ragtime" playing]
[in English] Won't you play the music
So the cradle can rock ♪
To a lullaby in ragtime ♪
[in Spanish] For your cousin, Miguelito.
[in English] Sleepy hands are creeping
To the end of the clock ♪
[in Spanish] Yes, Godmother.
[Marielitos cheering]
[Marielito 2] My Godmother!
[in English] You can tell
The sandman is on his way ♪
By the way
That they play ♪
As still as the trill ♪
Of a thrush in a twilight high ♪
It's a brand-new car!
So rock-a-by my baby ♪
Don't you cry my baby ♪
Sleepy-time is nigh ♪
[anchorman] We interrupt your
regular programming for breaking news.
A man's been brutally attacked
inside Miami National Airport.
This is rather
Well, reports suggest
an assailant attempted to behead him
with a large sword or bayonet.
Stay tuned
for more information as it comes.
[man in Spanish] Sir.
This just came in.
[telephone ringing]
Sir. For you.
[tense music playing]
I took your advice. No dynamite.
This is fucking insane, Griselda.
[Griselda] No, it was necessary.
You got my gift? Read the inscription?
I don't understand.
I gave you what you wanted.
Listen, asshole.
You gave me what was already mine.
I've let every dealer in the city know
what happened to Papo will happen
to them if they don't do what I say.
I want the city, Rafa. All of it.
So I suggest you go back to Fabio Ochoa
and tell him the cartel
doesn't sell an ounce of coke in Miami
unless it's through me.
[dramatic music playing]
[Diaz in English] You did this in front
of hundreds of witnesses.
There's no way out for you here.
Help us get Griselda, and we ask the DA
to make things easier for you.
I will never say a fucking word.
[distant indistinct chatter]
[footsteps approaching]
[in Spanish] Dixon said
you wanted to talk.
You always used to keep our secrets, Uber.
I thought he should know.
I understand.
But next time, speak to me first.
Things are going back
to how they were before.
Better than before.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [disco music playing in distance]
I told you it'd all work out.
You always get your way.
[Griselda sighs]
Our new family's going to have
everything it could ever need.
Don't get too cocky, darling.
He's upstairs.
[man] Please come in.
Pleasure to meet you, Griselda Blanco.
You must be Arturo.
I'm Fabio Ochoa.
The pleasure is all mine, Fabio.
Please, sit.
[Arturo clears throat]
We've all been impressed
by what you've done here.
No easy task to tame
these American shithole cities.
So many egos, so many guns, and you
A woman.
That's what you were going to say, Fabio?
But here you are.
Here I am.
Rafa told me you want to be in charge.
Yes. That is exactly what I want.
So that's what will happen.
Our Miami operation, our product,
will all run through you.
You know, I've been impressed not just
by how industrious and clever you are,
but also how ruthless.
In this case, it was necessary.
Sometimes it is.
[Griselda gasps softly]
- [tense music playing]
- [blood splattering]
Of course, you must pay
for fucking with us.
So it doesn't happen again. Understood?
Now, let's get down to business.
[breath trembling]
[emotional instrumental music playing]
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