Hawaii Five-O (1968) s02e10 Episode Script

All the King's Horses

Rudy, you can walk the dogs.
You want Mike Finney subpoenaed, you serve him.
- Well, there's no need to be so upset.
- But he almost killed me.
Look, Mr.
Irwin, I'm not a young man, but I'm not gonna get any older working for you and Fletcher.
Man like Finney must have an awful lot to hide if he won't accept a subpoena.
- Right, Fletcher? - You can bet on it, Mr.
You have a very long life line.
No fooling.
Why should I kid you? You're good for another 30 years.
That's the best news a cop could hear.
Believe it.
I come from a long line of Gypsies.
I bet.
What else you see? - That's it.
- Oh, come on.
I can do better than that.
Let's see.
I I see some exotic Oriental dishes being served at a place called Jade Dragon.
How's that sound? You're doing fine.
Anything else? Yeah, something here.
I can't quite make it out.
It's Looks like a dance floor, Kahala Hilton.
Danny's show after dinner.
How does that sound? You're a real gypsy king, huh? - What about this line right here? - Oh, I'll tell you about that one later.
I can hear the violins now.
Oh, excuse me, honey.
Just a minute.
Irwin? Mr.
I'd like to talk to you about Mike Finney.
Well, there's nothing to talk about.
I'm gonna put him in jail, where he belongs.
But then, I shouldn't be telling that to his friend, should I? - I think Finney's hands are clean.
- Just because Five-0 says? When you started your hearings, we checked him inside out.
I sent you the results of that investigation.
You sent them back unopened.
Why? You're forgetting I'm chief counsel.
I'm conducting my own investigation.
Where? In the headlines? Is that where you're gonna try him? Now, why would I do that? For this.
Don't jump to conclusions.
You're liable to get in trouble.
You make it sound like you're in business for yourself, Mr.
Five-0's job is the investigation of crime in the state.
Governor of Hawaii says so.
Now, if you know something about Finney, tell me and I'll help you bust him.
What do you know that I don't know? Fletcher.
Sorry, I don't serve subpoenas.
No, that one's for you.
Oh, for me? Tuesday at 10.
Be on time.
Hello, Steve.
- Delighted you could come.
- Senator.
I understand you're going to appear at our hearing next week.
- Command performance.
- Strictly routine.
How's the governor? I suppose all this talk about crime has been embarrassing to the governor.
But then, it is a matter of public interest.
Well, we'll see.
I hope so.
Steve, I have all the confidence in the world in Irwin.
I know he plays a little rough, but that's the only language some of these mobsters understand.
I want you to meet some of the other members of the committee.
That's Senator Kapalani over there.
He's from Molokai.
Get down! Go.
Army M-1 carbine.
Serial number 5876778.
Stolen April 6 from an ordnance warehouse on Kaneha Street.
- Fingerprints? - Nothing.
Irwin's claiming an organization hit, triggered by Finney.
What do you got, Chin? Cast of footprints found at the scene of the crime indicates the man's height about 5'10".
- Weight, maybe 165.
- What's for sure? Lab boy says size 10E shoe.
And he's right-handed.
Well, that's openers.
- Kono? - Big item.
A lady.
She lives near Senator Colt.
She heard the shots, saw a guy running down the beach from Colt's house.
He cut through her yard.
She kept her eye on him.
Saw him get in a blue sedan and cut out.
- License plates? - He took off too fast.
- Anybody in the car with him? - She didn't notice.
She's at H.
Going over mug shots now.
- What else? - You can tell us who faked it, Steve.
Six shots at that distance, nobody misses.
That's for sure, Danno.
Not with a telescopic sight.
All right.
Check out a private investigator named J.
Fletcher? I thought he was working for the committee.
He gets paid by the committee, but he works for Irwin.
Am I reading you right, Steve? You think that Irwin set up that attempt on his own life? - Maybe.
- What about Finney? - He'd like to get Irwin.
- Another maybe.
They say Finney's a hothead.
What else you know about it, Danno? - Nothing, except - That's right, nothing.
I'm gonna give you a chance to meet him.
Call him, Danno.
See if he's home.
Tell him I'd like to see him sometime today.
- Is he listed? - Well, he's a citizen.
Sure, but look at his past.
That's what everyone's doing.
We got a file 4 inches thick on Finney.
Every rap sheet on the man going back to a bootleg-booze operation when he was 14 years old.
Yeah? McGarrett.
Yeah, Jenny, put him on.
Yes, governor? Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, I'm on my way.
Remember this.
The key word, gentlemen, is neutral.
Strictly neutral.
- Governor? - Oh, Steve.
I'd like you to meet Senator John Oishi, chairman of our state labor investigating committee.
Sorry you couldn't make the party.
I've heard a good deal about you, Mr.
- From whom? Mr.
Irwin? - Yes, and from the governor and from a good many other sources, I might add.
You have many friends and many enemies.
Well, my old man used to say the way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, to do nothing and to be nothing.
Well, Steve, I've just told the senator that your office would cooperate fully with his committee during the present inquiry.
Yes, sir.
Your counsel has already contacted me.
I'm sorry.
A subpoena was quite unnecessary.
I apologize.
McGarrett, I know these legislative investigations have a way of ruffling feathers, but I assure you, we have no ax to grind.
The people are concerned about the possible infiltration of criminals into our unions, and it is our duty to investigate.
Fact or fiction, senator? Well, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish one from the other.
I hope you can help us in that regard.
- Good day, governor.
- Senator.
Thank you for your assistance.
- Senator, one question.
- Of course.
How much do you really know about Mike Finney? What my counsel and his paid investigator tells me.
- You mean Irwin and Fletcher? - Yes.
- Good day, Mr.
- Good day, sir.
There are many kinds of politician on this island, Steve.
John Oishi is an honest one.
- I want you to help him.
- But he's not running the investigation.
- Irwin is.
- And squeezing it for every ounce of political gain he can promote.
Of course.
Irwin has his eye on the office of attorney general.
- Governor next? - Probably.
Do you want me to help put him in office, governor? Look, you know and I know there's no crime syndicate controlling our labor market.
- Of course.
- What I want you to do is to make certain that the public knows it too.
There can be no question of a cover-up, Steve.
You talking about the Mike Finney case? That's exactly what I mean.
Now, what about Finney? Well, he's an ex-con from St.
Thirty years ago, he was an enforcer.
Served time for manslaughter.
But since he quit the rackets and came to the islands, I can tell you, sir, that he's clean, absolutely clean.
What's your point, Steve? Well, he served his time.
He paid his debt.
People do wrong things in their lives.
If they didn't get a second chance, there'd be nobody around.
Now, I ran an investigation on Finney in depth, and I can tell you, sir, that Irwin has nothing on him except his past.
- Then Irwin can't hurt him.
- Oh, he can hurt him.
Not with evidence, but in the headlines.
It's gone too far to stop, Steve.
If I tried to throw a roadblock now, I'd be accused of trying to stop Irwin, of playing politics.
Steve, I want you to serve Finney personally.
Yes, sir.
Look, I'll call Oishi.
He'll guarantee that the man gets a fair shake.
You tell Finney that, huh? Yes, sir.
Easy, Lobo.
Easy, Bruiser.
Hey, Bruiser, Lobo.
Hey, cut that out, McGarrett.
You wanna ruin their act? You dumb mutts, you're supposed to be vicious.
Where's the boss? Over there by the orchids.
I wanna talk, Mike.
You wanna talk, I suppose you mean I gotta listen, huh? Well, if you do, it'll be the first time.
- Okay, Mac.
- Hi, Mike.
Danny Williams, Mike Finney.
Another cop, huh? Well, you come to steal a flower? Got any worth taking? Well, just step right over here.
So they got you to serve the paper, huh, Mac? - How'd you know? - It's written all over you.
You know, I thought you were too big for that kind of stuff.
Isn't that a beauty? Cattleya dendrobium.
Hybrid orchid, rare.
You know there's not one person in a thousand would know that? Oh, he's got hidden talents.
Besides, he's been browsing in your store downtown.
Wise guy, huh? Mike, why didn't you testify voluntarily? You'd have been given a fair shake.
What do you mean, fair shake? It'd be the same thing all over again.
The good guys against the bad guys.
They're going to put me in the hot seat and they'll murder me.
- Look, Mike - Come on, McGarrett.
Don't bull me.
I've been there before, remember? They haven't changed the rules any, have they? No.
I know the score.
If I answer them like I haven't done anything, then they're gonna ask me another question, and then another question, and then they're gonna start asking me about my friends.
What are they up to? How are they making out? Who did they kill today? If I don't answer them, take the Fifth, they're gonna say I'm guilty.
If I do answer them, but I won't talk about my friends, they're gonna hold me in contempt, lock me up, throw away the key.
- Finished? - Yeah.
Mike, the governor told me he'd talk to the committee chairman.
The committee chairman's a fair guy.
What about Irwin? Mac, can you? Is there any way you can make a deal for me? I Sorry, Mike.
No deals.
Okay, cop.
You served your piece of paper.
Now, go on, get out of here.
- Dad? - Judy, what are you? This is my daughter, Judith.
McGarrett, Mr.
Are you involved with the committee investigation, Mr.
McGarrett? Yeah, in a way.
In a way, Miss Finney.
In what way, Mr.
McGarrett? Selling papers? This your idea of a fair shake, McGarrett? Steve didn't lay that on you, Finney.
You gonna let him do your talking for you? It's the truth, Finney.
No, it ain't true.
You're still a cop and I'm still Mike Finney, a cheap hood.
It's trial by press and abuse of office and Irwin knows it.
He called a press conference.
It's unfortunate.
Then stop him, senator.
His tactics stink, and so does his purpose.
He doesn't care who he smears, if it gets him the attorney general's office.
McGarrett, Irwin's tactics are one thing.
Reports he has about Finney are another.
Reports? Or rumors and lies? I'm not in the business of defending racketeers, senator.
But I can tell you one thing.
Finney's only crime as of now is that he was once a big name in the rackets.
And still lives like a king off money that came from crime.
Let me set the record straight, senator.
Finney came to these islands flat broke, but he had guts and an idea and he hit the jackpot.
Now, he's made big money here, but he made it straight.
He's got a wholesale flower business catering to 2 million tourists a year.
- I didn't know that, Steve.
- And something else.
Finney paid his debt, in prison.
When does a man stop paying for his past? - That's a difficult question.
- Is it? The Constitution guarantees a citizen freedom from harassment.
In 1941, I was also imprisoned.
Interned by the government as an enemy alien.
I was a Jap for five years, an Oriental for another ten.
Now I'm an American, but it was a long time before people stopped looking at me as if I were still the enemy.
This will not happen again, Steve.
Thank you, senator.
See you soon.
Thank you, sir.
Vince Watson.
How positive was the witness? She passed him up twice before she picked him out of the mug book.
She thinks he's the man she saw running from the senator's house.
She thinks he's the man who got into the blue sedan.
Positive-type lady.
What do we got on Watson? Vince Watson, private investigator.
License revoked May 3rd, Arrested armed robbery, August '68.
No conviction.
Prior to that, he was a bail bondsman for Joe Fletcher.
He worked for Fletcher for two years.
- Pretty slim, Steve.
- Yeah, slim, but it's a tie-in.
Our first real hook.
Now, I want Watson.
No APB, no noise, don't tip our hand, just get him.
You make it sound easy, boss.
- Danno? - Yeah, Steve.
Got a job for you.
Check Finney.
See if he knows a Vince Watson.
This is our hearing room, senator.
I hope it meets with your approval.
Many years ago, this was a night-court chamber.
I prosecuted my first case here.
And I'm sure you won.
Irwin, I am the chairman of this committee, and I will not allow it to be turned into a witch-hunt.
I really don't know what you mean, senator.
I will not have you holding press conferences.
I explained to Senator Colt and the other members that I was misinterpreted.
Well, you know, senator, the press likes to sell papers.
Besides, Finney will have his day in court, as it were.
Finney is not on trial.
I only meant that he will have an opportunity during the hearing to present his case to the public.
What real evidence do you have to connect him to any labor racketeering? Names, dates, places of meetings he's had with well-known union leaders.
Don't worry.
The whole package.
He's nailed.
I don't want him nailed, Mr.
I only want sufficient fact to show he has done something illegal.
Yesterday, you accused him of trying to kill you.
Can you prove it? I will.
Joe Fletcher's working on it now.
Unfortunately, he's been running into a good deal of static, particularly from the Five-0 people.
They're covering for somebody.
Wouldn't surprise me if it goes higher than Mike Finney.
Remember one thing.
When the hearings begin, I will call the shots.
You understand? Of course, senator.
That's how it'll be.
Hello, Miss Finney.
What do you want, Mr.
Williams? I was at the house, your father isn't there.
- No? - Where is he? Why can't you let the man alone? I'm only doing my job, Miss Finney.
Sure you are.
Have you ever seen this man? - No.
- Are you sure? I'm sure.
Look, Miss Finney, it's very important.
Where can I find your father? I don't know.
And if I did know, I wouldn't tell you.
That's very intelligent, especially for a teacher.
I teach handicapped children, Mr.
It doesn't require a great brain.
A little love and compassion go much further.
- And the message is? - The message is you're a cop.
You look at my father and you see a monster with blood all over his hands.
Well, it was never like that, even when he was mixed up in the rackets.
What do you see when you look at him? I see a man who worked and prayed to be forgiven by society, and he failed.
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry? What for? You don't pity those who fail, Mr.
You help them.
Fletcher and I both agree.
He's the wrong man for the job.
I want him out.
- No.
- Senator, there are many aspects of this case that you're not aware of Charles, don't get all lathered up.
I helped you put this investigation together, and I'll help you see it through.
Besides, it isn't hurting my chances for reelection at all.
But Oishi stays.
He's an old lady.
He's throwing a roadblock into my investigation.
I'll talk to him, straighten things out.
Don't worry.
You go and push Finney or McGarrett if you have to.
But leave Oishi alone.
Well, let's just say that there are a lot of Japanese voters in my constituency.
Charles, I want you to be the next attorney general of this state.
I'll help you any way I can.
I'm with you all the way.
Well, I have a finance committee meeting.
I have to get back.
Stay as long as you want, gentlemen.
You have just been had.
He ain't with you at all.
No, he's playing it safe.
That's what I've gotta do, Fletcher.
Finney's guilty, I know it.
And McGarrett's covering for him.
I can take care of Finney on the witness stand, but I want McGarrett too.
You don't suppose he's getting a payoff? What else? I want proof.
I know it won't be easy to find, but sometimes even a false trail leads in the right direction.
Right this way.
Follow me.
Finney has the prettiest variety of flowers on the island.
Pua melia are commonly called plumeria.
It will take 2 or 300 of these lovely flowers to make a single lei.
These attractive purple flowers are the Vanda orchids.
We also use carnations or gardenias, though I think the orchid makes the prettiest arrangements.
And now, if you will follow me, please.
Up the stairs.
Steve? Just got a call from Chin at the airport.
Watson's gone.
Gone? Flew out at 5:00 yesterday.
Flight 8 to Los Angeles.
- Positive ID? - He was smashed at the airport.
Made quite a scene.
One of the clerks recognized his picture.
Okay, Danno, stay with it.
Have L.
Run an R&I.
Put out an APB from Seattle to San Diego.
Don't you believe in knocking, Fletcher? Sure.
You state cops sure work late.
I got a proposition to talk with you, McGarrett.
Now, look, it's way after my bedtime.
I didn't come here to play games.
- I wanna talk business.
- Sure.
How much did you pay Watson to stage that phony hit on Irwin? - Why don't you ask Watson? - I will.
You can bet on it.
I told you, I got a proposition.
- Now, you can take it or leave it.
- Get out of here, Fletcher.
I know you're Finney's pal, I know you wanna get him off the hook.
Maybe I can fix it.
You're good at that, huh? What's Finney got on you, anyway, McGarrett? You got a proposition for me? - Now, here's the deal - Hold it.
- Go ahead.
- Hey, you think I'm nuts or something? What's the matter, Mr.
Fletcher? Tape recorders make you nervous? - Well, you bet they do.
- That figures.
Because you know exactly how a tape can be edited.
How a nice, innocent proposition can be twisted around so a tape can be used to hang somebody in public.
That right, Mr.
Fletcher? Look, McGarrett, you can't do Get out.
Get out! I got a feeling he won't be back.
Open the windows, Danno.
It's rank in here.
Twelve-gauge, blue.
Never saw one like that before, Steve.
Take a good look.
It tells the whole story.
- I don't read you.
- Twelve-gauge, right? - That much I read.
- Riot gun.
- See the full hammerhead? - Right.
That means he's gotta measure his own powder, pellets.
Set his own wadding.
Control the pattern.
Can't hardly miss.
Then that means a hit man.
- A pro, probably a mainlander.
- Exactly.
Start with the airport arrivals, then check the cabbies, car rentals, hotels.
Ask Chief Dan for some extra manpower.
Turn this rock inside out if you have to, but find him.
I'm on it.
Boss? Look at this.
And this.
Nice little frame Fletcher was setting up.
- Crude, but effective.
- Yeah.
And with you out of the way, they could bury Finney good and deep.
Well, I'm in the way.
McGarrett, listen, if I wanna murder Fletcher, you think I'm stupid enough to do it here in my own office? I don't know anything about this, nothing.
You roust me out of bed 3:00 in the morning, bring me down here - Shut up, Mike.
- I was asleep in bed, wasn't I? - Tell them.
- I said, shut up and listen.
I know you didn't kill Fletcher.
Well, then, why do you bring me down here at 3:00 in the morning? Now, will you listen? Looks like some of your old mainland pals are nervous.
Maybe they think you might sing a little? I don't sing, McGarrett.
Okay, let's say they worry.
Yeah, maybe they worry a little.
As of now, you and your daughter are under protective custody.
You think I'm bananas, McGarrett? I know the game, I know the score.
I'll handle this my own way.
You'll handle what? There's a contract out on you, Mike.
I know all about contracts, McGarrett.
I'm a businessman, remember? Lock the door when you leave, will you? - Guy's got a strong death wish.
- Or a plan.
Chin, you take Finney.
Danno, stay with the girl.
Miss Finney, Miss Finney! It's all right, Johnny.
It's all right.
Did you forget to say goodbye? Can you say it? Goodbye.
Mind if I join you for lunch? I don't suppose this is a coincidence.
No, no way.
It's my job.
- Following me? - Yep.
- Why? - Sit down.
Come on, sit down.
I asked why.
Because we don't want anything to happen to you, that's why.
Well, as of noon, you're out of a job.
I'm leaving on a vacation.
Too bad.
Why? Well, we sort of got off on the wrong foot.
I was hoping for a chance to change first impressions.
- Peanut butter.
- Chicken.
- Chicken? - Half of a half peanut butter? With me, it's a staple.
That boy, - he really loves you.
- I love him.
I love all of them.
All aboard.
Maybe when you get back Will there be anything to come back to? You've got those kids to come back to, Miss Finney.
Bye, Mr.
Lousy cops tailing me.
I told them to leave me alone.
Rudy? Rudy? - Mike, I didn't see him.
- Yeah? Rudy.
He's dead, Mr.
Thirty years, me and Rudy.
A good friend, companion and buddy.
Gin rummy.
Thirty years.
Who put out the contract on you, Mike? Talk to my lawyer, will you, Mac? - Can't you see I'm trying to help you? - I don't want your help.
We're on different teams, see? I can't help you, you can't help me.
That's the rules of the game.
Whose rules? - My rules.
- Well, they stink.
So do yours.
In an hour or so, Irwin's gonna have me up on that stand.
He's just going to tear me apart.
Why? Because I did something wrong? No.
No, just because that in his mind, I'm still a no-good, two-bit hood.
And that's what you're acting like, a two-bit hood.
I know who put out that contract on me, I know why, and I'll tell you something else.
Maybe if I was in their shoes, I'd have done the same thing.
Only, I wouldn't miss.
I'm still calling the shots.
Do you wanna write your will? Don't do it on my time.
Come on, McGarrett.
The hit man kills Fletcher, thinking it's me.
Now they get Rudy, trying for me.
You think he's gonna miss three times or no? No, all the king's horses and all the king's men can't help Mike Finney.
And that's the two and two of it.
Judith is on the plane.
- Did you wait for the takeoff? - Flaps up.
Thanks, Williams.
She said take care of yourself.
Anything else? We might split a chicken sandwich sometime, somewhere.
Well, at least she's safe.
Won't happen to her the way it happened to Rudy.
You sound like you don't care whether you lived or died.
That the way I sound, Mac? Kono, whether he likes it or not, stay with him.
Come on, Danno.
- Move fast, big boy? - Try me.
Central Dispatch calling McGarrett.
Central Dispatch calling McGarrett.
Yeah, Five-0.
Go ahead, Dispatch.
- Chin Ho, boss.
- Yeah, Chin.
What do you got? H.
Found the car the hit man used.
About a mile from the shooting.
Lab boys are going over it now.
It's a hot wagon, stolen this morning.
Anybody get a look at the driver? No help.
Like playing ghost.
Now you see him, now you don't.
In and out of his sewer, huh? I drew blanks at motels, hotels, bars, car-rental outfits, you name it.
All right, Chin.
Keep after the hit man.
- Will do, boss.
- Thanks, Chin.
Over and out.
Whoever he is, he's a pro.
- Moving all the time.
- Yeah.
- Yeah? - How's the weather? I said, how's the weather? Hey, look, man.
They got him buttoned up so tight I can't Not interested.
You've missed twice already.
Now, you're getting a fat price for this contract.
Either you deliver or we write another contract.
- You got the message? - Yeah, I got it.
Finney, have you ever heard the statement "I decline to answer the question on the grounds it might tend to incriminate me"? Yes, Mr.
Irwin, I have.
I believe it's called the Fifth Amendment.
Gentlemen, I suppose if I had any brains, I'd take it, but I'm not going to, because I have nothing to hide.
It'll save us time.
Finney, I see you're not represented by an attorney.
- You have the right to one.
- Yes, thank you, senator, I'm aware of that, but I don't believe I'll need an attorney.
I'm here for one reason only.
Of course.
You were subpoenaed.
No, not because I was subpoenaed.
It's just because that, from the time I first set foot on the island of Oahu nine years ago, I haven't done a thing wrong, not a thing.
And I want you all to be well aware of that.
- I want you all to know that before - Before what? Before Mr.
Irwin here starts shooting off his big, fat Go ahead, hit me with it.
This man is a lifelong member of the criminal conspiracy.
A man who has brought murder and corruption to Oahu, while purporting to be nothing more than a grower and seller of flowers.
It is the purpose of this hearing to establish that Michael Finney is still a member in good standing of the organization, that he was sent to Hawaii to infiltrate and eventually control our labor force, and that he is fully committed to that end.
No! That's Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Welcome back to Hawaii, Mr.
It wasn't in my plans, McGarrett, believe me.
I do.
You're entitled to have a lawyer present.
Is that what you call respecting my rights? - That's the shorthand of it.
- No, I think I'll play it by ear.
Let's start with me walking down a street in Portland, Oregon.
Twenty-four hours after you committed a crime here on Oahu.
No fooling? Anyway, I'm pinched and dragged back here.
You ever been slapped with a lawsuit for false arrest? Why? You gonna file one against me? I think so.
I really think so.
Who's gonna be your lawyer, Mr.
Irwin? Who's Irwin? He's the man that you fired at six times when he was in the pool at the home of Senator Colt, remember? I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm talking about your being hired for the job by J.
Fletcher, your onetime business associate.
Hired to shoot and hired to miss.
What are you trying to lay on me, McGarrett? We've got the weapon you fired, we've got a description of the car you used, and we got a witness who saw you running from the scene of the crime.
An eyewitness.
Ready to pick you out of any lineup, anytime, anywhere.
You're a slob, Mr.
You've been snookered.
Now, you gonna take the rap yourself? I will ask the question again.
What is your connection with one Milton Carver? I knew Milton Carver on the mainland.
That's all.
Isn't it a fact, Mr.
Finney, that you saw Milt Carver, a syndicate gunman, on June 11th of this year in your office? Nope.
I never even knew he was on the island.
And on that day, the 11th, didn't Carver come to your office this time to discuss the reason you sent for him? No.
I haven't seen him in nine years.
And on the 12th, one day later, didn't he again come to your office, this time to report he'd finished the job you wanted done? No.
Now, these are lies.
These are all lies.
And wasn't that job the murder of a local union head who fought your control to take over his union? No! - Senator.
- Quiet! Senator.
Excuse me, sir.
There's a hearing in progress, Mr.
Well, I've heard you say the purpose of hearings of this sort is to expose the face of the enemy.
I think we've done that, Mr.
Senator, I have here a statement signed and sworn to by one Vince Watson.
I'd like you and the rest of the senators to read it.
Highly irregular, Mr.
It was highly irregular for Mike Finney to be called here on hearsay evidence.
And highly irregular for Mr.
Irwin to attempt to frame me.
I'll explain that later.
- Mac? - Watson was paid by Fletcher to stage that phony assassination attempt.
- What about Irwin? - His idea.
He wanted to lay it off on you in the headlines.
Is that document something I should see, senator? You will get a copy of it, because it will be used as evidence against you.
I'm talking about a disbarment proceeding, Mr.
Irwin, and possible criminal prosecution.
Stay with him, Kono.
Hold it! Police officer.
You get him, Mac? Irwin too? Good man.
You said you'd do it and you did.
Easy, Mike.
- Ambulance? - On the way.
Save it.
All the king's horses and all the king's men can't put Mike Finney He left you his prize orchid, Danno.
Said to water it only once a week, and no more.
He never got his second chance.
Well, not in this world, anyway.

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