Hotel Portofino (2022) s02e02 Episode Script


(theme music)
(waves breaking)
(gulls crying)
(scissors snipping)
(crows cawing)
(crows cawing)
(treacherous music)
(distant talking)
(dramatic music)
(soft music)
(door creaks open)
(door creaks closed)
(birds chirping)
(cutlery clinking)
Well, if it isn't young
Billy Scanlon.
Good morning, Mr Ainsworth.
II heard a rumour
you was home.
And have you been
keeping your nose clean?
Spotless, Sir.
Good man. (laugh)
Though I shan't be
taking your word for it.
Have you seen my wife?
Uh, most likely in the office,
Or maybe in the kitchen.
Good to have you back,
Mr Ainsworth.
(soft music)
(telephone ringing)
Dirt was bad.
But now this?
(banging continues)
(pot lids clanging)
Basta! Less noise, capiche?
And thisthis
'Scuze, Signora.
What's he saying?
What's he saying?
He say you strong
like Italian woman.
Oh-ho, yes, yes.
(laughs) I am.
And don't you forget it.
Now, just go away.
(dramatic music)
(door closes)
Some things don't
change around here.
For your information,
I'm on holiday.
From your wife,
I'm led to believe.
this marriage business,
I grant you it's never
You know, it can take months,
years even,
for a chap and his girl
to work out.
You know, work out
how best to rub along.
By living apart, you mean?
I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
I'll pretend I didn't say it.
My, my, we are sharp today.
We'll cut ourselves
if we're not careful.
Have you seen your mother today?
She was on the terrace
last time I looked.
(soft music)
Oh, um, nice to see you again.
Not you as well.
(gulls crying)
(waves lapping)
(people chattering)
Did you sleep any better,
Mr Chancellor?
Yes, very.
BELLA: I'm so pleased
to hear it.
-And you, Miss Chancellor?
-Oh, very well thank you.
Yes. Quite well
Will you excuse me?
-Good morning.
-Morning, Bella.
Blast it to hell, woman!
Please, won't you join me?
Don't mind if I do.
what an unexpected pleasure
to see you back in Portofino.
(laughs) At last.
A warm welcome
from someone who may
possibly even mean it.
(soft music)
Oh, are these ours?
Yes. Well, they belong to
the hotel.
Great. I suppose that means that
I can borrow one.
Ah, well they're meant for
the guests, Luce.
No one's using this one.
Alright. If you have a good use
for it, I suppose you can.
Well, I thought I might take
one up into the mountains.
Do some sketching
for that painting.
Oh, that would be marvellous.
Hello. Buon giorno.
-Here you are.
-Oh, there's a telegram for you.
Ooh, that'll be from Nish.
(paper rustles)
Any news?
Uh, he is not coming.
Not coming,
oh, darling, I'm so sorry.
That's disappointing.
It's alright.
A bit of a long shot, anyway.
Oh well, on the bright side,
that's even more time
for painting.
(soft music)
(church bells chime)
There you are.
(kissing sounds)
You're still angry with me?
What is it then?
I keep thinking about
the driver,
Giaconelli's driver.
What about him?
He'll be killed, won't he?
Yes, of course.
Most likely he will die.
Is that what you want me to say?
And you see no problem
with that?
He's a fascist collaborator.
But also a son, maybe a father,
a husband, a brother.
There's no other option.
But to fight violence
with violence?
Hatred with hatred?
(bang) Yes!
It is fatal to hesitate!
And to think about a humanity
for they see no humanity in us.
It is hard for you, I know.
You're full of tenderness,
It is why I love you.
Perhaps you should
go back to Portofino.
At least until this is over.
(gulls crying)
You could stop for lunch
and then continue on to
San Giorgio.
It's definitely worth a visit.
(jaunty music)
Please, do take that with you.
Have a wonderful day.
Thank you.
FEMALE: Fancy.
What a strange choice
for the foyer.
Indeed, I mean,
even she looks embarrassed.
Hmm, you are funny, Jane.
Who is the dog?
That is Bubbles, Mrs Ainsworth.
Didn't they tell you
they were bringing a dog?
They certainly did not.
Yeah, they picked him up
in France.
There's another thing.
Um, they're not happy with
the room, Mrs Ainsworth.
They were expecting a sea view.
Also, Ma'am, um, apparently
they're veterinarians.
What's that got to do
with anything?
You know, Ma'am, they
they don't eat meat.
Good morning.
Oh, poor Betty.
She swears by good steak.
Shall I go and warn her, Ma'am?
Yes, you better, Billy.
Do you think this might all be
some kind of elaborate test,
Mrs Ainsworth?
That had occurred to me.
And they might be
the inspectors.
They chose the paintings.
Constance, I think you're right.
What are we going do?
Don't fret, Ma'am.
We'll manage.
(dog whines)
Are you happy here, Bubbles?
You look like you could do with
some refreshment.
You are always so considerate.
Thank you.
Looks like it's coming on.
You have made a decision
about the building work?
No, no, I haven't quite.
MARCO: Well, I will carry on
until you tell me otherwise.
I hear you have a new arrival
at the hotel.
My husband.
You were expecting him?
No, not really.
He has been away for some time.
Nine months.
That is a long time to be apart.
Of course, it's none
of my business.
I said that I co-owned
the hotel.
MARCO: Yet you have barely
spoken of him.
Oh, just as you've barely
spoken of your wife.
I told you,
Helena has been dead 11 years.
It is all so long ago.
Nonetheless, I'm still curious
to hear about her,
and why you never remarried.
(laughs) I'm not that much
of a prize.
I find that very hard
to believe.
My family and I,
we have nailed our colours
to the wrong mast.
We are of the wrong
political persuasion.
Or perhaps the right one.
Mot if you want to carry on
running an architect's practice
in Milan.
Or find clients in your hometown
who aren't crazy English ladies
with big ideas,
but little knowledge
of Italian politics.
So, you too have
fallen foul of Signor Danioni?
Nothing has ever been said,
but my order books speak
for itself.
Yes. I'm sorry.
I shall let you carry on.
(gentle music)
Thank you.
(foreboding music)
(upbeat music)
(people chattering)
It's Mr and Mrs Briggs,
if you ask me.
She's the cousin of an earl.
So, even toffs need to
make a living.
Uh, what about Colonel Hammond?
Maybe he looks more the type.
I'm telling you,
it's the Dodsworth sisters.
My money's on that Mr Bertram.
Oh no, no,
Mrs Ainsworth said he's a poet.
And, and snooty.
You can hardly imagine him
turning his hand
to travel guides.
BILLY: Hmm, and what about
his mother?
Oh, she does nothing but eat
and sleep.
It won't be much of a review.
Ah, I hear San Giorgio
was a success?
It was lovely.
I'm so pleased.
Good night.
-MAN: Good night.
-WOMAN: Good night.
(tense music)
I think I'll call it night
there, if you don't mind.
Why would I mind?
You know me,
never walk away from
an open bottle.
Goodnight, Ainsworth.
Goodnight, old boy.
(knocking on door)
(door handle rattles)
Bella, for heaven's sake.
It's locked.
Yes, I can see that.
Just let me in.
I'd rather not.
That was a mean trick.
Leaving me to make
my own way from the station.
Butyou shouldn't have
just shown up like that.
Without warning.
You can't avoid me forever.
(door closes)
(jaunty music)
(gulls crying)
(cockerels crowing)
LUCIAN: And what's in this
second room?
So, you get us all hot
and bothered in there.
So, you get us all hot
and bothered in there.
And then you move us
into the adjoining room
for a massage
and a beauty treatment.
Ah, well it's more about health
and wellbeing
than cosmetics, darling.
If you say so.
So, what do you think?
Oh, yes. Yeah, yeah.
The plans certainly, uh,
certainly passed muster.
Oh, Luce, you sound sorude.
I mean, look at the- the design,
the- the use of the space.
-Of course. I'm sorry.
You have a fine eye,
Mr Bonacini.
-Thank you.
-(laughs) Poor Marco.
He's been my sounding board
in your absence.
I've bent his ear over
thread count of the towels
to the profit margins.
CECIL: Hello.
BELLA: Hello.
What are you two cooking up?
We are looking over
Mother's plans
to build a health and beauty
BELLA: Oh, forgive me.
Signor Bonacini, err,
this is the architect,
this is my husband,
Cecil Ainsworth.
Welcome back to Portofino
after such a long time away.
Architect, you say? (scoffs)
Seems a spot excessive
for a tile and paint job.
It's so much more than that.
Well, what is it you want,
Oh, well I- I was heading into
I thought I might see if you
perhaps needed anything.
Ah, well, Lucian is getting
the train to Genoa.
All my needs are taken care of.
Good, good.
shall we have another look at
those column plans that you had?
-BELLA: Yes.
-I did have a few questions.
-Oh, oh, the columns.
-Yes, yes.
This is piece de resistance.
(upbeat music)
(gulls crying)
(waves lapping)
(dog barking)
It's too bright out here.
Really, it's far too bright.
Young man, the parasols!
The parasols!
(jaunty music)
This is not good enough.
(dog panting)
Is that who I think it is?
They've got Billy running around
after them like a slave.
Shall we?
Sorry that my company's
been rather
foisted upon you this afternoon.
I told your mother I'd be fine
going into Genoa on my own, Sir.
Well, it's a bit of a three-line
whip, I'm afraid.
Plus, we have enough errands
to keep us both busy
into the middle of next week,
by the looks of things.
(romantic music)
(street sounds)
Signor Ainsworth. (laughs)
I was told the English gentleman
was back in Portofino.
-Gentleman now, is it?
Ah, I see you've moved
the old fella.
Oh yes.
Where I can see him.
-And where he can see you, huh?
-(laughs) Please, take a seat.
A souvenir from bonny Scotland.
Courtesy of Lord Ross Cannon
Very nice, ooh, let's see.
And, a little something
to help it slip down
even more smoothly.
25 percent from 500 crates
shipped last quarter.
Feel free to count it.
-Or don't.
-Let's have some, yeah?
Why not?
(whiskey pours)
Thank you.
God bless the Volstead Act, eh?
Long live prohibition.
(glasses clink)
So, what's all this about,
Well, I have told you
all I know.
Well, is there a problem
in Bermuda?
No, I don't think so.
The shipping to Canada?
Like clockwork.
What about the US border?
As far as I know, the right
people are being paid, so
(sighs) Well
Perhaps there's some sort of
problem in Detroit,
a turf war maybe.
No, my contact would've told me.
No, no, no, no.
Well, there's definitely
no problem
with the merchandise,
that much I know.
Then what?
What are they so bloody keen to
talk to us about?
if I know you're here,
then they do, right?
(tense music)
So, we will not wait too long
to find out.
So, we will not wait too long
to find out.
(train hissing)
(carriage door opens)
Thank you.
(whistle blows)
(carriage door closes)
-I forgot to ask.
You don't happen to know a man
called Bonacini, do you?
-The architect?
Yeah, I know him.
What can you tell me about him?
Well, he had a practice
in Milan, very successful.
But then he sold it
and moved back
after his mother died.
and moved back
after his mother died.
Is he one of yours?
-You mean a party member?
Hmm. Far away from it.
His father was a- a teacher.
A socialist.
-A socialist?
How fascinating.
How fascinating.
-And, uh, Bonacini?
(gulls crying)
(soft music)
He lives actually a quiet life.
With his wife and children?
No, he has no family.
Signora Bonacini
died in childbirth,
and the baby as well.
Why do you ask?
-No reason.
He's doing some work
for my wife.
I see.
(gate clangs)
(crows cawing)
Very good day to you.
(church bells ring)
(city sounds)
(dramatic music)
(door opens)
(door closes)
(horse whinnies)
(paper rustles)
LUCIAN: I am sure that
you are busy
with all sorts of happy schemes
and devilry.
(men singing, shouting)
But it would mean so much
to once again have someone
to confide in.
(city sounds)
(upbeat music)
(telephone ringing)
Are you ready?
So, it wasn't a completely
wasted trip, then?
One letter.
Poste Restante.
I don't know why they don't
send it to her at the hotel.
I'm sure there's
a simple explanation.
So, we have one hour
and one quarter
until our train.
Would you like to
possibly get something to eat?
I'm not very hungry.
I'd love to look around.
(romantic music)
Where are we going first?
That is the most
ridiculous story.
It's true.
(chattering, laughing)
(laughs) It'samazing.
The most beautiful building
I've ever seen.
I don't suppose
you're hungry now?
I couldI could eat.
I didn't bring any money,
(gulls crying)
(boat wake splashing)
(light orchestral music)
Oh. (laughs)
Bella Ainsworth,
you have no idea
how good it is to see you.
Just to be here.
And you have no idea
how delighted we are
to have you back, Miss Pascal.
Oh, I'm just sorry to have to
put you to this extra trouble.
Trouble, what do you mean?
The boat, your suit, the sunset.
Honestly, this has been
the highlight of my day.
You do have a happy knack
of making the most theatrical
of entrances.
Oh. Except it's not
my normal style. Right.
Slip in the back way.
Yes, I was rather
wondering about
the necessity for a
The vultures haven't descended
Well, I assume there'd be
a flock of them
flapping and squabbling
at the gates.
Just the usual sparrows
and pigeons, Ma'am,
Just the usual sparrows
and pigeons, Ma'am,
last time I checked.
Well, they'll be here
with the dawn chorus, honey.
Just you wait.
(jaunty gramophone music)
(chattering, laughing)
Ah, there you are.
You're rather late.
Sorry, we rather lost track
of time.
Well, I- I was beginning
to get worried about you.
It's alright, we just missed
the train.
And, Constance, did everything
go according to plan?
This is the receipt
from the bank.
Oh, marvellous.
And this is what I picked up
for you at the post office.
Oh yes, of course. Thank you.
I'll be off to bed then.
-Of course.
-Thank you.
-Sleep well.
Darling, I- I do hope that
wasn't too much
of a wasted day for you?
You know, it wasn't so bad.
Shouldn't you be going to bed
Yes. Yes.
I- I'll go right now.
Uh, goodnight.
(whistling happily)
(door creaks open)
HENRY: My darling
I'm bursting with excitement
to telling my news.
I've been engaged as a tutor
by the family of one
of my pupils
and am travelling to Italy
in their company.
We arrive in Genoao
on the fourth of next month.
It is my only wish to see
your sweet
and oft-imagined face again.
Forever yours, Henry.
CECIL: What you doing?
(paper rumples)
What are you doing?
What does it look like?
It looks like you're
lying in wait.
The only way I can get a word
with my wife, apparently.
What do you want, Cecil?
A civil conversation, perhaps.
I have nothing to say to you.
I don't understand why
you've come back.
There's nothing for you here.
Except the people I love.
(soft music)
I made a mistake.
I know I did.
You're quite within your rights
to despise me.
God knows, I despise myself.
But I
I've had a lot of time to think.
About you, me,
the life we've lived together.
And I've come to realise
that I
I haven't been the husband
you must have hoped for.
Oror deserved.
Of course, I could play
the poor me card, make excuses.
My brute of a father.
Being forced to marry young
against my inclination.
My bitterness at seeing
the money we should have used
to build our life together
being frittered away
on death duties and land taxes.
Butthat's all it would be.
Feeble excuses.
All I know is
when you're here
and I'm back in London,
I feel
I feel half the man I do
when I'm with you.
(upbeat music)
How can I ever trust you again?
I could ask you the same thing.
-We made a vow, Bella.
For better or worse.
And I for one want to do better.
I will, I will do better.
Whatever it takes.
(dramatic music)
Is that it?
Have you said your piece?
Yes. That's it.
We're bound together,
you and I.
Whichever way you look at it.
(door opens)
(cockerels crowing)
(birds singing)
(gulls crying)
(light music)
-I quite fancy one of them
sorbets now.
-Oh, that would be lovely.
(man singing)
No, thank you.
Hey, Connie,
Hey, Connie,
you could do
a lot worse, you know?
He doesn't understand
a word.
Daft as a brush aren't you,
petal, hey?
-But very good looking.
If you fancy them all swarthy
like. (chuckles)
(man singing and strumming)
Oh, maybe it's you
who fancies them swarthy, hmm?
Not that one.
He's like a bear
with a sore head.
And light-fingered to boot.
You can't prove
he stole your knife, Betty.
Oh, you just watch me.
I mean it, though.
You should give some
serious thought
to marrying an Italian.
Settling out here, like.
I'm in no position to marry
That's just what I mean.
If you marry a foreigner,
you could tell him your husband
was killed in the war.
It'd be harder to question.
There'd be a father
for little Tommy,
and you'd be freer
to be yourself, love.
Safe from other people's
(soft music)
Well, if I ever do marry,
it'll be quite a different
sort of man than that.
(Bruno speaking Italian)
Besides, I don't think it's me
Bruno really has eyes for.
What? None of that concerns you.
On the contrary,
it most certainly does.
I don't need your permission,
Oh, just your father's,
I imagine.
If you are going to be able
to pay for it, that is.
I have been paying for it
out of the profits of the hotel,
if you must know.
Let's not fight.
I was going to say,
jolly good idea
I thought it was.
I mean, if I had
one tiny criticism,
it would be that I don't think
you're being ambitious enough.
-Not ambitious enough?
Cecil, I have built this hotel
whilst you sat around
smoking cigars
and reading the racing tips.
I mean, how could you possibly
lecture me on ambition?
Look, I know, I know, I know.
You've made a terrific go of it,
despite the Italians.
Oh, despite your lazy cynicism.
I admit it.
I thought you were throwing
good money after bad.
Turns out you've got
a real flare for it.
It's just
It's just what?
It's just what?
Why is there always a but?
Because at the current rate
of return,
it's going to be 20 years
before you've
paid your father back,
the capital sum
he invested in the place.
Well, do you have another
Yes, I do.
Be bigger, bolder.
Stick a solarium on
the front of the house
to capture the winter sun
and extend the season.
You could convert
the rooms in the attic.
What about those servants'
quarters out front?
They could be additional suites
for guests.
I can barely afford the work
that I have undertaken.
And in fact, I'm probably
going to have to pull the plug.
That would be a crying shame.
Yes, it's a disaster.
Have you thought about
asking your father?
How many times do I have to
tell you
I am never going to take
another penny from my father?
And, umwhat about
little old me?
You. (laughs)
I invested the insurance money
from the stolen Rubens.
I've been, err,
dabbling in a commodity or two.
Just for once, everything seems
to be coming up roses.
Think of it
think of it as a peace offering.
Cecil, you are not going to buy
your way
back into my
Now, please leave my office,
(gulls crying)
(waves lapping)
(soft music)
Oh, do you mind if
I take a look?
Oh, sorry, uh, my mistake.
I thought you might
be sketching.
Not my thing.
No? Well, what is your thing?
Uh, words.
Verse, more specifically.
Hmm, verse?
You- you had anything published?
Couple of small collections,
novella that nobody read.
Oh blimey, you're
you're a real writer then.
Well, um, I should warn you,
we have been asked to expect
an anonymous inspection.
So, if any of the staff
see you writing,
they will be on you like a rash.
Just so you know.
I'll bear that in mind.
(people chattering)
So, are you holidaying or?
That would be the logical
With your, with your mother?
I believe she answers to
that name.
And, with whom did you serve?
What makes you think I did?
Well, I'm, I'm sorry.
I, I saw that.
I just assumed.
Making assumptions
is a fool's business.
Right, well then,
I'll bid you good day.
(jaunty music)
(chickens clucking)
Marco, you shouldn't
be doing that.
Don't worry, my man, Bruno,
he's very taken with your maid,
and I do not have the heart
to tell him to get back to work.
That's very kind of you.
Well, I hate to leave a job
half finished.
You cannot magic money
out of nowhere.
Or perhaps I can.
Your husband?
(lilting music)
Cecil has offered some money.
And you have decided to accept?
he's offered to pay for
the spa extension.
I mean, this could make
the world of difference.
Besides, you'll no longer
be at the mercy of Danioni
and his ghastly politics.
That should not be your concern.
Most importantly,
it would allow us to finish
what we've started here.
We? You mean the three of us?
Cecil really has no interest
in any of this.
He will let us get on with it.
But I will be working for him.
Not strictly speaking.
And you will be in his debt.
No, he owes me
a great deal of money.
Please don't worry about that.
I'm excited.
(street sounds)
(church bell rings)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
(hitting sound)
(punching sound)
(stick whacking)
Hey, hey, stop!
(man groaning in pain)
(breathing heavily)
I reckon she must have
been flirting with Bruno.
Don't you, Betty?
(basket bangs on table)
I was only teasing, Paola.
-Hey, hey, none of that.
Come here.
Come here, you big dafty.
Oh, there.
Now, you listen to
your good friend Elizabetta,
Paola sweetheart,
if you like him
find a way to let him know.
(soft music)
In Italy this is not the way.
(door closes)
(tense music)
(city sounds)
(people chattering)
(gulls crying)
Thank you, honey.
BELLA: Oh, grazie, Paola.
I thought you'd like to know
there was a man with a camera
at the gate at four PM
when Billy left for town.
And when he returned at six,
there were another two.
See? What'd I tell you?
Vultures, they scavenge
in packs.
I've never encountered them
Hmm. Well, they worked for
the magazines.
Scandal sheets.
If you ever set so much as a toe
in front of a movie camera,
you're fair game.
So, do they follow you
Only if they think you're a
And are you?
(soft flute music)
There's a rumour going around
my latest film set
that I'm carrying on
with my leading man.
Who just so happens
to be engaged
to another of the studio's
biggest female stars.
Oh, my goodness.
Well, what a thing
to just write about someone.
I said it was a rumour, honey.
I didn't say it wasn't true.
Oh, my word.
'Bathing beauty in hot water.
Claudine Pascal
caught with her co-star.'
I couldn't help noticing
your husband
is hanging around
like body odour.
Ah, yeah, we- well, we've been
apart for many months.
He's only just dared to
show his face again.
And how's that going for you?
Well, I would need a very
stiff drink and a lot of time
to go into that.
-Well, I got all
the liquor we need.
Ah, but I don't have any time,
my dear.
Oh shh, take a load off, honey.
-I really do, I still have
-Tell Claudine all about it.
-so much to do.
-No, no, no, I, you
let someone else stress
about this place
just this once.
Do you really think this is
a good idea?
(light music)
Well, only if my guest insists.
(city sounds)
What is it? You're bleeding.
I, I needed to see you.
Has something happened?
You've come to say
you're leaving.
No, no.
I've come to tell you
that this is my place.
Here, by your side.
This is where I'm
supposed to be,
wherever that'll take me.
You're sure?
As I've ever been about
Because I need you.
(soft music)
Come on.
When I was first married,
but after I got over the shock
of being separated
from my family
and being thrown into bed
with a complete stranger,
I think I did think I loved him.
Um, there was a lot of
(laughs) There was.
You laubut there was.
He had charm and,
and, and magnetism.
That stuff don't last, honey.
That stuff don't last, honey.
Well, and I've been
perfectly happy
avoiding making a decision
well, now he's here, it's
Hmm, you're forced to ask
what it is you really want.
Oh God, I would never do that.
No, it could be liberating.
Naming your needs.
Chasing your dreams.
I'm not as brave as you are,
my dear.
Then take him back.
Well, that's rather unappealing,
to be honest.
(Claudine giggles)
That was terribly cruel.
He's very funny, you know.
But the idea, the thought of
separation or divorce,
all thedisapproval
and upheaval.
I- I- I find it terrifying.
What's the worst
that can happen?
Well, it's hard enough
being a woman here,
running a business
with a husband,
even a slightly useless one.
Without a husband,
it would be nigh impossible.
There are so many
unwritten rules
and- and- and there's laws,
even, that-
and, and quite frankly,
I- I need the money he's
offering me.
Well, if it's a matter of money,
I got a whole heap of that.
If anybody gives me money,
it has to be Cecil
because he has taken so much
off of me over the years.
Well, you just have to decide
if the collateral he'll be
expecting in return
is a price worth paying.
That is a very,
very astute point.
But, you know
there is something
to be said for, um,
the longevity
in relationships.
For being witnessed, I mean,
decade after decade.
(dramatic music)
We lost our little boy,
you see.
And I do think there's something
binding about that sort of
Do you understand?
I'll bear that in mind.
there is something to be said
for playing the field.
My goodness.
He is frightfully handsome.
If you ever do decide
to give him the heave-ho,
(soft music)
as a woman as gorgeous as you,
as caring as you
men would be buzzing
around you
like bees at a honeysuckle.
Well, what about that Henry guy?
Oh, poor Henry.
Well, Henry was, was a
a port in a storm.
A safe harbour.
I- I- I stopped writing to him a
very long time ago, I'm afraid.
Oh, there must be someone.
Oh, hold that thought, honey,
we're gonna need another bottle.
-Oh, yes.
(Claudine laughs)
I feel like rather
a thirsty rabbit.
(joyful music)
Oh, and don't forget
the ice-cream.
(dog barking)
Is he a Pomeranian?
No, he's a vegetarian.
He eats rice and vegetables,
I'm afraid.
Never mind us, honey,
I think someone else's need
is greater.
Would you like some?
-I've got a better idea,
What, what?
What are you doing?
I'm liberating him.
Out of small acts of rebellion,
mighty revolutions are born.
Go my friend, go.
(dog barking)
(door closes)
(dogs barking)
(waves lapping)
(crickets chirping)
What have we here?
Bunking off, are we?
I often sit out here.
May I see?
Glad to see that you've
kept it up.
You have real talent.
Thank you.
I best be getting back.
(Lucian laughs softly)
I enjoyed our little jaunt
-Me too.
Pulled a lot of
feelings to the surface
(soft music)
..that I realise I've been trying
rather hard to suppress.
I was wondering
what things might have been
like last summer
if we had been able to
let them run their course.
I- I don't know what to say.
I have said it.
You don't have to.
-This isn't right.
-I don't give a fig.
-You're married.
-It's a charade.
Constance, Constance,
I have to follow my heart
this once.
Well, I can't believe it would
lead you to the hired help.
(soft music)
You sound like my sister.
Then maybe you should
listen to her.
(paper rustling)
FANNY: My poor Constance faces
an almost impossible choice.
She must either turn her back
on the person she loves
most in the world.
You alright, sweetheart?
I'm fine.
(melancholic music)
FANNY: Or sacrifice herself
to his needs,
and live with her regrets
forever afterwards.
I must either tell my darling
girl to come home,
or put her poor child up
for adoption
if another loving home
in the family
cannot be found for him.
(people chattering)
(tense music)
(heavy breathing)
(door opens)
(men speaking Italian)
(gun cocks)
(door opens)
(speaking Italian)
(motorbike starts, revs)
(men speaking Italian)
(baby crying)
Raffaele, no.
Raffaele, no! No, stop.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
(men shouting)
No, no, no, no, no!
Stop, stop, stop.
(men shouting)
(guns cocking)
Nish, run!
Nish, run!
(woman screaming)
(ringing sound)
(distant shouting)
That's the bloke who gave
Mr Sengupta the pamphlets.
Assassination attempt.
Welcome to paradise. (laughs)
They would like to propose
an expansion.
By how much, exactly?
Listen carefully,
Signor Ainsworth.
These are not people
to say no to.
There's too many
prying eyes here.
(men shouting)
Captions edited by Ai-Media
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