Hotel Portofino (2022) s02e04 Episode Script


(seagulls crying)
(waves lapping)
(soft music)
(people chattering)
Sweet in the morning, Jane.
More coffee, Ma'am?
Ah, Luce.
Here's a telegram for you,
Thank you.
Ah, Miss Jane, Miss Patricia.
How did you sleep?
(dramatic music)
JANE: Like Wee Willy Winky.
Dear Lucian, have decided to
surprise you.
Arriving first.
P.S. Keep the bed warm, darling.
(dramatic music)
(speaks Italian)
But that's, that's tomorrow.
(theme music)
You think I'm rushing things?
Well, you have only known him
a week.
It, it does seem
a little bit impulsive.
I have been on my own
for five years.
And I am sick of it.
Wellhe does seem rather
-Rather what?
-I was going to say vigorous.
He is.
But he's absolutely smitten
with me.
Not to mention extremely rich.
His family own a castle in
Lake Geneva with 30 bedrooms.
And have you spoken
about Lottie?
Of course. I have been
totally upfront with him.
He says he loves children,
and he wants to have some
of his own someday.
Darling, that's wonderful.
I'm going into this
with my eyes open.
(knocking on door)
-Yes. Come in.
(knocking on door)
-Yes. Come in.
Sorry to interrupt, Ma'am.
There seems to be a problem
Out with it, then.
Mr and Mrs Powell
are at reception.
What? But Mr and Mrs Powell
There's obviously been
some sort of mix-up, Ma'am.
Um, should Isend them away?
No. Uh, put them in
the drawing room.
Give them some tea and tell them
I'll be down in a moment.
Yes, Ma'am.
Oh gosh, dear.
Where will I put them?
Uh, just put them
in Daddy's room.
But then where will we put him?
Well, bring him in here
with you,
and I'll go and stay
with Victor in his hotel.
-Oh, no.
- Mummy, you are man and wife.
-It was you I was rather more
worried about.
I'm about to be.
And besides, you did tell me
to let my hair down.
Guilty as charged.
You look beautiful.
dramatic music)
(waves lapping)
What music do you like?
(boys chattering)
Constance, please,
we have to talk about this.
There's no point.
How can you say that?
Rose is coming.
We should forget it ever
(romantic music)
Oh, well, I can't do that.
And I don't believe
you can either.
What choice do we have?
LUCIAN: Constance.
Sorry to pounce.
But could I use your telephone?
Yes, of course.
It's long distance, I'm afraid.
My agent's just arrived in Nice
to clear up the mess.
Uh, please, do go ahead.
-You can charge it to my bill.
-Oh, of course.
Oh, no need to go on my account.
Oh, no. There's someone
I need to speak to.
Darling, is everything alright
between you and Constance?
I just went to go
and check on her.
Danioni's left
her feeling shaken.
She's having a delayed reaction
to last night, that's all.
It's wonderful news about Rose.
-Isn't it?
-I thought perhaps
I could find a moment to have
a word with her if, if
Well, um, I, I think
I'd rather we just
sort of have a go at it,
if that's all right with you?
Of course. Welland about
the other thing?
It's tonight.
We have to move fast.
So, you found a safe place?
I have, but I think it's rather
better if you don't know,
if that's alright.
Yes, of course.
Keep you posted.
-Ah, that was quick.
-Hmm, short and not very sweet.
I'm either gonna have to haul
my ass back
or get myself a lawyer.
-Oh dear.
I don't suppose you know one?
Well, uh, there--there's
Signor Bruzzone in town,
but his English
is somewhat limited.
And that's being generous.
I suppose I could ask
Carlo to translate.
As long as you don't mind him
Him knowing?
My life's an open book,
Bella Ainsworth.
(dramatic music)
Ah, there he is.
My favourite guest.
(chuckles) I think Miss Jane
and Miss Patricia
will be most put out to hear you
call me that.
I wondered if I might ask you
a small favour.
Please, anything.
CECIL: Albani, old boy.
-Are you ready?
-Ready and willing.
Oh, where you dragging
the poor man off to now?
Drinks, with Alice's fiance.
Can't you leave him in peace
to finish his tea?
The third hand will stop
the conversation flagging,
won't it, Carlo?
Indeed, it will.
(Cecil laughs)
have you packed up
your things from your room?
Uh, no. I believe,
uh, Billy's doing that.
I hope the favour
that you wish to ask of me,
it can wait a little longer?
Yes, of course.
(dramatic music)
(people chattering)
Of course, I, I really should
Whatever for?
Well, for asking for
your daughter's hand
without first seeking
your permission.
Good Lord.
I'd have hardly dared
withhold it, knowing her as I do.
Don't worry, old boy.
We've all been there.
Hearts aflutter and all that.
I just didn't know
a man could feel
so much for just one woman.
'He loves but little who can
say and count in words
how much he loves.'
Is your mother Italian?
She's a Farnese.
It's a noble Roman family.
Although from a very, very
distant branch, you understand?
And your father, French?
No. Um, he is Swiss,
but resident in Monaco.
He must be frightfully well off.
We Swiss are notoriously
private when it comes to money.
Ah, (laughs), yes.
Well, I, I spent a very happy
summer in the casino
at Monte Carlo.
-Ah oui?
Yes. Yes. Spending a large chunk
of my annual allowance,
-as I recall.
-I'm never happy losing.
Do you gamble often, Victor?
-Does not every gentleman?
-Good man.
You know, we should play
a hand or two.
They're reopening
the local casino.
Avec plaisir.
Ah, Danioni, co--come and meet
my future son-in-law.
Uh, Victor Michel,
Vincenzo Danioni.
Danioni is what passes
for the law in this town.
Uh, and I'm due to pay
you a visit, I think.
Ah, at your convenience. Enjoy.
(tense music)
(dog growling)
JANE: Bubbles come here! Oh!
(dog barking, growling)
Bubbles! Somebody, help!
(upbeat music)
Is everything alright?
(dog barks)
Argh! Argh.
-He bit me!
-Oh, savage little beast!
Oh gosh.
I shall fetch some first aid.
Do calm down, ladies.
PATRICIA: Little beast.
Get away. Back!
BELLA: Billy!
(dog barking)
-We need you.
-What is it, Ma'am?
Miss Jane, Bubbles has bitten
her on the finger.
Oh, must have been hungry.
BELLA: No, Billy,
this isn't funny.
He's drawn blood and
he's destroyed her notebook.
Quickly grab something
to catch him with.
He's hiding under the bed.
-Uma broom?
(dog barks)
He's under the bed.
Under there.
Alright, oop.
There'sa good boy.
Have you got him?
No, Ma'am, not quite yet.
(dog growls)
Little sod.
Bloody hell.
Stodgy, and sauce rather salty.
Fair to middling.
(dog growls, snarls)
-Billy, he's making a run for it!
Oh, hi.
(dog squeaks)
Aren't you a marvel?
PATRICIA: So brave.
(romantic jazz music)
(people chattering)
Blooming cheek of it!
I have never been
so insulted in all my life.
Betty, what on earth
is the matter?
As if anything I cooked
could be described as
fair to middling, Mrs Ainsworth?
-It's that notebook, Ma'am.
The one the dog tore.
Billy thinks he saw a description
of some of the meals in it.
The ones they've eaten here.
Do you mean a review?
And not at all positive.
So, you can wave goodbye to your
five stars, by the sounds of it.
Let's not jump to
any conclusions.
Miss Jane and Miss Patricia
have been
extremely positive about
your food.
This just goes to prove what
we've all been suspecting.
We need to redouble
our effortsimmediately.
I, I'm going to go look after
the guests on the terrace
right now.
(light music)
Venire, Paola.
(sea roaring, waves crashing)
(tense music)
Oh, Mr Ainsworth.
You made me jump.
Sorry, Billy, I didn't mean to.
I'm just anxious to get going.
We might have a long night
ahead of us.
Yes, yes, I'm as keen to get
going as you are.
Oh, I ought to tell you, uh,
we might have our hands full.
This Gianluca fellow's told
Nish to stay put.
Then why are we moving him, Sir?
Well, because there are people
looking for him everywhere.
They might come back
at any moment.
We need to find somewhere
more safe for him.
You've somewhere in mind?
I do, Billy, I think we're going
to enlist the help of Maria.
That's smart, Sir.
Nobody'll look for him there.
That should hopefully give us
enough time to figure out
what to do with him next.
(men chattering)
This solarium is exquisite.
Have you seen, Cecil?
I'm a fan of a good solid wall,
You must have been up
day and night to finish these.
Yeah, but it was a pleasure.
After our talk about
Brunelleschi Lacan Le Corbusier,
I got carried away by my desire
to create something
highly functional,
uh, modern, but also
classically beautiful, you know?
Yes. That's exactly what
you've achieved. You
(laughs) Oh, for God's sake.
I may not know about Corbusier,
but I do know that this
solarium was my idea. Mine.
Did you study architecture,
Mr Ainsworth?
-Don't be absurd.
-So, what is it that you do, exactly?
And what is the next phase
of execution, Marco?
Uh, we seek approval from
the communal council
and the necessary permit.
Of course.
(papers rustle)
I'll take care of that.
Thank you.
I'll have a word with Danioni,
see if I can, uh,
smooth the way.
Do you really think
that's a good idea, Cecil?
Oh, yes, I, uh,
(clears throat)
I'll ask Billy to remove
my suitcases from your bedroom
now that I've unpacked.
(dramatic music)
Marco, please wait.
I want to apologise
for Cecil's behaviour.
Your plans,
they were truly remarkable.
It's always the plans with you.
I warned you that if you took
his money,
you would be in his debt.
No, no, no.
I'm not in his debt.
He has no interest in
our project.
Oh, please, he is free to do
as he wants, to go where he wishes.
Well, I had no choice
about that.
There is always a choice.
I cannot.
But I know that you
feel something.
Yes, but still, not now.
(dramatic music)
And where have you been?
I've been looking for you.
Let's go and make peace
with a piece of cake.
Two, two pieces.
Come on.
(clears throat)
For, for you, yes.
Um, by, by way of an apology.
And, and to say thank you for
the melanzana a la parmapagiana.
Hmm, hmm.
-Ya, ya.
He says he has a gift
for you also.
(machine whirrs)
Whoo, ah-ha-ha-ha! (laughing)
Oh, goodness me!
(screaming with delight)
(dramatic music)
(speaking Italian)
Excuse me.
(people chattering)
(whistle blows)
(station master shouting)
-Shall we?
I was just thinking about
the last time
you came to collect me.
Last year, with your mother.
Been a lot of water
under the bridge since then.
I ought to go
and get your bags, I think.
-There's two cases.
They still say Drummond-Ward,
I'm afraid.
(dramatic music)
(people chattering)
(glass shattering)
Have I come at a bad time?
What do you want?
Crikey, keep your hair on,
old boy.
I've only come to show you
They're the proposed plans
for my wife's new solarium.
I was hoping, uh,
you might find a way to refuse
our planning permission.
What do you mean refusing?
Well, this architect chap,
Bonacini, not up to scratch.
Be my excuse to give him
the heave-ho.
Find someone more to my liking.
This will be a disappointment,
no, I mean to your wife?
Well, I, I think I have
a better idea.
-Hmm. Let me show you.
It's only a few years ago that
a woman in Italy
here, listen.
'She requires
her husband's permission
to buy property,
to start a business
or even to carry out
any financial transactions.'
I don't need a lesson
in female suffrage, Danioni.
Sit. Just sit and listen.
The Italian government would
like to bring back this law,
you know, to stop women
entering the world of men
and keep them wives
and mothers,
as, of course,
they should be.
Why are you telling me this?
Because we can use this
to deny your wife the permission
she so desires, initially.
-CECIL: Initially?
I want it denied full stop.
No, just listen.
We give her what she wants. Hmm?
She give us what we want.
And what is that, exactly?
Oh, the deeds
to the Hotel Portofino.
So, we can finally, you know,
how do you say, the, the
wash clean,
you know what I mean?
(tense music)
Launder our profits.
Wait, you're telling me
the only way my wife
can build her wretched solarium
is to hand over control
of the hotel to me?
(drawer opens)
Wait, what about Bonacini?
The whole point
is to get rid of him.
Maybe Bonacini.
Just tell him if he doesn't
stop pestering your wife,
my men (bangs) will smash
his filthy socialist skull in.
(laughs nervously)
(light music)
Oh, Rose, you've made it.
Can't quite believe I made it
on my own.
Yes, well Oh, my mother sends
her sincere apologies.
She's been caught up
with something.
Oh, I completely understand.
Ah, Constance
you remember my sister-in-law?
Of course, Ma'am.
It's a pleasure to have you back,
Mrs Ainsworth.
Thank you.
Right, well, shall we show you
to your room?
(dramatic music)
ROSE: How've you been?
-Very well. How was the journey?
Oh long, very long.
(people chattering)
CECIL: What the hell is wrong
with you today?
You just shouted at me
for half an hour.
I walk into your office, there's
broken glass all over the floor.
What the devil is going on?
-I don't want to talk about it.
-You don't want to talk about it?
I don't want to talk about it.
You're like a five-year-old.
Oh, there you are, gentlemen.
You are a hard man to pin down,
-Oh, yes?
Are we making progress?
Well, I've, I, I've written to
Lord Ross Cannon
-about increasing supply, yes.
-Oh, good.
But, um, I have to be honest
with you, Mr Farr
I, I mean, uh, uh, Lou.
Mungo will be busy with
the grouse shooting season
for most of August, and
I, I shouldn't expect to reply
much before September.
-CECIL: Yes.
(laughs) September.
Cecil, uh, you, you crack me up.
How can I put this?
Uh, I don't give a flying fig
what season it is, alright?
You find a way to expedite
our business
and get my employers
what they want.
Or the grouse
they won't be the only ones
in a shooting season.
You catch my drift?
(tense music)
Yes, yes, I do.
Good. Glad we understand
each other.
Oh, I almost forgot to give you
these, huh?
You two are cordially invited to
a gala evening at the casino.
So, you know, dress nice.
And, um, feel free to, uh, extend
the invitation to any guests
you got staying at the hotel.
-The richer the better.
Well, there is a, there is
an American singer, movie star,
Miss Claudine Pascal.
I think she would be perfect.
You mean that,
uh, sweet piece of tail
from the Bathing Beauties flick?
-Claudine might answer
to that description.
Yeah, I bet she would.
Ah, hey, Cecil, come here.
Alright, I want that broad at
the casino, okay?
And I want her to do a number and I
don't want to hear any more excuses.
You understand?
Get out of here.
You goon.
Are you trying to get me killed?
Why? You are doing him a favour.
I have as much chance of
getting that ball breaker
to sing at his casino as
I have of getting Ross Cannon
to answer my letter
by next week.
Just relax, Signor Ainsworth.
You're asking me to relax?
Yes. That's what I'm telling you.
I didn't tell you,
but I have an idea
where we can get more of what
Farrino is asking for.
Yeah? So, calm down.
God give me strength.
(dramatic music)
Oh, Rose, how lovely to see you.
Oh, my dear, you do look well.
I do hope that Luce is helping
you to settle in?
I was just coming to
look for him.
Ah. I'm terribly sorry I wasn't
there to greet you
at the station, my dear.
Well, you're always
so frightfully busy.
Well, I do have one or two
rather demanding guests
at the moment,
it has to be said.
Well, I hope I won't be
any trouble.
No, no, no. Of course,
you won't.
You'll be quite the opposite.
Keep Luce from under my feet.
Hasn't he been making
himself useful
with your plans for
the basement?
Oh, well I have an architect
for that,
and I wouldn't really want
to impose upon Luce's holidays.
And, and, and besides he's got,
got all sorts of manner
of things on his plate.
I'm terribly sorry I couldn't put
you in a larger suite, my dear.
Honestly, I don't mind.
Oh no, I don't suppose you do.
The cosier the better,
perhaps, for newlyweds.
I'll go see
if he's in the garden.
Oh, yes.
Oh, dear.
(seagulls crying)
(dramatic music)
(guests chatting)
I think you should start
a fresh bottle.
There's a little bit left.
(piano music tinkling)
(speaking Italian)
-Goodnight, Mrs Wimpenny.
-Thank you so much.
You're very welcome.
I think we need more candles.
Room for a little one?
Oh, no. All the tables
are booked this evening, Cecil.
I'll dine with Carlo, then.
Er, not uninvited.
-Cecil, please, let him be.
Why don't you make yourself
and go down into the cellar
and get some French red.
Because Miss Jane
would like some.
I bet she would.
Carlo, I wanted to apologise
for not being able to accommodate you
on the terrace this evening.
I'm afraid I had to give
the last table to Lucian
in honour of Rose's arrival.
I'm happy to eat Betty's food
whenever and wherever
it is served.
That's very kind of you.
Good evening, darling.
ROSE: Good evening.
-Bonsoir, Monsieur Michel.
I do hope that your drink
with Victor wasn't too onerous?
(laughing) Not at all.
Any first impressions?
I think it's only fair to
savour a new flavour
for a little longer before
pronouncing if it is palatable.
Very wise.
Before you go,
you had a favour to ask me?
Oh no, Carlo,
I really don't want to impose
on you any further.
-Please Bella, please.
I have failed so far to supply
the list of names I promised.
Let me make it up to you
in some other way.
Very well.
Um, it was just to do
a spot of translation
-on behalf of Claudine Pascal.
-Of course.
It's a slightly delicate matter.
Oh, well, thank you
for trusting me with it.
-Buon appetito.
(upbeat jazz music)
-May I join you love birds?
Um, why don't you take
this chair?
If you like?
-Thank you.
I'm just going to go and catch
a word with the Bertrams.
We have so much to catch up on.
So, tell me,
how his married life?
I'm not sure I'm much of
an expert.
Oh, please, Rose,
tell me everything.
It's been so long.
Well, tell me about Victor.
Oh, no, he can tell you
about himself.
He's been waylaid by Carlo.
Will you stay in Portofino
after you're married?
Oh, good heavens, no.
I can't imagine what my
mother's going to get up to
without a sensible hand
to rein her in (laughs).
Oh, that reminds me.
Please join us for communal
Main lawn, Friday, 8 AM.
It's compulsory, I'm afraid.
Ma Cherie?
What were you talking to
Carlo about?
Ah, I was just saying
that every time I see you,
I have the same feeling
as the first time I saw you.
ALICE: Oh, you are too sweet.
-Please, join us.
-Avec plaisir.
This is Rose. My sister-in-law.
You remember?
VICTOR: Enchante.
Oh, tell us that story,
that funny one?
VICTOR: No, it's like a joke.
Second time is always less fun.
(dramatic music)
I, uh, I hear you may have
a spot of dinner for me, Betty.
Now that Tom, Dick and Harry
have had their fill.
On the tray, Sir.
Under the lid.
Anything I can help you with, Sir?
Yes, you can tell me
where my wife is.
She's in the office,
Mr Ainsworth.
And she said she had
a telephone call to make.
At this hour?
(people chattering, laughing)
ROSE: Lucian?
(tense music)
-Where is he?
-Where's, where's who?
-Nish. Where have you taken him?
What makes you think
I've taken him anywhere?
GIANLUCA: Billy Scanlon.
He has friends in town, loose talk.
-He's somewhere safe, alright?
-Nowhere is safe.
Well, certainly not with you.
Is, is all this
is this really necessary?
Oh, God.
A hovel, on your father's land?
What were you thinking?
We only meant to hide him there
for a night or two.
And it was the first place
that Danioni looked.
Perhaps because
you led him there.
Is he here?
Is he in the hotel?
Good God, no.
Then where?
I can't tell you.
Please Lucian, you have to
trust me.
Why on earth would I do a thing
like that?
His escape is planned.
The people are in place.
We have transport across
the border.
I am his only chance
of getting out of this.
This should be up to
Nish to decide
whether he wants anything
more to do with the likes of you.
(tense music)
BELLA: Yes, yes.
At noon on the fifth
at the gallery?
ROSE: Lucian?
BELLA: I look forward to it, too.
(dramatic music)
(cockerel crowing)
(guests chattering)
You didn't wake me.
Sorry, I thought you might
need the sleep.
You've already eaten
without me.
I thought we could go swimming.
You could teach me like
you're always threatening.
Oh, I'm, I'm going fishing
with Jonathan.
I am sorry.
I will make it up to you.
Can I get you something, Ma'am?
Don't suppose you know
how to swim?
My brother taught me
when I was six.
Could you teach me?
Actually, forget I asked.
I, I'm sure you've got better
things to do.
(soft music)
I could ask Mrs Ainsworth
for an hour after lunch.
(speaking Italian)
Grazie, Paola.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
-Bruzzone's read the contract.
It's a stone cold bust.
I'm in breach.
(gasps) But surely there's
some wiggle room.
If there is, I'll find it.
Bruzzone says I should claim
I thought a verbal consent
was given for concurrent
contractual undertaking.
So, in other words, you thought you
had permission to come to Portofino
-for a prior professional
And blame my agent
for the misunderstanding.
Oh, very clever.
(thunder rumbling)
What is this place?
-It's a vineyard.
-I meant who does it belong to?
My cousin.
Oh, another one of your
bloody cousins.
Why exactly have you
brought me here?
To show you a solution.
You know, a solution
to our supply problem
-with our friends in Detroit.
Americans barely drink wine,
It's hard liquor they're after.
And it's hard liquor
they will get.
(thunder rumbles)
(dramatic music)
I'm sure you haven't heard
of grappa, right?
I can't say I have, no.
Oh, it's the kind of brandy
made from what is left
after the wine is made.
You want to try?
No point being here otherwise.
Bottoms up.
This? This is it?
Your brilliant master plan
to prevent me ending up with
a bullet in the back of my head?
It's absolute filth, Danioni.
Leave the spirits.
And the strategising
to the big boys.
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbles)
(high tempo music)
(seagulls crying)
Look at it.
Lovely weather for fishing.
-We're ready, Sir.
-So, where are we headed then?
Oh, just a quiet little spot
we know.
(motor rumbles)
(wake splashing)
-You can see over there
there's a little bay.
Uh, it has quite a charming
little area to fish from,
we can still catch the light.
-You alright?
There you go, you see
the distance on that?
I think I might go for a wander.
Yeah, you go ahead.
I'm not leaving here
until I've caught something.
No more bites and muddy puddles.
Billy, you seem to be
a professional at this.
Well, I wouldn't say that.
You given me a wonky rod?
(dramatic music)
(seagulls crying)
You're sure I won't step
on anything?
A rock or two maybe.
No, no, I meant creatures.
You know, sea urchins
and scorpion fish.
Scorpion fish?
Yes, I read about them in a book.
Well, I've been bathing here
ages, Ma'am,
and I've never seen anything
like that.
Besides, if I can get you swimming,
you won't much need worry about
where you put your feet.
(light music)
It's alright.
Imagine pulling
through the water.
-Like this?
-That's right, that's right.
-Am I doing it?
Kick yourkick.
Kick your legs (laughs).
Argh! Argh.
Kick your legs.
That's right.
(tense music)
Nish, it's Lucian.
(Nish groaning)
Oh, Nish.
(bell ringing)
Your brother is on
the telephone, Sir.
Oh, God. What a perfect
Your thrashing will have to
Hello? Cecil?
CECIL: Yes, Edmund, it's me.
This had better be urgent.
I'm playing Charles
for a shilling a point.
Well, of course it's urgent.
I wouldn't be phoning from Italy
if it wasn't.
You took my advice, then?
Oh, yes. I'm summering here.
(tense music)
Now listen, Edmund, I'mI'm
afraid I'm in a spot of bother.
What sort of bother?
Don't worry, I'm not asking
for money.
It's this whiskey business.
I, I've got entangled with some,
uh, Italian Americans.
Perhaps you know the type?
What do you want me to
do about it?
I need you to telephone
Ross Cannon.
In July? He won't like that.
(shouts) Just get him to answer
my damned letter, Edmund!
Unless you want to find me
floating face down
in the harbour!
Good God.
(dramatic music)
I can see you learnt how to eat
like a peasant as well.
Revolutions are not built on
immaculate table manners.
Go on.
Still, you could slow down.
Nobody's going to fight
you for it.
(soft music)
My body needs sustenance
if my wound's going to heal.
And will itheal?
The iodine helped.
But it's starting to
blacken around the edges.
I'm in and out of fever.
It doesn't look good.
Right, okay, well, um
we'll have to get you out of
here as soon as possible, then.
And how do you propose
we do that?
You know, Gianluca's furious at me
for interfering without any kind of
proper plan.
You were trying to protect me.
Now's the time for him
to take charge.
Well, they'll be looking for
him everywhere.
They'll be looking for me, too.
No, he's the bloody fool that got you
into this mess in the first place.
He's the fool
who'll get me out of it.
He knows this place like
the back of his hands.
He has a network, resources.
Still, I don't,
I don't trust him.
But I do.
(dramatic violin music)
Can we come again tomorrow?
(laughs) You are very keen.
Well, I'd like to surprise
my husband.
I know how much he loves
all this.
I suppose I thought it might be
a nice way to
make us feel closer together.
(dramatic music)
I'll see what I can do.
Oh, might I have a look?
-My mother.
-She's very beautiful.
Is this your brother?
My sonTommy.
I best be getting back.
Mrs Ainsworth doesn't pay me
to dawdle.
Don't you employ somebody
to do that?
Yes, but they're all usefully
Then hire some extra staff,
for goodness' sake.
Oh, well, if you have any
recommendations of people
who aren't in the pocket of
your fascist friend,
then please tell me.
-Danioni, you mean?
Well, just as it happens,
it was, um
it was him I wanted to talk to
you about.
Oh, no. What's he done now?
Well, he's onlyhe's only gone
and promise that Miss Pascal
will sing at this wretched
gala evening at the casino.
Yes. The one in, uh,
one in Santa Margherita.
Remember that, um
that business associate of mine
I told you about?
Italian American. He's, um, put
a bundle into reopening the place.
What do you think?
Don't ask me. Ask her.
Oh, God well, it
that's just the thing. I don't,
I don't think she likes me very much.
(laughs) I wonder why?
Ask her for me, would you?
And why would I do that?
Well, for one thing,
I think Danioni would consider
it a tremendous favour,
which is no bad thing in light
of our planning application.
And another
I could make it
decidedly worth your while.
(dramatic music)
(seagulls crying)
(people chattering)
Good morning.
It seems I may have
stumbled across
your concurrent contractual
Do tell.
Someone has nominated you
to sing at a gala evening
for the reopening of
the local casino.
-Danioni, according to Cecil.
But it could be Cecil. I don't know
who or what to believe anymore.
You think it's kosher?
It'll only take a phone call
to find out.
Do you trust him, honey?
Cecil? Oh no, not for a minute.
Him and Danioni
are definitely on manoeuvres.
But then again
so am I.
(dramatic music)
(speaking Italian)
No complaints?
Melanzane a la parmigiana.
Ah, Betty, I was just going to
come and find you.
Oh, well, saved you
the trouble, Ma'am.
Miss Jane and Miss Patricia
were in raptures
about your aubergine dish.
Not too salty or stodgy for them
this time, Mrs Ainsworth?
-Oh, come along.
-What did you need?
-Oh, I was hoping to use
the telephone to call home.
Yes, of course.
Would you like to use it now?
Oh, gracious, no.
In a, in a day or so.
I just want to check first
if it were going to be a problem.
It's not a problem.
Is everything alright
at home, Betty?
Oh, just a bit of a flap
in the family, Ma'am.
Nothing I need bother you with.
-Are you quite sure?
-Yes, Ma'am.
(soft music)
(cockerel crows)
(upbeat jazz)
(speaking Italian)
(whistle blows)
Where did you dig this chap
out from?
Ah, he's my architect's nephew.
Well, he seems to be
whipping them into shape.
Oh, I do hope
you don't feel excluded?
Oh no. No, I, I'm being lazy.
If my mother can manage it,
I'm sure I could.
BELLA: You do seem to manage
most things.
I suppose I do.
Two left feet, darling.
(instructor speaking Italian)
(people laughing)
Come along, everyone.
This is marvellous.
Billy, don't look so grumpy.
If I can do it, so can you.
Oh, Cecil, join in.
LUCIAN: Preposterous, isn't it?
CONSTANCE: Just a little.
(footsteps crunching)
(dramatic music)
(instructor speaking Italian)
LUCIAN: (laughs) Okay, turn.
You alright?
(Bella speaking Italian)
La bella donna.
(photographers speaking Italian)
(dramatic cello music)
It was a moment of madness.
It was the sanest thing
I've ever done.
LUCIAN: I can't go back to
how it was before.
I wanted your advice on Rose,
about addressing her
fears about sex you mean?
-Stay away from my wife.
Are you threatening me?
We got other ways we can
take over the hotel.
Captions edited by Ai-Media
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