Hotel Portofino (2022) s02e05 Episode Script


(dramatic music)
(seagulls crying)
(waves crashing)
(pages flipping)
(speaking Italian)
(camera clicking)
(photographer shouting)
Where's Rose?
Why don't we go up
and get a glass of water?
(knocking on door)
(book slaps shut)
(door squeaks open)
(door closes)
Damn it all to hell.
(door opens)
(door closes)
Grazie mille.
Did the vultures get
what they wanted?
They seem rather pleased.
Perhaps they'll leave you
alone now?
(dramatic music)
Urgh, I damn well hope so.
I thought that was all
rather jolly.
So much fun (laughs).
CECIL: You here again, Bonacini?
I came to help my nephew.
(tense music)
(speaking Italian)
They do not teach English
at the military academy.
-A military man, you say?
-You are surprised?
A little.
(seagulls crying)
I'd heard the Bonacinis were
a bunch of communists.
Who told you that?
Signor Danioni.
He has you figured for
a treacherous red, my friend.
My politics are no man's
Except I rather think
they're mine.
I would hate to see my wife's
close association
with a Bolshevik sympathiser
blow up in her face.
Are you threatening me?
Oh, good grief, no.
I'm advising you.
Stay away from my wife
before something unfortunate
(dramatic music)
(theme music)
(waves lapping)
(soft music)
(gulls crying)
I had hoped that we might, um
(door squeaks closed)
steal a moment.
(dramatic music)
Oh, Lucian, we mustn't.
We already have.
It was a moment of madness.
It was the sanest thing
I've ever done.
(pages flicking)
(passionate kissing)
No, Constance.
I, I can't, I can't go back to
how it was before.
(door opens)
(church bell rings)
(seagulls crying)
(waves lapping)
(people chattering, laughing)
(policemen shouting in Italian)
(high tempo music)
(waves crashing)
(policemen shouting)
(waves crashing loudly)
(sighing in pain)
(birds singing)
Tell you what, Paola,
as a special treat,
I'll tidy up after you, hey?
Oh, cheer up.
You missed all the fun outside.
Oh, we've been having some fun
of our own, haven't we Paola?
Just been making my
lemon drizzle cake.
That workman she's
sweet on,
he ate three pieces the other
day, oh my
BETTY: No, it's fine,
it's fine, everything's fine.
40 years.
40 years I've used that recipe,
it's never failed.
Until now.
Alright, no, no, Paola,
enough, enough!
Now, chin up.
Get the eggs, butter,
flour, sugar.
Constance will walk you
through it this time.
See if you could do any better,
(upbeat music)
(men chatting, laughing)
(dramatic music)
You've got lemonade.
Yes. I was just experimenting
with some rosemary.
Are you going to tell me
about Nish?
He's stablefor now.
He thinks he might have
Gangrene? But then he needs to see
a doctor immediately.
Well, do you know anyone
that we can trust?
Nish seems to think that we ought
to rely on this Gianluca fellow.
Apparently, he has some sort
of plan to smuggle him out.
Well, that's more than
we have.
No, but the thing is, now that
it comes to it,
I realise I have no idea
how to get hold of him.
What about his father?
The lawyer?
It's worth try.
Well, perhaps I could go
and see him.
I, I could, um
I could ask Carlo if he would
accompany me to translate.
Well, if you wouldn't mind, that's
likely to draw less suspicion.
Yes, of course.
Now, please, darling,
go and find Rose.
I'm going.
Is now a good moment,
for me to make that
telephone call?
Oh, yes, of course, Betty.
Are you sure I won't be
keeping you from the office?
No. (laughs)
(soft music)
I have an errand to run.
(jaunty music)
(waves lapping)
(crow caws)
(soft music)
(car rumbling)
Oh, what the devil is it now?
(footsteps crunching)
(playful music)
Looking for me?
Ah (laughs).
You didn't think I'd sang and
dance at your friend's party
without a rehearsal, did you?
Uh, he's not a friend.
He's a business associate,
But even so, it was jolly
decent of you to help out.
I'm not doing it for you, honey.
I'm doing it for your wife
and a thousand dollars.
Thanks, Billy.
(car door closes)
(car starts)
I'm in the wrong game.
(telephone clicks)
JOAN: Pottiston, seven nine
four five.
Fanny, is that you love?
No, Mrs Scanlon, it's Joan.
Joan Bunting?
-That's right, Mrs Scanlon.
Err, we met at Fanny's
anniversary party
a few year back.
I'm her cousin.
I work with her
here at the big house.
I, I, I remember, love.
Where is she?
At home.
She's had, um, an episode.
What kind of episode?
A stroke, the doctors think.
(dramatic music)
Butshe's sitting up,
talking, but
work's beyond her just
now. She asked me to speak
to you in her place.
She told you about this
Tommy business, then?
He's staying with me,
the little mite.
No, he's too much of
a handful the state she's in.
I've got to tell Constance
to come back then.
Fanny says she don't
want that,
that she'llsoon be
on the mend.
What do you think?
I think even if she recovers
she'll be a no fit state to play
mammy to a three-year-old.
What should we do, Joan?
I caI can keep him for now,
Mrs Scanlon.
Bless you, love.
But I've three of me own.
I mean, if Constance
don't come home to claim him,
the vicar says
he can find a place for him
in the district orphanage,
though it's not where any
of us wants.
(pages turning)
Mrs Ainsworth, Ma'am.
Your mother-in-law, she gave me
an hour off after lunch if
if you fancied another
Mrs Ainsworth?
Maybe some other time.
(guests chatting)
(dramatic music)
(hotel door squeaks open)
(waves lapping)
(dogs barking)
What could be more
Apart from some of
the company, perhaps?
Here we are.
May I ask you why you are
once again
seeking out Bruzzone,
if you don't think it's an
impertinence on my part?
Oh no, no, not at all.
I wish to consult him about
our plans to extend the hotel.
And to get a message
to his son.
I knew it.
Oh, Carlo, please don't
be angry.
No, I'm not angry.
I'm alarmed.
I had foolishly imagined that
Danioni's suspicions were unfounded.
But they are, in relation to
the hotel.
Yes, but not in relation
to your family, right?
I it's Luce.
He's got himself embroiled.
What can I do?
Of course, I have to stand
by him.
His only intention is to
protect his friend.
Of course.
you're right.
You should stay out of this.
It's far too risky for you.
No, no, no. Bella!
You know me.
I would not dream of it.
You have so much more
to risk.
Hmm, true.
So have you.
Let's go.
(people chattering)
(church bell ringing)
(tense music)
Signora Ainsworth.
What are you doing here?
Well, actually, I have
the same question for you.
Oh, Mrs Ainsworth has come to
consult her lawyer.
Yes, ahead of our planning
meeting tomorrow.
Oh, please, Signora Ainsworth.
It's just a formality.
Then I must advise you to seek
another representative,
Signora Ainsworth.
(doorbell rings)
Why is that?
Because that man is the
father of a criminal element,
that's why.
I've already recommended
Signor Bruzzone
to a friend of mine, so I can't
possibly abandon him now.
Thank you, nonetheless.
-Buon giorno.
(speaking Italian)
(door closes)
(dramatic music)
(waves lapping)
(guests chattering)
(romantic music)
Victor, the world and his wife
can see.
What about the world
and his wife?
Well, it turns out they're
not staying in Portofino.
Come on. Let's see if I can
smuggle you upstairs.
Yes, but still, that was not
what I was expecting when
you asked me to take a walk
with you into town.
Thank you for your unerring
Carlo, I find myself relying
on you more and more.
You have been so incredibly
with all your wisdom
and advice.
I wondered if you might
accepting some of mine?
You think I should stop
loitering around the hotel
like a lovesick Romeo
and join my friends along
the coast.
I just think you might
be happier.
She told you of my offer?
Yes. And how very flattered
she was by it.
Yet, not flattered enough
to accept.
But she's young.
-Oh, I see.
-No. (laughs)
-She wants excitement, romance.
And I, alas, can only
be myself.
Bella, the friend I am
holidaying with
works for the Interior Ministry.
I have asked him to look into
Victor's background.
Oh, Carlo, really, that's
not necessary.
It is.
For my peace of mind.
And if he is who he says
he is,
then I will leave the field
as gracefully
as an old man can manage.
Stop it.
CARLO: Anyway. Thank you.
(soft music)
(guests chattering)
(birds singing)
(upbeat music)
PATRICIA: What are we to do
about Bubbles?
JANE: We should discuss
it later.
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
Love is blind, Jane.
(knocking on door)
What is it?
Telephone, Ma'am.
I'm busy, Hester.
It's Mrs Ainsworth, Ma'am.
She's most insistent.
Well, this should be a joy.
(dramatic music)
JULIA: Bella.
I do hope you don't think
it forward of me
I was calling to ask for some
about having a word with
Rose or, or perhaps rather
your permission.
You don't need my
permission to speak to Rose.
Err, well, I, I may do for
the sort of conversation
I was thinking of having.
JULIA: Oh, yes?
And what sort of conversation
is that?
Uma frank one.
The sort I wish my mother
or mother-in-law
had had with me when
I first got married.
(passionate kissing)
About sex, you mean?
Yes, yeyes. About sex.
Well, go ahead.
I'm sure another perspective
could be useful,
especially from someone
so well versed in the subject
as yourself.
Uh, have you already tried
to speak to her?
JULIA: Well, I passed on
(mints scattering)
some of the tips and tricks
I've picked up along the way.
Tips and tricks?
I don't quite
I was thinking more about
addressing her fears
(heavy breathing)
and her needs
her desires.
JULIA: What on earth has that
got to do with anything?
Speak to her by all means,
But don't go filling her head
with your nonsense.
If Lucian is a deviant
in the bedroom,
then she should look elsewhere.
If he's not, she should grin
and bear it
orlearn to like it.
(phone crackles, hangs up)
(dramatic music)
(waves crashing quietly)
Do I look alright?
Wait five minutes before
(door opens)
(guests laughing)
(ominous music)
(box opens)
(dramatic music)
(guests chattering)
ROSE: Lucian.
Sorry, did you
say something?
I asked what you did today.
I, I went for
I went for a walk with Jonathan
along the front.
I sat about wondering
where you were.
(dramatic music)
Well, I did come looking for
you after the exercise class.
What were youwhat on earth
were you doing?
You know, this and that.
Hmm, I thought, perhaps
tomorrow we might take
that swimming class.
(wine pouring)
(crickets chirping)
-Have a lovely evening.
-GUEST: Thank you, we will.
(cutlery clattering)
MAN: What on earth?
WOMAN: Is everything alright?
I am soso sorry.
It's alright.
It's quite alright.
These things happen.
Thank you, Ma'am.
Oh, Daddy, I didn't
see you there.
Are you not dining?
Your mother has relegated me
to leftovers in the kitchen.
Oh, poor you.
I see you're back
on the payroll.
I volunteered. I've done nothing
but relax for 10 days straight.
You're looking very well on it,
Positively glowing, in fact.
It's the Victor effect.
And how is Monsieur Michel
this evening?
Very well.
He's dining at his hotel.
Lucky chap.
At least he's being fed.
Well, you should dine with him.
Get to know each other.
Do you know,
I rather think I might?
(dramatic music)
(crickets chirping)
(melancholic music)
(door opens)
(door closes)
(romantic music)
(bed creaks)
Youyou don't
you don't have to do this,
you know.
I want to.
Wait, what?
What on earth do you think
you're doing?
Well, I thought
you'd like it.
(dramatic music)
No, I, I do. I just
No, I, I didn't mean
I, I just
I meant where on earth did
you learn anything like that?
I'm sorry, um
this just isn't you, Rose.
Isn't it?
(birds singing)
(church bell ringing)
BELLA: Signor Danioni,
this really isn't necessary.
You must allow me to repay
your hospitality, hmm?
-Thank you.
-Signor Ainsworth
would you like to have
some more tea?
Mmm, yes please.
Oh, do, do you think we should
get on with the business at hand?
-Shall we?
-By all means (laughs).
DANIONI: So, to business.
CECIL: Thank you (laughs).
Here you are, darling.
So, let's seewhat we have.
(paper rustling)
-You will use local materials?
-Oh yes, of course.
Signor Bonacini would insist
upon it.
Well, everything seems to be
in order, uh, perfect.
It only remains to examine
the legal documentation
I have requested.
-Yes, of course, I have it.
(paper rustling)
The deeds.
Thank you,
Signora Ainsworth.
What is it, Danioni?
These are the deeds, right?
Of course, they're the deeds,
it says so plain as day
in the King's English.
Well, then we have
a problem.
What kind of problem?
Well, it says here you are
tenants in, uh, in comune.
In common? Yes, my husband and
I share ownership of the hotel.
Yeah, but you
you have control?
I have a 51 percent share, yes.
I'm sorry. I cannot give you
the permits you require.
On what grounds?
The grounds of the law.
It's called la legge
dell'autorizzazione maritalehe.
I'm so sorry, Signora Ainsworth.
-You should talk to your lawyer
and ask for the Law
of Marital Permission.
-Why, you little sneak.
I paid you a small fortune
to rubber stamp this thing!
Oh, I see what's going
on here.
-You want more money, is that it?
Why, I ought to knock your
bloody block off!
Well, Cecil, this is not going
to resolve anything.
Let's go.
This conversation is far
from over.
Good day.
(church bell ringing)
(dog barking)
CECIL: Can you believe
the cheek of it?
BELLA: What were you thinking
resorting to bribery?
CECIL: I'll have you know
I was trying to do something
nice for my wife.
BELLA: Were you really?
God, how can you stand it?
Dealing with all these filthy
pen pushers.
Dipping their hands without
the slightest notion
-of the rule of law.
Well, be quiet.
So rude.
They don't understand
a bloody word.
I'll have to have a word
with Bruzzone.
He's probably in Danioni's pocket,
along with the rest of them.
What do you suggest?
I'll send a telegram to
Thompson at the Consulate.
See if he can recommend
English preferably.
I'll see you back at the hotel.
(goat bleating)
(dramatic music)
(seagulls crying)
(footsteps crunching)
(speaking Italian)
-Who's that?
-He's my superior.
He's just arrived to take
charge of the investigation.
I can come back later.
No, no, it's fine. He's on
the phone now. Yeah?
So, tell me, did your wife
get the message?
I think so, yes.
But, uh, she's talking about
consulting lawyers.
You should be there when she does,
Signor Ainsworth.
CECIL: I know, I'm heading
back in a bit.
I just thought you might like
to see this.
It was waiting for me
at the telegraph office.
A thousand gallons a month.
That sounds great.
And hope it finally gets
Farrino off my back.
Yeah, then, we can find a way
to launder our profits
through your hotel, right?
VINCENZO: Oh, by the way, um
I've written down for you,
the Law of Marital Authorisation
for married women, yeah?
(policeman speaking Italian)
I, I'm sorry. I have work to do.
(speaking Italian)
I'll see you tomorrow.
(policeman speaking Italian)
(dramatic music)
(birds singing)
Seems awfully quiet.
Anyone with
any sense is having a siesta.
What about people with
no sense at all?
Oh, well, they are holed up
in the library
with Signor Bruzzone.
Bruzzone? Here?
What have you done, Daddy?
-Justtrying to help your
mother out. -Hmm.
I don't want to know. It can't be
good if there are lawyers involved.
(paper rustles)
Law of Marital Authorisation.
(speaking Italian)
You went ahead without me,
Excuse me.
You have been gone
for nearly two hours.
I had to stop for a bite to eat.
Can't rely on being fed around
Don't be so ridiculous.
So, what does he say, Carlo,
about this wretched Marital
Authorisation nonsense?
Mr Bruzzone has just been
telling us
that the law was repealed
in 1919
and replaced with a new
that overturns the Roman
principle of infirmitas sexus.
Oh, the weaker sex.
Well, if it's been overturned,
then what's the problem?
Mussolini is the problem.
He takes a dim view of
female emancipation.
But Bella's not Italian.
And he takes a dimmer view
of foreign ownership
of Italian assets.
I see.
Well, why don't we sell up
to you?
Mr Bruzzone thinks you would
have an even chance in court.
(laughs) Yes. Not the kind of
odds I favour.
Which is why Bruzzone has
suggested that I hand over
the controlling shares in
the deeds to you.
Me? (laughs)
It's a bit extreme, isn't it?
Well, in the long run,
it may be less risky.
I suppose, if you're sure
it's what you want.
What I want is for Danioni
to stop interfering.
You and me both.
(knocking on door) Yes, come in.
(door opens)
Oh, Miss Pascal.
Oh, am I too early to discuss
Oh no, no, no,
Cecil's just leaving.
Oh. Is, is that it then?
All, all decided?
We can discuss it later.
Miss Pascal.
Signor Bruzzone.
About having dinner
with Victor tomorrow?
I'm off to Genoa tomorrow.
Oh, how nice.
(door closes)
Miss Pascal, please.
You remember Carlo.
(dramatic music)
(seagulls crying)
(pencil scratching)
I've just had word via Bruzzone.
Gianluca says to meet him
at nine p.m. on the seafront.
This evening?
Darling, you'll have to tell him
to be so careful
because the town is
absolutely crawling.
Nish can't wait.
We'll have to find some way
to throw them off the scent.
(jazz music)
I think I've just found
the perfect distraction.
(birds singing)
(waves lapping)
(tense music)
(crickets chirping)
Your people are from the south
of France too, I think.
Oui, uh, we have a house
in the south of France,
uh, Aix-en-Provence.
-It's a very small city.
I'll be very happy to show
you around.
CECIL: That's very kind of you.
What sort of sized house
are we talking about?
(guests chattering)
(paper rustles)
One thousand gallons possible.
Will ask around for rest.
Law of marital authorisation
for married women.
(waves crashing)
(tense music)
(keys jangle)
I hope you haven't brought your
knife this time.
(gate squeaks open)
(gate closes)
Well, tell me where he is then.
There is a shipwreck
on the beach,
about a hundred yards away from
the lion's head.
I know it.
It was the most remote place
that I could think of.
You have tried to do what is
best for your friend,
but now you must trust me
to get him to safety.
Right. Well, we don't have
much time.
I am painfully aware of that.
And there are Blackshirts
Then we must pick our moment.
My mother mentioned a party
at the casino
the evening after next.
The fellow who runs it is a real
Napoleon type, apparently,
a small man, big attitude.
But the point is that Danioni and
all his men will have to be there.
They wouldn't miss it for
the world.
Even if it means calling off their
manhunt for at least the night.
That may be our best chance.
Wait, could I
could I at least know what
the plan is, please?
My father's
friend runs a canning factory.
He will smuggle Nish into France
in a consignment of tomatoes.
And you'll send me word
when he's safe?
Via Billy Scanlon, yes?
I owe Nish my life, you know.
Then I will guard him with mine.
(high tempo music)
(gate opens)
(ominous music)
(crickets chirping)
(sea murmuring)
(people chattering)
(jazz music playing)
Place your bets, please.
(roulette ball rattles, rolls)
No more bets.
This was an excellent idea,
Dinner is overrated.
It's jolly decent for them
to give us a sneak preview.
Mr Farrino
I think he's happy for his
dealers to get a little practice
before the big night, hmm?
Oh! Look at me, I won!
And, uh, how do you know our
charming friend?
Oh, I came and introduced
myself to him yesterday.
I find it always pays to be
on friendly terms
with the owner of
the local casino.
He was most anxious that I
returned for his gala evening
to play a little poker
with my friends.
Place your bets please.
Well, I'm sure I could be
And what about, uh,
Count Albani?
Well, Carlo's a gentleman.
He'll accept if we make
the challenge.
I believe I won again.
You don't say.
And, uh, what about, uh,
your other friend?
Um, the one from the village.
-Who, Danioni?
Oh, good God, no.
He's not the sort.
-Oh, no?
Well, he seemed happy enough
playing vingt-et-un.
-Here at the casino?
Him and Farrino,
they were, um
Um(speaking French)
as thick as, um
-Thick as thieves.
(roulette ball rattles)
(speaking French)
Not every time.
Hm, not every time.
VICTOR: Encore? Again?
(roulette ball rattles)
(seagulls crying)
(dramatic music)
(door opens quietly)
(door closes gently)
Mrs Ainsworth, you're up early.
I'm going to get
the first train, Betty.
You look pretty as a picture.
Hope it's not just for
the bank manager's benefit.
-You want me to fix you
something hot? -No, no.
You save your energy for
Miss Jane and Miss Patricia.
It's their last breakfast.
Yes, Ma'am. I've been curdling
milk especially.
(laughs) I will miss Bubbles,
Ma'am, have you got time
for a quick word
about something that's been
bothering me?
Betty, I'm running a little late,
as it is.
No, no. I'm sorry. I, I, I mean
at your convenience.
Will it keep till later?
Yes. Yes, Ma'am.
It'll, it'll keep.
(dramatic music)
(horses neigh)
(hooves clopping)
(carriage rattling, rumbling)
(crow cawing)
(bicycle rattling)
(people chattering, shouting)
(train hissing)
Have you seen Billy?
Uh, he's not back from taking
Mrs Ainsworth to the station.
Can someone help me with the
Dodsworth's luggage?
Paola? (speaking Italian)
-(Constance sighs)
-That's it. Lovely.
Lovely, Paola.
Then finish it off.
(high tempo music)
That'll do.
(bustling city sounds)
(train whistles)
(dog barking)
-JANE: Oh.
-Grazie, Bruno.
You're all set.
I do hope you enjoyed
your stay with us.
Oh, yes.
And thisis to show our
To be shared amongst
the staff.
(dog barks)
Thank you.
That'sthat's very kind.
(car starts, rumbles)
(dog barks)
Oh, wait!
Oh, Mrs Dodsworth.
Mrs Dodsworth,
you've forgotten your
(dog whining)
(dog barking)
(people chattering)
It's not a patch on the Royal Pump
Rooms in Harrogate, if you ask me.
(laughs) Henry.
How wonderful to see you.
How wonderful to see you.
Iabsolutely beautiful.
(Bella laughs)
BELLA: You look so well.
Who the hell is that?
(birds singing)
(Paola speaking Italian)
BRUNO: Si, si.
(speaking Italian)
-Ciao. Ciao.
(light music)
Well, what did he say?
He say the cake he likes
very much.
And, he ask we go walk
on Sunday.
Salvatore, he ask also.
Oh, did he now?
-He say you walk too.
Oh. I do
I don't know about that, love.
Mind you
it's hard to say no to a man
who knows how to cook.
HENRY: It's funny, isn't it?
I've imagined this moment
for so long, dreamt of it even,
but now it comes down to it,
II can't find the words.
(laughs) Yes.
How many years has it been?
To look at your face, hardly seems
like a day has passed
Not true.
(romantic music)
It will be 12 years next
month, Bella,
when I last set my eyes
on you.
That's why we feel like
If you can be strangers
with someone
who has opened their heart
to you.
BELLA: Yes, I did
open my heart to you, Henry.
In letters only.
I wonder if I was having
a conversation with myself
as much as with you.
I meant every word of those
So did I.
And I feel an enormous affinity
with you.
I indulged thoughts about
what might have been.
As did I, as I do now.
But I wonder if those letters
have nurtured a fantasy
that, in reality, doesn't exist.
We can make those fantasies
of which you talk a reality
if, if you allow.
Henry, what I've come here
to say is
I don't think that we should
write to each other anymore.
You will always be my dear,
dear friend.
Oh, you're English?
Can I help you?
I saw you just now.
I could have sworn I knew
you from somewhere.
Henry Bowater.
(dramatic music)
Have you been spying on us?
I'd say you'd given me
reasonable grounds,
carrying on with my wife behind
my back.
A letter addressed to you found
its way into my hands.
Well, you needn't worry.
She's just told me not to
write anymore.
Oh, don't tell me you've just
been jilted?
(laughs) Oh.
Feelings, sentiment.
It's all a joke to you,
isn't it, Ainsworth?
You are a joke, Bowater.
But that's not the punch line.
I was expecting you
to be someone else.
Arrivederci (laughs).
She deserves better than you.
(birds singing)
Cecil, darling.
(tyres crunching)
Darling now, is it?
Where have you been?
Catching up with old
Dressed like that?
I've been waiting for you.
May I ask why?
I have a surprise for you.
(footsteps crunching)
I don't much care for surprises.
Oh, you will like this one,
I promise.
What are these?
Legal agreements.
CECIL: Oh, must I?
Oh, you'll want to, I promise.
My, my.
(drink pouring)
What's all this in aid of?
We're celebrating.
Well, couldn't you just save me
the bother?
It's a deed of covenant,
signing over my shares
of the hotel to you.
(glasses clink)
Oh, I see.
And uh, what about
this other one?
Ah, well that's a translation
into Italian,
and some addendum that
Bruzzone insisted upon.
Um, yes, covering future
changes of ownership.
I didn't ask for this, you know.
I mean, you, you really don't
need to.
Oh, but I want to, I want to.
We have no choice, really,
have we,
but to make things
work between us?
(soft music)
Bellakins, darling.
I've wasted far too much time
wishing that things were
And perhaps you should have a
read over the contracts,
and I'll fetch Miss Pascal
to witness them.
(ominous music)
How's it going?
I feel a little out of my depth.
No, no, no, nonsense.
You're doing great.
Does everything seem
in order?
Uh, but yes, I suppose so.
Claudine Pascal at your service.
Would you like a little more time
to look over them, darling?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
II trust you.
(pen scratching)
All done.
BELLA: Miss Pascal,
your signature, please.
(dramatic music)
(seagulls crying)
(waves crashing)
(birds singing)
(man shouting)
Ah. Ooh, that is rough, huh?
You know what, though,
it does the job.
Huh? Here.
Give me my hat, come on.
This ain't exactly a sizeable
operation though, is it?
Mm-hmm. I just want you to know
there are hundreds of vineyards
like this
across the Liguria region.
-Oh yeah?
So, uh, you can get me
the gallons that I need?
You can be assured of it,
Signor Farrino.
-Come here, let me talk to you.
-Let me ask you something.
-Yeah, sure.
Are you planning to, uh,
cut Ainsworth out of this deal?
(treacherous music)
what do you prefer?
I prefer not to deal with
uppity Brits
who look down their nose at me.
Of course, his contacts in the
whiskey industry are valuable,
but I suspect that
the West Side Gang,
they'll have their own before
too long.
How about his hotel?
-Yeah, that could be very useful.
And if my employers decide
they can dispense with the
services of Cecil Ainsworth,
thenwe got other ways
we can take over the hotel.
You did good, huh?
You did very good.
-Very nice, very nice.
Ladies and gentlemen,
let the good times roll.
(jazz music playing)
(Miss Pascal singing)
Looks like paradise, eh?
I'm just glad you're here.
Let the laundering begin.
(glasses clink)
(motorbike revs)
I'm rather keen to teach him
a lesson.
She knows that I'm not
in love with her.
Tell me what's wrong
with me!
Get out!
# Welcome to the leading
lady's night #
And I use this to cover
your $50,000.
Oh, no, you're not!
Captions edited by Ai-Media
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