I Heart Arlo (2021) s01e12 Episode Script

Moody Tuesday

It's original ♪
Like me.
[opening theme music plays]
[Arlo] We all need
Someone to hold us up ♪
To help us on
We make each other better ♪
Though the world's not always right
Tough times, they can make us strong ♪
We all belong
We're beautiful together ♪
We're beautiful together ♪
[exciting music plays]
Nothing like a stroll in the park!
I've got my delicious nondairy cone!
It cost $12, which is insane.
But that's okay! The sun is shining.
This is shaping up
to be the best day ever.
You're worth it. [slurps]
[splats in slow-motion]
- [gasps]
- [magical whooshing]
[eerie, melancholy music plays]
[chirping angrily]
What a rotten day.
I need a little peace and qu
[strumming banjo] Bertie,
Bertie, Bertie, Bertie, Bert
Bertie, Bertie, Bert Bertie, Bertie
Bertie Whew, Bertie.
This is a long dock.
Maybe I should pace myself. Whew!
[continues playing] Bertie!
[sputtering] Bertie!
Bertie! Bertie!
Bertie Bertie Bertie Bertie
I was sitting around
at home and I thought,
"You know who's great?
[in sing-song] Bertie!"
Arlo, I
I got to thinking about
the unique nature of our friendship.
From meeting in the trainyard
to training in a meatyard
- That might've been someone else.
- [rising groan]
They say the thought counts.
I say it's the feeling behind the thought!
I thought, the best way to express
that feeling is through
[in sing-song]
So I wrote one!
And it goes a little somethin' like
[strings break]
Good thing I practiced
an a capella version.
I'm not in the mood for a song right now.
- [mysterious, melancholy music plays]
- [magical whooshing]
You don't wanna sing with me?
[Bertie] Hmph.
I guess I'll just leave you alone, then.
[banjo rattling]
[banjo continues rattling]
Arlo! What do you think of
[whip cracks]
the new do?
- It's fine. I guess.
- [upbeat music playing]
- [eerie sting]
- [magical whooshing]
Fine. That's fine.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
True sense of self worth
comes from within.
Don't listen to the voices
that doubt you are a queen!
So I know you like to make
bold creative choices,
but last time you went
a little short with it,
and I'm not sure I want [whimpers]
- [growls]
- [dramatic sting]
- Agh!
- [magical whooshing]
[door chimes, slams]
[whimpers] Uh, Tony Junior, my boy!
- You massacred my boy.
- [magical whooshing]
[chuckles] Tony! Remember you
wanted me to deliver those pizzas?
Well, instead of doing that,
I had an amazing idea
to expand the business.
Picture this, a moisturizing
face mask that you can also eat.
Alia, I am not in the mood
to entertain one of your
fur-brained business ideas!
They're all terrible!
- [eerie, melancholy music plays]
- [magical whooshing]
Fine. I'll take Pizza Skincare LLC to an
investor who can appreciate my vision.
- [yowls]
- [tires squeal]
Ooh. Aye-ya-ya. [screams]
- [melancholy music plays]
- [vehicle approaching]
[magical whooshing]
[eerie sting]
- Oh, this is getting good. [chuckles]
- [intriguing music plays]
- [tires skidding]
- [crashes]
[ominous music plays]
Ugh! You look like an old man!
[magical whooshing]
[lights clunk on]
[seagull ruffles feathers]
- [cymbal gongs]
- [exhales]
Breathe, Bertie.
You are the wind.
You are the salty spray of the ocean.
You are in control of your feelings
and you are choosing to feel
- good!
- [positive magical whooshing]
[sighs] Gosh.
Hi, Seaside!
I'm done being antisocial
and ready to go back to being
a charmingly awkward introvert!
- Where is everyone?
- [whimsical music plays]
- Oh, you don't know?
- What?
I think of myself as a pretty salty fish,
but these Seasiders
are so resilient to my negativity!
They frolic around, singing and laughing.
[mocking laugh]
It's sickening.
But you. You seem to have
a gift for spreading misery.
What? What are you talking about?
Think about it.
- You brought a bad mood home to Seaside.
- [gasps]
Did I give Arlo my bad mood?
Spread it like a contagious disease.
Speaking of which,
I have an ointment-related favor
I need your help with.
Just slather it on,
I won't bite too much.
[chomping flirtatiously]
I have to fix this.
Fine! I'll do it alone!
All alone.
- Ugh.
- [squishing]
Oh, no. Oh, God. Oh
- [struggles]
- [clatters]
Oh, Arlo. [breathes deeply]
Hi, there.
[croaking angrily]
[gasps] You too?
[croaking raspily]
[breathes deeply]
[Arlo groaning]
- Oh, Arlo.
- [gentle music plays]
[chuckles softly] Knock knock!
[muffled groan]
Let me in! [chuckles]
- [hisses]
- [dramatic sting]
- [squeals] Okay. I'm sorry.
- [chomps]
You want to talk about how you're feeling?
I don't know!
I was so excited
to sing this new song for you,
but someone wasn't interested and
- You done?
- Na-na-na-na-na-na. No!
Then my stomach felt like
there was a ball of fire inside,
and it went all the way up to my head.
And then
[mimics sounds
of multiple mental explosions]
Is this hormones?
Arlo, no.
You're in a bad mood.
I think I gave it to you.
Well, take it back. I don't want it.
I'm so sorry.
Do you want to sing your song for me now?
No! I'm not in the mood.
Oh, I see.
- [tuning]
- Bertie. Bertie.
Look, can you go outside?
I think I need to be
[prolonged, shocked gasp]
- [gentle music plays]
- [clatters]
Try to forget the bad mood
That I gave to you, gave to you ♪
Won't you give me
The benefit of the doubt? ♪
Please let me know
If you'll open up to me, up to me ♪
We stomp it, we crush
We throw it out, throw it out ♪
[disorienting electronic sampling]
[hip hop beat plays]
[rapping] I see you
I get what you tryna do ♪
Sometimes things that make us break us
But I know you ♪
Just a little bad mood
Just a little attitude ♪
Just a little blue
Blue shake because I love you ♪
I remember when my life was a dream ♪
Had a moment when I let it
Fall apart at the seams, yeah ♪
But the second
When you know that's a thing ♪
Hey, I know you get me
G-g-g-g-get me, get me ♪
I can lift you up
I wouldn't want to do it with another ♪
- [Bertie] I can lift you up ♪
- [Arlo] Get me, g-g-g-g-get me ♪
[Bertie] I can lift you up ♪
[both] I wouldn't want to do it
With another ♪
- [Bertie] I can lift you up ♪
- [Arlo] G-g-get me ♪
G-g-g-g-get me ♪
Hey, Arlo
I did it when I felt low ♪
Took it way too far
Now I gotta bring it back ♪
Though my friends can lift me up, bro
Higher than I wanna go ♪
To the brink of heaven to eleven
And I'm grateful, yeah ♪
I remember when my life was a dream ♪
Had a moment when I let it
Fall apart at the seams, yeah ♪
But the second
When you know that's a thing ♪
I know you get me
G-g-g-g-get me, get me ♪
- [Bertie] I can lift you up ♪
- [Arlo vocalizing]
I wouldn't want to do it with another ♪
- [Bertie] I can lift you up ♪
- [Arlo] Get me, g-g-g-g-get me ♪
[all] I can lift you up ♪
I wouldn't want to do it with another ♪
- I can lift you up ♪
- [Arlo] Get me, get me, g-g-g-g-get me ♪
[music ends]
- [Arlo] Love singing with you guys.
- Where you going? Where's my lift?
[Arlo] Good night, Tiny Tony.
- Good night, Furlecia.
- Good night, Arlo.
Get that beauty rest, y'all.
Good night, Bertie. Good night, Alia.
- [Arlo] Good night.
- Yeesh.
- [Alia] Night, Marcellus.
- [Arlo] See you, Bert. Love you.
- [Furlecia] Night!
- [Marcellus] I get it.
You like saying good night to each other.
Just go to bed already!
[Arlo] Okay. [laughs] He's so funny.
Cut it out. All right, good night.
[closing theme music plays]
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