I Heart Arlo (2021) s01e19 Episode Script

The Uncondemning

It's original ♪
Like me.
[opening theme music plays]
We all need someone to hold us up ♪
To help us on
We make each other better ♪
Though the world's not always right
Tough times, they can make us strong ♪
We all belong
We're beautiful together ♪
We're beautiful together ♪
[melancholy music plays]
Did you eat too much tuna
before getting on the boat, too?
Not this time.
Oh. Then why all this moping?
I've been so focused on Seaside,
what if we find Edmee
and she doesn't want to see me
because I forgot about her?
Sorry, that's the tuna again. Ugh.
I'm coming, Edmee!
Ah, now he's gonna sing again.
[thoughtful music plays]
A day turns to another day ♪
But your memory never fades away ♪
From me ♪
And the distance that we could feel ♪
It's the distance that we know is real ♪
Without you by my side ♪
Return me unto the place that I'm from ♪
Take me back in ♪
I will travel round the world ♪
I'll travel back to you ♪
To get back to you ♪
I will roam around the world ♪
Come home back to you ♪
To get back to you, yeah ♪
- [inaudible]
- I've been missing ♪
When you would hold me just so ♪
And now I'm falling ♪
- Falling home ♪
- [gurgling]
And all before ♪
- My heart and yours ♪
- [squawks]
- [munches]
- Ready for now ♪
I'm ready, yeah ♪
Return me unto the place that I'm from ♪
Take me back in ♪
I will travel round the world ♪
I'll travel back to you ♪
To get back to you ♪
I will roam around the world ♪
Come home back to you ♪
To get back to you, yeah ♪
[music softens]
Back to you ♪
To get back to you ♪
[music fades]
From what I've heard,
Edmee's a lady who can hold her own.
Besides, she's got the cavalry coming
- All right.
- So good.
- Ha! Whoo!
- [Arlo] Yeah, we are pretty fierce.
I think Edmee's got
nothing to worry about.
- [ominous music plays]
- [animals chittering]
It is an honor to have you all
visit my former home.
- Isn't it beautiful?
- [slurps]
- [sludgy splash]
- Ugh!
Are we sure this is the way to the shack?
Uh, I think so.
- I don't remember everything looking so
- [rustling]
- [wood creaking]
- Guys, what is that?
That's the shack!
Strange. I don't remember
it being so different.
[vines whipping]
[bluegrass music plays faintly]
No sign of the kidnappers.
They must have Edmee inside the shack.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
This is so real right now.
I'm, like, terrified, but excited,
but also enraged at them!
[deep voice] Let's go get 'em!
Hang on. We have the element
of surprise on our side.
Let's enter from the back.
Great. You guys do that,
and I'll stick these GPS trackers I found
- to a bunch of stuff.
- [beeps]
- What? Why? No, leave those here.
- [clatters]
[ominous music continues]
- Oh. Hello, gorgeous. Oh.
- [twinkles]
I want you.
I'm gonna track some stuff.
[beeps, clanks]
[suspenseful music playing]
[gasps] Where's Furlecia?
- [creaks]
- [yelps]
- Right here.
- [teeth chattering]
Wow, Furlecia, your makeup skills
have gotten really impressive.
Thank you.
I am living a dream of mine right now.
I'm coming, Edmee!
- What he said?
- [battle cries]
- [whimpers]
- [all grunt]
[muffled panting]
- [muffled moan]
- Edmee?
Are you in there?
[muffled scream]
Hang on, we're gonna get you out.
Help me find something to cut her free.
- I'm not sure
- [Tony] I got you, kid!
- [bluegrass music plays]
- [cackles] Ah! [screaming]
[Alia] Whoa!
[all] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- [all yelling]
- Mm Mm!
Oh. Whoa-whoa! Ah!
- Whoo-whee!
- Oh!
- [Bertie groans]
- [panting] Hey, check me out.
- Do I have all my parts?
- Thanks, y'all.
We could've been in there forever.
- [meows in surprise]
- You two? Where's Edmee?
Welp, we better get out of here right now.
[both chuckle, grunt]
[both] Huh?
[in deep voice] You're not going anywhere
till you tell me where Edmee is.
[tense music rises, falls]
You got us.
We did send the ransom letter,
and we did break in here to kidnap Edmee,
but it weren't our idea.
- We was working for someone else.
- Who were you working for?
Well, now, don't judge us.
We got the idea from from, well
[whispers] The Bog Lady.
[both shudder]
You did business with a Bog Lady?
- Guys! Look at this.
- [chittering]
[mysterious voice] Arlo.
Huh? Wha
[eerie music plays]
She's calling them back home.
I'm sorry, am I missing something?
What's a Bog Lady?
- [all shushing]
- [Ruff] Quiet.
[jaunty music plays]
All right, Ruff, you're up.
Her hair is made of moss ♪
- Her skin is laced with leaves ♪
- That's right.
- She has a magic in her soul ♪
- Oh, yeah. We've seen it.
She'll put you in a spell
With her breath of rotting trees ♪
- I'm afraid it's you she can't let go ♪
- [yelps]
You're in trouble now, kid.
'Cause when you leave her
She gets oh so angry ♪
The bayou is more than just her home ♪
Ruff, you're actually
a pretty good singer.
She takes it poisonal
You left the party early ♪
If she can't keep you, Alligator-boy ♪
She'll crush your tiny bones ♪
[laughs] Yeah, I'd probably be a little
worried right now if I were you.
The Bog Lady's a real shape-shifter
She could turn into anything ♪
So watch your back and listen in ♪
- She'll get inside your head ♪
- Yeah, she will.
And she'll leave you for dead ♪
And whatever you do, and I mean this
Don't let her sing ♪
When you leave her
She gets so disgusted ♪
I know what that's like.
Honestly, I've been there before.
The bayou is more than just her home ♪
- She takes it poisonal ♪
- Yeah, she does.
You can't leave this goil
And if she can't keep you, well ♪
She'll crush your tiny alligator bones ♪
[laughs] She's probably gonna kill you,
but hey, you know, on the brighter side,
you could just get outta here and go home.
All right, see you, Alligator-boy.
[Stucky] Bye-bye, babe.
I'm moving on out.
It's time to go, Alligator-boy.
Wait. Where did she take Edmee?
[shouts] To the heart of the swamp.
- Beware!
- [motor revving]
Oh, no.
They're getting away.
Should we go after them?
No. They can't help us.
Edmee is with the Bog Lady
in the heart of the swamp.
I should have never left home.
- She must hate me.
- [mysterious voice] Arlo.
Edmee! I'm coming, Edmee!
We can't just let him go alone.
Has he gone mad?
He is in insane danger.
Okay, Alia, Bertie, you two go after him.
The rest of us will catch up in the yacht.
Sounds like a plan.
It is.
Okay, gang,
a wise cheesemaker once told me,
cut your curds, bathe in brine,
and most importantly, don't get
[echoes] lost!
[mysterious, gloomy music plays]
Well, we're lost.
Come on,
we already passed this spot twice. Oh
How did we lose an enormous yacht?
Yeah. Where's Furlecia?
[Furlecia as Tony] I'm right here.
Pretty convincing, right?
Uh [chuckles]
Let's tone it down
with the disguises, huh?
- [whooshes]
- Ah!
No sign of any yachts.
[Furlecia as Tony] Okay, no one panic.
Let's retrace our steps and
About the yacht
- [bubbling]
- [mysterious music plays]
[yacht creaks]
There goes our way home.
[crows cawing]
[Alia grunts, panting]
Arlo! Slow down!
- [gasps] Oh. Ooh.
- [flies buzzing]
The heart of the swamp. We found it.
[wings flapping]
No. What?
We've been tricked? Impossible.
Where are we?
[wind gusting]
[mysterious voice] Arlo.
[Arlo] Oh. Look
[frogs croaking]
Welcome back, Arlo.
I have missed you so.
You know me?
[chuckles] Of course I do.
I've protected you ever since you were
a little baby gator boy.
I've been so lonely here without you.
Promise me you'll never leave
- [yells] again!
- [slithering]
You belong to me.
Hey! [stammers] Stop!
Where's Edmee?
Looking for this?
[groans softly]
[gasps] Edmee! Let her go!
What do you want with her?
- [Bog Lady] Her?
- [groans softly]
She's nothing more than bait.
Edmee! I'm coming!
[slow hip-hop beat plays]
Mm, hey, little gator boy
You tried to say see you later, boy ♪
You were gone for too long
Mmm, look how you've grown ♪
Ha! ♪
Oh, Lord, I've been patient
Oh, I've been so patient ♪
Now you owe me an apology
You owe me, owe me ♪
You've been looking for some trouble
Why should I be so humble? ♪
Is that the way you thank me?
I'm the one who created this whole thing ♪
I'm the swamp that made you ♪
Now I'm the swamp that take you ♪
You left me
Should have stayed, babe ♪
You spite me
You shouldn't, you disobeyed! ♪
[electronic sampling] ♪ You-you-you diso ♪
- You-you-you d-diso ♪
- [Bog Lady] I'm a very simple creature ♪
- Don't want anything to change none ♪
- [snaps]
I'm a simple creature, ha ♪
- I'm your simple teacher, ha ♪
- [snaps]
- Now you're back where you belong ♪
- [grunts]
Don't fight the song ♪
Gonna have to stay with me ♪
- Till your last breath, it's okay ♪
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
- You've been looking for some trouble ♪
Why should I be so humble? ♪
- Edmee. Edmee!
- Is that the way you thank me? ♪
I'm the one
Who created this whole thing ♪
- I'm the swamp that made you ♪
- Edmee!
Now I'm the swamp that take you ♪
- You left me, should've stayed, babe ♪
- [groans, grunts]
You know
You never should have disobeyed! ♪
Lord, I've been patient
See ♪
I've been so patient
See ♪
Now you owe me an apology ♪
You owe me
Owe me! ♪
I'm the one
Who created this whole thing ♪
I'm the one
Who created this whole thing ♪
I'm the one ♪
- Who created this whole thing ♪
- [yelps]
I'm the one
Who created this whole thing! ♪
I'm the swamp that made you
Now I'm the swamp that take you ♪
- You left me, should have stayed, babe ♪
- Mmm.
You know
You never should have disobeyed ♪
- [electronic sampling] ♪ You disobeyed! ♪
- [blast echoes]
We have to figure out
how to find the heart of the swamp.
[Bertie] Mmm
Uh What are you doing?
- Why are you upside down?
- Change of perspective. Helps me think.
[grunts] Hm.
Change your perspective.
[crow cawing]
- [gasps, grunts] Where could it be?
- [leaves rustling]
- [grunts] The heart of the swamp. [yowls]
- [Bertie] Do you see him?
[grunts] Bertie, I found it!
It's over there!
[leaves rustling]
- [Alia and Bertie] Arlo!
- Huh?
- [Alia] We'll save you!
- Wha
[both yelling]
- [chomps]
- [growls]
- Arlo!
- [grunts]
[tense music plays]
[Bog Lady snarls]
- I gotcha!
- That's my boy.
[chomps, growls]
- [Bog Lady snarling]
- [Edmee grunts]
[Bertie and Alia yell]
[both] Now!
[both grunt]
[hisses, yowls]
[claws rake]
- [roars]
- [both] Whoa!
[sinister music plays]
- [heroic music plays]
- [Bertie grunts]
- [boat revving]
- [splashes]
Perfect timing.
But how did you guys find us?
- Tracking devices.
- [beeps]
- [chuckles]
- [beeping]
If we can just make it back to the shack
[Bog Lady snarls]
- [suspenseful music plays]
- [roaring]
[motor revving]
[all gasp]
[motor revs]
- [voice booming] Where are you going?
- [arm whooshing]
- [crunches]
- [music ends]
You belong to me!
Oh, Edmee,
I never should have left the swamp.
I never should have left you!
Arlo Beauregard, you look at me.
Nothing wrong with spreading your wings
and going off to see the world.
You cannot leave something behind
when it's part of your heart.
- Part of your heart.
- [gentle music playing]
I think I know what to do.
Bog Lady!
You're right. I am a part of you.
Just like the swamp.
I might not live here anymore,
but I can never really leave.
'Cause where I'm from
will always be a part of where I'm going.
So, you can let us go now.
[all] Huh?
- Mm. No. I'm gonna eat you!
- [tense music plays]
I thought for sure that would work!
- Don't worry, I got a backup plan.
- Thank goodness, Edmee.
- Let's blow up the shack.
- Hold on. What?
I got this place rigged like a tinderbox.
- Hopefully, we'll get blown clear.
- [chomps]
[beeps, explodes]
[Edmee] Yee-haw!
[dreamy music plays]
- [sighs] Huh?
- [screaming]
- [Marcellus chuckling]
- [Arlo gulps]
- [screaming continues]
- [dramatic music plays]
Hmm? Ah!
[all screaming]
I tracked stuff.
- [train chugging]
- [explosion in distance]
- [Bog Lady whimpering]
- [water bubbling]
- [gentle music plays]
- [Edmee] Arlo!
- [gasps, laughs]
- Come here, my sweet baby boy.
Ooh, I have missed these hugs.
Ugh. I should have gotten here sooner.
I should have never left the swamp.
You got here. That's what matters.
I'm just happy to see you
and finally meet your weird city friends.
You guys are pretty fierce.
I like the fluffy one.
Don't trust the fish.
How'd you know
we'd be blown clear and not blown up?
Uh, 50-50 chance.
[all laugh]
- [Marcellus] Oh, the sharp wit.
- [all laugh]
The sunset is gorgeous.
Sunset? Oh, no, we're gonna be late
for the uncondemning.
[Bertie] Don't worry,
I know a way back home.
[sirens wailing in distance]
- [Elena] Hello, New York City.
- [crowd cheering]
What an amazing job
the residents of Seaside have done
restoring the pier and making
this neighborhood habitable again.
[man screaming]
- [heroic music plays]
- Hm?
[Marcellus] Get out of the way!
- [crowd gasps]
- [squishy flapping]
[crowd] Whoa!
[Tony grunts]
[crowd cheers]
Ladies and gentlemen,
the gator behind it all,
Arlo Beauregard!
Hi, everyone.
We are so excited
to welcome you to Seaside.
A lot of you probably
came a long way to be here.
I know I have.
Life can be a wild journey.
But someone very wise once told me,
"Where you're from will always
be a part of where you're going."
How 'bout a song?
- Take it away, Bertie.
- [crowd cheering]
[plays gentle melody]
No matter what lies ahead ♪
No matter the strain or struggle ♪
As long as we got our friends ♪
We got something to hold on to ♪
- [upbeat music plays]
- Yeah!
Everybody get up.
Let's show each other some love, y'all.
We've all got tomorrow ♪
[chuckles] We've all got today ♪
But don't ever forget
Where you were yesterday, let's go! ♪
- It's all gonna be okay ♪
- [dance music plays]
As long as we got each other ♪
[both] We're all living for today ♪
You got me, me, me
I got you, you, you ♪
[Arlo] Yeah, no matter what lies ahead ♪
- [Bertie] As long as we got each other ♪
- [Ansel] Oh. [laughs]
- [Arlo] We're all gonna be okay ♪
- You got me, me, me ♪
I got you, you, you ♪
If this is the last song
I think that we should dance right now ♪
We can party all night long
Thankful I got you all right now ♪
All my friends could lift me up
All my friends, they lift me up ♪
All my friends, they lift me up today ♪
We're living in this community
We're taking it to the top ♪
We're gonna bring you all with us
This heart, we will never stop ♪
This might be the last song
But we don't get it wrong ♪
We keep proving we believe
We keep proving we belong ♪
[both] It's all gonna be okay ♪
As long as we got each other ♪
We're all living for today ♪
You got me, me, me
I got you, you, you ♪
[all] It's all gonna be okay ♪
As long as we got each other ♪
- We're all living for today ♪
- [spits]
You got me, me, me
I got you, you, you ♪
- [Arlo] Yeah ♪
- [chuckling]
[song ends]
- I love you, Arlo.
- I love you too, Bertie.
- [gentle music plays]
- [all laughing]
[closing theme music plays]
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