In The Club (2014) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

You should prepare yourselves for the worst.
Jude's the father of my baby.
We've got a baby boy! We've got a boy! Could there be an issue over whose baby it is? There might be.
What Jasmin's doing with an idiot like you, I'll never know.
I don't know when that baby's due, but I think you need to check it out! I tell you, mate, you are going to regret saying that.
I went to every single parentcraft lesson, but nothing can prepare you properly for the emotional experience of giving birth.
Well, I'm the proud mum of a seven pound, 12oz baby girl, Emily Beth.
She was born at Neil's flat and I gave birth to her naturally in the birthing pool.
Rosie and Jude were both there and they were brilliant.
I couldn't have done it without them.
There was a mix-up over the address though and the midwife didn't get here on time, so Neil had to deliver his baby daughter.
I'm going to get meself a bad name if this carries on.
First Diane and now Kim! It's not your fault you got the wrong address.
Look, But Geraldine was great when she got here.
We wouldn't know about clamping and cutting the cord, so I'm glad she was there.
See! No, I'm sorry, I don't understand why.
Right, I'd better go.
Oh, Jasmin's not very happy.
Why can't they just wait? Let her go into labour naturally.
Cos the amniotic fluid does many things, but its main function is to protect both you and the baby from infection.
I'm not going near anyone with an infection! And ain't it better for baby if she goes full-term? Well, we're only talking a few weeks If it was ready to come, what you put in me would've worked and I'd have contractions.
We're just trying to help things along, speeding things up a bit I don't want it speeding up.
We're not in a rush, are we? No.
You're putting the baby at risk.
How come? Isn't it better all safe and tucked up in here than out there fighting with all the germs and MRSA? Can I have a word, please, Chris? Why don't you say summat? Sat there like a bloody zombie.
I did say summat.
No, you didn't.
You're going to have to go home and get changed.
Look at the state of you.
It's his blood not mine.
I think I must've bust his nose, cos there was blood everywhere.
I can't believe you actually punched him.
I'd have killed him if they hadn't dragged me off him.
You're mental.
You don't know what he said.
Go on, then.
Nah I'm not sayin' nowt.
I don't want to send your blood pressure soaring again.
Here, I'll give you this, just in case.
I I don't think I'll need it, but.
as long as it's not broken.
No, not according to your notes and there's no bleeding in or around the brain, so I should be OK then? Yeah.
Um Any headaches or blurred vision, come straight back in.
Thank you for looking after me.
My pleasure.
I know that it's difficult for you to understand, Chris, but not every situation is straightforward like ours.
Yeah, all right, I understand there have been some complications.
She had a fling with someone she worked with three weeks before she got married to the chap in there, is that right? Yes, so if the baby goes full-term, then Jasmin thinks it's more likely to be her husband's baby than Jack's, the "chap" that she had the fling with.
Right, this is bloody ridiculous.
You can't put a baby's life in jeopardy over a paternity issue.
And anyway, it makes not an iota of difference if she's due in two or five weeks' time if we induce.
It'll be early either way and as long as there are no more complications, nobody will know how many weeks early she is.
Yeah, I have told her that, but I don't think that she gets it.
Tough, she's got no choice.
Chris! She's not responded to the pessary, she hasn't gone into labour, so let's get on with it.
And how do we do that without her permission? She's not thinking rationally.
Oh, Chris, come on We're off.
Oh Thanks! I just wanted to say thank you very much.
Aw! You shouldn't have.
Of course we should, you've all been amazing.
Oh, let me have a quick peek before he goes.
Oh, isn't he gorgeous?! We think so, but we're a bit biased.
Oh, yeah, what a little bobby-dazzler, eh? Now, you take it easy when you get home, OK? Yeah, I will, I promise.
I hope everything goes all right for you.
Oh, God, so do I.
We're all going to stay in touch, aren't we? So I'll let you know.
I think Kim's got all that organised.
Yeah, oh, and we do baby massage, first Tuesday evening of the month at parentcraft, so if you want to bring Sonny along, then Yeah, we might just do that.
Is Jasmin all right? Well, yeah, she's still not gone into labour.
Would it be all right if I just popped my head around the door? Yeah, of course.
I'll wait here.
Being induced wasn't on me birthing plan, was it? No, love.
I mean, what's the point in havin' a plan if nobody takes any notice of it? Well, waters breaking prior to contractions weren't on the birthing plan either, neither was pre-eclampsia.
I'm sorry, but the safety of mum and baby are our priority and where we can, believe me, we stick to the birthing plan.
What about using me hypnobirthing CDs and aromatherapy massage oils? That's fine, you can use those.
Get 'em out me bag, Dev.
I've brought someone to see ya.
It's just me to say goodbye, we're leaving.
Oh, right.
Did you do a poo? Yeah, not a pleasant experience, it was like giving birth all over again.
Is anything happening with you? Not a twinge, nothing.
It's not even booting me like it usually does.
It's gone really quiet.
I'm sure it's just a matter of time, Jas.
Yeah, that's all I need, a bit more time! A small scratch coming up.
Ow, that bloody hurt! Will you let me know what you have? Oh, yeah, of course.
We'll all get together once I get out.
Yeah, I'll be at Si's parents for a bit until we find something better, but you can get me on my mobile, OK? What you doing? We're just going to start you off on a low dose of Syntocinon.
You'll be fine, honestly.
Is this it? No, it's a CD, Dev.
Them are me breast pads for after.
Does it look like a CD?! I don't know what a hypnobirthing CD looks like.
Oh, he's hopeless.
It's right down at the bottom of me bag.
Do you know if Rick's still out there? Yeah, he's with Diane, I think.
By the way, Kim had a baby girl - seven pounds, 12 ounces.
Oh, no way! Yeah, Neil delivered her in the birthing pool.
Mother and baby doing well, she's blogged.
Yeah, I've got it, I've got it.
Read it when you get a chance.
Let me know what you have.
Ta-ra! Jammy sod, she's got it all over and done with.
And so will you, very soon.
D'you want it on now? You should've been listening to that for the last couple of months for it to be effective.
Oh, right.
Well, nobody told us that.
What shall I do? Might as well play it now we've bought it.
I were just wondering if Rick could come in here and Rick! What for? To support me, I'm-I'm not sure that I'm To support you?! You must be bloody jokin'? This is not about you, Dev.
It's me that's got to push this cannonball through a keyhole and I'm not having some random man in here watching, right?! Some deep breaths, please.
Well, he's not random, Rick's our friend from parentcraft.
No! I'm not being stroppy wi' you, it's you who's being stroppy wi' me.
You don't have to feed her every time she cries, Rosie.
She's hungry.
Yeah, well, me dad said I could take the day off school to help Kim and Rosie wi' babies.
No, he didn't say that.
Can I speak to her? Kim wants to talk to you.
Hi, Susie.
Neil didn't say that I don't care what Neil said.
Can you put my son on again, please? Susie I don't I'm not interested.
I'm just trying to explain, Susie.
Can you turn that down, please? I can't hear.
It's my fault, I told him to turn it up.
He said Jude could have the morning off school cos he's got a study period and Neil had to go into work cos he hasn't organised any paternity leave, and Because he wasn't supposed to be looking after a baby, was he? I mean If I'd wanted to speak to you, I'd have called your phone.
Can you put Jude back on again, please? There's no need to be hostile, Susie.
The only way we're going to get through this is if we all keep talking.
I don't want to talk to you and I don't want to get through anything.
I just want my son to go to school.
I don't want him to completely ruin his life! Oh! What'd she say? She's upset.
Yeah, well, I knew she'd be like that, that's why I can never her owt.
It's my life.
I don't tell her what to do with her life, so she shouldn't tell me what to do with mine.
She's your mother, Jude.
Mum just wants you to treat the house like it's your home.
Yeah, but it's not though, is it? I think I'd feel better if I'd met your dad.
I'm just worried he's going to think I'm some kind of predatory cougar who's seduced his only son.
He's not going to think that! Yeah, I'll admit it - he's a grumpy old sod sometimes, but you'll get used to him and he's happy as long as Mum's happy.
Well, she seems to have done a complete U-turn, doesn't she? Yeah, well, I knew she would, once she actually met you.
And the fact that she was there when you went into labour and Sonny was born.
What about all the stuff from the flat? I moved it yesterday.
With Mum's car, she lent me it.
In fact, she said we could use it whenever you want.
Roanna! Hi.
Hi! Oh, my goodness, what happened to you? Took a punch in the nose.
Spent the whole night in bloody A&E Oh, I see congratulations are in order.
Yeah, yeah, this is Sonny.
And this is my partner, Simon.
Nice to meet you.
Jack Moorhouse.
I'm a junior solicitor at Fairburn and Lupton's.
He represented me.
Tried to.
She's with someone much better now, so she actually stands a chance.
That's false modesty, but Melanie is very good.
Thank you very much, Jack.
No problem.
Hey has Jasmin gone home? No, she's still No, I didn't say that, sorry.
I promised I wouldn't say anything.
It's OK.
I'll I'll see you at the office.
Bye! Nice to meet you.
I trust the natural process of birth, working gently through my body and my baby.
I serenely accept my birthing as just right for me and just right for my baby.
I feel clam, relaxed.
I just can't believe you got involved.
Dev's got nothing to do with you.
Of course he has, he's my mate, and he got me the job.
Yeah, and now he's about to lose it for you.
He'd have done the same for me if someone was slagging you.
His home's not getting repossessed though.
Diane, they're not going to repossess it.
Well, that's not what I read in the letter from the bank.
Everyone gets one of them when you miss a few months.
Five months.
It's just to get you to pay.
They're not going to actually do it.
How do you know, Rick? They took the car, didn't they? And I've seen other houses on the estate all boarded up.
Well, it won't come to that, right? I promise you.
I've got an appointment with the job centre to see if we can get us some money.
Well, go on.
When you're not looking after the kids, I want you out looking for a job.
I am lookin' for a D'you think I'm just sat around, doin' nowt? Do you know where Jasmin is? She's not tellin' you, right? So you can piss off.
Well, look who it is.
You can tell your colleague that I'll see him in court - actual bodily harm and loss of earnings.
He's not telling him anythin', it's got nothing to do with Rick and Dev's got enough on, his wife's just gone into labour.
Really? You shouldn't have said that.
Said what? I'm not havin' you dragged into another court case.
Lead me and my baby gently through labour and birth Ah! What's happening? Where is he? Epidural! Ah, shit, I thought I were dreaming.
What can I do? Oh, pain relief! I need pain relief, Dev.
Dev, I'm in agony, Dev! You're ripping me waistcoat, love.
Help me! Get me someone or something! I-I will, if you let go of me.
Jas, let go! Oh! Oh, Dev! Oh, my God! You don't understand, I'm a friend.
Oh, I know exactly who you are.
Now, if you've come here to cause trouble, then you can think again.
I haven't.
You can leave, or I will call security and have you removed.
There's no need to be like that.
I'm a solicitor.
I'm not here to cause trouble.
I used to work with Jasmin, I just want to make sure she's all right.
Is that her? That's none of your business.
I think it is.
Right, just go, will ya? Go on.
Go on! Hop it.
Vicky! Vicky, she's started! All right.
And peaceful Ooh, what you doin'? Oh, I can't stand this.
I need to get off this bed.
Right, just lay back a minute for me, all right, while I see what's going on, darling.
One minute, OK? Tell me it don't get worse than this, Vicky? I can tell you that, my darling, but I'd be lying.
Sometimes an induced labour - it can be a bit more painful.
Oh, no.
Now you tell me.
I don't think I can do this.
Yes, you can.
The good thing about women that've had pre-eclampsia is sometimes they give birth really fast, OK? Great, at last, an upside.
So knees up, that's it.
Just try and relax while I see what's going on.
Shall I go and ring your mum? No! And you can turn that soddin' CD off an' all.
Painless, natural She's a bloody liar! .
calm and relaxed You're three centimetres.
Oh, shit, is that all? How d'you know? Cos I do, sorry.
But, like, you haven't measured it with a ruler or anything.
Two fingers spread apart usually means three centimetres.
It's going to get really bad, isn't it? Yeah.
Will you shut yer bloody face? You're doin' my head in and you're makin' it worse.
Sorry, I was just thinking out loud.
Well, don't.
And you stink.
Yeah, I need to go home.
No, you're not goin' anywhere.
I've gone all Oh, I've gone all hot.
Right, I-I don't I don't know what to do.
Why don't you wet a flannel with cold water? There's one in me bag.
Right, with this next contraction, I want you to breathe down on this, OK? Really deep, long breaths.
Oh, I'm going to need more than gas and air.
Now, if you want to walk about or you want to go on all fours, that's absolutely fine.
Where's me birthing ball? It's here.
What you doing? That flannel's for me, ya doylum! You said I stunk.
D'you want it? Not now it's been round your sweaty armpits, I don't! Oh Right.
Oh, I think there's another one coming! OK, right.
Breathe in.
Breathe in! There's another one! Maybe I should let your family know.
We don't want 'em falling out with us, do we? No, I don't want 'em all here.
No, I was just thinking your mum and dad.
Won't be long.
That's it.
Oh, aaah! Ah, shit, Dev! That's it, another deep breath.
The more you breathe in, Jasmin, the more it builds up.
You're doing really well.
I'm not, I'm crap.
No, you're not, stop it! What am I going to do if the baby's white, Vicky? There's nothing you can do about that now, so stop thinking about it and concentrate on giving birth.
It's easy for you to say that.
I know.
It'll kill Dev.
I love him so much, he's so good to me, I don't deserve him.
Yes, you do.
Look, it's going to be all right.
Is it? Yeah.
I'm frightened.
I know you are, darling, but it's not helping things.
No, no, no, she's in the delivery room.
You should have let us know straightaway.
I didn't know myself till just now.
We thought it could be a false alarm.
What's he saying? Hold on.
Will you shut up? I can't hear what he's saying.
Is she in labour?! I'll ring the rest of the family and we'll be there soon.
No, you don't have to ring the rest of the family and don't come yet, she'll be ages.
Of course we'll have to let the rest of the family know.
Give me that.
Of course we're going to be there to support her, Dev, we're her family.
I'm not trying to stop you, but she don't want the whole Is there a cafeteria there? I don't know if there's a Right.
Phone Sumita.
She's in labour! Come on.
Hello? I spoke to my solicitor and told him I'd got me court hearing through.
What'd he say? He said I might be lookin' at a prison sentence.
What? Well, why would they do that when it's your first offence and they know we've just had twins? I know, it's I mean, he said he'll do his best, but the best he can hope for is, like, a suspended sentence.
Well, that'd be all right.
Oh, my God, look at you! Yeah, she She ripped the buttons off me waistcoat.
How is she? Three centimetres.
Oh, good, at least she's started.
I don't know if it's good, they put some stuff into the back of her hand.
But if she's in labour, what you doin' out here? Um I just rang her parents to let 'em know what's happenin'.
It'll be like Bombay in half an hour! If I were you, I'd get back in there.
I missed both mine being born - I won't get that chance again.
Ah, yeah, I will do, but she's got ages yet.
I just thought I'd check if you were still here.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
No, I'll be leavin' soon though.
I've got an appointment down the job centre wi' benefits people.
Dev? Yeah? D'you think your uncle'll give Rick his job back? I dunno if I've still got a job, Diane.
Just tell him what that dickbrain said to ya.
Mate, I'm not tellin' anyone that, not even Jas, so don't say owt.
Mate, I've already told Diane.
I won't say anythin'.
Sorry, I had to.
Sorry, mate.
He can't go round telling people he's the father of Jasmin's baby and that she sleeps around, he must know that! She's right.
No-one'll stand for that.
He deserved a punch.
He's been on the ward looking for you.
I saw him in the corridor.
You must've really bust his nose, pal.
He says he's going to sue the arse off ya.
Yeah, well, bring it on.
What's up? You got a pain? Shit, man, you all right? What's the matter? I'll get a nurse.
No, no, no, I'm fine.
You sure? I'm totally fine.
All right, sit down.
You all right? Like there, mate.
Breathe in as deep as you can! Oh, it's not workin'! Now come on, keep it in yer mouth! The deeper you breathe, the more it works.
I want an epidural! I've rung Chris and he's on his way with the anaesthetist.
That's it, come on, keep breathing, darling, keep breathing.
Does it hurt when I press here? Just do that again.
Here? You see, it's gone now.
It just comes and goes.
Have you ate summat dodgy, man? Mate, I've not eaten a thing, not since yesterday afternoon.
In fact, I'm bloody starvin'.
Well, can you describe what kind of pain it is? It just kind of grips me and goes all tight, like right around here.
It's a bit like when you've got the runs, only I've not.
And how long does it last? Dunno, it depends About a minute, maybe less, and then it just passes.
Have you ever had pains like this before? Not really, no.
It started last night, just before Diane rang me to tell me Jas's waters had gone.
Yeah, I know, I remember you saying you had a stomachache.
And are they coming regular? Well, every so often.
I mean, that's why I just had to get out of the delivery room, cos I can't let Jas know.
She'll think I'm a right wimp.
I mean, she's in there getting ready to give birth to our baby, know what I'm saying? D'you think what you're experiencing could be some kind of sympathy pain? Yeah, that's what I thought.
I don't know what you mean.
They're kind of phantom labour pains.
No, it's just gut-rot, honestly.
Unless you think it's best I don't go back into the delivery room? I didn't say that.
I mean, I can't do anything for her, can I? I can't make the pain go away for her and I'll just get on Jas's nerves with me phantom pains and me headache and everythin'.
She'll end up shouting at me again.
You could go there instead.
Me? No way! Yeah.
No! You're her friend and you've done it.
You'd be far more help to her than me.
You can tell her I'm not well.
Actually, she'll be glad I'm not there.
No! I don't think so.
She will.
I mean, there's no real reason for me to be in there, is there? Not unless the words "child maintenance" mean anything to you! What? You think it'd be grounds for a divorce? See, I've got another one starting now.
Oh! Right, come on! Oh, Grandma Did you ring Sumita? Yes.
Gimme the key.
Sumi, make sure you've got the yellow bag, it's got the toys in it.
Quick! Lock the door.
Quick, quick.
Katie, it's Mum again.
Will you ring as soon as you get this message? I've been trying to get hold of you since yesterday and I'm really worried now.
She'll call.
Yeah, I hope so.
Nice house.
Come on, let's go.
Oh, come in! I've just put some coffee on.
Oh! Oh, look at him, he's fast asleep.
Now, would you like coffee first or would you like to see the nursery? I think he needs changing actually, it's nearly time for his feed, so Right.
Well, we've got everything upstairs, just follow me.
Come on.
Oh, my goodness, this is amazing.
You've gone to so much trouble.
Oh, it's nothing, really, just a lick of paint to freshen things up and a few bits and bobs.
Now, I didn't know whether you had a crib.
And we've picked out a sort of pushchair-cum-pram thing, it's called a A Bugaboo or something? Evidently it's the one to be seen with, all the celebrities have them! Anyway, it arrives this afternoon.
You know you won't be able to move around much once the epidural kicks in cos your legs will feel very weak.
Yeah, Vicky told me.
And that the pushing might go on a little bit longer.
Not bothered.
And we might have to use forceps or a ventouse.
You can use pliers and a plunger as long as I don't get that horrible pain back.
OK, as long as you know.
Yeah, I do.
So, how long've you two been goin' out? Sorry, I forgot it was a secret.
It's all these drugs, they're making me a bit woozy.
Three years.
Oh, right, so it's not like it was an accident? Well, it was a happy accident for me, I'm not so sure it was the same for Chris.
Could you concentrate and lean as far forward as you can to open up your spine, please? I would, but I've got this big bump in the way.
Thanks, that's better.
Yer happy she's havin' your baby, though, aren't ya, Chris? Could you keep still, please? I'm trying! So you got lucky then, Vicky, and copped off with a doctor? I wasn't looking to "cop off" with anyone, I'd just come out of a long-term relationship.
Oh, so you chased her, then did you, Chris? Right.
Right, all done.
Right, thanks, Jane.
My pleasure.
You know what to do if it needs topping up? I've only done it a few thousand times.
My pleasure! Well, it'll be all round the hospital now.
Go and chase after her, if you like! So I bet you were dead fit before you got knocked up.
That were the thing with me and Jack, cos we worked together, we could talk about people and have a laugh.
Then I realised work was all we had.
Me and Dev have so much more cos of family and who we are.
I'll leave you to it, you buzz me if you need me.
People thinking it was arranged marriage, but it wasn't, not really.
I've sort of known him all me life, if you know what I mean? I think I've got another one brewing.
Just breathe in on the gas and air.
You see, his family know my family.
We got together at his cousin's wedding and it sort of grew.
But I didn't love him straightaway, not really.
Oh, no, it's still hurts like mad! Ooh, I thought it'd take it off! Yeah, it's going to take about 20 minutes for the epidural to kick in.
You just keep breathing on the gas and air.
Oh, no, that means I'm going to have a load more pain.
Oh, where's Dev? He's been gone ages.
This Roanna Wilson Good God, what've you done? Oh, it's nothing, just a bit of a nosebleed.
Sure? Yeah, I had to go to hospital cos it wouldn't stop, but Sorry, you're asking about Roanna Wilson.
We've had this letter from her husband's solicitor, seems like he's not going to play ball.
Doesn't surprise me, he's a complete dick.
I need to know if she's part owner of the company.
I Yeah, I-I think she is, she's definitely a shareholder.
There's a difference.
I need to know what's lodged at Companies House.
I'll get onto it.
When my settlement comes through, I'm hoping we can buy a house outright and not bother with a mortgage, so These things tend to drag on, though, don't they? Oh! Do have a piece of cake.
Not for me, thanks.
I'm trying to lose the baby weight so I can get back into my clothes.
Oh, there'll be plenty of time for that.
One little piece won't hurt.
Roanna's already seen a lawyer and they're on the case.
So hopefully you won't have to put up with us for too long.
Oh, don't be silly.
It's wonderful having you here.
Um Have you decided where you'd like to buy yet? There are a couple of houses on Thornton Rise, they're a bit nouveau riche, but I used to live there.
Oh, Roanna, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to It's fine, really.
My son and my daughter still live there actually with their father.
We saw a little house in Rodley, by the side of the canal.
Oh, you don't want to live near water, Simon, not with a baby! I mean, once he starts walking, it'll be absolutely Emma! We're in here, darling! Speak to Jonathan about buying a house, he knows about property and things like that.
He'll tell you what's the best thing to do.
Dad, this is Roanna.
The baby is fast asleep in the nursery, but you can go up and see him if you like.
Pleased to meet you.
Sorry about invading your home.
Not at all.
It's very nice to have you here and it's kept Emma very busy these past couple of days.
OK, let's take a look at the little fella.
Come on, pop the boot! Pay and display.
You'd better put the parking Have you got the? Everybody got everything? Come on.
You've got to put the parking What's that? Oh, that's nice.
Right, you've got another contraction coming.
Really? That's amazing, I can't feel a thing.
It's good, is that epidural.
Your boyfriend's brilliant.
Oh, I don't know that he's going to be me boyfriend for much longer.
Why, cos of what I said? Oh, no, no, it's been a bit on and off for the past couple of months.
I told him that I wanted to be married or at least engaged before this baby's born and if he's not prepared to do that, then I'd rather be a single parent, bring up the baby on me own.
Wow! So he's not got long to decide? Exactly.
I think he thinks that he can do better.
What, like a lady doctor or a consultant? Or anaesthetist.
You mean that Jane who did me? Well, I don't know.
I just think he wants to keep his options open.
I know.
Look who I've found.
Hey Where've you been? Just trying to get hold of your mum and dad.
I could've had the baby by now and you'd have missed it being born.
Don't hover by the door, Diane, come on in.
I was just wondering if you wanted any help? You can say no if you like.
Yeah, I can have two birthing partners, can't I? Yeah, two's fine! I'm just in the middle of a contraction.
I've had an epidural.
Can't feel a thing.
Really? That's fantastic.
Dead as a dodo from here to me toes, it's bloody brilliant.
She were in bloody agony before, Diane, honest to God.
Yeah, yeah, I believe ya.
I'm nearly six and a half centimetres and it's best I've felt since day I found out I were pregnant.
Excuse me, but I think your family's 'ere.
Tell me it's not the whole family, Dev? It's not the whole family.
You can't take food into the labour room.
It's a medical environment She'll need all the strength to push the baby out.
everything's clean and they won't allow it! Listen to me, Amita.
I think you'll find I've had two babies! What's two babies got to do with it? It's food and they won't allow it.
Granny's made the Hello? Hey.
Guys? .
How many babies have you had? Guys.
Excuse me? Would you shut up and listen?! Oh, my God, what's happened? Is that blood? Are you hurt? No, no, it's all right.
I got into a bit of a barney last night, it's all right, don't worry.
Where is she? Can we see her? No Just for a minute? I said for you not to all come.
I'm sorry, there's only two allowed in delivery.
What'd you ring Mum and Dad for? First grandchild - of course I rang 'em.
Hear what he said? A terrible thing to say.
Don't speak to your mother like that.
Sorry, Mum.
I didn't mean it, I'm a bit tired and Right, which one of you is Jasmin's mum? Me.
Right, why don't you go through first and maybe we can swap a bit later on.
See you all later! Don't be taking food through into the operating room.
Give it here! You got food, Auntie? Thank God for that, I'm bloody starving! It's not for you, it's for Jasmin.
You can have the leftovers.
Come on! He had a black eye and a cut on his nose.
They kept him in overnight so he must have punched him really hard.
I've never seen Dev hit anybody, he hardly ever loses his temper.
I go on at him all time and he never shouts back or says a word.
Right, OK, so you're ten centimetres and baby's really low down and in a good position.
So with this next contraction, you can start to push.
No way! That were quick! Well baby's not out yet, she might be pushing a long time.
Come on, get you in a good position.
Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, my poor little girl! Hiya, Mum.
Oh, with wires all over you.
What's that machine thing? It's just checkin' baby's heartbeat.
Oh, good, good.
Look I've brought you some food.
Nice one, Mum.
There you go.
Right, hang on a minute, you've got another contraction coming.
I want you to breathe in, OK? That's it, let's get you up there.
I want you to breathe in and push right down into your bottom, OK? Oh, can't I have me sandwich first? No, it's time to get that baby out! You can have yer sandwich later! OK, right, breathe in and push to the count of eight.
All right, Jasmin? Breathe in That's it, and one Two Three Four, five Keep pushing.
Come on, Jasmin.
Push, push .
Six, seven Push.
Keep pushing! Oh, I can feel it again.
Oh, I think it needs topping up.
That's it, no, I think we should crack on now, now your baby's coming, all right? Oh, I can't.
I think it's worn off, you'll have to put some more in.
I want you to feel something, it's going to help you push.
I can't! Come on.
Keep pushing.
Keep pushing.
You'll have yer baby, think of it laying in yer arms.
Come on now, push, love, come on! Push, push! I am! Scream and shout as much as you want, darling, as long as you remember to push there as well, OK? Come on, you're doing it! Yeah, but it kills and it's not going away.
Maybe it's nearly time.
What's the matter? Is summat wrong? Oh, God Vicky? Suspected abruption, foetal distress.
Heart rate's 50 and it's not recovering.
I'm sorry, I'll keep pushing, I don't mind, honestly.
Is everything all right? Vicky? I I think the placenta has detached I knew it, Dev.
What does that mean? That we need to get this baby out as fast as possible, OK? Now, I can see your baby's head, so I'm going to give you a little cut Is it going to hurt? .
and you'll push this baby out now, OK? Oh! Right it's done.
Oh, my God, he's gone! Right, now, I want you to listen to me, Jasmin, all right? I want a really nice, big push, OK? So I want you to breathe in No, I can't, I can't Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
And push! Push, push, push, push.
Keep going, keep going, keep going.
Good girl, Jasmin, you're doing really well.
Keep going.
Little pushes now, little pushes.
That's it, Jasmin, that's it, good girl.
Good girl.
Keep going, keep going, keep going.
And baby's head's out, baby's head's out.
One more push, darling, one more push.
One more push, that's it.
That's it, well done, well done, Jasmin.
That's it.
You've got a baby girl, Jasmin, well done! Oh, my God.
OK, darling, let's get you cleaned up.
Placental abruption and she's a couple of weeks prem.
Come on, then.
Is she all right? Right, baby's a bit pale, so Pale? What does that mean? We might need to give her some blood, all right? Checking HB counts.
Need a good vein.
Can I see her? Oh, that's a good sign.
She can have some of my blood.
No, it's all right, we never take blood from a new mum.
She can have some of mine.
It's all right, we've got emergency blood in the fridge, and you'd have to be HIV tested and everything before we use yours, OK? She looks just like a little white baby.
Let me see her.
No, she don't She's got black hair, like me and Jas.
Let me see her! She'll pink up as soon as we've given her some blood.
Pink? It's all right, that's just what we say.
Baby's blood's O positive.
OK, thanks.
Let's take her through to natal for a top-up.
Er Can Mum have a look now? Yeah, sure.
There you go.
Hello! Hello, my angel.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, she's so White.
Shut up, Mum! What? I was going to say little.
All right? We're going to be taking Hope off the ventilator later on this afternoon and try her on some of your milk.
Great, I'll be straight down there.
I don't know who she takes after, both you and your sister were brown with jet-black hair when you were born.
Right, OK, let's stitch you up.
You haven't eaten all day.
It's a girl, six pound ten.
When can we see her? Well, they're just giving her some blood cos she's a bit pale and You'd think she was a little white baby! .
cos she's anaemic, but they're just giving her some blood right now.
Congratulations, I hear you're a daddy! Yeah, thank you.
How's the pain? What pain? Yer tummy? Oh, I don't know, I've forgotten about that, I think they've gone.
You must've been right! Um D'you think the family could have a quick peep at baby? Em We've come all the way from Sheffield and she's our first grandchild.
Mmm Bloody gorgeous Me mum makes the best chicken curry sandwich.
Chicken curry sandwich? Mmm, it smells nice too.
I haven't been able to eat curry since I were five week gone I can't believe she kept on sayin' it over and over again, I could've killed her.
I don't think she realised.
She does look white, though.
She's got jet-black hair.
It's the colour of her skin that I'm worried about.
There's no point in worrying about that now.
We'll know more of baby's true colour after she's had her transfusion.
And she's O positive.
Yeah, and you're A, I've already looked at your notes.
So what does that mean? It means that she got her blood group from her biological father.
Oh, shit.
No, it's all right, I've got an idea.
Are you sure she'll be all right? We can always turn it back on again.
We'll only know when we do it.
There she goes.
Oh, thank God! Pretty sure she's hardly been using it these past few days, but you're never 100%.
Would you like to hold her? I would love that.
Oh! I love you I love you so much.
Are you baby Sidhwa's daddy? Why, what made you ask that? Nothing.
Do you want to see her? She's lovely, ain't she? Yeah She's so little and helpless, though.
It's amazing how fast they grow.
Yeah, blink and they'll be going to school.
How's she doing? She's breathing by herself.
The first time I've held her properly.
Hiya, Elle.
I'm wondering if you could do me a really big favour? Yeah, sure, what d'you want? One of me mums has just given birth and the baby's a rare blood group, and we know that the dad was in here overnight.
What's his name? Jack Moorhouse.
Well, she's certainly got a lot of black hair.
A-And she's a good weight.
She's got a healthy pair of lungs! D'you want me to take you down there? Ah, good idea.
You can't all go.
I want me and Dev to go on our own.
Going to call her Amber.
But she's not amber, is she? She's She will be when she's had her blood topped up.
Anyway, it's got nothing to do with her colour it's cos she's a precious jewel.
Hiya, I'm sorry, there's only two of you allowed round the bed, so Why don't you all go home? All being well, I'll be out tomorrow Or if you all wait in reception while I just check everything's going back to normal, OK? .
Granny into the car.
Let's go outside, come on.
Yeah, you should go.
Get some food.
See you later.
Right, love you, Mum.
Me, too.
Dead proud of ya.
Thanks, Dad.
Sorry, does that mean me an' all? Sorry.
No, that's fine.
Don't you be going walkabout again.
Did you find out? O positive, sorry.
That means Jack's the father.
Not necessarily, O positive is a very common blood group and we don't know what Dev is.
She's not going to change colour .
I just know it.
Hi, I'm Jasmin Sidhwa's brother, I was just wondering if she'd given birth yet? I've been trying to ring my parents, but I think their phones are off.
I expect so, cos the rest of your family are here.
D'you want to talk to any of 'em? No.
No, no, it's fine.
I just wanted to know whether she'd had the baby and whether it was a boy or a girl.
I really can't tell you that, that'd be breaching confidentiality.
But if I was you, I'd buy something pink.
Now, d'you want me to pass a message on to her? Hello? Come in.
Hi, the hospital just called.
They want me to come in now to get checked out.
Is it all right if I go early? Yes, but I need you in early tomorrow to talk me through the Wilson case.
Oh, I see.
According to this, she said she didn't want any part in the business, the house, his pension nothing! Yeah, that was at the arbitration, it was just before she had the baby, she was in no fit state to make an informed opinion.
I'll talk you through it in the morning, OK? Katie? It's Mum, are you here? Katie? Katie? What do you want? Katie, I have been really worried about you.
Oh, darling! Darling, come here.
I've rung your friends, I've rung the college, I've left messages everywhere.
Dad's taken my phone off me for nickin' the dresses and I've been grounded for a month.
Well, of course he has, you can't go around stealing dresses, Katie.
Yes, I know that! I wouldn't have to steal 'em if Dad gave me a proper allowance.
I'll talk to him about it.
No, don't do that, he'll go mental if he knows we've been speaking.
Of course I'm going to speak to you, you're my daughter.
What about your foundation course? I haven't been going, so they chucked me off.
It was boring anyway.
Oh, my goodness, Katie, what are we going to do with you, eh? That's Sonny.
I've left him outside.
Everything's a mess and all you're bothered about is your new baby and your boyfriend.
Katie God Pop that down, yeah? Oh, she's definitely got more energy.
Do you think? Yeah, she's a lot more lively and she's wriggling about.
She hasn't changed colour, though.
Sometimes it takes a little while for the blood to circulate.
We'll give you a little time on your own with her, OK? I love you.
I'm so sorry.
I don't want to know the details, I don't care as long as you love me.
I do.
Then she's my daughter whatever, OK? OK? I love you.
I love you too.
No, you won't sleep through the birth, I can promise you that.
Thank you.
Hi, I'm looking for Jasmin, I believe she gave birth to a baby girl this afternoon.
Do you know which ward she's in? Well, just hang on a minute, I'm not sure she's even on a ward.
There was a problem with the baby.
I think she might be in neonatal, but let me just check.
Excuse me? Hey, where d'you think you're going? Call security.
I thought I still had feelings for him and the wedding were getting nearer and I were getting scared Don't matter.
I wasn't sure if we were right for each other.
I understand, you don't have to say owt.
He started saying he really cared for me, I just fell for it.
I'm stupid.
No, you're not.
You're not.
The only good thing about it was that after I knew 100% that I loved you, and our wedding day was the happiest day of my life.
You can't come barging in.
I have to see If you want to speak to anyone Don't you understand plain English? you need to go through relevant channels.
It's important.
That baby could be mine! And if it is, then What? What you going to do, Jack? I want to speak to Jasmin.
Right, I think you should leave.
I've got nothing to say to you.
Yeah, but I've got things I need to say to you.
Well, say it, then.
I've told Dev, he knows everythin'.
I wanted to tell you this in private but if If I have to, then I'm a haemophiliac.
OK, that's why when you punched me in the nose I had to spend the night in A&E - to make sure I didn't bleed to death.
You deserved it.
Yeah, you're right, I did.
I should never have said what I did.
I've got no excuse, I was a jealous prick.
You were jealous of me? Yeah.
Yeah, you've You've got Jasmin.
You're a lucky man.
I don't need you to tell me that.
I'm sure you don't.
What's you having this haemathingy got to do with us? The gene's carried down the female line.
So if If the baby's mine, there's a strong possibility that she's going to be a carrier of the disease and pass it on to her boy children.
I'm sorry but you needed to know, she's going to need to know.
Do you know what blood group you are, Dev? Um O positive.
What difference does it make? Well, this is fairly straightforward.
Let's ring Haematology and get them to do a test for haemophilia on the baby's blood.
We should have an answer for you in less than 20 minutes.
I can't stand this, I don't want to know.
Dev! Why don't you give it a day or so and see how you feel then? Because I can't bear to think of what Susie's going through.
She's lost everything, Neil, and she's done nothing wrong.
We haven't done anything wrong either.
Yeah, we have.
We betrayed her.
Oh, for God's sake, I think you're making a big deal of this.
People move on, they break up, they get together.
She'll get over it.
I have to give it a chance.
I owe her that.
And what if it don't work out? I'll be back.
And what about Jude and Rosie? They'll have to come with me.
Well, good luck with that! I'm really sorry, but I just couldn't live with myself, Neil.
This is brilliant, this.
Wait for it Right, OK.
Get your things together, Jude.
What? I'm not leavin'.
Your mum wants you to come home.
That's not what she said to me.
And what about Rosie and the baby? She don't like me.
Oh, don't be silly! Things are different now, Dinah's her granddaughter.
Will you tell him? What, you're taking my daughter, my granddaughter You want me to ask my son to leave as well? I don't want to get married any more anyway, not like this.
I wouldn't fit in a wedding dress.
I suppose all I really need to know from you is d'you want to be on the birth certificate or not? Yes, I want to be on the birth certificate.
And I do want to be with you, I'm just not sure I want to go through the whole marriage thing, that's all.
Why not, when you keep saying it's just a bit of paper? Dr Chris Bellingham? Right.
Thanks very much for doing that.
That was Haematology, shall we go and tell them the news? Yep.
What's the matter? Oh, nothin', I haven't had a break all day and I keep getting a bit of a stitch, that's all.
You need to go home and put your feet up.
Really?! I was thinking I might go clubbing, meet some nice new fella that's not terrified of commitment.
If I'd turned up to work and said I were pregnant with your baby, you'd have run a mile.
No, I wouldn't.
When I first heard you were having a baby, it occurred to me that it might be mine, I mean, we didn't take any precautions or anything.
Then Angela in accounts said you'd gotten pregnant on your honeymoon and I I never thought anything else about it.
Where is he? He's gone walkabout.
He said he couldn't stand it any more.
It's all right, you can tell us.
She's got it, hasn't she? Can we come home? She's your baby, Dev, she hasn't got the carrier thing.
She's our baby girl.
I love you.
I love you.
Richard Anthony Manning, you have pleaded guilty to aggravated robbery.
I feel like you don't want to be with me.
Happy birthday.
Why don't you want to marry me? It's not you I don't want to marry.
Mr and Mrs Sidhwa? Yeah? Rita Milligan from Social Services, Child Protection Unit.
I'm not having an operation!
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