Instinct (2018) s01e13 Episode Script


1 - Previously on Instinct: - I want to go see a friend - who may be able to help.
- Great.
- I'll drive.
- He works undercover.
(DOORBELL BUZZES) DYLAN: I'll take whatever you can get on the victims.
You know things you're not telling me, but these are my cases.
And, uh, if I were to call, what would I call you? Julian.
Dylan, clearly I know who Julian is, and we've met a couple of times.
Thank you for bringing me dinner.
Doesn't make me feel like a child at all.
If I didn't, you wouldn't eat.
Since you and Max fought, you've been practically sleeping here.
I'm okay.
I love my work.
You don't need to worry about me.
I'm your mom.
Worrying about you is my job.
And this is my job, and it'd be nice if no one saw my mother delivering me food.
Promise me you'll leave soon.
I love you.
(CHUCKLING): I love you, too.
Could ever bring Such happiness to everything As love's old story Love is the strangest thing No song of birds upon the wing Shall in our hearts More sweetly sing Than love's old story Whatever hearts may desire - Whatever life may send - (PHONE RINGING) Mom.
Kristy, it's late.
(CHUCKLES) Seriously? I'll-I'll take a cab home.
- Please go home soon.
- (CHUCKLES) Good-bye.
This is the song without end (GASPING, CHOKING) Love is the strongest thing I only hope that fate may bring - Love's story to you.
- (GASPING, CHOKING STOP) ANDY: Dylan! Wha? - You okay? - Yeah.
Everything's great.
Uh, I just spoke to that social worker.
She was able to move up our home visit.
- (CELL PHONE BUZZES) - To today.
Oh, great.
You sure about that? That-that "great" didn't sound so great.
No, it was a great "great.
" Great.
I'm just a little taken by surprise.
Weren't there some videos we had to watch? Yeah, I got 'em covered.
- Uh-huh.
- Hello? T-Try to calm down.
Okay, I'll be right there.
And you gotta go.
It's Joan.
A colleague's been found dead.
I'll be back for the meeting.
So long.
What are you doing here? You didn't answer your phone.
Oh, sorry.
I-I, uh, overslept.
Uh, it was charging.
Everything okay? Should I be asking you that? LIZZIE: Oh, boy.
Hello, Dylan.
Good morning, Julian.
Maybe we should all have a bit of a chat.
I just made tea.
And I just got a call about a dead woman, so while I'd love for the three of us to catch up and believe me, I would love to be caught up Detective Needham and I have to go.
I'll talk to you later.
We should talk about it.
As I've been telling you, you're both adults, and it's none of my business.
And as I've been telling you, I'm sorry.
I know I should have told you.
Look, I'm not here to judge you.
Even if sleeping with my closest friend, who happens to be an award-winning playboy, is a stupid, stupid idea.
Thank you for not judging.
Vic died last night Kristy Walker.
Found this a.
by the cleaning crew.
Looks like a suicide.
- Where's Joan? - Conference room with the vic's mom and Whitehead, the publisher.
HARRIS: Looks like a handprint.
LIZZIE: She's missing a ring, and There's no black on her hands.
What is that smudge? (SNIFFS) Smells like suspension grease from a car or a motorcycle.
And that looks like a clove hitch climber's knot.
And that is an engagement ring.
This was not a suicide.
I think this killer felt betrayed.
Didn't want her to get married, and wanted us to know.
We are so sorry for your loss.
I spoke to my baby just last night.
LIZZIE: Did she tell you anything unusual? She was working late.
Told her to go home, but she is so committed to this job.
LIZZIE: Do you know anyone who may want to cause her harm? WHITEHEAD: Speaking as her boss No.
Kristy was bright, engaged, almost idealistic in this cynical business.
She was my favorite junior editor.
She was smart and hard-working and charming.
Would anyone stand to benefit here by her death? Honey, this is a publishing house, not Game of Thrones.
Everybody rooted for Kristy.
I mean, she just landed a book she swore was gonna be a monster best seller.
What kind of book? Well, Kristy kept it a secret.
She did say that, uh, it was based on a true story and that only three people knew the truth.
And it was her, the author and - Charles.
- Well, not yet.
We'd set up a meeting for Monday, and she was going to pitch it.
Anyone else that you can think of? Boyfriend? Fiancé? Uh, Kristy was engaged to a guy named Max Fisher.
An artist type.
She had just broken off the engagement.
Did he, by any chance, like to climb mountains or have experience with climbing knots? Yes, he was very passionate about it.
True stories can make people touchy if they don't like the truth.
Uh, you know what else can make people touchy? When your fiancée breaks up with you.
Uh, the victim's fiancé, Max Fisher, never showed up for work today.
His doorman said he left the building last night with a bag, and in a hurry.
Heard him speed away.
I'll see if we can track him.
Lizzie, can you come in here a moment? Take a seat.
Everything okay? You tell me.
Was the evidence in that live-streaming steampunk case properly obtained? The Montgomery case? Yes.
Why? 'Cause the D.
is asking how you and Reinhart managed to pinpoint the victim, given the scrambled GPS information and the thousands of addresses that you had to sort through.
We narrowed down the geographical options, used some instinct, maybe a little bit of luck.
Yeah, more like a lot of luck.
Okay, well, you do know that if you got any evidence unlawfully, every case that you've ever been involved with will be under review.
If they find any impropriety, criminals will be released, and you will be prosecuted.
I'm aware.
Anything else? Lizzie, remember, you're part of a team.
My team.
If there's something I need to know, tell me now rather than later, or I won't be able to help.
I love you, too.
That was Andy.
I figured.
You know, detective skills and all.
We have a meeting later with a social worker about adoption.
Adoption? Are you excited? Yes.
- How'd it go in there? - Oh.
HARRIS: Found the victim's fiancé.
He's over at Crosstown Hospital.
Got in a nasty accident, lots of broken bones.
It wasn't a motorcycle, by any chance? How did you know? Black grease at the scene, and the doorman said he heard him speed away.
Detective skills and all.
I was heading to my family's country house in the Berkshires.
I was on the highway when a deer bolted across the road.
I swerved out of the way and lost my balance.
Why were you leaving town? I had a fight with my fiancée.
About what? What does that have to do with my motorcycle accident? Answer the question, please.
She had been in contact with her high school sweetheart, Chad.
She claimed he was writing a book, but I Googled him.
He isn't an author.
In fact, he hasn't done anything since graduating from college.
You thought they were rekindling their relationship? She isn't the type.
But ever since she started talking with him again, she seemed different.
What kind of different? It's hard to describe.
She was both excited and kind of wary, like she was hiding something.
So I followed Kristy to a bar the other night.
Chad was there.
I lost it.
I yelled at her, yelled at him, and then she said, if if I can't trust her, then we shouldn't be getting married.
Did that make you angry? You're damn right it did.
Angry enough to kill her? Kill her? LIZZIE: Max, Kristy's dead.
She was murdered last night.
What? Kristy? (SHUDDERING BREATHS) She was I'm sorry.
I'm Andy.
This is Dylan.
Uh, what a lovely home.
(CHUCKLES) May I come in? - Yeah, of course.
- Of course.
Andy, what parenting skills do you feel you currently have? Uh, uh, well, for a newborn, we've been practicing, um, uh, feedings, sleep routines, bonding, swaddling.
And as the baby gets older, the importance of self-discipline, expectations, uh, behavior modeling.
Uh, uh, Dylan, uh, what do you believe a child needs to know about its birth family? And thoughts on maintaining birth parent connections.
Um, well, we intend to tell our child about his or her birth family when it's age appropriate.
And, um, if he or she wants to reach out to that family, we-we won't stand in their way.
What a gorgeous frame.
And what about teaching the child about normal families? Normal? Do you know any normal families? 'Cause I sure don't.
I'm sorry.
You're absolutely right.
I meant more traditional.
Uh, moving on.
What impact do you see adoption having on your significant relationships, uh, uh, especially your relationship with your, uh (CHUCKLES) The word you're searching for is "husband.
" We are both husbands, but in a traditional way.
ANDY: Listen.
Please understand, we we have fought extra hard to adopt this baby.
We-we will care extra hard when we do adopt one, and we will love our baby extra hard every day of their life.
We just want a family.
And you will not find a human being on this planet who will make a better parent than Andy, and I think that's all you need to know.
Then it seems we are through.
Do you not want a baby? How can you ask me that? You were openly hostile to her.
She was openly judgmental.
- Oh, please.
- (CELL PHONE BUZZES) Look I love you defending us and what we're trying to do here, but fight that fight anywhere but with the one person whose stamp of approval we need.
That bigot wouldn't have given her approval no matter what we said.
Come on, Dylan.
She wasn't a bigot.
- She - (CELL PHONE BUZZES) It's Lizzie.
Our case.
Well, be sure to ridicule her, too.
How did it go? Super.
Did you just say "super"? That can't be good.
Lab confirmed that the smudge on the rope is suspension grease from a motorcycle.
So it could be Max.
And the rope around Kristy's neck had his fingerprints on it, which matches the handprints at the scene.
And we found the exact same rope in Max's apartment.
(CHUCKLES) So it was Max.
Not quite.
The ambulance picked up Max on the highway 30 minutes before Kristy's time of death.
Oh, you might have led with that.
So it couldn't be Max.
- Someone was framing him.
- Why? LIZZIE: Let's hope Chad's apartment gives us a clue.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- So, anything on Chad? - Nothing.
No social media footprint.
So, how'd we end up here? Uh, Fucci found this address on the Dodson Alumni Directory.
So, you're writing a secret book, where do you keep it? I write at my desk.
You're a renegade.
(CHUCKLES) A writing desk but no computer? I write by hand.
Of course you do.
Longhand activates parts of the brain involved in thinking and working memory, and allows you to store and manage information.
Also, you're more exposed to critical thinking when you write by hand rather than type.
Yeah, I'm being exposed to some pretty critical thinking right now.
I think I may have found something.
You "think" you found something? LIZZIE: Just like Kristy.
Climber's knots.
Cool to the touch.
He's been here at least 24 hours.
This purplish discoloration, consistent with lividity.
Don't touch the body.
Rigor mortis without external signs of decomposition, which places the time of death at less than 36 hours.
Somebody went to a lot of effort framing a guy who we know was in an accident and couldn't have done it.
And they would have succeeded if that deer hadn't bolted out into the road, and Max would be going to prison for a lifetime instead of lying in a hospital bed.
Luckiest motorcycle accident anyone ever had.
But if you're framing Max, why go to the trouble of hanging them? They could be trying to send a message.
Could be a public-display death.
Someone has to cut 'em down.
It's a shock to the loved ones.
If we're meant to think that Kristy and Chad were having an affair which they weren't what were they really doing? What connects them? It's gotta be the book.
The rope, the knot, the fingerprints.
Just enough clues, but not too many.
Whoever killed Kristy and Chad is not just some amateur loner with an axe to grind.
This is a professional operation.
He had a hard time finding himself after college.
Recently, Chad was doing better.
- Mm-hmm.
- Finally finding himself.
He was sober.
Just moved to a new place.
Socializing again.
Chad was back in touch with Kristy Walker.
Do you remember her? Kristy? Of course.
They were high school sweethearts.
She was the one who got away.
He never met a better girl than her.
- It's just horrible.
- I'm sorry.
Could you excuse us? Is that - Oh, Tucker.
- Hi.
Bobby Concannon.
Our next Senator.
MOTHER: Chad loved you both so much.
CONCANNON: This is awful.
I'm so sorry.
I know.
Thank you.
Uh, these are some detectives from the NYPD looking into what happened.
Bobby Concannon.
Good to meet you.
Tucker Brophy.
Dylan Reinhart.
This is Detective Needham.
and Mrs.
Kentwood? The minister's on the phone.
If you'll excuse us.
Did either of you notice anything different about Chad lately? I hadn't seen Chad for a few years now.
Bobby's been busy.
I kept up with Chad.
His life derailed a bit after college.
Wanted to make sure he wasn't gonna do anything stupid.
LIZZIE: Stupid? BROPHY: He used drugs for a time.
He drank.
Signs of desperation, cries for help.
I didn't want him to give up.
We take care of each other.
And by "we," you mean Lambsmen? I've heard exciting things about Lambsmen.
Wish I could say I knew about it firsthand.
Me, too.
Don't worry.
I know you're not allowed to talk about it.
Look, if there's anything we can do to help, just let us know.
Lambsmen? It's a secret society at Dodson.
What made you think they were in it? Their wristwatches.
They were both exactly five minutes fast.
Lambsmen operate on their own time, which is five minutes ahead of us regular folk.
So, if a Lambsmen meeting is called for 6:00, it would actually begin at what you or I ignorantly would call 5:55.
Sounds very normal.
How do you know all this? My dad was a Lambsman.
He wanted me to join.
No, thanks.
Those places operate under an extreme tribal mentality.
If they know anything, they won't tell us.
What are you doing? Uh, another tribe that's intensely loyal is sobriety programs.
There's a meeting right now around the corner from Chad's.
It's horrible.
He was a sweet guy.
He was sober almost a year.
I was his sponsor.
Did Chad ever talk about a book he was writing? Yeah.
Not in any detail.
He said it was a story he wanted to tell for 15 years, and sharing it was a big part of his step nine, making amends.
15 years ago, he would have been in school.
Did he mention anyone who would have been against the book? He said someone visited him the other day.
Uh, it left Chad shaken.
Did he say who? Oh, no.
He was really vague about it all.
Thank you.
Brophy mentioned Chad's crappy apartment.
There's only one way he'd know how crappy it was.
Yeah, I visited Chad.
Like I told you, I periodically checked in on him.
LIZZIE: You left out the detail about seeing him the day before he was killed.
Chad was like a brother to me.
We take care of one another, especially the weaker ones.
We're just trying to find out who killed your brother.
Chad's mother said that he was stronger.
So did his sponsor.
I didn't see it, but I am glad to hear about it.
He deserved it.
What about Kristy Walker? Did you know her? Kristy, his high school girlfriend? - Uh-huh.
- I met her in college, when she visited.
(CHUCKLING): Yeah, I remember her being very kind and a little funny.
Did Chad mention anything about a book that he was working on? A book? Chad had been in such bad shape, he couldn't read a book these last years, let alone write one.
I don't like him.
I have a feeling he gets that a lot.
So, Chad writes a book that Kristy is editing.
It's a true story that's gonna be a best seller, but no one's read it or knows where it is, - and they both end up dead.
Andy, what's the matter? Are you okay? Yeah.
Thank God.
What happened? I just got back from the gym.
I heard something in your office.
I ran in.
No one was there.
You sure you heard something? Yes.
And there was nowhere for them to get out.
I mean Unless he climbed out through the skylight or something.
(BUTTONS BEEPING) Well, whoever it was only wanted information.
They didn't take anything of financial value.
(BUTTONS BEEPING) (DEVICE BEEPING SLOWLY) What are you doing? (BEEPING SPEEDS UP) What is that? DYLAN: An extremely high-end surveillance mic.
Where's it from? I don't know.
But I know someone who will.
So, how is it? Uh, tastes like tea.
You know, there's a way of saying it that makes it sound more joyful.
Tastes like tea! (CHUCKLING) We'll work on it.
Will we? You're very self-assured.
It's all an act.
What are you doing? Going for a walk.
I've been bugged.
Did you find the mic? - Yes.
- JULIAN: Send me a picture.
When I get back, I'll dig into it.
Everything okay? Somebody appears to be listening in on our friend.
Dylan? Why? That's what I want to help him find out.
I need to go.
I'm sorry.
Oh, it's fi Oh! Wow.
Okay, that was (CHUCKLES) Let's keep walking.
What's wrong? There's a woman in a gray scarf about half a block behind us.
Brown hair? Yes.
She was in the bookstore.
At the corner, we'll say good-bye.
I'll have her follow me to the right.
You keep going straight.
I'll call you later.
Lizzie! Lizzie! JULIAN: Let her go.
We have her car.
She was following you, not me.
And Dylan's apartment was broken into? What's going on? Her car may give us the answer.
(BEEPING) Run! (PEOPLE SCREAMING, FRANTIC CHATTER) You okay? It was a controlled explosion.
To clean the car of any evidence.
Very polished.
And the device found in your apartment is so high-tech it's not available to CIA operatives.
Only a few governments and private intelligence firms have any access to this type of equipment.
Uh, could Dorsett Hill be one? I wouldn't be surprised.
Why do you ask? Guess who owns Dorsett Hill.
I don't know.
Misquamicut Holdings.
Brophy's company.
- Brophy? - Concannon's buddy.
If there was anything in Chad's book to implicate him, Brophy would go after anyone who had knowledge of it, including those of us investigating.
That's why that woman was following you.
And why your place was bugged.
You two have to be very careful.
Dorsett Hill is ruthless.
They will destroy anyone in their path.
Wait, wait, wait.
That's Concannon, Brophy, Chad, and who's the fourth guy? The young man's name was Tony Holt.
He disappeared when he was a junior.
Maybe he's who the book's about.
Something happened to him.
It was 15 years ago.
- It could make a riveting story.
- The kind of story you'd like to write a book about.
But you wouldn't want it written if it was about you and something you did, something you wouldn't want getting out.
They never found the body.
Joan said only three people know about the book: Kristy, Chad and Whitehead.
But Kristy never met with Whitehead, so he doesn't know.
But Brophy might not know that.
We need to warn Whitehead.
While you're doing that, I'll listen in on some calls.
- LIZZIE: This is bad.
- DYLAN: What is? Julian tapping Brophy's phone.
Jasmine asked me how I get my information.
If it's aboveboard.
I-I told her it was.
I lied.
She wants you to reveal your sources.
If you do, it's your career.
If you don't I'm not exposing you.
Or Julian.
A delicate situation.
Okay, listen.
All this gray-area stuff that we've been doing, it was a mistake.
All this gray-area stuff has saved a lot of lives and put away a lot of bad guys.
That's not the point.
Maybe it should be.
Those people who killed Kristy and Chad, you think they're playing by the rules? Mr.
Whitehead, have you heard of a man named Tony Holt? Not to my recollection, no.
Kristy and Chad are both dead.
And they were both connected to this book.
The only other person who knows anything about it is you.
Dylan, I told you everything I know, and it's insignificant.
Yeah, but the killer may not know that.
You think the killer is coming after me? LIZZIE: Can you give us any good reason why that wouldn't be the case? WHITEHEAD: Well, we have published some controversial works during my tenure.
Uh, I survived the Rushdie fatwa and a few other outrageous threats.
Obviously, I would prefer not to be murdered, but I'm not about to live my life in hiding.
Nor should you, Charles.
I'm sure you've had enough of secrecy.
(LAUGHS) Dylan, I-I'm a fan of your unique and brilliant mind.
I'm just not following your point.
I'm sorry if I was being obtuse.
Secret society.
Concannon and Brophy are members, and I think Chad may have been, too.
Brothers will do anything to protect each other.
Even at the cost of rationality or morality.
Why are you telling me this? Because I wondered if you might be a member, too.
Closest I ever came was the glee club.
(DYLAN AND WHITEHEAD CHUCKLING) I promise, if I hear anything about this book, I will let you know.
I will also fight to get it published.
I can't think of a better tribute I could give to Kristy.
Even posthumously, yes.
His cufflinks had the number "322" on them.
I couldn't even begin to guess.
Lambsmen sometimes wear items with the number "322" on them, and it's become the sacred number of the group.
No one knows why, but my theory is that it refers to Genesis 3:22, which reads, "And God said man has now become like us.
" Quite an ego on these guys.
Tribal bonds run very deep.
That could be why Whitehead wasn't nervous about being the killer's next target.
He's in on it.
Kristy told Whitehead about the book, and because they're in the same brotherhood, Whitehead warned Concannon and Brophy.
(CELL PHONE BUZZES) JULIAN (RECORDED): Whitehead called Concannon in a panic right after you left him.
He said they know about Tony and the book.
That things have gone way too far.
Talk later.
We have got to get into that tribe.
If Whitehead and Concannon are communicating, Brophy may be our weak link.
The police looked into Tony's disappearance 15 years ago.
They didn't find anything.
Maybe Concannon had something to do with that.
Bobby didn't do anything to Tony.
We were brothers.
We think otherwise.
We think that's what the book's about.
It tells the story of Tony.
I get that you're doing your job, and the desire for this mystery book to solve these crimes, but Bobby Concannon is not a murderer.
He's a man of integrity.
Whatever you have is circumstantial, and you know it.
You're fishing, and there's nothing in the lake.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe it wasn't Bobby.
Maybe it was you.
You seem very confident.
That's how people behave when they're telling the truth.
Unlike when they're not.
For example, if I were to be considering adoption and reassuring my husband that it was something I wanted, when I knew deep in my gut that it wasn't.
That I didn't think I could handle it, but I didn't know how to tell him.
You could find a coward like that pretty easily, I bet.
See, there's an emptiness inside such a person.
(LAUGHS) Maybe it's from having an absent father who clearly didn't care about him very much.
And he would think that adopting a baby now might fill that void, but he'd know deep down that he'd make a terrible father.
Jumping from career to career CIA, teacher, author, NYPD just to find some place where he's accepted.
But that's never gonna happen because you will never accept yourself.
- That's enough.
- And know this.
I have nothing to hide, but if you come after me or Bobby unjustly, I will do whatever is in my power to stop you.
I will make public every single shred of your life.
I said that's enough.
If we're giving out advice here, I'd say ditch your partner.
He's a weak link, and if I've learned one thing in my career, you gotta weed those out.
They'll bring you down.
Now, if you're not going to arrest me, I've got a business to run.
LIZZIE: Why did you let him talk to you like that? You want me to fight back? That was brutal.
You see brutal, I see enlightening.
It wasn't enough for him to hold power.
He had to prove to me how powerful he is.
And in so doing, he showed me his cards.
- We've got to get back to Whitehead.
- Why? When Brophy warned about getting rid of the weak links, I don't think he was referring to me.
I think he was talking about his next victim.
Oh, my God.
He's alive.
I got it.
Good, good.
Okay, sit him down.
Come here.
Come on.
Take a deep breath.
- (COUGHING) - That's it.
You got lucky.
But you may not again.
Give us the book.
I can't.
Why not? There is no book.
And believe me, I looked everywhere for it.
Kristy pitched it to me, but she never handed me anything.
So all I know is what she told me how Concannon and-and Brophy killed someone 15 years ago and got away with it.
So I reached out to them, as Lambsmen, to protect the club.
I thought that there being no book, that was good.
The story wouldn't get out.
I did not know they were going to kill them.
He told me he was just going to scare them, like he threatened me.
Who? Concannon, Brophy.
I don't know.
They're inseparable.
I'm Bobby Concannon.
What will tomorrow's skyline look like? New York is not static.
It evolves with the times.
And as it does, we need to make it and all our cities more inclusive so that all residents, rich and poor, have fair and equal economic opportunities.
Uh, can you give me a minute? - LIZZIE: We read the book.
- What book? DYLAN: It tells the whole story, and it is going to be published.
You killed Kristy.
You killed Chad.
You killed Tony.
Your buddy Brophy confirmed it, and he is willing to testify.
So, where do your loyalties lie now? With your Lambsmen family or with your real family? I didn't kill Tony that night.
Brophy did.
We were drunk.
Brophy pushed him, and Tony hit his head on a rock.
I wanted to call 911.
So did Chad.
But Brophy insisted we bury Tony and made us swear we'd never mention it.
Said it would ruin our lives.
Besides, he said, Tony wasn't really one of us.
He was just a scholarship kid with no real pedigree.
Chad and I argued that people would notice he's missing and start asking questions.
Brophy said he'd handle it.
Next thing we knew, the cops never questioned us.
When we found out Chad was writing a book, I wanted to come clean, but Brophy threatened me, my family.
I have been sick over the fact that two innocent people have been killed over this book.
Almost three.
Whitehead? Mm-hmm.
I understand my guilt in this, but know I'll testify against him.
I'll tell the truth.
I can't live with this anymore.
Last quarter looks beautiful, my friends.
Very nice work.
Now, moving on You can't just barge in here.
Actually, we can.
We're the police.
- Get out of here.
- Tucker Brophy, you're under arrest for murder.
DYLAN: A word of advice: Ditch your boss.
He's a weak link.
And if I've learned one thing in my career, you gotta weed those out.
They'll bring you down.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
KRISTY'S MOTHER: Kristy sent me Chad's book.
It came today.
She must have known how dangerous it was.
Kristy was very smart.
I'm sure it'll be the best seller she knew it would be.
I loved my girl so much.
I'm gonna make sure people know about this book.
Gonna make her proud.
Thank you both so much.
You're very welcome.
(SNIFFLES) You're gonna be a great father, too.
All that stuff Brophy said is not true.
Not all of it was, but some of it is.
I do jump from profession to profession.
I do have emptiness.
And I don't know what a home is.
Yes, you do.
You and Andy built one.
I've been there.
You're gonna be a great father.
Any child, whether it's next week or next year, would be lucky as hell to have you and Andy as their dads.
It's gonna be six months before the agency gives us another meeting with a social worker.
Well, just imagine how ready you'll be then.
And we all have an emptiness.
It might make us feel abnormal, but isn't being abnormal normal? You taught me that, and it's helped me.
You've helped me more than you know.
Well, knowing you, you probably already know that.
Are you calling me a know-it-all? I think we both know the answer to that.
I gotta walk Gary.
You heading out? Uh, no, no, I need a couple of minutes.
See you in the morning.
You've helped me.
You'll make it up to me.
Lieutenant, do you have a moment? I know you've asked Lizzie questions about her sources on the Montgomery case.
With good reason.
I have to come clean.
I may have mentioned to a well-placed friend that we weren't sure which address was accurate, and if he had to guess, what he would say.
That friend gave us the correct information.
But Lizzie was kept in the dark.
When she asked, I I lied to her and made up a legitimate source.
So, if Lizzie's in trouble, it is not her fault.
It's mine.
And if I have acted improperly, you should not punish Lizzie for my mistake.
You should fire me.
I may very well do that.
WOMAN (OVER VIDEO): Researches have found a proper swaddle can keep your child warm and secure.
And in the case of the colic, calm.
These practices also prevent SIDS.
Safely swaddling your baby properly can prevent risks and injuries.
Here are the steps.
Step one: Fold the swaddle into a triangle and place baby in the center, with shoulders just below the fold.
Step two: Fold the bottom of the swaddle up and over baby's feet.
Step three: Place baby's right arm alongside the body, slightly bent.
And if it means so much to you Then you don't mean so much to me You can't just keep showing up here.
Do I need to get a restraining order? Actually, I'm here to see Gary.
Well Hello, Gary.
Jasmine called.
Said I was off the hook.
You didn't have to do that.
I only did it because I owe you.
I can take care of my own problems.
Especially ones I create.
Oh, I know.
Thank you.
You remembered.
How could I forget? She said she may fire you.
Well, better me than you.
I have three other jobs.
I'll fight her on it.
You'll do nothing of the kind.
You will stay clean.
From now on, you've got to be completely by the book.
No more involvement with Julian, at least not professionally.
As for you and Julian sharing a personal relationship Oh, let me guess it's none of your business? I'll support whatever makes you happy.
(SIGHS) Dylan, I wish I knew what that was.
I mean, I could lose everything I've spent my career working towards.
More importantly, I could lose working with you.
I don't know if I'm ready to risk that.
Julian is a pretty special guy.
Though, if you did lose your job, I'd get a new partner.
And although I'm sure she or he would be nothing compared to you, that would make me the senior partner.
Senior partner? You may not have a job.
You don't even have a badge.
Seriously, I've been meaning to ask you how do I get a badge? Oh, I don't know.
Maybe, um join the police academy.
What, four degrees and a PhD isn't enough? Nope.

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