Intergalactic (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

This is Officer ST104.
I'm in pursuit of a female suspect
in possession of New Aurum,
heading north, Greek Street, Old London.
I've got eyes on her.
It's a loss, loss, loss.
Request urgent assistance.
- This is AH107, show me responding.
This is AH107,
got her.
Stealing New Aurum?
- Fuck you.
- Not if you paid me.
Right, you take this suspect
and I'll bring the evidence.
- All secure on level 4.
- Good collar.
She's been on the run for months.
Cyber crimes, data theft.
- Illegal possession of New Aurum.
- Exactly.
Just to let you know
I've written you up for a commendation.
- Thanks, sir.
I really appreciate that.
Code 596.
Code 596.
- It's okay.
Clock off early.
Relax, celebrate.
It's an order.
- You get checked by the medic?
- I'm fine.
She barely caught me.
She really caught you.
You barely caught her
and that's why I'm the one
getting the shiny new medal.
- Hey, gaffer.
- Hey.
You made it.
- Yeah, you've started?
Good, right.
More drinks.
- More drinks.
- One for the road?
- Yeah, go on.
- Why not? No hurry to get home.
- Well, tell that to Harper.
Can't wait to get away from us.
- I've not decided anything yet Sarge.
It's just a posting's
come up, Eastern District.
- And you're tempted?
- Yeah.
- I'll be sorry to lose you from the team.
- I don't know, sir.
- It's not so far away.
- I know.
It's just
I don't know if I want to leave my mum.
- Harper, this has to be your decision.
It's about your life.
Stay where you are.
- Sarge.
What's this? Is this a joke?
- What's going on.
- Ash Harper, you're under arrest.
Category one offence, theft of New Aurum.
- I don't know the hell
you're talking about.
- Don't move.
- Sir, tell them.
- Stop.
- Ma'am, there's
something you need to see.
- Mum.
I know.
I know but that's not me.
- But it is you.
- No, someone has done this to me.
Hacked into the system-
- That's impossible.
The security cameras are fully encrypted.
There have been no
successful security breaches.
- I don't know how they've done it, mum,
but they have.
I've been set up.
- Why would someone want to set you up?
- I don't know.
You have to help me.
I didn't do it.
- Tell me.
Tell me exactly what they have told you.
- Do they have any witnesses,
any other evidence besides-
- They don't need anything
else, mum, you know that.
That's enough to charge me.
Fuck, mum.
They'll ship me off.
- No.
- You know what those
prison colonies are like,
no one ever comes back.
- Ash.
- I can't bear it.
You on your own.
First dad, now me. I can't.
I can't, I can't leave you.
- Nothing's going to happen to you.
It won't come to that.
I will not allow it.
This is a mistake and I will
do everything I can to fix it.
I request my daughter's immediate release
pending an investigation.
Clearly she has been framed.
- The evidence suggests otherwise.
As you're aware the theft is New Aurum
is a category one.
The procedures are quite clear.
Owing to the severity of her crime,
your daughter's permitted
to be transferred,
held in pre-trial detention.
- You don't need to tell me that,
I wrote the legislation,
it's for terrorists.
Enemies of the state,
hardened criminals.
For justice to function,
the rule of law must be applied equally.
- No, no, this is not justice.
You need to understand.
Her record's impeccable.
She's one of the highest
scoring recruits ever seen
in the Academy,
for anyone to believe that
she would commit such a crime
with her whole life ahead of her.
Sir, we both know what this means.
She's a police officer.
She won't even survive long
enough to make a trial.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, I know my daughter.
I know she didn't do this.
- Ash Harper,
prisoner 99723,
you've been remanded on pretrial custody
indeterminate length.
Off planet.
- No. No, I didn't fucking do this.
- This is Dr Lee, Commonworld Director.
You have been deemed traitors
of the collective values
of the Commonworld.
Your violations and crimes
run contrary to the peace
and wellbeing of our global community,
undermining our environmental integrity
and our societal cohesion.
As such you are no longer permitted
to enjoy the privileges
of Commonworld citizens.
You are now being exiled
to a detention facility
on Valdivian,
under the auspices of the
Commonworld Security Council,
Executive Order 725A.
This pod will now transport
you to your prison ship
where transfer will begin.
- Let's move.
- Go.
Move it.
- Stop here.
Eyes forward.
In a line, move.
- Move along, move along.
Come on, hurry up.
- Shift yourself.
- Filth.
Still don't matter what
they call you, does it?
When they shank you up.
- I don't want any trouble.
- Oh, there will be trouble.
- Oh.
Oi Tula.
- What?
- I've heard there's a cop in here.
- Clever.
Smoke and mirrors.
Not literally, obviously.
- I don't understand
- They've used a beam combiner
with the time reversal,
match the wavelengths.
It's incredible.
I've never seen this before.
Do you want this today, ma'am?
- I want it now.
Absolute proof that this
image has been faked.
- More than faked.
It's a pro job.
Almost perfect but there,
look, they haven't quite
equalised the input, see?
Guess this is what you're after then.
- That bastard.
- Screw, you have to let me go toilet.
I'm desperate.
Screw, I know you can hear me.
I'm going to wet myself
and nobody wants that.
- I can't, all right?
- Why?
- It's against the regs.
Not during meal service.
- What are you looking at, bitch?
What? You want to give
me a hand with this?
Screw, listen, I have got a
urinary tract infection, right?
Do you know what that feels like?
It feels like 1000 tiny hot needles
going straight up your-
- No, all right.
Whatever, okay.
Excuse me,
can I have a word?
me, can I have a word?
- What? What is it?
- I think there's been a security breach.
- What's she saying?
- Lockdown. Lockdown.
Everybody down to the ground
with your hands behind your head.
- She was exchanging contraband.
- How was I supposed to do that?
He had a hold of me the whole time.
- She's high risk. She
should have two guards.
- Honestly, officer, I don't
know what her problem is.
She's a fucking cop who nicked me.
- Yeah, and I saw what you were doing.
- Right, listen. Thing is love,
you're not a cop.
You're a con,
same as rest of 'em.
A con I've got 30 minutes to feed,
I haven't got time for this.
- You need to report this higher up.
She could have a weapon.
- Do you know the only thing
that's worse than a pig in prison?
That's a grass,
and no one likes a grass.
- Pig.
Hey, piggie.
I'm gonna fuck you up, Fed.
- The queen is the mother of the hive,
but she's only as strong as her colony.
If they do not clean,
forage for her,
she may be weakened.
I understand this must
be very difficult day-
- Sir, I have new information.
Evidence that my daughter is innocent.
This is Arch-Marshall Harper
authorising a Commonworld
priority arrest warrant
for Sergeant Wendell.
He's to be located and detained.
All force necessary.
You know this is
my 220th trip here and back.
How many hours do you think
I've spent standing right here?
- Every minute with this
scum's a minute too frigging-
Buchanan to Area One please.
- Sorry Vic. They're going
to need me out on the bridge.
Are you all right to take over here?
- Is it in?
Push it in,
right beneath the muscle.
- It hurts.
- Don't you cry.
Don't you dare cry.
Momma's brave girl, back in business.
It'll be worth it when we get to Arcadia.
- Temporary reprieve
pending a new investigation.
Reeks of nepotism if you asked me.
Mother's brass, father's a dead war hero
I'm surprised she's
here in the first place.
Anyway, bring her up,
we'll make her start on the paperwork.
- Sir.
- Looking good.
Did you lose weight over the summer?
- Ash Harper.
- Yeah.
- The Harper.
I learned about your old man at school,
it's nice to meet you.
Anyway, so yeah, you're going
to have to come with me.
- Am I getting out of here?
- After you.
- Somebody help her.
Somebody help my baby girl.
- What are you waiting for?
- Is she armed?
- There's nothing in her hands.
You see the blood?
- Jenny.
Jenny, help her.
- Jesus Christ I could
do without this today.
Death in custody, you should
see the fucking paperwork.
- What's going on?
Genevieve, can you hear me?
What's hurting?
She's unconscious.
Contact the bridge,
tell them we got a medical emergency.
- Put her down or I'll shoot.
- Try not to worry, it's good news.
- Mom.
- Ash,
there's new evidence, Wendell framed you.
- Wendell?
Why the hell would he do that?
- I don't know why, but
you'll be exonerated.
Can you hear me, sweetheart?
It's over.
- Nobody move.
Any shit and I'll kill
every single one here.
- You're not taking my
ship, you crazy fucking-
- You shot the pilot, mama.
You told us not to shoot the pilot.
- No.
you can fly, right?
- Look, I can't.
I told you I won't be able to do it.
And I'm not just saying that.
I'm not one of them guys that pretends
that they can't do something
when really they can,
and they're just saying
it just to show off,
so everyone goes oh, you're so amazing-
- Shut up and fly.
- I can't, I'm not a pilot.
I'm just a guard.
I just learned emergency stuff and-
- What the fuck do you
think this is, bitch?
Just fly.
- Where do you want to go?
Maybe you guys should sit down.
Maybe put some safety straps on.
Maybe not.
Are you're ready?
Oh, no.
Please don't make me do this.
Warning impact.
Warning impact.
- Golly, it's true.
You really are a shockingly poor pilot.
- Where are we?
This isn't Pau-Rosa.
You are a fuck up.
- You know, you're not the
first person to say that.
- Kill the Fed.
- Hey, have you got any idea
who's actually flying this thing?
- It's not my problem.
- You know if you want to use that
you've got to put in a reboot code,
rig your comms device to the central hub.
- Could do better, couldn't you?
- Yeah, you know I could,
you've seen my criminal record.
- I don't read 'em.
We've got a saying in the
police, nick 'em, cuff 'em,
forget 'em.
How's that
working out for you?
- Yeah, all right. Give
me the fucking code.
- 00101
- Thanks very much.
You know, we've also got a saying,
there's nothing dumber than a dumb cop.
- Oh, I'm not that dumb.
Put the real code in
and get this connected.
I'm calling home.
- No contact.
- I'll go down.
Comms are on.
- This is an all points SOS broadcast
from Grand Commonworld Carrier Hemlock,
currently drifting near Ceres in the Belt
having lost control of the bridge.
- Hemlock's back online ma'am.
- Are you receiving me?
The ringleader's called Tula, I think.
- Tittle-tattle from above, sweets.
Someone's telling tales.
- She's a psycho. Her and her daughter.
And then there's Verona Flores,
if you check my arrest
records, she'll be on there.
This was all planned, some sort of mutiny.
They've killed all the flight crew
and they've taken a guard hostage
and they're forcing him to fly the ship.
Are you receiving me?
Are you receiving me?
- Running a face rec.
- Who's that?
- Not picking her up
on facial rec Captain.
- Check the manifest.
- How is that possible?
- Ma'am?
- It's her.
Call Dr. Lee, now.
- Get that offline.
I don't want those fuckers watching me.
Access denied.
- And you kill that cop
and anyone else still breathing.
- Oh, that's how it's done.
- What the hell?
- Ah, yes, there was a bit of a scene,
see, words were said.
Words like challenged.
- He called me crazy.
- So you killed him?
Well that's all right.
Then that's a perfectly
proportional response.
- Don't start blaming me.
- Why not, huh?
I did my bit,
get the tech in.
That's all I had to do.
- Maybe I could try and put
in the coordinates again
and we could make another jump.
- You need Harper.
Believe me that bitch can fly.
I mean really, why the fuck
did you ask this idiot?
- Well, I did say.
- What's that?
Oh, that's Genevieve doing her thing.
- Her thing?
- Killing the snitch.
- Great.
Seriously Tula, fucking great.
Are we absolutely
certain it's Dr Emma Greaves?
- She's not in the prisoner manifest
but that is her.
- And how did she get on there?
- A prison swap.
A different prisoner was
due to be transferred
from the psychiatric
hospital to the Hemlock.
It appears Emma Greaves
managed to take her place.
- No.
No, this cannot happen,
not now.
Get her back.
- Please, please.
Please, please, please.
Please stop.
Stop, stop.
- Genevieve, stop.
Tula, call her off.
- Please.
- Tula, call her fucking off.
Thank you.
- Don't fucking thank me.
That was not a mercy save.
It's time for you to fly the ship, snitch.
Sir, we
have the Hemlock surrounded.
Two Jupiter cruisers in position.
Ready to board on command.
- Retrieve Emma Greaves
and Ash Harper only.
- Ooh.
- Coordinates are in
pig, get us out of here.
Alert, proximity warning.
Alert, proximity warning.
- They've got us.
- Do it now.
- I can't.
- I don't believe you.
Genevieve, come here.
- There's a safety lock.
We can't engage the Alcubierre Drive
with the cruisers this close.
- Look, look, they're going
to board the ship, all right,
it's over.
- No.
They're not taking my ship away.
This thing got guns?
- Well it has but nothing
compared to what they've got.
- You keep them busy.
I'll deactivate the lock.
Access denied.
manual override.
- It's done,
activate the drive.
- No.
Alcubierre lock released.
- I told you there would be trouble.
- Okay.
Please don't make me do this.
There are people on those ships.
No, please.
- Arch-Marshall, they've
activated the Alcubierre drive
and we cannot let them escape.
- But my daughter is all I have.
She is everything.
- We cannot let Emma Greaves
fall into enemy hands.
Issue the order.
Issue order 1131.
Destroy the Hemlock.
missile warning.
Alert, missile warning.
- Warning, warning, warning.
- Do it.
Do it now.
Alcubierre engaged.
- Yeah baby.
- You're a legend, you motherfuckers.
- I'm here.
Emma Greaves
is an enemy of the state.
These are the terrorists responsible
for your father's death.
- I'll do it.
I'll apprehend her.
Mamma wants you.
We're going into town.
You torture, rape, enslave
all under the guise of
ecological salvation.
are saving Mother Earth.
- By destroying the universe.
You did this.
You called the Commonworld.
Next Episode