Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld (2024) s01e03 Episode Script
Girl with a Pearl
- [upbeat music playing]
- [school bell ringing]
[students chattering]
- [girl] Is that her?
- Hm?
She started the fire.
- So she's the demon girl.
- [Jentry groans]
- [grunts] Hey!
- Oops, my bad. [laughs]
- I thought it was on fire.
- [groans]
- [enchanting music playing]
- [Kit chuckles]
Jentry, right?
Wow, did you do these?
These are really good.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, same to you. Uh, I mean, um
[Ed] Jentry! It's me!
Your very scary little cousin!
Let's go! Ooh!
- Ow!
- [groans] Sorry! Gotta go.
[groans] Great.
[theme music plays]
[music ends]
- [eerie music playing]
- [shrieks]
- [whimsical music playing]
- [grunting]
Okay, Jentry, let's try this again.
Focus your qi.
Think about stuff that gets you upset.
Ooh! Like how everyone at your school
hates you? Too soon?
And just close the portal.
[inhales then exhales]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
- [Jentry sighs]
- Huh?
- [gentle music plays]
- Every time I use my powers,
something bad happens.
So you need to master them. Simple.
Gugu, I'm scared.
Control it! Your powers are huge.
They can do amazing things.
You'll never realize your potential
if you keep repressing your qi like this!
You were born with these powers, Jentry.
They're bound to your soul.
You can't remove them.
The best thing
you can do is learn to master them.
[woman on video] Look what I found
underneath the floorboards.
- [woman screams]
- [video ends]
That's it?
That's the scariest video on TikTok?
- [Jentry] Is that my phone?
- Hm?
What? You weren't using it.
It was just sitting around in your pocket.
[Ed sniffing]
Ooh! That smells good.
You gonna steal this too?
There's more in the kitchen.
Gugu's recipe.
Hm! It's not exactly how I make it.
Soon as I get
the hang of my telekinesis, I
- Hm.
- [Jentry gasps]
- [eerie music playing]
- [Gugu groans]
- [Jentry sighs]
- Huh?
[Gugu] Jentry?
- [Moonie] Peng, we do this.
- I know, but [laughs]
- [both laugh]
- [poignant music playing]
Mom? Dad?
- Wait, hold on!
- Jentry!
[music turns dramatic]
[dragon screeches]
- [Moonie] Peng! Now!
- [gasps]
[Jentry panting]
[objects clinking]
[Peng] He's waking up!
[Moonie] Just a few more!
- What happened? What did you see?
- [music fades]
[wistful music plays]
[sighs] I saw Mom again! And Dad!
They were fighting a a dragon?
How's this happening?
It was like a vision.
This is bad.
Get inside! Both of you.
[music fades]
[objects clattering]
My stuff!
Gugu, what are you doing?
[Gugu] I told you,
your parents were telemarketers.
They didn't know anything
about this stuff.
If you're having visions,
someone wants you to, someone bad.
- [ominous music playing]
- Could it be Mr. Cheng?
[Gugu] Maybe.
Cheng is a manipulator.
He might be trying
to lead you into a trap.
Hey, boss! Is this what we're looking for?
No, that's not it.
But throw it out anyway.
It doesn't suit you, Jentry.
What are you looking for?
[Gugu] Hm?
In there. Page 423.
- [mysterious music plays]
- Uh?
A shèn?
They can cause
the visions you're having, mirages.
Someone must've hidden one in your stuff.
- Herschel, check my lair.
- Hm!
- Ed, go with Jentry. Search the kitchen.
- Mm!
Maz, with me.
Wallabee, keep searching Jentry's room.
Find that shèn pearl,
and see if you can find
the rest of Jentry's shirt.
- [laughs]
- [Jentry groans]
[sniffs] Ew!
This expired before I was born.
[gasps] The shèn might be in there.
- Hm! [gulping]
- [groans] Ugh.
[whimsical music playing]
Okay, judge me.
You know what the food's like in Diyu?
Super gross. Trust me, this is gourmet.
Ed, you'll get sick.
[both grunting]
[Ed] Mmm! [sighs]
[pensive music playing]
[music turns ominous]
[music intensifies]
[Peng] Hm.
Nice try, Auntie Flora.
Let's get to the park.
Jentry's future is riding on this, Peng.
[gasps softly]
Hello? Jentry? You done being creepy? Hm?
[gasps] You found the shèn! Gugu!
- [muffled] But you found the shèn pearl!
- Shh!
- [gasps]
- Huh?
- How'd you know it could do that?
- I didn't. It was in my vision.
But Gugu said
the visions aren't true, right?
They aren't. Did you find the shèn?
Have you got it?
[Jentry] Mm-hm.
You found it. Good work, Jentry.
- [ominous music playing]
- Hm
Pearl's not glowing like the book says.
But illustrators
love to exaggerate, don't they?
Jiangshi, do the honors?
- [Ed grunts]
- There! No more lies for Jentry.
[Ed sighs]
Well, glad that's over.
- Um, not exactly.
- [gasps]
[ominous music playing]
You kept the pearl?
But Gugu said it's dangerous.
Ed, there's no way
my parents were just telemarketers.
Gugu is hiding something,
and I need to know the truth.
- Starting tomorrow, we
- We? You want me with you?
Let me guess, you don't trust me
not to blab to Gugu if I stay here?
I don't trust you
to stop eating expired condiments!
[Ed] Hm. Mmm.
- Yeah, neither do I.
- Ugh!
I'm in!
[music turns dramatic]
[music fades]
[Gugu grunting]
[groans] Stupid ghost hands!
- Gugu?
- Nothing!
Gugu, I can literally
see right through you.
What's in there?
Well, uh, you gave me an idea last night
to help you access your powers,
but I can't open this box
without telekinesis.
- Tell me how to unlock it.
- No. Don't be so nosy.
[Gugu groans]
Anyway, forget this.
It's the weekend!
Two days of uninterrupted
portal-closing time.
- [mischievous music playing]
- Hm, hey, so, um, I was thinking,
what if I took the day off
to center myself,
and while I do that
you can get the house ghosts
to teach you telekinesis?
Mm I don't know.
- Okay, bye! See you tonight.
- [yells] Stop doing that.
[music turns ominous]
[wind gusting]
Okay, let's look for clues.
You stay here. I'll check this slide.
Hm. Something's off. Better check again.
If you need me, call out.
- [magic hums softly]
- [pensive music playing]
- [baby babbling]
- I am gonna catch you!
[laughing] You better run!
[poignant music playing]
- [baby giggles]
- [laughing]
That's me.
Do you see her?
- [gasps]
- [music turns ominous]
- [Peng] Oh, yeah, I see her.
- [Jentry gasps]
[tense music playing]
[Peng grunts]
What's going on?
You'd better not
be wasting my time again, Chaus.
No more deceptions.
Longevity elixir.
We stole this from Flora.
It's the real thing this time, trust us.
[mysterious music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
If Flora finds out,
will you say who you sold it to?
We won't tell her. We swear.
[laughs] I can't take that chance.
- [yells]
- [groans]
- No!
- [Peng grunts]
See, Moonie?
[laughs] I told you
we shouldn't sell them.
[tense music playing]
[baby Jentry crying]
[woman grunts]
Lightning strikes, you feel the pain
Make the noise ♪
Ed, come on! They're moving!
Pull up, pull up, pull up ♪
[Peng grunts]
[Peng grunts]
I'm creeping up behind ♪
You feel me? Yeah, you're mine ♪
You know I'm gonna find ya ♪
Ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah ♪
[Jentry panting]
[woman grunting]
This is where the ghosts hunt ♪
[Moonie grunts]
[music fades]
Ed, come on, we're losing them.
They went into that train station?
[ominous music playing]
- [horn honking]
- [Ed grunts]
I'm gonna slash your tires for that, pal!
- Hm?
- [horns honking]
Jentry, what's wrong with you?
You nearly died!
[ominous music playing]
[doorbell jingles]
Is everything okay? You're scaring me.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Moonie panting]
We can't keep doing this, Peng.
Dragons, demons, Daoist priests?
It's too much risk, too little reward.
We need to get out.
I know, but that doesn't mean
we should take his deal.
But it's one job, one easy job,
and then we're done forever.
[sighs] I don't know. I don't trust him.
Peng, we do this and we're rich enough
to give our little girl a normal life.
This isn't for us. It's for Jentry.
- [Ed] Jentry?
- [gasps]
- [gasps]
- Is something wrong?
- [yelps]
- Yeah, fine.
Uh, I mean [grunts]
Well, uh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you
about the whole
"I started the fire" thing.
I should've said something.
I mean, yeah, you should've, but
Jentry, hi!
Uh, hey!
Look, I wanted to say I totally get why
you didn't say anything about the fire.
And if I were in your shoes,
I would've tried
to burn down the school too!
Uh, not that I think you tried
to burn down the school.
I mean, we don't think
you're an arsonist, right, Mikey?
[tense music playing]
[gasps] Oh. Hey. No, it's cool.
Uh, yeah, I'm sorry. I just remembered I
[hopeful music playing]
got a date with Kit!
- Which is you! There you are. Shall we go?
- Hm?
Uh go? On a date?
Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Yes. Yes. That's, uh, why I'm here.
Exactly. Okay. Bye, you two!
- But But my takeout!
- [grunting]
Don't worry, Kit! I got it!
Okay, Gugu. Lifting things up's
just like riding a bike.
- It's really hard if you're a ghost.
- Just show me already.
- [laughs]
- [eerie music playing]
Glug, glug, glug, glug.
Ah! Refreshing. Now you try.
- [grunts]
- [eerie music playing]
I can help you
with your little problem, Gugu,
if you do a few favors for me
in return, see?
Favors? You live here for free!
Flora, when you became a ghost,
you got these powers.
They're part of you.
The best thing you can do
is learn to master them.
Hm. Easy to say
when it's not you who has to do it.
Okay, let's try again.
[both panting]
[Jentry sighs]
Sorry about that.
I can explain another time.
- Probably. Bye!
- [chuckles]
[enchanting music playing]
No, it's okay.
I'm glad I bumped into you.
[chuckles] Or you bumped into me.
You used to live here, right?
- Maybe you could be my tour guide.
- Mm!
Wait, really?
You wanna see
all the places I set fire to?
Or we could just go get lunch.
You did say that we're going on a date.
Uh true.
And I did make you leave Mimi's
without your lunch, but
[Jentry yells]
- [gasps]
- [ominous music playing]
Jentry, your forehead.
Actually, I'm in the middle of something.
I have to go.
Wait! Ah! [winces]
[dramatic music playing]
- [Ed] Mmm. Mmm.
- [doorbell jingles]
[Michael] Huh?
- [customers chattering]
- Hm?
[dramatic music continues]
Are you okay? She's a friend of mine.
Can you give us a sec?
I pray for him in my soul ♪
[music intensifies]
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
Oh, crap. Hey, Michael, right?
I'm gonna go get help for my cousin.
Keep an eye on her, okay?
[Jentry gasps]
[gasps] Mr. Cheng?
[Cheng] So you wish to accept my offer?
[dramatic music continues]
[Cheng laughs]
Then sign the contract.
No! Stop! Leave them alone!
[gasps then grunts]
[dramatic music continues]
[customers screaming]
[gasps, groans]
- [Jentry groans]
- Jentry! Jentry, can you hear me?
[Cheng] I want the same thing
you do, Chaus.
A fresh start,
a new life with my daughter.
And if you don't bring me the robes,
you will suffer as I have.
[sobbing, coughing]
- [Jentry continues sobbing]
- [gasps then grunts]
[Michael grunts]
[wailing and sobbing]
Get him outta here! Now!
Jentry, can you hear me? Jentry!
[dramatic music continues]
[music fades]
- [Jentry sobbing]
- [gasps]
- [crashes]
- [sighs in relief]
[Jentry sobbing, coughing]
- [Cheng] Did you enjoy that, Jentry Chau?
- [gasps]
[haunting music playing]
[Cheng] I know what it's like for a parent
and child to be separated by fate.
So before the smoke consumes you
and I take your soul,
I thought you should
at least get to see that
for the first and final time.
- [poignant music playing]
- [groans]
- [Gugu grunting]
- [Jentry groaning]
[groans] No!
- Jentry, I've got you.
- [coughing]
Gugu, you were right. Cheng tricked me.
[sniffles] I'm sorry for not trusting you.
[soft thud]
- [groans]
- [music fades]
You're awake! Finally.
- [camera clicks]
- Uh
You could've at least waited till I'm dead
before you stole my phone again, buddy.
This was Gugu's and now it's mine.
Apparently, telekinesis doesn't work
on touchscreens, so
- Huh?
- [gasps]
But it works on everything else.
[Jentry sighs]
[gasps] Michael, is he
He's okay. They let him
out of the hospital last night.
Last night? How long was I out?
Not too long. Just the weekend.
At least you didn't miss any school.
Gugu, listen, my powers. I
This was just a minor setback.
Minor? Gugu, no.
I'm never using them ever again.
We have to find another way
to close the portal. Please!
Promise me.
- [poignant music playing]
- [Gugu sighs]
I promise. We'll find another way.
[music turns dramatic]
Hm. Mm.
[line dialing]
It's Flora.
I need some help
getting Jentry to realize her potential.
How about we make a little trade,
for old times' sake?
Well, saves me
from having to steal it from you again.
What do you want in return?
[dramatic music playing]
- [upbeat music playing]
- [school bell ringing]
[students chattering]
- [girl] Is that her?
- Hm?
She started the fire.
- So she's the demon girl.
- [Jentry groans]
- [grunts] Hey!
- Oops, my bad. [laughs]
- I thought it was on fire.
- [groans]
- [enchanting music playing]
- [Kit chuckles]
Jentry, right?
Wow, did you do these?
These are really good.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, same to you. Uh, I mean, um
[Ed] Jentry! It's me!
Your very scary little cousin!
Let's go! Ooh!
- Ow!
- [groans] Sorry! Gotta go.
[groans] Great.
[theme music plays]
[music ends]
- [eerie music playing]
- [shrieks]
- [whimsical music playing]
- [grunting]
Okay, Jentry, let's try this again.
Focus your qi.
Think about stuff that gets you upset.
Ooh! Like how everyone at your school
hates you? Too soon?
And just close the portal.
[inhales then exhales]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
- [Jentry sighs]
- Huh?
- [gentle music plays]
- Every time I use my powers,
something bad happens.
So you need to master them. Simple.
Gugu, I'm scared.
Control it! Your powers are huge.
They can do amazing things.
You'll never realize your potential
if you keep repressing your qi like this!
You were born with these powers, Jentry.
They're bound to your soul.
You can't remove them.
The best thing
you can do is learn to master them.
[woman on video] Look what I found
underneath the floorboards.
- [woman screams]
- [video ends]
That's it?
That's the scariest video on TikTok?
- [Jentry] Is that my phone?
- Hm?
What? You weren't using it.
It was just sitting around in your pocket.
[Ed sniffing]
Ooh! That smells good.
You gonna steal this too?
There's more in the kitchen.
Gugu's recipe.
Hm! It's not exactly how I make it.
Soon as I get
the hang of my telekinesis, I
- Hm.
- [Jentry gasps]
- [eerie music playing]
- [Gugu groans]
- [Jentry sighs]
- Huh?
[Gugu] Jentry?
- [Moonie] Peng, we do this.
- I know, but [laughs]
- [both laugh]
- [poignant music playing]
Mom? Dad?
- Wait, hold on!
- Jentry!
[music turns dramatic]
[dragon screeches]
- [Moonie] Peng! Now!
- [gasps]
[Jentry panting]
[objects clinking]
[Peng] He's waking up!
[Moonie] Just a few more!
- What happened? What did you see?
- [music fades]
[wistful music plays]
[sighs] I saw Mom again! And Dad!
They were fighting a a dragon?
How's this happening?
It was like a vision.
This is bad.
Get inside! Both of you.
[music fades]
[objects clattering]
My stuff!
Gugu, what are you doing?
[Gugu] I told you,
your parents were telemarketers.
They didn't know anything
about this stuff.
If you're having visions,
someone wants you to, someone bad.
- [ominous music playing]
- Could it be Mr. Cheng?
[Gugu] Maybe.
Cheng is a manipulator.
He might be trying
to lead you into a trap.
Hey, boss! Is this what we're looking for?
No, that's not it.
But throw it out anyway.
It doesn't suit you, Jentry.
What are you looking for?
[Gugu] Hm?
In there. Page 423.
- [mysterious music plays]
- Uh?
A shèn?
They can cause
the visions you're having, mirages.
Someone must've hidden one in your stuff.
- Herschel, check my lair.
- Hm!
- Ed, go with Jentry. Search the kitchen.
- Mm!
Maz, with me.
Wallabee, keep searching Jentry's room.
Find that shèn pearl,
and see if you can find
the rest of Jentry's shirt.
- [laughs]
- [Jentry groans]
[sniffs] Ew!
This expired before I was born.
[gasps] The shèn might be in there.
- Hm! [gulping]
- [groans] Ugh.
[whimsical music playing]
Okay, judge me.
You know what the food's like in Diyu?
Super gross. Trust me, this is gourmet.
Ed, you'll get sick.
[both grunting]
[Ed] Mmm! [sighs]
[pensive music playing]
[music turns ominous]
[music intensifies]
[Peng] Hm.
Nice try, Auntie Flora.
Let's get to the park.
Jentry's future is riding on this, Peng.
[gasps softly]
Hello? Jentry? You done being creepy? Hm?
[gasps] You found the shèn! Gugu!
- [muffled] But you found the shèn pearl!
- Shh!
- [gasps]
- Huh?
- How'd you know it could do that?
- I didn't. It was in my vision.
But Gugu said
the visions aren't true, right?
They aren't. Did you find the shèn?
Have you got it?
[Jentry] Mm-hm.
You found it. Good work, Jentry.
- [ominous music playing]
- Hm
Pearl's not glowing like the book says.
But illustrators
love to exaggerate, don't they?
Jiangshi, do the honors?
- [Ed grunts]
- There! No more lies for Jentry.
[Ed sighs]
Well, glad that's over.
- Um, not exactly.
- [gasps]
[ominous music playing]
You kept the pearl?
But Gugu said it's dangerous.
Ed, there's no way
my parents were just telemarketers.
Gugu is hiding something,
and I need to know the truth.
- Starting tomorrow, we
- We? You want me with you?
Let me guess, you don't trust me
not to blab to Gugu if I stay here?
I don't trust you
to stop eating expired condiments!
[Ed] Hm. Mmm.
- Yeah, neither do I.
- Ugh!
I'm in!
[music turns dramatic]
[music fades]
[Gugu grunting]
[groans] Stupid ghost hands!
- Gugu?
- Nothing!
Gugu, I can literally
see right through you.
What's in there?
Well, uh, you gave me an idea last night
to help you access your powers,
but I can't open this box
without telekinesis.
- Tell me how to unlock it.
- No. Don't be so nosy.
[Gugu groans]
Anyway, forget this.
It's the weekend!
Two days of uninterrupted
portal-closing time.
- [mischievous music playing]
- Hm, hey, so, um, I was thinking,
what if I took the day off
to center myself,
and while I do that
you can get the house ghosts
to teach you telekinesis?
Mm I don't know.
- Okay, bye! See you tonight.
- [yells] Stop doing that.
[music turns ominous]
[wind gusting]
Okay, let's look for clues.
You stay here. I'll check this slide.
Hm. Something's off. Better check again.
If you need me, call out.
- [magic hums softly]
- [pensive music playing]
- [baby babbling]
- I am gonna catch you!
[laughing] You better run!
[poignant music playing]
- [baby giggles]
- [laughing]
That's me.
Do you see her?
- [gasps]
- [music turns ominous]
- [Peng] Oh, yeah, I see her.
- [Jentry gasps]
[tense music playing]
[Peng grunts]
What's going on?
You'd better not
be wasting my time again, Chaus.
No more deceptions.
Longevity elixir.
We stole this from Flora.
It's the real thing this time, trust us.
[mysterious music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
If Flora finds out,
will you say who you sold it to?
We won't tell her. We swear.
[laughs] I can't take that chance.
- [yells]
- [groans]
- No!
- [Peng grunts]
See, Moonie?
[laughs] I told you
we shouldn't sell them.
[tense music playing]
[baby Jentry crying]
[woman grunts]
Lightning strikes, you feel the pain
Make the noise ♪
Ed, come on! They're moving!
Pull up, pull up, pull up ♪
[Peng grunts]
[Peng grunts]
I'm creeping up behind ♪
You feel me? Yeah, you're mine ♪
You know I'm gonna find ya ♪
Ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah ♪
[Jentry panting]
[woman grunting]
This is where the ghosts hunt ♪
[Moonie grunts]
[music fades]
Ed, come on, we're losing them.
They went into that train station?
[ominous music playing]
- [horn honking]
- [Ed grunts]
I'm gonna slash your tires for that, pal!
- Hm?
- [horns honking]
Jentry, what's wrong with you?
You nearly died!
[ominous music playing]
[doorbell jingles]
Is everything okay? You're scaring me.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Moonie panting]
We can't keep doing this, Peng.
Dragons, demons, Daoist priests?
It's too much risk, too little reward.
We need to get out.
I know, but that doesn't mean
we should take his deal.
But it's one job, one easy job,
and then we're done forever.
[sighs] I don't know. I don't trust him.
Peng, we do this and we're rich enough
to give our little girl a normal life.
This isn't for us. It's for Jentry.
- [Ed] Jentry?
- [gasps]
- [gasps]
- Is something wrong?
- [yelps]
- Yeah, fine.
Uh, I mean [grunts]
Well, uh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you
about the whole
"I started the fire" thing.
I should've said something.
I mean, yeah, you should've, but
Jentry, hi!
Uh, hey!
Look, I wanted to say I totally get why
you didn't say anything about the fire.
And if I were in your shoes,
I would've tried
to burn down the school too!
Uh, not that I think you tried
to burn down the school.
I mean, we don't think
you're an arsonist, right, Mikey?
[tense music playing]
[gasps] Oh. Hey. No, it's cool.
Uh, yeah, I'm sorry. I just remembered I
[hopeful music playing]
got a date with Kit!
- Which is you! There you are. Shall we go?
- Hm?
Uh go? On a date?
Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Yes. Yes. That's, uh, why I'm here.
Exactly. Okay. Bye, you two!
- But But my takeout!
- [grunting]
Don't worry, Kit! I got it!
Okay, Gugu. Lifting things up's
just like riding a bike.
- It's really hard if you're a ghost.
- Just show me already.
- [laughs]
- [eerie music playing]
Glug, glug, glug, glug.
Ah! Refreshing. Now you try.
- [grunts]
- [eerie music playing]
I can help you
with your little problem, Gugu,
if you do a few favors for me
in return, see?
Favors? You live here for free!
Flora, when you became a ghost,
you got these powers.
They're part of you.
The best thing you can do
is learn to master them.
Hm. Easy to say
when it's not you who has to do it.
Okay, let's try again.
[both panting]
[Jentry sighs]
Sorry about that.
I can explain another time.
- Probably. Bye!
- [chuckles]
[enchanting music playing]
No, it's okay.
I'm glad I bumped into you.
[chuckles] Or you bumped into me.
You used to live here, right?
- Maybe you could be my tour guide.
- Mm!
Wait, really?
You wanna see
all the places I set fire to?
Or we could just go get lunch.
You did say that we're going on a date.
Uh true.
And I did make you leave Mimi's
without your lunch, but
[Jentry yells]
- [gasps]
- [ominous music playing]
Jentry, your forehead.
Actually, I'm in the middle of something.
I have to go.
Wait! Ah! [winces]
[dramatic music playing]
- [Ed] Mmm. Mmm.
- [doorbell jingles]
[Michael] Huh?
- [customers chattering]
- Hm?
[dramatic music continues]
Are you okay? She's a friend of mine.
Can you give us a sec?
I pray for him in my soul ♪
[music intensifies]
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
Oh, crap. Hey, Michael, right?
I'm gonna go get help for my cousin.
Keep an eye on her, okay?
[Jentry gasps]
[gasps] Mr. Cheng?
[Cheng] So you wish to accept my offer?
[dramatic music continues]
[Cheng laughs]
Then sign the contract.
No! Stop! Leave them alone!
[gasps then grunts]
[dramatic music continues]
[customers screaming]
[gasps, groans]
- [Jentry groans]
- Jentry! Jentry, can you hear me?
[Cheng] I want the same thing
you do, Chaus.
A fresh start,
a new life with my daughter.
And if you don't bring me the robes,
you will suffer as I have.
[sobbing, coughing]
- [Jentry continues sobbing]
- [gasps then grunts]
[Michael grunts]
[wailing and sobbing]
Get him outta here! Now!
Jentry, can you hear me? Jentry!
[dramatic music continues]
[music fades]
- [Jentry sobbing]
- [gasps]
- [crashes]
- [sighs in relief]
[Jentry sobbing, coughing]
- [Cheng] Did you enjoy that, Jentry Chau?
- [gasps]
[haunting music playing]
[Cheng] I know what it's like for a parent
and child to be separated by fate.
So before the smoke consumes you
and I take your soul,
I thought you should
at least get to see that
for the first and final time.
- [poignant music playing]
- [groans]
- [Gugu grunting]
- [Jentry groaning]
[groans] No!
- Jentry, I've got you.
- [coughing]
Gugu, you were right. Cheng tricked me.
[sniffles] I'm sorry for not trusting you.
[soft thud]
- [groans]
- [music fades]
You're awake! Finally.
- [camera clicks]
- Uh
You could've at least waited till I'm dead
before you stole my phone again, buddy.
This was Gugu's and now it's mine.
Apparently, telekinesis doesn't work
on touchscreens, so
- Huh?
- [gasps]
But it works on everything else.
[Jentry sighs]
[gasps] Michael, is he
He's okay. They let him
out of the hospital last night.
Last night? How long was I out?
Not too long. Just the weekend.
At least you didn't miss any school.
Gugu, listen, my powers. I
This was just a minor setback.
Minor? Gugu, no.
I'm never using them ever again.
We have to find another way
to close the portal. Please!
Promise me.
- [poignant music playing]
- [Gugu sighs]
I promise. We'll find another way.
[music turns dramatic]
Hm. Mm.
[line dialing]
It's Flora.
I need some help
getting Jentry to realize her potential.
How about we make a little trade,
for old times' sake?
Well, saves me
from having to steal it from you again.
What do you want in return?
[dramatic music playing]