Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld (2024) s01e04 Episode Script
Forget the Alamo
[somber Western music plays]
[boy] Heroes of the Alamo,
I'm here and ready to commune with y'all.
[music fades]
I've been learning about you in school.
How you stood up for Texan freedom
against tyranny and oppression.
And people keep trying to oppress me too!
"Stop going on about the Alamo, Billy.
Wash your coonskin cap, Billy."
So if you're here and you can hear me,
be my friends?
[eerie music playing]
[yells then grunts]
[groans then gasps]
[Billy reading]
[music intensifies]
[theme music playing]
[tranquil music playing]
[Jentry] Okay, Tokki,
does this outfit say,
"I'm fun, approachable
and definitely won't set fire to you"?
Uh, the outfit does.
The desperate panic in your eyes does not.
Michael hasn't replied
to any of my texts all week.
I think he might be really upset with me.
And my powers ignited in front of Kit.
So now he's been avoiding me too.
- [yells]
- [winces]
I'm guessing you're having
way more flare-ups than you did here.
'Cause in Seoul I had you,
Rupert and Min Jae.
You made me feel normal.
[scoffs] You are normal!
You are way more than those stupid powers.
Forget Michael and Kit.
Make new friends. Find your people.
- You got this, okay?
- Okay. Love you.
- Miss you. Mwah! Mwah! Bye.
- Mwah! Bye-bye!
- [upbeat music playing on radio]
- [Gugu humming along]
Gugu, what's all this stuff?
[Gugu] Oh, it's just a little bit of food
for your field trip.
Twenty pounds of rice?
You know I'm not
defending the Alamo, right?
Share with your classmates.
Trust me, feed your friends
and you'll keep them forever.
More like I keep them away
from me forever.
I can't bring durian on a field trip.
I know you can't smell things now,
but it stinks.
[ominous music plays]
[Ed] Boo!
[Ed groans]
- Oh, come on! Does nothing scare you?
- [laughs] What are you gonna do? Kill me?
You can at least pretend!
I'm trying to show TikTok
how frightening I am!
By the way, just FYI,
there's 23,706 grains of rice in that bag.
- How long were you in there?
- It's a jiangshi thing.
- They can't help but count rice.
- Hey, I can quit any time I want!
[Ed gasps]
One, two, three, four
I'll just scare Jentry's classmates
by jumping out of her backpack.
- Seven, eight, nine
- Ed, you're not coming.
All I need is one viral video and boom!
I'm a household name!
Bigfoot, chupacabra Ed.
[Jentry chuckles] Hm.
Gugu, maybe I should stay here.
We gotta find a way to close the portal
without my powers. I could help research
[Gugu] No, no, you should go.
I don't need help.
I got telekinesis now. See?
- [explosion on radio]
- [groans]
[fanfare playing on radio]
[man] Come on down
to the State Fair of Texas.
- We've got everything your heart desires
- [turns off]
Oh, so ghosts aren't scared of jiangshis,
but loud noises give you a fright?
[cell phone ringing and buzzing]
Oops. Gotta go.
I'm gonna be late for the bus.
Okay. Have fun.
[ominous music playing]
Okay, students,
please do not use your phones
to look up the answers to your worksheets
before you arrive.
It will ruin the fun.
[pensive, poignant music playing]
[bus engine starts]
Michael, hey! You're back.
- I'm so glad you're okay.
- He nearly wasn't, actually.
If the smoke inhalation
had been any worse,
his football career would've been over
before it even started.
Stella, the fire was an accident.
Jentry wasn't there, okay?
[Stella] Mm-hm.
Yeah. Listen, Michael,
I wanted to say I'm really
Hey, Jentry, uh, can we do this later?
Uh, sure.
[music fades]
[footsteps approaching]
Excellent choice! Best seat on the bus.
This was the only free seat.
So, uh, last week when we, um
I hope I didn't, uh, hurt you or
Well, it's healing nicely.
Can I make it up with Chinese food?
It's homemade and it's
- Ugh, durian? You really brought durian?
- [yells]
- [girl] I threw up in my shoes.
- [boy] What is that?
If you eat that,
I'll see if someone wants to swap seats.
No! Wait! Don't go! [groans]
Ooh! Is that durian? Gimme!
What are you doing here?
Thought I'd come here and learn
from the one everyone's scared of.
Plus, I kinda figured
you'd need a buddy today.
So I got your back.
Thanks, Ed.
[pensive, poignant music playing]
[Ed] Mmm.
[Ed eating noisily] Mmm.
Mmm! Mmm. Mmm.
[ominous music playing]
[Cheng laughs]
You don't want to keep this, Flora?
But it holds so many memories.
I don't know how you managed
to plant a shèn pearl on Jentry,
but your plan is not gonna work.
You can't break Jentry's trust in me.
[Cheng yells]
- [yells]
- [Cheng groans]
[Cheng] You're not even telling her
what happened to her parents.
And you think
I can't break her trust in you?
But it's so misplaced!
Keeping things from Jentry
doesn't mean she can't trust me!
[Cheng] Can you even hear yourself?
[Cheng yells]
It's for her own good.
- [clangs]
- [grunts]
[Cheng] I will bring my daughter back.
You can't bring back the dead,
not even with the powers!
How many people will die
just so she can live?
[Cheng groans]
[Cheng] I don't care what it takes
to save my family,
but we know if it came down to a choice
between Jentry and her powers,
what you would do.
But don't worry. I plan to let her know
the truth about her powers very soon.
[Cheng laughing maniacally]
[bell ringing]
Welcome! I'm Billy Bowie
and it is my honor to be your Alamo guide.
[students laughing]
Oh, I'm sorry. Am I boring you?
'Cause 189 red-blooded Texas Patriots
died on the soil you're standing on.
Yuck. Is that even sanitary?
You think freedom is unsanitary?
Maybe it's not always gonna come
all nice and prewashed.
When you're outnumbered and fighting
for the independence of Texas from Mexico,
it's gonna get messy!
Uh, you know they were fighting
for some really screwed-up stuff, right?
Yeah. That was way more a part of it
than people wanna admit.
Yeah, bruh! Only colonizers wanna
"Remember the Alamo."
Yeah, I know it's "in" right now
to accuse our great American heroes
of being problematic,
but you weren't there,
so stop bullying me!
But don't worry
'cause you're here to learn.
We'll do a realistic reenactment
of the battle that you get to perform.
- Dude, what are we, five?
- [students groaning]
- [ominous music playing]
- [Billy laughs]
Okay, students.
Stay in your groups and remember,
if you see something aflame
that shouldn't be, record it, report it.
[students chattering and laughing]
So who are we scaring first?
Scaring? No, Ed.
I'm gonna make friends with them.
[groans] That's easy for you to say.
They're already scared of you.
[Wheeler] Hm
Him you can scare.
Oh, I will.
[students laughing and chattering]
[Chet] Ooh!
What's this?
[ominous music playing]
Dude, you can't touch that.
[scoffs] Oh, yeah, Kevin Nguyen?
I don't see a glass box around it.
[Chet] Yo! Check me out. I'm
[eerie music playing]
[in ghostly voice] Travis!
[laughs] William Barrett Travis.
[in ghostly voice] Travis. There you are.
[girl groaning]
[Kevin] What's happening? What's going on?
[Billy] I already told you!
After the scavenger hunt
we have the reenactment,
and it needs to be realistic.
Ain't that right, Colonel Bowie?
[ghostly male voice] It sure is, Billy!
You know how I love
to relive the glory days.
[gasps then yells]
Someone take this one!
TFW when you're a vice-principal
and your students
don't appreciate what you do for them.
- [playing tranquil melody]
- Just 'cause I don't teach a subject ♪
Doesn't mean I don't need respect ♪
'Cause I make sure things are perfect ♪
When the state comes to inspect ♪
[Ed] No!
Ah! The rice! One, two, three, four, five
- [continues counting]
- [cackles]
So cute. Oh, this will get me
to double digits for sure.
I'm not cute! I'm a demon!
I'll kill you! In, like, five minutes.
Oh, 12, 13, 14, 15
Stop filming me!
[keyboard clicking]
[pensive, poignant music playing]
[gasps softly]
- [ghosts yelling]
- [gasps]
[dramatic music playing]
[Kit whimpers]
[Jentry] Leave them alone!
We need to get out of here now!
[ghostly groaning]
[Kit yells]
[Kit grunting]
Jentry, are you okay?
- [Stella screams]
- Stella!
[groans then snarls]
[Jentry] Run!
[dramatic music continues]
Yeah, something I know ♪
Huh? Huh.
The Alamo ♪
My dear friends, if they insist on playing
the Texans and holing up in there,
then for one night only,
we'll all be the Mexicans
and educate them
on just how brave y'all were.
[all grunt]
[Ed groans]
Ed! What are you doing here?
Look! Look at this!
I've been turned into a meme!
Now everyone's comparing me
to a cute duck?
I've been trying to make
scary videos to compensate,
but people keep dueting them.
- [sobs] I'm so humiliated!
- [door thudding]
Ed, can we put a pin in this?
[Kit grunts]
- We have to defend ourselves!
- [grunts]
Sure, they have a class full of students
possessed by violent soldiers.
And what do we have?
We have Jentry.
[ghostly wailing]
I don't know what you're, uh
You have powers. I saw them.
That's why you set fires to things, right?
I, um
- Jentry, you know I saw them too.
- [tense music playing]
I don't You're not remembering correctly.
I mean, you did take down
a Mogui with them.
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
Ever since I came back,
the only thing that's defined me
is how fricking weird I am,
how not normal I am,
how I'm scary and dangerous.
You two were the only ones who saw me
as more than the demon girl of Riverfork,
but after last week, I didn't want you
to see me the way everyone else does.
[sighs] Jentry, it's fine.
I know you didn't
- [ghostly snarling]
- [yelling]
- [Ed yells]
- [ghost groans]
Ed, don't hurt them!
I'm just gonna distract them with fear.
You wanna hurt my bestie,
you gotta go through me.
[ghostly snarling]
[Ed] Hey! I said you gotta go through me!
Okay, Universe, you win.
Hey, everyone! Look at me!
- [rap music playing]
- [Ed beatboxing]
[mimics record scratch]
My name is Ed
But I'm bigger than Cullen ♪
I'm way better looking
He's brooding and sullen ♪
I'm a jiangshi
And we're bringers of death ♪
But we can't see you
If you hold your breath ♪
We drink cow's blood
But only at night ♪
We're afraid of black dogs
'Cause they give us a fright ♪
Stop it! Everyone, focus!
This isn't what happened at the Alamo!
[Kit] Well, they're distracted.
Okay. Jentry. Gugu knows about
all this supernatural stuff, right?
She ever tell you
how to kill a bunch of ghosts?
- Why would she tell me that?
- [Michael] I don't know!
- [Ed raps indistinctly]
- [Jentry] Wait a sec.
Loud noises.
I might know how to make them let go.
[Ed] I compulsively count coins
And grains of rice ♪
[Billy] It's a distraction!
Get after them!
Look for a cannonball! Over there!
[dramatic music playing]
Nowhere left to run.
- I need you to buy more time!
- What should I do?
Just push them back.
Imagine it's a football game.
That's more of a linebacker thing!
I'm a wide receiver!
I don't know football things!
Michael, go!
[Michael grunting and yelling]
- [snarling]
- [Kit yelling and grunting]
[Michael grunts]
- [snarling]
- [Ed screams]
[Ed grunts]
- [Michael] Stella
- [snarling]
Sorry about this!
- [ghostly snarling]
- [Michael grunting]
[Michael laughs in ghostly voice]
My troops won the siege before,
and we'll do it again. Charge!
[dramatic music continues]
[Kit yelps then grunts]
That's all. We need to angle this up.
- Stop!
- [music stops]
You will listen to me!
Billy, your obsession
with the Alamo is a bit creepy.
I don't think this reenactment
is what actually happened either.
Of course it is!
People just keep
changing history these days
to suit their political agenda,
that's all.
Well, why don't we ask them?
You all died nearly 200 years ago.
Do you actually remember what happened
or are you going off of what he told you?
- Yes, she got us.
- I admit it. It's foggy.
It makes a better story! They stood up for
themselves even though they were weaker!
People keep trying to take that away
from me by making them bad people!
You think trying to force people
to like them makes you a good person?
I get wanting to hide
the bad parts from people
and make them see only the version
you want them to,
but the truth always comes out,
and that's always the right thing.
- [grunts]
- [yells]
Take her!
- [dramatic music playing]
- [ghostly snarling]
[Ed] All yours, Jentry! [grunts]
[ghost yells]
[echoing boom]
- [groaning]
- [high-pitched ringing]
- [Jentry] Uh [groans]
- [girl] What? Where am I?
- Wait, what?
- [students chattering]
- [girl] Where am I?
- [boy] Where are we?
No! No! This isn't right!
You ruined my reenactment!
Jentry Chau! Look what you did to the bus!
I knew you were going to cause problems
and this time I've got witnesses.
Jentry didn't do that.
What do you mean?
She's standing right by a cannon!
One of you must have seen her light it.
- [girl] Yeah Not sure.
- I don't know.
[yells] Fine!
Let's go, kids.
- [Kit chuckles]
- [hopeful music playing]
- [Billy] Not so fast!
- [gasps]
You think you can stop me, girl?
I have field trips here every week.
You'll never stop us
from celebrating the truth.
[Zhongkui] Perhaps she cannot, but I can.
What in the world?
Looks like your ghost friends
have broken the rules.
I am here to enforce them.
[mystical music playing]
What have you done?
Who are you? Are you from Diyu?
[laughs] Thanks for bringing this
to my attention, kid.
[Billy] Guys? Are you still there?
- [somber Western music playing]
- Davey! Travis! Santa Anna! Bowie!
Say something! Commune with me! [sobs]
Hey. I know
you don't wanna be seen as cute,
but you did a good thing for us back there
and at least you got
half a million followers?
I know, right?
Half a million followers think I'm cute.
Which means half a million followers
are about to discover
the meaning of true fear!
Hey. Can we swap seats?
Thank you for saving me.
And sorry I avoided you last week.
I just didn't know how to react
after you burned me,
and I just really felt awkward about it.
[Jentry] You and me both, then.
[chuckles] Yeah.
Listen, I know what it feels like
to be seen as different,
and if you ever wanna talk
text me.
[hopeful music playing]
I will.
- [music fades]
- [Gugu] It has to be perfect.
[gasps] Oh!
You're home! I missed you!
Did you share your food like I told you?
Oh, yeah, all of it.
Great. I'll make dinner.
[keyboard clicking]
[pensive, poignant music playing]
[Kit humming]
[sinister music playing]
- [cell phone buzzing]
- [Kit humming]
- [sinister music continues]
- [Kit humming]
[somber Western music plays]
[boy] Heroes of the Alamo,
I'm here and ready to commune with y'all.
[music fades]
I've been learning about you in school.
How you stood up for Texan freedom
against tyranny and oppression.
And people keep trying to oppress me too!
"Stop going on about the Alamo, Billy.
Wash your coonskin cap, Billy."
So if you're here and you can hear me,
be my friends?
[eerie music playing]
[yells then grunts]
[groans then gasps]
[Billy reading]
[music intensifies]
[theme music playing]
[tranquil music playing]
[Jentry] Okay, Tokki,
does this outfit say,
"I'm fun, approachable
and definitely won't set fire to you"?
Uh, the outfit does.
The desperate panic in your eyes does not.
Michael hasn't replied
to any of my texts all week.
I think he might be really upset with me.
And my powers ignited in front of Kit.
So now he's been avoiding me too.
- [yells]
- [winces]
I'm guessing you're having
way more flare-ups than you did here.
'Cause in Seoul I had you,
Rupert and Min Jae.
You made me feel normal.
[scoffs] You are normal!
You are way more than those stupid powers.
Forget Michael and Kit.
Make new friends. Find your people.
- You got this, okay?
- Okay. Love you.
- Miss you. Mwah! Mwah! Bye.
- Mwah! Bye-bye!
- [upbeat music playing on radio]
- [Gugu humming along]
Gugu, what's all this stuff?
[Gugu] Oh, it's just a little bit of food
for your field trip.
Twenty pounds of rice?
You know I'm not
defending the Alamo, right?
Share with your classmates.
Trust me, feed your friends
and you'll keep them forever.
More like I keep them away
from me forever.
I can't bring durian on a field trip.
I know you can't smell things now,
but it stinks.
[ominous music plays]
[Ed] Boo!
[Ed groans]
- Oh, come on! Does nothing scare you?
- [laughs] What are you gonna do? Kill me?
You can at least pretend!
I'm trying to show TikTok
how frightening I am!
By the way, just FYI,
there's 23,706 grains of rice in that bag.
- How long were you in there?
- It's a jiangshi thing.
- They can't help but count rice.
- Hey, I can quit any time I want!
[Ed gasps]
One, two, three, four
I'll just scare Jentry's classmates
by jumping out of her backpack.
- Seven, eight, nine
- Ed, you're not coming.
All I need is one viral video and boom!
I'm a household name!
Bigfoot, chupacabra Ed.
[Jentry chuckles] Hm.
Gugu, maybe I should stay here.
We gotta find a way to close the portal
without my powers. I could help research
[Gugu] No, no, you should go.
I don't need help.
I got telekinesis now. See?
- [explosion on radio]
- [groans]
[fanfare playing on radio]
[man] Come on down
to the State Fair of Texas.
- We've got everything your heart desires
- [turns off]
Oh, so ghosts aren't scared of jiangshis,
but loud noises give you a fright?
[cell phone ringing and buzzing]
Oops. Gotta go.
I'm gonna be late for the bus.
Okay. Have fun.
[ominous music playing]
Okay, students,
please do not use your phones
to look up the answers to your worksheets
before you arrive.
It will ruin the fun.
[pensive, poignant music playing]
[bus engine starts]
Michael, hey! You're back.
- I'm so glad you're okay.
- He nearly wasn't, actually.
If the smoke inhalation
had been any worse,
his football career would've been over
before it even started.
Stella, the fire was an accident.
Jentry wasn't there, okay?
[Stella] Mm-hm.
Yeah. Listen, Michael,
I wanted to say I'm really
Hey, Jentry, uh, can we do this later?
Uh, sure.
[music fades]
[footsteps approaching]
Excellent choice! Best seat on the bus.
This was the only free seat.
So, uh, last week when we, um
I hope I didn't, uh, hurt you or
Well, it's healing nicely.
Can I make it up with Chinese food?
It's homemade and it's
- Ugh, durian? You really brought durian?
- [yells]
- [girl] I threw up in my shoes.
- [boy] What is that?
If you eat that,
I'll see if someone wants to swap seats.
No! Wait! Don't go! [groans]
Ooh! Is that durian? Gimme!
What are you doing here?
Thought I'd come here and learn
from the one everyone's scared of.
Plus, I kinda figured
you'd need a buddy today.
So I got your back.
Thanks, Ed.
[pensive, poignant music playing]
[Ed] Mmm.
[Ed eating noisily] Mmm.
Mmm! Mmm. Mmm.
[ominous music playing]
[Cheng laughs]
You don't want to keep this, Flora?
But it holds so many memories.
I don't know how you managed
to plant a shèn pearl on Jentry,
but your plan is not gonna work.
You can't break Jentry's trust in me.
[Cheng yells]
- [yells]
- [Cheng groans]
[Cheng] You're not even telling her
what happened to her parents.
And you think
I can't break her trust in you?
But it's so misplaced!
Keeping things from Jentry
doesn't mean she can't trust me!
[Cheng] Can you even hear yourself?
[Cheng yells]
It's for her own good.
- [clangs]
- [grunts]
[Cheng] I will bring my daughter back.
You can't bring back the dead,
not even with the powers!
How many people will die
just so she can live?
[Cheng groans]
[Cheng] I don't care what it takes
to save my family,
but we know if it came down to a choice
between Jentry and her powers,
what you would do.
But don't worry. I plan to let her know
the truth about her powers very soon.
[Cheng laughing maniacally]
[bell ringing]
Welcome! I'm Billy Bowie
and it is my honor to be your Alamo guide.
[students laughing]
Oh, I'm sorry. Am I boring you?
'Cause 189 red-blooded Texas Patriots
died on the soil you're standing on.
Yuck. Is that even sanitary?
You think freedom is unsanitary?
Maybe it's not always gonna come
all nice and prewashed.
When you're outnumbered and fighting
for the independence of Texas from Mexico,
it's gonna get messy!
Uh, you know they were fighting
for some really screwed-up stuff, right?
Yeah. That was way more a part of it
than people wanna admit.
Yeah, bruh! Only colonizers wanna
"Remember the Alamo."
Yeah, I know it's "in" right now
to accuse our great American heroes
of being problematic,
but you weren't there,
so stop bullying me!
But don't worry
'cause you're here to learn.
We'll do a realistic reenactment
of the battle that you get to perform.
- Dude, what are we, five?
- [students groaning]
- [ominous music playing]
- [Billy laughs]
Okay, students.
Stay in your groups and remember,
if you see something aflame
that shouldn't be, record it, report it.
[students chattering and laughing]
So who are we scaring first?
Scaring? No, Ed.
I'm gonna make friends with them.
[groans] That's easy for you to say.
They're already scared of you.
[Wheeler] Hm
Him you can scare.
Oh, I will.
[students laughing and chattering]
[Chet] Ooh!
What's this?
[ominous music playing]
Dude, you can't touch that.
[scoffs] Oh, yeah, Kevin Nguyen?
I don't see a glass box around it.
[Chet] Yo! Check me out. I'm
[eerie music playing]
[in ghostly voice] Travis!
[laughs] William Barrett Travis.
[in ghostly voice] Travis. There you are.
[girl groaning]
[Kevin] What's happening? What's going on?
[Billy] I already told you!
After the scavenger hunt
we have the reenactment,
and it needs to be realistic.
Ain't that right, Colonel Bowie?
[ghostly male voice] It sure is, Billy!
You know how I love
to relive the glory days.
[gasps then yells]
Someone take this one!
TFW when you're a vice-principal
and your students
don't appreciate what you do for them.
- [playing tranquil melody]
- Just 'cause I don't teach a subject ♪
Doesn't mean I don't need respect ♪
'Cause I make sure things are perfect ♪
When the state comes to inspect ♪
[Ed] No!
Ah! The rice! One, two, three, four, five
- [continues counting]
- [cackles]
So cute. Oh, this will get me
to double digits for sure.
I'm not cute! I'm a demon!
I'll kill you! In, like, five minutes.
Oh, 12, 13, 14, 15
Stop filming me!
[keyboard clicking]
[pensive, poignant music playing]
[gasps softly]
- [ghosts yelling]
- [gasps]
[dramatic music playing]
[Kit whimpers]
[Jentry] Leave them alone!
We need to get out of here now!
[ghostly groaning]
[Kit yells]
[Kit grunting]
Jentry, are you okay?
- [Stella screams]
- Stella!
[groans then snarls]
[Jentry] Run!
[dramatic music continues]
Yeah, something I know ♪
Huh? Huh.
The Alamo ♪
My dear friends, if they insist on playing
the Texans and holing up in there,
then for one night only,
we'll all be the Mexicans
and educate them
on just how brave y'all were.
[all grunt]
[Ed groans]
Ed! What are you doing here?
Look! Look at this!
I've been turned into a meme!
Now everyone's comparing me
to a cute duck?
I've been trying to make
scary videos to compensate,
but people keep dueting them.
- [sobs] I'm so humiliated!
- [door thudding]
Ed, can we put a pin in this?
[Kit grunts]
- We have to defend ourselves!
- [grunts]
Sure, they have a class full of students
possessed by violent soldiers.
And what do we have?
We have Jentry.
[ghostly wailing]
I don't know what you're, uh
You have powers. I saw them.
That's why you set fires to things, right?
I, um
- Jentry, you know I saw them too.
- [tense music playing]
I don't You're not remembering correctly.
I mean, you did take down
a Mogui with them.
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
Ever since I came back,
the only thing that's defined me
is how fricking weird I am,
how not normal I am,
how I'm scary and dangerous.
You two were the only ones who saw me
as more than the demon girl of Riverfork,
but after last week, I didn't want you
to see me the way everyone else does.
[sighs] Jentry, it's fine.
I know you didn't
- [ghostly snarling]
- [yelling]
- [Ed yells]
- [ghost groans]
Ed, don't hurt them!
I'm just gonna distract them with fear.
You wanna hurt my bestie,
you gotta go through me.
[ghostly snarling]
[Ed] Hey! I said you gotta go through me!
Okay, Universe, you win.
Hey, everyone! Look at me!
- [rap music playing]
- [Ed beatboxing]
[mimics record scratch]
My name is Ed
But I'm bigger than Cullen ♪
I'm way better looking
He's brooding and sullen ♪
I'm a jiangshi
And we're bringers of death ♪
But we can't see you
If you hold your breath ♪
We drink cow's blood
But only at night ♪
We're afraid of black dogs
'Cause they give us a fright ♪
Stop it! Everyone, focus!
This isn't what happened at the Alamo!
[Kit] Well, they're distracted.
Okay. Jentry. Gugu knows about
all this supernatural stuff, right?
She ever tell you
how to kill a bunch of ghosts?
- Why would she tell me that?
- [Michael] I don't know!
- [Ed raps indistinctly]
- [Jentry] Wait a sec.
Loud noises.
I might know how to make them let go.
[Ed] I compulsively count coins
And grains of rice ♪
[Billy] It's a distraction!
Get after them!
Look for a cannonball! Over there!
[dramatic music playing]
Nowhere left to run.
- I need you to buy more time!
- What should I do?
Just push them back.
Imagine it's a football game.
That's more of a linebacker thing!
I'm a wide receiver!
I don't know football things!
Michael, go!
[Michael grunting and yelling]
- [snarling]
- [Kit yelling and grunting]
[Michael grunts]
- [snarling]
- [Ed screams]
[Ed grunts]
- [Michael] Stella
- [snarling]
Sorry about this!
- [ghostly snarling]
- [Michael grunting]
[Michael laughs in ghostly voice]
My troops won the siege before,
and we'll do it again. Charge!
[dramatic music continues]
[Kit yelps then grunts]
That's all. We need to angle this up.
- Stop!
- [music stops]
You will listen to me!
Billy, your obsession
with the Alamo is a bit creepy.
I don't think this reenactment
is what actually happened either.
Of course it is!
People just keep
changing history these days
to suit their political agenda,
that's all.
Well, why don't we ask them?
You all died nearly 200 years ago.
Do you actually remember what happened
or are you going off of what he told you?
- Yes, she got us.
- I admit it. It's foggy.
It makes a better story! They stood up for
themselves even though they were weaker!
People keep trying to take that away
from me by making them bad people!
You think trying to force people
to like them makes you a good person?
I get wanting to hide
the bad parts from people
and make them see only the version
you want them to,
but the truth always comes out,
and that's always the right thing.
- [grunts]
- [yells]
Take her!
- [dramatic music playing]
- [ghostly snarling]
[Ed] All yours, Jentry! [grunts]
[ghost yells]
[echoing boom]
- [groaning]
- [high-pitched ringing]
- [Jentry] Uh [groans]
- [girl] What? Where am I?
- Wait, what?
- [students chattering]
- [girl] Where am I?
- [boy] Where are we?
No! No! This isn't right!
You ruined my reenactment!
Jentry Chau! Look what you did to the bus!
I knew you were going to cause problems
and this time I've got witnesses.
Jentry didn't do that.
What do you mean?
She's standing right by a cannon!
One of you must have seen her light it.
- [girl] Yeah Not sure.
- I don't know.
[yells] Fine!
Let's go, kids.
- [Kit chuckles]
- [hopeful music playing]
- [Billy] Not so fast!
- [gasps]
You think you can stop me, girl?
I have field trips here every week.
You'll never stop us
from celebrating the truth.
[Zhongkui] Perhaps she cannot, but I can.
What in the world?
Looks like your ghost friends
have broken the rules.
I am here to enforce them.
[mystical music playing]
What have you done?
Who are you? Are you from Diyu?
[laughs] Thanks for bringing this
to my attention, kid.
[Billy] Guys? Are you still there?
- [somber Western music playing]
- Davey! Travis! Santa Anna! Bowie!
Say something! Commune with me! [sobs]
Hey. I know
you don't wanna be seen as cute,
but you did a good thing for us back there
and at least you got
half a million followers?
I know, right?
Half a million followers think I'm cute.
Which means half a million followers
are about to discover
the meaning of true fear!
Hey. Can we swap seats?
Thank you for saving me.
And sorry I avoided you last week.
I just didn't know how to react
after you burned me,
and I just really felt awkward about it.
[Jentry] You and me both, then.
[chuckles] Yeah.
Listen, I know what it feels like
to be seen as different,
and if you ever wanna talk
text me.
[hopeful music playing]
I will.
- [music fades]
- [Gugu] It has to be perfect.
[gasps] Oh!
You're home! I missed you!
Did you share your food like I told you?
Oh, yeah, all of it.
Great. I'll make dinner.
[keyboard clicking]
[pensive, poignant music playing]
[Kit humming]
[sinister music playing]
- [cell phone buzzing]
- [Kit humming]
- [sinister music continues]
- [Kit humming]