Julia (2022) s01e01 Episode Script


Paul, darling, please refrain
from drowning our guests
in vino,
and come here a moment.
Now, how did that get
so empty so fast?
I'll be right back.
That looks good enough to eat.
Yes, I could say
the same about you.
Oh. Voilà.
Ah, it's perfect.
Now, stop stalling and get out
there and read it to them.
Really, Paul.
It seems braggy.
Don't blame me.
I tell one person
at the embassy,
and it spreads like gonorrhea.
We're celebrating you tonight,
my darling.
That's why they're all here.
Yes, I know.
But still, we don't need
to make a meal out of it.
Woman: That fish
looks wonderful.
Bon appétit.
Love the capers.
Fabulous sauce.
So, when are we going to
hear this famous letter?
Paul can't stop
talking about it.
I know he's your boss,
Heidi, but you must take
everything he says
with a grain of fleur de sel.
Oh, this gravlax is better
than my mormor's,
and if she wasn't already dead,
she would die if she knew
it was made by an American.
From Pasadena, no less.
Please, Julia, read it to us. Yes.
Please, Julia, read it to us. Yes.
We're all so proud of you.
Yes, alright.
More Riesling, Anders?
Oh, why not?
I know, it's a little fruitier
than I expected,
but it's still got balls, and
it's wonderful with the fish.
That's perfect.
"Dear Mrs. Child"
Judith: "We have spent months
looking over your superb"
French cookbook studying it,
cooking from it
"And we have come to
the conclusion that it is a"
"a unique book
that we would"
drumroll please
"be very proud
to have on the Knopf"
Is it K-nopf or Nopf?
No one k-nows.
Yes, it turns out my time
in France was put to good use.
Paul worked like a dog spreading
American goodwill across Europe
whilst I ate.
I'll get it.
Keep reading.
So proud of you, kitten.
"I have been authorized"
Here we go.
"We consider it the best
and only working French cookbook
to date"
"which will do for
French cooking here in America"
what Rombauer's
'The Joy of Cooking'
"once did
for standard cooking"
"and we will sell it
that way."
When do we get it in Norway?
"It is certainly
a beautifully organized,"
clearly written, wonderfully
instructive manuscript.
"You have already
revolutionized my "
Is everything alright, my love?
That was D.C., summoning me
back for a meeting.
Oh, do you think
Oh, Paul, does that mean?
We could be back in Paris
in a month.
We will miss you.
Back to Paris!
Ah, Paris!
- Mmm!
- Mmm!
Good morning. Mm-hmm. Good morning.
A law was made a distant ♪
Da-da dee dum ♪
July and August
cannot be too hot ♪
In Camelot ♪
Oh, fudge.
Little devil.
Coffee's wonderful.
Thank you, dear.
You look lovely this morning.
I sure hope so.
I'm not camera ready,
as they say.
Mmm. What are you
gonna talk about?
I guess the book.
That's why I'm there, isn't it?
To promote the book
before everyone forgets
about it completely.
Such an old gasbag, that man.
WGBH is a fine institution.
It's still television.
Public television.
It's television. Not everyone agrees with you, darling.
It's television. Not everyone agrees with you, darling.
Avis loves her TV. She's a widow.
Avis loves her TV. She's a widow.
She needs company.
Maybe I tell
the sole meunière story
and really milk the part
when I cried
from its sheer deliciousness
and you didn't know
what was wrong.
Don't besmirch it. Oh, come now.
Don't besmirch it. Oh, come now.
I've told that tale
a thousand times.
It's sort of become
my signature.
It's almost like you took
my virginity twice.
First by fucking me
and then by feeding me.
It's mildly depressing, taking
something so seminal to you,
to us, and turning it into
a television anecdote
for Prince Albert
and his ghastly show.
But you'll watch?
I wouldn't miss it
for the world.
That was delicious, darling.
Now, wish me luck.
An empty canvas awaits
on the slow train towards death
that is forced retirement.
Yes, you and me both.
Yes, you and me both.
Has it really only been a year?
I'm Julia Child.
Yes, Mrs. Child.
If you head down the hallway,
you'll find the green room.
Thank you. I look
forward to watching.
Oh, that's awfully kind of you.
How lovely.
I've made a dozen or so
of your recipes so far.
Never been to France, but now my
husband says we don't have to.
Tell your husband
that Julia Child
says he must take you to France.
Yes, and that's an order.
Come in, come in.
Mrs. Child?
I just wanted to come by
and say hello.
It was my small idea
to have you on the show.
Ooh, how lovely.
And your name, dear?
I'm Alice Naman,
associate producer.
If there's anything I can do
for you, please let me know.
It's funny you should say that.
You wouldn't happen to have
a hot plate, would you?
Come in.
Do we have a hot plate?
Julia Child is asking
for a hot plate.
Of course she is.
The BBC is making docs
about prize-winning scientists
while we're peddling cookbooks.
So, we don't have a hot plate?
I have a hot plate.
I use it to boil water
for my tea.
- Okay.
- camera two.
Your usual comb.
And we're live in five,
four, three
Hello. And welcome to
"I've Been Reading."
Class is now in session.
I'm Albert Duhamel, of course,
associate arts professor
at Boston College,
and today, we're going
to do something
a little bit different.
Instead of, say, Steinbeck,
Capote, Heller,
or even Rand,
my guest this afternoon
writes cookbooks.
Yes, you heard that correctly.
Though, to be frank,
it would be rather disingenuous
for me to say
it's what "I've Been Reading,"
as I have never
actually read a cookbook.
Maybe for today, we'll
rename our little program
"What My Wife's
Been Reading."
No, but seriously, folks,
please welcome my guest,
Cambridge's own,
Mrs. Julia Child.
Duke, what a lovely introduction.
Uh, Duke?
Yes, isn't that what your
students call you at the college?
It's très charmant.
Now, not to hijack
the conversation,
but would you happen to know
where the outlet is?
The outlet?
Yes, to plug something in.
Well, I don't understand.
To plug what in?
Well, this hot plate, Duke.
There it is.
What is she doing?
Nothing to it but to do it.
So, I thought I'd make
a classic French omelette.
Are you alright down there?
Mm. Just a second.
I'm not sure the cord's
quite long enough.
That Ooh.
Got it. There.
Where were we?
Uh, omelettes?
Yes. Of course.
I just need this sucker
nice and hot.
A sizzling hot no-stick pan
is essential.
Eh, for making an omelette?
Well, yes, of course.
Keep up with me, Duke.
Do you like a good omelette?
Sure. Why not?
Yes, I just love them.
Nothing more, really,
than lightly coagulated eggs.
It's a perfect meal
and a lovely lunch.
Why is she so out of breath?
What did you have
for your lunch?
Uh, a tuna fish sandwich.
Oh, dear. Well,
I've come just in time.
They're just lovely
and tender and soft,
and, well, they take
barely half a minute.
For you, let's do three.
You look like
a three-egg man to me.
And then some some salt.
Fresh-ground pepper.
Fresh-ground pepper.
Don't be shy.
Give it a good whisk.
Would you like to try?
Oh, I'm going to teach you
to whisk
the way I was taught
at Le Cordon Bleu.
Like this?
Oh, put some elbow grease
into it!
Yes. Exactly that.
You're a natural.
I'm French-Canadian.
Yes, well, golly, it shows.
See, a great omelette needs
a great amount of butter.
I'd say a full tablespoon.
And don't be stingy, baby.
I like to use an inexpensive
no-stick pan.
Don't be fooled by what
I like to call status pans.
You've got to see this!
Aunt Julia's on TV!
Let the butter generously
coat the entire surface.
And just before the butter
begins to brown,
we add the eggs.
And then just gradually
jerk the pan towards you.
Et voilà!
Over she goes.
And there you have it
An omelette baveuse.
Salivating practically,
just like you are, Duke.
Shall we give it a try?
It's quite good. Mmm.
It barely takes seconds.
In fact, I'm going to enjoy it,
if I do say so myself.
I suggest you get cracking
and do the same.
Oh, cracking.
This is Albert Duhamel.
Thank you, and good day.
Class dismissed.
And we're out.
- Oh, what fun that was!
- Oh, what fun that was!
Oh, dear, I forgot
to talk about the book.
Oh, well.
Que Sera, Sera.
Well, that was utterly silly.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
So, I guess
no one's been reading.
Avis: To Julia. Paul: To Julia.
Avis: To Julia. Paul: To Julia.
Ooh! To me.
It was marvelous fun, really.
You could tell, honey.
You were radiant, just glowing.
Honestly, you seemed so relaxed.
Ha! I'd have been
shaking in my boots.
Hell, I was, sitting
in my goddamn armchair.
Good God, you were
a treasured guest
in living rooms all over Boston.
Ah! I'm a little jealous
to have shared you.
But I couldn't be more proud.
Me, too. Me, too.
Here, here.
That sole meunière story
gets richer and richer
each time she tells it.
What are you talking about?
She didn't tell the fucking
sole meunière story, Paul.
She made an omelette
with a hot plate
on a coffee table.
I mean, if it wasn't
so goddamn illuminating,
it would have been theatre
of the absurd.
But the table
was staggeringly low.
I We We don't have
a television, Avis.
Oh. And I was in the midst Oh.
And I was in the midst
of a burst of creativity
in my studio.
No excuse.
Shame on you, Paul.
Escargot, madame.
Say it's alright ♪
It's alright ♪
Say it's alright ♪
It's alright ♪
It's alright ♪
Have a good time ♪
'Cause it's alright ♪
Whoa, it's alright ♪
We're gonna move ♪
What is it, Paulski?
You've barely said two words
since we left the restaurant.
Honestly, I don't care
that you didn't see it.
You'd know if I was upset.
I'm upset, darling.
I just feel so damn guilty
about it.
Missing it or lying
about missing it?
Both, you devil.
Oh, forget about it, Paul.
I have, long ago.
And getting a talking-to
like that from Avis.
If we had a television, I would
most definitely have watched it
and been proud, to boot.
She had no right.
Then let's just buy one.
A TV, Paul.
We're not suckers, Julia,
falling for the latest fad.
Well, maybe TV's not a fad.
Good lord, it has to be.
I know I'll never buy one.
Well, good night.
Doctor Goldlist:
Deep breath.
I was covered in sweat again
this morning. Just covered.
It is the most peculiar feeling.
Deep breath.
Oh, what the heck.
We're both grownups.
I haven't been in the mood,
or, you know, feeling frisky,
but I guess I can chalk that up
to boredom,
retirement in Boston, Paul lying
about watching me on television.
You have no idea
what I'm talking about.
You're absolutely fine.
You're just going
through menopause.
Night sweats,
reduced sex drive
It's all completely
natural and normal.
Of course.
How embarrassing.
I have to tell you, I feel lucky
to be the benefactor
of all your hard work.
My wife has your cookbook.
How wonderful.
Paul: Hello?
I've just come
from the doctor's office.
Oh, not your back again?
I really thought raising
the counters in the kitchen
would make all the difference.
No, it's not my back.
My back's fine.
Then what?
Are you alright?
Tell me, kitten.
I'm right here.
Nothing. It's nothing.
Silly me.
Fit as a fiddle.
Strong as an ox.
Yes, everything's
all as it should be.
I just I actually called
because I'm off to Savenor's
to pick something up for dinner.
Any requests?
I trust you.
See you later, then.
What a delightful surprise.
I saw you the other day
on "I've Been Reading."
Oh, you're kidding.
You watched that?
It is sort of awful, but it
coincides nicely with nap time.
You were so funny.
Plugging in that hot plate
with your tush right in my face?
It's nice to see you.
Oh, I made a French omelette
for Norman this morning.
It came out perfect.
She's magnificent.
I could just eat her up.
Well, if you cooked her,
I bet she'd be delicious.
I saw Dorothy Zinberg today
coming out of Savenor's
as I was going in.
Was she with that awful baby?
Oh, Paul, she was precious.
And you'll never guess.
She saw me on TV.
Even made Norman an omelette.
That's nice. Isn't it? That's nice.
Isn't it?
I thought so.
"Dear Ms. Naman,
this is Julia Child writing,"
co-author of 'Mastering
the Art of French Cooking, '
and whom you so kindly
had as a guest
"on 'I've Been Reading.'"
"Well, no use beating
around the bush."
I've had a recurring thought
that I'd like to propose
to you
"An educational cooking show
hosted by myself."
Paul: Julie?
Is that you?
Yes, darling.
Oh, Paulski, it's marvelous.
And to think my pear clafoutis
helped inspire you.
Get outta here.
"A cooking show that would be
informal, easy, conversational,"
and yet timed to the minute.
Because the French
have treated cooking
as a serious profession
as well as an art,
they are far more precise
about their methods.
As I conceive of cooking,
the whole business
comes down to a series of themes
and variations
in which one learns
and then varies the technique.
I look forward to
hearing from you.
Julia Child?
It feels flimsy to me.
Not substantive.
This is public television,
for God's sakes.
Not to sound crass, but if we
were doing an educational show
involving cooking and food,
shouldn't we go with someone more relatable? More attractive.
shouldn't we go with someone more relatable? More attractive.
With a more camera-friendly look
and a less distinctive sound.
Shorter. Let's face it. Look who's on television.
Shorter. Let's face it. Look who's on television.
Well, I see that,
but the truth of the matter is,
we've gotten 27 letters
from hungry viewers
who want more Julia Child.
That many?
Are you sure
about those numbers?
They're on my desk, Russ.
I can go get them for you
right now if you want.
I'm surprised 27 people
watch us.
That joke is a no-no.
You know that.
27, huh?
Oh, I did the craziest thing.
I sort of sent in a proposal
about doing a show of my own.
A cookery show. What's a cookery show?
A cookery show. What's a cookery show?
Oh, I was hoping you'd tell me.
You get a drop of that on me,
and I'll kill ya.
Oh. Well
What were you thinking?
Well, that's just it.
I wasn't.
Don't you have a cookbook
to write?
Well, to be frank,
I think Simca's lost interest,
like the rest of the world.
Oh. Why we thought
that "Mastering"
needed a follow-up
We're desperately behind.
And yet you're out here,
washing your car.
Yes, well, it wasn't
going to wash itself.
You have a living,
breathing husband.
Who would turn this
into the restoration
of the Sistine Chapel,
and I need the car this year.
Oh! Julia!
Damn it.
Cookbooks need lots of
chocolate recipes, Simca.
The moment of truth.
I've just taken it
out of the oven, Simca.
It looks
I don't know what you did.
Mine looks incroyable.
What I did is follow
your directions
to the letter, my dear.
Your measurements
have not yielded.
Miss Julia, you know this.
It's not French to be
so exact, huh?
Well, I couldn't disagree
with you more.
It is the exactitude
that is what makes
French cuisine so elevated.
Yes, but you are are forgetting
the je ne sais quoi.
I can't very well instruct our
readers to have je ne sais quoi.
Oh, Simca, we can't use a recipe
that I'm not utterly convinced
American women can make
if they precisely follow
the directions.
That's what people love
about the first book
Its dependability.
Is it humid out?
No. Not a cloud
in the sky.
Then I don't know.
Make it again.
I will make it again!
I'll make it 100 times
until I get it exactly right.
It's only one recipe, ma cherie.
Oh, it's not one recipe,
ma cherie!
And I am starting to lose
my patience
with your unwillingness
to see that.
- Imbecile.
- Imbecile.
Fuck a duck!
Oh, thank goodness
you called back.
I didn't mean to hang up, Simca.
I just Well, I lost my cool.
It happens.
I'm a healthy girl
with loads of steam, and
At this rate,
I'm just deeply concerned
that we'll never finish
our big little project.
Alice: Hello?
Who is this?
This is Alice Naman
calling from WGBH.
It's so good to hear from you.
What gives me the pleasure?
Well, I received your letter
a few days back, and
And I was wondering
if you'd be willing to come in
so we can talk face-to-face?
That sounds lovely.
Good morning.
Mrs. Child.
Alice is expecting you.
She's the first door on the left.
Thank you.
When's your husband
taking you to France?
Alice: Come in.
I have a cake.
Would you mind?
It's called
the Queen of Sheba cake.
Sounds so exotic.
Oh, it's not really.
It's actually quite simple,
which is one of the reasons
I adore it.
It's made primarily of lots
of yummy chocolate and almonds,
and if you ask me, it's the best
darn chocolate cake
you've ever tasted.
Walk with me to the kitchen.
I read it right away,
and I could see it, but I'm
the only girl here, Julia.
It's hard for me,
and you have to understand,
it was a challenge just to
get them to take you seriously,
which they barely did.
But we've gotten 27 letters.
Is that a lot? Yes. Is that a lot?
Sounds rather meager.
For us.
People, women especially,
want to hear from you.
They do?
They do.
I'm afraid that is the end
of the good news.
Oh, I see.
They're all such snobs.
I'm sorry I dragged you
down here for this.
I just
I wanted to tell you in person.
Well, thank you.
I'm not giving up.
I'm going to keep pushing.
You're onto something so big.
I'm just sorry
that my colleagues
don't have the vision
to see it yet.
Where are these gentlemen?
Is that everyone?
Yes. Yes, it is.
Then I'll begin.
I've heard from Miss Naman.
Alice gave me the diagnosis.
Dead on arrival.
I get it.
I look in the mirror every day.
But I'm not giving up so easily.
One of the advantages
of looking like me
is that you learn at a young age
how not to take no
for an answer.
I'm sorry?
Make a trial episode,
and I'll pay for all of it
Food, equipment,
the whole kit and caboodle.
Air it, and if it gets traction,
well, we'll go from there.
What kind of cake is that?
Well, say yes, and not only
will I tell you,
but I'll give you
a most generous serving
of the most delicious gateau
you've ever tasted.
And I'll even share the recipe.
You see, what makes this dessert
so absolutely wicked
is its simplicity.
Your wife could whip it up,
and it would turn out
just like this one
on her first try.
I'm not married.
Oh, well, then I'll share
the recipe with you.
A trial episode, huh?
I think it's a brilliant idea.
Oh, really?
I wish I had thought of it.
With Mrs. Child
covering the cost,
we have nothing to lose.
Look, we've gotten more letters
for this woman
than any other guest in the
history of "I've Been Reading,"
and that includes
some blue chip authors.
I just want to say, for the
record, I'm against this.
No offense.
But is this really what we think
public television
should be doing?
Cut me a slice.
That's my happy boy.
A funny thing happened.
You'll never guess
who I got a call from.
James Beard.
Mm. No.
Though I like the way
your mind works.
And just out of the blue.
Well, who called, Jul?
Or rather, Alice Naman,
one of the producers there.
it's the craziest thing.
They want me back.
On "I've Been Reading"?
To promote what?
It'll be years before you and
Simca finish that damn book.
Always two beats ahead of me. Mm.
Always two beats ahead of me. Mm.
Apparently, they've gotten
an enormous response
from my little omelette-making
How enormous?
27 letters. Mm. 27 letters. Mm.
They want to test giving me
my own show.
Naturally, I was surprised,
but it seems awfully fun,
and I did love doing it.
But, Paul,
I need you here
to be my partner,
to navigate all of this for me.
So, I'm forced to retire
and you go back to work?
Darling, darling.
I won't do it
if you don't want me to,
but maybe, together,
and if you don't like it,
even if WGBH chooses to take it
forward, I won't do it.
It'll be your call.
I'm awfully proud of you.
But as merrymaking as it sounds,
I think it's ultimately
going to end up a distraction
from the serious work
you are doing with Simca.
Oh. You are changing the way Americans eat.
Oh. You are changing the way Americans eat.
That's God damn huge.
Maybe, when you finish
If we finish.
You asked me to be your partner.
And as your partner,
it would be shameful of me
not to tell you
how I really feel.
And how I really feel
is this, darling
I don't think it's a good idea.
Thank you, Paul.
Thank you for being honest
with me.
He didn't think
it was a good idea?
Apparently not.
The proposal you pitched
to them?
Kick me while I'm down,
why don't you?
So, you see,
I'm in rather a pickle.
A Paul pickle.
It's always a Paul pickle.
How much longer?
Well, it's another mile.
Where'd you pick up
this nasty habit?
They want to shoot a trial
episode, next week, no less.
Oh, shit.
And I do so want to do it.
I can hardly explain it.
When I try to put it into words,
it sounds rather banal,
even to me,
but there was something
about being in front of a camera
like that that just felt right.
It was
as if I came into focus.
That's fucking beautiful. Oh.
That's fucking beautiful. Oh.
You may need to help Paul see
what you've articulated
so artfully.
Don't look at me, honey.
I'm the third wheel
that crashes your dinners.
Oh, nonsense.
You're the one who figured out
how to get
"Mastering" published.
You know what you need?
You need someone Paul really
respects to rally his troops.
It's time to bring out
the big guns.
Did you grow?
Oh. Oh, girl,
I think you shrank.
Thank you.
That's just lovely.
And that's the thing, Judith.
We worked on God damn
Part One 10 years,
and we're already fading
from the discussion.
What discussion?
The discussion of how we eat.
That's not a discussion.
It's never been a discussion.
Your book made it seem like
we could start
having that discussion
for about five minutes.
But it's not a discussion,
as yet, we have in this country.
Well, it ought to be.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm not wearing one of those.
Oh, Judith, really.
Part of the fun.
For you, fine.
Sometimes, when I think,
the choices I made
and the choices Paul made,
the choices life made for us,
I fear, at the end of the day,
that it's all going to add up
to nothing more than lying flat
on a shelf of remainders.
Ooh, but at this
stage of my life,
I don't want to feel invisible.
I want to feel relevant.
I want to be relevant.
Well, then, you have to do it.
Ooh, that drawn butter
is criminally good.
Why, Judith,
a more liberal dipping
will really bring out the
sweetness of the lobster meat.
Allow me.
Mm. Ha. Mm. Ha.
There's more flesh in there if
you're willing to suck it out.
So, how can I be of service?
So, you came all the way
to Boston for that?
Sometimes, it's better to have
difficult conversations
Oh, come now.
They were that disappointed?
They were really hoping
you'd consider their offer,
especially as, as they see it,
you have nothing to lose.
Dinner is served.
Ooh. Dark meat? Of course. Ooh.
Dark meat? Of course.
Mmm. Yum.
It's just one episode.
Our answer is no.
Shoot it next week,
and then you can walk away.
No questions asked.
I said no.
I'm beginning to think the trip
was to see us, not them.
Oh, Paul.
Look, Judith,
I have enormous respect for you,
for Anne Frank alone,
but how can I be so base
as to let my good wife
hock her wares like
a door-to-door salesman
on television?
Bon appétit, everyone.
It's public television, Paul.
Its mandate is to educate.
As yet, it hasn't figured out
how to do that
without putting people to sleep.
But this this amorphous thing
they're proposing
could be anything.
You two can make it anything
and do something
to better this still-young
country while you're at it.
You were a diplomat
for so many years.
Think of it
as cultural diplomacy.
And Julia as our attaché.
That's what it is, isn't it?
Our time in France changed us
both in such a profound way.
What we eat is
so deeply connected
to how we see ourselves,
to our our role
in our society.
So true.
And yet, I've never heard it
articulated so beautifully.
I can almost see it.
Earthen, yet international.
A budding rose in
a forest of dandelions.
A beacon shining her light
into the darkness
of the American kitchen.
It's too much, Paul.
I really think your original
impulse was the right one.
Can't even fathom it
at this point of our lives.
But you're a star.
So, should we say yes?
It has to be rarefied.
And Francophile.
Of course. Absolutely. Of course.
If she's going to do it,
she needs to do it right.
Keep it smart.
Keep it true.
At the same time, my love,
I do think it should be a show
where any old American housewife
in the country
can make whatever it is
I'm making.
French food for everyone,
not just the White House.
And yet, at the same time,
highly discerning.
You can see it, can't you?
- Yes, I can Yes.
- Yes, I can Yes.
To Julia.
And her Michelin chicken.
To Julia.
To us.
We should show it
to some people.
A gallery.
This is your moment, Paul.
Paul. Paul. Dear.
Hmm? Oh.
Mm. Mm. Mm.
Mm. No. No.
What? I'm just a little warm. What?
I'm just a little warm.
Out of the tree of life ♪
I just picked me a plum ♪
You came along ♪
And everything started'in
to hum ♪
Still, it's a real good bet ♪
The best is yet to come ♪
Best is yet to come ♪
And, babe,
won't that be fine? ♪
Hello, dear.
I'm hoping you can help me
deposit this royalty check.
You think you've seen the sun Is it a
crime if I ask where the royalties come from?
But you ain't
seen it shine ♪
My cookbook.
I wrote a cookbook.
Must be some book.
A-wait till the warm-up's
under way ♪
Wait till our lips
have met ♪
And wait till you see
that sunshine day ♪
You ain't seen nothing yet ♪
Hello, young man. The best is yet to come ♪
Hello, young man. The best is yet to come ♪
And, babe, won't that be fine? If you
wouldn't mind helping an old lady like me,
I'd like to buy a television.
If you'll follow me.
Best is yet to come ♪
Come the day you're mine ♪
Come the day you're mine ♪
I'm gonna teach you to fly ♪
We've only tasted the wine ♪
We're gonna drain
the cup dry ♪
Wait till your charms
are ripe ♪
For these arms to surround ♪
You think
you've flown before ♪
But, baby,
you ain't left the ground ♪
A-wait till you're locked
in my embrace ♪
Wait till I draw you near ♪
A-wait till you see
that sunshine place ♪
Ain't nothing like it here ♪
The best is yet to come ♪
And, babe,
won't it be fine? ♪
The best is yet to come ♪
Come the day you're mine ♪
Come the day you're mine ♪
And you're gonna be mine ♪
Next Episode