Julie and the Phantoms (2020) s01e02 Episode Script


[whimsical music plays]
[rock guitar riff plays]
Oh, dude, why'd you stop me?
Julie needs a hug.
Bro, a ghost hug isn't
the feel-good moment
that you think it is. All right?
Trust me. What Julie needs right now
is just a bit of privacy.
You know what? I think you poofed us out
because you can't handle
when people cry.
I should know.
I cried in a room for 25 years,
and I didn't get a single hug
from either of you.
-All right. Bring it in.
-Don't touch me!
This is why no one hugs you.
I think the first thing we should do,
once we get the courage
to go in there, is ask Julie
why she lied about playing the piano.
Yeah, you know,
maybe tell her how amazing she is.
-Yeah, course, bro.
She's legit. I got ghost bumps.
[Flynn sobs quietly]
Oh my gosh. Was she crying too?
And the only thing scarier
than one girl crying is two girls crying.
-He's right.
-Guys, we definitely can't go in there.
But we can listen.
[mischievous music plays]
Carlos told me you'd be out here.
We need to talk.
Are you OK?
No, I'm not OK!
You just got kicked out of music!
I've been up all night
thinking about what I was gonna say.
Might've drank seven sodas,
but I need to get this out.
-Wait. I have something to tell you--
-No, it's my turn to talk.
You can't give up music.
Your music's like a gift,
that would be a tragedy.
So, you're basically, like,
canceling Christmas, and I love Christmas!
-Flynn, I--
When we were six, we promised
to be in a band together. Double Trouble.
I never agreed to that name.
[sighs] That's not the point.
Jules, if you leave the music program,
we'll be apart forever.
That's just what happens.
Sure we'll see each other
in the hall sometime, but
we'll have different lives,
make new friends.
That's not true.
You're right.
I won't be making any new friends.
The only time we'll contact each other
is when we'll be liking each other's posts
on Instagram.
Every time
I'll be hitting that little heart,
my heart will be breaking
because my best friend left me, and
Do you have any soda? My head hurts.
Can I talk now?
I just played the piano and sang again.
What? Why didn't you just say so?
I was trying,
then your seven sodas kicked in.
I'm so happy for you!
And me!
Look at you, looking all,
I don't know, alive again.
Right? It's like I drank seven sodas.
What made you play again?
[sentimental music plays]
I found this song my mom wrote me.
I know.
I was so afraid to play it.
Anything involving music
reminds me of her.
And then I woke up this morning
realizing that's why I should play it.
To keep her memory alive.
[chuckles lightly]
Aw! Come here.
[gasps] We need to tell Mrs. Harrison
you can play so you can stay in school
and my life won't be that sad picture
I just painted for you.
My girl's back.
Double Trouble lives again!
Not our band name.
I gave you a T-shirt in the 7th grade
that says otherwise.
[mystical music plays]
Oh hey!
Let's hustle!
Don't worry! We weren't listening.
Oh. Uh
Oh. [giggles awkwardly]
[Julie] Let's go!
I wonder why Julie didn't tell us
she could shred on the piano?
And sing. That girl can sing.
It probably has something to do
with her mom. You know?
Must've been hard.
Anyway, I really feel for her.
Yeah, but
now she's got music back in her life,
just like us.
Yeah, I'm not sure
you can call what we have a life.
Oh hey, some of the clothes
we left behind are still up here.
[Alex chuckles]
-[Reggie giggles]
-Oh, same clothes since '95, boys.
[mystical music plays]
[Reggie exhales, groans]
Oh, that was weird!
But somehow I can tell
this man has a kind heart.
So, how've ya been?
Honestly, not that good.
See, we ate these hot dogs, and--
Julie sang for the first time
this morning.
She hadn't done that in almost a year.
You would've loved it.
Yeah, we saw 'cause we were
-[shutter clicks]
Oh, I get it.
He He's not talking to us.
You are so lucky you can play bass.
Pretty sure he's talking to Julie's mom.
She's such an amazing young woman.
Every day she reminds me
more and more of you.
Called it.
Oh, I'm, uh
I'm taking pictures
for the real estate website.
I don't really wanna move, but
I guess it's best for Julie.
There's so many memories
of Julie playing next to you, and
[chuckles] Carlos trying to sing
with his missing two front teeth.
[Luke breathes shakily]
Oh no, Luke, not you too.
[Luke holds back sobs]
He He's talking about moving,
but the poor guy, he doesn't wanna move.
-[Luke sniffles]
-[shutter clicks]
It's like they grew up
out here.
Oh man, now's he's got me too.
OK, how am I the emotional one?
C-C-Can we go see my family
and see how they're doing?
Yeah, listening to this feels wrong.
Hey, do you remember
when the kids were at your sister's,
and we came out here on our anniversary
Yeah. No, definitely wrong.
Ooh! Yep.
[Mrs. Harrison] Believe me,
I think it's wonderful
that you sang again.
I prayed for this moment
for almost a year.
But it's too late.
What if you just hear her play?
You know she's amazing.
It wouldn't matter.
A new student starts tomorrow.
-[sighs] There's only--
-So many spots,
and if I don't participate, I'm out.
I know.
I did everything I could
to keep you here this year,
but Principal Lessa was very clear
that yesterday was your last chance.
You'll have to reapply next semester.
-[sad music plays]
-[bell rings]
I'm truly sorry.
[door opens]
[Mrs. Harrison] Hand these out, please.
[boy] Go, go, go! To me!
-[girl 1] Come on!
-[girl 2] Pass it up!
A bike shack
right where my house used to be.
Right here.
Yeah, I'm sorry, man.
[Reggie] They made the Meyersons' house
into a noodle shop.
Why couldn't they have made mine
a pizzeria or something?
They tore down the whole neighborhood.
I guess my folks are gone.
No. Everyone's gone.
Twenty-five years, gone.
Friends, family,
Bobby, everyone.
Bobby, that's right.
I guess that vegetarian lucked out.
What do you think happened to him?
He probably just got old
like everybody else and moved on.
Dude, how are you so casual
about all of this?
-Don't you wanna figure out what happened?
-Let's be real for a second.
It's not like we were that close
to our families.
My folks always regretted
buying me that guitar.
Reggie, your parents were literally
a fight away from a divorce.
Alex, I
Your parents were never cool again
after you told them you were gay.
OK. None of us had it great.
All right? But at least we had something.
You know, what do we have now?
And before you say
cool teleportation skills,
just know
I'm not entirely OK with that either.
All right? It tingles.
In weird places.
I'll tell you what we had.
It's what we've had
since the day we came together.
Boys, we have us.
We're the only family
we're ever gonna need.
-You know what else we have?
-I'm gonna guess death breath.
Our music, you dork. [chuckles]
We have our music, you guys.
People, actual people, can hear us play!
They can't see us, fine,
but they can feel us.
If I had my guitar,
I'd play for all these people right now.
Just like what we used to do
down at the pier.
They can't tip what they can't see.
It's not about the tips, Alex.
It's about playing music.
Connecting with people.
Making a difference in their day.
I just I wish I had my guitar.
[discordant note plays]
-That was rad. How'd you do that?
-I don't know.
I-I-I mean, I wished for it,
and then it came in my hands
I-I-I wish I had a puppy.
-A hamster?
[sighs] Pizza?
Hey, I think I know something
that'll cheer you up.
[plays upbeat tune]
Come on, Reginald!
A one, two, three, four.
Can you? ♪
Can you hear me? ♪
Yep, loud and clear!
We gotta get ♪
Gotta get ready ♪
'Cause it's been years!
Whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪
This band is back ♪
Whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪
This band is back ♪
-[kids cheer, giggle]
-[band] Woohoo, ooh, ooh ♪
Woohoo, ooh, ooh ♪
Woohoo, ooh, ooh ♪
-Can you ♪
-Yes, we can ♪
Can you hear me? ♪
Loud and clear ♪
We gotta get, wanna get
We gotta get ready ♪
-'Cause it's been years ♪
Hey ♪
Whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪
This band is back ♪
-[band] Whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪
-[boy] Yeah!
This band is back ♪
You won't find the speaker.
It's direct spot audio.
I heard about it in a TED talk.
[girl] Cool.
-[girl giggles, whoops]
-Woohoo, ooh, ooh ♪
Whoo-ooh ♪
[Alex] Yee-ha!
[band scat sings]
[band continues scat singing]
What are you doing in my room?
-[high-pitched] Um
We were looking for the kitchen?
This This can't happen. It's creepy.
Get off my bed, please.
Hey, Julie.
-What's in the box?
-That's off-limits.
[chuckling] Oh. Oh, OK.
Girl stuff.
-Oh, like butterflies and glitter?
-Oh, come on.
I'm sorry about them.
It's none of your business.
And yes, there might be some glitter.
Hey! [chuckles]
I actually picked something up.
I dropped it.
-Is that your mom?
-Yes, and it's my favorite picture of us.
You break it, I'll break you.
OK, well, sorry because we're kind of
unbreakable at this point.
I don't get it.
You guys can mess up my bed,
pick up your instruments,
but you can't pick up other stuff?
I know, right? It's hard.
But for some reason,
our instruments, easy.
Yeah, like super easy.
Oh, and check out what I learned today.
[grunts, groans] Ah!
Yeah, that looked super easy.
It's like I always thought,
our instruments are attached to our souls.
-[footsteps approaching]
-[dad] Hey.
Everything OK?
-I'm fine.
-[dad] OK.
-I thought I heard you talking to someone.
Must've been my laptop
that I just closed.
[chuckles lightly] OK.
If you need anything
Yeah. Thanks.
[Alex exhales sharply]
Your dad seems like the kind of guy
who likes to barbecue.
I bet he has a great ribs recipe.
I don't know.
But if you guys wanna talk to me,
we have to do it in the studio.
He's worried about me enough as it is.
He seems chill.
You should just tell him about us.
You're kidding, right?
This past year,
everyone's been watching over me,
being super nice,
as if they're waiting for me to snap.
If I tell my dad I met a ghost band,
I'll be back to talking to Dr. Turner
three days a week.
[clicks tongue]
You probably shouldn't tell him.
-Oh my gosh!
I told you to leave that alone!
I know.
You just shouldn't have said nothing
'cause now
I can't stop thinking about it, so
What's in the box, Julie?
It's just my dream box, OK?
Whenever I get a thought,
I write it down and get it out of my mind.
Like lyrics?
They would be if I still wrote music
like I used to with my mom.
Now it's just full of stuff
that doesn't make me sad.
But, I mean, you do play.
We heard you this morning.
In the garage?
So you were there too?
-Uh I don't
-Uh He was, like
-We were
So, where is your kitchen, by the way?
OK, we need to set some boundaries.
For starters,
stay out of my room!
-Mm-hmm. Crystal clear. Let's go.
-We're leaving.
[Reggie] Yes, ma'am! We are out of here.
[Reggie strums guitar strings]
Um, sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.
Did you get back into your music program?
No. No, I didn't.
I'm sorry. That really sucks.
Is that it?
Yeah. Yeah.
This is getting weird.
[game music plays, beeping]
[Julie] Hey, Dad.
What'cha working on?
Well, now that the house is on the market,
we need to add some photos to the website.
Help me pick some good ones.
-Got this batch right here.
-[Julie] These are really nice.
These didn't turn out, though.
The ones from mom's studio.
It's like
little lights and dots all over the place.
Kinda look like orbs, right?
I've seen some freaky stuff
about those on YouTube.
People say they're ghosts.
Do you think that's Mom
and she made some friends?
[chuckles] That's a nice thought,
but there are no such things as ghosts.
Sounds like someone's
spending too much time on the internet.
-You can just trash those.
-All right.
So trash, trash, trash.
Um, Dad?
I was thinking,
if we're just moving 'cause of me,
and you and Carlos wanna stay,
-I'm fine with that.
-I vote we stay!
I don't wanna have to clean under my bed.
What made you have second thoughts?
I don't know.
I guess a combination of things.
[chuckles lightly] I know that tía says
that moving is moving on,
but I don't think that's the answer.
I totally agree with you on that.
I mean, I think
I think moving on
has to come from the inside.
And one of us took a huge step
this morning.
All our memories of Mom are here,
and we should be too.
Can we stay?
All votes are in.
Yes! Yes. Yes! Thank you. [chuckles]
-I love you, Dad.
-Get in here. Come on.
-Mm! Big tight group hug.
-[Julie chuckles]
[sighs] OK.
Somebody help me find my phone.
I need to call the real estate agent.
Oh, um, I think I saw it in the kitchen.
[Julie sighs]
[mischievous music plays]
[guitar riff plays]
[sighs heavily]
I'm never gonna get used to that.
[Julie sighs]
Do you guys even eat?
I just wanna see what'cha got.
Hey! You know how long
it took me to open that?
Sorry, I don't believe in wasting power.
Good. Because that's exactly
what I wanted to talk to you about.
Our power usage?
No. The power that you have.
Your voice. Your piano playing.
Dude, you're like a human wrecking ball.
[chuckles lightly] Is this a pep talk?
What I'm saying is
that you have the power to move people.
To knock them off their feet.
There is no way your teachers
wouldn't let you back into school
if they heard you play like that.
I asked her. She said
I have to wait until next semester.
That was your first mistake.
Sunset Curve booked gigs by doing.
We went into ambush mode.
We played in front of clubs.
We played in back of clubs.
We even played book clubs.
Book clubs?
We didn't get many gigs out of that one,
but they did have some gnarly snacks.
I'm just saying, don't ask for permission.
Swing that wrecking ball of talent
at your teacher's head,
and smash those stupid rules
right outta their brains.
This isn't a club, it's a school,
and your plan sounds violent.
It's a closed door,
and you gotta bust it open.
[Julie scoffs]
Sorry. Once I start with the metaphors,
I can't stop.
I learned that in book club.
They're not just gonna let me back in.
[Luke chuckles lightly]
If getting back into music
is what you want,
then you gotta go for it.
Learn from me. Your tainted hot dog
could be right around the corner.
-I don't even have anything prepared.
-Thought you'd say that.
It's called "Bright."
It's a Sunset Curve song I wrote
that we never got to record.
But it's perfect for your range.
Check out the chorus for a second.
If you add a bit of piano,
I'm telling you
Your eyes, through the night ♪
You and I
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
And rise through the night ♪
You and I
We will fight to shine together ♪
Go up high. 
[harmonizing] Bright forever ♪
Yes! [chuckles]
[chuckles lightly]
[plays discordant trumpet notes]
[plays discordant trumpet notes]
What are you doing, and where is everyone?
[sighs] Spirit assembly.
I was kind of blowing it off
'cause I wasn't feeling very spirity.
You OK?
Not really.
I had this new plan
to play for Mrs. Harrison,
hoping that she'd let me back in, but
I guess I missed my chance.
you didn't.
[dance music plays]
Whoa-oh-oh  ♪
Whoa-oh-oh  ♪
-[cheering, applause]
-Whoa-oh-oh ♪
Whoa-oh-oh ♪
See 'em look
Hear 'em, "Ohh ahh" ♪
-Hands up, throw back, booyah ♪
We're the best, no doubt ♪
Check it out
Yeah, we make 'em say, "Wow" ♪
Made moves on the rise now ♪
Look who spent all her daddy's money 
on costumes
and Katy Perry's choreographer.
Well, it paid off.
Make 'em say, "Wow" ♪
Yeah, we're going sky-high
Never gon' settle ♪
Living in the fast lane
Pedal to the metal ♪
We see it, we want it
We get it, we got it ♪
Everybody lose control ♪
We came to play, where you at ♪
We're going hard just like that ♪
Yeah, we the bomb, chain react ♪
Blow their minds and watch them ♪
See 'em look
Hear 'em, "Ohh ahh" ♪
Hands up, throw back ♪
-What are you doing here?
-We wanna see you stick it to the man.
-Isn't that right, boys?
-Man, I miss high school.
Made moves on the rise now ♪
Run stuff get a piece of that pie now ♪
We're the best, no doubt ♪
Check it out
Yeah, we make 'em say, "Wow" ♪
Come follow me
We gon' make history ♪
'Cause we are the champions
Like Freddie Mercury ♪
Yeah, we gonna rock you
Never gonna not do ♪
Always making headlines
Yeah, we the hot news ♪
See 'em look
Hear 'em, "Ohh ahh" ♪
Hands up
Throw back, booyah ♪
-We're the best, no doubt ♪
-No doubt ♪
Check it out
Yeah, we make them say, "Wow" ♪
Wo-ow ♪
Wo-ow ♪
Wo-ow ♪
Check it out
Yeah, we make them say, "Wow" ♪
-Thank you!
-[girl] We love you, Carrie!
Oh, I love you too!
Make sure to check out
my new YouTube video.
Oh, go Bobcats.
Thank you, Dirty Candy.
Now's your chance. Go talk to her.
See you in music class.
That was sweet.
-[awkward silence]
-[Mrs. Harrison clears throat]
OK then. Before we let you go,
we have a few more announcements
What are you waiting for?
Yeah. I mean, you look really nervous.
Like yack in a bowl nervous.
I just don't think I had enough time
to work on the song.
I wouldn't have given you the song
if I didn't think you were gonna rock it.
Now, there's a piano on that stage
with your name on it.
[Lessa] We look forward
to our girls swim team
defending our state championship.
Go, Bobcats!
-[Mrs. Harrison] Whoo!
[plays notes, stops]
You got this.
[resumes playing]
Sometimes I think I'm falling down ♪
I wanna cry ♪
I'm callin' out ♪
For one more try ♪
To feel alive ♪
And when I feel lost and alone ♪
I know that I can make it home ♪
Fight through the dark ♪
And find the spark ♪
Life is a risk, but I will take it ♪
Close my eyes and jump ♪
Together I think that we can make it ♪
Come on, let's run ♪
And rise through the night ♪
-[students cheer]
-You and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
And rise through the night
You and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
-Uh, is this really happening?
-Just go with it.
-In times that I doubted myself ♪
-[students cheer]
I felt like I needed some help ♪
Stuck in my head ♪
With nothing left ♪
I feel something around me now ♪
So unclear, lifting me out ♪
I found the ground ♪
I'm marching on ♪
-Life is a risk, but we will take it ♪
-[students cheer]
Close my eyes and jump ♪
Together I think that we can make it ♪
Come on, let's run ♪
And rise through the night
You and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
And rise through the night
You and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
-Bright forever ♪
-[students cheer]
In times that I doubted myself ♪
-I felt like I needed some help ♪
-[students cheer]
Stuck in my head ♪
With nothing left ♪
And when I feel lost and alone ♪
I know that I can make it home ♪
Fight through the dark ♪
-And find the spark ♪
-[students cheer]
[all] And rise through the night
You and I ♪
-We will fight to shine together ♪
-Shine together ♪
-Bright forever ♪
-Bright forever ♪
And rise through the night
You and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
[students cheer]
[raucous applause, cheering]
[students gasp]
[girl 1] What the?
[girl 2] Amazing!
-[boy 1] Did you see that?
-[boy 2] What just happened?
-[girl 3] What?
-[boy 3] Wow!
[boy 4] What was that?
Did you see that?
["Bright" plays]
Sometimes I think I'm falling down ♪
I wanna cry ♪
I'm callin' out ♪
For one more try ♪
To feel alive ♪
And when I feel lost and alone ♪
I know that I can make it home ♪
Fight through the dark ♪
And find the spark ♪
Life is a risk, but I will take it ♪
Close my eyes and jump ♪
Together I think that we can make it ♪
Come on, let's run ♪
And rise through the night
You and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
And rise through the night
You and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
[Julie and Luke]
And rise through the night, you and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
[all] And rise through the night
You and I ♪
We will fight to shine together ♪
Bright forever ♪
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