Julie and the Phantoms (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

I Got the Music

[whimsical music plays]
[rock guitar riff plays]
[school bell rings]
Ain't gonna fight it
'Cause it's useless ♪
I can't get this music out of my head ♪
It's like the beat is taking over ♪
Weight off of my shoulders
Dancing instead ♪
[girl] Here we go.
And something's feeling different
In the hallways ♪
Something's looking
Looking like it's changed ♪
I've been moving to the rhythm
For the whole day ♪
A million lyrics
Running through my brain ♪
Everybody here we go ♪
This thing is unstoppable ♪
Haven't felt this in a minute
It's incredible ♪
I got the music back inside of me ♪
Every melody and chord ♪
Can't stop the music
Back inside my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
I got the music ♪
It won't let me go ♪
I got the music ♪
Just like a radio ♪
I got the music ♪
Streaming from my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
Don't care if everybody's watching ♪
Silence ain't an option
It's out of my hands ♪
-[sousaphone plays]
-[Julie giggles]
I feel the beat takin' me higher ♪
Baby, this is fire
This is my jam ♪
And something's feeling different
In the hallways ♪
Something's looking
Looking like it's changed ♪
I've been moving to the rhythm
For the whole day ♪
A million lyrics
Running through my brain ♪
Everybody, here we go ♪
This thing is unstoppable ♪
Haven't felt this in a minute ♪
It's incredible ♪
I got the music back inside of me ♪
Every melody and chord ♪
Can't stop the music
Back inside my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
I got the music ♪
It won't let me go ♪
I got the music ♪
Just like a radio ♪
I got the music ♪
Streaming from my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
-Can you hear it? ♪
-[all] Yes! ♪
Can you hear the music? ♪
I got the music back inside of me ♪
-Can you hear it? ♪
-[students] Yeah!
Can you hear the music? ♪
I got the music back inside of me ♪
Yeah, we got the music back inside
Let's do this ♪
Back like it's exclusive ♪
Wavy like a cruise ship ♪
Look at Julie go ♪
-She all in the zone ♪
-Oh, yeah ♪
Headlining a show ♪
Mic drop and we go ♪
Ah, boom cat
Boom, boom cat ♪
That's the sounds that you get
With a marching band ♪
Like, hey!
Let me hear the drumline ♪
Like, hey!
That bassline cray ♪
This one is ridiculous
Whoa, no, sir, they can't handle this ♪
No, we on top of the world
Never looked down ♪
We got the melody back
Can't stop now ♪
[blows whistle]
Hey, hey, hey, hey! ♪
[dance music plays]
[glass shattering]
[students] Aaah ♪
I got the music back inside of me ♪
Every melody and chord ♪
Can't stop the music
Back inside my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
I got the music ♪
It won't let me go ♪
I got the music ♪
Just like a radio ♪
I got the music ♪
Streaming from my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
[students] Julie! Julie! Julie!
Julie! Julie! Julie!
-[Julie hums]
-[boy] Hey.
Are you done?
I need my sticks back.
-[hums "I've Got the Music"]
-[Flynn laughs]
Hey, what's up?
Nothing. It's just nice
seeing you back to your weirdo self.
So how's the band? Still hot?
Still talented?
Still dead?
[chuckles] Amazing.
Luke and I spent the whole weekend
writing songs.
-Come on. You wanna hear some of them?
Like it was flowing through me
like when I used to write with Mom.
So, this is the first song
Luke and I wrote.
Here's a bit of the chorus.
'Cause we're standing
On the edge of great ♪
Great ♪
Great ♪
Wow! I like it!
Definite Gaga vibes.
I think we have an anthem with this one.
It's something
my mom and I were working on.
Luke and I finished it. Check it out.
And it's one, two, three, four times ♪
That I've tried for one more night ♪
Light a fire in my eyes ♪
I'm going out of my mind ♪
-That's That's beautiful.
And my girl's got a crush,
and his name is Luke.
What? No. Luke's a ghost.
A cute ghost.
With a perfect smile.
Ha! I knew it!
Just remember he's made of air.
Cute air.
Just don't get hurt, OK?
You guys have a connection.
Everybody's wondering
when you'll play again.
Play again?
We don't even have anything planned.
Luke and I have just been focused
on writing songs.
Lucky for you, your marketing team
has been way ahead of you.
I don't have a marketing team.
Yes, you do!
And surprise!
You're playing the school dance tonight,
and I'm DJ-ing too.
I posted it all over social media.
You have an excellent marketing team.
No. No.
-This is in front of the whole school.
-[phone buzzes]
Sorry, you already have 68 likes.
[Julie huffs]
We're playing a school dance? Sweet!
It's not exactly the Strip.
And you're not exactly alive,
so you should be happy
we have our first gig.
I wasn't in love with the idea
at first either,
but it could be a great way
for us to build a following, right?
Yeah. Yeah. We need to play
wherever we can, whenever we can.
No, you're right.
Let's rock those kids' faces off
and then play the clubs.
And then record a single
that gets a billion streams?
I don't know what that is, but hopefully
it gets us a manager and a tour.
Then we release a bunch of hit albums.
Put out a country album
that does surprisingly well.
I shred on the banjo, so
-Then I'll learn how to fiddle.
-And before you know it,
we're being inducted
into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame.
But one of us isn't there.
Because we had a blowout in 2032.
My money's on Alex.
-He's so sensitive.
-[Luke] What are we waiting for?
-Let's get rehearsing!
-Uh Where is Alex?
You know what?
I don't think this is about the art.
I think you just like breaking the rules.
You should try it sometime.
We're going in there, aren't we?
[chuckles lightly]
Sick, right?
[drops skateboard]
And we got the whole place to ourselves.
-[rock music plays]
-[Willie laughs]
Huh! Oh! [chuckles]
Woo-hoo! Ha!
[giggles, grunts]
Oh, dude. Move that bench over here.
I'm gonna try to jump it.
Uh Yeah. I can't move that.
I can barely move small things.
Dude, trust me.
If you focus on putting all your energy
into your hands,
you can move anything.
All right. [strains]
[both chuckle]
No, I guess
I gotta start doing ghost push-ups.
[sighs] No. You just gotta focus.
I've always had a hard time focusing.
I've always been a little anxious,
and then I died.
Which did not calm me down.
We got this.
-[Alex grunts]
-[soft rock music plays]
Yo, you've got, like, ten seconds
-to get on.
-Yeah, all right!
All right. Let's go, let's go, let's go.
All the way, all the way, all the way.
Not bad, man.
All right, stay there. Stay there.
[Willie skates]
Oh man!
That felt good.
You're wired a little tight, huh?
Is that why you started playing drums?
To help you with your anxiety?
Yeah. I mean, pretty much.
There's no better way
to work out your problems
than wailing on some drums, right?
Hey, do you know
what makes me feel better?
Yelling in
[yells loudly]
-[yells weakly]
-You gotta stand up.
-You gotta put your heart into it, man.
[both yell]
[exhales sharply]
Feels good.
Yeah. It does.
[rock music plays]
One more time.
-Oh. Hey, Alex.
-Where have you been?
We need to start practicing.
Yeah? For what?
Dance news!
I don't have a date.
But I don't care because I'm so psyched
to see you guys perform.
Oh man! We're playing a dance?
Of course, dude.
That's how we get a following nowadays.
Yeah, get with the program, Alex.
The guys are here? [tuts]
Hey, guys!
Other way, sweetie.
OK, well, now that
Alex has graced us with his presence,
-can we start working?
-Yes! We're gonna rehearse.
You wanna stick around?
I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons
for the school dance,
but this sounds way better.
Hey, Julie.
Remember those orbs in Dad's pictures?
I I think they're ghosts.
But don't worry. This room is
This room is clean.
I'm not getting the ghost tinglies.
Wrong again, little dude.
Have no fear.
If they come back, I will protect you,
because I am the man of the house.
Isn't Dad supposed to be
the man of the house?
There can be two.
-Dad needs all the help he can get, right?
According to the internet,
salt burns their souls out.
[ominous music plays]
A little sprinkle will keep them
from ever coming in here.
Oh God, I'm
I'm fine.
I'm fine. Totally fine.
[clears throat]
Carlos, you know who's hungry?
Um, salt me a path to the kitchen.
[Alex] Phew.
-Shall we try this again?
-Yes, please. But remind us later.
There's some Sunset Curve songs
to show you.
Ooh! Show me now.
Yeah, OK.
"Home Is Where My Horse Is?"
Reggie, stop putting your country songs
in my journal.
-That was a gift.
-Thanks, buddy.
You should maybe circle back
I dog-eared the ones
that I think you would slay.
[chuckles lightly]
-Who's Emily?
-That one's not dog-eared.
"If you could only know
that I never let you go."
[chuckles] Wow, Luke,
I didn't know you were such a romantic.
-He's not. That one's actually about--
-No one.
Uh, that's just something
that I tried, and
But if you go to the next dog-eared page,
I got a tune that's just
It's got a killer beat.
[plucks strings]
[rock riff plays]
So you wanna sample.
-What do you mean "sample"?
-Sample someone else's music.
Me and my mom used to sing that song
at the top of our lungs all the time.
It's a classic Trevor Wilson song.
It's a classic our song.
Pure Sunset Curve.
Never even heard of Trevor Wilson.
Maybe you're mixing it up,
you know, with another song.
I don't mix up songs. Trust me.
Me and his daughter
used to be best friends.
I used to hang out at their place
all the time. I know that song.
I'll prove it.
[Julie taps keys]
His first album had a bunch of hits,
but none of his latest stuff is as good.
That's Bobby.
I just told you his name is Trevor.
OK, great. Then
Then he changed it, all right?
That's definitely Bobby.
He was our rhythm guitarist.
[scoffs] Trevor Wilson was in your band?
I can't get over how old he looks.
He looks like a substitute teacher.
what were his other hits?
"Get Lost."
Yeah. I wrote that.
-"Long Weekend"?
-Yeah, Luke wrote that one too.
"Crooked Teeth"?
And that.
It was about Reggie.
What? I thought it was about you!
I don't like that song anymore.
This is freaking me out.
Trevor's songs are kind of big to me.
-He's the one who introduced me to rock.
-Yeah. Luke introduced you to rock.
So this whole time,
I thought you were connected to my mom.
[Alex sighs]
But instead,
you're connected to Carrie's dad?
Out of all people, it had to be
the one girl who had it out for me.
All right, well,
add it to our list of questions.
Back when Carrie and I were friends,
the three of us used to talk about music
all the time.
He never mentioned you guys.
And that's unbelievable!
OK, he can take all the credit,
and he doesn't even mention us?
And he's rich.
He has his own helicopter.
[sighs, groans]
He has He has a a helicopter?
With his face on it.
And he parks it in front of that hotel?
No. He gets to park it
in front of his mansion.
-Dude, we live in a garage.
It's not about the money.
It's about the music!
-It's a little bit about the money though!
-A little bit about the money.
He could have shared it with our families.
Maybe then my parents wouldn't have had
their house turned into a bike shack.
What he did is steal our legacy.
[tense music plays]
Where does he live?
Above the beach in Malibu.
-Let's go teach him a lesson.
-Wait. What? Guys!
We have to rehearse for the dance.
This is our first gig!
OK, boys.
Break time's over, OK?
Get to playing.
Mama needs her eye candy.
They're gone.
I think I just unleashed
three angry ghosts on the world.
But I think I know where they're going.
Come on.
[soft rock music plays]
Bobby's house is ridiculous.
-Have you seen these platinum records?
He recorded "My Name Is Luke!"
My name is Luke!
It's him!
Hey, Carrie. I'm gonna meditate.
He wears sunglasses indoors.
[Carrie] I'm in the den!
I can't stand him.
-Time for his past to haunt him.
Let's not rush this. You know, it's my
It's my first time haunting someone.
[exhales slowly]
I wanna make it special.
OK, Alex.
That was weird. OK.
-[mischievous music plays]
-[Flynn] Ow! Jeez!
-Come on.
-[Flynn] OK.
Don't stop. Go. Keep on going.
Just go. Go, go, go
[doorbell rings]
What are you two doing here?
How'd you get over the security gate?
Teamwork! [chuckles]
Do you have a Band-Aid?
The barbed wire's new.
What do you want?
Uh Just thought you should know
that Julie's band is playing
at the dance tonight.
Now you know.
You guys are acting weirder than usual.
-Probably because we're thirsty.
Can we come in for a glass of water?
Fine, if it'll make you leave faster.
Don't break anything.
[Carrie sighs]
-[mischievous music plays]
Where are you?
[Nick] I'm I'm right here.
[tense music plays]
[both chuckle awkwardly]
-Nick! Look, Flynn, it's Nick.
Nickster, Nicky-poo, Nick-a-licious.
[whispers] Make it stop.
Hey! Glad you're here, Nicky-poo.
We wanted to tell you
that Julie's band is playing at the dance.
Oh yeah. No. I I saw your post.
These girls bothering you, babe?
No, just telling us
about the dance tonight.
Right. Julie and her hologram band
are playing. [chuckles]
How'd you learn how to do
all that hologram stuff anyways?
The internet.
It's not just full of makeup tips.
Uh What do What do you say, babe?
Let's check out the hologram show.
Great. Um I'll make sure
all my buddies are there.
Ooh! How exciting.
That's a lot of people staring at you.
[clears throat]
You girls remember
where the door is, right?
-Oh my gosh.
I am so sorry! No, no, no, no.
I know where the towels are.
I'll get it.
She knows. [chuckles]
-[Julie chuckles]
Here I go. [chuckles]
Oh my gosh. Can you imagine
if this was cranberry juice?
I don't know about you,
but I've been a klutz my entire life.
-[Flynn continues chattering]
For your sake, you better not be up here.
[calming music plays]
[exhales slowly]
[wind chimes tinkle]
[rock music plays]
[beeps, rock music plays]
-[metal squeaking]
-[water running]
[mischievous music plays]
[metal squeaking]
[eerie music plays]
[groans loudly]
[groans lightly]
[all laugh]
-[all laugh]
-[Trevor] I got it.
Let me out!
[grunts, gasps]
-[guys laugh]
-Shh, shh, shh.
[Reggie giggles]
-[Trevor pants]
-[Reggie giggles]
[Alex chuckles]
[Trevor] No, no, no, no, no
Trevor, nothing Dr. Crystal can't handle.
I'm gonna see my therapist, OK? OK.
[helicopter engine starts]
Oh my God.
[helicopter blades whir]
Quick! Let's moon him
before he gets too far away.
He can't see us.
Oh, it's not for him, bro. It's for us.
[rock music plays]
-[Luke] Whew! Take that, Bobby!
-[Alex laughs]
What is a raccoon doing in my backyard?
You guys want to
see a photo of that?
-[chuckles] It's just so cute!
Look at it.
So, did you guys have fun in there?
OK, you'd do the exact same
if he stole all your songs.
But you have new songs. With me.
The best way to get back at Trevor
is for this band to do great.
And to do great,
we have to play at dances, then clubs.
And tours. I know.
I'll see you guys at the school.
We go on at 9:00.
Please don't be late.
There's gonna be a lot of people there.
We got it, all right? Don't worry.
I don't care what Julie says.
I'm glad we scared Bobby.
Wish we'd done more, like
like written "thief" on his forehead.
And, Alex, how did you shut the door?
You could barely open a garage door.
Learned that from Willie, didn't you?
Yeah. Well, he taught me some things,
and we screamed in a museum.
It's a long story.
You think he has
a few more tricks up his sleeve?
Let's find out.
-[rock music plays]
-[Willie grunts]
[Willie] Hey! Good day, officers.
[chuckling] Hey!
What's up, man? You brought friends.
Yeah. These are my bandmates,
uh, Luke and Reggie.
-Cool. I'm Willie.
Heck yeah.
So you guys here
to learn some "tricks?"
-[sirens wail]
-[officer grunts]
[officer] Hey, what's going on?
Look at that.
[sirens stop]
Do it again! Do it again!
we were thinking a little bigger.
An old bandmate stole from us.
We wanna confront him face-to-face.
All right.
Is this, uh, old friend of yours a lifer?
Oh, that's fancy ghost lingo
for the living.
Little something I picked up.
[Reggie] Ah! Then, yeah!
He's a lifer.
Too much of a fancy-pants for street dogs.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Speaking to lifers
is even out of my league.
You know, but there is one ghost
who might be able to help you guys.
He's kind of a big deal.
Literally, anything would help.
Oh, all right. Well, um,
I gotta go take care of some things,
but I'll meet you where Alex and I met,
eight o'clock.
See ya.
[dance music plays]
[dance music continues]
[girl] Woo-hoo!
-[boy] Yeah!
Do we have any Bobcats in the house?
Everybody make some noise!
OK, OK, OK. Not too much noise.
There's an anger management meeting
down the hall.
Focusing on your lips saying
"Come to me" ♪
They're singing, "Eh, eh
Can you handle me, baby?" ♪
It's crazy ♪
How you feeling?
I'm a little nervous.
You'll be fine.
All your gear's backstage. Come on.
You know how to make me sweat ♪
Oh my gosh! You look amazing!
[chuckles] Thanks!
It's my mom's.
I finally went through her stuff.
She would've loved that you wore that.
Are the guys here? [chuckles]
No, but they will be.
They know how important this is to me.
[mystical music plays]
Right this way.
[Luke] Whoa.
So this is where
your hotshot ghost lives, huh?
Yeah, we've walked past this hotel,
like, a million times.
How come we've never heard of it?
That's because this area
has been sealed off for decades.
I mean, you wouldn't even know
this place exists unless you're invited.
All right. I gotta go make sure
everything's cool, but I'll be right back.
Hollywood Ghost Club?
This place is creepy.
Yeah, well, so are we.
[muttering quietly]
Just ask him
[clears throat]
Oh hey, um
Caleb, I brought those ghosts I met?
Um, it's
It's still cool they're here, right?
Of course, William.
I even reserved a special table for them.
Whoa! [chuckles]
All right! Um thank you.
No, no. Thank you.
[chuckles lightly]
This way.
[ominous music plays]
[Caleb chuckles evilly]
["I Got the Music" plays]
Ain't gonna fight it
'Cause it's useless ♪
I can't get this music out of my head ♪
It's like the beat is taking over ♪
Weight off of my shoulders
Dancing instead ♪
And something's feeling different
In the hallways ♪
Something's looking
Looking like it's changed ♪
I've been moving to the rhythm
For the whole day ♪
A million lyrics
Running through my brain ♪
Everybody here we go
This thing is unstoppable ♪
Haven't felt this in a minute
It's incredible ♪
I got the music back inside of me ♪
Every melody and chord ♪
Can't stop the music
Back inside my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
I got the music ♪
It won't let me go ♪
I got the music ♪
Just like a radio ♪
I got the music ♪
Streaming from my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
I got the music ♪
It won't let me go ♪
I got the music ♪
Just like a radio ♪
I got the music ♪
Streaming from my soul ♪
And it's stronger than before ♪
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