Julie and the Phantoms (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Finally Free

[whimsical music plays]
[rock guitar riff plays]
[woman] And right. And left.
Step, touch.
-Step, touch. Step, tou--
-[Julie groans]
Oh, Julie, how nice of you to join us.
[sighs] I'm so sorry. I overslept.
Take your spot.
[Julie sighs]
So, why didn't you wake me up?
I missed my first three classes.
-[teacher] Good reach.
-You said
you were never gonna
show your face at school again.
And I'm a very literal person.
-[teacher] Breathe out.
-It's OK.
It's those stupid ghosts
that I'm really upset at.
I'd kill them
if they weren't already dead.
Having a band is supposed to help
your social life, not ruin it.
Right. Sorry.
-[teacher] Get down to the leg.
-It's all so messed up.
I thought they were in this with me.
But obviously, I was wrong.
Hey, don't blame yourself.
You can only be so strong
when three cute ghosts ask you
to join a band.
And speaking of cute,
have you talked to Nick today?
He was pretty chatty at the dance.
No, and I'm kinda dreading it.
At least I know
I won't see him in this class.
-You've got to be kidding me.
-[Flynn] What?
[Julie] What are they doing here?
[teacher] Right on time, Coach Barron.
So, students,
Coach Barron and I have decided
that his lacrosse team will be part
of our class for a few weeks.
Many pro athletes have used dance
to help them with coordination
and mobility.
-This isn't about flirting with girls.
It's about making us better
so we can actually win a game.
We lost against Burbank.
[teacher] Well, let's all remember
that composure is a big part of dance.
-Everybody pair up.
-[boy] Right.
Let's go!
-No, no!
-Come on, Flynn.
-I'm sorry.
-Don't leave me.
Hey, you.
So, ladies,
let's do what we learned last week,
and we will perform this
with the boys this Friday.
Coach Barron and I will demonstrate.
I don't dance. So
-You do now.
-[grunts] Oh.
And jump out, and bounce,
and snake.
Reach up
and turn around.
-Boys, jump out.
-[Nick grunts]
[girls giggle]
Let's do it again. Half-time, no music.
You ready for this?
Sure. Uh
My little sister throws
a lot of princess dance parties.
-[Julie chuckles]
-[teacher] Five, six, seven, eight.
Not so bad, Your Majesty.
[chuckles] Thank you.
[teacher] And torso.
So, about last night's dance.
Yeah. I was kind of hoping
that if I didn't talk about it,
it'd be like it never happened.
You'll be fine, OK? You're tough.
You've been through way worse.
[teacher] Breathe.
Whoa. Um
Sorry. I
[teacher] Really good. Once more.
-With music.
-[R&B music plays]
I'm just
I'm not used to dancing like this.
You and Carrie never dance together?
No, and we never will.
We broke up.
Oh You did?
I'm [scoffs]
done with the drama.
And I don't know if you noticed,
but she's not the nicest person.
I never noticed.
[Nick grunts]
[chuckles] You sure you wanna be partners?
No. I I want you.
To be my dance partner! [laughs awkwardly]
Let's just go over it again.
We'll get it eventually.
Oh, great angle. Yeah.
[shutter clicks]
Now that's a good pic.
Is this what we're here for?
To watch people take pictures of food?
It's fun. Watch this.
People never stop looking at their phones.
Oop! Ehh!
[Reggie chuckles]
Luke said something about this place being
a hot spot for music industry people.
Boys, being a ghost
definitely has its privileges.
I just wrote our names
on the playlist for tonight.
I'm getting a little worried about him.
He keeps forgetting Julie quit the band.
She's gonna come back
as soon as she knows we have a great gig.
But if she doesn't come back,
let's not forget,
we do have somewhere else
we can play and eat pizza.
Dude, I know. It was awesome to be seen
by lifers at Caleb's party, but
but we got this with Julie.
We don't need him.
-[jolt buzzes]
-[boys groan]
Oh! It's the same thing again!
Just like yesterday!
It feels like that time
I was fixing my amp in the rain.
You shouldn't
OK. Look, do you think
something's wrong with us?
Yeah. Yeah, we ate ten pounds
of pizza yesterday without a stomach.
I'm sure it's just our bodies
working through it.
So we're just gonna forget
about getting back at Trevor?
That jerk stole our music.
And he has to live with that guilt.
It's just like what Julie said.
We have a new band, a new sound, OK?
That's what we should be focusing on.
Isn't that Willie?
[mysterious music plays]
Well, someone's not focusing on our music.
[chuckles lightly]
[siren approaches]
[mysterious music continues]
[ominous music plays]
Hello, William.
Caleb, hi. Um
I I was actually just--
Checking on the boys for me?
How is my band doing?
Uh Well, they're flickering.
Just like you wanted them to.
Oh, and William,
the next time you want
to check on the boys for me,
let me know.
Yeah, my bad.
You do love skating the streets
of Hollywood.
Would hate
to have to take that away from you.
We're sorry ♪
So sorry ♪
We're super-duper, crazy, stupid ♪
Sorry ♪
In case you missed it, we're really sorry.
Yeah. I I got that part.
We've been here for, like, three hours.
We almost sang to your little brother.
He comes in here a lot.
Mainly to use the bathroom.
It's not our favorite part of the day.
But, Julie, it wasn't OK
that we flaked on the dance last night.
We know we let you down.
Yeah, and none of us wanted
to disappoint you.
You're the best thing that's happened
to us since we became ghosts.
So, in hopes that you'll rejoin the band,
we booked a new gig.
A mega important, life-changing gig.
Oh, OK. Check it out. Tons of managers
go here to listen to new bands.
All we gotta do is blow them all away,
and we're living the dream.
So this means a lot to you, huh?
Kind of how playing in front of my whole
entire school meant a lot to me.
Sounds like sarcasm.
[gasps] I'm starting to think
our plan isn't working.
Look, we know we messed up.
But we need you in the band.
Of course you do,
because without me,
no one can see you guys playing.
You know, I thought that the music
that we were writing was special,
but you're too obsessed with your past
to even care.
I do care.
Our band has a real chance at greatness.
I'm not gonna let
that get away from us again.
Uh-huh. Right. So then why did you bail
on me to get back at Trevor?
I'll tell you why.
'Cause there's only one thing
you care about, and that's yourself.
[sad music plays]
Dude, she didn't mean it.
Where's he going?
Where do you think?
Remember what today is?
[Alex sighs]
[both grunt]
[Julie sighs]
Hey, you, uh you got a second?
[Julie sighs]
Oh my gosh. She can't see us anymore!
Oh. Right.
Julie, please.
I already told you
that I'm done with the band.
Yeah, we know, all right?
But before you decide that forever,
we just
We wanted you to know
that Luke isn't as selfish as you think.
Yeah, you've got him all wrong.
You remember that song "Emily"?
Can we at least show you
who that's actually about?
[sentimental music plays]
So, Emily's his mom?
Yeah, Luke comes here a lot.
He thinks we don't know, but
we've been following him.
All he does is just hang out like this
and watch them.
They never really do anything though.
[sentimental music continues]
They're having cake.
That's something.
It's a It's a birthday cake.
For Luke.
I never knew Luke was hurting this much.
It's even worse because when he died,
he left on bad terms.
You know, his parents didn't want
their 17-year-old in a rock band, so
he just left.
He never got the chance
to make up with them.
[Reggie] That's why Luke was so angry.
If Trevor had given Luke credit
for writing all the songs, then
[Reggie sighs]
his parents would've known
his dream was worth chasing.
They would have been so proud.
[sentimental music intensifies]
[Emily sighs]
[Emily sighs]
We know how bad it hurts whenever
someone that should've had your back
completely lets you down.
We never meant to make you feel that way.
Julie, we love our band,
and Luke does too.
Please give us another chance.
[upbeat soft rock music plays]
Marching on proud ♪
Turn it up loud ♪
'Cause now we know what we're worth ♪
Whoa, Julie.
Grab your guitar. We got work to do.
What made you come back?
I realized how important music is
to all of us.
And we've lost so much already.
We can't lose this too.
All right, boss. Where we at? [chuckles]
Oh, and by the way, happy birthday.
[chuckles] Let's go from the pre-chorus.
One, two, three, four.
Been so long, and now I'm finally free ♪
-Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
-[camera clicks]
What are you doing?
Looking for those orb things.
I'm telling you, this place is haunted.
Every time I open my laptop,
it's on some rock music site.
That ain't me.
You know I'm all about the rap.
[chuckles] Reggie.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Oh, I'd be careful in there.
Dad has that look on his face
like when Google Maps tells him
to turn on the wrong street.
[suspenseful music plays]
Care to tell me why you missed
the first three classes today?
I overslept at Flynn's house
after the dance.
There was nothing going on
in those classes anyways.
[camera clicks]
It won't happen again.
I promise.
But if I know you missed class,
it's only a matter of time before
[aunt sighs]
I came as fast as I could.
Julie, I will not let you fall
into the gutter of life.
Tía, I'm fine. I just overslept.
And me and Dad already talked about it.
[aunt scoffs]
You are far from fine, sobrina.
I called your teacher.
She said you missed a calculus test.
Nothing going on, huh?
Dad, I'm so sorry.
This is where you punish her.
I know.
no more going out on school nights.
-But, Dad, tonight
-[aunt clears throat]
And go to your room.
-[clears throat]
-What else?
What? And And read.
You know I'm only here to help, right?
I know.
And sometimes I look a little annoyed
but I do appreciate you.
You need me to look after Carlos,
don't you?
Just a couple of hours.
[mysterious music plays]
[cell phone beeps]
What are you guys doing?
We're being classy.
Why are you still here?
We're going in, like, 20 minutes.
I lied to my dad,
so now I'm stuck in my room all night.
Yeah, but we were just at the venue.
I mean, it's packed. Like, VIPs, managers.
It's kind of crazy.
What are we gonna do about my aunt?
She's right downstairs.
[Luke] Your aunt.
You're not taking the stairs.
OK. Let me get dressed.
I'll meet you guys there.
[snaps fingers]
[sentimental music plays]
-[announcer] Next up, Dirty Candy.
-Am I too late?
Too early.
Hope you all came to have a great time.
[cheering, whooping]
Dirty Candy? How'd she get on the list?
Her daddy probably made a call.
I like this!
Pretty flower.
Thanks. It's a dahlia.
My mom's favorite.
Whenever I walk in the room ♪
[audience cheers]
All the focus on me ♪
The way I talk, the way I move ♪
They all want on my team ♪
Not trying to brag, brag
But I'm flawless ♪
I'm taking over your playlist ♪
Ain't perfect, but I can't miss ♪
[chuckles] Yeah ♪
The party don't start till I walk in ♪
-I'm stealing all the attention ♪
-[Alex grunts]
-Don't get me started on mentions ♪
Yeah ♪
Some might say I sound conceited ♪
They don't get the shine that I get ♪
-Some get jealous ♪
They can't help it ♪
They wish they were me, oh ♪
I keep the party going all night ♪
You having fun out there?
[clears throat] It's not my fault.
It's my, um
It's my feet.
Put me back in, Coach.
-'Cause all I see is all eyes on me ♪
-Oh, it's the guys.
When I grow up, I wanna be me
Be me ♪
I'm my own goals just talking honestly ♪
Must have won the lottery ♪
Ain't no one as hot as me ♪
Stealing looks, it's robbery ♪
-Everywhere I go, all eyes on me ♪
I only lead, I never follow, follow ♪
I never open 'cause it's my show
My show ♪
Don't know if people think I'm shallow
Shallow ♪
'Cause all I see is all eyes on me ♪
[cheering, applause]
-Making me blush.
-[Carrie] Thank you!
[exhales sharply]
Hey, um
I was just
I was just doing that for you guys.
Yeah. You can stop smiling now.
[Alex chuckles]
I'm not gonna lie. That was
kind of good.
Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much.
Hi, girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?
Now I remember.
If you're looking for Nick,
he didn't come.
That's not why I'm here.
OK, it looks like we're closing
the night out with one more group,
"Julie and The Fat Ones."
Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks.
[chuckles awkwardly]
Hi. [chuckles]
It's actually "Julie and the Phantoms."
["Finally Free" plays]
Hearts on fire ♪
We're no liars ♪
So we say what we wanna say ♪
I'm awakened ♪
No more fakin' ♪
So we push all our fears away ♪
Don't know if I'll make it
'Cause I'm falling under ♪
Close my eyes and feel my chest
Beating like thunder ♪
I wanna fly ♪
Come alive ♪
Watch me shine ♪
I've got a spark in me ♪
Hands up if you can see ♪
And you're a part of me ♪
Hands up if you're with me ♪
Now till eternity ♪
Hands up if you believe ♪
Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
We're all bright now ♪
What a sight now ♪
Coming out like we're fireworks ♪
Marching on proud ♪
Turn it up loud ♪
'Cause now we know what we're worth ♪
We know we can make it
We're not falling down under ♪
Close my eyes and feel my chest
Beating like thunder ♪
And I wanna fly ♪
Come alive ♪
Watch me shine ♪
I've got a spark in me ♪
Hands up if you can see ♪
And you're a part of me ♪
Hands up if you're with me ♪
Now till eternity ♪
Hands up if you believe ♪
Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
-Whoa-oa-oa-oa ♪
-I've got a spark in me ♪
Hands up if you can see ♪
And you're a part of me ♪
Hands up if you're with me ♪
Now till eternity ♪
Hands up if you believe ♪
Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
I got a spark in me ♪
I got a spark in me ♪
And you're a part of me ♪
And you're a part of me ♪
[Julie] Now till eternity ♪
Now till eternity ♪
Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
[all] I've got a spark in me ♪
Hands up if you can see ♪
And you're a part of me ♪
Hands up if you're with me ♪
-Yeah ♪
-Now till eternity ♪
Hands up if you believe ♪
[all] Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
[Julie] Yeah ♪
[guys] Whoa-oa-oa ♪
[Julie] Oh, oh-oh ♪
[guys] Whoa-oa-oa ♪
Finally free, yeah ♪
[guys] Whoa-oa-oa ♪
[Julie] Oh ♪
[all] Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
Finally free ♪
Yeah ♪
[raucous applause, cheering]
-[audience gasps]
-[man] What the
[cheering, whistling]
Thank you. We're Julie and the Phantoms.
Tell your friends.
-[Flynn squeals, giggles]
-[Julie chuckles]
You were incredible.
Yeah, we were.
Hi, Andi. Carrie Wilson.
So good to see you again.
Oh, my dad says hi.
Hi, Carrie.
Oh, girls. This is Andi Parker
from Destiny Management.
She reps Shawn, Selena,
and maybe even Dirty Candy?
Really nice to see you, Carrie.
And very nice job up there, ladies.
Hey. Hey! whoever Carrie was trying
to impress is coming this way.
Oh, it's
[Alex] She looks all business.
Wait. Who should do the talking?
-Right. Julie. Julie.
You got this.
Hi, I'm Andi Parker, and I would--
[dad] Julie.
It's time to go.
["Finally Free" plays]
Hearts on fire ♪
We're no liars ♪
So we say what we wanna say ♪
I'm awakened ♪
No more fakin' ♪
So we push all our fears away ♪
Don't know if I'll make it
'Cause I'm falling under ♪
Close my eyes and feel my chest
Beating like thunder ♪
I wanna fly ♪
Come alive ♪
Watch me shine ♪
I've got a spark in me ♪
Hands up if you can see ♪
And you're a part of me ♪
Hands up if you're with me ♪
Now till eternity ♪
Hands up if you believe ♪
Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
-Whoa-oa-oa-oa  ♪
-I've got a spark in me ♪
Hands up if you can see ♪
And you're a part of me ♪
Hands up if you're with me ♪
Now till eternity ♪
Hands up if you believe ♪
Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
-Whoa-oa-oa-oa ♪
-I've got a spark in me ♪
Hands up if you can see ♪
-And you're a part of me ♪
-Oh, oh-oh ♪
Hands up if you're with me ♪
Now till eternity ♪
Hands up if you believe ♪
Been so long
And now we're finally free ♪
Finally free ♪
Yeah ♪
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