Julie and the Phantoms (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Edge of Great

[whimsical music plays]
[rock guitar riff plays]
[tense mystical music plays]
You can't hide forever, ghosties.
[aunt gasps]
For the last time, mijo.
Ghosts are not real.
Typical adult.
Remember when we were kids,
and they never believed what we said?
Yeah. I'm pretty sure
that's just a "you" thing.
I was always pretty trustworthy.
Shouldn't we be more worried about Julie?
Her dad just busted her, OK?
He's probably making her quit the band.
Well, there's not much
we can do about that now, but
we can still help Carlos.
Adults not believing children
ends tonight.
-[Carlos] I haven't seen them. I--
[aunt gasps]
Ghosts aren't real, huh?
How do you explain that?
Light bulbs burn out all the time, Carlos.
Ooh! Wrong answer, tía.
Explain this.
[aunt breathes shakily]
Maybe it's my mom.
She knows
I haven't been replacing the toilet paper!
Your mama would never scare us.
This is the work of a demon!
Hey, words hurt.
Wait! I got to get it on video.
Yeah, you do.
Time for an old classic.
-[aunt squeals]
-[Carlos] Oh!
-Dang, it was in selfie mode.
[aunt screams]
[Reggie snickers]
Do you have any idea what you've done?
Yeah, I do. I've defended every kid
who's never been believed.
Some might say I'm a superhero.
We should probably hide
before Julie finds out, huh?
Julie, we need to talk.
[Julie sighs]
after skipping school, missing a test,
you decided to sneak out even though
I told you to go to your room and study?
I know.
-I'm sorry.
-Yeah, you keep saying that.
If you'd just [tuts]
let me in,
I could've been excited about tonight
instead of having this conversation
we both hate.
Why didn't you tell me you were in a band?
It all just happened so fast.
These last couple of weeks
have changed my life.
When I play music,
I feel so much closer to mom.
And I love that. You know I do.
But your tía is right.
School needs to come first.
I know, but without the band,
I would've never made it back
into the music program.
They played with me
when I was trying to earn back my spot.
They did?
I think this is my thing, Dad.
I'd be a jerk of a dad
if I took that away from you.
Look, if you're gonna stay in this band,
you need to keep up with school,
and you need to keep me in the loop.
Thanks, Papa. [chuckles]
Hey, so that lady at your show, she was,
like, some sort of manager, right?
Could've been a big deal.
Who knows?
she'll get to see us play again.
-Which I will tell you about.
-Oh. Yeah, you will,
'cause if I ever catch you
trying to sneaking out again,
or if your grades slip,
I'm gonna pull the plug.
Or whatever it is
that makes those holograms work.
Do I ever get to meet these guys?
Probably not. They don't even live here.
It's kind of confusing.
But being seen really isn't their thing.
You kids and technology.
It's [chuckles]
definitely beyond me.
Definitely beyond something.
[dad] Well, whoever and, uh,
wherever they are,
they brought my little niña back,
so as far as I'm concerned,
they're like angels to me.
[aunt pants]
Whoa [speaks Spanish]
This house is haunted!
We have got to go. Now!
What happened?
Victoria, I know you want us to move,
but this is a little extreme.
-I I told you, we're OK.
-I'll let Carlos explain what happened.
He refuses to leave,
but if movies have taught me anything,
when a house is haunted, you run.
[speaking Spanish]
[dad] I got a spark in me ♪
Hands up if you can see ♪
[Reggie joins in]
When you're a part of me ♪
Hands up if you're with me ♪
I got a spark in me, hands up ♪
-Hands up, yeah.
-This is new.
Yeah. I was in the mood
for cooking some breakfast.
[giggles] He thought
you were talking to him.
Me and your dad are pals now.
It's a little one-sided, but it works.
[dad] Look, after the talk we had
the other night,
I was thinking that I may have cost you
an opportunity with that manager.
-So, I was thinking--
-Dad, no. I should've never snuck out.
Let the man speak.
He's been stress eating all week.
I don't know where he puts it though.
It's, like firm.
I know, but I really want
to support your band,
so I called in some favors,
and I booked you a local gig.
Best dad ever! What?
Oh my gosh. Where?
Did you call your buddy from Drakes?
Not quite.
I called Flynn,
and she's gonna help us throw a party.
Here. Tonight.
So you booked us a gig at our house?
Maybe I was early
with the "Best Dad Ever" award.
All right. Hear me out.
You invite some of your friends over,
you play with your band,
and I'll get some colleagues
to put you on film.
That way, you have something professional
for your YouTube.
You'd do that for me?
Back to "best dad ever."
I'll go tell the guys.
Have a good day at work, Ray.
It's cool. You don't have to answer.
[Reggie whooshes away]
[man over PA]
Hello, students and faculty.
Just a friendly reminder,
tickets are still available
for the marching band practice
this weekend.
All-you-can-eat pancakes
Normal people don't do that.
And ghosts definitely shouldn't.
What are you doing here?
We need to talk about
what song we're gonna play tonight.
-I was thinking "Great."
-[kids snickering]
[girl] Hey, Julie. What's up?
[clears throat] Hold up.
You're gonna take a call
while we're talking?
-You know how rude that is?
-Hey! Thanks for calling.
Otherwise, people might think
I'm talking to myself.
Right. Nice.
No. But, yeah. I think "Great" is a
great choice.
Sweet. Well
I mean, that's pretty much
what I wanted to talk to you about. So
Uh, actually, no, there is one more thing
I wanted to talk to you about. It's
Look, I know I'm not the easiest person
to work with,
but I I wanted to tell you
that I think you make me a better writer.
I think we make each other better.
You know what? Why don't you just
ditch school today? Let's go rehearse.
What? No. No.
I promised dad, school first.
Right. You were at school first,
and now you're leaving to go rehearse.
Come on. I can't do this without you.
I can't. I [sighs]
-I told Nick I'd be his dance partner.
-[Nick] Hey, Julie!
And he's heading this way. Gotta go. Bye.
-[Nick] Hey!
-Well, don't you look sharp.
You ready for our big performance?
Oh yeah. Yeah.
We're gonna do great. [chuckles]
I'm glad you're confident.
Even after three classes,
I still think I got worse.
It's a good thing I got my secret weapon.
Uh-oh! I think
somebody has a crush on Julie.
Shut up.
Um Shut up! [chuckles awkwardly]
No, seriously, Molina.
I I I'm nothing without you.
Shh. No. No, you're
You're gonna do fine.
See you in there?
Yeah. I'll be the guy
trying not to make us look stupid.
[Nick chuckles]
Well, he's just too cute!
I'll see you after school.
Guess we'll just have to carry you tonight
just like we always do!
[Luke] I know you're smiling.
Kill it on the dance floor.
[coach] Boys,
I want you to focus
and leave it all out on the field.
[confused muttering]
-You're losing them, Frank.
-No. I got 'em.
Breathe in [exhales]
shake out your nerves.
Surrender to the music
and to your partner.
Here we go.
[grunts] Oh, ah!
I I don't remember anything
about surrendering.
You'll be fine, Luke.
It it's Nick, actually.
Right! Nick. Sorry.
My brain was wandering.
But it wandered back
and now I'm ready to kill it.
[rhythmic music plays]
[teacher] Five, six, seven, eight.
[romantic music plays]
Step into my world ♪
Bittersweet love story 'bout a girl ♪
Shook me to the core ♪
Voice like an angel ♪
I've never heard before ♪
Here in front of me ♪
They're shining so much brighter ♪
Than I have ever seen ♪
Life can be so mean ♪
But when he goes
I know he doesn't leave ♪
[both] The truth is finally
Breaking through ♪
Two worlds collide when I'm with you ♪
A voice is rising so, so high ♪
We come to life
When we're in perfect harmony ♪
Whoa-oa-oa, whoa-oa-oa ♪
Perfect harmony ♪
Whoa-oa-oa, whoa-oa-oa ♪
We say we're friends ♪
We play pretend ♪
You're more to me ♪
We create ♪
The perfect harmony ♪
[chuckles] Wow, we nailed that.
Thanks, partner.
That was great.
[bell rings]
I gotta get going.
-Good job, man.
-Hey, thanks, homie. Hey, you too, dude.
[jazz riff plays]
Look, we add the echoes during the chorus,
then when Julie comes in with the melody,
it's gonna sound perfect.
[distant thud]
Again? What's that all about?
I don't know.
What's your problem?
It's like you're tracking me down
just so you can keep running away.
I wish I could explain, man, but I can't.
Wait. That's not good enough.
I mean, you've been acting weird
ever since Caleb's club.
You know,
I thought we were having fun together.
We never should've met.
Wow, that hurts.
Hey, I'm sorry, Alex. I really am.
You're a great guy.
[sighs] I gotta go.
[Willie whooshes away]
[plays "Perfect Harmony"]
There you are.
I've been looking all over for you.
Why'd you run out of dance class so fast?
Sorry. I just needed some air.
It was a little intense in there.
Oh, I noticed.
Dancing with a guy you've had a crush on
for forever will do that to a girl.
Yeah. But the whole time we were dancing,
-I was thinking about Luke.
-[Flynn] Seriously?
First off, called it.
Second, I know you always want
what you can't have,
but Luke is next-level.
I know.
And now I think Nick likes me. Nick!
He totally does.
[sighs] But me and Luke just clicked.
And he's so--
Not real.
You can make all the music you want
with Luke, but
he'll always be a phantom.
So here's what we're gonna do.
Send Nick a nice little friendly text
asking him to come to your party tonight.
Um, I usually don't use
that many smiley faces.
You do now. I'm not gonna let you
get your heart broken.
And trust me.
Tonight, you're performing with Luke,
so the key is avoiding
those big, beautiful,
dead eyes.
You're very pushy today.
You're welcome.
[rock music plays]
-Alex, you all right?
-[Alex] Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, why?
I know it's tough, man. People say
you never forget your first ghost.
Maybe that's true.
But I'm sure there will be others.
Yeah. Thanks, Reg.
-[Alex] Yeah.
And, Alex, you're a great drummer
and a great guy, OK?
I wouldn't let all that stuff
get in between you and what you love.
I don't know, man. Sometimes a little fire
can make things better on stage.
Like you and Julie.
-Uh, wha What is that supposed to mean?
-[Reggie chuckles]
Come on. Everyone can see
the way you look at her when you sing.
You guys ooze chemistry.
You should never say "ooze" again,
but, yeah, I agree.
OK, no. I have chemistry
with everybody that I sing with.
Seriously, watch. Uh
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream ♪
Away from who we're meant to be ♪
That we're standing on the edge of ♪
Great ♪
[Alex] Wow.
I see chemistry.
That was pretty hot.
[clears throat]
Girls. Am I right?
Three, four.
[indistinct chattering]
[Carrie] Hey.
[sighs] What are you doing here?
Julie's one of my oldest friends.
I'm sure she just forgot to invite me.
Look, we're not getting back together,
I've heard that before.
Something doesn't add up
about those holograms.
I wouldn't trust her
-if I were you.
[Flynn] What's up, everybody.
Time to put your hands up,
do a little dance, yup.
Here's the new anthem
from Julie and the Phantoms.
[cheering, applause]
[Julie] Thanks for coming, everyone.
♪Running from the past ♪
Tripping on the now ♪
What is lost can be found
It's obvious ♪
And like a rubber ball ♪
We come bouncing back ♪
We all got a second act inside of us ♪
-[band kicks in]
-[audience squeals]
I believe ♪
-I believe that we're just one dream ♪
Away from who we're meant to be ♪
That we're standing on the edge of ♪
Something big, something crazy
Our best is yet unknown ♪
That this moment is ours to own ♪
'Cause we're standing
On the edge of great ♪
On the edge of great ♪
-Great ♪
-On the edge of great ♪
-Great ♪
-[boys] On the edge of great ♪
'Cause we're standing on the edge of ♪
Great ♪
-We all make mistakes ♪
But they're just stepping stones ♪
To take us where we wanna go ♪
It's never straight, no ♪
Sometimes we gotta lean ♪
Lean on someone else ♪
To get a little help ♪
Until we find a way ♪
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream ♪
-Away from who we're meant to be ♪
That we're standing on the edge of ♪
Something big, something crazy
Our best is yet unknown ♪
That this moment is ours to own ♪
'Cause we're standing
On the edge of great ♪
On the edge of great ♪
-[Julie] Great ♪
-On the edge of great ♪
-Great ♪
-On the edge of great ♪
'Cause we're standing on the edge of ♪
[all] Shout, shout
Come on and let it out, out ♪
Don't gotta hide it
Let your colors blind their eyes ♪
Be who you are, don't compromise ♪
Shout, shout
Come on and let it out, out ♪
What doesn't kill you
Makes you feel alive ♪
Oh, I believe ♪
-[guitar solo plays]
-I believe that we're just one dream ♪
Away from who we're meant to be ♪
That we're standing on the edge ♪
-Of great ♪
-Something big, something crazy ♪
Our best is yet unknown ♪
That this moment is ours to own ♪
'Cause we're standing
On the edge of great ♪
-Great, on the edge of great ♪
-On the edge of great ♪
-Great, on the edge of great ♪
-On the edge ♪
Standing on the edge of ♪
-[audience gasps]
-Running from the past ♪
Tripping on the now ♪
What is lost can be found
It's obvious ♪
I can't say this enough:
that was incredible.
But epic fail on that eye contact thing.
So how do you do those holograms?
Oh, don't try to understand it, Carlos.
I don't.
-That's because you're old.
-[fake laughs] Funny guy.
I'd send you to your room,
but then who's gonna clean up this mess?
[giggles] Don't poke the bear.
Mm-mm. [tuts]
So what are the boys doing right now?
Hanging out, I guess.
You know, or whatever you do
when you're from where they're from.
Hey, so,
what cameras did you use out there?
Interested in my work?
Well, uh I shot with an XF105.
That's what I used.
The latest model. It's very good.
But the other guys had the wide
-[voice fades]
-[gentle music plays]
Feels like we should be celebrating
or something. What do you guys wanna do?
-[jolt buzzes]
-[all groan]
Not that.
That wasn't like the other ones.
It's getting worse.
Why is this happening to us?
It's because you guys
are in serious trouble.
We need to talk.
All these jolts that we're feeling is
because Caleb put his stamp on us?
He's threatened by you.
He wants you under his control.
You're the only ghosts that can be visible
to lifers without his help.
And you let him do this to us?
I can't stop him.
He owns my soul.
All right?
He owns everybody's soul at that club.
If he even knew
I was here talking to you, he
he would destroy me.
So if we don't join his club,
the weird power outage thing continues
until there's no power left at all?
What exactly happens
when the power goes out?
That's That's it.
You're done.
Uh-huh. Yeah. And what exactly do you mean
by "we're done"?
You just
You don't exist anymore. Not anywhere.
-So we have no choice?
We have to say goodbye to Julie,
give up everything we've built together,
and work for Caleb?
That's some club you guys got going on.
But there is another option.
That's why I'm here.
Another option?
Just please hear me out.
All right. If you guys could figure out
what your unfinished business is,
you do it in time, you could cross over
and be free from all of this.
OK. So what's our unfinished business?
I don't know, but since you all died
at the same time,
it might be something
you need to do together.
Why should we listen to a word you say?
Because I care about you, Alex.
And I hate that I brought you
and your friends into this mess.
I, uh
I can't be away much longer.
I'm so sorry.
For everything.
This is all my fault.
I I met Willie,
Willie introduced us to Caleb, and now
now we're screwed.
We all wanted to go see Caleb.
We have to tell Julie.
No, we can't do that.
This just means more loss in her life.
But if we don't want Caleb
to own our souls,
we have to figure out
our unfinished business.
Yeah, man. And how are we supposed
to do that? All right?
There was so much we wanted to do.
What is it?
But the night we died, there was one thing
we all wanted to do together.
[rock music plays]
[Reggie] Play the Orpheum?
[Alex] Getting that gig
was literally impossible.
Even after people knew who we were,
we had to hustle,
call in every favor we had.
It took us years.
-[jolt buzzes]
-[guys groan, cough]
[Reggie] Oh!
We don't have years.
[ominous music plays]
Running from the past ♪
Tripping on the now ♪
What is lost can be found
It's obvious ♪
And like a rubber ball ♪
We come bouncing back ♪
We all got a second act inside of us ♪
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream ♪
Away from who we're meant to be ♪
And that we're standing on the edge of ♪
Something big, something crazy
Our best is yet unknown ♪
That this moment is ours to own ♪
'Cause we're standing on the edge of ♪
Shout, shout
Come on and let it out, out ♪
What doesn't kill you
Makes you feel alive ♪
Oh, I believe
I believe that we're just one dream ♪
Away from who we're meant to be ♪
That we're standing on the edge of ♪
Great, on the edge of great ♪
-On the edge of great ♪
-Great, on the edge of great ♪
-On the edge ♪
-Great, on the edge of great ♪
Standing on the edge of ♪
Running from the past ♪
Tripping on the now ♪
What is lost can be found
It's obvious ♪
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