Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

The Art of Chill

[loud stomp]
[dinosaurs calling]
[theme music playing]
[loud banging]
[trilling, snarling]
[faint screeching]
-Good news?
[grunting, panting]
The pteranodons are nesting
on the eastern mountains, so that's out.
Ugh! Bad news.
So, we can't stay on Main Street
because dinosaurs.
The mountains, grasslands, and jungle
are out because dinosaurs.
And Kenji's penthouse is out
because he's bad at math.
I didn't think my dad was serious about
changing the locks if I failed algebra.
-That is not my fault.
-That's actually completely your fault.
Okay, well, whatever.
The whole island is full of dinosaurs.
-We're cooked.
-We can't give up yet.
We set off the emergency beacon.
We need to find somewhere safe
to hole up until rescue arrives.
Where? It's been days.
We're out of options.
Actually, there's one place
we haven't tried,
but I'm not sure you're gonna like it.
Are you serious?
Didn't we specifically run away from here?
Just hear me out.
There's a stream for fresh water.
We've got trees and mountains to protect
us from weather and dinosaur attacks.
[clears throat]
Okay, not all dinosaur attacks.
But if you were coming to rescue
a bunch of campers,
wouldn't camp be the first place
you looked?
And we've even got supplies
to build a shelter right here.
They're, uh, broken supplies,
but we could do it!
-Right, Brooklynn?
I mean, you must've made one video
about building a shelter, right?
Right. All you do is videos.
Excuse me, I do lots of things
other than videos.
I have a whole life of other things!
But, yes, okay, I did help raise that barn
for "Unboxing Amish Country."
-Just saying.
-Knew it.
-Oh, I love that one!
-There you go.
What are we waiting for?
Let's clear that stuff!
[grunting, panting]
Hey, Yaz, maybe it's best
if you sat this one out?
What? No, I'm totally-- Whoa! [grunts]
It's nothing. I'm fine.
I wanted to be on the ground now.
This isn't nothing!
Your ankle is still hurt.
All that running over the past few days
didn't help any.
Based on this symbol, there might be
some clinic nearby.
We'll see if we can find anything
for your ankle. Just rest here.
No way! I'm not sitting around
while you go back out there.
-I can pull my own weight.
You'll need that ankle to win gold medals
when we get off this island, okay?
And I'll stay behind
to make sure she rests.
Can it be someone else?
Literally anyone else?
Okay, great plan!
Kenji, while Yaz rests,
start sorting through the broken stuff
and find anything we can use.
A hundred percent maybe.
[both grunt]
Hey, Darius, look at this!
Whoa! It's a stegosaurus plate!
They shed them as they grow.
Oh, like a deer shedding antlers?
'Round March, you can't walk two feet
without stumbling over 'em back home.
Me and my sister compete
to see who can find the most.
You know, these look
just like the marks the deer make.
Helps them with the shedding.
Maybe dinosaurs do the same thing!
This could be new behavior!
That's so cool!
Know what would be even cooler?
If there was dung nearby, we could see
what this stego ate for lunch!
Brooklynn, we're gonna see
if there's dung!
Just keep walking.
They cannot make you look at dung
if you just keep walking.
Guys, do you hear that?
You say something?
It-- It's nothing.
Must have been a weird bird or
[grunting] Whoa! [grunts]
-[chuckling] Whoo! [clears throat]
-[knuckles cracking]
Okay, task one: pick through
camp garbage for useful garbage.
Complete! [sighs]
[sighs, hums]
That's it?
Dude, you didn't even try.
Shh. And join me at my resting tree.
Your "resting tree"?
It's a tree where you rest.
The name kind of covers it.
That's not
Okay, Darius said
to sort through the debris.
If you don't do it and I can't do it,
who will do it?
Everyone else.
Yaz, the best things in life are things
you make other people do for you.
Example: I've never cleaned my room.
I wait for it to get messy enough
that my dad's assistant caves
and he makes
one of the maids do it for me.
-And you're proud of this?
Obvi, otherwise I wouldn't
have told you about it.
Now, stop talking and start relaxing.
Resting tree.
[sighing] Mm, mm, mm, mm.
-[sighs mockingly]
Man, I really needed this, you know?
Some quality Kenji time.
Yaz? Yaz!
Fine, hop away!
I'll stay here under the tree.
Aah! I can't believe I'm being noble
and going after you
when no one's around to recognize
how boss that is.
Let's make this quick.
-Anything that might help Yaz's ankle--
[Sammy] Never thought I'd be excited
to see canned fruit,
but check out all of this canned fruit!
[Brooklynn] Finally, something other than
soggy pizza!
-[gasps] Look!
-A compression bandage!
This is exactly what Yaz needs!
All 20 feet of it.
-[Sammy gasps]
What is this place?
[low groan]
This must be a veterinary station
for herbivores.
I guess when everyone was evacuated,
they got left behind.
Like us.
They're out of food and water, too.
You poor thing.
[low groan]
We have to do something!
We saw that Sinoceratops herd
in the grasslands.
If we let her out
She could go be with them
and eat all the grass she'll ever want!
-What happened to making this quick?
-We're adapting, Brooklynn!
New mission: free the dinos!
Be free!
[groans, snorts]
That's fine. Be free to hang around here.
Next up: stegosauruses.
Yep, totally what we came here to do.
Haven't lost track of our goals at all.
-[loud groan]
Uh, guys?
[trills, snarls]
-[all scream]
This one seems meaner than the others.
[Darius] That's a Baryonyx.
-[Brooklynn] Predator?
Uh, what exactly are we planning
on doing with it?
-Well, it's kind of a no-brainer.
-Obviously, we should free it.
-We should leave it.
-Wait. What?
[whimpers] Yaz?
-[yelps, whimpers]
[Yasmina grunts]
-[sighs] There you are! [sighs]
-What's that?
-To move the camp debris.
We use the sticks as levers,
toss the vines over a branch
and use them to haul
the rest of the broken planks away.
This looks like the exact opposite
of what you're supposed to be doing,
which is nothing.
Can you please just give
the macho-woman act a rest, already?
Three-time state track champ,
four times placing at nationals,
twice in the International
World Track Competition.
I've competed in rain, sleet, snow,
and each time, I've medaled.
What does that say?
That you're crazy because running
is hard, and why would you do that?
I don't give up, unlike some people.
We're going back and you are resting,
whether you like it or not.
[grunts, groans]
Say you're coming with
and I'll give it back.
[scoffs] No way.
I'll get this stuff myself! [gasps, yelps]
[grunts, pants]
[Kenji] Yaz?
It's worse.
I think I-- I think I hurt it worse.
What do we do now?
We can't free the predators!
But why?
I thought you cared about these animals.
I do, but I also care about going home,
you know, uneaten?
-[both] What do you think, Brooklynn?
-Do you hear that?
Way to help, B.
But, Darius!
No, guys, I actually hear [scoffs]
If we free the herbivores,
we should free the predators.
It's only fair.
You wanna free something
that wants to have us for dinner?
We found them, which makes us responsible.
If we can't let them go, we'll have to
come back every day to feed them.
With what? Baryonyxes eat
more than 100 pounds of meat a day.
With this!
They're carnivores, not omnivores.
Okay, fine, then.
Where do we get that much meat?
[low groan]
-[gasps] No!
-Don't look at me like that.
-She's what they eat.
We're not feeding Maria to them.
Wait, you named--? Ugh. Doesn't matter.
They aren't going to eat
canned fruit or frozen pizza.
If I can't feed them, then we go back
to plan A: release them into the wild.
We're not releasing them.
Why would you want to?
Because they should get to go home.
These guys didn't ask to be here.
But they are, and now they're trapped,
away from their families.
Run, run, run!
-[both scream]
[Kenji panting]
[grunting, groaning]
If you ever tell anyone else
about this--
-Don't fall!
Okay, the "Kenji does work" portion
of the day is over.
Wow, you got
a whole ten minutes in. Bravo.
Yep, we're done now.
Get off my back,
literally and figuratively.
-You can crawl the rest of the way.
-Are you kidding?
-We're nowhere near camp.
Maybe someone should have thought of that
before she hopped off into the jungle.
If someone would've pulled his weight,
she wouldn't have had to.
And now I'm pulling your weight.
[both grunting]
When are you gonna get it?
You can't do anything here, Yaz.
[Kenji grunts]
Okay, Yaz, I'm sorry.
Come on, Yaz, would you stop?
-I said I'm sorry.
-[grunting, panting]
Come on.
I'm the track star.
The person my coaches,
my team, everybody relies on.
But now
But now I'm not.
And if I'm not strong anymore
what good am I?
What good are any of us on our own?
I mean, I don't know one scary dinosaur
from the next, but I am--
Lazy? Entitled?
Basically hopeless?
I was going to say the charming glue
that keeps us campers together.
I'm also someone who knows
when the best thing to do
isn't push yourself so hard, you collapse.
Let someone else
do the work for a change, Yaz.
Like who?
[Kenji panting]
[both sigh]
Don't get used to this.
[screaming, whimpering]
-[Darius whimpers]
[Sammy whimpering]
[both screeching]
Guys, over here.
[Darius] It's trying to free
the other Baryonyx.
-[Darius gasps]
-[door thuds]
[all whimpering]
-[all scream]
[Brooklynn] Quick, up here!
-[Brooklynn gasps]
[Brooklynn gasps, whimpers]
-[whimpering continues]
-[cage creaks]
-[both gasp]
The stegosauruses!
Open the cage!
[Sammy] Now get!
It's working! It's working!
Come on!
We can't leave her. They're a family.
[Brooklynn] What are you doing?
-[all screaming]
[inhales] Whew!
[sighs] Welcome to Camp Kenji!
-Up the trees, quick!
-[gasps, pants]
[Darius grunts, yelps]
No, no, no!
This is exactly why you should never
work on anything, ever.
I guess this is why they built Camp C
up in the trees.
Hey, maybe our new shelter
should be kind of like a tree house?
Maybe something like
[Darius] It's great!
But we definitely need a lookout tower.
[Brooklynn] And an awesome girls' bunk!
The boys can have whatever.
[Sammy] A place for storing food,
so the dinos don't get it.
[Sammy] Hey, Darius?
I found this.
-[Yasmina] We need some more vines.
-On it!
They're frozen?
[theme music playing]
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