Killer Ratings (2019) s01e06 Episode Script


1 A NETFLIX ORIGINAL DOCUMENTARY SERIES He knew they were planning to arrest him, but he chose to buy some time.
I looked at him and hugged him.
WALLACE'S SON I said goodbye.
I didn't know where he was going or if I would ever see my father again.
It's been like this all morning.
With each call, a police car was sent to a different part of the city.
Around 60 Civil Police officers and Military Police Intelligence personnel are trying to capture former Representative Wallace Souza.
Behind the scenes, it emerged that the State Governor, Eduardo Braga, had met with the Police Chief.
"Find Wallace" was the order that he gave.
The Port of Manaus, the airport and the bus terminal were being monitored by the state security forces.
The police have received several anonymous tip-offs on the whereabouts of Wallace Souza, but none of them have brought success.
The Federal Police have also been involved and the name of the former Representative is now on the "National Fugitive List.
" We closed Manaus' borders.
All the borders were closed.
We believed he would constantly be changing his location.
We had information that he could be at a number of addresses and we made a number of visits.
People didn't speak about anything else.
The city stopped, waiting for his arrest.
The family was saying, "We don't know where he is.
We are worried about what he might do, because he's very depressed.
" We left in the early hours.
We took a cab, because we were afraid the police were following us.
DEFENSE ATTORNEY - WALLACE CASE He was hiding at some friends' house.
He was very afraid.
He decided not to give himself up immediately, because he would be taken to a normal prison where he would certainly face many criminals whom he'd denounced on his TV show.
It was a matter of life and death.
That's how he saw it.
We went to his room to wake him carefully.
"Representative, we've come to get you.
We've negotiated with the Secretary of Justice so that you surrender today, and don't stay in prison with other inmates.
" We explained he'd be in a separate cell.
He understood.
He couldn't stay on the run for long.
A strong security operation Wait, my hair.
Okay, let's go.
Right now, Wallace Souza is arriving with a strong security presence.
Many vehicles to protect him.
They aren't letting the press get close.
He decided to give himself up.
He went to the Legal Medical Institute to have a medical screening for prisoners.
He was downtrodden.
INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIS Everything he had built was over.
All that power around him, he had lost.
Perhaps he'd never imagined that one day he would be arrested.
Lock this crook up! Crook! Put him in a cage! Handcuff him! There were people calling him a crook, a criminal, a murderer Jail Wallace, the bastard.
INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIS They were relatives of the dead.
Criminal! Crook! They were people who had been identified as "victims" of the group.
They are now leaving to escort the former Representative to another location.
Let's go.
Where is former Representative Wallace Souza at the moment? In a separate cell? Yes, he's in a separate cell.
We wouldn't be so negligent as to put him with the others.
It's a separate cell, but it's secure.
I went to visit him.
As a gesture of solidarity, everyone went there to comfort him.
DIRECTOR - CANAL LIVRE One of his requests that I remember was that I never give up on proving his innocence.
I started very young as an assistant on Canal Livre.
I worked my way up to be the show's director.
Wallace was like a father figure for everyone on the show.
Don't forget.
The presenter here is Wallace Souza.
I know, my Representative.
And, since I was the show's director, I was his right-hand person.
I wanted to prove that he was innocent.
When I was trying to prove his innocence, I got a call.
I just wanted to pass on some information.
Things I've heard.
It was Patrícia.
Patrícia was the sister of a well-known drug trafficker.
She was saying, "I know who killed so and so, and Wallace is innocent.
" I thought, "Wow!" Then I started to record.
- This is Vanessa.
- Do you know who killed Bebeto? Because they are accusing Wallace.
People here say it was Zé Roberto who had Bebeto killed.
A drug trafficking fight.
Zé Roberto was another well-known drug boss.
It was proof that Wallace was innocent.
And why are they trying to blame Wallace now? I think it has to do with a fight between politicians.
But you know Wallace has nothing to do with this, right? I believe he has nothing to do with it.
But it's the big bosses who are in charge.
That same day, I took the recording to the prosecutor.
The original one.
I was trying to help Wallace, but I didn't know it was going to put me at such risk.
With the arrest of Representative Wallace Souza, the Task Force gathered to decide which crime he should be tried for first.
So we presented to the judge the case with the most evidence of Wallace Souza's participation.
The case of Caçula.
Caçula was a known drug dealer.
He was murdered.
And the Representative was held responsible for this homicide.
The crime of which he was being accused was aggravated homicide JUDGE MIRZA TELMA CUNHA HOMICIDE COUR for which the sentence ranges from 12 to 30 years.
Today is the day of the most anticipated trial of recent times.
One of the most anticipated trials of the year.
And complete coverage of this case with exclusive images you will get only here.
Anything related to the Wallace case during the trial attracted the press.
The first movements at the gates of the prison complex where Moa spent the night.
Moa is the one who revealed the whole operation led by former State Representative Wallace Souza.
All the stations sent teams to cover it.
The courtroom with over 200 seats is packed.
Nobody can get in or out.
For Wallace, to be there at the trial in front of the judge, you could say it was a type of humiliation.
But Wallace didn't show up.
The Representative had a chronic illness.
A committee assessed his health.
And supposedly he was not fit enough to be there.
He was in the hospital, but that wouldn't prevent the trial against Wallace from continuing.
The trial continued.
DECEMBER 17, 2009 When Moa testified, he spoke about various things that clearly showed he was connected.
That he was part of the group.
PROSECUTOR FÁBIO MONTEIRO TASK FORCE Moa gave a step-by-step account of how they participated in the murder of Caçula.
JANUARY 15, 2007 According to Moa Caçula was a drug dealer from the São Jorge area.
A vehicle stopped in front of his house.
Raphael was in the passenger's seat, Mario next to him as the driver, and Moa in the back.
Raphael allegedly jumped out of the car.
Moa confirmed that it had actually been planned by former Representative Wallace.
He says he heard the former Representative talking to his son the next day, admitting he had planned the crime.
The alleged reason was revenge, because Caçula was the drug dealer who allegedly led Raphael's uncle, Wallace's brother, into addiction.
Caçula had provided drugs to Wallace's brother, Ulisses, who had died because of drug abuse.
So Wallace was very bitter.
Moa said that after the crime had been committed, Raphael told Wallace that he had avenged his uncle's death.
And Wallace answered, "That's my boy!" The prosecution brought charges forward.
We had four defendants.
Raphael, Moa, Wallace, and Mário "Pequeno," who was the driver.
Moa said that I supposedly drove the car.
WALLACE'S DRIVER So I was the "co-author.
" I didn't even know this so-called drug dealer.
I've never met the guy.
The only thing I said to Moa was, "Moa, My mom's out there.
What did I do to you? What happened?" He just said the word, "Sorry.
" He didn't say anything else.
Because Wallace was in the hospital, I couldn't cross-examine him.
So I decided to go to the hospital, because he wasn't in any condition to come to me.
HOSPITAL BENEFICENTE PORTUGUÊS NOVEMBER 19, 2009 He was in bed, but was able to articulate well, to speak well.
When Wallace was questioned, he played his part, he defended himself.
He denied denied any participation, any knowledge, and said he didn't know Moa.
Wallace was lying for sure.
Many witnesses said that not only did he know Moa, but that Moa worked for Wallace.
A little lie or a big lie is still a lie.
If you lie, you have no credibility.
Three, two, one Fabio Monteiro, prosecutor.
Did the accused take part in the murder of Caçula? Undoubtedly, the testimony of today's witnesses confirms the statements they had already given to the police and shows without a doubt that all three participated directly.
When we heard from people in the area, they described the physical features of the killers who were there.
There's even a witness who identified that the gunman was wearing a cap, that he was a tall person with a large physique.
We showed the witness pictures, and the witness recognized him.
The one who pulled the trigger was Raphael.
Witnesses saw Raphael.
Judge Mirza Telma today heard five witnesses for the prosecution.
Among them, two people who witnessed the death of Caçula.
The witnesses were weak.
The Task Force couldn't place the Representative at the crime scene, so they tried placing him at the beginning of what happened, which was renting the car.
According to Moa Wallace rented the car.
The same car that transported Caçula's killers.
So they brought in the owner of the car rental company, and there, in front of the judge, the owner said he had never seen Wallace.
He said Wallace didn't go there.
He didn't hire the car.
None of what the Task Force said actually happened.
The main connection to Wallace as the mastermind was the renting of the car.
And with this contradictory information, everything practically fell apart.
So the case of Caçula's death ended up weakened.
Convicting Wallace for murder was difficult.
Where was the proof? Around the time the trial started, there were threats, and witnesses were even killed.
The victims listed by the Task Force are Military Police Officer Sidnei Nogueira, Eli Carlos "Jabá," and Juarez Medeiros "Beto C.
" All of them had just given statements to the police.
The executions were attributed to a gang allegedly led by the former Representative.
It was a race against time.
We feared witnesses would quickly be killed.
It did a lot of damage because many of the witnesses were really frightened.
Some could not be convinced to testify.
At the same time, members of the Task Force said there were many threats.
We'd see them accompanied by police security teams.
Some detectives suffered threats and pressure.
I changed my routine.
SECRETARY OF INTELLIGENCE I kept my distance from some people, because I could be putting them at risk.
My children, for example.
They went to my house on a Thursday, at dawn.
I wasn't there.
I was working.
They banged on the door and said they had come looking for me.
"We are here to get Dr.
Mirza," and they mentioned a name that was connected to Wallace.
And I got the message loud and clear.
The Task Force was investigating the death of witnesses and they ended up getting lucky.
Information started to emerge that the drug dealer Frankezinho had been hired by Wallace to kill several members of the Task Force.
Frankezinho was a drug dealer who was in prison.
We knew he was involved with Wallace's group and some testimonies confirmed that Frankezinho intended to kill a number of members of the Task Force.
Frankezinho had a sister.
She was also part of the criminal organization he led.
Patrícia took over Frankezinho's area while he was in jail.
So there was an operation.
I went to carry out the arrest and search warrant at Patrícia's house.
Patrícia is a natural born leader, a very determined person.
If anyone crossed her, or tried to push her out of the market, they would promptly be eliminated by her.
On entering the house, we found a large quantity of narcotics.
Pure cocaine paste.
And a lot of cash.
When I questioned her about the situation with Wallace's group, she started talking, and she categorically stated that Representative Wallace would pay her money if she made an attempt on my life.
If we killed one of you, the investigation would be over, as the rest would get scared.
Patrícia would have an important role in the case of Representative Wallace Souza.
She told us that Vanessa, a Canal Livre producer was part of the criminal organization led by Wallace Souza.
So, at that moment, Vanessa became one of the people investigated by the Task Force.
Vanessa informed the police that she had received a phone call from Patrícia, which would be very important in clearing Wallace.
But this was denied by Patrícia to the Task Force.
She told them she was paid by Vanessa to make the phone call.
But you know Wallace has nothing to do with this, right? I believe he has nothing to do with it, but it's the big bosses who are in charge.
At that moment, Vanessa was in a very complicated situation.
According to the Task Force, she was, in theory, obstructing justice.
There are two sides.
There is the side of truth, and the side of the Task Force.
Just because I submitted a piece of evidence, they treated me as if I had been part of some gang of drug dealers, which I never was.
Vanessa was well-known on the show.
People identified with Vanessa.
They enjoyed watching her, admired her.
So getting a statement from Vanessa accusing Wallace would be a prize for the Task Force and it would finally be over for Wallace.
I took over Vanessa's case and she became my client.
Do you remember why Patrícia was arrested? For trafficking.
It's a criminal, disqualified from society, that is accusing Vanessa.
All the evidence in this case came from the testimonies of drug dealers.
STATE PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE When Vanessa was summoned by the Task Force, we asked ourselves if she would speak against Wallace or not.
In the room at the Prosecutor's office, their questions were forceful.
They had guns pointed at me.
And they asked, "Do you know this? Do you know that?" Let it be noted that she had her attorney present.
There was also a prosecutor.
I was there as well.
I'm certain that her rights were not threatened at any time.
They got to the point where they said I had to testify against Wallace to get out of that situation.
But I would never do it.
I am not going to sell myself, or be so cowardly as to incriminate someone.
The Task Force thought they could influence her to make certain accusations.
And because she decided not to cooperate, they ordered Vanessa's arrest.
It was like in a book.
I just heard the noise of the prison bars shutting.
If hell exists, then I have been there.
Straightaway, the other inmates were calling me "Where is Vanessa?" "Where is Vanessa?" because Wallace had denounced many of them.
I had completely hit rock bottom.
I think her arrest was an attempt to force her to confess to something.
They were hoping that when she was in jail with other prisoners, she would be afraid and talk.
They wanted me to bring Wallace down.
If I didn't do it, I wouldn't be released.
The more the case of Cleomir "Caçula" progressed, the more certain we were that it was a setup.
The Task Force could not prove that Wallace rented the car.
How could they prove it? With a document or a contract, but there was nothing.
I'd even say that the Representative could have been acquitted over this.
With the denial from the owner of the car rental company, the Task Force tried to back up their case.
Then a new witness came up.
Flavinho, of the 14th District.
He declared that he had witnessed the car hire, the car used in Caçula's murder, and that he was present when Raphael, Wallace, and everyone arrived to rent the car.
For us, attorneys, we were really surprised to see Flavinho of the 14th.
He was known as a businessman in the car trade, but he was also a drug dealer.
His main activity was drug trafficking.
Flavinho was Bebeto's nephew and Bebetinho's cousin, who had been both murdered.
He had taken their place as leader.
There were many rumors claiming that Wallace and his son had killed both of them.
What if this was some kind of revenge by Flavinho against Wallace, because he believed that Wallace had ordered his family to be killed? How can they bring a witness who is allegedly involved in drug trafficking to accuse the Representative who was fighting the drug trade the most? He had plenty of reasons to accuse my father.
Time passed by.
I was going through a lot.
In prison, I met Patrícia.
I remember it very well.
So I asked, "Why did you do this to me? Why did you incriminate us?" All she did was lower her head.
Vanessa's arrest was completely arbitrary, abusive.
She was there for Christmas, New Year's Eve and Carnival.
We submitted a number of appeals for her freedom, until on March 8, the Court of Justice recognized her imprisonment wasn't necessary.
On International Women's Day, I was released.
They all hugged me.
And then Patrícia called me to the corner and said, "Could you forgive me with all your heart?" I asked, "But why?" She replied, "For everything I said.
Thomaz Vasconcelos and all of them, they tortured me.
They humiliated me.
" My father is in jail? Of course.
Your father's in jail.
Everyone's in jail.
Listen carefully.
Pay attention.
I'll be easy on you and write a good report, and you won't get much time.
But if you test my patience, I'll fuck your life.
You won't see your daughter ever again.
Your father's in jail, your brother and Andrea too.
Everyone's in jail.
"They made me lie about Wallace.
" How did this torture happen? What does she consider to be torture? I see it as something unreal.
It never happened.
There's no way.
The Task Force thought that by arresting Vanessa they would get to Wallace.
That she wouldn't handle the pressure of prison.
But she didn't have any crimes to reveal, and she wasn't going to make something up.
Thanks to everyone who believed in my innocence.
Thanks to all who prayed for me, who know that I that we are innocent.
That we were victims of a political setup.
Thanks, everyone.
This is a story where because of the power of men, we end up paying a really high price.
Patrícia I heard the day she got released from prison, they killed her.
In Wallace's case, I oversaw the whole process.
I heard the witnesses, I questioned the defendants.
It was a long and complex case.
I had to decide if there was enough evidence to prove Wallace Souza was the author of this crime.
The murder of Caçula.
If there wasn't enough evidence, he would be acquitted.
I announced my decision.

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