LEGO DreamZzz - Trials of the Dream Chasers (2023) s01e20 Episode Script

Enter the Nightmare

[intense suspenseful music]
[Nightmare King] Tonight!
We storm the Waking World.
[grimspawns] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
We create a nightmare from which
no one will ever wake!
[grimspawns] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
[Nightmare King] We must ensure
the rift stays open.
As soon as it's wide enough,
bring my army through.
And guard that blob
with your life.
Tonight, we make sure
the Waking World
never forgets who I am!
[dramatic intro music]
[Mateo] Somehow he tore Z
into two pieces.
And that's when
the hole appeared.
Hm, Z-Blob always has been able
to pass
from Dream World
to Waking World.
By splitting him,
it appears the Nightmare King
has created a
a rift between the worlds.
We must reunite the two halves
in order to close it.
[ominous chittering]
[crowd exclaims amazedly]
Oh, whoa. Check that out.
[kid] Oh, Mr. Hopper!
These effects
look totally amazing!
Eh, they do,
but I'll tell you what, squirt,
my tax dollars
better not be paying for this.
-[grimspawn gibbers]
-Hey! Hey!
[indistinct gibberish]
Yo. You two wackadoos better
give the kid his treats back.
[Mr. Oz] Happy Fall Festival,
-[Mr. Oz] Now go home!
Yeah, that's a good plan.
Let's go find your mom, squirt.
-Everyone, go home!
-[grimspawns snickering]
Technical difficulties!
Best if you go straight home
and turn on all the lights!
[low ominous music]
Man, people are freaked.
Yeah. You'd think they'd never
seen reality
be destroyed before.
-[low rumbling]
-This is my kind of party.
I hope you don't mind,
I invited some friends.
[Night Terrors screeching]
[Cooper] Night Terrors!
We do mind, turkey.
[evil laugh]
[evil laugh]
And as a party favor,
I will give you
and everyone you love
the gift of my corruption.
The entire Waking World
will never forget this night.
[Mr. Oz] Run!
[people screaming]
Look, gang, until the Bureau
brings more firepower,
we need to level
the playing field
any way we can.
Guys, I'm telling you!
A reunion with Lunia!
That's what he wants.
I can lure him back!
[grimspawns snickering]
[intense suspenseful music]
We'll never accomplish anything
as long as we're hiding.
[Cooper] Y you know
what would really
level the playing field,
getting all the street lights
back on.
I've got it!
I know I screwed up.
-And now the Nightmare King is
-Listen, Mateo.
We've had enough
of you and your "plans."
[Cooper] You're not helping
either, Logan.
-What did I do?
-All of you
are making this worse.
I have a way to put
all our plans together.
I'll go out there
and distract the Nightmare King
so you can all run.
Cooper and Logan,
go get those lights on
to take out the Night Terrors.
Zoey gets Izzie back home
so she can go to sleep,
enter the Dream World
and dreamcraft a Lunia
on the other side of the rift
and then lure
the Nightmare King back through.
It's risky,
but it just might work.
It does sound not terrible.
Okay, leave the lights to us.
Izzie. Get Phil.
[Mateo] Have him go with you.
And Zian. You ready?
Okay, this is it.
Mr. Oz, let's get his attention.
[Mateo] Zoey, Izzie, go!
[intense suspenseful music]
-[grimspawns chittering]
Get him!
-[grimspawns snickering]
-No, no, no, no!
What the
-[Izzie] Yikes!
[man grunting, screams]
-[Mateo] Don't stop!
Get inside and get to sleep!
What are you up to, brat?
[crowd screaming]
Leaving so soon?
-[girls screaming]
It'll take more than that
to stop me, girl.
[intense suspenseful music]
Hey! Over here!
[Mateo] Yeah,
I'm talking to you,
you pathetic excuse
for a Dream Keeper's sidekick.
You have nothing!
And I have all of them.
[Nightmare King] All this
delicious fear!
Maybe next year, we don't go
all out on the spooky vibes.
You know, maybe,
I dunno, leave the lights on?
-Ha! I just need to
-[Logan] Look out!
-[Logan grunts]
-Aw, man. What now?
[crowd screaming]
[Nightmare King's evil laugher]
-Oh, man.
-Where can we go?
- Hola mijitos.
[Mrs. Castillo] This is
a terrible party.
[intense suspenseful music]
[evil laughter]
So what now?
Worry and fear
are your imagination
turned against you.
That is what he wants.
That is what he expects,
to use your fear as a weapon.
Now who wants cotton candy?
It always makes
everything better.
Oh! No, cotton candy, Mrs. C.
[Mateo] We need all the burritos
you've got.
The sloppier the better.
I have a whole box
that is not selling so good.
Burritos? Do you know
what you're doing?
Sort of.
We need to get to higher ground.
[grimspawns snickering]
Logan! The stage lights!
Knew I'd step on stage tonight.
[both panting]
Hey. Have you guys seen
Mateo and Izzie?
We gotta figure out how to point
these lights at the street!
[grimspawns snickering]
[band member] No!
No, no, no. No.
[screaming, grunting]
[wild musical ruckus]
Cover me while I swing
these lights around.
[guitar riff]
Yo, yo, yo, hold up!
What happens to the people
who are getting corrupted?
What are you talking about?
People who are corrupted, bro.
What happens
if we blast them with light?
Oh, man. I don't know.
[people screaming]
What the heck is going on?
Mateo! Izzie?
[intense suspenseful music]
-[grimspawns snickering]
-Get outta here, you freak.
[grimspawn groans]
[crowd screaming]
[Mateo] Zoey, we have to hide!
Mateo, get behind that dumpster.
[evil laugh]
[Mateo] There he is.
Where are you brats?
-[Zoey] Dang, dude!
Special delivery!
Yeah! Come and get us!
-[both screaming]
So much for that plan.
The fear coursing through
this crowd,
oh, is delicious.
[evil chuckle]
Who needs dreamers
when I can corrupt
the imaginations
of everyone here
and feed right from the source!
Feed on this!
What are you going to do, boy?
You're nothing without
your blob and hourglass.
-[Mr. Hopper] Hey, pal!
Them beans really
bring that outfit together.
You look so ridiculous!
[Mr. Hopper] Yeah, like a real
seven-layer dipstick.
[Mateo laughs]
[Mr. Hopper and Mateo laughing]
Hey, hey, hey! No offense, pal.
[Zian screeches]
We gotta get to that rift.
[intense suspenseful music]
If the rift gets any bigger,
he'll be able to fly through.
We can't let that happen.
You're right! New mission!
If we don't stop Mr. SharkyJaw,
the Waking World is
in serious trouble.
[intense suspenseful music]
[intense battle music]
Our backup is stuck
in the Holland Tunnel.
-How's it looking, Coop?
It's looking
Bingo! I'll need the Edison Ray.
[intense battle music]
All right, you lot.
The rift is wide enough.
Into the Waking World!
I can't wait to hear
all those flesh bags
scream in terror!
I bet it will sound like
[Zian screeches]
What the
[intense suspenseful music]
[Izzie] Yes! It worked!
Did ya miss me?
-[grimspawns growling, grunting]
[intense suspenseful music]
Come on!
[groans angrily]
[Mateo panting]
Hey, guys! Need a light?
Hey, thanks, Lunch Box!
Be careful.
We don't know
what the light will do
to people who are corrupted!
Right. What are we doing
about that?
Just buy me time
to amplify this Edison Ray.
Mrs. C is right,
this is a terrible party.
But we can fix that.
[Mateo] The Nightmare King
is only powerful
in the Waking World as long as
people are scared of him.
We gotta distract everyone.
Logan, it's time to
bust out your DJ skills.
Oh-ho, yeah!
You've heard me play.
Party music isn't exactly
my style.
Besides I don't play well
with others.
That's because you've never
performed with DJ Loganator.
-[DJ beats]
-Oh-ho! Ow!
But I don't even know what
[guitar strumming]
[ominous music]
Welcome, my Brooklyn peeps,
to another Fall Festival!
[man] Boo! You suck!
Uh this year is
totally off the hook!
Mad props to my boy Mateo here
for designing
all the decorations.
Hey, have you seen
some of these costumes?
And that guy deserves a prize
for the ugliest get-up!
[Logan] Am I right? Huh!
He looks like a skeleton
barfed up a mummy!
Out of my way, you pathetic
Now it's time to introduce
my good friend Zoey on guitar!
-[deep breath]
-[guitar strumming]
There's a place
A face, a voice ♪
Still sings to me at night ♪
Saying you can make it
If you dream it ♪
Yeah, be yourself ♪
You'll be all right ♪
[Nightmare King laughs]
Nobody wants to hear
your pitiful music!
[evil laugh]
Zoey! Ignore him!
Ignore the crowd.
We're doing this together.
We're here for you!
Beyond ♪
The ordinary
We're extraordinary ♪
- Gonna dream big ♪
- Find out what we're made ♪
Imagination is gonna
take us ♪
Coop! No pressure,
but whatever you're gonna do,
do it faster!
[sighs in relief]
I think I've almost got it.
Gotta be brave ♪
- Have faith ♪
And let the Dream World
Take you beyond ♪
[upbeat dance music]
Between two realms ♪
We learn and we grow ♪
Places apart
But part of our soul ♪
[crowd cheering]
Whatever the difference ♪
We'll be alright
Just count on me ♪
In the dark and the light ♪
So let's fly ♪
Go high ♪
'Cause we are never
Coming down again ♪
Wherever we go
We're gonna steal the show ♪
And shine until
the very end ♪
Beyond ♪
The ordinary
We're extraordinary ♪
Gonna dream big ♪
Find out what we're made of ♪
Imagination is gonna
take us ♪
Beyond ♪
Is a place
you'll find me ♪
Watch my back. I gotta get
to the deck to get my tooth!
I think that's the key.
Your tooth?
the Dream World take you ♪
Beyond! ♪
[Izzie grunting]
Beyond ♪
That's where you'll find me ♪
Beyond ♪
The ordinary
We're extraordinary ♪
Gonna dream big ♪
Find out what we're made of ♪
Imagination is gonna
take us ♪
- Beyond ♪
-[Mateo] Coop!
-Got it!
Gotta be brave ♪
- Have faith ♪
And let the Dream World
Take you ♪
So let's fly ♪
Go high ♪
'Cause we are never
Coming down again ♪
Wherever we go
We're gonna steal the show ♪
And shine
until the very end ♪
Beyond ♪
The ordinary
We're extraordinary ♪
Gonna dream big ♪
Find out what we're made of ♪
Imagination is gonna
take us ♪
- Beyond ♪
Is a place you'll find me
That begins inside me ♪
Gotta be brave ♪
Have faith ♪
And let the Dream World
Take you ♪
Beyond ♪
I'm taking SharkyJaw back,
you ultimate turkey!
Beyond ♪
That's where you'll find me ♪
- Deep inside you will find ♪
A part of you this world
Is waiting for ♪
You and I, we gotta try ♪
And make this moment
Last forever ♪
Now's the time
Explore your mind ♪
[Night Hunter grunting]
Beyond ♪
The ordinary
We're extraordinary ♪
Gonna dream big ♪
Find out what we're made of ♪
Imagination is gonna
take us ♪
Beyond ♪
Is a place you'll find me
That begins inside me ♪
Gotta be brave ♪
Have faith ♪
And let the Dream World
Take you ♪
Happy Fall Festival, man!
Great costume!
[ominous music]
Time to end the fun and games.
[ominous music]
[evil laugh]
[Izzie as Lunia] Migo! Stop!
You It's
it's not possible.
[Izzie as Lunia] Come here.
Come to me, my old friend.
-It's working!
-I gotta go after him!
He's weakened!
What? You can't cross over!
We don't know what will happen!
That's why we're going together.
We got you, bro.
[suspenseful music]
We warmed up the crowd for you.
Keep this party going!
No, kids! It's too risky!
[tires screeching]
Thanks for showing up.
Come to me, my dear Migo.
[suspenseful music]
Who did this to me?
[Izzie] Surprise!
[suspenseful music]
Did you honestly think
you could defeat me all alone?
[Izzie yelps]
[Mateo] Stay away
from my sister, you creep!
[intense battle music]
Oh, I'm not alone!
[evil laugh]
We are in my domain now.
Filled with the imagination
of thousands
of captured dreamers.
All the power I need
to destroy you.
Ha! Bro.
You got nothing.
Don't I?
[dark intense music]
[evil laugh]
Oh snap!
[evil laugh]
[dark intense music]
[Cooper] Great. Now what?
We close the rift. Teo!
[intense music]
-[all yelping]
Guys, we gotta go!
What happens
if we don't make it?
[Nightmare King's evil laugh]
You brought
your physical bodies through.
You'll cease to exist!
[evil laughter]
[Mateo] Run!
[intense dramatic orchestration]
-[evil laughter]
-[evil laughter]
Ready, Z?
[Zoey] Mateo!
What are you doing?
Finishing the fight.
[intense dramatic orchestration]
Bro, let's go!
[Nightmare King groans]
Now's our chance. Let's go!
No. We finish the job.
We can do what Lunia did,
only better.
Because we have each other.
We'll make a new guardian.
One that cannot be corrupted.
You know that means
he can never leave here.
I know. Ready, Z?
Everyone focus on Z.
He is the new guardian.
Channel everything you got.
[intense dramatic orchestration]
[magical whooshing]
[evil laugh]
What are you doing?
[magic surging]
[intense dramatic orchestration]
[magic crackling]
[powerful heroic music]
[furious roar]
[dramatic suspenseful music]
Teo! Teo!
You gotta go! The rift!
[gentle somber music]
The whole process of germination
truly is interesting.
-If you look at this chart
-[stomach growling]
What did I tell you about
layin' off the street meat?
Mr. Oz, may I have
a bathroom pass?
[indistinct student chatter]
[Logan] Uh, yeah? What is it?
This better not be about
Lord of the Rings.
See for yourself.
Shut the front door!
What is it? What's wrong?
[Mateo] The rift,
it's still open.
Hey, Stinkbrains.
[intense outro music]
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