Little Einsteins (2005) s01e09 Episode Script

Go West, Young Train

We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five! Four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
Go West, Young Train.
Art: Navajo baskets.
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
Music by Georges Bizet.
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
[Annie] Whoa! Rocket is a bucking bronco.
[Leo] Ride 'em, cowboy.
-[June] Wheeee!
-[Quincy] Whoa! Yee-haw!
Howdy, partner.
I'm Annie.
Say, do you like my cowgirl hat?
That's great.
My friends and I
came to the Wild West today.
We're looking
for a really good friend of mine--
Little Red Train.
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
I think I hear him.
Hold up, Rocket.
[xylophone plays notes]
Do you see my friend, Little Red Train?
Yeah, there he is!
Rocket, land down there.
[plays notes]
Howdy, Little Red Train.
How have you been?
[flute plays notes]
Whoa! What's that?
Yeah, guys.
Check out the size of that bag!
Little Red Train,
how can you carry such a big bag?
Little Red Train may be little,
but he's mighty strong.
Right, Little Red Train?
[plays notes]
I wonder what's in it?
Yeah, and where's he taking it?
Look-- There's a note on the bag.
It says here he's taking this bag
to Train Junction.
The big trains are having
a huge hoedown party.
With cake and juice boxes.
[Annie] Games! And toys!
And violins for the party music.
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
Everything you need
for a big train hoedown party.
Oh, I bet there will be dancing.
So you're bringing the party stuff.
That's a very big and important job.
[plays notes]
[Big Jet's engine roars]
Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?
Little Red Train, this is the Wild West.
You have to be very careful.
There are bandits around.
[plays notes]
That's right, bandits.
They could try and take your party bag.
Especially big bandits like
[all] Big Jet!
[plays notes]
Do you see Big Jet?
[Big Jet's engine roars]
Here he comes!
[xylophone plays notes]
[plays notes]
Oh, no!
[flute plays notes]
Hey, give that back!
-That's not yours! Stop!
Don't worry, Little Red Train.
We'll help you catch Big Jet.
We need your help.
Will you help us get the party bag?
Great! You can join our posse.
[plays notes]
We've got a mission.
We're going to help Little Red Train
get back that party bag.
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
Come on.
Welcome aboard.
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled.
Prepare for blast-off.
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "Blast off!"
[all] Blast off!
Hold on tight 'cause here we go.
[all] Whoa!
[all] Wahoo!
Let's go catch Big Jet.
The party bag is missing ♪
And we'll all do all our best ♪
To find the treats and violins
That Big Jet took out west ♪
Allegro ♪
Quickly go ♪
Don't be slow, don't be slow ♪
Just go allegro ♪
But wait a minute.
I don't see Little Red Train.
There he is
way back there.
[Quincy] Uh-oh. I see the problem.
Little Red Train goes adagio.
How can he catch Big Jet?
[June] Whoa, look at that.
[flute trills]
He's got an allegro whistle.
All right!
[all] Allegro!
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
Allegro ♪
Quickly go ♪
Don't be slow, don't be slow ♪
Just go allegro ♪
[Leo] Whoo-hoo!
We're going allegro.
Yippee-ki-yay! I love the Wild West.
There's only one problem.
I don't see Big Jet anywhere.
Little Red Train, hold up.
[Leo] Rocket, put out
your look-and-listen scope.
[xylophone plays notes]
[violins play
Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"]
That sounds like the violins
from the party bag.
And I hear Big Jet.
Where's Big Jet?
Yeah, there he is.
Go, Rocket, go!
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
Where did he go?
[June] He's hiding behind the mesas.
Do you see Big Jet?
Yeah, there he is.
Follow him!
He's heading for
the Rocky Mountains.
He went into a tunnel.
Little Red Train's going after him.
Way to go, Little Red Train!
Let's go!
[xylophone plays notes]
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
Ooh. It's dark.
I can't see a thing.
Me neither.
[flute plays notes]
[xylophone plays notes]
That's better.
Thanks, Rocket.
Thanks, guys.
[plays notes]
[flute plays notes]
[Quincy] Look, there are two tunnels.
Big Jet must have gone down one of them.
We need to make a plan.
I know.
We can listen for the violins
in the party bag.
Then we'll know
which tunnel Big Jet is in.
Excellent idea, cowgirl Annie.
Will you help us?
Remember, the violins sound like this.
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
Let's listen to this tunnel.
[trombones play Bizet's
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"]
Does that sound like the violins?
No, that's trombones.
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
Let's try the other tunnel.
[violins play
Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"]
Does that sound like the violins?
Yes, that's the right tunnel!
Good listening.
Big Jet went this way.
[Leo] Let's go! Allegro!
[flute plays notes]
The party bag is missing ♪
And we'll all do all our best ♪
To find the treats and violins
That Big Jet took out west ♪
Allegro ♪
Quickly go ♪
Don't be slow, don't be slow
Just go allegro ♪
Uh-oh. More tunnels!
It's okay.
We just have to listen for the violins.
[clarinets play
Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"]
Does that sound like the party violins?
No, those are clarinets.
[plays notes]
Let's listen to this tunnel.
[trumpets play
Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"]
Does that sound like the party violins?
No, those are trumpets.
[plays notes]
Let's listen to this tunnel.
[violins play
Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"]
Does that sound like the party violins?
Big Jet must have taken
the party bag down this tunnel.
Good listening.
We'd better hurry.
The party bag is missing ♪
And we'll all do all our best ♪
To find the treats and violins
That Big Jet took out west ♪
Allegro ♪
Quickly go ♪
Don't be slow, don't be slow
Just go allegro ♪
[all] Yahoo!
We made it!
Thanks for your help.
And look, there's Big Jet.
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
[Annie] Oh, no!
Big Jet is pulling the track switcher.
[bell clanging]
He switched the tracks!
Now Little Red Train
is going the wrong way.
Little Red Train is headed
right for that old log bridge.
[Leo] And he's going allegro!
He needs to go
Adagio. Right, Rocket.
Help Little Red Train go adagio.
Pat slowly to the beat, like this.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
[Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
plays slowly]
That's it.
Now he's going adagio.
[Annie] Ooh, that bridge sure is rickety.
Phew! He made it.
Oh, no! Big Jet closed the train gates!
The gates are blocking Little Red Train!
[bell clanging]
Big Jet is getting away!
Little Red Train!
We have to wait
for the gates to open again!
[flute plays notes]
It's opening!
Way to be patient, Little Red Train.
But now we're way behind Big Jet.
Right, Rocket.
Little Red Train needs to go allegro.
Let's pat fast to the beat to help
Little Red Train go allegro, like this.
[all] Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat.
[Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
plays quickly]
[Annie] Look, look, look.
Some of the train tracks
go into that big canyon.
Wait a second.
That's not just a big canyon.
That's the Grand Canyon.
It's gigantic.
It's the biggest thing I've ever seen!
It's a good thing Little Red Train's
not going down there.
Hey! What's Big Jet doing?
[Annie] He's pulling the track switcher.
He's switching Little Red Train
onto a different track.
[Quincy] The track that's going
right into the Grand Canyon!
[all] Aah!
Little Red Train! Careful!
[all] Aah!
Rocket, come on!
[Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
plays quickly]
He's going allegro,
but he needs to go
Right, Rocket.
Help Little Red Train go adagio.
Pat slowly to the beat, like this.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
[Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
plays slowly]
Little Red Train can't hear you.
Pat loud and slow.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
That's it.
Loud and slow.
We did it!
Little Red Train's going adagio.
Thanks for helping.
[Annie] Look. There's Big Jet.
He doesn't see us.
He thinks he got away.
We can sneak up on him.
Great idea.
But we have to go allegro.
Little Red Train,
blow your allegro whistle!
[flute trills]
We don't want Big Jet to hear us coming.
Little Red Train,
you have to blow
your allegro whistle softly.
[trills softly]
That's it.
[trills softly]
We're getting there.
[Quincy] But it's so steep!
I think Little Red Train needs some help.
Can you help?
Let's pat soft and fast to the beat
to help Little Red Train
get back up the canyon,
like this.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat soft and fast, soft and fast.
That's it.
[Annie] Keep going, Little Red Train!
You can do it!
Keep patting.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
[Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
plays quickly]
[all gasp]
[all] Whew!
Little Red Train made it
up the other side of the Grand Canyon.
Yay, Little Red Train.
You did it.
[plays notes]
Thanks for helping.
Okay, there's Big Jet.
Now we can surprise him.
When I point to you with my baton
like this
Say, "Boo!"
[all] Boo!
[Quincy] He dropped the party bag!
[engine revs]
[flute plays notes]
[metal clangs]
Come on, we have to help Little Red Train
get to the bag before Big Jet does.
He can go allegro
[Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
plays quickly]
Or adagio.
[Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
plays slowly]
Which way should he go--
Allegro or adagio?
Allegro! Right.
[flute trills]
[Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
plays quickly]
Help Little Red Train.
Clap to the beat.
[all] clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.
Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.
[metal clangs]
Yay, Little Red Train!
You did it!
You got the party bag.
Hey, look at Big Jet.
What did he get?
He got a party blower stuck on his nose.
[Annie] I bet he's sorry
he messed with Little Red Train.
Come on, Little Red Train.
Now you can finish your job.
You can take this party bag
to Train Junction.
[flute plays notes]
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
[clarinets play "Charge"]
Hi, big trains.
We've got a big surprise for you.
Little Red Train brought you
something very special.
[clarinets play notes]
[flute plays notes]
A great big party bag!
[violins play
Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"]
Now you can have a big train hoedown.
[clarinets play "Charge"]
Little Red Train, you are amazing.
[flute plays notes]
[violins play
Bizet's "Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"]
Come on!
Let's party!
Come on, dance with us.
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
[cheers and applause]
Let's clap for our team.
Clap with us.
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June!
[all] Leo!
[xylophone plays notes]
Little Red Train.
[flute plays notes]
Let's clap for Little Red Train.
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for the Navajo baskets.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for,
let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today.
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2" plays]
"Suite L'Arlésienne Number 2"
by Georges Bizet.
[all] Yay, Bizet!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on, clap for yourself.
-You rock!
Yay for you!
See you on the next mission.
[plays notes]

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