Little Einsteins (2005) s01e10 Episode Script

Farmer Annie

We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five! Four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
Farmer Annie.
Art by
Vincent Van Gogh.
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
Music by Johann Sebastian Bach.
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
[Annie] Hold on tight, 'cause here we go!
Hi, I'm Annie.
Today we're going to a farm.
We're going to see our friends
The Three Little Piggies!
I can't wait to see
the Three Little Piggies.
Little Piggies, here we come.
But how are we going to find them?
This is a big farm.
Rocket, put out
your look-and-listen scope.
[xylophone plays notes]
[June] Are the Piggies with the horses?
[violins play descending notes]
The Piggies aren't with the horses.
Are the Piggies with the sheep?
No, the Piggies aren't with the sheep.
Are the Piggies near the barn?
Yes, there they are!
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
[Leo] Rocket, land near the big red barn.
We found you!
Hi, Piggies. How are things
going on your farm?
[flute and violin play notes]
I think the Piggies are trying
to tell us something.
Look, there must be something in the barn.
Let's go.
What is it, Little Piggies?
What do you want to show us?
[violin and flute play notes]
Ooh, look-- Seeds!
All kinds of seeds!
There are pumpkin seeds
And tomato seeds
And carrot seeds.
[flute and harpsichord play notes]
But what are these seeds?
[flute and violin play notes]
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
Little Piggies, is this
what you wanted to show us?
[flute and violin play "Charge!"]
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
But what do these seeds grow?
[flute and violin play notes]
The Piggies don't know
what the seeds will grow.
[Quincy] Hey, the seeds are making music.
They're super mystery seeds!
How mysterious.
Maybe we could plant them
and see what they grow.
Let's do it!
Have you ever grown anything?
What did you grow?
Piggies, do you want us to help you
plant the super mystery seeds?
[flute and harpsichord play notes]
Come on. You can help us, too.
We've got a mission!
[baton twinkles]
We're going to plant
the super mystery seeds
and see what they grow.
[flute and violin play "Charge!"]
To the garden!
We've got a mission ♪
We've got a mission ♪
Okay. We've got the seeds.
What do we need to do?
[flute and violin play notes]
Oh, here's what we have to do.
Thanks, Piggies.
First we have to plant
the seeds in the ground.
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
What's the next thing we have to do?
Yes! We have to water
the super mystery seeds.
[classical music plays]
And what's the next thing
we have to give the seeds?
Lots of sunshine.
[harpsichord plays fluttering notes]
Is that all we have to do?
[flute and harpsichord play notes]
That's right, Piggies.
There's one more thing.
What's the last thing
we have to give the garden?
We have to give the garden lots of love.
Come on!
Let's start planting
the super mystery seeds.
[xylophone plays notes]
Rocket has lots of cool gardening tools.
He'll help us plant the seeds.
[plays notes]
[plays notes]
Okay, Rocket, we'll clap
our hands to the beat
while you plant the seeds.
[plays notes]
We need to help Rocket
plant to the beat of the music.
Clap with us.
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
Plant seeds in a garden ♪
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
That's it. It's working.
We're helping Rocket plant the seeds.
Keep clapping.
[music and clapping continue]
One more row!
Keep clapping!
[music and clapping continue]
[all] Yay!
We planted all the seeds.
Way to clap to the beat.
[flute and violin play notes]
That's right, Piggies.
We planted the seeds.
What's the next thing
we have to give the garden?
Right-- Water.
[classical music plays]
We need rain.
Uh, guys, we've got a problem.
I don't see rain clouds anywhere.
[classical music plays]
Wait, I hear something.
It sounds like rain.
There must be a rain cloud nearby.
Come on!
Let's go find the rain cloud
and bring it to the garden.
Don't worry, Piggies.
We'll be right back with some rain.
Come on.
Welcome aboard.
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled.
Prepare for blast-off.
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "Blast-off!"
[all] Blast-off!
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
-[Annie] Hooray!
-[Quincy] Let's go!
Let's find the rain cloud
so we can sprinkle water
on the super mystery seeds.
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We're off to find some water ♪
Look, look, look!
I see clouds.
[classical music plays]
[June] Wow, look at these clouds!
There are so many of them.
How will we find a rain cloud?
I know how to find a rain cloud.
The rain cloud sounds like a harpsichord.
[harpsichord plays descending notes]
Let's listen for the rain cloud.
[violin plucking descending notes]
Does this cloud
sound like the harpsichord?
No, that sounds like a violin.
[violin plucking descending notes]
Let's listen to the next cloud.
[flute playing descending notes]
Does this cloud
sound like the harpsichord?
No, that's not the rain cloud.
That sounds like a flute.
[flute playing descending notes]
Let's listen to another cloud.
[harpsichord plays descending notes]
Does this cloud
sound like the harpsichord?
Yes, that's it.
That must be the rain cloud.
[harpsichord plays descending notes]
- [Annie] Great job!
We found it!
Great listening.
Rain cloud,
will you rain on our super mystery seeds?
[harpsichord plays notes]
Rain cloud, follow us.
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
[flute plays notes]
we brought the rain.
Over there, rain cloud,
right over our garden.
-[harpsichord plays descending notes]
The rain cloud is raining on the garden.
But the seeds need lots of rain.
I'll sing a special song to help
the rain cloud make more rain.
I need your help.
Put your hands in the air
and wiggle your fingers.
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We're watering the garden ♪
Keep wiggling your fingers.
Here comes the rain.
Great sprinkling.
Listen to all that rain.
[harpsichord plays descending notes]
Thank you, rain cloud.
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
[harpsichord plays descending notes]
Something is growing
from the super mystery seeds.
[violin plays fluttering notes]
There's something growing over here, too.
And something really big is growing here.
[violin plays fluttering notes]
It's working!
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
[flute and violin play notes]
Right, Piggies.
We're ready for the next step.
We planted the super mystery seeds
in the ground.
Then we watered them with the rain cloud.
Do you remember what we have to give
the super mystery seeds next?
Sunshine! Right.
The super mystery seeds
need lots of sunshine.
[harpsichord plays fluttering notes]
[flute plays notes]
Oh, no.
The sun is setting
behind that mountain right over there.
[Quincy] We need the sun
to shine high in the sky
over the garden.
Let's go get that sun.
Rocket, we have to hurry.
[plays notes]
We've got a mission ♪
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled.
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us to the beat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise both arms and say, "Blast-off!"
Come on, Rocket, let's hurry!
To the sun!
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
[Annie] Wow, look at the sunset.
It's so pretty.
[Quincy] But the sun
is going to set behind the mountain.
We can't let that happen.
We have to make the sun
go high in the sky.
But how?
I can do my super sunshine dance.
-Yeah, June!
-Great idea!
-Go for it!
-[xylophone plays notes]
Can you do my super sunshine dance?
[harpsichord plays fluttering notes]
Wave your arms back and forth
over your head.
You're doing it.
[Quincy] And look--
The sun is coming back up!
But we need to make
the sun come up even higher.
Wave your arms higher.
[all] We did it!
Great dancing.
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We will make the sun shine ♪
Oh, sun, will you shine
on our super mystery seeds?
[violin plays notes]
Follow us.
[xylophone plays notes]
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
[flute and violin play notes]
Piggies, we're back.
And look what we brought.
[violin plays notes]
[flute and violin play "Charge!"]
Annie, sing your special song
to help the sun shine.
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We will make the sun shine ♪
[harpsichord plays fluttering notes]
The seeds are sprouting.
[Quincy] The sun is shining.
But we need the sun to shine brighter.
[flute and violin play notes]
The Piggies are making up
their own sunshine dance.
Look, the sun loves the Piggies' dancing!
Let's help the Piggies
make the sun shine brighter.
Do your sunshine dance.
Come on!
Dance with the Piggies.
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
Keep dancing.
[flute and violin play notes]
That was great dancing.
These plants are just about ready.
[flute and violin play notes]
Right you are, Piggies.
There's only one more thing we need.
We planted the seeds.
Then we gave them water.
Then we gave them sunshine.
What's the last thing
we need to give them?
That's right.
But how do we give
the super mystery seeds love?
I know how we can give them love.
Annie, can you make up a song
to help the garden grow?
I think so.
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We love you, little garden ♪
Will you help me sing
to the super mystery seeds?
Sing with me.
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We love you, little garden ♪
Annie, your song
is making the garden grow.
Sing louder!
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We love you, little garden ♪
[violin plays descending notes]
Even louder!
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We love you, little garden ♪
Oh, my!
We're going to see
what grew out of the super mystery seeds.
[flute and violins play notes]
[violins play Bach's
"Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"]
[Annie] Did we grow tomatoes?
Did we grow pumpkins?
What did we grow?
You're right!
We grew violins.
[violins play Bach's
"Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"]
That is amazing.
Violins grew out
of the super mystery seeds.
But that's not all.
Look what else
is growing out of the super mystery seeds.
Oh, boy!
This is astounding!
[Annie] Wow!
More instruments!
What instruments are these?
[flutes play Bach's
"Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"]
Something really, really big is growing.
It's growing bigger
and bigger and bigger!
[harpsichord plays Bach's
"Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"]
It's a harpsichord!
It's huge!
[Leo] That's amazing!
[June] It's glorious.
I cannot believe it!
The super mystery seeds
made a garden full of instruments.
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
Hey, look, Little Piggies.
All the pigs from the other farms
heard our garden
and are coming to see what you grew.
They love your garden.
You're such great farmers.
[flute plays flourishing notes]
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
We love you, little garden ♪
[flute and violin play notes]
Aw, you're welcome, Little Piggies.
Mission completion!
[baton twinkles]
It's time for
the curtain call!
[cheers and applause]
Let's clap for our team!
Clap with us.
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June
[all] Leo!
[xylophone plays notes]
Clap for
the Three Little Piggies.
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for "The Olive Trees,"
by Vincent Van Gogh.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for
Let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today.
[Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5"
"Brandenburg Concerto No. 5,
Movement One,"
by Johann Sebastian Bach.
[all] Yay, Bach!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on, clap for yourself.
Yay for you!
See you on the next mission!
[cheers and applause]
[flute and violin play notes]
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