Little Einsteins (2005) s01e17 Episode Script

Jump for Joey

We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five, four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
Jump for Joey.
With aboriginal art.
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
Music by Georges Bizet.
[classical music plays]
Hi, I'm Quincy.
My friends and I are flying to
We're going to the Sydney Opera House
to see the animal talent show.
[classical music plays]
The animal talent show
is where all the animals
do their most special tricks.
Do you want to see the animals
do special tricks?
[classical music plays]
The animal talent show
must be starting soon.
Yes! The animals
are already on their way.
Those pelicans are going
to the animal talent show.
What graceful flying.
[Leo] Flying must be the pelican's
special talent for the talent show.
Yay, pelicans!
Whoa, look at those emus!
Emus run fast.
That must be their special talent
for the talent show.
-[Quincy] Yay, emus!
Look, look, look!
There's a kangaroo.
Ooh, a kangaroo.
[Quincy] I wonder why the kangaroo's
not going to the talent show.
Let's go and find out.
It's a baby kangaroo-- a joey!
You know his name?
No, that's what
all baby kangaroos are called--
Hi, there, Joey.
[horn plays notes]
We were wondering,
do you have a special talent?
[plays notes]
You do?
What is it?
[plays notes]
I think Joey wants us to guess
what his special talent is.
[plays notes]
Hmm, let's think.
What are kangaroos really good at doing?
Jumping, yeah!
Joey, is jumping your special talent?
[plays notes]
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
[Annie laughs]
Joey's an amazing jumper.
Joey, that's such a great talent.
It's perfect for the animal talent show.
[plays notes]
Uh-oh, did you forget that
the animal talent show is today?
[plays notes]
Oh, no!
Joey did forget.
[classical music plays]
That's the sound of the talent show.
It's about to start!
Joey, you're going to have
to jump really far and really fast
to get there in time.
[plays notes]
But don't worry.
You won't be alone.
I'm going to help you get there.
[plays notes]
-Me too!
So am I!
[plays notes]
Will you help Joey get
to the animal talent show in time?
You will?
[plays notes]
That's great!
Look. Joey's leading the way.
We'd better hurry and blast off
so we can catch up.
We've got a mission!
We need to get Joey
to the animal talent show
before it's too late.
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
Come on!
Welcome aboard!
Buckle your seat belts.
Seat belts buckled!
Prepare for blast-off!
We're going to need a lot
of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "blast off!"
Blast off!
Hold on tight because here we go!
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
We need to help Joey
jump to the talent show.
I know how we can help.
I can make up a jumping song for Joey.
Go for it, Annie!
Okay, Joey, get ready.
Jump, Joey, go ♪
Jump to the talent show ♪
Jump, Joey, jump ♪
Jump, Joey, jump ♪
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
It worked, Annie.
Look at Joey go!
Now Rocket is trying to jump like Joey.
He's using his pogo-bouncer.
Let's help rocket jump like Joey.
Clap the beat with me.
Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.
That's it.
We're helping rocket jump with Joey.
To the beat.
Jump, Joey, go ♪
Jump to the talent show ♪
Jump, Joey, jump ♪
Jump, Joey, jump ♪
[cello plays notes]
What's that noise?
It sounds like another animal.
[horn plays notes]
June, use your binoculars.
What animal is it?
[cello plays notes]
Yes! That's a koala bear.
And she's sleeping!
Oh, no.
Koala bear's going to sleep
through the animal talent show.
Look, Joey wants to jump up
to the koala bear
and wake her up.
[horn plays notes]
But koala bear is sleeping high
in that tree.
How is Joey going to jump
all the way up there?
Maybe we can help.
We can conduct the jumping music
to get louder and louder.
That will make Joey do a superjump.
[plays notes]
Will you conduct with me?
Okay, Joey, get ready.
[plays notes]
Now let's conduct a crescendo!
Put your hands out like me
and slowly lift them
and say "crescendo."
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
We did it!
[cello plays notes]
Joey woke up koala bear.
Hey, koala bear,
you need to stop sleeping.
It's almost time
for the animal talent show.
[plays notes]
Koala bear is excellent at climbing trees.
That must be her special talent
for the talent show.
-[Quincy] Yay, koala bear!
Now she can get to the talent show,
thanks to you, Joey.
[horn plays notes]
See you there, koala bear.
[classical music plays]
Uh-oh, that's the sound
of the animal talent show.
It's getting ready to start.
We've got to hurry, Joey.
[plays notes]
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
Jump, Joey, go ♪
Jump to the talent show ♪
Jump, Joey, jump ♪
Jump, Joey, jump ♪
[June] Look, Joey knows
a shortcut to the talent show.
He's bouncing over to that cave.
Wait for us, Joey!
Ooh, it's cool inside this cave.
But I don't see Joey.
Where are you?
Joey was so excited
to jump to the talent show,
he got too far ahead.
We don't know which way he went.
[violin plays notes]
Uh-oh, and that sounds like a snake.
Come on, we need to find Joey
before the snake finds him.
-[Carmen Suite N°1 plays]
-I hear Joey.
That's his jumping music.
He must have gone down
one of those tunnels.
Let's listen for Joey
down the first tunnel.
[classical music plays]
Did that sound like Joey's jumping song?
No, that's not his song.
Let's listen to the second tunnel.
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador march" plays]
Did that sound like Joey's jumping song?
Yes, it did!
Hurry, Rocket!
Joey went that way!
Uh-oh, more tunnels.
[violin plays notes]
And I hear the snake.
We can't give up.
We need to find Joey
before that snake does.
Let's listen for Joey.
[classical music plays]
Did that sound like Joey's song?
No, that wasn't his song.
Let's listen to the next tunnel.
[classical music plays]
Did that sound like Joey's song?
No, that wasn't it, either.
Let's keep listening.
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
Did that sound like Joey's song?
Yes! That's his song.
Joey went that way, Rocket!
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
There's Joey.
[plays notes]
But he's with the snake!
Oh, no!
[plays notes]
[violin plays notes]
Wait a second.
The snake and Joey are friends.
Yeah, Joey's telling his friend snake
about the animal talent show.
Oh. Snake didn't know
about the talent show.
[plays notes]
Wow, look at her slither.
She's amazing!
Yay, snake!
Slithering must be snake's talent
for the animal talent show.
Joey, that was very nice of you
to tell snake
about the animal talent show.
[plays notes]
[classical music plays]
What's that sound?
Yeah, it's the animal talent show!
It's getting ready to start!
[plays notes]
Come on, let's hurry!
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
Help Joey jump to the talent show.
Sing with me!
Jump, Joey, go ♪
Jump to the talent show ♪
Jump, Joey, jump ♪
Jump, Joey, jump ♪
-[Annie] Hooray!
-[June] Excellent!
Uh-oh, I wonder why Joey stopped.
Oh, that's why.
There's a giant rock in his way!
That's not just any giant rock.
That's Uluru,
the biggest rock in the world.
Can you say "Uluru"?
Uluru. Perfect.
Look, Joey isn't giving up.
He's going to try to jump over Uluru.
But that's going to take a humongous jump!
We know how to help Joey do a superjump.
We can conduct the jumping music
to get louder.
Get ready, Joey.
[plays notes]
Now let's conduct a crescendo.
Slowly lift your hands
higher and higher,
and say, "crescendo."
Even louder!
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
-[Annie] It worked!
-[June] Amazing!
Yay, Joey!
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
Way to jump, Joey.
That was awesome!
[plays notes]
[flute plays notes]
Hey, that sounds like another animal.
I wonder who it is.
Do you see who's making those sounds?
Oh, yeah.
It's those birds.
Those are rainbow lorikeets.
I wonder why they're not
at the talent show.
Oh, look, the lorikeets aren't ready yet.
They're still practicing.
They better hurry up.
[plays notes]
Great idea, Joey.
He's clapping to cheer for the lorikeets.
Come on, clap with us.
Clap for the lorikeets.
Go, lorikeets!
-You can do it!
-[Quincy] You're the best!
Go for it!
Yay, lorikeets!
What a cool trick.
See you at the talent show.
[flute plays notes]
[classical music plays]
Uh-oh, that's the talent show!
Ooh, we really have to hurry now.
Go, Joey, go!
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
Look, look, look!
All those rocks and trees
are in Joey's way.
[June] Oh, no.
How is he going to jump over all of that?
Joey can do it.
He can jump higher
than any kangaroo in Australia.
But he's going to need our help.
[cymbals crash]
These are my cymbals,
and when I bang them together like this
[cymbals crash]
that will tell Joey it's time to jump.
Can you clap your hands together
like cymbals?
Now get ready to tell Joey
when it's time to jump.
Here comes a tree!
-[cymbals crash]
It worked!
Now two claps!
[cymbals crash]
Two claps.
[cymbals crash]
Two claps.
-[cymbals crash]
-Clap! Clap!
Two claps.
[cymbals crash]
Two claps.
[cymbals crash]
Two claps.
[cymbals crash]
Clap! Clap!
All right!
Yay! That was amazing!
You did great playing the cymbals with me.
Yay, you!
It's the Sydney Opera House.
[classical music plays]
We made it to the animal talent show.
Come on!
Wow. Listen to that crowd.
The animals love Joey's jumping!
[plays notes]
Joey wants us to help him
do his biggest jump ever!
Let's do it!
Will you help Joey
do his biggest jump ever?
-[plays notes]
Okay, get up on your feet.
That's it, stand up.
Now, on the count of three,
jump as high as you can!
One two three!
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
He's higher than the stage!
He's higher than the roof!
He's higher than the whole talent show!
It's the biggest jump ever!
[cheers and applause]
Hooray, Joey!
We are so proud of you.
Yay, Joey!
[plays notes]
You're welcome, Joey.
I'm glad all the animals
got to see your special talent.
[plays notes]
Aw. Now he's thanking you.
[plays notes]
[Leo chuckles]
He did it again.
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
Let's clap for our team.
Clap with us.
Let's clap for Annie,
Quincy, June
[Annie, Quincy, June]
[xylophone plays notes]
And Joey!
Clap for Joey!
[plays notes]
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for
the aboriginal paintings.
And now,
the moment you've all been waiting for,
let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today.
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]
"Carmen Suite N°1: Toreador March,"
by Georges Bizet.
Yay, Bizet!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on. Clap for yourself.
-Yay for you!
See you on the next mission.
["Carmen Suite N°1:
Toreador March" plays]

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