Little Einsteins (2005) s01e19 Episode Script

Oh Yes, Oh Yes, It's Springtime!

We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five! Four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime!
Art by Utagawa Hiroshige.
["Spring" plays]
Music by Antonio Vivaldi!
Hi, I'm Quincy, and this is Baby Tulip!
Say, "Hi, Baby Tulip"!
["Spring" plays]
Baby Tulip is excited
because it's springtime!
That's Baby Tulip's favorite season!
Spring is the time
for Baby Tulip to bloom!
Do you like springtime?
All right!
I love springtime!
[classical music plays]
My friends and I are bringing Baby Tulip
to springtime in the Netherlands
so he can bloom with all the other tulips.
I see tulips!
Oh, how gorgeous!
["Spring" plays]
[Quincy] Wow, they sure grow
a lot of tulips in the Netherlands!
Baby Tulip, you're gonna have
a lot of friends, buddy!
["Spring" plays]
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
It's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Baby Tulip loves your singing, Annie.
[classical music plays]
Look, he grew a little!
You're ready to bloom!
Rocket, land down there.
[xylophone plays notes]
Springtime, here we come!
[jet engine roars]
Oh, no!
It's Big Jet!
Why does Big Jet
always have to be so noisy?!
[jet engine roars]
Yeah, way to be brave, Baby Tulip!
Baby Tulip's not scared of you, Big Jet!
Hey, guys.
Something tells me
Big Jet doesn't like springtime.
But there's nothing
he can do about it, is there?
I cannot believe it!
He has a new machine, a seasons machine!
He's changing the season!
The seasons machine
is making the wind blow really hard!
It's blowing the leaves off the trees!
It's making the leaves change color!
It's blowing us back, back, back!
[all] Whoa!
Rocket, it's too windy!
Land down there!
[Annie] Look, look, look!
The leaves on the trees
are turning so many colors.
[June] Yellow and brown
and red and orange.
Something tells me
we're not in spring anymore.
In springtime, do the leaves
turn colors and fall off the trees?
What season is it
when the leaves all turn colors
and fall off the trees?
Fall, right! Autumn!
Big Jet turned spring into autumn!
[jet engine roars]
[classical music plays]
Baby Tulip's trying to grow!
[Annie] In autumn,
Baby Tulip can't grow and bloom.
What are we going to do?
We've got a mission!
We need to turn the season back to spring
so Baby Tulip can bloom.
[June] But, Leo, can you fly Rocket
through this autumn wind?
We have to, June.
Prepare for blast-off!
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting!
Baby Tulip's patting
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say "Blast-off"!
[all] Blast-off!
[Annie] Hold on tight 'cause here we go!
[all] Whoa!
["Spring" plays]
[Leo] Okay, team,
let's get Baby Tulip back to spring
so he can bloom.
There's Big Jet.
Come on, Rocket,
we've got to get past him.
[xylophone plays notes]
The leaves are flying all around us!
Big Jet is making more autumn!
But we have to get back to spring!
We have to help Rocket
fly through the wind and the leaves!
We need to help him fly
to the beat of the music.
Great idea, Baby Tulip.
If we listen to the music,
we can feel the beat.
We can do an arm dance.
Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish.
[Quincy] Way to go, June and Baby Tulip!
Let's help Rocket
get through all the leaves!
Wave your arms to the beat.
Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish.
Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish.
["Spring" plays]
[June] We made it through autumn!
[Leo] Great dancing!
[Annie] Hooray!
Way to go, Baby Tulip!
You're very brave.
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
It's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
[classical music plays]
He grew some more!
Come on.
Let's get Baby Tulip
home to spring so he can bloom.
[June] And we'd better hurry
before we run into
[jet engine roars]
[Quincy] Big Jet!
And his seasons machine!
[Annie] I wonder what season
he's going to make now.
[Leo] Big Jet's stopping his machine
on a season that has a really hot sun.
What season is that?
Summer, right!
[Annie] That's not good for Baby Tulip.
Baby Tulip
can only grow and bloom in spring.
Oh, no!
Big Jet is changing spring into summer!
[all] Oh!
[Leo] Feel that summer heat!
Whew! It's too hot!
[Quincy] Yeah, look at Baby Tulip!
He's drooping!
Poor little guy.
Leo, we'd better find some cool shade
for Baby Tulip, and fast.
Rocket, land down there,
under those beach umbrellas.
Ahh! Much better!
["Spring" plays]
I can't believe we're in summer.
Listen to those waves!
Summer is a beautiful season.
But, guys, our mission!
Summer is way too hot
for Baby Tulip to bloom!
We have to get him back to spring
and-- Oh, no!
[Annie] The wave!
["Spring" plays]
Baby Tulip!
I can't see him.
Rocket can help us find him.
Come on!
[Quincy] Where did he go?!
[June] We have to find him!
We have to listen for Baby Tulip's song.
I know!
We can listen
for where his song sounds forte.
Forte sounds loud, like this!
[plays "Spring" loudly]
Does Baby Tulip's song
sound forte by the lighthouse?
["Spring" plays loudly]
Or by the rocks?
["Spring" plays softly]
The lighthouse?
["Spring" plays loudly]
Or the rocks?
["Spring" plays softly]
Where does it sound forte?
["Spring" plays loudly]
By the lighthouse, right!
["Spring" plays]
[Annie] And look, there he is!
[June] Way out in the ocean!
[Leo] Hang on, Baby Tulip!
Rocket, use your clapper catcher!
[xylophone plays notes]
Way to go, Rocket! Yes!
[Annie] Tremendous!
[all] Hooray!
[classical music plays]
Baby Tulip!
I'm so glad you're safe, little buddy.
He wants us
to fly back to the other tulips.
He wants to bloom.
[classical music plays]
["Spring" plays]
Listen! That sounds like springtime!
Let's go that way, Rocket!
[plays notes]
Buckle your seat belts!
[all] Seat belts buckled!
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us to the beat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise both arms and say "Blast-off"!
[all] Blast-off!
["Spring" plays]
[Annie] Whoa! Yikes!
Leo, what's wrong with Rocket?
He's flying lower and lower.
[plays notes]
Rocket, what's wrong?!
Why are you flying so low?!
[plays notes]
Oh, no! I know what's wrong.
Rocket's getting too hot.
Leo, you're right.
He can't fly through this summer heat.
We're going down!
[all] Aah!
[June] Oh, no!
[Quincy] Up, Rocket, up!
We've got to find a way
to cool off Rocket!
[classical music plays]
Good thinking, Baby Tulip.
We can fan Rocket to cool him off.
[classical music plays]
[xylophone plays notes]
Come on, team.
Let's fan Rocket to keep him cool.
Fan. Fan. Fan.
I need your help. Fan with me.
Fan. Fan. Fan.
["Spring" plays]
It's working!
Oh, no!
Yikes! Quick!
Now Rocket's too hot on this side.
Fan to the side!
Now Rocket's too hot on the other side!
Fan to the other side!
Good. Now fan up high.
Fan down low.
[plays notes]
["Spring" plays]
We cooled off Rocket,
and we made it out of summer.
Thanks for fanning Rocket with us.
[plays notes]
You're welcome, Rocket.
[classical music plays]
We're going to get you back home,
Baby Tulip,
so you can bloom.
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
It's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
[classical music plays]
[jet engine roars]
Who makes that sound?
Big Jet, right!
[June] There he is!
[xylophone plays notes]
[Annie] And look--
the picture on the machine
shows a season
with snowflakes and a snowman!
Snowflakes and a snowman,
what season is that?
Winter, right!
[Leo] Oh, no! Big Jet is making it winter!
Brr! It's getting cold!
["Spring" plays]
Rocket's shivering!
I'm shivering, too!
Oh, no! Baby Tulip is cold!
If he gets too cold, he'll never bloom.
[June] Got to get out of here fast!
[Annie] But which way do we go, Leo?
Yeah, there are three snowy paths.
We need to listen for the spring song.
The first path sounds like this.
[slow classical music plays]
Does that sound like spring?
No. That path leads back to summer.
The second path sounds like this.
[up-tempo classical music plays]
Does that sound like spring?
No. That path leads to autumn.
The third path sounds like this.
["Spring" plays]
Does that sound like spring?
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Rocket, take the third path!
[Quincy] We made it back to spring!
[Annie] There are the windmills!
Baby Tulip, you're almost home!
There you go, Baby Tulip.
Well, this is it, the big moment.
It's time to bloom.
[classical music plays]
Buddy, you're going to be
a big, beautiful tulip.
I know it.
[classical music plays]
He's ready to bloom!
Let's help him!
Let's sing the spring song!
When you hear the word "springtime,"
put your hands high in the air like this.
Let's practice.
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Great! Here we go!
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
It's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Reach higher!
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
It's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
[classical music plays]
[June] Yay!
[Leo] He did it!
[Quincy] He's beautiful!
[June] Stunning!
Baby Tulip isn't a baby anymore!
He sure isn't.
You're a big, beautiful flower.
[all] Aw!
He's giving me a hug.
[June] And look--
All the flowers are blooming!
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
It's springtime ♪
Oh, yes, it's springtime ♪
["Spring" playing]
[jet engine roars]
Oh, no, it's Big Jet!
What's going on?
The tulips are making Big Jet sneeze.
[Leo] Wow! He sneezed himself far away!
[all] Hooray!
Way to go, Baby Tulip!
Spring has sprung, and it's here to stay!
-All right!
Mission completion!
[bells tinkle]
It's time for the curtain call!
[cheers and applause]
Let's clap for our team!
Clap with us!
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June!
[all] Leo!
[xylophone plays notes]
Baby Tulip!
Let's clap for Baby Tulip!
[classical music plays]
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for "Mountains and River of Kiso,"
by Utagawa Hiroshige.
And now-- the moment
you've all been waiting for --
Let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today!
["Spring" playing]
"The Four Seasons: Spring, Allegro"
by Antonio Vivaldi.
[all] Yay, Vivaldi!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on, clap for yourself.
-Yay for you!
See you on the next mission.
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