Little Einsteins (2005) s01e20 Episode Script

A Tall Totem Tale

We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five, four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
Shh, shh, shh.
A Tall Totem Tale.
Art. Pacific northwest totem poles.
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Music by
Johann Sebastian Bach.
Hi, I'm Quincy.
Today, my friends and I
are exploring in Alaska.
We're looking for totem poles.
They look like this.
They're so cool.
Have you ever seen a totem pole?
Well, let's go look for one.
[classical music plays]
That sounds like a totem pole.
Follow me.
We found the totem poles.
It's a totem-pole forest.
The totem poles are singing and dancing.
[all laugh]
[flute plays notes]
This totem pole is singing
his story for us.
It's a story about a big bear
who stole the sunshine.
[violin plays notes]
Another totem pole is singing her story.
This totem pole is telling a story
about an eagle
who protected a river full of fish.
[flute plays notes]
That sounds like another totem pole.
[plays notes]
Do you see another totem pole?
[plays notes]
Oh, yeah.
There he is over there.
Let's go say hello.
[plays notes]
This totem pole is so little.
Hi, there, Little Totem Pole.
[plays notes]
[all laugh]
This is a fun Little Totem Pole.
Tell us your story, Little Totem Pole.
[plays notes]
Uh-oh, Little Totem Pole wants
to tell us his story,
but look--
he doesn't have any pictures.
This guy doesn't have a story.
[plays notes]
Don't worry, Little Totem Pole.
You may not have a story now,
but I'm sure you will
when you grow up and get big.
[plays notes]
He's excited to grow up big
and tell a cool story.
[all laugh]
Oh, no!
Little Totem Pole fell onto the ice.
Little Totem Pole!
Little Totem Pole is floating away
on the ice floe.
We have to help him.
We've got a mission!
We have to save Little Totem Pole
and bring him back home
to Totem-pole Forest.
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
Come on!
Buckle your seat belts.
Seat belts buckled!
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us to the beat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise both arms
and say "blast-off!"
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
[xylophone plays notes]
I can't see Little Totem Pole.
We have to find him fast.
I know what to do.
I'll make up a song
to call Little Totem Pole.
That's a great idea, Annie.
Rocket, put out
your look-and-listen scope.
[plays notes]
[radar pings]
Little Totem Pole, listen ♪
Here we come to save you ♪
I wonder if Little Totem Pole heard us.
Let's listen for his song.
[violin plays]
Someone is singing back.
Does that sound like Little Totem Pole?
No. Those are singing seals.
Let's keep trying.
Little Totem Pole, listen ♪
Here we come to save you ♪
Let's listen.
[cellos play]
Does that sound like Little Totem Pole?
Those are singing whales.
Little Totem Pole, listen ♪
Here we come to save you ♪
Let's listen.
[flute plays "Minuet and Badinerie"]
Does that sound like Little Totem Pole?
Yes! That's Little Totem Pole!
Where is he?
Yes, there he is.
Good searching.
Let's go, rocket.
[xylophone plays notes]
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Look! He's still on his ice floe.
But it's melting.
The ice floe is getting smaller
and smaller and smaller.
We have to save Little Totem Pole
before he falls into the chilly water.
Rocket, extend your clapper-catcher.
[plays notes]
Little Totem Pole, listen ♪
Here we come to save you ♪
Great job, Annie.
He's safe. You did it!
[flute plays notes]
[wind blows]
Something is happening
to Little Totem Pole.
He's growing!
Ooh, now there's a picture on him.
Whose picture is that?
It's Annie!
Little Totem Pole is telling the story
of how Annie sang her song to find him.
[plays notes]
Annie, he's thanking you.
You're welcome, Little Totem Pole.
Now let's get you back home
to Totem-pole Forest.
[plays notes]
But how will we get past
this giant ice wall?
There's a hole in the wall.
It's a tunnel through the ice.
Come on, everyone.
This will take us
to the other side of the ice wall.
Good thinking, Leo.
[classical music plays]
This is remarkable.
Now, listen, there are lots
of twisting, turning paths,
so we have to stick very close together
so we don't get lost.
Uh, guys?!
Oh, no!
June, Quincy, Annie, and Rocket
must have gone down the wrong path.
[plays notes]
We have to find our team.
[classical music plays]
Hey! That's a great idea,
Little Totem Pole.
Let's pat to the rhythm
so the team can follow the sound
and find us.
[classical music plays]
Will you help us pat the rhythm
and save our friends?
Let's practice.
Pat the rhythm with me.
Now let's save our friends.
Pat with us.
[classical music plays]
Look, there's Quincy and June.
They heard us patting the rhythm.
-There you are.
-Thanks, Leo.
Thanks, Little Totem Pole.
But we still have to save
Annie and Rocket.
Pat with us.
[classical music plays]
Keep patting.
Here comes Annie and Rocket!
[xylophone plays notes]
Thanks for saving us.
You guys are heroes.
[flute plays notes]
Look, there's the end of the tunnel.
We made it through!
[totem pole plays notes]
[wind blows]
Little Totem Pole is growing even bigger.
[Quincy] Now there's another picture
on Little Totem Pole.
Whose picture is that?
That's right! It's Leo.
[plays notes]
Little Totem Pole is telling the story
of how Leo helped us in the ice tunnel.
Yay for Leo!
Thanks, guys.
[classical music plays]
Listen. I can hear
Little Totem Pole's home.
We're getting closer!
[plays notes]
That's Polar Bear Mountain.
[Annie] Totem-pole Forest is
on the other side of this mountain.
There are big polar bears up there.
But we have to get Little Totem Pole
back to his family.
[xylophone plays notes]
That's a great idea, Rocket.
Let's fly over the mountain.
[plays notes]
Oh, no.
Little Totem Pole is too big
to fit inside Rocket now.
He's going to have to climb
Polar Bear Mountain all by himself.
Hold on, Little Totem Pole.
Don't worry.
I'll climb Polar Bear Mountain with you.
[plays notes]
Rocket and the team will follow us.
[xylophone plays notes]
We have to watch out for polar bears.
Will you help me and Little Totem Pole
get over Polar Bear Mountain?
[plays notes]
What's wrong, Little Totem Pole?
What did Little Totem Pole see?
That's right!
It's a big polar bear!
Don't worry, Little Totem Pole.
I know what to do.
I'm going to play a song on my flute
to make the polar bear fall asleep.
[plays notes]
But I need your help.
Play your flute with me.
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Did it work?
The polar bear fell fast asleep.
We did it.
Now let's keep climbing.
[plays notes]
It's an even bigger polar bear.
Help me make the polar bear fall asleep.
Play your flute.
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
-It worked!
-[bear snores]
He went to sleep.
We're almost at the top
of the mountain, Little Totem Pole.
Let's keep climbing.
[plays notes]
It's the biggest polar bear of all!
What should we do now?
Let's play our flutes
to make the polar bear fall asleep.
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Did it work?
Yes! He fell asleep.
Great flute playing.
[plays notes]
We made it to the top
of Polar Bear Mountain!
That was amazing.
Good for you.
Way to go, guys.
And look!
[wind blows]
Whose picture is on Little Totem Pole now?
Yes! It's Quincy.
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Thanks for letting me be
a part of your story, Little Totem Pole.
[plays notes]
Hooray for Quincy!
[plays notes]
What is it, Little Totem Pole?
It's Totem-pole Forest.
You're almost home.
[plays notes]
Little Totem Pole is so excited
to go home,
he's swooshing down the mountain.
Little Totem Pole, wait for us!
Look at him go!
Look at all those trees up ahead.
Little Totem Pole, watch out!
We have to help Little Totem Pole
swoosh to the beat.
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.
Will you help Little Totem Pole
swoosh to the beat?
Let's do the swoosh dance.
Move your hands side to side like this.
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.
That's it!
Excellent swooshing.
Little Totem Pole,
swoosh to the beat with us.
Little Totem Pole is swooshing
to the beat like us.
But there's one more tree!
Keep swooshing.
Little Totem Pole missed all the trees.
Thanks for doing the swoosh dance with us.
Way to swoosh to the beat.
Wow, Little Totem Pole!
We are so proud of you.
[plays notes]
[wind blows]
Whose picture is on Little Totem Pole now?
It's June!
[wind blows]
Little Totem Pole isn't done yet.
Look at that. It's
[plays notes]
There's Totem-pole Forest.
Let's go!
[classical music plays]
Little Totem Pole is home.
[totem poles play notes]
The other totem poles
are so excited to see him.
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Little Totem Pole isn't so little anymore.
He's the tallest totem pole of all.
[totem poles play notes]
The other totem poles want to hear
Little Totem Pole's story.
Let's help Little Totem Pole
tell his story
to all the other totem poles.
[classical music plays]
[Quincy] First, Annie sang a song
to find Little Totem Pole.
Sing my song with me.
Little Totem Pole, listen ♪
Here we come to save you ♪
[Quincy] Then, Leo and Little Totem Pole
patted the rhythm
to save us in the ice tunnel.
Can you show the totem poles
how we patted to the rhythm?
[classical music plays]
[totem poles play notes]
[Quincy] Then Little Totem Pole and I
had to go up Polar Bear Mountain,
and I played my flute
to make the polar bears fall asleep.
Can you show the totem poles
how you played your flute?
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Then June and Rocket
taught Little Totem Pole
how to swoosh down the mountain.
Can you show the totem poles
the swoosh dance?
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.
And that's how Little Totem Pole
got back home
to Totem-pole Forest.
[totem poles play notes]
They love your story, Little Totem Pole.
You have the best totem-pole story ever.
[flute plays notes]
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
Let's clap for our team.
Clap with us.
Let's clap for Annie,
Quincy, June!
[Annie, Quincy, June]
[xylophone plays notes]
Little Totem Pole!
Clap for Little Totem Pole.
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for pacific northwest totem poles.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for.
Let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today.
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
[Leo] "Orchestral suite number two
in B minor: Minuet and Badinerie"
by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Yay, Bach!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on.
Clap for yourself.
-You rock!
-Yay for you!
See you on the next mission.
[flute plays notes]
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