Long Way Round (2004) s01e07 Episode Script

Yakutsk to Magadan: The Road of Bones

Got sun on my face
Sleeping rough on the road
I'll tell you all about it
When I get home
Comin' round to meet you
The long way round
We're gonna ride 20,000 miles in 115 days through 12 countries.
Europe, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia.
And then ride the Road of Bones in Far Eastern Russia.
And we're gonna fly to Alaska and go through Canada, America,
and New York.
We're gonna give these guys little video cameras.
They'll have cameras on their motorcycles.
They will have cameras on their helmets.
And mics in their helmets.
I feel like a fighter pilot.
I'm dropping bombs now.
We're having a third motorcycle travel with them.
On that motorcycle will be a cameraman.
In addition, there will be two support vehicles.
We will travel around the world as well,
linking up with the guys at borders.
But really, the motorcycles will be on their own.
We left Yakutsk this morning.
And we got a boat across the river.
And I was completely full of trepidation.
This is the way we're going, over here.
And they call it the wetlands.
No one mentioned anything to me in the prep about wetlands, but look.
Something about riding a bike through water that just freaks you out.
A little puddle compared to what we might be facing,
and my heart was in my mouth.
Look at it. It's nothing.
I gotta calm down. I just gotta calm down. I'm like, "Fu"--
It never gets dark here,
so you can effectively drive all night long.
And, you know, the latest it gets dark is about 12:30, 01:00.
And that's just, sort of, dusk.
And then it gets light again.
So, sleeping has been a real problem,
'cause you just never seem to want to go to bed 'cause it's so light.
The last few days we spent off in Yakutsk
have just been a kind of mount--
There's been a mounting sense of fear about the whole thing.
I had a really restless night last night.
Then when I did get to sleep, I had a lot of nightmares
about the Road of Bones for some reason.
This road was made on the bones-- of human bones.
Beginning in the 1930s,
Stalin started to round up the intelligent middle classes,
as well as anyone he viewed to be a political threat.
Herded them all into these gulag camps,
and forced them to build roads and dig mines.
When the prisoners were building this road,
especially in winter, very many people died.
Prisoners were actually incorporated into the road.
That's why it's called the Road of Bones.
When we are driving on this road,
we need to pray because of--
The people are-- were buried there.
So it's like a cemetery. We'll go on the cemetery.
This is pretty much, I think, the start of the Road of Bones now.
From Ho-Hoare and up.
We've had loads of different people--
We asked everybody what they thought,
and most people think, "Whoa."
We've got to get to Magadan, and it's gonna be very difficult to get there
because every person we speak to about the route tells us something else.
So the guy from Magadan says this bit's impossible.
And the guy from Yakutsk says this part is impossible.
Everybody we've spoken to here has told us that we're crazy to be going any further,
that the roads just disappear,
that, you know, the rivers are so high
because the winter was so bad, that you'll never get through it.
And on top of that, apparently, it's lined with memorials and gravestones
to those drivers that died in recent years on the road.
So clearly this isn't gonna be an easy journey.
There's a stretch of road which is about 300 kilometers.
200, 300 kilometers, which is really, really difficult.
And there are three major, major rivers there.
So-- And that's what's basically--
would stop us if anything stops us.
That's gonna really screw the whole event up, really.
We'll miss our flight from Magadan.
-And they're weekly -Yeah.
those flights from Magadan, as well.
Which then means we're late for everything.
We're even late to get into New York then.
Do you think we'll get to Magadan?
I think no.
Has he got anything good to say?
-Any good news? -That's all.
This is usually where you say, "Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine." Say that.
I'm sure it'll be fine.
I mean, these are guys who've been, you know, born and raised here,
say that they can't go forward.
Yet, you see Ewan and Charley with a smile.
They said they're gonna do it. I mean it's
We'll be behind them.
But not helping them. It's all up to them.
There'll be little rivers that we'll have to ride across,
and I'll kind of face up to that demon and that fear when--
when that presents itself.
We're gonna try and cross over there.
Once we give it a bash, I think we can do it.
Let's find what we think is the kind of shallowest way across,
and we'll see.
The problem with these little rivers is, when you drive along,
all it takes is one sort of big boulder or big stone underneath
just to catch your front tire,
and you're away, you know, you're gone.
I could suddenly see the fear on Ewan's face when--
I could see the fear reflected in his eyes.
I could see my face with the same look.
I was going, "I recognize that look."
Well, that was our first proper river crossing.
And and we did it.
And, you know, we chose the right way to go.
We stood there, we thought about it, and we did it.
Fantastic, isn't it?
-It's great. -Sense of achievement.
Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
This driver's friend,
he was fishing, and the bear came.
Mauled his face.
Ripped off his eyes.
I've seen bears in this area the size of your jeep!
In one week it will be bears breeding
so it will be more dangerous period for tourists to stay in the forest.
Even if half of the stories we're hearing are true,
they definitely say we're gonna see bears on the route.
I mean, it's just another thing to worry about, really.
I think we're in the bear's territory,
and I think if we come across one, we'd be very lucky.
Really. I mean
Not if it's trying to rip your tent open in the middle of the night, that--
You'd be very unlucky.
But if we see a bear somewhere, that would be incredible.
I'm not particularly worried about them, really.
Jesus Christ. I thought you were a fucking bear!
-You all right? -I thought you were a bear.
I hope they build a big fire.
In the spirit of keeping up my video diaries, I'm
gonna do one now, in the morning here before we leave.
We had a really nice camp here last night.
There's lots of mosquitoes here.
And my bottom, it's been bitten rather badly yesterday.
Jesus. There's one, two, three, four five. There's five.
At least five.
And that was just in one-- one squat.
One sitting.
And also my willy is bitten in three places.
He really helped himself, that one, didn't he?
Little greedy bastard.
This river is a-- Look at it!
It's absolutely everywhere. It's so full.
It's going through the forest. It's going--
It doesn't bode well for the one that we've got to cross later on.
I think you just said it all.
When are you ever in a situation where you just can't do anything about it?
We can't go back.
We can't go round the other road 'cause it's--
We'll come-- we'll come across a river like this with no bridge,
and we'll just have to wait.
We're not that far away either, that's the sad thing.
-From Magadan? -Yeah.
I've never been in that position before where you--
-where Mother Nature goes, "Nah. Nah." -No.
My first thought is to go to sleep.
And just pretend it's not happening.
This bridge isn't gonna last. Another couple of years and it's--
Hope it lasts another couple of minutes.
Well, over here we've got a very good reason
why we can't cross this river on the bridge.
Come on.
So, you better start putting the brakes on about here.
So that you don't end up going down there.
This is where
the bridge ends.
We'd never ride across that. It's far too deep.
Current's too strong.
But there are tracks which would suggest that something's been crossing it.
We're gonna walk into town, you and I, Clauds.
We're gonna get ourselves a truck,
and we're gonna get our bikes over, is what we're gonna do.
I feel extremely
What's the point? What's the point in that?
This is the bad hair show.
I'm standing on the bridge,
and we gotta cross this river tomorrow, somehow.
Charley and Claudio went across into town
to see if they can find someone with a truck who could take us over.
I think if we're gonna find anything, it's gonna be here.
What a shithole.
But it's beautiful here.
Far Eastern Russia is just gorgeous.
There were pat-- patches today that looked very like Scotland,
remind me of Scotland.
And I've been struck by how much of the world looks like Scotland.
And it just adds to my theory, you know,
that we made the rest of the world in Scotland.
We made it all.
You know, we made it in the image of our homeland.
We have three motocíkl on the other side of the river.
And we need a truck to--
Yeah. You know, like a truck
or something that can-- across?
Nothing here?
So they have an idea of lowering the bikes down a ramp off this rickety bridge.
I'm not sure about that because it's-- it's a good 20-feet drop,
and then that's onto ice, and then we have to ride across the ice.
So all we have to do is get down.
I'll just say for the record that it's a long way down off that bridge.
-Yeah, but it's doable. -And these bikes are very, very heavy.
Look at the steam coming off my socks.
God, I'm sick of camp food. I really am.
Claudio went off and found a place, 'cause he'd had his tent stolen.
So, you're gonna leave us tonight, Claudio?
You're gonna go and sleep with some strange man across in the town?
I tried my best to move in with Charley in the double tent.
-Double tent? What double tent? -We don't have--
-And-- -What? In the two-man tent?
-The two-man tent. -He wouldn't have it?
That is a one-man tent, Claudio.
-Don't try and make up porky pies. -That's my answer.
-I'm buggering off. -That's a very big one-man tent.
Yeah, once you're inside, it's actually very small.
I'm actually quite relieved
that I don't have to spend the night in a two-man tent with Charley.
I got my own villa.
Certainly a better idea, and definitely warmer.
It's miserably wet and cold today and--
Just everything's wet now, and the tent will be soaking wet.
Sleeping bag's wet. It's all a bit damp.
We can't do the lowering down the plank business in the rain.
Too dangerous.
So we have to fall back on the truck idea.
Hope that a truck comes by that can take us across.
And in the meantime, I think we should,
one at a time, I'll take my stuff over,
put the fire on in there, and I'll get my sleeping bag hopefully dry
'cause it's wet.
There's not been one vehicle past.
Not one lorry has passed this morning.
I don't know what we're gonna do.
Three motocíkl to go-- to go across the river.
In this truck. It's-- it's okay?
Do you know how long I've been waiting for a truck?
So, listen, he's gonna--
This gentleman here is very kindly gonna take the green truck,
bring it down here, and then back it up into that bank.
-Okay. -And we just drive the bikes on.
Claudio, you got any straps?
Good luck, everybody. The first major river crossing.
-Whoo! -Whoa!
The nice thing is that this lorry driver's going the same way,
and he'll be behind us at some point, all the way, I think.
So if we-- He's said if we get unstuck at these three rivers,
if we don't meet anyone else, he'll be coming up the back,
and he can do the same thing each river.
Oh, my mozzie bites.
I can't stop scratching them.
-Just an amazing place, huh? -Incredible little place.
Well, I'm a bit upset. I wanted to spend the night here, but
I didn't think we'd be across the river by now.
I thought it would take much longer than it did,
so it makes sense to move on.
This particular town was part of the construction of the Road of Bones.
And all these massive diesel engines and buildings and outbuildings are part of--
of constructing the road.
We're about 90 miles from the pole of cold.
The coldest inhabited place on earth.
in the winter it's -82, -80 there.
So it can't be much warmer here.
You think all those men who were living here,
prisoners and political prisoners and--
Living here during that-- during those kind of temperatures.
I mean, something like 20 million people died.
Twenty million people.
Building the road and being sent to the camps.
And just terrible things because they were intelligent
or because they were-- they wanted to speak out for themselves
or had different opinions.
It's just unbelievable.
We were riding up the road,
and I saw this black shadow up on the road ahead.
Charley pulled up beside me and I went, "What's that?"
And he said, "It's a bear."
That's our first bear. Right up there.
Running up the road. A wild black bear.
We've been told that, in this particular area,
there are quite a few of them.
And they're quite-- They can be very aggressive.
That's just fantastic to see that.
From this distance.
We've come across a rather enormous obstacle on the road.
That's a pothole, isn't it?
That is a pothole.
So we'll probably try and come round this side.
It's very marshy and boggy.
-This side's better, Charley, hey? -Yeah.
This is not gonna look pretty.
There won't be any style points here, okay?
-Arsehole. -Shit.
Push it over to its side.
And then we'll just push some stuff into it.
Fucker! Go on!
Well, this is the real thing, mate.
Tiring, isn't it?
Endless, one after another.
Oh, my God. What a day.
Have to excuse the drops on the lens, I can't be bothered to clear them off.
That's not the attitude, is it? Hang on.
There you go.
Just had the most extraordinary day on the Road of Bones.
We started at 07:30 and we didn't stop for a break till 06:30 this evening.
They were 12 of the most exciting hours of motorcycling
I've ever done in my life.
The roads just deteriorated and deteriorated.
We were riding on mud, gravel and puddles
and potholes and rivers and bogs.
It was just everything thrown at us at once.
I could feel the difference today.
I wasn't freaking out.
And the water-- I kind of conquered my fear of the water today.
I conquered it by doing the thing that I feared the most
which was drawing water into my engine.
Let me try now. It might have sounded funny
'cause it was underwater.
Doesn't sound right, does it?
To my surprise, I was completely calm.
And I just sorted it out. I took the plugs out,
I pumped the water out of the pistonheads,
and then I cranked it-- put them back in,
cranked it up and water came spewing out of the exhaust
'cause I'd forgotten that water goes in the exhaust as well.
Nice bit of work there.
One, two, three.
-two, three. -Two, three.
One, two, three.
Charley's really hurt-- injured himself.
He's pulled all the muscles behind his shoulder blade.
No, he was getting his bike up off the center-- off the stand,
and-- and it slipped.
And he was trying to save it,
and in doing so he's managed to rip all the muscles out of his shoulder blade.
It's fine.
It's obviously very painful 'cause of the way you're holding yourself.
Didn't have much room to let it drop, that's why, hey?
Yeah, I was trying to hold it
'cause as usual Claudio parks, like, you know, an inch beside me.
I think it's your fault, Claudio.
It's quite painful at the moment.
Also, we'd reached rivers that we were trying to cross
and we couldn't cross them anymore, they were too deep.
The currents were too strong.
Charley and I both drew water into our engines.
Me for the second time, Charley for the first time.
So it was just getting ridiculous.
We got to a point where we couldn't ride any further.
This bit's beat us actually.
We're here too-- We are here too early.
It's June. The water's too high, and we can't cross these rivers.
Is this where we're meant to look at each other and smile
and remember where we are?
Just simply to do a trip around the world on a motorbike in four months
is not possible without support.
You need people behind your back, you know, organizing lots of stuff.
A little bit there.
-A little bit there? -Yeah.
-So? -Hurts a little bit-- Ow! Yeah.
He's not able to drive by bike. To drive bike.
It's my recommendation.
It's first. Second
these games, what you are doing here, it's not your slave.
It's a life. Man. A life.
They have families,
children and so on.
We have small river for-- for movies.
Why they should go in cold water, 2, 3 degrees Celsius,
till waist, why?
They have decided to put the bikes on the Kamaz.
-Yeah. -Kamaz.
You know, it just makes sense to put them on now and then
and then do this last 20 kilometers to the--
Well, it's gotta be more than 20 kilometers to the--
He says to the big river.
To the big river, it's 20 kilometers.
Well, if they're only, yeah.
Oh, no. You can't ride it.
I'd be so gutted if they drove on-- on, you know,
on the Road of Bones, and I wouldn't have done it.
Feel a bit sad, really.
Most importantly, I just want Charley to work through this back pain.
We've gotta get to-- We gotta get to a campsite.
These circles represent the big problem spots.
This is a river that we were warned about when we were back in Khandyga.
And then this is the second one.
These are the ones that they said are really massive.
I think we'll continue to go over small ones as well.
That's what the driver said.
And these massive potholes that are deeper than this bonnet.
Yeah, we were windshield-high just going through potholes yesterday,
full of water.
They're kind of gung ho, I would say.
Gung ho, David's driving style.
It's incredible. I just, you know, can't believe he's got that car here.
'Cause it is the kind of car you see people shopping in, you know?
And here he is on the Road of Bones.
All these truck drivers take it, you know, at a steady three mile an hour
just gently.
Dave comes through at like 45 with a big bow wave.
I think we need to install a propeller on his car.
Nasty interruption to this beautiful song actually there, Dave.
But it's weird. The whole thing's become a diff--
We're now a part of the support crew's story, you know what I mean?
Instead of part of our own.
There's no way we could've done this bit. It's just impassable for us.
Come on, baby! Come on!
It started to fill up with water.
We've been driving today for 7 hours and we've covered 11 miles.
Truck suddenly stopped.
I woke up because I was dozing, myself.
In the field beside the road they saw a bear.
Instantly, you know, these truck drivers suddenly, you know,
they were different people. They picked up their guns
They got the bear in minutes.
I made a documentary about polar bears, for Christ's sake.
here, two men just killed a black bear for no other reason than to skin it.
So that they can sell its coat.
And gutted it, and they cut its gallbladder out,
and sell the gallbladder to--
Apparently it's used in Chinese medicine
the liquid in the gallbladder.
And then left the carcass lying in the forest, I mean
It's disgusting. It's disgusting.
You know, these truck drivers don't make very much money.
A bearskin is worth a lot of money.
And if they see a bear running across-- and I, you know--
I think that they see-- they see the dollar signs they can get it for.
They see four new tires for their truck.
A new injection system for the engine
or just some money for the kids and family.
And there's been lots of talk,
lots of people justifying it for money reasons,
and, "Oh, well, they get $600."
I don't care what money they get.
It's a wild animal living in its own habitat,
and nobody's got any right to shoot it with a gun.
It's disgusting.
To shoot just for the sake of shooting, I think is wrong.
I think to shoot and eat what you've shot is absolutely fine.
I mean, I don't like killing bears.
You can't eat the meat here anyway because it's usually poisonous.
What's the point?
Maybe we should get the ax out and cut down more trees.
He's got a chainsaw.
Has he? But I'd like to do it with an ax.
Wish I could do that.
The good thing is there are 100 million thousand of those trees here.
So we mustn't feel too bad about them.
It's all happening, and I can't do anything.
I've never been involved in a team like this before in my life.
It's unbelievable, isn't it?
Jesus Christ.
I've got such calluses from riding the bike all these miles,
and one's just broken away, that's all. Look.
-Gelatinous. -Mm.
"Hello. What's your name?"
"My name's bloody callus."
"Have you met my sister, Maria?"
The challenge isn't riding the bike through the puddles,
but the challenge now is getting the team to the point
where we can carry on riding again.
And I'm really enjoying it. I'm enjoying
you know, digging ramps and chopping down trees to fill gaps,
and getting, you know, being part of the whole team is--
it's as much fun as anything else.
So I'm really enjoying it. It's fantastic.
I'm getting kind of fed up now. I wanna get on the bike.
We know that once we get across this river that we haven't found yet,
the river-- the uncrossable river--
No, it's not the first uncrossable river
but there's one really big one
that the trucks might not even be able to get across.
We're not at it yet.
We thought we'd reach it today and we haven't.
Once we get past that, a few kilometers past that or something,
the road is rideable again to Magadan.
And hopefully, Charley will be able to ride down to Magadan.
He's got to be able to because it's our dream to get to Magadan.
I'm fucking riding to Magadan. Whatever.
If, you know, if I have to call Dr. Costa from the MotoGP
to find out what injection
to stick it in.
He's absolutely fool if he want to do this.
I mean, straight after the accident, I rode across that bog,
and across the river, and I was fine.
He will treat himself for half of one year.
For what?
Try lifting your arm up.
Just 'cause we wanna see the pain in your face.
There we go. See?
Now the left one.
That one's good. See--
See, it's getting better.
And if he's unable to, then I'll ride it alone.
Well, I'll ride it with Claudio.
Well, we could do, me and Claudio, but I don't want you to feel bad about it.
I'd rather you didn't.
I really would.
I don't know. It's up to you whatever you want to do.
No, that's his decision,
but I mean, I would dearly love to do the same mileage as Ewan does.
I'd have to. I'd have to.
Once the road gets better, I have to ride my bike again.
But I'd do everything so that he was there with us first.
I like my mate, Ewan.
He looks after me.
I came out this morning, of my tent, feeling a bit hungover
and there were my motorbike trousers lying out on the floor.
And he'd taken the lining out-- And look, he's putting them away now.
That's a guy who looks after you,
you see?
There's no "I" in team.
But as Russ pointed out the other day,
there is a "me."
That's a showstopper right there, isn't it?
That's a real showstopper.
We heard that two of these Ural trucks got lost the other day.
Basically they've told us that we've got to wait here
for another three days.
This is where we find Brad Pitt and someone else doing the river journey.
Behind them are two BMW GS Adventures.
Couple of actors.
"What are you doing?" "I'm riding to London."
"No kidding. Where did you start?" "New York."
"Shit. When's your show airing?"
First of all, these trucks can go in the water up to the windshield.
I don't think there's any reason why they can't go through this.
It looks like the guy in the brown wants to do it too.
-He's like, "Oh, fuck, it's not"-- -The guy in brown's nodding his head.
-The brown is the one saying -They're having an argument.
"I wanna do it."
And the one in the green pants is saying no.
We have movement.
We've got movement. What does it mean though?
I'm betting £5 that he gets through.
And it's-- You don't think he will.
I don't think he-- I don't think he'll go.
This could go horribly wrong.
This could end up with us all having to dive in the water to get them out.
Well, would you?
-Yeah, if he's stuck in the cab. -I'd go in.
Oh, my God!
-Maybe the Warrior won't go through. -Oh, my God!
-He's stuck! He's stuck. -He's not coming up.
He shouldn't have done it, should he? They're pulling him out.
So they say just in the morning it'll be low a bit so we can go.
There's no other route. There's no other direction.
There's no cutting over this way.
There's no going back and going north?
-No. -No.
The water's gone down overnight about, you know, a foot.
That's no good. That's no good. That's no good.
But if they can't get up it, then nor can we.
Overnight, this whole thing's created a very hard edge.
So if you drop over there, you just go down nose-first.
So if you were on the back with all the bikes and everything,
all the bikes would just slide off.
If somebody gets over the other side,
we're gonna have to just create our own ramp.
I mean, mate, this is the Road of Bones.
We have to be responsible for taking part of it apart.
-Good system. -Yeah.
The ramp worked! Didn't it?
Hey! Rock and roll!
We constructed a new piece of the Road of Bones.
We made a difference, yes, we did.
So he's just wishing you good luck
-Cheers! -Cheers.
on the road, and it's-- He said it's our Siberian custom here,
just we need to drink.
I'm gonna get pissed before we've even started.
Scares me to death, this.
The idea of it turning over, one of the cars turning over in the river.
If the car rolls in the river,
you can just be trapped in there, and you'd drown.
It's a terrifying prospect.
David went over, towed behind one of the big trucks,
in the Furgon, in the gray van.
And I said to him before,
I said, "Don't do this if-- if you think you're gonna get hurt,
or don't-- please don't let anyone get hurt doing this stuff."
I said I couldn't forgive myself, you know?
This trip's not important enough for somebody to--
to die trying to cross a river.
-Slowly! Slowly! -There is no slow, man.
-Right! -Right, right, right!
Turn the wheel.
Right! Go right!
Left! Go left! Left, left, left!
That was so scary. Look at me, I'm trembling right now.
I mean, this is like going through the rapids.
You know, of course, that thing doesn't have any steering to begin with anyhow.
One down. We got three to go.
Brake it and keep the tow
tight as well.
I mean, basically I have no steering with the car off.
The other thing I don't like about being towed is being towed by a Russian guy.
My Russian's coming along, but it's hard to communicate with him.
"I will tell you,
the rope should be tight every time."
-Okay. -Don't make it loose.
We've got about ten weeks of
of photography in here.
Rushes, dailies, you know,
to make this program.
You know, $100,000 worth of camera equipment, or more.
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Go, go, go, go!
Nice grab.
For sure I thought he was going over there. Did you?
Let's go!
Magadan all the way!
-Just beautiful. -Steaks for everybody!
Another good day. We're all still alive.
Something to be said for that.
The Road of Bones has been
more incredible than we could've imagined.
And in every respect, the fact of--
the fact that you come across an obstacle and that you can't--
There's no other option than to get across it.
There's no other option. We're not--
It's not like anybody on this team has looked at an obstacle
and gone, "Oh, God. We're not gonna be able to do that."
Everyone's looked at it and gone, "How are we gonna do that?"
Because we can't go back.
There's no other way to get to Magadan than the way we're going.
And so, it's either get across it, or this trip ends.
You know what I mean? And that's not an option.
So it's an incredible experience, and its led us to work so--
knit us together as a team.
And we don't have to solve problems like this in everyday life at home.
You know what I mean? We have other problems that need solving, but this is--
There's something very pure about this.
It's getting our vehicles to Magadan.
And that's it.
Whatever it takes, you know?
-Hold tight. -Good luck, mate!
-Good luck! -Go on, son! Fucking hell!
We're in Magadan tomorrow night.
Okay, we're coming to the edge.
-Ready, ready? -Yeah.
I'll tell you what, it's gonna be a sweet moment
when we see Magadan in the distance as we come down that hill.
It'll be unbelievable.
I mean everything from London, from Bulwer Street, to here
has been getting to Magadan.
-I mean, that's everything. -Yeah.
We stopped about 20 miles outside of Magadan, I think.
So we've managed to pick a really nice spot
with no wind and tons of giant mosquitoes.
Chemical warfare.
We will stand our ground! We will not let them defeat us!
Oh, no. Come on.
-I mean, leave it out. -Leave it out!
Here, shall I eat it?
-Go on, yeah. -I'll fucking eat ya.
I wonder if there's the same amount of mozzies in Alaska.
Being that it's only over there, a few hundred miles.
Double portions this morning.
Because if you eat your porridge, it keeps you nice and warm all day.
If you don't eat your porridge, you'll be cold on the bike.
So double portions today.
Somewhere during that 15, 20 miles,
I had a complete rush of excitement,
and realized what we'd done and that we'd-- we're about to arrive.
And punching the air, and I was completely beside myself.
Fucking Magadan!
And then when we arrived at the monument,
and you could see Magadan down below,
it was a different sensation.
I felt completely
suddenly completely drained.
These stones represent all the different religions.
And all the different people who--
Killed in the Road of Bones.
This statue is to-- It is in honor of the people
who died making the-- making the road. Making the Road of Bones.
But that statue's just beautiful of the weeping child.
So weird to see people again.
This freaked us out yesterday.
We stopped in a small town, a small café. It was quite busy.
And we were like, "God, what is it? Why do we feel a bit weird?"
It's 'cause there was people there.
It's been so long since we saw anyone, and here we are in a city.
The hills are bare now
And autumn leaves lie thick and still
And we're just-- I'm just packing up everything here in Magadan.
And in a couple of hours, we
we go to the airport and fly to Anchorage.
And I've just said goodbye to Sergey.
And I'm waiting to say goodbye to Vasiliy.
It's really sad.
You know, we're losing two really important elements of our team.
But mainly, you know, it's just for us, and
for me personally, just saying goodbye to two really good friends now.
It was a very hard adventure. But it was a real adventure.
Not in the backyard,
but in life, in real life.
But we shall arise now
I'm confused about my feelings here now that we've finished driving
across the biggest continent in the world.
And part of it is a bit of sadness to leave Russia.
And to leave the people, and the people that we've met have been so nice.
And especially today was very difficult leaving Sergey and Vasiliy.
They're part of everything that's gone on and--
God, there's been some just nutty stuff going on
this last couple of months.
Just endless, every single day,
something wrong or something bizarre has happened.
Our wheels came off the Channel Tunnel
and they haven't stopped rolling till here, you know?
We've been constantly riding across this one piece of land that covers the earth--
half the earth almost.
It's been a long way, and
and the most exciting and fulfilling thing I've ever done, you know, really.
Just amazing.
Tae think again
-Beautiful. -Love you.
Comin' round to meet you
The long way round
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