Love in the Moonlight (Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Gureumi Geurin Dalbit) (2016) s01e02 Episode Script

The Path to You

1 (The following is a fiction staged in the past.
) (It is unrelated to events in history.
) Silver Spoon? Jung Do Ryung? Do you think you can handle the consequence? Yes.
I'll do anything you want if we meet again.
If you want me to be your dog, I'll be your dog.
It's nice to see you, Puppy.
You made it out safely.
It broke my heart having to leave you like that.
It broke your heart? Were you a palace guard? You looked so skilled when you drew your sword.
I was a fool to call this strong man a silver spoon.
- I am - There aren't any that way.
You may keep walking backwards, but there are no ditches or snakes here.
It was a tough experience, wasn't it? I sent someone who is very quick.
Did you? He must've been quick but deaf and blind.
I screamed until I lost my voice before he found me.
- My goodness.
- And how did you end up here as a eunuch? Pardon? The fact is it has always been my dream - to become a eunuch - Then where are you sneaking off to with a bag? I'm running an errand.
Well - Master Sang Sun - I see.
Who goes there? - Your - Eunuch Sung.
It's me.
Chief Lee.
Why Yes, Chief Lee.
That was an awkward response.
Eunuchs must have very demanding jobs now.
The head eunuch Sang Sun of all people sends them on errands this late at night.
Pardon? I thought a frightened trainee was running away.
Your security is so tight.
The Office of Eunuch Attendants is very trustworthy.
Come with me.
Silver Spoon.
Slap me.
Just slap me and let's forget that day ever happened.
It's not nice to hit a puppy.
You need to be nice and play with it.
I'll be seeing you around, Puppy.
Go on.
Go on.
Go in.
You've committed three wrongs at once.
First is fleeing.
Second is lying.
Third is getting caught by the The How could you humiliate the eunuchs like this? I'm sorry! I was frightened to be at the palace.
I will eliminate that fear of yours and transform you into a great eunuch.
You shall sleep here tonight.
Master Sung! (Chapter 2, The Path to You) (Office of Eunuch Discipline) Attention.
Eunuchs have the important role of managing the royal family's household affairs.
We must become one.
We must become the King's hands and feet, the King's lamp that lights his path and the King's shield in moments of danger.
We share a common fate to protect the royal family.
If you do anything to disgrace the reputation and tradition of the eunuchs, you must pay with your life.
Do not forget about it.
- Yes, Master! - Yes, Master.
There goes one already.
Must he do this every time? You must prepare them early to make it easier later.
Is that right? Still, go easy on them.
You know well that you get teased for quite a while if you're not mentally prepared and faint in front of everyone.
Who did that? It's none of your business.
I figured it out.
You will be judged on three criteria.
They will be physical fitness, a written exam and a character test.
If you fail any, you will be kicked out of the palace.
You'd better be on your toes.
Do you understand? - Yes, Master! - Yes, Master! I am Ma Jong Ja.
I'm responsible for training you.
I am the trainees' common enemy.
We will begin the physical examination.
If I call your name, head to the examination room.
Kim Dal Geun.
Oh Dong Hee.
I'm sorry.
My apologies.
It's okay.
I'm a trainee as well, so you don't have to be formal.
I see.
He is 18 years old, the same as I.
What? I'm also 18.
You're 18? We're the same age.
Why are you sweating so much? It looks like rain.
It's raining, it's pouring and the old man is snoring.
Are you afraid of the physical examination? Is there a way to avoid it? Don't tell me you are What? What? Don't tell you what? Are you unhappy with the palace? Is that why you're whining? You don't like the palace? You are a genius.
You're so cute.
Hong Sam Nom.
Do Gi.
Park Sung Yul.
Let's go.
Aren't you Hong Sam Nom? Wait! Pass! If you do anything to disgrace the reputation and tradition of the eunuchs, you must pay with your life.
Do not forget about it.
What are you doing? Drop your pants.
Pardon? Take them off.
But But the thing is I I What about it? This is bad.
The royal physician said to come.
What is it? The Queen has fainted! What? - Let's go.
- Yes, Master.
Master! You need to finish this first.
Park Sung Yul.
Do Gi.
You pass.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Hong Sam Nom.
Yes? (Pass, Fail) More than half is on "Pass", so you pass.
- Here.
- Pardon? Take it.
Thank you.
There will be another examination later for the rest of you.
Wait outside.
Let's go.
Are they trying to kill me or save me? They're so quick.
Too quick! How did they know already? I heard the Queen fainted, so I came to the palace, but she's pregnant.
We must wait for the Queen to have a prince.
We can make that prince the heir to the throne.
The Crown Prince got away with it because there were no other princes.
Look at the things he does.
Getting him dethroned will be a piece of cake.
There's a saying in chess.
What does it matter if it's a pig or a cow? It's the hand that moves the horse.
This hand.
This hand is what matters.
But what if the baby in her womb is not a boy? Even still, it is our optimal time to train the Crown Prince until the baby is born.
This is Dongungjeon where the Crown Prince resides.
Have you heard the rumours about Dongungjeon? - What rumours? - Get lost! Goodness.
Master Sung! Are you all right? Your foot.
- I'm sorry.
- I said to get lost! Where are you going? - Are you all right? - Don't get yourself involved.
I'm fine.
The rumours are true.
They say it's full of dung.
If even Master Sung is treated that way, trainees like us would be If we make a mistake, we may lose our lives.
However, how they treat us is totally up to us.
What? Is here inside or outside of Dongungjeon? - Outside - Outside - Do you find that funny? - Isn't it? Your Highness.
Your Highness.
You can't kick out Eunuch Sung like that.
He came to inform you of the Queen's pregnancy.
Your Highness.
Is it that difficult to say, "Congratulations, Your Highness"? - Just say - Silence.
Yes, Your Highness.
Your Highness.
(8 years earlier) How was it? When you did this with your fingers, it sounded like a leaf shaking in the spring breeze.
That's right.
It is called vibrato.
Would you like me to teach you how to play? Do you mean it? But it must be a secret between us.
Yes, Mother.
This is vibrato.
I see you, Your Highness.
Hello, Premier Kim! Are you here to see the Queen? Yes.
I received words that she is pregnant, so I came to congratulate her.
I see.
I should be wise and do these things now to avoid backlash in the future, should I not? Excuse me, then.
I almost forgot what you looked like.
You are always very handsome.
Are you that pleased to see me? Every mother is always happy to see her child.
A mother.
Don't you feel the same? That's right.
Look how happy she is.
Visit her often from now on.
May I really? Your Highness.
It is the basic etiquette to greet your parents daily.
What is the meaning behind asking if you may when you do not do something so basic? My Queen.
What is it, My King? Is a mother five years older than him not a mother? I am saying this for your sake and my sibling's sake, so do not be angry.
What was that? They say you should see and hear only pretty things when you are pregnant to have a pretty baby.
Would seeing me often be good for the baby? Think about it.
Imagine another troublemaker like me in the palace.
That wouldn't be good.
She looks displeased already.
I shouldn't show my face until the baby is born.
You may go.
I will excuse myself.
Your Majesty.
Your Highness.
Please enjoy your time together.
Are they the new eunuch trainees? Yes.
The written test is being held today.
What happens if they fail the test? They may be forced out of the palace without becoming a eunuch.
- Is that right? - Yes, Your Highness.
Where are you sneaking off to with a bag? You can't be fleeing after obtaining your dream.
Eunuch Jang.
Yes, Your Highness.
Your Highness.
People are watching.
Your Highness.
If you do anything improper or suspicious, you will be kicked out of the palace immediately.
- Yes, Master.
- Yes, Master.
I may appear to be just sitting here, but I can see.
I see everything.
If you get caught doing something silly, I'll Me? Leave.
(Three) (Three) (Four) (Three) It is three.
What are you doing? My goodness.
How will you pass the test at this rate? You do know that if you fail, you will be kicked out of the palace.
Were you a eunuch? I'm sure you were dressed as a palace guard.
You couldn't tell because it was dark.
Mark your answer.
I couldn't ignore your lifelong dream to be a eunuch.
So don't worry and trust me.
Mark again.
It's good now.
Submit it.
(Hong Sam Nom) Pass! Congratulations.
This is your final examination.
Take a sheet of the questions.
The King will judge the answers on daejeon eunuchs.
The Queen will judge the answers on jungungjeon eunuch trainees.
Then If they fail us, are we not able to stay at the palace? Naturally.
If I submit a blank sheet, I can leave the palace.
What strange question is this? Let me see.
She lost her appetite, doesn't speak much and can't sleep.
She cries, laughs and gets angry.
The royal physician can't figure it out.
I can't get kicked out because of this after all I did to become a eunuch.
I know the answer to that question.
Do you mean it? There is no woman like that.
I don't know where she went, but there was.
Whether she's beautiful or hideous, every woman wants to look pretty.
Especially in front of a handsome man as yourself.
Even if she wears armour and not a man's attire, I would easily recognise a woman's body.
What did you do that the high eunuchs hate you already? That is where you will reside for the time being.
Who lives in there? Nobody lives there.
Byung Yun, are you inside? Isn't he Puppy? Do you know him? Okay.
That's enough.
Good job.
You may leave now.
You say the most beautiful thing that inspires you artistically is a woman's body.
Why can you not embrace them? Do you have an unmentionable condition? Look at this candle.
My heart doesn't flutter as it does.
My body doesn't go where my heart doesn't lead.
How was your trip? It was not bad.
I heard the Queen is pregnant as I was entering the palace.
Is everyone talking about it? Perhaps, you should stop coming here for a while.
Do you think I'll be safe if I stay quiet? This is no place for a eunuch trainee.
Return to your lodge.
There is no room for me there anyway, thanks to somebody.
You passed the exam, thanks to that somebody.
You don't need to be so thankful.
But who exactly are you? Are you a palace guard or a eunuch? You keep showing up everywhere.
And who are you? Are you a ghost who lives here? How dare you try to touch? Pardon? It's okay, Chief Kim.
Look here.
Silver Spoon met a new lover and is so happy now.
But our poor Master Jung What is the best for a disobedient puppy? I need more drinks.
- Strict training - Right? Like this.
Roll to the left.
To the right.
Stand! Bark! This is how you do it.
If you fail any, you will be kicked out of the palace.
That's right.
I'm leaving the palace anyway.
Why should I refrain myself? Are you coming home now? You are late.
Yes, Grandfather.
Yoon Sung.
Is your position too low and demeaning that life is boring? It's not true.
"A man who is complacent with a minor position" "will never amount to be great.
" That is what you've taught me.
That's right, I did.
You must climb little by little so that you will not waver when you're at the top.
Do you remember that? Yes, Grandfather.
I always keep it in my heart.
I've painted a grand picture with you in mind.
That is why I said it.
However, for what are you painting your paintings? Fame and prestige? For the family to gain power? For the future of the nation? I asked for what they are.
They are painted just to be paintings.
Does painting prostitutes bring you comfort or pleasure in your tedious and empty life? Forget it.
How could a declawed tiger cub grow to be a king? Let me know if you want to paint in the future.
I will fill this room with prostitutes.
The paintings are nice.
Very nice.
Your Highness, it is time for bed.
Your Highness.
Are you injured? I was bit by a dog.
Why that Where and how did you see a mad dog that dared to hurt your finger? I know.
Where and how did I meet someone like that who dared to hurt me? Where did Silver Spoon go? Did he go home? Why aren't you going It's best you don't know who he is or where he went.
Why is that? (Office of Eunuch Discipline) Are you sure this is correct? Just trust me on this one.
Hong Sam Nom! Yes? Are you submitting a blank sheet? You'll be kicked out.
Are you sure you won't regret? Yes, Master.
I couldn't find the answer.
You may go.
Why did you do that? You should've guessed something.
Why did you submit a blank sheet? It's too late now.
They left on the dot.
Come here.
You will come with me to Premier Kim's feast.
Didn't the Minister of War come to the palace today? I reported that he requested a postponement of his participation due to his illness.
You did.
I asked just in case.
The palace is so quiet.
I feel like I hear the music from Premier Kim's feast.
Send him plenty of food and wine.
It is a feast to celebrate the Queen bearing my child.
- Byung Yun.
- Yes, Your Highness.
Shall we go to a feast? What should we do here? Right.
You help cook jeon.
You go help them cook over there.
Go on.
- Master Sung, you're here.
- Thank you for your job.
We need you to help cook chickens, too.
We have one person left.
You take up the job.
Go around and you'll find a door to the mountain.
Yes, Master.
Is the chicken coop in the mountain? You'll see when you get there.
Go on and get 20 chickens.
Did you say 20 chickens? How do I catch all of them? Use whatever means you like.
You'll be punished if you don't come back in an hour.
Go now.
Please follow me.
Master Sung.
Our master wouldn't want to cook those chickens.
He wouldn't be able to catch them.
I just want to teach him a lesson as he's rude.
Yes, Master.
Oh my goodness.
- Congratulations.
- This is for you.
- Congratulations.
- Please take this.
- Master.
- Master, look at this.
I'm tired of this.
I wish to be struck by lightning.
My wish came true after all.
Your Highness.
These are the exam papers of the trainees.
The eunuchs from each building made the questions about what they consider as the most important matter.
You read them and pass them if they're not so bad.
Are you sure you don't have to check them? Bring it to me.
I can't believe this.
How dare he? It really seems like You're right.
I'm the one that tried to disguise.
I'm not talking about that.
What else is there to talk about? Are you really a eunuch? Of course, I am.
Is there such a thing as a fake eunuch? Did you really become a eunuch? You seem to look down on eunuchs just because we have a disability.
Are you trying to say a eunuch is not even a man? That's not what I meant.
Then do you mean I don't deserve to be a eunuch because I'm wanted by the gangs and the royal army? No.
Then why do you keep staring at me? There's no eunuch as pretty as you.
Then again, nothing's wrong with a man looking pretty.
That's all I'm saying.
He must be exhausted by now.
He actually caught 20 chickens.
He caught such valuable chickens.
- I can't believe this! - My goodness.
They actually caught the valuable chickens.
Are you out of your mind? - Let's have a toast.
- Let's do that.
Look how happy they are.
You need to drink when you feel happy.
They're not happy because they're drunk.
They're happy because they became your people now.
Those who couldn't pass the gate made a line that's as long as 4km.
They should be happy.
Even a flying bird wouldn't rest on a sick tree.
Are you talking about the sick tree in the palace? Listen, everyone.
I hope you enjoy yourselves under the beautiful tree.
Let's have a toast.
My goodness! What are you waiting for? Go catch him! - Yes, my lord.
- Yes, my lord.
Put up your swords.
This is Crown Prince.
Put away your swords and greet Crown Prince properly.
There he is! Your Highness.
What brought you out of the palace? I can't miss any feast with drinks and music.
The Queen's baby is my younger sibling.
Is it weird that I want to celebrate it with you? Thank you, Your Highness.
Why are you all so serious when you're having a feast? We had an unwelcome visitor who caused a commotion.
"There are virtuous beings.
" "The officials are the virtuous beings.
" "The people are all innocent.
" "The poverty is their only sin.
" "The officials squeezed the people.
" "The people are living in poverty" "because of the officials.
" Is this true? What do you think, everyone? How fool.
How can we blame the officials for the poverty? The King who couldn't control the officials is to blame.
It was just a joke.
You all look so serious.
Now, let's celebrate the Queen's pregnancy.
Would you pour me a glass? Your Highness.
May I pour you a glass of wine? What was that commotion? An arrow flew into the feast table, and the Crown Prince showed up.
Where? Where is he? - What are you doing without working? - I'm sorry.
It's been a while.
I should have visited you when I was back from Qing.
You didn't have to.
You and I are not that close.
You are still a bad liar.
And you are still cold toward me.
Does that bother you? I can't say it doesn't.
- You were my - I was your friend.
Would you like me to pour you a glass, too? Why? You don't want it because I'm not your friend any more? I never drink while I'm guarding the Crown Prince.
I understand.
You're still a loyal servant of His Highness and also his close friend.
He's better than the Crown Prince to be a crown prince.
The only thing Yoon Sung isn't better than him is the fact that he was born in the Kim family.
(8 years earlier) - Did you see him? - Yes.
I took a careful look at the Crown Prince's face.
How do you think his future will be? He may seem weak-hearted because of his meek looks, but he's actually very bold and competitive.
I could read the charisma of a royal family member.
However There's one thing What is it? You can tell me.
Actually, he's destined to die young.
I also felt an uncommon energy from one of his friends.
He seemed warm-hearted and brave like a great man.
He has the face of someone to become a great king.
He was wearing a headgear embroidered with a crane.
Stop it.
That's absolutely absurd.
I couldn't tell you a lie.
I'll pretend that I didn't hear this.
Tell no one what you just told me.
Or else, you'll lose your life.
Do you understand? Yes, my lord.
I won't tell anyone about it.
I'll do as you command.
Yoon Sung.
He has the face of someone to become a great king.
It was perfect timing.
Crown Prince appeared right when the arrow was shot.
Stop looking at me.
I command you.
Yes, Your Highness.
The man who shot the arrow He was wearing a mask, wasn't he? Did you see him? Who could that be? Look.
Do you know what it is? It's a rare chicken from Premier Kim's house.
Premier Kim? Put it away.
You still don't know how to appreciate a gift.
This is the last present I can give you in here.
What did you say? It seems you're upset about something.
If you're hungry when you're upset, you feel even more miserable.
Do you feel miserable when you're hungry? Not everyone feels the same as you.
Don't think everyone else would be like you.
I've never been hungry before.
Maybe you've never been hungry before, but you must have been heartbroken many times.
What? It's easy to help those who are hungry.
But it's hard to console those who are heartbroken because they tend to lie that they're okay.
That's enough.
How about sharing affection with someone rich in heart? All right.
The richest person in heart across the country is me.
I give you this as a piece of affection.
You have no appetite, but it's not because of food.
You feel weak, but it's not because of an illness.
There's no cure for love sickness.
This isn't the time to overcome the feelings.
You have to endure the pain.
Instead of thinking you loved someone you can't have, try to think that you made good memories that you can cherish for a long time.
It wasn't loving someone I can't have, but making good memories that I can cherish for long.
He said something like this, too.
Is anyone out there? Oh, right.
I saw the Crown Prince earlier.
- What? - What? You saw the Crown Prince? Not the face.
Just the back of his head.
Do you know what the Crown Prince's nickname is? My gosh.
What is it? - Pretty Prince? - Prince Dung.
See? Everyone does know.
- What about the other one? - Half-breed.
That's right.
They say half of the Crown Prince's blood is that of a beast and the other half human.
And he doesn't know when he should or shouldn't bark - like a mad dog.
- Shut it! Eat this.
- Is he really that bad-tempered? - I said to stop.
Did you just laugh? I thought he had a problem with his face expressions.
- I did not laugh.
- I saw it, too.
You must find the Crown Prince's nicknames funny.
He must have something stuck in his throat.
What's wrong? So how was the back of the Crown Prince's head? It was quite a sight.
"Hong Sam Nom.
You've failed.
" "Yes, Master Sung.
" Are you Hong Sam Nom? Did you really write this? Yes.
Then did you write this, too? This This is How dare you mock me by writing a love letter on another's behalf? How dare someone like you How dare you mock me, the Princess? Pardon? The Princess? I've committed a mortal sin! So you know.
Your Highness.
I will kill you as you request.
Your Highness! (Love in the Moonlight) Do you know what I am most grateful for? For pretending not to know.
Isn't that it? - You are not qualified to be the king.
- No! What are you so afraid of that you cannot do anything? You should've done something! Shut it and take what you are given.
The Crown Prince shall take the throne in the interim.
It cannot be done, Your Majesty.

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