Love Life (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

The Person

[female narrator] Paola Alliata
is an elementary school librarian,
who, for the last several decades,
has resided in Brownsville, Brooklyn,
at 2520 Elton Street, apartment 2K.
It is here that she has spent
her free time creating oil paintings,
mostly for herself
or, sometimes, as Christmas gifts
for friends or family.
[smacks lips, sighs]
- [knock at door]
- [sighs softly]
- [Darby] Mrs. Alliata?
- Yes.
Hi. Um, my name's Darby Carter.
Uh, I'm really sorry
to barge in on you like this.
- [baby fussing]
- I know.
I found this painting at a flea market,
and I think it might be yours,
so I tracked you down.
I own a gallery,
and we're always looking for new voices,
and I was wondering
if you had any more work.
Come on in.
["Moody" by ESG playing]
I'm feeling very mellow ♪
- Walking down the street ♪
- [Darby grunting]
You see, I'm gonna see my baby ♪
And it make me feel moody
Like this ♪
You're welcome.
She thinks it might be a new tooth.
He wakes up five times a night.
I'm so tired, I'm starting to hallucinate.
Why are you taking him into bed?
We broke that.
It's easier to fall asleep
if he's in bed, on my boob.
When I put him in the crib,
I'm wide-awake.
I fell asleep on the train,
the stroller rolled
and some woman woke me up and shamed me.
Promise you'll only take the train
during the day?
Yeah, it's fine. Nothing's gonna happen.
- It's just Fuck.
- What?
I dropped his thing.
I don't know, whatever it's called.
- Pacifier?
- Jesus.
Thank you.
Bring the vaccination card
into day care? Thank you.
Oh, shit. Yes. I forgot.
Yeah, I'll take it
when I pick him up on Thursday.
No, it'll be too late by then.
They barely let him in today.
- I'll email it to them.
- No.
It has to be the hard copy.
Never mind. I'll take care of it myself.
No, I can do it. It's fine.
Can you hang up? My hands are full.
- I'll talk to you later.
- Thank you.
Mail is fascinating.
Come on.
Ooh. So much fun.
[narrator] The arrival of Theo Arber Jeong
had turned Darby's life
into a viscous soup.
Her senses had been
both sharpened and dulled,
her brain and body
reduced an animal state.
- [crying]
- I know. I know.
[crying stops]
Moody ♪
Moody ♪
Like this ♪
Life is weird, little man.
So weird.
[Claudia] Who's the best little
New York City baby ever?
It's you.
Yes, it's you.
Did you do those paintings
that are in the corner?
They're kind of weird,
but they're kind of pretty. [laughs]
- [Darby] Mom?
- Yes?
Don't get him to take his first steps
on my first night away ever.
Honey, he's not nearly ready to walk.
Look at his little bow legs.
Okay, I've pumped enough milk
that you should be good until tomorrow.
There's Mommy.
If you need more,
there's some in the freezer.
Please check the dates
and start with the oldest ones first.
Honey, don't you think it's time to think
about letting go of the nursing?
I did your laundry,
there wasn't an article of clothing
not covered with breast milk.
Lot of people don't know,
breast milk changes in the second year.
There's a different set
of nutrients that the baby needs.
- [Theo cooing]
- And Oh, God.
I feel like I'm gonna burst into tears.
Why do I feel awful about leaving?
Oh, every mother feels that way.
- It's completely biological.
- Yeah, I know.
It's just I've been looking
forward to this for weeks.
I got my hair done,
I packed two pairs of Spanx.
I'm supposed to
I feel like I'm gonna spend
the entire time feeling guilty.
Well, shit. Lose the guilt.
That never did anyone any good.
- You're not leaving the city, Darby.
- [sighs] I know.
I just I wanna do everything right,
and I have, you know,
all these books on parenting,
but then I don't have time to read them
'cause I'm parenting. It's
Feels like I'm failing all the time.
Is it always this hard?
Well, the kid doesn't come with a manual.
I do get mad sometimes,
just that it all falls to me.
You know, Augie's a great dad,
but men get off so easy.
I'm gonna tell you something
you might not wanna hear.
The buck stops with you now.
No man can do what we do,
and no one would ever expect him to.
If he did, he'd be considered
the hero of the year.
Great. Now I feel so much better.
But here's the good news.
Moms get all the best stuff on the B-side.
I mean, look at us.
What, I just have to wait 30 years?
More or less.
Are you gonna leave those in?
I'm gonna take them out
when I get to the hotel.
- Okay, don't
- God. I won't forget.
["C.R.E.E.P." by The Fall playing]
- [receptionist] Carter?
- [yawns]
Yes, I have a corner king
above the tenth floor.
I'm so sorry, Ms. Carter.
Looks like there is a mix-up.
There are no corner kings available.
I requested one when I booked it.
I talked to Siena.
I confirmed it more than once.
- I'm Siena.
- Hi.
I have a baby, Siena.
I haven't slept in a year,
and my mom flew from Los Angeles
so that I could have this one night.
So, please. I'm begging you. I need this.
I do apologize.
I can upgrade you to a suite
and have a bottle of wine
sent to your room.
Thank you, Siena. You're an angel.
- My sister just had twins.
- Oh. That sucks.
From the bright sun ♪
He came one fine morn ♪
As well in his class at least ♪
But then came real age ♪
And for that we all must pay ♪
C.R.E.E.P ♪
Um, can I get the cheeseburger, please?
[breast pump suctioning]
[narrator] Sitting alone
in the serenity of her hotel room,
waiting for a slab of red meat
cooked by someone else,
Darby was almost able to form a thought
that was entirely her own.
But then the thought was drowned out
by the sound of her breast pump,
whispering what sounded like,
"Whore house, whore house,
whore house, whore house."
- [knock at door]
- [man] Room service.
Just a second!
You can just leave it!
[indistinct conversations]
Thank God you guys are here.
I barely know anybody.
I think it's a lot of their AA people.
[laughs] It's crazy
how much changes in two years.
We've been stalking them
to make sure Angelo's not a con man.
Not much to do in Minnesota.
- Hey, don't say that. I'm on tenure track.
- Sorry. Okay.
I don't see Sara as much,
but the baby's made me a hostage
in my own home. So
- She's doing well.
- Yeah?
- I got a 20-page letter.
- I got a 25-page letter.
- I guess she just did worse shit to me.
- [both laugh]
The only thing
crazier than Sara getting married
is Sara getting married in a church.
I know. Well, especially 'cause
the last time we were hanging out,
she committed larceny.
[all chuckle]
[Pachelbel's "Canon in D" playing]
[narrator] While Darby
had once considered marriage
the ultimate symbol of love's success,
she now knew firsthand
how many people make that jump
for the wrong reasons,
motivated by something other than love.
Friends, how lucky are we?
How blessed are we?
[narrator] And yet, in this moment,
she was struck by Sara's
beautiful connection with Angelo.
- With this ring
- I give you my hopes
- I give you my hopes
- [cell phone ringing]
- [minister] My dreams
- [Sara] My dreams
- [minister] And my heart.
- Nana!
It's Nana.
She's busy.
You can take it. Take it, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Sorry.
She sent it to voice mail.
And now, by the power vested in me
by the state of New York,
I pronounce that you are married.
You are husband, you are wife,
and you should kiss!
[guests cheering]
[soft string music playing]
- [man 1] Good luck, Sara!
- [man 2] It's your day!
- I'm so jealous of that ceremony.
- [Mallory sighs]
Can we have a big wedding?
- No, no.
- You guys, have another ceremony.
Please don't encourage her.
You wanna pay for this?
I'll pay for it. I'll chip in.
I'll start a Kickstarter.
[Mallory] Perfect, a big party.
Big, big party.
["When U Loved Me" by Hether playing]
- You're up.
- Thank you.
I was about to write something,
and I realized I've written the same thing
in about 100 of these,
and I'm tired of myself.
Uh, well, just dig deep, you know?
Try not to fuck it up.
Shit. I've never actually met Angelo.
[shushes] Sorry, I'm just writing
something profound here.
Maybe I need a drink first.
You know what Hemingway said.
"I'm gonna kill myself in Idaho"?
"Write drunk, edit sober."
Oh, sure, everybody knows that one.
- Want your picture taken for the book?
- Yeah.
Wanna come be in this with me?
I don't wanna do it alone.
I'm sure you'll be fine.
I'm feeling a little self-conscious.
Ugh, not as self-conscious as me.
My tits are about to start leaking,
so I'm good.
Not No. Not, like, as a sexy thing.
Can I get a martini, dirty, please?
We have a mocktail called a "faux-jito".
I'm afraid we won't be
serving alcohol tonight.
No, come on. What is all this?
Whatever. I'll have a faux-jito.
[Taryn] Me too. Thank you.
[Darby] Three faux-jitos.
[guests applauding, cheering]
Darby, meet Angelo.
- [Darby] Angelo, good to meet you.
- Finally.
You take care of this one.
[Mallory] You look stunning.
- Hi.
- [Taryn] So beautiful.
I'm so grateful you're here.
- See you later.
- Of course. Go.
No, we're fine.
So now we're figuring out co-parenting,
which is a lot of me doing
a lot of the work so far.
You guys will figure it out.
No, no, we'll figure it out.
Or he'll complain about
being tired one more time,
and I will punch him in the face.
- Hello.
- Hello again.
Are you stalking me? This is my stalker.
Uh, actually, this is my table.
And you're the one
who brought up the leaky breasts.
They're legitimately
just leaking milk for my child.
So I am Yeah.
It will actually go to him now.
I was trying to poison it with alcohol,
but not gonna happen.
- [Mallory] Hey.
- How you doing?
- [Mallory] Good, how are you?
- Good. I'm Grant.
- I'm Mallory.
- Hi. Taryn.
Nice to meet you.
Grant, I'd like to say I misjudged you.
- Oh, yeah?
- I would really like to be your friend.
- You're just using me for my flask?
- [Darby] Very much so.
- Want some?
- We'd also like to use you.
Yeah, I had a feeling
this was a dry wedding.
Only thing worse
than going to a wedding alone
is going to a dry wedding alone.
Mmm. Have you noticed, um,
you talk about being alone a lot?
Everything all right over there?
I'm gonna need a more of that liquor
before we get into my existential dread.
By all means, then. Get dark.
Okay, these Spanx are cutting off
the blood flow to my head.
- What up, bro?
- Congratulations.
You look so beautiful.
I'm so happy for you,
I'm gonna throw up all over your dress.
Shut up, you idiot. I love you.
Can we go somewhere to hide?
I'm so tired of being "on."
Yeah. Yeah, let's go.
- No, this is good. Are you comfy?
- [grunts]
- Am I comfy? No, that's a negative.
- [laughing]
Not comfy.
- Oh. [exhales]
- Oh. Sara.
I feel like I should
say something important,
but I'm gonna start crying again,
and I don't want to.
I feel like I cried every single day
my first year sober.
I was like, "Who is this loser
I have to live with now?"
No, I've been a weepy mess
most days lately 'cause of the baby,
I'm like a total psychopath.
The neighbors are afraid of me.
So fucking crazy.
You are in charge
of ruining someone's life right now.
- Don't!
- Yeah!
That's all I think about.
Just like, "Darby, don't
pass down your damage, please."
He's so, like, perfect right now.
He's, like, small and vulnerable
and so tiny.
Dude. I'm sure you're a great mom.
I hope you have time to, like,
take care of yourself, you know.
Yeah, I am.
I'm trying, anyway.
Sweet one.
Darby, you know that
my life would be horrible
or over if it wasn't for you.
I love you so fucking much.
I love you, mama.
You're the mama.
[sniffles] Oh, my God. That's true.
- You hot little mamacita.
- I'm an actual mother.
Have you spoken to Grant, by the way?
- Yeah.
- He's the best.
And don't think that table assignment
was an accidente, bitch.
Glad to see you're still out
of your fucking mind.
Talk to him.
- I am.
- He's British.
- [in British accent] Yeah, he's British.
- And he's, like
Looks as delicious as some fish and chips.
All right, I'd like a scone.
A s[laughs]
I'd like a scone with jam.
["Baby" by Donnie and Joe Emerson playing]
Ooh, baby ♪
Ooh, baby ♪
When we're out in the moonlight ♪
Looking up on the stars above ♪
[Sara] Oh, gosh. Yeah, get it.
Here. Your dress is all in my way.
So annoying. Will you just hold it for me?
Holding hands and making love ♪
Ooh, baby ♪
Ooh, baby ♪
Yes, oh, baby ♪
Guys, get the fuck out here.
People, come on.
You go dance.
Let's go.
- Yes, oh, baby ♪
- [mouthing]
Sandy beach and was making love ♪
As a tide moves in on us ♪
Feels so good walking side by side ♪
[people speaking indistinctly]
[all] Ten, nine, eight, seven,
six, five,
four, three, two, one.
- Happy New Year!
- [party horns blowing]
[man] Happy New year!
[Darby] Yeah, we recently found
this amazing woman, Paola Alliata.
She does these truly stunning
oil paintings.
She's just been, like, sitting on
decades of work in total obscurity,
and we're building this exhibit
around her for the spring.
- Mmm. Cool, man.
- Really exciting.
- That's a lot cooler than me.
- Hmm?
Yeah, I'm in, uh
I'm in cybersecurity at Etsy.
Oh, no, somebody's gotta protect
all those mittens
and the tin signs and shit.
[both chuckle]
But once, actually, I thought
I had a beat on a Russian troll farm,
but, really, it was some kid who wanted
a bootleg Bart Simpson sweatshirt.
So it's pretty lame.
I need to find something else
to do with my life.
Yeah, well, we just gotta
find you something more fulfilling.
- Right?
- You're gonna help me?
Oh, yeah. I'm invested now.
- All right.
- You gotta make the jump.
I did it.
Didn't have health care
for a year and a half,
but worth it in the end.
And I mean, I was considering
buying something for my kid off of Etsy.
I gotta be honest,
didn't seem like a very secure site,
so, obviously, your heart's not in it.
Well, there you go.
It's pretty cool that you're a mom.
That's a new one.
No, seriously. It's cool, man.
I'd much sooner have a kid
than get married again.
Whoa. Dropping bombs.
- [smacks lips] That's it.
- Mmm.
What are you thinking?
Get drinks somewhere else?
Just one. I got 15 hours away from my kid.
- I'll make the most of it.
- All right.
Oh, I have to do the guest book.
- Okay, I'm gonna get coats.
- Great.
[Sara] Hi.
[Darby] Sara, I'm so proud of you.
Sometimes, I wish things were
what they used to be,
but I also know that you're happy now.
So much happier,
and I can't even explain the way it feels
to see that you found yourself.
You deserve everything,
and no matter what,
I am gonna love you for my whole life.
Love, Darby.
[upbeat music playing on speakers]
[Grant] What's the situation
between you and the dad?
Mmm. I still have Theo with me.
Oh, so you guys don't do
the every-other-weekend thing?
Mmm, well, I'm sure we'll share custody
at some point,
but he's tiny right now,
and, as you know, I'm nursing.
And, yeah, he's with my mom tonight.
- Well, that's great.
- Yeah.
You get to be out, free babysitter.
- Absolutely.
- Take it.
We used to spend
most weekends at my grandma's.
Mom would drop us off on Friday,
come get us on Sunday night,
so she got to have the weekend to herself.
That's nice.
Yeah, my mom was a bit of a party animal
when she was young.
Oh. I'll be honest.
I've barely been out since I had Theo,
and even my one big chance, I miss him.
- Yeah.
- You're great. Fantastic.
- But I miss my kid.
- He probably misses you too.
- So what's your situation?
- Me?
Yeah, you know, um, like,
how many women's lives
- have you destroyed?
- Oh!
Come on. It's gotta be
broken hearts everywhere.
No, come on. Hasn't always been my fault.
You know, sometimes, it just
it just takes a while
to realize
you're in the wrong relationship.
In my experience, it's usually
about three to six months.
- Oh.
- Mmm-hmm.
So you're a serial dater?
Well, I was married.
Okay, that's true. You did say that.
We were actually gonna have a kid,
and we weren't having any luck.
So we went to see a fertility doctor,
who actually said
my sperm, dynamite,
her eggs, phenomenal.
They just, uh they just don't want
anything to do with each other.
Shit. That's tragic.
I mean, if I'm honest,
I think she just probably didn't wanna be
with someone who could blow a week's rent
on betting on the Champions League,
I didn't wanna be with someone
who wasn't gonna call me out on it.
- So
- Oh, my God.
Those are red flags.
Those are giant red flags.
- That was so many red flags.
- I'm trying to get better.
But if you think about it,
if everyone had to be perfect
before they fell in love,
the human race would die out.
I mean, you're not wrong.
So what's it like being a mom?
Come on.
You don't have to ask that.
- I
- Nobody cares about moms.
I am genuinely fascinated and curious.
We're revealing a lot tonight.
I feel like I'm on a podcast. Um
Excuse me.
I have just bared my soul to you.
- So
- Fine. Yeah. I
I look at the whole world differently.
- In what way?
- Different things matter.
Um, I think about
I think about dying a lot.
- You do?
- 'Cause somebody needs me now.
- And you didn't before?
- About dying? Not a lot.
- You think about dying?
- I mean, yeah.
Maybe that means I'm secretly a father,
and I just don't know it.
Oh. I mean, speaking of parenthood,
I do have to go back to my room and pump.
- Cool.
- I mean, you into that?
I mean, not "no."
All right, you sick fuck.
- Let's get out of here.
- All right.
I thought before, I was gonna be
the sad loner in there tonight.
- Oh, yeah?
- And I wasn't, so thank you.
You still got sad loner vibes.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.
I've never been punked this hard before,
and I kind of like it.
But seriously, if it's gonna be awkward
with me coming up and this
No, it's chill.
- Chill?
- It's chill, yeah.
- It'll be funny.
- All right.
Kind of embarrassing
how nice it is, right?
Oh, thank God you made a move.
It'd be so awkward if I had
to go through with the pumping bit.
Yeah, I was never gonna let that happen.
Mmm, sorry. Um
I just actually do really need to pump.
[chuckles nervously] Um
Maybe you should make me a drink.
I'm gonna take this into the bathroom,
pump quickly,
and then my breasts will not be
painfully turgid.
[chuckles] Cool.
I'm glad your breasts will be comfortable.
[Darby chuckles]
- Damn!
- What?
It's 150 bucks
for $30 worth of Grey Goose.
Eh, fuck it, right?
- Let's do it.
- Nah. I'm gonna go to the store.
Um, vodka, yeah?
- Always.
- All right.
See you in a sec.
- [door closes]
- [exhales]
[narrator] It felt so good
lying there on the bed,
knowing her son was safe
and that someone
was looking after her for once.
As a result, Darby's limbs simply unwound
and her brain clicked off,
as if her body was showing her
exactly what she needed.
[knocking at door]
[groans softly]
[Grant] Darby?
["Shave and a Haircut" knock at door]
[Grant] Hello?
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Oh.
- Yeah, that's right.
He bought the weapons
from a third party in Kosovo.
Okay, I'll send you the transcript,
give me a call if you have thoughts
on that story.
Okay. Thanks, Bridget.
Yeah. It's okay.
- Hello.
- Hi.
He said hi.
- How was the wedding?
- Good.
It was weird.
Sara's got this whole new life now,
which is obviously great
- Yeah.
- Kinda bittersweet.
- How was Kosovo?
- Played some table tennis.
Asians are not the only ones
who take it very seriously.
Well, I hope you're ready.
You are not leaving
until our child sleeps through the night.
Hear that, Captain Poopy-pants?
Ready for some sleep training?
- Yeah.
- 'Cause we are!
Hell yeah.
Come on, man.
It's not this kind of thing.
I need you at full capacity.
It's just CBD.
Oh, well, then, come on.
Is he asleep?
You're supposed to let him nurse
until he's asleep.
[whispering] Okay, he's out.
Okay, put him right in the crib.
No, I have to burp him first.
But it says that once he falls asleep,
you have to put him in right away.
- [Theo burps]
- [mouthing] I told you.
You're supposed to rouse him
so that his eyes open a little bit.
Why would I do that?
Apparently, he'll close 'em
almost immediately
and it teaches him
to put himself back to sleep.
Yeah, I'll do it.
- Hey, buddy.
- [Theo fusses, hushes]
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
[Theo wailing]
Oh, shit.
[Augie] Fuck.
[Darby] Shit.
[clicks tongue]
No, I can't just listen
No. Come on. I know this fucking sucks.
Come on, come on.
[Theo continues wailing]
I don't think this is any better.
At least he can't see us now.
[Augie sighs]
- [Theo wailing]
- [Darby groans softly]
[Augie] Oh, fuck.
- Oh.
- How long has it been?
Only 15 minutes.
- Oh, fucking hell.
- This poor little guy.
- He's doing the
- [shushes]
- Hit the
- [shushes]
[Theo continues wailing]
Theo, go to sleep!
- Oh, come on. Oh, come on.
- You got this, buddy.
[Theo crying]
Come on now.
[Augie snoring]
[Augie mutters groggily]
[Darby] Stop snoring.
Oh. Sorry.
- Yeah.
- Yeah!
- You guys get locked out?
- [both shushing]
Oh. Oh, fuck.
Oh, my
[Darby gasps]
Hey, little man!
Oh, my goodness!
We did it!
We're so proud of you, buddy.
Oh, can you believe we made this?
- Look at that face.
- Yeah.
- Look at him.
- Steel stare.
Gets that from you.
Looks like you when he does that.
- Thank you.
- So intense.
Maybe Mama'll let you stay at my place
a few nights.
Yeah, maybe. Maybe.
- Probably.
- Probably?
- Probably.
- Good.
- Just no hookers when he's there.
- Sure.
What about Destiny though?
She's great with kids.
- You wanna go see Daddy?
- Yeah? Gonna come see me?
I see Daddy.
[Augie and Darby exclaim cheerfully]
- Look at that.
- Sleepy little angel.
[Augie humming]
Uh, I've just got the, um,
bacon, egg and cheese coming.
Okay. That's $5.27.
[Darby] $5.27.
Oh, God. Shit.
I'm so sorry. Um
- [Grant] Here. I'll get these.
- No, that's okay. I'll just
- Um
- There you go.
Wow. Uh, I'm so sorry, sir.
Yes, this kind gentleman
will be paying for my sandwich.
- [laughs]
- Oh, my God!
Thanks for that. I'll pay you back.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.
I know you're good for it.
This is great actually.
I'm really glad I ran into you
so that you could see,
just how beautiful I am
in the cold light of the bodega.
- [chuckles]
- This is great.
You're looking pretty good to me.
Oh, Jesus.
You look like you're in an ad
for this outfit.
- I do?
- Yeah.
Ah, thank you.
What are you getting into today?
Um, just feeding and changing diapers.
I thought we'd go for a walk.
Then more feeding and changing diapers.
- This the little man?
- Oh, yeah.
Theo, Grant. Grant, Theo.
- Hey.
- Yeah.
- Hey, Theo. How you doing, bro?
- [Theo yells]
- Oh. Rude.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Here you go. That's for you.
- Thank you very much.
Take this. Thank you, mate.
Um, let me get the door.
[narrator] Darby didn't know it yet,
but this was her person,
and would be
for what remained of her days.
She would later realize
that this particular moment
was contrary to many of her expectations.
For instance, she didn't suddenly feel
like a whole new person,
at long last fixed by the perfect partner.
Walking beside Grant,
she didn't feel fireworks
or hear some loud marching band
announcing itself like,
"Here it is. Here's love."
Instead, it was quiet
and calming and still.
Finally, Darby had stopped wondering
whether or not she was worth loving
and simply cracked herself open.
Simply cracked her whole life open.
After all, it wasn't just hers anymore.
[indistinct conversation]
I can't get over Theo.
What a little dancer.
He gets it from his dad, not me.
- And Grant's so cute with him too.
- I know. Kills me.
If only my ex-husbands
were alive to see all this.
- Oh, my God!
- Thank you, Darby.
Are you kidding? You're such a superstar.
Put her in an Uber for me?
Splurge. Get an Uber Black.
[both chuckle]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[shoes clatter]
["Glad and Sorry" by Faces playing]
Thank you kindly ♪
For thinking of me ♪
If I'm not smiling ♪
I'm just thinking ♪
Glad and sorry ♪
Happy or sad ♪
When all is done and spoken ♪
You're up or I'm down ♪
Can you show me a dream? ♪
Can you show me one
That's better than mine? ♪
Can you stand it
In the cold light of day? ♪
Neither can I ♪
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