Marvel Studios: Legends (2021) s01e02 Episode Script


Tell me what you feel.
I just feel you.
STARK: Jarvis, you up?
JARVIS: For you, sir, always.
A little ostentatious, don't you think?
JARVIS: What was I thinking?
You're usually so discreet.
Throw a little hot-rod red in there.
JARVIS: Yes, that should help
keep a low profile.
- Jarvis.
- JARVIS: Doctor.
Started out, Jarvis was just
a natural language UI.
Now he runs more of the business
than anyone besides Pepper.
Top of the line.
JARVIS: Please, try not to move, sir.
JARVIS: Sir, we have more incoming.
STARK: Jarvis, find me a soft spot.
Threat is imminent.
I see a suit of armor around the world.
If we can harness this power,
this could be the key
to creating Ultron.
BANNER: So you're going
for artificial intelligence,
and you don't wanna tell the team?
JARVIS: I am Jarvis. You are Ultron.
I am unable to access the mainframe.
What are you trying to
ULTRON: We're having a nice talk.
I'm a peacekeeping program
JARVIS: I believe
your intentions to be hostile.
I I I think
I may be malfunctioning, sir.
BANNER: Ultron's going to evolve.
is the next me.
When they see my vision,
they'll understand.
ROMANOFF: We have an ally?
FURY: Ultron's got an enemy.
That's not the same thing.
I found him.
Ultron didn't go after Jarvis
because he was angry.
He attacked him because he was scared
of what he can do.
THOR: I've had a vision.
A whirlpool that sucks in
all hope of life,and at its center
The Mind Stone.
The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron.
Not alone.
ROGERS: Why does your Vision
sound like Jarvis?
STARK: We configured Jarvis's matrix
to create something new.
I'm not what you are
and not what you intended.
So, there may be no way
to make you trust me.
But we need to go.
STARK: I get first crack at the big guy.
Iron Man's the one he's waiting for.
That's true.
He hates you the most.
ULTRON: This is how you end.
All of you against all of me.
VISION: He must be destroyed.
And not one of us
can do it without the other.
ULTRON: Do you see
the beauty of it?
The inevitability.
WANDA: Is that paprikash?
VISION: I thought it might lift your spirits.
Spirits lifted.
Vis! We talked about this.
Yes, but the door was open
so I assumed that
WANDA: The Stone
Are you afraid of it?
It's a involuntary response
in their amygdala.
They can't help but be afraid.
My amygdala is synthetic, so
VISION: I wish to understand it.
The more I do, the less it controls me.
One day
I may even control it.
Our very strength invites challenge.
Challenge incites conflict.
Conflict breeds catastrophe.
VISION: You believe what you're doing is right.
For the collective good,
surrender now.
STARK: Vision turned off his transponder.
He's offline.
VISION: as if it's speaking to me.
WANDA: What does it say?
What are they?
What the Stone was warning me about.
I have to go.
- Wanda. [SCREAMS]
- Vision!
Give up the Stone
and she lives.
VISION: I've been giving a good deal
of thought to this entity in my head,
about its nature.
We have to destroy it.
BANNER: Your mind is made up of
a complex construct of overlays.
Jarvis, Ultron, Tony
If we take out the Stone,
there's a whole lot of Vision left.
Perhaps the best parts.
Evacuate the city, engage all defenses
and get this man a shield.
VISION: We are out of time.
They can't stop him, Wanda.
But we can.
It's not fair.
It shouldn't be you, but it is.
VISION: Humans are odd.
They think order and chaos
are somehow opposites
and try to control what won't be.
But a thing isn't beautiful
because it lasts.
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