Maya and the Three (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Chapter 7: The Divine Gate

[Western movie music plays]
[man] Cha-chung!
- [exciting music plays]
- [rumbling]
[dramatic music plays]
[Micte] Hm.
- [King] For Teca!
- [clanging]
- [shrill battle cry]
- [loud thud]
[screams, grunts]
- What?
- [weapons crackling]
- [grunts]
- [weapons rasp]
- [grunts]
- [screams]
- [grunts]
- Oh, ho, ho!
[both grunt]
- [gasps]
- [clangs]
[King laughs]
- [both grunting]
- [clanging]
[gasps, grunts]
[grunts, screams]
- [clangs]
- Ay!
- [grunts]
- [grunting]
[both grunting]
- [King] Whoo-ha!
- [grunting]
[both laugh]
- [grunting]
- [grunts]
[grunts, groans]
[laughs] Had enough?
[Micte] Hmm.
- [caws]
- [grunts]
[ominous music plays]
[screams, gasps]
- [sinister music plays]
- [grunts]
[magic whooshes]
- [magic chimes, jingles]
- [ethereal music plays]
Who are you?
[baby babbles]
[Mictlan] What were you thinking?!
- I made this for you, mi amor.
- [sinister music plays]
[growls]Spawn of a human
and the goddess of death.
The one thing that could
actually hurt me. [growls]
- [all gasping]
- [Bone] Hmm.
- Give me that thing.
- Wait, my dear.
- If you sacrifice my half-divine child
- [babbles]
- it will increase your power immensely.
- [thuds]
- Ah, you think of everything, mi amor.
- [object clunks]
[rumbles, clacks]
- [whispering voices]
- [laughs]
- Oh, yes. Sacrificing her now
- [babbles]
would increase your power, my love.
- But not as much as it would
- Huh?
- [babbles, laughs]
- if you sacrifice her when she was grown.
You know, sacrifices are more effective
when they're ripe.
- [babbling, laughing]
- Why don't you wait, my sweet?
I'll send her to the land of the living.
- Let the Tecas raise her.
- [babbles]
You can have her when she's, say, 15.
[Mictlan] Yeah.
Give them plenty of time
to fall in love with it
before we rip it away for my sacrifice.
My husband, you are the master
of inflicting pain.
Just think
[laughs]the Tecas will have to do
all the work of raising it.
They will be like our servants.
And it will never know
- [gasps]
- who its true mother is.
- You will be nothing to it. Nothing.
- [babbles]
Nothing at all.
- [hesitantly] I'll send her off now.
- [laughs]
- [babbling]
- [tense music plays]
- [growls]
- [sinister music plays]
[rumbles, thuds]
- [sobs]
- [laughing, babbling]
[breath shudders, sighs] Mmm.
- [magic hums]
- [gentle music plays]
[Queen growls]
- [coos]
- [sighs]
[power hums]
- [baby babbles]
- [babbles]
[all babbling]
[music continues]
- [wind gusting]
- [music fades]
[mellow adventure music plays]
[jungle noises]
[vulture squawks]
Ooh. [laughs]
[sandstorm whooshes]
[wind whistling]
[Picchu grunts]
- [grunts]
- [barks]
- [laughs]
- [snarls]
- [screams]
- [huffs]
[adventurous music continues]
- [hisses, rattling]
- [screams]
[music continues]
[wind gusting]
[thunder rumbles]
[wind whistling]
[music continues]
- [magic hums]
- [Rico yelps]
[explodes, rumbles]
- [claps]
- Ah!
- [all laugh]
- [music continues]
[jungle noises]
[birds chirp]
[crickets chirp]
[bats screech]
[music continues]
- [music fades]
- [birds warbling]
[rumbles, thuds]
- Oh my gods.
- [epic music plays]
The Divine Gate!
The door between our realm
and the underworld.
To think we're the first living humans
to pass through this gate.
We're the warriors
from the Great Prophecy.
The story will be told for generations
of how we, Maya and the Three,
vanquished the god of war.
Onward, my warriors!
- [all] Onward!
- [snarls]
- [all yelling battle cries]
- [snarling]
- [music stops]
- [all] Ah?
[wind gusting faintly]
- [animal shrieks in distance]
- [Chiapa groans]
This was supposed to be
the portal to the underworld.
But it's just, what?
Shade for forest animals?
What we do now?
We need to activate the gate somehow.
[gasps] Maybe our talismans will do it.
- [exciting music plays]
- Eagle Claw!
- [Picchu] Slice and Dice!
- [howls] Bow!
- [Rico] Estefan! Open, says me!
- [Maya and Picchu yell, grunt]
- [thud echoes]
- [music fades]
Think, Maya.
Why isn't it letting us through
to the underworld?
- [upbeat flute music plays]
- Puma Punch! Puma Punch!
- Hmm
- [coins clink]
- Huh.
- [coin rattles]
[strains, grunts]
[slurps, purrs]
[all grunting, muttering]
[blowing raspberries]
[music stops]
[groans] We can't have come
all this way for nothing.
Please, Divine Gate.
My whole life,
all I ever wanted was to meet my mother.
[magic hums]
- [gasps] Of course.
- Ooh!
Living people don't cross
through the gate.
It responds to the only thing
you have left when you die!
Ch-Ch-Chimi, let it hear your soul.
[mournful string music plays]
[speaks Spanish, gasps]
- [rumbling]
- [magic humming]
- [stones rumbling]
- [dramatic music plays]
[crashes loudly]
[Chiapa growls]
- [both yelp]
- [gasps]
- [rumbling, clanking]
- [Maya gasps]
[roars, crashes loudly]
- [music rising]
- [whooshing]
- [roars]
- [rumbling]
Maybe we we should have
just let her sleep.
- [stone clangs]
- [roars]
No wonder no human
has ever gone through the gate alive.
- [exciting music playing]
- Eat death!
- [gasps]
- Mm. Should've seen that coming.
- [snarls]
- [grunts]
- Bolas de fuego, incinerate!
- [magic jingling]
- [growls]
- Hmm?
[power whooshes, hums]
- [screams]
- [whooshes]
[Chiapa snarls]
- [chomps, grunts uncertainly]
- Chiapa! Hold on!
- [heroic music plays]
- [snarls]
- [grunts]
- [Picchu] Huh?
[snarls, groans]
- Divine Gate hurt big cat.
- [heroic music plays]
- [axes humming]
- [roars]
- [Picchu yells]
- [clangs]
Mercury amalgamation
can extract silver from finely crushed
- [clangs]
- [grunts] Why Picchu head hurt?
[yells, grunts]
- [clanging]
- [grunting]
- [rumbles]
- [grunts]
- [groaning]
- [clangs]
Picchu! Chimi!
Can you hold the gate still for a minute?
[whooshes, chimes]
- [Picchu growls]
- [grunts]
[whooshes, thunks]
[growls, grunts]
- Can you get me up to its chest?
- I guess so, but why?
- You'll see. [pants]
- [dramatic music plays]
[arrows whistle]
- [groaning]
- [rumbling]
[shouts] Now!
- Extendenae!
- [Maya grunts]
[yells, grunts]
[gasps, groans]
[grunts, screams]
[gasps, growls]
[grunts] Ah!
- [clanks]
- [gasps]
[arrows thunk]
[music swells]
Thank you, Chimi!
[heroic music plays]
- This better work, Lady Micte.
- [clanks]
[suspenseful music plays]
[sighs, laughs]
You see? I knew this would be easy.
- [gentle music plays]
- [laughs] Oh yeah. Super easy.
- [metallic clunking]
- [growling]
[thudding loudly]
- [ominous music plays]
- [clunking]
[magic hissing]
Anyone doesn't wanna go through,
now is the time to say so.
- Picchu stick with you to end.
- You're not getting rid of me now.
Of course I don't wanna go.
Are you serious?
But yeah. [grunts]
Yeah, I'm going. Of course I'm going.
Chiapa, I know you wanna go with us,
but you've done enough by getting us here.
- [groans uncertainly]
- And you're hurt.
[gentle string music plays]
- [metal strains]
- [grunts]
- [whimpers]
- The healers will mend you,
so go home to Mama and Papa.
- They need you. Protect them.
- [sighs]
- [whimpers]
- Thank you, old friend.
- [Chiapa purrs]
- Picchu love giant cat.
Thanks for not eating me, Chiapa.
[growls happily]
[groans, whimpers]
[growls softly]
[music fades]
- [epic music plays]
- [growls] All right.
- Let's go kill the god of war.
- [sloshes]
- [music continues]
- [sloshing]
[rattles, hisses]
[music fades]
[thunder crashes]
Holy cacao.
[laughs] You know what?
- Uh, I think I hear Chiapa calling me.
- [thunder crashing]
- [thunder crashes loudly]
- Ah! What?
I was just going to check up on him.
Ugh, fine.
Wh-Which way is up? Never mind.
Know what? I don't wanna know.
- [woman cackles]
- [gasps, growls]
- Hola, mis niños!
- [gasps]
- [growls]
- Ah Puch! Ay, thank the gods.
- What took you so long?
- What took What took you so long?
We had to fight
a four-armed stone monster creature!
Ah, one of our more gifted children.
- Oh?
- Wait, don't you speak in rhymes?
Some of me does.
- [laughs]
- Huh?
Ah Puch, I would like
for you to meet my friends.
- [gasps]
- Chimi, our tragic Chimi.
- [whimpers]
- My heart has always ached for you.
- [gentle music playing]
- Our nature is to watch, but for you,
perhaps we interfered.
How do you know my name?
We gave you your name, my child.
We know you by heart.
I liked that. That's weird.
- Our precious Rico.
- [yelps]
Chimi had her animal friends.
You only had Estefan
- and your own spark to keep you company.
- [whimsical music playing]
Good thing you have plenty of it, my son.
You'll never be alone again,
once you know your true worth.
- [screams, grunts]
- [laughs]
[Ah Puch] Our sweet Picchu.
For so long you danced
with the shadows of your pain.
- [gentle, heroic music playing]
- But now you see
that mercy is your true gift.
Thank you, nice nature lady. Agh!
[Ah Puch] Ay, Maya.
I remember when we guided you
from the underworld to your parents.
So innocent then. [chuckles]
- Oh!
- But now, you have no plan.
- [somber music plays]
- Only your golden talisman,
vengeance and arrogance.
But it's not too late to turn back.
We're taking Lord Mictlan down,
and no one can stop us.
[sighs] Ugh.
We can't interfere.
But know this,
it is hard to find one's way to light
on a path that runs through darkness.
Will you help us, Ah Puch?
- [gasps] Bats! Bats! Bats!
- [wings fluttering]
[thunder crashing]
Oy, oy.
[mocks in Spanish]
- His hair say "trying too hard."
- [Chimi purrs]
His hair is like the wings
of a beautiful dove. Huh?
- [gasps] Huh? [growls]
- [whistles, chuckles nervously]
Princess Maya, I prayed you would make it.
Look, if you're here
to ask me to join your quest
[chuckling] No, no, no.
I ask to join yours.
[Maya gasps]
You're not a part of the prophecy,
but maybe you can keep Lady Micte occupied
while we finish her husband.
Plus, I don't really know where I'm going.
[chuckles] Don't worry. I know the way.
Ah Puch, we
Ah Puch? Ah Puch! [echoes]
- [Rico] Where'd she go?
- Oy! [speaks Spanish]
Adios, Ah Puch!
Bye, nice nature lady.
Come now. It is time
for us to face Lord Mictlan.
- [gasps]
- Huh?
[whispers] You sure we can trust this guy?
He could be leading us into a trap.
We're already marching
up to the god of war
and challenging him
to a fight to the death.
How could Zatz make him more dangerous?
[stammers] I hope we don't find out.
[Maya grunts]
- Come on. Ride with me.
- I thought you'd never ask.
- [roars]
- My plan is simple.
We bypass the main entrance
to Lord Mictlan's temple
and make our way through the fire tunnels.
Yeah. It's great.
That's That's really great.
Here's my plan.
We pretend to be your prisoners,
walk up to Lord Mictlan, and surprise!
I challenge him to a fight to the death.
- Boom!
- Maya, please.
I already killed a god, so we got this.
You don't know what you're up against.
Lord Mictlan is the god of war.
Hey, you asked to join my quest.
So we're gonna do this my way.
I don't like you taking such a risk, Maya.
Zatz and Maya sittin' ♪
- [grunts]
- [laughs]
- [roars]
- [heavy metal music plays]
- Whoa.
- Lord Mictlan's temple.
- [whimpers] You gotta be kidding me. Ah!
- [whooshes]
- [gods laughing]
- [smooching]
Please, don't kill me, brothers.
- Por favor!
- [laughs]
Please, Lord Mictlan, I beg you.
- [gasps]
- [laughs]
Isn't she wonderful, General Camazotz?
[both laugh]
- [rumbles]
- [both gasp]
[somber Western music plays faintly]
- [growls]
- [boot spurs jingling]
[gods growling]
[music continues]
Bravo, Zatz.
You've succeeded.
- You finally brought me that half-breed.
- [rumbling]
Zatz did not bring me.
Zatz stands with me.
I have joined her quest, you monster.
[weapons swish, hum]
[all gasp]
I send you out to fetch her,
and you join her?
And I see you've brought mortals
- from Luna Island
- [gasps]
the Jungle Lands,
- and the Golden Mountains.
- [growls]
Know this, if you stand against me,
your kingdoms will pay the price.
Lord Mictlan, god of war,
murderer of my brothers and my people,
I, Princess Maya,
along with my three friends
- [growls]
- challenge you
- to a battle to the death!
- [heavy metal music plays]
[all] Hm!
- [laughs] Oh no!
- [music fades]
- [laughs]
- [eerie music plays]
You have brought the power of friendship.
Ay, I am doomed!
[snarls] Maya,
let me show you and your friends
just how pathetic you are.
- I'll start with Zatz.
- [screeching]
- [thuds]
- [grunts, yelling]
[Mictlan] He, at least,
should have known the depths
- of your stupidity.
- [strangled grunts]
[Maya] Zatz!
- Let him go!
- [whirring]
- [clangs]
- Agh!
Your reign ends here!
For Zyanya!
- [grunts, chokes]
- [weapons clatter]
[Eagle Claw hums]
Oh, General Camazotz,
- did you really think I didn't know
- [grunts]
you and your son
were plotting against me?
[chokes, grunts]
- [thuds]
- [groans]
- [grunts, gasps]
- [crackles, bubbles]
[Zatz groans]
- No!
- [slurps]
- [power whooshes]
- [groans]
- I am the wrath of Teca!
- [yells]
- [eerie whoosh]
- [grunts]
- [Mictlan yells]
- [dramatic music plays]
[bubbles, whooshes]
- You will pay for this, Mictlan.
- [Mictlan yells]
- You will pay for this!
- [Mictlan laughs]
Relax, Zatz.
- All of you, relax.
- [gasps]
- Enjoy the show.
- Huh?
- [Micte] What show, mi amor?
- [Maya gasps]
I thought Maya might like
to learn how her brothers fell.
I promise you,
I did not harm them one bit. No. No.
They were killed
by their own loyal friends.
You lie!
I can be very
[slurps]how you say, persuasive.
- [whooshing]
- [music intensifies]
[all growl]
Oh no.
- Die, Maya. Die!
- [Estefan crackles]
- Rico, stop! [grunts]
- Die, Maya. Die.
- Die, Maya. Die.
- [arrows whoosh]
[grunts, groans]
- [grunts]
- Picchu, it's me.
- [grunts] Rico, don't do this!
- Ha!
[magic whooshes, roars]
[both grunt]
- [laughs, exhales]
- [Maya] Whoa!
- I'm so sorry, Picchu. I'm sorry.
- [laughing]
- Maya, watch out!
- [grunts]
[both grunt]
- [yelps]
- [grunts]
- [Zatz] Behind you!
- [grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
[both grunting]
[grunts] Ooh!
- [gods] Yes! [laughing]
- Sorry, Chimi. [gasps]
- [grunts]
- [straining] Perdon, Picchu!
- [grunting]
- [straining] I don't have much choice.
- Hm!
- [music intensifies]
Un hechizo spells your doom
Rico, no. Fight it!
Fight it, gallito! [grunts]
Swirl around, entonces boom!
- [grunts]
- Un hechizo spells your doom.
Swirl around, entonces boom!
[lightning crackling]
[stone crumbling]
Calma, calma.
- Calma. Calma, gallito, calma.
- [music becoming gentler]
Calma. Calma. Calma, gallito.
Obey me, Rooster Wizard.
- No! I'm the Rooster Wizard.
- [hopeful music plays]
[exhales] Huh?
[speaks Spanish]
How could you be that strong?
- [speaks Spanish]
- [thuds, clangs]
- Can you get them back to normal?
- [growls]
- Huh?
- Just try, okay? I'll keep them busy.
Despiértase from this trance.
- Escúchame, make your stance.
- [grunts]
- [whimpers]
- Despiértase from this trance.
[magic clucking]
- Escúchame, make your stance.
- [clucks, thuds]
- [Rico's voice echoes]
- [both] Huh?
- What a What What happening? [laughs]
- [clinks]
Let's see if this prophecy
is true after all.
Together, we're unbeatable.
Let's go kill the god of war.
[Mictlan] Hm. [laughs]
I'm glad we didn't sacrifice her
- when she was just an infant, mi amor.
- [gasps]
This is going to be so much more fun.
I like when my prey
have a little fight in them.
Sí, mi amor.
It's god-smashing time!
[screams battle cry]
- To battle!
- [Rico] Agh!
Eat death!
[whooshes, clangs]
[speaks Spanish]
- Feel the power de mas de mil manos!
- [grunts]
[Maya yells]
- [thuds]
- [grunts]
- [yells]
- [grunts]
- [grunting]
- [clangs]
[all grunting]
[whistles, whooshes]
- [grunts]
- [clangs]
[groans, gasps]
[both grunt]
You insolent fools.
- [grunts]
- [magic shatters, whooshes]
- [grunts]
- I got you. [grunts]
- [grunts]
- I got you, Maya!
I am the Teca Eagle!
- [Mictlan grunts]
- [explodes]
[all grunt]
[Mictlan grunts]
- [strains] Ah!
- [Mictlan grunts]
- [both grunt]
- [clangs]
- [arrow whistles]
- [both grunt]
- Should we help Lord Mictlan?
- [clanging]
[grunts] Sorry, evil gods.
- [yells]
- [chuckles] He's not going to lose.
- [grunts]
- [thuds]
[gasps, growls]
- [arrow whistles]
- [grunts]
- Ahh! This is for my brothers!
- [grunts]
[Chivo groans]
[grunts, yells]
- [whooshes]
- [whirring]
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- [clanging]
- [grunts]
[both straining]
[magic crackling]
- [grunts]
- [screams]
[magic whistles]
- Why must you annoy me so?
- [groans]
[growls, grunts]
- [groans]
- [screams]
- [sinister music plays]
- [bow hums]
- [whooshes]
- [chomps]
- Huh? [grunts]
- [clacks]
- [laughs] Hmm?
- Dragón mágico, fire away.
- Mictlan malvado, time to pay!
- [whooshes]
[gulps] Enough! [spits]
- [gasps]
- Now, my misbegotten princess,
it is time for you to fulfill
your one and only purpose.
Let her go! [yells]
- [thudding softly]
- [grunts, yelps]
- [crashes]
- Maya?
[Mictlan] Your sacrifice,
thanks to your goddess mother
and your human father,
will make me
the most powerful being in all the realms!
[yells in Spanish]
Be still, princess.
[strains loudly]
- [gasps]
- [dramatic music playing]
Your sacrifice will be a great honor.
- [strains]
- Lord Mictlan,
- I beseech you, sacrifice me instead.
- [hissing]
[Chimi groans] Maya!
- [grunting]
- [rattles]
Lost gods of the underworld
I honor you with this sacrifice.
- [Mictlan chanting]
- Why didn't this work?
- We are the prophecy.
- [rattles]
- [clangs]
- Huh?
- [chanting]
- [dramatic music rises, swells]
- [blade pierces]
- [screaming]
- [screams]
- Oh no! Mi amor!
- Die, you monster! [grunts]
- [Mictlan groans]
- Chimi!
- [Mictlan] Get it out!
- Get it out!
- [gasps]
[dramatic music continues]
- [gasps]
- Go!
Mi amor!
- Oh, let me help you!
- [growls]
- Get it out!
- Stay still.
[growls] I always told you
this would happen.
- [Rico groans]
- Maya, we must go.
- How are we not dead?
- [music building]
[Mictlan] Get it out!
[growls, grunts]
[tense music plays]
- [grunts]
- [stone crumbles]
- [gasps]
- [thuds loudly]
- [screaming]
- [flames whooshing]
Finish him!
- [dramatic music plays]
- Listen to me. We have to go.
- We have to make sure he's dead.
- [groans]
- Rico's hurt too.
- This might be the only chance we get.
Please, Maya.
[breathes heavily]
- But I
- [growls]
No time talk. Time go.
No! No!
This is our chance!
[groans in frustration]
- [whooshes]
- [Maya straining]
- Picchu. Picchu, stop! Put me down.
- [magic whooshes]
- [magic exploding]
- [Picchu grunts]
- [Chivo] After them!
- [Bone laughs]
[gods growl]
[gasps] Oh no.
[magic exploding]
We'll never make it back
to the Divine Gate.
[all grunting]
- [Maya] Jump on, Picchu.
- I'm too big!
[magic explodes]
- [arrows clanking]
- [magic exploding]
[dramatic music continues]
- [Chivo laughs]
- [magic exploding]
- You won't get away, chamacos!
- [clanking]
I got this.
- [Picchu grunts, groans]
- [thuds]
End of the line, mocosos!
- [explodes]
- [all yelp]
- [snarls]
- Once I sacrifice you, half-breed
- [gods laugh]
- things will be so much different.
With Lord Mictlan gone
- [whooshing]
- [grunts]
- [screeching]
- [gods scream]
What? What now?
[gods yelp]
- [thudding]
- [gods grunting]
- [shrieks]
- [all gasp]
- Go! Go, go, go, go, go, go!
- [all grunt]
- [Zatz groans]
- [shrieks]
- [staff hums]
- [growls]
- [shrieks]
- [Maya yells]
- [Rico yelps]
- Colmillo, run!
Get the Teca girl!
- [arrows whooshing]
- [epic flute music plays]
- [grunts]
- Extendenae!
Picchu, grab Estefan!
- I I trying!
- [Colmillo snarls]
[grunts] Oh. [grunts]
- [grunts]
- [all straining]
[suspenseful music plays]
- [Maya] Whoa!
- [shrieking]
[epic music continues]
[both yell]
- [grunts]
- [shrieks]
Picchu too heavy.
- [all gasp]
- [shrieks]
[all gasp, grunt]
- [Chivo laughs]
- [sinister music plays]
- [gasps]
- [all screaming]
- [shrieks]
- [chomps]
- [growling]
- [shrieking]
- [chomps]
- [shrieking]
- [all scream]
- You can't leave us just yet!
- [roars]
- [screams]
[magic whooshes]
- Colmillo!
- [Rico gasps]
- [magic crackles]
- Fulmen!
- [Bone laughs]
- [whooshing]
Let go!
- [owl shrieks]
- [Bone and Hura laugh]
- [Chimi and Hura grunt]
- [arrows clank, whistle]
- [Chimi and Picchu grunt]
- [speaking Spanish]
- [shrieks, whimpers]
- [music intensifies]
- [Chimi panting]
- [speaking Spanish]
[epic music rising]
- I love you, familia.
- [gentle flute music plays]
- [clangs]
- Don't forget me.
No! No! No!
- Barbarians!
- [heroic music plays]
- [Rico grunts]
- Picchu!
- [yells battle cry]
- [thuds loudly]
- Picchu!
- Owl, stop!
Stop, owl!
- Stop! Stop!
- [suspenseful music plays]
- Get off me! Stop her!
- [magic whooshes]
[Picchu growls]
- Huh? Hold them off, Colmillo!
- [epic music playing]
- [roars]
- [both grunt]
[axes hum]
- [grunting]
- [clanging]
- [crumbling]
- [music stops]
[Picchu grunts]
- [crumbling]
- [heroic music plays]
- [bones rattling]
- [gasps]
[Picchu] If
- If it to be
- [bones rattling]
up to me.
[Mictlan laughs] You fool.
- [gods gasp]
- I can build a new gate that will take us
to the human world within a new moon.
[voice doubling] Maya will still
be mine to sacrifice.
You have done nothing.
Nothing? [laughs]
Picchu buy family time.
You are dead and you just don't know it.
- [heroic music plays]
- Better Picchu die for something
than live for nothing.
- [roars]
- Barbarians!
- [all yelling]
- [snarling]
[sounds fade]
- [gentle music plays]
- Huh?
Picchu, you made it.
Mama. Papa.
[mrows, pants]
You're a puma.
- [slurps]
- [laughs]
We so proud of you, mijo.
Picchu proud be your son.
[purrs, yowls happily]
[mournful string music plays]
[dramatic music plays]
[music fades]
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