Maya and the Three (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

Chapter 9: The Sun and the Moon

[Western movie music plays]
[man] Cha-chung!
[dramatic music plays]
- [Ah Puch chuckles]
- [whooshes]
- The Eagle shall lead them all.
- [fluttering]
Every kingdom heeds her call.
- [eagle shrieks]
- [Ah Puch] And so it begins,
and finally ends,
the story of our beloved friends.
Oh, I worry we interfered too much.
Perhaps we made it worse
for these children.
What is done is done.
It was and shall always be their choice.
[together] They grow,
they flower, they end.
[music rises]
[music swells, fades]
[dramatic music plays]
If it is to be
[all] It is up to me!
[all yelling]
- [yells shrill battle cry]
- [Mictlan yells]
- [music rising]
- [both grunt]
- [exciting music plays]
- [both grunt]
[both grunt]
- [Mictlan growls]
- [both grunt]
[all grunt]
[both grunt]
- [yells, grunts]
- [sword whooshes]
- Get away from my daughter!
- [music fades]
- [gasps] Mi amor.
- [tense music plays]
- After everything I've done for you
- [thuds]
how could you betray me?
I forgave you after your betrayal.
Does that mean nothing?
[teeth rattle]
[yells] No!
- [both grunt]
- [whooshes]
- [music fades]
- But, mi amor, I I love you.
If you love me,
- end all of this right now.
- [sad music plays]
Please, I beg you.
For me.
Por nosotros.
- No. No.
- [whispering voices]
- [echoing] No. Enough.
- [dramatic music rising]
I am the god of
- [voice thundering]war!
- [air whooshing]
And the world of mortals
- shall pay for its insolence.
- [thuds]
- [grunts]
- Not today!
- [crashes]
- [grunts]
What are you waiting for? Attack!
- [yelling]
- [grunts]
- [Hura] We're gonna kill you!
- [Can] Till you're dead.
- [Maya grunting]
- [grunts] Catch!
[grunts] Remember me?
- [whirring]
- [both grunt]
- [groans]
- [whooshes]
- Huh?
- [whooshes]
- [yells]
- [steam whistling]
- [Chimi gasps, grunts]
- [Maya] Hey, bat hombre,
good job getting
Picchu's people to fight beside us.
Well, barbarians can be stubborn.
- [grunts]
- [grunts] That princess almost bit me.
I like her.
- Yeah, you would. [yelps]
- [growls]
- [roars]
- Wait, what? [grunts]
- [thuds]
- [romantic music plays]
I let her know I was taken.
You two are adorbs.
- [growls]
- [screams]
- [yells]
- [Hura and Can grunt]
- [grunts]
- Kill Eagle girl!
- [thuds]
- Oh!
- [tooth rattles]
- Ah!
[both grunt]
- [grunts]
- [chuckles] Not bad.
- Not bad at all.
- [both grunt]
- Burn, you imbeciles. Burn!
- [clanks]
- Agh!
- We answer to a higher power.
[speaking Latin]
[speaking Tagalog]
[speaking Latin]
- [magic chittering]
- [grunts]
[witch speaking Spanish]
[Chivo speaking Spanish]
- [grunts]
- [clanks]
- [cracks]
- [wheezes]
Magic dragon punch!
Punch! Punch!
[screams] Punch!
- [dramatic music playing]
- [grunts]
[loud cluck]
[music rising]
- [clucks loudly]
- [bubbling]
- [whimpers]
- [clucks loudly]
- [weakly] I really hate you all.
- [tooth rattles]
You idiots wanna fight me
one by one or all at once?
[chuckles] Talking skeleton bad at math.
Yes, Father. The odds are in our favor.
While not always understand you,
- always proud of you.
- [sentimental music plays]
- I love you, Papa.
- [all] Aww.
What is happening?
On my command
[yells]smash this skeleton demon
into dust!
[sniffles] That my little girl.
- Barbarian Pumas!
- [gasps]
- [Barbarians grunt]
- Wait. Hold on!
For Picchu!
[all] Barbarians!
- [yelling]
- [exclaims in Spanish]
[Bone screams]
[Mictlan grunts]
- [eerie music plays]
- Steady, my warriors.
- Please, don't hurt me.
- [tragic string music plays]
[dramatic drum beat]
[bowstrings tensing]
- [gasps]
- [whooshes]
[high-pitched whooshing]
[eerie music continues]
- [music fades]
- Mijita, I mised you so much.
- [mysterious music plays]
- ¿Papi? I've missed you too.
We can make a pact with Lord Mictlan.
And the world shall know the might
[screams]of the Jungle Lands! [echoes]
Please, daughter.
That is exactly what my father would do.
Ooh. [chuckles]
But I am not my father. Fire!
Curse you, escuincla.
- [both scream]
- [dramatic music rising]
- We are so going to win this battle.
- Hurry, children. Con cuidado.
How are Maya and her allies doing?
- She seems to be doing just fine.
- [weapons clanging]
[screams encouragement in Spanish]
- You can do it!
- [grunts]
[chuckles] What?
[Zatz and Maya grunting]
- [roars, grunts]
- [clangs loudly]
[all grunt]
- Had enough, niña tonta?
- [grunts]
- [heroic music plays]
- We can do this all day.
And all night.
- Wait, what?
- I might need to pee soon.
- Seriously, I need to pee.
- [yells]
- [Zatz grunts]
- Now, Chimi!
- [Mictlan] Huh? [grunts]
- [Maya] Get him, Rico!
- [speaks Spanish]
- [magic hums, whooshes]
- [crashes]
- [grunts]
Good shot, muchachos!
[all chuckle] Huh?
- [rumbles, rattles]
- I just about had enough of you.
Give up now!
You're completely outnumbered.
Girl, did you really think
I wouldn't bring my own army?
- This day ends with your sacrifice.
- [eerie whooshing]
[all grunt, gasp]
- [chuckles wickedly]
- [thuds]
[screeching, chittering]
That cannot be good.
- [laughs]
- [whoosh, thud]
- [cracking]
- Well, it was nice knowing you guys.
- ¡Ay, caramba!
- [clucks]
[sinister music playing]
- [ominous droning]
- [rattles]
- Behold my unholy army.
- [snarling]
I'm afraid to say it,
but could this get any worse?
[all] Rico!
- [ominous droning]
- [rumbling]
- [thuds]
- [Chivo cackles]
- Watch and learn, peasant boy.
- [growls]
[snarls, growls]
[weakly] I'm sorry.
[wind gusting]
- [gods chuckle]
- [eerie music plays]
[eagle shrieks]
Together, we can triumph!
- [hopeful music plays]
- We are all the true prophecy.
All four kingdoms, fighting as one.
Each finger is weak, but together
We are a mighty fist.
And today, the sun will cheer
our victory over evil!
[growls] Crush these cockroaches
and bring me that Teca princess, now!
- [yelling]
- [roars]
- [Maya] Charge!
- [all yelling]
[ominous music plays]
- Show them the might of the Jungle Lands!
- [arrows thunking]
[yells] Barbarians!
- Ribbit!
- [whooshes]
- [grunts]
- [monster groans]
Aim for their heads! I'll aim [grunts]
- Mi amor!
- ¿Mi amor?
- [grunting]
- [exciting music plays]
Gran Bruja!
Go, Rico. Help her.
- I'll cover you.
- [whooshes]
You better not die, Rico!
- [quietly] Because I think I love you.
- [Zatz] Aww.
- [both chuckle]
- [monster growls]
You shut your snouts right now.
[skeletons scream]
- [thuds]
- [Zatz grunts]
[King] There's too many
of those things, mi amor.
- [sighs] I fear the tide is turning.
- [snarls]
You stay.
I I can join the battle.
[sighs] Very well. Go help Maya.
[chuckles excitedly] As you wish.
[both laugh]
- Make me proud, gordo.
- [snarls]
[King screams] For Teca!
- Hold on, Maya!
- [snarls]
- Here come the reinforcements!
- [skeletons yell]
- [yells shrill battle cry]
- [Chiapa snarls]
- [Chiapa roars]
- Taste my claw!
Get the healers.
[groans loudly]
[screams] Now!
- I got this one, Chimi!
- [growls]
[Rico yelps]
- Rico!
- [skidding] I don't got this!
[thuds, skids]
- [spits]
- [rattles]
[weakly] Ta-da!
[chuckles] Ay, gallito.
- [snarling]
- Rico, look out!
- [skeletons grunt, thud]
- Thank you, Chimi!
[arrow hums]
Man, I think I love that girl.
- [cracks]
- [yelps]
Your leg! [speaks Spanish, coughs]
- Stop. Stop! No crutch. Not anymore.
- [Estefan mutters]
- I know. I know. I know.
- [coughs]
But I promised the G G G Gran Brujo
- [coughs]
- I'd protect his daughter.
She needs you more than me now.
- Gracias, Estefan.
- [gentle music plays]
Hola, old friend.
- [magic hums]
- Gracias, Rico.
- [groaning]
- [music intensifies]
[coughs, groans] I'm not going to make it.
Calma. Calma.
I got this.
- [dramatic music plays]
- [chanting in Spanish]
- [chanting in Spanish]
- What are you doing?
- [chanting]
- Peasant Magic?!
- [continues chanting]
- [chittering]
- [continues chanting faintly]
- [chittering]
But how did you learn
to control the Peasant Magic?
I didn't.
- [gentle music playing]
- I just go with the flow.
Aren't Aren't you afraid?
It's okay to be afraid.
What others call my
they are my strengths.
I never should have doubted you.
- [speaking Latin]
- [growls]
- Unleash your power, gallito.
- [monster snarls]
- I don't know if I can hold it.
- [monsters snarling]
- Ancient amigos gigantes!
- [dramatic music rising]
Go forth y luchen
You got this!
- [music swells]
- [golems growl]
- [gasp]
- [exclaims in Spanish]
- [stammers] Ancient amigos gigantes!
- [magic warbling]
- Go forth y luchen triunfantes!
- [roaring]
[whooshes, shrieks]
[monsters snarl]
[exclaims in Spanish]
[music rising]
[shrieks, thuds]
It cannot be.
[music rising]
[snarling yowl]
- Yay!
- [cheering]
I love you, man.
You got this, Rico!
That's my human!
You know it.
By my father's beard, you really are
the greatest wizard who ever lived!
[high-pitched] Ooh-hoo!
Come and get some, baby!
[footsteps thudding]
Behold the might of the prophecy!
- [thudding]
- [roars]
I didn't know Rico could do that.
- [Mictlan yells]
- [gasps]
- We end this now!
- [Zatz and Maya grunt]
- Maya! [grunts]
- [snarls]
- Die!
- [Maya] Oh!
[weapon clangs, hums, sizzles]
[Micte] Get away from my daughter!
You two-faced son of a motherless goat.
[both grunt]
[Chiapa snarls, roars]
- You will have to go through us.
- [laughs] And the two of us. [grunts]
- [grunts]
- [crashes]
- [thuds loudly]
- [Cipactli] Hey, Maya.
- Guys, this is my father. [chuckles]
- [thuds]
- Papa, this is Cipactli and Cabrakan.
- [clangs]
Your daughter Maya saved our marriage.
With the help of the god of counseling.
We will fight for her cause.
- [both grunting]
- [heroic music plays]
And yours, Lady Micte.
- [roars]
- [Cipactli gasps] Now that's a big one.
Just like I like 'em. [growls]
- Try to keep up, husband!
- [magic crackles]
- [Cipactli snarls]
- She gets more lovely every day.
Who wants to play ball?
[sighs] I love those guys.
My king. You are needed
in the pyramid with the queen.
We'll keep fighting down here. Go to Mama.
- [snarls]
- I'm coming, mi amor!
- [arrows whistle]
- [grunts]
[thuds, whooshes]
- [screams]
- [Mictlan grunts]
- [grunts]
- [Zatz strains]
- [arrows whistle]
- [Mictlan grunts]
- [clangs]
- [grunting]
- Chimi! Are you all right?
- [strains]
- [Vucub groans]
- [gasps] Vucub!
- [sad music plays]
- What did he do to you?
Mictlan said your human lies
have blinded me,
so he took my eyes.
- Vucub, god of the Jungle Land animals
- [Vucub and Chimi grunt]
I beg your forgiveness
for the sins of mi familia.
Your heart is true, young queen.
- I accept your apology.
- [gasps]
- [explosion]
- Vucub, we need all the help we can get.
I cannot see, Chimi.
With your permission,
Vucub, I can be your eyes.
Animals and humans together,
as it was meant to be.
[distant explosion]
- [hopeful music rising]
- Yes. For you, Chimi, I will fight!
[power whooshes]
[humming, whirring]
- Vucub, you're so amazing.
- Ooh!
- [whooshes]
- Let's get to it, then.
- Will you join us, Chimi?
- [whistles]
[exciting music playing]
[Vucub whistles]
Head west to the sunlight.
[chuckling] This is
the best day of my life.
[arrows whistle, whoosh]
You go, Chimi, go!
- [Queen screams]
- [explosion rumbles]
[Queen groaning loudly]
Push, my queen.
The baby is here!
- [rumbling thud]
- [gasps]
- [groans, screams]
- Whoa! Mi amor, is everything all right?
Oh yeah. Everything is just
- [screams]great!
- [screams]
- [pop, ding]
- [baby crying]
- [gentle music plays]
- She's so beautiful.
[baby babbles]
- [King] Like you.
- [babbling]
[exclaims in Spanish] Another baby?
This is all your
- [screams]fault!
- [distant explosion]
- [grunts] You will never rule both realms!
- [clanks]
- Ha! Big words from an armless fool.
- [groans]
- [grunts]
- Do your worst.
- [pierces]
- [groans]
- [gasps] No!
- [sinister music playing]
- [clacks]
- [roars]
[grunts, hisses, snarls]
- [rips]
- [groans]
- Adios, mi amor.
- [snarls]
- You will pay for this!
- Hmm.
[magic fizzles]
- I will avenge you, Cabrakan!
- [music rising]
- Join your husband.
- [snarls]
- [claws pierce]
- [both gasp]
- Oh yes, till death do you part, lovers.
- [clangs]
- No!
- [crackles]
- Cipactli!
- [Cipactli clangs]
[gulps, munches]
- [whooshing]
- [grunting]
- They are winning the battle.
- [magic whooshes]
[Mictlan] It is time
to end this foolishness.
- Summon my gods.
- Yes, my lord.
- [horn warbles]
- That's a thing you can do?
I never knew you could do that.
[all gasp]
- [dramatic music plays]
- My pantheon of gods,
I thank you all for your service.
Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
- [gasps, screams]
- [zaps]
- Even me, my lord?
- [crackles]
- [clangs]
- [gods] Huh?
I shall honor you all. [grunts]
- [zaps]
- [Bone] Ay!
- [zapping]
- [all grunt]
- [gods growl]
- [Bone and Xtabay] Die!
[both] Huh? [groan]
- [clanking, bubbling]
- [laughing]
[sinister music plays]
- [laughs]
- [Micte] You monster!
Huh? This is on you, woman!
Stop him!
[Maya and Zatz yelling]
- [echoing] Salud, amigos!
- [tongue splits]
[all pant, gasp]
- No!
- [thuds]
- [power whirs, bubbles]
- [chokes, screams]
[all gasp]
[Mictlan grunting]
Oh no. We're too late!
[Mictlan echoing] Worship
- [yells]me!
- [whooshes]
- [roars]
- [power whirring, crackling]
- [power drones]
- [dripping]
[music fades]
Did he just die?
- Wait, this is a good thing, right?
- No. No, no, no, no. It is so not good.
- [ominous music plays]
- Um, why does it feel like something
- Really bad is about
- To happen.
[growling, grunting]
Oh no. We need to evacuate the children.
[suspenseful music plays, stops]
- [Maya] Mama! Papa!
- [growls]
[whispers] Shh! You'll wake the babies.
[whispers] Teca twins?
- Oy!
- [gentle music playing]
Praise the celestials.
[squeals] They're so perfect!
- [chuckles]
- Mija, how's the battle going?
Uh [hesitates]
- [chanting]
- [gasps]
- What is that?
- [growls fearfully]
Lord Mictlan is coming.
In his final form.
- [loud thud]
- Ah!
- [eerie droning]
- [distant thud]
- [crying]
- [shushing]
[all panting]
Oh my gods.
- [bubbling]
- [chanting continues]
[ominous music playing]
- [snarls]
- [rumbling]
- Ah!
- [gasping]
[music intensifies]
- [chanting]
- [music rising]
What now? [sighs]
[music rising]
[all grunt]
[music fades]
- [whooshing]
- [stone crumbles]
- [roars]
- [dramatic music plays]
- [lightning crackles]
- [slithers]
[hesitantly] Well, that's not too bad.
- [lightning crackling]
- [roars]
[all] Rico!
[in high voice] I mean, it could be worse.
- [roaring]
- [rumbling]
I've got to keep my mouth shut.
- [magic whooshing, jingling]
- [stones clunking]
[Gran Bruja] This fight
ain't done just yet.
Behold the power of Luna Island!
[dramatic music plays]
- [roars]
- [thuds loudly]
[hissing, roaring]
[stone crumbles]
How do we kill this monster?
- [gentle music plays]
- As a human child of death herself,
it is your gift and your curse, Maya.
I am so sorry.
Don't be sorry.
All of this has been an amazing adventure.
Thank you for giving me life.
Thank you for your strength.
And thank you for your love.
If it is to be
It is up to me.
- [Eagle Claw hums]
- All right.
- I'm gonna kill the god of war.
- [snarling]
- [roars]
- [grunts]
- [clangs]
- [roaring]
[magic jingling]
Thank you, my wizard.
- [whooshes]
- [dragons growl, snarl]
- [loud thud]
- [roaring]
- [stone crumbling]
- [suspenseful music plays]
- [roars]
- [Maya] Zatz
- [hopeful music plays]
- you and Lady Mic my mother,
fight them in the air
and lure them down so I can get inside.
[sucks air through teeth] Maya.
Just trust me.
[music rises]
[heroic music plays]
Be well, Princess Maya.
I'll see you soon.
[magical whoosh]
- [screeches]
- [Maya] Good luck!
Mi príncipe.
- Why didn't he do that sooner?
- [chuckles]
- [dramatic music plays]
- [both shrieking]
- [roaring]
- [Zatz screeches]
- [Micte shrieks]
- [thuds]
[roars, chomps]
[suspenseful music plays]
Chimi, you three shoot
at the serpent's eyes.
Understood. Good luck, Maya.
Gracias, Chimi. I love you, hermana.
[Vucub whooshes]
[grunts] Rico, keep the golems
attacking it from below.
You got it, Eagle Warrior.
I love you so much, hermano.
- [magic buzzing]
- [yells] Rooster Wizard!
Papa, you and Mama
protect the children in the library.
- You two take care of Mama y Papa, okay?
- [coos]
- [kisses]
- [loud rumbling]
[ominous music plays]
I will show Mictlan
the glory of the Tecas, Papa.
- [hopeful music plays]
- I have no doubt of that, mija.
My Little Eagle.
Mama, you were right about everything.
My warrior diplomat,
your glory will outshine us all.
I love you, mija.
I love you more, Mama.
Chiapa and I will lead the serpents away.
- [snarling]
- May the celestials be with us.
Good luck, Maya.
[Chiapa snarls]
[Maya] Hey, Mictlan!
- [snarls]
- You want me? Come and get me.
- [chomps]
- [Micte shrieks]
[both roar]
[Chiapa snarls]
- [roars, snarls]
- I am the wrath of Teca!
- [Micte shrieks]
- [screeches]
- Get away from them!
- [screeching]
- [monster growls]
- [thuds]
Oh no, you don't!
- [grunts]
- [music rising]
- Mi rooster grande y fuerte, wake up!
- [monsters growling]
- Dale y no pares
- [gasps]
- and let's shake things up!
- [hums]
- Vamos, super rooster, vamos!
- [music rising]
- [thuds]
- [crackles]
- [music swells]
- [laughs] Tadow! How you like me now?
- [rooster crows]
- [magic jingling]
- [cheering]
- [rattles]
He is the chosen one.
Boom shaka laka!
[whooshes, crumbles]
[monster in gravelly voice] Uh-oh. [gasps]
- [Chiapa snarls]
- Hold on, Chiapa!
- [snarls]
- Mama!
- Papa! No!
- [ominous music plays]
[building crumbling]
For Teca!
- [roars]
- [yelling shrill battle cry]
- Taste my claw!
- [roars]
[yelling] For Teca!
[spear hums]
- Los niños, get them out of the way!
- [snarls]
- [gasps]
- [crackles]
- [grunting]
- [roars]
Husband, no!
Everyone, take cover!
- [roars]
- [King screams] For Teca!
[yells shrilly]
- Get out!
- [whooshing]
You did it, Rico!
Was there ever any doubt? [screams]
- [gasps]
- [growling]
- [growls in concern]
- [shrieks]
[screams] Mama! No!
- [shrieking]
- [dramatic music playing]
- [shrieks]
- [chomps]
- [snarls]
- [shrieks]
- [shrieks]
- [Maya] We have to help her.
- [thuds]
- Mama!
- Come on, Chiapa.
- [snarls]
- [roaring]
- [suspenseful music plays]
- [Zatz screeches]
- [gasps]
- [roars]
- [Zatz screeches]
- Chimi! Blind that monster!
- [grunts]
[grunts, shrieks]
[Maya] Nice shot, Chimi!
- [thuds]
- We have to save him!
[dragon screeches]
[Zatz shrieks]
- [shrieks]
- [chomps]
[screams] Zatz!
[grunts, pants]
[gasps softly]
- [tense music plays]
- [sighs] I love you, Maya.
- [ominous music plays]
- [chomps]
- [both gasp]
- [screams] No!
[growls, chomps]
[both roar]
- [whooshes]
- No, no, no. No! No! [whimpers]
- [thuds]
- [pants]
This cannot be. [sobs]
[gentle music playing]
- I love you, Zatz. [grunts]
- [growls in concern]
- [Micte wheezes] Oh
- [Maya] Mama!
- [wheezing]
- [grunts]
- [Micte groans]
- [magic jingles]
- [whooshes]
- [Maya] Mama! Mama, no.
Not you too.
Maya, listen to me.
Make his sacrifice count.
[sighs] What is that?
His venom.
Mi niña, I'm at peace.
Death comes for all of us,
even for death herself. [gasps softly]
No. Hold on, Mama. Por favor.
[softly] I'm so glad I got to see you grow
and shine.
- [music fades]
- Mama, don't go.
- [dramatic music plays]
- [grunts] Up, left, right!
- [roars]
- [Rico screams]
[gasps] Rico!
[screams] Huh? [chuckles]
- I got you, Rooster Wizard.
- Gracias, Gran Bruja. Oh no.
- Look out, Chimi!
- [roars]
- [speaks Spanish]
- [magic whooshes]
- [gasps]
- [roars]
- Be well, my ladies.
- [Chimi screams]
- Die, Mictlan. [yells] Die!
- [roaring]
- No!
- Vucub!
[music rising]
[music swells, stops]
[dragons growl]
- [gasps] All is lost, man!
- [clatters]
[dragons roaring in distance]
[both snarl, growl]
- [dramatic music rising]
- Lord Mictlan, tyrant of the underworld,
murderer of my friends, my family
[voice breaking]and my love
- [roaring]
- I, Princess Maya of the Teca,
challenge you to a battle
[yells]to the death!
- [stones crumbling]
- [snarling]
[suspenseful music plays]
- [grunts]
- [Chiapa snarls]
- [teeth rasping]
- [gasps]
- [whooshes]
- [snarls]
Rise up, rise up, piedras grandes!
Help our Mighty Eagle be triunfante!
Go, Maya, go!
- [thudding]
- [roars]
- [heroic music plays]
- Thank you, Rooster Wizard!
[Chiapa snarling]
- [snarls]
- [rasps]
You're up, mi amor.
[laughs] I get it.
- [thunks]
- [grunts]
- [thunking]
- [snarls]
[Maya] Hey! Left eye, Skull Warrior!
[Chimi] This one's for you, Maya!
- [crumbling, high-pitched humming]
- [roaring]
- [yelling]
- [dramatic music rising]
[whirs, clunks]
[magic whooshes, drones]
- [magic humming]
- [ethereal music playing]
[weapons whirring]
- Show him
- [laughs]
What glory
- Really means!
- [grunts]
- [yells] Barbarians!
- [thuds]
- [grunts]
- Gracias, Puma Warriors!
- [yells, grunts]
- [thuds]
- [groans, gasps]
- [growls]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [roars]
- [grunting desperately]
- [cracks]
- [yelps, grunts]
- [groans in pain]
- [music intensifies]
- [strains]
- [clangs loudly]
- [gasps]
- Oh!
That poor girl.
- [gasps]
- Maya!
I I am the wrath of Teca!
- [roaring]
- [grunting]
[panting] El corazón
- [whooshing]
- I am the Eagle Warrior!
[whooshes, explodes]
[sounds fade]
[gentle music plays]
[weakly] I am the Eagle Warrior.
- [yelps]
- [clangs]
- [dragon growling softly]
- [grunts]
[straining] I am the Eagle
[snarling softly]
[music intensifies]
- Not Not yet.
- [Eagle Claw thuds, rasps]
[weakly] If it is to be [pants]
[in strained voice]it is up to me!
- [screams]
- [pierces]
- [screeches]
- [uplifting music plays]
[explosion drones]
[bones rattling]
Ay, no
- Maya.
- [both sobbing]
You did it.
[Queen sobs]
[whooshing, jingling]
[music rising]
[music swells]
[both] Maya!
[Maya] At that moment, I finally realized
that glory is not about winning,
- but about saving the ones you love.
- [clanks]
- [purrs]
- [jingling]
[Maya] Lord Mictlan was right
about my sacrifice changing everything.
But it was, from the start,
my sacrifice to make.
Mictlan buried us.
- But he didn't know
- We were seeds.
[both gasp, speak Spanish]
[music softens]
[Zatz chuckles]
Most impressive, my princess.
[Maya] In the end,
the Teca prophecy turned out to be true.
But not in the way any of us expected.
All the kingdoms worked together
and saved the world of gods and mortals.
[Rico] G G G Gran Brujo.
[Maya] With a Magic Rooster
I see you finally embraced
what was always in you.
Thanks to your
b b belief in me, Gran Brujo.
Estefan helped too.
Petite femme, I'm so proud.
[tsks] Oh, papi!
- Now that's a grand entrance.
- [Estefan muttering, clacking]
- [all laugh]
- Ay
- [Maya] A True Skull
- [Micte] My dear Chimi,
- there is someone I want you to meet.
- [music fades]
[sad string music plays]
I am so sorry
I was not there for you, mi niña.
No. I am so sorry
my birth took your life, Mama.
I would die again a thousand times
for you to live, Chimi.
[sobs, howls]
- [gasps]
- [Monkey hooting]
- Monkey!
- [hooting excitedly]
[Maya] A Brave Puma
[both purring]
[Zatz] Thank you all for your help.
- A noble warrior's death.
- [gentle guitar music plays]
Well, you raised me right, Papa.
I am so proud of you, mi niño héroe.
A sacrifice for love
seems to run in this family, mi amor.
Come here, mi niño.
Ay, Mama.
You're so handsome, like your papa!
- [Maya] And finally, a Mighty Eagle.
- [gentle music plays]
Hermanos, I want you to meet
the Teca baby twins.
- They
- Are
So cute!
May all the gods bless them.
Oh [gasps softly]
What are their names, Mama?
- The boy is named Jaguar.
- [hopeful music plays]
- [King] And the girl will be named Eagle.
- [coos]
After you, Maya.
[roars happily]
[lava bubbling]
[Maya] And just when our legend
could not get any more glorious
[Ah Puch chuckles]
- They grow
- They flower
They end
[together] And they triumph.
[screams excitedly]
[splashes, explodes]
- [mysterious music plays]
- [rumbling]
- [rumbling]
- [gasping]
- [music intensifies]
- [rumbling explosions continue]
[Maya] Because of my sacrifice,
the celestials, in all their wisdom,
granted me the greatest of honors.
- [whooshes]
- [joyful music plays]
- [shrieks]
- [laughs] Bravo, mija!
- [Maya] I became the sun.
- [high-pitched hum]
And my true love?
- Well, he became the moon.
- [whooshes]
- [speaks Spanish]
- [laughs]
[Maya] We get to dance together
forever and ever.
- [King speaks Spanish]
- [Queen chuckles]
Ay, gordo.
- [Maya] And every day, at dusk and dawn
- [Rico speaks indistinctly]
we all get to see each other.
Look, kids.
- Es su tia.
- [Colibri tweeting]
- [smooches]
- [laughs]
[Colibri tweeting]
- [snarls happily]
- [Colibri tweeting]
[joyful music continues]
Adios, Maya.
[music fades]
[eagle shrieks]
[joyful music plays]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
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